HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeliotte University Lighting presentation w 4p - 4k J . - Nonresidential . (a) All nonessential lighting shall be turned off after business hours, leaving only necessary lighting for site security. (b) Floodlights, accent, aesthetic and security lights must be fully shielded and no up lighting shall be permitted except that lighting of 50 watts or less are excepted if necessary for security purposes. (c) Parking lots and vehicle movement areas shall not exceed a maximum illumination value of ten footcandles nor a minimum illumination value of 1 . 0 footcandle. Lamps in decorative lantern type fixtures shall not exceed a maximum of 100 watts. Total pole and fixture height shall not exceed a maximum of 20 feet, measured from grade at the base. Taller poles may be considered in some situations upon approval by the board . (d ) Display, building and aesthetic lighting must be externally lit from the top and shine downward . The lighting must be fully shielded to prevent direct glare and/or light trespass. The lighting must also be substantially contained to the target area. (e) Limitations on establishment property. The maximum outdoor initial computed or measured illuminant level on the establishment property shall not exceed 20 footcandles outdoors at any point, with the exception of parking lots. (f) Effect of interior lighting . Included in the outdoor lighting plan shall be a plan to manage glow and glare on the outside of the structure by lighting produced by interior lights. The plan shall include descriptions of window shading , window tinting , structural screening , and operational arrangement of interior lights. (Ord. Na. 386, § 2(3. u), 1-22-2001) Sec. 102-212. - Public and semipublic recreational facilities. Any light source permitted by this section may be used for lighting of outdoor recreational facilities (public or private), such as, but not limited to, football fields, soccer fields, baseball fields, softball fields, tennis courts, or show areas, provided all of the following conditions are met: ( 1 ) Any illumination level exceeding a maximum of 20 footcandles must receive prior approval by the board . (2) All fixtures used for event lighting shall be fully shielded , or be designed or provided with sharp cut-off capability, so as to minimize up light, spill-light, and glare. (3) All events shall be scheduled so as to complete all activity before or as near to 10: 30 p. m . as practical , but under no circumstances shall any illumination of the playing field , court, or track be permitted after 11 : 00 p. m . except to conclude a scheduled event that was in progress before 11 : 00 p. m . and circumstances prevented concluding before 11 : 00 p. m . (Ord. No. X86, § 2(3. I), 1-?2-2001) O o QA-off 1 Or 80� Oit-off ywrr . Staff recommendation : If the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Site Plan Amendment, staff recommends that the following stipulations be included in the motion: 1. All lighting must be shielded so that no direct light or glare is visible from adjacent roadways or nearby properties. 1. The lighting for the volleyball and basketball courts shall be turned off no later than 10:OOP. M . . 3 . All other lighting on the southern portion of the property, described as "Area of Review" on the exhibits provided by the applicant, shall be turned off no later than 10:30 P. M . . 4. A berm shall be installed south of the basketball court to shield it from view from adjacent roadways or nearby properties. 5 . In addition to the proposed trees shown in the exhibit provided by the applicant, additional shrubs and or trees shall be planted as directed by town staff as necessary to mitigate undesirable lighting or glare that is visible from adjacent roadways or nearby properties.