HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - International Baccaluaureate Tsst . . . Have You Heard about the International Baccalaureate Program T9 PATRICIA GAZDA-GRACE After thirty years as a secondary school educator, I lem for students who are interested only in obtaining have found that one of the best-kept secrets in college credit for taking demanding high school cours- education is the International Baccalaureate (IB) diplo- es. However, extremely competitive colleges like Har- ma program. Our principal calls it a secret because it vard, Brown, Cornell, and Binghamton University has received relatively little, if any, coverage compared know all about 113, because many of the top-notch stu- to the well-known Advanced Placement (AP) testing dents who apply to those schools have taken 113 cours- program. es in high school.The International Baccalaurate Orga- The IB program is a rigorous, college prep curricu- nization is working with colleges across the United lum that is offered to juniors and seniors in over 1,329 States to familiarize them with the program, and more high schools across the world.It was started in Geneva, universities will investigate IB so that they can assess Switzerland, in 1968 to address the concerns of diplo- the strength of their student applicants' academic mats and military personnel, whose children often records. When universities do their homework, as we moved from school to school,meeting a different set of did, they find IB to be an exemplary program just like academic standards at each (IBO 2002a). It was not set the AP program. up as a testing program for students to receive course International Baccalaureate is a curriculum where credit in college, although many colleges do give cred- students select courses from six disciplines, all readily it for IB courses. However, 113 has moved beyond its linked,revolving around a core course called Theory of original goal of standardizing curriculum for mobile Knowledge, Theory of Knowledge encourages students students. Instead, it has grown into what has been to think about the interconnectedness of the disciplines called the "Cadillac of the College Prep programs" as well as the epistemology of each subject area.The six (Gehring 2001). disciplines include Language A (native language), Lan- To be perfectly candid,I was unaware of the program's guage B (second modern language), Individuals and existence until I attended a Coalition of Essential Societies, Mathematics, Experimental Sciences, and the Schools conference in Louisville, Kentucky, in fall 1993 Arts or Electives. Students may choose to take courses with three colleagues. At the conference we heard Dr. within each subject area on an individual or "certifi- Theodore Sizer, founder of the Coalition of Essential cate" level,or they may take required courses from each Schools,refer to 113 as a program in which, idealistically, area to complete the full 113 diploma. all students could aspire to participate.We were intrigued Unlike Advanced Placement, students must be by his comments,and when we returned to Binghamton enrolled in an 113 course to take an IB exam. IB exams High School we began to investigate what 113 was. are knowledge-based tests that evalulate students on In our research we found that some colleges were what they have actually studied. The tests are criterion- unfamiliar with 113 and thus did not give credit for IB referenced; thus, the 113 student competes against her- courses (Matthews 2001).This continues to be a prob- self. Our 113 Math Methods teacher uses the game of Patricia Gazda-Grace is associate principal and coordinator of the International Bac- calaureate and Advanced Placement programs at Binghamton High School, in New York. She is also an adjunct professor in the School of Education and Human Develop- ment at Binghamton University, 84 Vol. 76, No. 2 International Baccalaureate Program 85 golf as an analogy to describe how the exams are grad- that each school has its own personality, teachers are ed,For example,IB students know exactly what"par" is allowed to choose from what is called a regional before they begin their studies because the rubrics are options list in history or a prescribed book list in Eng- clearly defined well ahead of time. This is different fish. For example, our teacher of English select-, a set from AP exams,which are scored based on how well all number of books, plays, or poems from a list that all students taking the test do in comparison to each member schools must use. This assures uniformity in other.Thus,the AP student does not find out what par curriculum, but also allows for the study of literature even is until she finds out how everyone else did out that may reflect the interests of a region or country. In on the "course." Indeed, both IB and AP exams are rig- history, some options may include studying different orous, but they are very different. And, as the individ- periods of history or parts of a country. Once the ual who coordinates both the IB and AP programs at teacher's selections are made,the program coordinator Binghamton High School,I am in a unique position of notifies the IB head office in Cardiff, Wales, of the being able to see this difference.Because of this vantage choices, ensuring that the examiner will read the point I can also understand why IB is such a quality selected works well in advance. program and why it is growing not only in North But the unique part of IB testing is that teachers must America, but also globally (IBO 2002b). prepare students for what is called an "Internal assess- First, the IB program addresses national concerns ment" component of the IB exam.The IB examinations about standards and accountability.For example,IB has are different from traditional multiple-choice tests. what can be called a world-class standard.When exams Depending on the subject, teachers have up to 30 per- are graded each spring, each school receives a subject cent input into the student's final test grade. For exam- report,which lists the scores of all students.This report ple, in English, part 1 of the final exam is the internal is similar to AP's, but at Binghamton High School we assessment component. This is an oral assessment can see how our students did in relation to students done in January, prior to the exam in May.The teacher from around the world. In addition, each teacher of English selects a passage from one of the literary receives an individualized written report from the sub- works the student has studied. The student is then ject examiner that describes in great detail how well the given a short time to read the passage in a quiet room 113 teacher marked the examination and how well stu- and is allowed to take notes.After a set amount of time dents were prepared for the exam. The report also the teacher brings the student into a separate room and makes suggestions as to how teachers can improve their begins a conversation with the student about the curriculum and instruction.Our IB teachers tell me that meaning of the passage. The conversation is tape- this is extremely helpful to them.As coordinator of the recorded and then graded according to an internation- program I can also assure you that our teachers are very al rubric.This part of the evaluation now counts as 20 apprehensive until they receive these reports. As one percent of the final exam grade in English. veteran IB teacher said to our school board, "In essence, The oral assessment tapes are then sent to different we too are graded on how well we do!" locations in the world to be moderated by an examin- The International Baccalaureate program also er who has read the work being graded.A report on this addresses the concern that parents and teachers have moderation is later sent to the school. Part 2 of the about the nature of student assessment.The IB curricu- examination in English is a paper that is submitted by lum and its examinations are unusual because teachers 15 March to an examiner located somewhere across the actually have input into the curriculum as well as how globe. Binghamton High School has sent these papers their students are graded. IB follows what is called a to Australia, Kenya, France, Japan, Tanzania, and even 3/4+5 curriculum review schedule,where each subject Malaysia. Finally, the third part of the examination is goes through a five-year cycle of review (Evans 1997). given over a two-day period in May,unlike the"one sit- During the first three years of the cycle,the curriculum ting" of most standardized tests. Part 3 is in essay for- is under development and review and selected teachers mat and focuses on the major works studied during the meet to decide what should be deleted or updated. All year that the teacher has previously selected. There is member schools are then sent the updated curriculum standardization as well as accountability in the whole and again encouraged to make suggestions. During the assessment process. fourth and fifth year of the cycle the new curriculum is IB uses other assessment strategies such as portfolios, taught. It is during the fifth year of the cycle that the which are used to evaluate students' work in mathe- new review process begins again. This process allows matics and the visual arts. In art, the student is expect- for teacher input and the revision of curriculum to ed to prepare an exhibition to be graded when a visit- reflect the needs of students, teachers, and changing ing artist from a museum or college comes to the world events. school to review the student's art show. Early in the Because the IB program believes that suggestions for school year the IB art teacher sends a form to IB improvement from its member schools are critical,and requesting a specific artist or museum curator to come 86 The Clearing House November/December 2002 into the school to do this evaluation. What a realistic about getting students to think outside the box,to chal- and professional way to evaluate an artist's work, and lenge assumptions, and to be prepared to support their what a great way for students to show what they have arguments. The task for our teachers is to create a psy- learned! In our math classes students complete rode- chologically safe learning environment where students pendent portfolio projects created by the students in are encouraged to explore options, question assump- consultation with the teacher. Moreover, in all of our ikl Lions,understand global values,look at issues from dif- science classes teachers work together on what is called ferent perspectives, and refine their critical and creative a Group 4 project. This is a school-wide collaborative thinking skills. experiment that is carried out and submitted for part of But I would be less than honest if I didn't admit that the exam grade. Again, there is a clear set of standards there was controversy when we brought the program to and mark schemes that are used by all IB teachers our school. Change was threatening to some teachers around the world. who had always taught an AP class. The thought of a Finally, each full diploma candidate must compl-etd-- new program was hard for some staff members to 150 hours of volunteer work that falls under the cate- accept, and it still is. Some teachers who are not gories of creativity, action, involved in the program still and service. Students have Th,e International Baccalaureate don't see the need for an IB two years to complete the program since an AP pro- requirement, and to do so Program is all about getting students gram is already in place. But they become involved in to think outside the box, to challenge our goal was to be inclusive, activities that range from set- assumptions, and to be prepared to and to bring two excellent ting up soup kitchens in the programs together to benefit community to tutoring stu- support their arguments. our students. IB has a totally dents at elementary schools. different philosophy from The full IB diploma student AP; yet we are finding that, must also write a four thousand–word extended essay depending on the course, both the IB curriculum and on a topic he or she wishes to research.This scholarly AP testing programs can be compatible. Students can work helps students to hone the writing and research have the best of both worlds if adults work together to skills they need to compete at the university level. Stu- make it happen. For example, our students follow the dents work with teachers in the school on this project, IB curriculum, and if they choose, they elect to take an as well as with community mentors.Indeed,the whole AP exam. Moreover, the IB program is expensive—and community is involved with our students in learning! some individuals were concerned about this—but our We have found that the IB program really does response has been that it is expensive not to do this for address the concerns posited by the media, education- all of our students. Finally, parents worried about the al experts, and leaders in business and industry about stress it would place on their children and whether the standards and accountability. Also, IB provides program would be accepted by the colleges to which extremely rigorous training programs for teachers. their children applied. But, our graduates, when they When our teachers come back from conferences, they return at Thanksgiving or Christmas, assure us that we say that it is just like attending an intensive college are doing the right thing for students and that they are class for three days.They are impressed with the inten- more than prepared for the most competitive colleges sity and caliber of the training as well as their ability to in the nation.Even students who did not receive college use an on-line curriculum center, where they can dis- credit for a course feel that the IB program encouraged cuss ideas with other teachers they have met at training them to read,think,and write critically and push them- sessions, selves to their fullest potential. As far as students are concerned,at our school we do As we look back at how we developed our diploma not have "gatekeepers" or policies that exclude stu- program, it is clear that none of this would have been dents from taking IB or AP courses. This is indeed a possible without the support and encouragement of shock to some people, because at some IB schools stu- our Board of Education and superintendent of schools, dents have to "apply" to take courses. But at Bingham- who gave us the encouragement to proceed with the ton High School, our teachers believe that all students application to become an IB school.This is the first step should have equal access to a rigorous program if they for any school interested in exploring the program.The want to work hard. Another interesting fact about 113 is second step is to take teachers who are interested in the that it is not just for gifted students.Yes,gifted students IB program to training sessions. At Binghamton High are challenged by the curriculum and do very well in School we brought our AP teachers to the conferences the program, but the program is really for the hard- so that they could compare the quality of each pro- working adolescent who is truly interested in learning gram. Once the teachers recognized the quality and the and not just getting credit for a course.In fact, IB is all strength of the IB program, they were the ones who