HomeMy WebLinkAboutAre you Community Leader 4.0Here is an exercise that will help you determine whether you are a Community Leader 4.0. Please answer the following questions with either yes or no. Be honest with yourself. Considering all aspects of your community including people, education, religious institutions, infrastructure, size, businesses involved, and other such community- based initiatives as resources, energy, and transportation, do you have a big - picture vision of your community 30 years from now? 2. Have you defined your purpose in the community? 3. Do you propose ideas that you are willing to alter (if your conscience allows you to do so) in order to compromise with the ideas of others —all for the good of the community? 4. Are you willing to stand alone while backing an issue that you feel strongly about? 5. Are you willing to do the right thing regardless of the consequences? 6. Do you serve your community in a selfless way without consideration for your own agenda? 7. Are you flexible in the center of rapid change? Are you willing to share power in order to cause a project to succeed? 9. Do you know yourself to the point that you can identify triggers of your anger, stress, happiness, satisfaction, temper, and feelings of peace and wellbeing? 10. Do you have a clear definition in mind of right versus wrong? 11. Can you adequately define consequences that might occur if you take specific actions? 12. Can you think objectively without prejudice? 13. Are you good at "reading" people and applying empathy for the thoughts and actions of others? 14. Are you adept at creating new paths to follow, combining current processes to establish new ideas, or finding multiple ways to apply a process currently in use? 15. Can you look at seemingly disconnected events and establish a pattern of connections? ©2010 by Carolyn Corbin, Inc. No reproduction of any kind by any means without permission of Carolyn Corbin, Inc. and/or Center for the 2 1St Century. Email carolyncorbin @c2Ic.com. 16. Are you open to wide ranges of diversity in all categories? 17. Can you find clarity and a sense of order in constant chaos? 18. Are you comfortable using such technological tools as telepresence, social and business networks, web software, wiki applications, and virtual techniques that literally connect the world? 19. Can you work simultaneously with multiple sources of community power, i.e., wiki power structure and /or grassroots movements as opposed to top -down vertical lines of power? 20. Are you willing to drive change even though it is necessary but unpopular? Give yourself 5 points for each yes answer. Now add up your score. Below are explanations of your score. 95 -100 You are a Community Leader (CL) 4.0. Congratulations! 85 -94 You are almost to CL 4.0. If you set your goals and make the necessary changes, you can get there soon. 70 -84 You are more involved in CL 3.0 than CL 4.0. During the next six months, you may wish to set a goal to reach CL 4.0 status. Below 70 You face challenges in developing Community Leadership 4.0 skills. It is possible to acquire these skills in a 12 -to -24 -month period of time if you identify your needs and work hard. ©2010 by Carolyn Corbin, Inc. No reproduction of any kind by any means without permission of Carolyn Corbin, Inc. and /or Center for the 21" Century. Email carolyncorbin @c2Ic.com. Please find the slides in your handouts depicting the five paradoxes for community balancing. Plot on each of the five lines where you think Westlake falls between the two extremes. If Westlake is imbalanced in any area, analyze the following: Is there general citizen satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this position? Does Westlake need to design interventions for achieving more balance? What interventions are necessary for achieving more balance? Application and Insights Westlake: A 3601 Worldview Instructions. Using the model below, list the trends that are impacting Westlake. List the conditions that are likely to arise as these trends impact Westlake. Then list the probable issues that will be brought about by these possible conditions. © 2011, Carolyn Corbin, Inc. Reprinted by permission from Carolyn Corbin's Community Leadership 4.0: Impacting a World Gone Wift No reproduction in any form by any means without express permission of Carolyn Corbin, Inc. and/or Center for the 21" Century. Email: carolyncorbin @c21 c.com. Issues Now, please prioritize the trends, conditions, and issues you have listed by going back and numbering the top three trends, top three conditions, and top three issues in priority order as you perceive that they are impacting Westlake. In the space below, select one condition and analyze the window of opportunity. Answer such questions as: How much time is in the window of opportunity? What is the nature of it? What must Westlake do to exercise the opportunities available in the window of opportunity? @ 2011, Carolyn Corbin, Inc. Reprinted by permission from Carolyn Corbin's Conzinunity Leadership 4.0: Impacting a World Gone Wiki. No reproduction in any form by any means without express permission of Carolyn Corbin, Inc. and/or Center for the 21s` Century. Email: carolyncorbin @c2Ic.com.