HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 03-03 WA Adopting Admissions Policy WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 03-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY ADOPTING AN ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy requires Board Authorization for certain policies, and WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy has retained professional staff to recommend policies and procedures that are consistent with the Westlake Academy Charter and Federal Guidelines for Charter Schools; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Directors of the Westlake Academy adopt the attached Admissions Policy. SECTION 2: That the Board of Directors of the Westlake Academy direct the CEO to observe the requirements of this policy for all future admissions to the Westlake Academy and publish this policy on the Westlake Academy website as well as make the policy available to all members of the public immediately. SECTION 3: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14TH DAY OF APRIL 2003. ATTEST: Scott Bradlef, Chairman -ding- Crosswy, Secret Trent O. Petty, Chief;Exe utive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM U T; anton L y orney WA Res 3- A C A D S M Y Admissions Policy The Westlake Academy is an open-enrollment Charter School operating under a Charter awarded to the Town of Westlake by the Texas State Board of Education,with oversight by the Texas Education Agency (TEA),Charter School Division. An open-enrollment Charter School may not deny admission to a student based on sex,national origin,ethnicity,religion,disability,academic ability,artistic ability,athletic ability, or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. The Westlake Academy will begin classes in the Fall of 2003 accepting only students in grades 1-6. Definitions: Primary Geographic Boundary Student means a child of school age: (a)living with one of more his/her parents who is a resident of Westlake,or (b)whose parent or grandparent is employed by,or is an officer of,the Town of Westlake or the Westlake Academy. Secondary Boundary Students means any child of school age that does not meet the definition of Primary Geographic Boundary Student. Application Deadline means May 1,2003. Lottery means a publicly posted and publicly conducted random drawing from names of Secondary Boundary Student applicants desiring admission to the Westlake Academy.The date and time of the 2003 lottery is 6:00 pm,May 12,2003 at the Westlake Academy Board of Directors' regular meeting to be held in the Education Center,Rooms 91 and#2,upstairs and across the hall from the Town of Westlake offices, 3 Village Circle, Suite 207,Solana,Westlake,Texas.All applicants in the lottery will be notified by mail. Waiting List means a list of applicants desiring admission when space becomes available. Late Application means an application received after the Application Deadline but before the beginning of school. Application Procedures: All parents wishing to enroll their students in the Westlake Academy must complete an Application for Enrollment.Applications are available at the Westlake Town Hall,3 Village Circle, Suite 207,Westlake, Texas,between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm,Monday through Friday.Applications should be picked up in person.Applications must be received by 5 pm, Thursday,May 1,2003. Admission Order: All Primary Geographic Boundary Students will be admitted to the Academy provided the Town of Westlake has received a completed application. The admission of Secondary Boundary Students is contingent upon available space. If,after May 1,2003, there remain vacancies in any grade,Secondary Boundary Students will be admitted until all available vacancies are filled. If,however,Secondary Boundary Student applicants for any grade exceed the available vacancies within that grade,then the names of all Secondary Boundary Student applicants within that grade will be placed in a lottery for that particular grade to determine admission order. If two or more members of the same family apply for admission,then the family name will be placed in the lottery only onceā€”not once for each applicant. (See Siblings below). Names drawn after available vacancies have 2600 Ottinger Rd. (817)430-0941 office Westlake,Texas 76262 (817)430-1812 fax www.westlakeacademy.org been filled will be placed on a Secondary Boundary Student waiting list and will be enrolled as vacancies occur. Example: Say the third grade has 32 available openings. If the Primary Geographic Boundary Students occupy ten of those openings,then the Board will in its discretion reserve sufficient places to accommodate any Primary Geographic Boundary Students who may become eligible to attend the Academy after the Application Deadline. Say this number is two, There then would be twenty available spaces for Secondary Boundary Students. Suppose for these twenty spaces available in the third grade,there are 35 eligible Secondary Boundary Students. The names of all 35 applicants will then be placed in the lottery. The first twenty names drawn will be admitted and the remaining fifteen will be placed on the waiting list in the order their names were drawn. Any Secondary Boundary Student application received after the Application Deadline will be placed at the end of the waiting list and will be admitted in the order that vacancies occur. Siblin s It is the intent of the Westlake Academy that siblings desiring enrollment will be afforded that opportunity. Therefore,if one Secondary Boundary Student sibling is admitted to the school then the other siblings who have completed an application also will be admitted. Year to Year Admission It is the current policy of the Board that,once admitted to the school,an eligible student would automatically qualify for enrollment in subsequent years without being subject to lottery.If,however,a student leaves the school,then that student will be considered a new student for admission purposes and may be subject to lottery,depending upon vacancies. 2600 Ottinger Rd. (817)430-0941 office Westlake,Texas 76262 (817)430-1812 fax www.westlakeacademy.org