HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 115 Calling an Election to elect a Mayor, Alderman and Town Marshall NO. AN ORDINANCE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS CALLING AND ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 5th DAY OF 1i " IN SA,'f) APRIL , A. D. 1980 , THE SAME " Hf,, FIRS All.1.VU.R MONTH , FOR THE PURP0,SE OF ELECTINIG A MAYOR, TWO ALDERMEN AND ONE TOWN MARSHALL FOR THE TOWN OF WEST]".1AKE, TEYJS , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS 0,F i%RTICLES 978 AND 1144 .z I '["!E HOURS AND PLACE FOR TBE SAID ELECTION; 11T RONJIDi'NG FOR Till.", POSTING IN THREE PUBLIC PLACES IN THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE AS NOT11CIE OF SAID ELECTION; DIRECTING THE TOWN SECRETARY TO MLAKE LT THE OFFICIAL BALLOTS, CAUSING THE SAME TO BE PRINTED AND DELIV-1SRED TO '11 1[lE PRE- SIDING OFFICER; PROVIDING FOR THE CANVASSING OF THE RETURNIS OF THE SAID ELECTION AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF, SAME BY THE TOWN COUINCIL, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS , HEREBY ORDAINS : SECTION I . That an election shall be held at the Foster Ranch 'i.,n the Town of Westlake , Texas , between -the hours of seven o ' clock (7 . 00 ) A. M. and seven o' clock (7: 00) P .M. on the 5th day of April , A'll. D. 1980 , the sanke bei n.q the first Saturday of ::;aid mc,;ith , for thc p1.1r- pose of electing a Mayor , two (2) Aldermen, and a TOwl' -r or the Town of Westlake , in accordance with Artiic] e 978 and 1144 V."11I. C.S . as amended. SECTI01114 Ii . That the two candidatcs who re CJ v,"i-es shall. be elected to the Town Counci). of the To-on of 111E st.lalrle for t.wo year terms . The candidate foi:- Town Marshall, and candidate for Mayor receiving the,ffiighest number of votcs shall. be ele-c-ted th.e 11cw"l-A Marshall and Mayor of the Town of Westlake for a tw,,.) (2) y.e.,ar SECTION TI I That notice of said election shall be given by the postinq ol, true copies of this ordinance, signed by ti-j(, M,--.Iyor and attested by the .Town Secretary, in three public places of the said Town, one of which places shall be at -the Foster Ranch for at least tw(,n-it.Y (20) consecutive: days prior to the date of said cl(:. ction. SECTION IV. That Louvernia Foster is horeby appointed pre,-7,.iding judge 01.7 said electiori , and r- is appcAi")1 I od as her alte.rn, iLe , and the said presiding judge shall appoint such assistants as may be necessary to properly conduct said election, as provided by the election code. SECTION V. That the Town Secretary shall make up the official ballot from the names presented to her by application .as provided by the election code , and she is hereby authorized and directed to have the ballots , to be used in such election printed and delivered to the said pre- siding judge. SECTION VI . That immediately after the counting of the votes the presiding judge shall deliver the official returns of the election to the Town Secretary. SECTION VII . That on the Monday next following the election , the Town Council shall canvass the returns and declare the results which shall be re- corded in the Minutes of the Council. SECTION VIII . That the two candidates who receive the highest number of votes for Aldermen shall be elected and the Mayor shall deliver certificates of election to the successful candidates , the .ca ndidate who receives the highest number of votes for Mayor shall be elected and the Mayor ProTem shall deliver a certificate of election to the successful can- didate, and the candidate who receives the highest number of votes for Town Marshall shall be elected and the Mayor shall deliver a certifi- cate of election to the successful candidate . If two or more candi- dates for Aldermen tie with the same number ofd votes so that one or more of the tied candidates would not be elected to the position of Alderman or if two or more candidates for Town Marshall or Mayor tie with the highest number of votes , the Council shall order a second election to be held on the fourteenth day after . the first election at which only the names of the candidates who receive the same number of votes at the first election shall be printed on the ballot . In the event of a tie at the second election , the tied candidates shall cast lots to determine which one shall be declared elected. -2- PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th day of February, A.D. 1980 . DALE WHITE, MAYOR TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ATTEST: xell GERRY WHITE, TOWN SECRETARY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: PAUL C. ISH.AM, TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS