HomeMy WebLinkAboutMathematics Guide handoutMATHEMATICS: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS — K to Grade 2 WHAT CAN PARENTS DO TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOP IN MATHEMATICS? • Model positive attitudes and cultivate a love of . Use 2ames of logic, chance and make sure that numeracy at home and in the surrounding it reinforces a mathematical skill, anyone can environment. and it is fun. • Ask questions and develop curiosity about Q Think and speak about mathematics to clarify numbers, patterns, shape & space, measuring and understanding, Use math words to describe and how you solve problems model short sentences e.g. "I shared 21 cookies • Make hornework fun and remember nothina new between 4 people, How many cookies could I should be introduced at home. If you're not not share equally? Could I still share these left enjoying it, stop. over cookies? 'How? Remember the IB Learner Profile. D arents model to their son or daughter that they to are • INQUIRERS • KNOWLEDGEABLE Trr 12 CONSTRUCTING MEANING TRANSFERING MEANING APPLYING WITH UNDERSTANDING Children hildren build on their previous Only when learners have This is when learners act on their experiences and understanding and constructed their -ideas about a understanding, by reflecting upon their interactions mathematical concept should they with objects and ideas. attempt to transfer this j Using authentic activities such as understanding to symbols (pictures, I practical hand on problem- solving Learners need to be actively diagrams, modeling, materials and activities and realistic situations, involved in the process with mathematical notation), learners should independently possibilities to interact with select and use appropriate Imanipulatives (objects) and to Learners need opportunities to symbolic notation to process and engage in conversations with USincy l describe their understanding i record their'hinkin2, Others. their own method of syrnbolic notation, Use presentations or problenn When learners make sense of new solving formats toy appi-Y ideas thev either confirm their Learners transfer their svnibolic understanding. I Tse: present understanding for what they notation into conventional conceive to be occurriniz. mathematical notation. a Patters and Relationships 9 Own ideas and Parents U Models and 77oct5 Learners should iustify their s01titions oraik, and in w-�tinc. PLACES FOR MATH TALK bsites Tools in the car.... waiting (for dinner, an appt) ... at a sports event.. • Read numbers (on license plates, , Count chairs/tables in a - Read scores and figure out street signs, freeway exits) restaurant, estimate capacity differences between -I--,,,- • Ask how many more streets to get to , Interview waiter for how mariv - Estimate number of people in 54TH St. if we are at 47 TH , pizza boxes, napkins.. etc, will attendance • Notice if street numbers are get used on a busy night vs. a Read speed of pitches or ascending or descending slow night speed of bowling ball, (look, * Try counting forwards and o Play number games: I say a for opporti.inities to read backwards number. after . you say the one aft . numbers and discuss their * Skip count forwards and backwards. (or the one before., 10 after, 10 meaning'). Track their If we count by 5s, will we get to 200 before) favorite team's stars. before we get to our destination? SOURCES FOR PROBLEM SOLVING FAMILY ACTIN71TIES bsites Tools reading stories calendar playing games Make text to math connections How many days until we go to Discuss strategies for a good Read ea numbers ? How many weeks? move, Keep track of points family routines traveling other Giving allowance: how much will it use a map to figure out where jobs for hire: 2cents for every take to save up for ? How much you are; discuss routes-- draw weed. Measure out amounts will I have by the end of the month? your own map for recipes. Estimate cost of Give allowance in varying types of Study maps, map symbols& groceries. Figure out budget change meanings "or feeding pet. Cut coupons-, i f Nurnber lines calculate savings SOURCES FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Games bsites Tools Dominoes Pente Chess www.mathforum.com 1 Geoboards, Origami Yahtze-, Golf www.mathforurlLorg./studen Ls/e Jc2,1 Logic shapes and people Parcheesi Monopoly Memory www.aunl-ymath.com Playing cards Connect 4 Tangrams www.mathplayground.com I Measuring, tape/rulers Draughts Sorry www.coolmath-ganies,com E Geoblocks-buildinc, blocks Chutes & Counters (e.g., beaus) Ladders f Nurnber lines Maps, Clocks