HomeMy WebLinkAboutHistorical Preservation Society t, Present and Future A gift to the x t generati Westlake Historical Preservation Society Created to discover, preserve, and perpetuate the history of the Town of Westlake and the Cross Timbers region. June 13, 2 1 Sharon Sanden President Westlake Historical. Preservation Society June 2008 - June 2011 THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD was created to discover, preserve, and perpetuate the history of the Town of Westlake ` and the Cross Timbers region. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION 00 -02 A Resolution by the Town of Westlake was established for: "The Westlake historical Preservation Board" On February 14, 2000 Excerpts from the complete resolution are as follows SECTON 1 "That the "Town of Westlake Historical Preservation Society (the Board)' is permanently established as a regular standing Board of the Town of Westlake for purpose of recording and preserving the rich history of the Town of Westlake." SECTION 4: "That once appointed, the Board will immediately set about the task of researching and compiling information necessary to write and publish a book on the history of Westlake." SECTION 5: "That the Board of Aldermen will consider necessary funds and/or other support for the Board, if necessary, at such time the Board has formulated appropriate requests." WHPS GOAL - TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OF ANNUAL EVENTS PAST AND PRESENT OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER Annual meeting with awards presentation Most costs covered by donations The Cross Timbers Legacy Award Honoring someone for contributions to historical preservation of our region of the Cross Timbers -Taken from "The PathFinder" Winter 2004 This award is not given every year and is a very special award established by Joyce Gibson Roach, editor of " The PathFinder" and "The Little Town that Could" The Citizen of the Heart Award is given to someone who lives outside the Town of Westlake and honors someone for contributions to our historical preservation. The Volunteer of the Year Award is given to someone who lives inside the Town of Westlake and honors someone for contributions to our historical preservation. The Pen and Sword Award will be given to a journalist from the Westlake Academy Newsletter, "The Black Cow" Established by Joyce Gibson Roach JANUARY Westlake Historical Preservation Society membership meeting and membership drive (new /renewals) MAILOUTS and EMAIL MAY °Decoration Day Cemetery Clean Up Day Most costs covered by donations WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Appointed and Approved First Board Members of the Westlake Historical Preservation March 27"' 2000 First wine cheese reception in 2002 at Fidelity to introduce first issue of The PatlhFinder Published six issues - The Pathfinder - Published one issue The Trailblazer' Editor, Joyce Gibson Roach, The Pathfinder Volume I Number 1 Summer 2002 Copyright The Town of Westlake Editor, Joyce Gibson Roach, Associate Editor E. I., Jack Wiesman The Pathfinder Volume' I Number 2 Winter 2002 Copyright The Town of Westlake Editor, Joyce Gibson Roach, Associate E.I., Jack Wiesman The Pathfinder Volume 2 Number I Summer 2003 Copyright 'The Town of Westlake Editor. Joyce Gibson Roach, Associate E.I., Jack Wiesman The Pathfinder Volume 2 Number 2 Winter 2003 -2004 Copyright The Town of Westlake Editor Joyce Gibson Roach, Associate Editor E.I., Jack Wiesman The Pathfinder Volume 3 Fall 2004 Copyright The Town of Westlake Editor Joyce Gibson Roach, Associate Editor E.I., Jack Wiesman Published one issue of The Trailblazer in 2004 for the students of Westlake Academy Editor Joyce Gibson Roach, Associate Editor E.I., Jack Wiesman The Pathfinder Volume ,4 Fall 2005 Copyright The Town of Westlake Established Westlake Historical Preservation Society 2003 Ist Westlake Decoration Day 2004 Kelly Bradley President Decoration Day Established by Joyce `Gibson Roach The Pathfinder Volume 2 Number l Summer 2003 Conducted an Annual Meeting 2004 Westlake Academy Established an Annual Award in 2004 for one that contributes most for Historical purposes in Cross Timbers Region established by Joyce Gibson Roach Given to Jack Wiesman Westlake Decoration Day 2005 Kelly Bradley President Conducted an Armual Meeting 2005 at Fidelity Established Annual Award for Citizen of the Heart given to Dave Lieber Established Annual Award for Volunteer of the Year given to Mr. & Mrs. Gilchrist Westlake Decoration Day 2006 Kelly Bradley President Conducted an Annual Meeting 2006 at First American Jr. Historians from Westlake Academy join WHPS Annual Award for Citizen of the Heart given to Vickey Smith Annual Award for Volunteer of the Year given to Wells Fargo Westlake Decoration Day 2007 Kelly Bradley President Heritage Social celebrating 50 Years for the Town of Westlake Research of Time Capsules, Inc., sealing of the Time Capsule September 2007 to be opened in 50 years. 'Chair Sharon Sanden Time Capsule on display in museum.. Opening of Westlake History Museum November 2007 Donated space by Maguire Partners Conducted an Annual Meeting November 2007 at Solana Courtyards Cross Timbers Award given to Trent Petty Annual Award for Citizen of the Heart given to Troy Meyer Amlual Award for Volunteer of the Year given to Sharon Sanden Westlake Decoration Day 2008 Sharon Sanden President Added in a dignified way burning of tattered or town flags at Decoration Day 2008 by local boy scout troop Celebrating our Heritage Conducted an Annual Meeting with wine and cheese reception November 2008 at Marriott Solana Hotel, Jr. Ballroom with 70 in attendance. Involvement of Benjamin Andrew Zwald as a leader of the Town of Westlake 1969 -1970 being Mayor and introducing Grandson, Daben Zwald who presented WHPS with a book of historical papers relating to his grandfather's tenure as Mayor including the formation of the Planxing and Zoning Commission` and Westlake purchasing; fire equipment. Scrapbook given to Ginger;Awtry & Town Cross Timbers Award given to telly Bradley and Scott Bradley Annual Award for Citizen of the Heart Award given to Kristi Layton and Tom Allen Maguire Partners Annual Award for Volunteer of the Year Award given to Allen Heath New award The Pen and Sword Award given to WA Student Nick Ford Raffle by Jr. Historians for project Reading by historian, editor and author, Joyce Gibson Roach "The Little' Town that Could, Westlake's First History Book" to be published in Spring 2009 54 memberships at $25 = $1,350 Donations $480.00 Westlake Decoration Day 2009 Sharon Sanden President Brought back memories of Poppy and Kiddee Parade for Decoration Day Sharon Sanden Allan Werst Chair of Poppy Drive - proceeds' donated back to VFW in Roanoke. First Poppy Drive memories framed by Sharon Sanden display museum 50 year documents framed by Sharon Sanden - display museum San Street Map of Tarrant County & scrapbook - Joyce Gibson Roach - display museum WHPS present at WA Bandana Bonanza donate western cooler filled with western goodies and Westlake history book. WHPS Membership letter written by Joyce Gibson Roach Arrival of "The Little Town That Could" Spring 2009 Maguire Partners donates smaller space Westlake History Museum moves Fall 2009 WHPS present at Arbor Days Fall 2009 Annual Meeting and Celebration at home of Doug and Mayor Laura Wheat October 22, 2009 A Celebration to Honor "The Little Town That Could Westlake, Texas Origins and Legacies Reading and signing by Author Joyce Gibson Roach Annual award for Volunteer of the Year Award given to Westlake Firefighters /EMT - Paramedics in Recognition and Appreciation for Tireless and Dedicated Service Devotion to Duty and Service to the Public WHPS present at Grandparents Day at Westlake Academy 40 History books purchased by Maguire Partners for tenant Christmas presents. WHPS present Annual Christmas Free lighting handing out Christmas Dust 55 memberships at $25 = $1,375.00 Donations $1,115.00 $475.00 from Joyce to pay for book reimbursements Westlake Decoration Day 2010 Sharon Sanden President First Memorial Day Fly By for Decoration Day Traveling Liberty Bell by David Hall Second Annual Poppy drive and Kiddee Parade Two wreaths donated for Decoration Day by Joyce Gibson Roach Wreaths made for Fallen Heroes and Poppies Sharon Sanden All funds donated for Decoration Day' Past, Present '& Future Galvanized colored tubs filled for WA Bandana Bonanza WHPS Membership letter updated by Joyce Gibson Roach Joyce Gibson Roach and Todd Wood update WHPS website Established Museum Walk By Exhibit Joyce Gibson Roach Buttons- holding our lives together Exhibit (Spring 2010 World War lI memorabilia and newspaper accounts of the +Noire andy invasion Exhibit (Summer 2010) American Indian and the Buffalo (Fall 20 10) Dept. 56 North Pole and Dickens Village (Winter 20 10) Junior Historians becoming more involved with WHPS WHPS present at Arbor Days Fall 2010 Annual Meeting at home of Board Member Karen Stoltenberg No Annual Award given in the year 2010 Pen and Sword Award given to WA Student Brooke Awtry October 28th; 2010 Westlake history scholar Joyce Gibson Roach was among five women honored and inducted into the 35th Annual National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame Wreaths brought to ANA for Veterans Day for display WHPS present at Annual Christmas Tree lighting banding out Christmas Dust and CELEBRATE the spirit of the Season Living History Presentation "Texas Frontier Forts by Bert Schultz 57 single, family and business memberships for WHPS Westlake Decoration Day 2011 Sharon Sanden President Second Memorial Day Fly By for Decoration Day Third Annual Poppy drive and Kiddee Parade Boys bike and Girls bile decorated and donated for WA Bandana Bonanza in honor of Decoration Day President George W. Bush sends his best wishes along with his sincere appreciation for our support of our military. Don Shannon Bag Piper and North Texas Patriot Guard present at Decoration Day All fields donated for Decoration Day Living History Presentation "Cowboys and Cattle Drive Trails" by Bert Schultz Frontier Buffalo Soldiers (Spring 2011) FINANCIALS WHPS has not asked for financial support from the Town of Westlake the last several years. Taking seriously the thoughtful work put into the Strategic Plan and understanding that budget WHPS will strive to fund its projects and to come up with ideas for fund raising within its ranks. Decoration Day and the `Annual Meeting the last several years has been self supporting by Sponsors` Year 2011 Net 10/01/10 thru 4/25/11' Total Income $4,890.69 Total Expenditures $1,762.43 Net 10/01/10 thru'4 /25/11 $3,128.26 All Westlake History Book sales and orders from past years were reconciled and delivered and a CD of names and amounts was given to the Town in July of 2009. Any sales since then have been deposited and recorded on the treasurers report with Kristi Layton our treasurer with copies of deposits made. History Book Expense $69,884.11 History Book Income $56,520.00 Excess Expense Over Income $13,364.11 7 books to a box and approximately 850 books left. Ginger Awtry has all records, emails and invoices concerning' The Little Town That Could Westlake, Texas Origins and Legacies Copyright 2009 by Westlake Historical Preservation Society Contact Kelly Bradley, Author Joyce Gibson Roach Looking into the r Annual Historical Marker Dedication Day Buck King Homestead (Fall 2011 Thrasher Family Home Old Stage Coach Stop Dealy Home Paigebrook Farm Annual Westlake Vintage Car Show (Fall 2011) by Bert Schultz Semi- Annual Living History Presentations by Bert Schultz An evening with Bat Masterson (Fall 2011) History of Winchesters and Colts (Spring 2012) An Evening with John Wayne (Fall 2012) Quarterly walk by exhibits for the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Cowboys and Cattle Drive Trails Native American Indian Art Works History of the Texas (Texaco) Company Annual Decoration Day on Memorial Day Annual Meeting in Fall This report is respectfully submitted by Sharon Sanden to Ginger Awtry, Team Leader for the Town with WHIPS, Mayor Laura Wheat and Tom Brymer, Town Manager.