HomeMy WebLinkAboutISA Report Grades 5 and 8 ISA February 2011-2012 School Report Westlake Academy ��^ Grade 5 Note: Mean and standard deviation are reported only where the group number is greater than 10.Comparative data is not provided if the comparison group has less than 100 students. In general,summary statistics of this kind should be interpreted with caution.Results showing a trend should be collected for a minimum of three years before conclusions about school-level performance are drawn. I.Group 4:more than 55%of students in the school from an English speaking background. 2."Other like schools"are those with a similar ratio of English speaking background students to nun-English speaking background students. 3.n=Number of students 4.Means are expressed as ISA scale scores. 5.S.D.=standard deviation(expressed in ISA scale score points) 6.significance is calculated with a t-test. At the school's request, 1 student who received an individual student report was not included in the school aggregates. Mathematical Literacy Reading Writing Task A Writing Task 8 Domain n3 mean° S.D.5 signifrcance� n mean S.D. significance; n mean S.D. significance ; n mean S.D. significance This school 1 39 449 (58) 40 448 (75) [ 39 484 (63) t 40 4B1 (50) All All other schools 4860 417 (85) Y 4849 380 (102) Y 4845 455 (67) Y 4844 465 (60) N Other like schools a 970 426 (86) Y : 969 411 (95) Y 965 472 (62) N 967 479 (59) N This school 23 454 (53) 22 452 (88) 23 468 (60) 22 462 (45) Males Ail other schools 2511 419 (86) Y 2511 370 (104) Y 2505 442 (68) N 2510 455 (62) N Other like schools 489 439 (85) N 487 405 (95) Y 488 461 (63) N i 487 471 (fit) N This school 16 443 (65) 1B 444 (58) 16 507 (61) 18 503 (47) Females Y All other schools 2349 416 (84) M 2338 392 (100) Y 2340 469 (62) Y 2334 475 (56) Other like schools 481 414 (85) N 482 417 (94) N 477 483 (60) N 480 487 (55) N This school 39 449 (58) ? 40 448 (75) 39 484 (63) 40 481 (50) English speaking Ali other schools 1751 427 (82) Y 1746 420 (90) Y 1748 477 (fit) N 1743 481 (57) N background Other like schools 763 425 (84) Y : 763 414 (92) Y : 760 475 (61) N : 761 480 (59) N This school 0 nla nla 0 nla nla 0 nla n/a 0 nla nla Non-English speaking All other schools 3109 411 (86) nla 3103 358 (102) nla 3097 443 (fib) nla 3101 456 (60) nla background Other like schools 207 433 (91) nla i 206 400 (103) We i 205 462 (68) nla i 206 475 (60) nla Note: Mean and standard deviation are reported only where the group number is greater than 10.Comparative data is not provided if the comparison group has less than 100 students. In general,summary statistics of this kind should be interpreted with caution.Results showing a trend should be collected for a minimum of three years before conclusions about school-level performance are drawn. I.Group 4:more than 55%of students in the school from an English speaking background. 2."Other like schools"are those with a similar ratio of English speaking background students to nun-English speaking background students. 3.n=Number of students 4.Means are expressed as ISA scale scores. 5.S.D.=standard deviation(expressed in ISA scale score points) 6.significance is calculated with a t-test. At the school's request, 1 student who received an individual student report was not included in the school aggregates. ISA February 2011-2012 School Report Westlake Academy ° w Grade 8 Domain Mathematical Literacy Reading Writing Task A Writing Task B n3 mean' S.D.s significancee n mean S.D. significance; n mean S.D. significance ; n mean S.D. significance This school 1 59 531 (61) 56 533 (73) 59 549 (56) 58 546 (49) All All other schools 3253 513 (92) Y 3260 483 (102) Y 3257 533 (73) Y 3249 544 (71) N Other like schools T 621 530 (84) N 624 520 (98) N 627 556 (66) N 621 561 (67) Y Males This school 38 530 (56) 37 527 (76) 38 546 (60) 37 536 (51) All other schools 1711 514 (93) N 1715 470 (102) Y 1710 517 (76) Y t 1705 534 (75) N Other like schools 309 529 (84) N i 308 506 (96) N 7 311 541 (68) N 306 551 (73) N Females This school 21 532 (70) t 21 543 (69) 21 554 (50) 21 563 (39) All other schools 1542 512 (90) N 1545 497 (101) Y 1547 552 (65) N 1544 556 (64) N Other like schools 312 530 (84) N 316 533 (99) N 316 571 (59) N 315 571 (59) N This school 59 531 (61) 58 533 (73) 59 549 (56) i 58 546 (49) English speaking All other schools 1101 528 (85) N 1105 525 (94) N 1108 558 (65) N 1101 565 (68) Y background Other like schools 507 525 (82) N 508 526 (96) N 512 559 (64) N 505 564 (67) Y Non-English This school 0 n/a n!a 0 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a speaking All other schools 2150 506 (94) nfa 2153 461 (100) n/a 2147 521 (74) nla 2146 534 (70) n/a background Other like schools 114 550 (89) n!a 116 493 (105) ri 115 546 (71) n/a 116 549 (65) n/a Note: Mean and standard deviation are reported only where the group number is greater than 10.Comparative data is not provided if the comparison group has less than 100 students. In general,summary statistics of this kind should be interpreted with caution.Results showing a trend should be collected for a minimum of three years before conclusions about school-level performance are drawn. 1.Group 4:more than 55%of students in the school from an English speaking background. 2."Other like schools"are those with a similar ratio of English speaking background students to non-English speaking background students. 3.n=Number of students 4.Means are expressed as ISA scale scores. 5.S.D.=standard deviation(expressed in ISA scale score points) 6.significance is calculated with a t-test.