HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 04-06 WA Authorize CEO to enter into contract wirh ESR Region XI WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 04-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY AUTHORIZING THE CEO TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH THE EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER, REGION XI FOR SERVICES RELATED TO THE ACADEMY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Directors of Westlake Academy hereby authorizes the CEO to enter into contracts with the Education Service Center, Region XI for services related to the Academy. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 10TH DAY OF MAY 2004. C� ATTEST: Scott Bradley, Chairman 41 P CfingSFCrosswy, Secr t Trent O. Petty, f Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. tanton rney Res WA 04-06 Business Contract Education Service Center Region North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 7 BUSINESS SERVICES CONTRACT EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I Statement of Services ...................................................................... Article 11 Term of Services............................................................................. 3 Article III Payment for Services ....................................................................... 3 Article IV Responsibilities . ............................................................................ 3 Article V Additional Business Services ..............................................................5 Article VI Termination of Services .................................................................... 5 Article VII Commitment for Services ................................................................... 6 Article VIII Authorization for Services ..................................................................6 2 BUSINESS SERVICES CONTRACT EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE I- STATEMENT OF SERVICES Business Services agrees to perform the business and computer services that are described in the following sections. All services, which are to be provided for the School District by the Business Services, are shown in the following sections. If changes in the specified services become desirable, an additional supplement shall be made between the School District and the Business Services. ARTICLE II- TERM OF SERVICE This agreement covers services that are to be performed for the School District during the period beginning September 1, 2004 and ending August 31, 2005. ARTICLE III—PAYMENT FOR SERVICES All services will be invoiced at the beginning of the fiscal year. ARTICLE IV- BUSINESS SERVICES The Business Services will be responsible for performing the accounting functions for the School District, in full compliance with the TEA Financial Accountability System Resource Guide. Included in the accounting functions to be performed by Business Services are the following: • Post cash receipts • Encumber purchase orders • Post and print finance checks • Post budget amendments and journal entries • Balance general ledger and funds prior to month closing • Close files monthly and print end-of-month reports • Bank account reconciliations • Prepare 1099's at calendar year-end • Close out fiscal year • Prepare budget worksheets • Input budget into RSCCC • Perform and maintain all file backups DEITIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT • Procure all necessary finance check stock and other supplies • Perform daily functions including such tasks as - Obtaining vendor information - Preparing purchase orders and other payment request forms (i.e., travel reimbursements, payment authorizations, etc.) 3 BUSINESS SERVICES CONTRACT EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI - Tracking purchase orders from the time of issuance to the time the merchandise is received and the purchase order is paid - Disbursing checks to vendors - Receipting cash collected • Submit the following to the Business Services for processing by designated cut- off dates (all paperwork must be properly coded) - Deposit slips - Purchase orders - Invoices ® Distribute 1099's to vendors and submit reports to IRS ® Execute all bank transactions and investments ® Prepare budget All accounts payable information must be submitted to Business Services by the assigned due dates to ensure adequate time for accurate processing. PAYROLL Business Services will process monthly payrolls. All payroll transactions will be merged into the Finance System. As a part of the payroll process, Business Services will perform the following functions: • Maintain employee information on RSCCC • Post payroll and employee leave transactions • Run payroll calculations • Post payroll • Print employee and payroll deduction checks • Print standard payroll reports • Create and post general journal entries • Interface payroll and finance • Prepare and submit monthly TRS reports utilizing TRAQS • Transfer TRS payment utilizing TexNet • Prepare and submit quarterly TWC reports through TASB website • Prepare 941 reports and submit utilizing Telefile • Prepare and print W-2's at calendar year-end • Establish and update next-year payroll files ® Run August accruals ® Perform and maintain all file backups ® Prepare and submit electronic funds transfer file to bank DUTIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT ® Procure all necessary payroll check stock and other supplies ® Perform daily functions including such tasks as 4 BUSINESS SERVICES CONTRACT EDUCATION SE VICE CENTER REGION XI Compiling the basic demographic information and the information required to calculate payroll amounts, such as deductions and Cafeteria 125 options for all new employees Keeping track of changes to the payroll Compiling and verifying information required to calculate payroll amounts for substitutes and hourly employees • Submit all payroll information to the Business Services for processing by designated cut-off dates (all paperwork must be properly coded) • Distribute employee and payroll deduction checks • Deposit payroll taxes • Distribute employee W-2's and submit reports to IRS • Sign and submit the 941 and W3 reports to the appropriate entities • All payroll information must be submitted to Business Services by the assigned due dates to ensure adequate time for accurate processing. ARTICLE V- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS SERVICES The following business services are available in addition to the Budget. Finance, and Payroll/Human Resources (Fee Schedule Attached): ® Budget and Financial Planning ® Customized Board Reports ® Internal Auditing ® Federal Grant Financial Reporting ® Internal Auditing ® Audit Preparation and Reports ® Financial Consultation ARTICLE VI—TERMINATION OF SERVICES This contract may be terminated by either the School District or the Education Service Center Region XI in the event either party fails to perform according to the terms of this Contract upon thirty (3)0) days written notice to the other party. 5 BUSINESS SERVICES CONTRACT EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VII - COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES District Name Annual Business & RSCCC Services: Finance S Payroll/Human Resources (PEIMS) S Full Service(Finance, Payroll/HR, Budget, C,0 and Bank Reconciliations) Additional Services: —S Total Commitment: ARTICLE IX—AUTHORIZATION FOR SERVICES I 7�c _L_ _,_,4 has approved the dmistvkVs use of Business Services for the 2004-2005 school year. The total amount for these services is S Superintendent akehools This Contract is accepted by Education Service Center, Region XI as indicated above. Executive Director Education Service Center Region XI 6 Education Service Center R E G I *410-Nob"w"; Richard Ownby Executive Director April 13,2004 REGION XI SUPERINTENDENTS: Enclosed is the Education Service Center Region XI Contract for Services for the 2004-05 school year. The participation of all Region XI districts allows us to continue to provide services for you at less than half the cost required by other providers. This year's electronic packet includes the basic contract,as well as the Management Information Services(MIS)contracts. As you are aware, ESC funding was negatively impacted last year following the legislative session,with some state funds being redistributed,reduced or eliminated. A priority of ESC Region XI has been to provide continued quality service to all our district/charter programs at an economical cost. For the 2004-05 school year,we will maintain the same fee structure as 2003-04. However,if the Legislature were to take any action impacting ESC funding during a possible special session,the fee structure in this contract will have to be reconsidered. Please review the contracts and indicate your selections on the commitment form. Mail or fax,with superintendent's signature,no later than May 3,2004,the commitment forms for the following: • Basic Contract and Cooperatives • Credit by Exam • ESL Test Purchasing Cooperative • New Generation System Data Input (Aubrey,Bridgeport,Dublin, Huckabay, Lingleville,and Venus ISDs) • Management Information Services • Business Services Your prompt return will allow our staff time to better plan and budget for the coming year. If you have difficulty meeting this deadline due to board meeting dates,please contact Jennifer Coffey at(8 17)740-7590 to indicate your intent for the 2004-05 school year. Within the next few days,you will be receiving by mail the district agreements for Shared Service Arrangements (SSAs)for federal programs(Title 1 Migrant,Title II D Technology,and Title III LEP/Immigrant). These are separate agreements to be completed and returned with required original signatures for our records. These agreements do not require your board's approval. The due date for these agreements is also May 3,2004. If you have any questions regarding the various components of the contract,you may contact the following personnel: Dr. Francine Holland(8 17)740-3670 Instructional Services Dr. David Brewer (817)740-7555 Administrative Services Dr. Randal Douglas (817)740-3610 Technology/Media Services Darrell Baty (817)740-3609 Management Information Services Ann Hoover (817)740-7532 Administrative Services/Development James Scott (817)740-3603 School Board Training/Field Services Sincerely, Richard Ownby Executive Director 3001 North Freeway ® Fort Worth,Texas 76106 • (817)740-3600 ® Fax(817)740-7600 www.escl 1.net Res vPA 64-06 I M S4 "A"A QUALITY SERVICES SERVICES AGREEMENT for EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, 'Texas 7610 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I Services Agreement............................................................ 3 Article 11 Statement of Services.......................................................... 4 Article III Term of Service................................................................. 4 Article IV Payment for Services........................................................... 4 Article V PEIMS Data Quality Services ................................................ 5 Article VI PEIMS Data Quality Services Fees .......................................... 6 Article VII PEIMS Data Quality Services Fee Tables.................................... 7 Article VIII PEIMS Data Quality Services Responsibilities ........................... 10 Article IX PDQS Commitment for Services ........................................... 12 Article X Commitment and Authorization for Services ............................... I 2 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION X1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE I SERVICES AGREEMENT This agreement, made and entered into by and between Ac—o'de Name of District TEA County/District No. C \q S+A Lc' 's +* t—'s Q Address City and Zip Code hereinafter referred to as the "School District." and Education Service Center Region XI, 3001 North Freeway, Fort Worth, Texas 76106., hereinafter referred to as the "Education Service Center." provides for the performance of services according to and under the following terms and conditions. Management Information Systems is the division of the Education Service Center directly Z-1 responsible for providing the services agreed upon. Management Information Systems will hereinafter be referred to as "MIS". PEIMS Data Quality Services (PDQS) will function within MIS to provide the services of this contract. 3 , ` ��0���� ��� � ��� �� ����_ ��� _ ~~~^.~~ .~^�~^~ QUALITY SERVICES~.~~~° .~~=~..�=~^,����` � ^~��-"���.°~' EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE 11 STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED The Education Service Center aorrccuin perform the PElMS consulting services that are described in the fb||ovvina sections. All services that are to be provided for School District by or through Education 8cn/icc Center are shown in the fbi)op/iug sections. If changes in the specified PE{MS services become desirable, an additional supplementary written "/\grecnucot for the Provision of PElMS Services" ubu|l be made between 8oboo| District and Education Service Center. ARTICLE III TERM OF SERVICE This a-rccnncot covers services that are to be performed for School District during the fiscal year beginning September l, 2004, and ending August 3l. 2005. However, due to the nature ofthe PE}M8 reporting function, these services may begin before September l, 2004 and may extend beyond August 3], 2005. ARTICLE IV PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The School District should complete this agreement in its entirety and conai| the entire service agreement to rhryun��esclLnrt. Please print page |3, have the superintendent sign that page. and fax it to Attn: 8iohuuj Bryan at (8}7) 740-3643. & copy of page i3 will be returned toyou after being signed by Education Service Center Region X1. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice and may be paid quarterly or annually. 4 ~ ~~~^,~^~ ~~^~.^. QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 20=4_2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE V PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES PEDNIS DATA QUALITY SERVICES (PDQS) TEA has charged the ESC with assisting the school district in its responsibility for submitting yElMS data in accordance with the PElM8 Data Standards. This service was funded through state core funds and was provided to all ocbon1 districts in llcginn }{l at no cost tothe district for sixteen years. However, since state funds are not available tuthe service center for PENS as o result of state legislation, a fee is charcyed to each school district so that PEIMS assistance will continue at the nuonc level as in the past. This fee u|lovvu aoon1inoution of the following services provided by ESC PE|MSstaff. • ESC will assist the districts with its PElMS data submission to TEA throuah EI}[Tf. • ESC will provide training in all aspects ofPElM8 data collection and submission. • ESC will present multiple training sessions concerning yE|MS finance, staff. and student reporting with an emphasis oo new areas ofconcern. • ESC will supply lc|rybooc consultation throughout the 9ElMS process as needed. • ESC will inform the district ofcrucial areas of scrutiny by TEA (c.g.` p|D, Underreported Leavers, Discipline., etc.). • ESC will review PEIMS EDIT+data reports for consistency and possible errors. • ESC will inform the district of changes and updates inPE}MSas they occur. • ESC will provide consultation us needed to: • Answer questions conoccoio�the Data Standards and the Student/�ttcnduouc Accounting Handbook • Provide guidance throuGh the £D[T+ process • (}c-unizc the data submission schedule and procedure • Interpret Fatal Errors, Warnings, and Special Warnings • Provide solutions in the PI[) correction process • Clarify various ED|Tf reports and emphasize their significance • ESC will ^^/\CCEPT= the district data file, finalizing the submission/resubmission tnTEA: • After reviewing selected EOlT+ reports (if problems are found, the district will be notified and a|lovvedto make corrections, if necessary) • When final approval sheet is received, signed by the Superintendent 5 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE VI PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES FEES PDQS FEE Each district will pay PEIMS Data Quality Services (PDQS) fees as indicated in the PDQS Fee Table on the next page. The PDQS Fee covers all services by the ESC Region XI PEIMS Staff as outlined above in Article V. This fee does not purchase software or software support for any commercial product. The PDQS staff will work within the EDIT+framework and other online services provided by TEA. The PDQS Fee Tables are located in ARTICLE VII. PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 4-2 5 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE VII PEINIS DATA QUALITY SERVICES FEE TABLES PEINVIS DATA QUALITY SERVICES FEE TABLE Districts will use the PEIMS Data Quality Services Fee Table below to determine the PDQS fee. The PDQS Fee is determined by the 2003 Fall PEIMS Enrollment totals. An enrollment table showing your PEIMS fall 2003 enrollment has been provided for your convenience on the following pages. The enrollment table will show the number of students in your district for choosing the correct PDQS fee in the table below. P,DQ�!o r ee 'table for 20 0 4A-2 0 0 5. Number of Students in District At least ... and up to PDQS Fee 1 to 500 . . . $1,000 501 to 11000 . . . $19500 15001 to 2,000 . . . $29000 2,001 to 4,000 . . . S ,500 49001 to 89000 . . . $3,000 9001 to 16,000 . . . $3,500 165001 to 329000 . . . S4900 329001 to 649000 . . . $495 649001 to 128,000 . . . S5,0 7 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER N XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE VII PEIi1'MS DATA QUALITY SERVICES FEE TABLES Continued PEIMS Fall 2003 CCCDDD Name of District Type Enrollment 184907 Aledo ISD 3,495 126901 Alvarado ISD 3,437 249901 Alvord ISD 669 061910 Argyle ISD 1,360 220901 Arlington ISD 62,454 220802 Arlington Classics Acad. Charter 249 061907 Aubrey ISD 1,142 220915 Azle ISD 5,882 220902 Birdville ISD 22,507 072904 Bluff Dale ISD 66 249902 Boyd ISD 1,016 213801 Brazos River Charter Charter 125 249903 Bridgeport ISD 2,228 184909 Brock ISD 704 126902 Burleson ISD 7,279 049905 Callisburg ISD 1,104 220919 Carroll ISD 7,304 220917 Castleberry ISD 3,233 249904 Chico ISD 689 126903 Cleburne ISD 6,413 220912 Crowley ISD 11,819 249905 Decatur ISD 2,846 061901 Denton ISD 15,951 072902 Dublin ISD 1,338 220807 Eagle Charter Charter 116 220918 Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD 8,517 220811 East FW Montessori Charter 201 049906 Era ISD 382 220803 Erath Excels Academy Charter 124 220904 Everman ISD 3,832 220905 Fort Worth ISD 80,335 220804 Fort Worth Can Academy Charter 712 220809 FWAFA Charter 321 049901 Gainesville ISD 2,993 184911 Garner ISD 174 213901 Glen Rose ISD 1,596 126911 Godley ISD 1,340 182901 Gordon ISD 186 182902 Graford ISD 367 111901 Granbury ISD 6,607 126904 Grandview ISD 1,159 220906 Grapevine-Colleyville ISD 13,777 220916 HEB ISD 19,527 072908 Huckabay ISD 193 126905 Joshua ISD 4,427 126906 Keene ISD 851 8 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE VII PEIlNIS DATA QUALITY SERVICES FEE TABLES Continued) PENS Fall 2003 CCCDDD Name of District Type Enrollment 220907 Keller ISD 21,803 220914 Kennedale ISD 2,938 061905 Krum ISD 1,248 061912 Lake Dallas ISD 3,578 220910 Lake Worth ISD 2,392 061902 Lewisville ISD 44,024 049907 Lindsay ISD 468 072909 Lingleville ISD 266 111902 Lipan ISD 293 061914 Little Elm ISD 3,484 220908 Mansfield ISD 21,060 220909 Masonic Home ISD 118 220808 Metro Charter Charter 356 184904 Millsap ISD 771 182903 Mineral Wells ISD 3,684 072910 Morgan Mill ISD 105 049902 Muenster ISD 543 061911 Northwest ISD 6,917 182906 Palo Pinto ISD 115 072801 Paradigm Accelerated Charter 66 249906 Paradise ISD 960 184908 Peaster ISD 942 061903 Pilot Point ISD 1,487 061906 Ponder ISD 831 184901 Poolville ISD 489 220812 Richard Milburn Charter 53 126907 Rio Vista ISD 872 061908 Sanger ISD 2,150 182904 Santo ISD 489 049909 Sivells Bend ISD 80 249908 Slidell ISD 296 184902 Springtown ISD 3,565 072903 Stephenville ISD 3,530 182905 Strawn ISD 203 Combined Texas Youth Commission TYC 3,723 061802 The Education Center Charter 233 220806 Theresa B Lee Academy Charter 238 072901 Three Way ISD 46 111903 Tolar ISD 594 220801 Treetops School Internat. Charter 301 049903 Valley View ISD 642 126908 Venus ISD 1,826 049908 Walnut Bend ISD 85 184903 Weatherford ISD 6,987 220810 Westlake Academy Charter 197 220920 White Settlement ISD 4,828 9 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION X1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE VIII PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES RESPONSIBILITIES = DUTIES OF TEA (from PEIMS Data Standards} • TEA will explain the overall data requirements to ESC personnel • TEA will provide and maintain the PEIMS DATA STANDARDS and the STUDEATT ATTENDANCE A CCO UNTINTG HANDBOOK • TEA will provide the ESC and district with a standard editing and reporting, system (EDIT+) DUTIES OF EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER (from PEIMS Data Standards) • Send the data required (ACCEPT) by the current year PEIMS Data Standards to TEA by the specified due dates for each submission/resubmission. • Review the district data using edit rules supplied by TEA, assuring all fatals are corrected. • Assist the district with its data submission to TEA's EDIT+ server. • Notify district when its data has been approved by the ESC and made available for further processing by TEA. • Facilitate the accuracy and timely delivery of data. • Explain the overall data collection requirement to school district personnel. • Train school district personnel to adequately meet the data submission requirement, covering: • Overall data flow • Delivery schedule • Data element definitions • Data Submission formats • Editing requirements • Correction cycle • Approval of the summary report and error listing, • Operation of the web-based PEIMS EDIT+ system Consultation will be provided to assist the school district in preparing the data submission and to ensure data quality and compliance to the schedules. ESC PEIMS staff will coordinate assistance by: • Answering questions about the Data Standards • Organizing the data submission schedule • Answering questions about the edit and summary reports • Organizing the error correction schedule • Initiating the final approval of the district's submission to TEA 10 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-20 EDUCATION E VICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE VIII PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES RESPONSIBILITIES (Continued) DUTIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT (from PEIMS Data Standards) • School district will submit the data required by the current PEIMS Data Standards to the ESC in accordance with the specifications of the data standards. • The required data will be approved by both the district and the ESC by the due dates • School district will follow the ESC-established deadlines to allow sufficient time for technical assistance by the ESC. • School district will validate/edit the district data file using EDIT+. • School district will get approval of its data file by ESC. • Errors found by the ESC during the editing validation process will be corrected by the school district in a timely manner. • District must approve the content of the data submission by signing the "Statement of Approval of Summary Report and Error Listing" available through EDIT+. • The approval form is to be signed by the superintendent and forwarded to TEA through the ESC.. _ 11 -P-E-IMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE IX PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES Coordinator—C�C� DI& —�5 District Name,-t4 Phone PEIMS SERVICES PEIMS Data Quality Services (PDQS) PEIMS Data Quality Services Fee TOTAL PEIMS DATA QUALITY SRVS COMMITMENT S Transfer this Total PEIMS Data Quality Commitment amount to Page 13. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 01,2004 to: rbryan(a)esclLnet MIS mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,Texas 76106 12 PEIMS DATA QUALITY SERVICES AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE X COMMITMENT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR SERVICES \sP4 .+1 C'K�— -9 (-(,d C--_,_y Seh",ot Di�sf� has approved the PEIMS Data Quality Services Agreement for the 2004-2005 school year. The district agrees to pay for the contracted services as indicated in this service agreement for the total amount of Superintendent of Schod(s .5-i 3 Date THIS AGREEMENT IS ACCEPTED BY EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI AS INDICATED ABOVE. Executive Director Education Service Center Region XI Date Education Service Center will return a copy of this page to the School District. 205 Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 01, 2004 to: rbrN!an@esc I Lnet FAX this page after the superintendent has signed it to: Attn: Richard Bryan at(817) 740-3643 Z-- OR mail the entire document to Richard Bryan. MIS mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region X1 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 13 Res vv^. G4-06 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT, FOR 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I Services Agreement .......................................................... 4 Article 11 Statement of Services ........................................................ 5 Article III Term of Service............................................................... 5 Article IV Payment for Services......................................................... 5 ArticleV Software ....................................................................... 6 Article VI RSCCC Business System ................................................... 7 Article VII RSCCC Business System Price List ....................................... I' Article VIII RSCCC Business System Commitment for Services .................... 15 Article IX RSCCC Business System School District Coordinators ................ 16 Article X RSCCC PEIMS System Maintenance ..................................... 17 Article XI RSCCC PEIMS System Price List ........................................ 17 Article XII RSCCC PEIMS System Commitment for Services ..................... 17 Article XIII Chancery Win School Systems ............................................. 18 Article XIV Chancery Win School Systems Price List ................................. 23 Article XV Chancery Win School Systems Commitment for Services ............. 25 • Alternative Campus Commitment for Services ..................... 28 • Special Site I Commitment for Services ............................ 29 • Special Site 11 Commitment for Services ............................ 3)0 • Retraining Costs .................................................... .. . .. )I Article XVI Chancery Win School K12P]anet .......................................... 32 Article XVII Chancery Win School K12PIanet Price List.............................. 32 Article XVIII Chancery Win School K12PIanet Commitment for Services .......... -3)3) 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Article XIX HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise ............................................... 3)5 Article XX HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise Price List .................................. 36 Article XXI HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise Commitment for Services ............... 36 Article XXII eSped.com ..................................................................... 37 Article XXIII eSped.com Price List ........................................................ 38 Article XXIV eSped.com Commitment for Services ..................................... 40 Article XXV eSped Online System Access Agreement ................................ 41 Article XXVI Student Systems Responsibilities for Support............................ 47 Article XXVII Novell or NT/2000 Network Support ...................................... 48 Article XXVIll Novell or NT/2000 Network Support Price List ......................... 51 Article XXIX Novell or NT/2000 Network Commitment for Services ................ 51 Article XXX Commitment for Services ................................................... 52 Article XXXI Authorization for Services .................................................. 53 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION X1 ARTICLE I SERVICES AGREEMENT This aareement, made and entered into by and between Name of District TEA County/District No. Address City and Zip Code hereinafter referred to as the "School District," and Education Service Center Region XI, 3001 North Freeway, Fort Worth, Texas 76106, hereinafter referred to as the "Education Service Center," provides for the performance of services according to and under the following terms and conditions. Management Information Systems is the division of the Education Service Center directly responsible for providing the services agreed upon. Management Information Systems will hereinafter be referred to as "MIS". 4 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATI SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED The Education Service Center agrees to perform the computer consulting services that are described in the following sections. All services that are to be provided for School District by or through Education Service Center are shown in the following sections. If changes in the specified computer services become desirable, an additional supplementary written "Agreement for the Provision of Computer Services" shall be made between School District and Education Service Center. f- ARTICLE III TERM OF SERVICE This agreement covers services that are to be performed for School District during the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2004, and ending August 31. 2005. However, due to the nature of scheduling and other areas unique for schools, these services may begin before September 1, 2004. ARTICLE IV PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The School District should complete this agreement in its entirety and email the entire service agreement to Iphillips @escll.net. Please print out page 53 and have the district superintendent sign that page and fax it to Attn: Linda Phillips at (817) 740-3643. A copy of page 53 will be returned to you after being signed by Education Service Center Region XI. Annual payment is due upon receipt of invoice, or arrangements for quarterly payments may be made with ESC Region XI Business Office. 5 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION E VICE CENTER REGION I ARTICLE V SOF'T'WARE The software packages supported in this agreement are the: ❑ RSCCC Business System licensed from Education Service Center Region 20 zi RSCCC PEIMS System (Stand Alone Only) licensed from Education Service Center Region 20 o Student Management Solutions Win School Systems licensed from Chancery Systems, Ltd. • K12PIanet, a school to home to community communication portal, licensed from Chancery Systems, Ltd. • HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise licensed from Healthmaster, Inc. o eSped.com, Special Education Electronic Management Systems, licensed from eSped.com 6 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE T and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER E I N XI ARTICLE VI RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM The RSCCC Business applications are designed and programmed by Education Service Center Region 20. Funding for enhancement and maintenance of the system is provided by Regional Service Centers Computer Cooperative (RSCCC), a statewide cooperative of education service centers. RSCCC Managers meet monthly and the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) meets regularly to provide leadership for maintenance of the existing applications and for design of the new applications. 7 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS These are the current minimum hardware and software configurations for the RSCCC Business Z:� System. Optional support is available as a part of this agreement for network servers and workstations. Computer Recommended Description System Requirements District Server Pentium III ® 512 MB RAM 800 MHz or-reater ® 24X CD-ROM drive Specifics depend on ® 36-72 GB SCSI hard drive or greater(depends on size of district environment district) 0 Tape Backup System and Raid I or 5 Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000 Server or 2003 Server Windows 95,98,ME,NT are NOT supported Database Software Sybase SQL Anywhere 9 User Workstation: Pentium 111 ® 256 MB RAM 933 MHz or greater 0 Video card with at least 8 MB RAM Database V 32X CD—ROM drive Administrator ® CD-R Drive on DBA workstation (DBA) • 40 GB hard drive or greater(depends on size of district) Workstation Client Display SVGA 171'or larger color monitor(19"is preferred) Workstations Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Pro(network edition) Windows 95,98,ME,NT are NOT supported Software SQL Anywhere v. 9.0—Personal Server and Client versions DBA Workstation Microsoii Network-Client(to map to the 2000/2003 Server) ODBC Compliant Report"Query software(e.g..Office 2000) Acrobat Reader(included with RSCCC) Software SQL Anywhere v. 9.0—Client version * ODBC Compliant Report/Query software(e.g.,Office 2000) Client workstation Acrobat Reader(included with RSCCC) I Available from ESC Region X1 at a discounted price. Printers All RSCCC Business System reports will be formatted for printing Laser on laser printers. such as HP Laser 4100 or greater. 8 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION E VICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VI RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM (Continued) The RSCCC Business System is a Windows, relational database system. It is ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity). and is powered by Sybase SQL (Structured Query Language). The following applications are included in the system: • Finance • Budget • Requisition • Human Resources (Payroll & Personnel) • Asset Management • PEIMS • Security RSCCC Business is an integrated database system: therefore, a number of options are included within the applications, rather than operating as separate modules. Examples are the Bank Reconciliation and Budget Amendment functions. RSCCC Business includes a comprehensive on-line Help module. The Security application included with the system controls each user's access to the system at the database, application, menu, and tab page levels. Full access, read only access, or no access is also available. Access is also further defined by means of user profiles within the Finance, Budget, and Requisition applications. EINAIVCE The Finance application is in full compliance with the TEA Financial Accountability System Resource Guide. The application includes functions for maintenance of vendors, posting, bank reconciliation,and budget amendments. Also included is a user profile that defines accounts that users can access. Numerous standard reports are provided. In addition, Powersoft reports, user created reports, and many types of inquiries are available. A check signature function is available within the application. Historical information can be maintained by fiscal year within the database. .Access to the fiscal years may be controlled at the user level. 9 �� ��U� �������� MANAGEMENT�����������_� ' � �� _� ^,���'��~�~`�^ ` � � ������� SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004_2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VI RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM (Continued) CAMPUS ACTIVITY ACCOUNTING The F(SCCC Finance application can also be used at the campus for Campus Activity Fund Accounting. The Campus Fund data would ccoidc in the central financial dutabusc, but access 10 the Campus Fund data would bc controlled through Security. HUMAN RESOURCES This application offers �rco1 �cxibi)it� in posting leave, special pay transactions, and deductions by connecting transactions to pay dates. The application contains o school calendar as well as accrual calendars. Report and files needed for all state and federal uacncieo are available. — Many standard reports and inquiries are available. Biweekly, semimonthly, and monthly payroll frequencies are supported. Additionally, a Next Year section of the nyab:nn noukco it possible to build bunnao resource data for the upcoming fiscal year in advance. Mass updating uudnnuas uu|cu|utinnofsa|ari�sarcaval|ub|�. Next year and benefits can populate the Bud�ctapplication. This application complies with the TG/\ Financial Accountability Syo1cnn Resource Guide. iocludiva accrual of salaries and benefits. Historical information is ovnUob|c, including o ^'dcU|'dov/o" to an employee's paycheck information. The application meets all PElMS requirements. /\ check signature function io available within the application. BUDGET The 8u6oct application provides u flexible tool for use in pncpuriug the district budget. The application includes three levels of use, which are: Rcoucslor, Recommended, and Approved Levels. A budaetuutoff date may be established for each of the levels. Four types ofhistorical data are available for comparison purposes. /\ flexible simulator can be used 8o develop '*what-if` bud�ots, In addition, this application can accept payroll budget data from the Next Year process within the Human Resources application. Numerous inquiries and reports are available. 10 MANAGEMENT NF AT SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT -2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VI RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM (Continued) REQUISITION The RSCCC Requisition application automates the purchasing and receiving functions for school districts. This application eliminates duplicate paper work. A user profile defines budget control, account code access, approval path, and receiving locations. An encumbrance is automatically posted when the requisition is approved by the final approver in the path. This application also includes a Next Year option used for entering requisitions for the upcoming fiscal year. Numerous inquiries and reports are provided. Purchase orders may be printed on plain paper or custom forms. ASSET MANAGEMENT The Asset Management application complies with GASB 34 requirements. The system accommodates both capital assets and inventory- assets, which are segregated within the system. Depreciation schedules can be calculated and depreciation historical records can be maintained. PEIMS The PEIMS application is an excellent tool for managing and reporting PEIMS data. This central PEIMS database can easily be populated with all the district's business and student PEIMS records, then changes or corrections can be made to this PEIMS database. All of the tables from the TEA PEIMS Data Standards are built into this application to ensure accuracy of PEIMS data. The application generates the TEA PEIMS ASCII file to use with the TEA PEIMS Editor. A merge utility is also available in the application. This utility can be used to merge separate PEIMS ASCII files, such as campus student files, into this centralized PEIMS database. CUSTOM REPORTS A set of custom reports is provided to districts for use along with the wide variety of standard and user created reports. In addition, districts can connect to the RSCCC Business database via any Windows ODBC application, such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, in order to run queries or develop any custom reports that the district may desire. 11 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VI RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM (Continued) DUTIES OF EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER • Provide hands-on training and implementation with first year installation. • Provide the initial installation of the Business System software on School District's computer(s). • Assist with all possible data file conversion from previous software vendor. • Provide on-site visits as needed with the initial software installation. • Provide unlimited telephone consultation. • Provide user meetings, workdays, and training sessions throughout the year. • Provide walk-in or on-site visits • Provide additional training sessions, if requested, at the price described in Pricing List, Article VII. • Maintain a backup of all software. • Provide a backup processing site if School District experiences extended downtime or loss of hardware. • Insure that the Business System is in full compliance with TEA requirements. DUTIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT • Provide and maintain all hardware necessary to run the RSCCC software. • Perform all data entry necessary to establish data files and operate the systems on a routine basis. • Procure all necessary special forms, paper, and other supplies. • Perform and maintain all file backups., as instructed. • Allow staff to attend all training sessions provided by Education Service Center. • Allow staff to attend all scheduled meetings at Education Service Center concerning upgrades and enhancements to the RSCCC Business System. 12 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION X1 ARTICLE VII RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM PRICE LIST BUSINESS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Business Systems (Finance, Human Resources,Assets Management,Budget, Amended Budget, Check Reconciliation, and Query Module) 1. Annual RSCCC Cooperative Fee S 330 2. Installation and Training (first year only) x S 2500 3. Conversion of basic data from prior SIS $1100 4. Annual Licensinc, Fees YX a) Each Installation S4910 b) Per Employee Charge Ca, S4 per employee (Pay Types 1,2., and 3 active employees from May,2004 payrolls) Requisition/Purchase Order System Annual Licensing Fees xx a) Base Price S 580 b) Per User Charge Ca, S20 per user (for district-wide installation only) Campus Activity Accounting S 550 per campus Z5 Mid-year conversion and implementation will not be pro-rated. Xx Annual licensing fee provides software maintenance, support and all regularly scheduled training sessions, work days, and user meetings. 13 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VII RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM PRICE LIST (Continued) Retraining at ESC Region XI or on the job at the district (For personnel new to the district after the initial first year training.) Retraining for new personnel will be scheduled as space and personnel are available and will be billed at: * On-site retraining will be billed at $45 per hour with a minimum of$90 and a maximum of$270 per day. * Walk-in retraining will be billed at $3)0 per hour with a minimum of$90 and a maximum of$180 per day per person. Retraining provides more in-depth sessions for new personnel than are available in the ng regularly scheduled training sessions. There may be multiple days of training provided Z:� In for new personnel. Additional requested services, outside the normal RSCCC services described herein will be billed separately. Examples of such services are custom designed reports or ASCII files and research or assistance with implementation of software outside ofRSCCC. A purchase order is required for each extra service. Services requested will be billed at S45 per hour with a minimum of $45. Charges will include both consultation and preparation time. 14 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE VIII RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES District Name Coordinator Phone RSCCC BUSINESS SYSTEM Business System (Finance, Human Resources,Assets Management, Budget, and Check Reconciliation) Annual RSCCC Cooperative Fee $ 330 ................ Installation and Training $ 2500 (first year only) Conversion of Data $ 1100 ........................ Annual Licensing Fees Each Installation $ 4910 ............... Number of Employees $ 4 each ......... (Pay Types 1,2,and 3 active employees from May,2004 payrolls) Requisition/Purchase Order System Annual Licensing Fees Base Price $ 580 ............. Number of Users $ 20 each ......... (This number should be the same as the number of individuals that use the Requisition System.) Campus Activity Accounting Number of Campuses _ Ccv $ 550 each ......... TOTAL BUSINESS COMMITMENT S Transfer this Total Business Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: 1phillips'il�'esc I ].net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freewav Fort Worth, Texas 76106 15 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT -2005 EDUCATION I E VICE CENTER E I N XI ARTICLE IX RSCCC BUSINESS SYS'T'EM SCHOOL DISTRICT COORDINATORS Each School District shall designate persons to function as District Coordinators of MIS Processing. The Coordinators will have the following responsibilities: a. Act as contact persons to pass information and instructions from Education Service Center MIS personnel to School District staff. b. Attend meetings and workshops for RSCCC users. c. Make district administrative decisions involving computer services. The School District designates the following as District Coordinators: BUSINESS SYSTEMS COORDINAT®R Campus Telephone Number E-Mail Address District: Payroll: Personnel: Finance: Asset lt9ngt: t, 5 �c Q —+k 0 : < X Requisition: Technologyf,nn�� PEIMS: :I 3-c ` r C- l`4 d La C C c 16 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE X RSCCC PEIMS SYSTEM MAINTENANCE This system allows clients to manually update static PEIMS information into a central database for reporting to the Texas Education Agency. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The PEIMS Maintenance system uses the same requirements as the RSCCC Business System. Support is provided through the MIS PEIMS Team. ARTICLE XI RSCCC PEIMS SYSTEM PRICE LIST PEIMS MAINTENANCE SYSTEM PEIMS System 1500 per district (This service is only required for districts wishing to use this system to merge and maintain their PEIMS static data.) ARTICLE XII RSCCC PEIMS SYSTEM COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES RSCCC PEIMS SYSTEM MAINTENANCE RSCCC PEIMS Maintenance System PEIMS System only 1500 ...... TOTAL RSCCC PEIMS COMMITMENT S U Transfer this Total RSCCC PEIMS Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: I ph i I I ips,'�t,esc 11.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region X1 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 17 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION I AR'T'ICLE XIII CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS Regional Service Centers have entered into an agreement with Chancery Systems Ltd. to market and support the Student Management Solutions Win School software to school districts. This agreement results in reduced licensing fees that are not available to districts contracting directly with Chancery or other third party providers. Chancery Win School software is cooperated and licensed for use at a specific campus. The software is to be installed at the campus and used only by authorized campus employees. The software must not be copied or modified in any way other than for backup and archival purposes. Each campus, upon one week's advanced written notice, must grant the Education Service Center and/or Chancery reasonable access to verify compliance with this agreement. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS These are the recommended hardware and software configurations for the current Chancery Win School Systems. The School District will be responsible for purchasing and maintaining all hardware. Please contact Education Service Center before making the final decision on type and size of equipment. Optional support is available as a part of this agreement for network servers and workstations. Computer Recommended System Description Requirement District/Campus Pentium 1II 512+MB RAM Server 800 MHz or higher 24X CD-ROM drive 30 GB hard drive Operating System Windows NT 4.0 w/SP6,windows 2000(SP3) Win 2000,Netware 6.x IE 6.x Communication Protocol TCP/IP User workstation Pentium III 256 MB RAM or 700 MHz or higher 12X CD-ROM drive Stand Alone PC At least l GB free space Operating System Windows 2000(SP3), Windows XP Professional (Will run on ME,but is not recommended) Will not run on Windows 95 IE 6.x(SP1) Communication Protocol TCP/IP eClass Gradebook Pentium II 64 MB RAM and ( 500 MHz or higher At least 20 MB free space eClass Attendance Operating System Windows 98,NT 4.0 w/SP 6,Windows 2000,Windows XP (Will run on ME,but is not recommended) Will not run on Windows 95 Communication Protocol TCP/IP 18 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ��`� �,,��,�������^� � � �,���^��^� SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004~2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XIII CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS (Continued) Printer selection will depend on the School [)ixtdct`m selection of forms and needs concerning report formats. Chancery VVbo School is capable of printing to any printer attached to the nniccocompu1cr, workstation or supported network. A |4ocr printer is the preferred printer bcoausc of the Windows environment. WIN SCG|OO1. SOFTWARE FOR STUDENT SERVICES The Chancery Win 5oboo1 Student System is u Windows based modular system available in uiog|c or nou\d-uscc version. VViu School has nnuhi-|cvc\ pusav/nnd protection and prints to the screen, printer oc disk file. The following applications are available in various combinations to meet the specific needs of c|cuzcotury, middle and high schools: ~ Student Demographics ° Attendance • Grade Reporting • Scheduling ° Discipline ° cC|ussGcudcboVk ° r0asoAttendancc ° Scanning ° Report Manager " Details . Query ° /\8C%llronort/Export ° District Data Integrator (DD|) STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS ° Student demographic data can be imported with the ASCII lnnpoM/ExportL}tility ° Capable of storing up1n5000 student records ^ Maintain enrollment history , Groups such as band and athletic teams can be maintained and rosters printed 19 MANAGEMENT NF A'T SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ARTICLE XIII CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS (Continued) ATTENDANCE • Record student daily, half-daily and/or period attendance • Create up to 256 user-defined daily and period attendance codes • Calculate ADAs ® Enter attendance manually, with an optical scanner, or teacher desktop work station GRADE REPORTING • Report cards consolidate demographic, attendance and gradebook data to produce report cards • Capable of entering grades manually, transferred from teacher's gradebook, scanning from scan document or transferred using ASCII data • Calculate term, semester, annual and cumulative GPA • Full page transcript • Calculate class rank and honor roll, based on school-specified criteria • Design report cards, honor rolls, eligibility lists, letters and mailing labels using the Report Manager SCHEDULER • Scheduler builds the conflict matrix, master schedule and student schedules • Accommodate up to 5000 students in 5000 classes • Schedule up to 42 periods per day, 14 days per cycle, and 400 blocks per cycle • Create schedules for year round schools • Schedule up to 12 terms at once, including 6-weeks, 9-weeks, semester, and full-year courses • Scan, import or manually enter student course requests • Automatically update class rosters • Flag each student's required, prerequisite and co-requisite courses • Automatically create or manually enter newly enrolled student's schedule at any time DISCIPLINE • Complete discipline records are maintained on an individual student basis • Define over 100 infractions • Record incidents for each student, including date, location, action taken and additional comments ® Produce summary reports on specific infractions or create detailed reports on individual students 20 MANAGEMENT I F ATI SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SE VICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XIII CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS (Continued) eCLASS GRADEDOOK • eClass is an electronic gradebook program for the teacher's desktop • Utilizes the demographic data and student schedules to populate the teacher's gradebook • Gradebook enables teachers to store student grades for individual assignments • Produces progress reports • Electronically transports term grades into the Report Card module • Interfaces with K I2PIanet eCLASS CLASSROOM TEACHER ATTENDANCE • Desktop on-line teacher attendance • Point and click operation • Data query from teacher desktop • On-line office notification REPORT MANAGER • Select any combination of fields from Win School to include in reports • Print specific lists for eligibility, etc. • Create personalized letters using Report Managers mail merge feature QUERY • Administrator's tool for instant access to data without ability to change data • View demographic, contacts, discipline history, medical and custody information • View student's complete attendance history • View student"s schedule • View student's grades, honor roll status, class rank, grade point and earned credits • View teacher records, which includes home address, emergency contact and schedule • Print comprehensive reports 21 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XIII CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS (Continued) ASCII TRANSFER • Import or export data in industry standard ASCII-delimited or ASCII-fixed format • Complete flexibility in determining which data is transferred, its order, and its format EXPORTS • NCS End-of-Course Precoding • NCS TAAS Tests Precoding • NCS TAKS Tests Precodin- NCS Mercye Function • AEI It Class Rosters Extract • PDAS Teacher Information • Class Absence Report DISTRICT DATA INTEGRATOR (DDI) • WAN,, LAN or stand-alone merging of district wide data • Ability to produce custom reports through Crystal Reports • Superintendent"s Report 22 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SE VICE CENTER REGION I ARTICLE XIY CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS PRICE LIST Win School Student Data Management Systems Annual Campus Licensing Lease Fee Campuses 1 and 2 S 3900 each Campuses 3 and 4 S 3380 each Campus 5 and all additional campuses S 2860 each Annual Campus Gradebook Support (eClass Grades) S 25 per user Annual Alternative Site Licensing Fee S 460 per campus Annual Classroom Attendance Licensing Fee (eClass Attendance) S 420 per campus Cross Platform/Mac Users (Classroom Attendance and Class Grades) S 420 per campus Special Site-1 Fee (District must have less than 1000 students and must S5000 process multiple single user campuses on one stand-alone computer.) Special Site-11 Fee (District must have less than 750 students and S9000 must process multiple network campuses on one single NT file server.) Installation and Conversion of Win School files (first year only) S 1100 per campus Win School Training (first year only) S 1340 per campus Initial training to include specific instructions in: 1. Setup, Details and Utilities 2. Scheduling, Report Cards/Grade Reporting 3. Attendance 4. eClass Gradebook& eClass Attendance 5. Report Manager 6. District Data Integrator (DDI) 23 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 20042005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XIV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS PRICE LIST (Cont Retraining (For personnel new to the district/campus after $ 600 per first person the initial first year training.)* Additional personnel $ 400 per each additional person Additional training sessions., if requested by the client, will be scheduled as space and personnel are available and will be billed at: * $100 per half day session in a Lab plus $30 per hour with a minimum of$90 * $200 per full day in a lab plus $30 per hour with a minimum of$180 * $ 30 per hour with a minimum of$90 for non-laboratory training Retraining provides more in-depth sessions for new personnel than are available in the regularly scheduled training sessions. There may be multiple days of training provided for new personnel. Any additional requested services, outside the normal RSCCC services described herein will be billed separately. Examples of such services are custom designed reports or ASCII files and C research or assistance with implementation of software outside of RSCCC. A purchase order is required for each extra service. Services requested will be billed at S45 per hour with a minimum of$45. Charges will include both consultation and preparation time. 24 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION X1 ARTICLE XV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES District Name District CoordinatorT A C-C V - 09 C L Fa Pl,' Telephone Number �l � -Q &-- S-�� 7 1. Campus Name mo cj,-,-s Telephone Number �L-,'i c'T_ Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Win School Annual License Lease (campus 1) $ 3900 each $, "y C Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin Ca) $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus 1 S ------------ 2. Campus Name Telephone Number Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Win School Annual License Lease (campus 2) $ 3900 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System_teacher/admin � $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus 2 S Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: li)hillipsdescl (.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 25 MANAGEMENT IF AT N SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004®2 EDUCATION VICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued) District Name District Coordinator 3. Campus Dame Telephone Dumber ® Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Dumber Win School Annual License Lease (campus 3) $ 3380 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin L $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus 3 $ 4. Campus Dame Telephone number ® Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Win School Annual License Lease (campus 4) $ 3380 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin @ $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus 4 $ Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1,2004 to: 1phiIIips.a,esc 1 1.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Recyion XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 26 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued) District Name District Coordinator 5. Campus Name Telephone number Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Win School Annual License Lease (campus 5) $ 2860 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin g $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus 5 $ 6. Campus Name Telephone number Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Win School Annual License Lease (campus 6) $ 2860 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System_teacher/admin g $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus 6 S Duplicate this page for additional campuses. TOTAL REGULAR SITES $ Transfer this Total Regular Sites Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1. 2004 to: 1phillipscesc I I.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 27 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER EGI N XI ARTICLE XV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued) A. Alternative Campus Name Telephone Number ® Campus Coordinator Win School Annual License Lease (campus A) $ 460 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin@ $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus A S B. Alternative Campus Name Telephone Number ® Campus Coordinator Win School Annual License Lease (campus B) $ 460 each $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1 100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin@ $ 25 user $ eClass Attendance System $ 420 campus $ Total for campus B S Duplicate this gage for additional alternative campuses. TOTAL ALTERNATIVE SITES S Transfer this Total Alternative Sites Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: 1phillips_TLesc 1 ].net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Re-ion XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 28 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004- 5 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XY CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued) SPECIAL SITE-I FEE District Name District Coordinator Special Site-I Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Campus Name Campus Name Campus Name Campus Name Annual License Lease $ X000 $ Cross Platform $ 420 campus $ Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1 100 campus $ Training (first year only) $ 1340 $ eClass Gradebook System teacher/admin @ $ 25 user $ TOTAL FOR SPECIAL SITE-I S Transfer this Total for Special Site I Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: 1phillips li�esc i I.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freewav Fort Worth,Texas 76106 29 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued) SPECIAL SITE-11 FEE District Name District Coordinator Special Site-11 Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Campus Name Campus Name Campus Name Campus Name Campus Name Campus Name Annual License Lease $ 9000 server Cross Platform $ 420 campus Installation & Conversion (first year only) $ 1100 campus Training (first year only) $ 1340 campus eClass Gradebook System_teacher/admin Ca, 25 user $ eClass Attendance System 420 campus S TOTAL FOR SPECIAL SITE-11 S Transfer this Total Special Site 11 Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: I ph i I I i psFtesc 11.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,Texas 76106 30 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XV CHANCERY WIN SCHOOL SYSTEMS COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued) RETRAINING COSTS Trainee Ca) 600 for the first trainee ,@ 400 each additional trainee Ca). $ 400 each additional trainee g, $ 400 each additional trainee TOTAL RETRAINING COSTS S Transfer this Total Retraining Costs Commitment amount to Page 52. List additional trainees as needed below. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: 1phillips`i�'esc I 1.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,Texas 76106 31 MANAGEMENT INF AT YSTE S SOFTWARE an SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION E VICE CENTER REGION XI AR'T'ICLE XVI WIN SCHOOL K12PLANET K12PIanet is another Chancery Systems, Ltd. application that is available to any school or district using Win School or Open District. K12PIanet is a school to home communication portal that allows the school to publish generic information about the school and district as well as specific student data for the parent's edification. • Uses Internet access • Provides a home to school to community portal • Parents can review their student's records Files are maintained at a hosted site provided by Chancery.com. Annual use fees are used to maintain the hosted site. The number of students for the annual use-fee per student charge should be pulled from the PEIMS Edit + Reports Data Review, Summary by Sea and Ethnicity Report. The second line of this report lists the total number of students reported to PEIMS. Be sure to get the total for each campus by running the edit for each campus individually. ARTICLE XVII SIN SCHOOL K12PLANET PRICE LIST K12PIanet Annual Use Site Fee S 125.00 per campus • Minimum charge S 225.00 per campus • Maximum charge S 975.00 per campus Number of students X S 1.50 = S Calculate the KI2PIanet charge for your schools based on the number of students per campus. If your calculation comes to Iess than the minimum charge or more than the maximum charge, use the appropriate of those two charges. If the calculation is between the minimum and maximum charges, use that calculation. Enter the correct charges on page(s) 33-34. 32 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE art SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 4- EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER E I I ARTICLE XVIII WIN SCHOOL K12PLANET COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES District Name District Coordinator Telephone Dumber Extension Number 1. Campus Name Telephone Number Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Annual Use Fee $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Annual Per-Student Fee @ $ 1.50 per student $ Total for campus 1 S 2. Campus Name: Telephone Number: Campus Coordinator Telephone?Number Extension Number Annual Use Fee $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Annual Per-Student Fee @ $ 1.50 per student $ Total for campus 2 S 3. Campus Name: Telephone Number: Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Annual Use Fee $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Annual Per-Student Fee @ $ 1.50 per student $ Total for campus 3 S Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: I.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 33 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XVIII WIN SCHOOL K12PLANET COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES (Continued 4. Campus Name: Telephone Number: Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Annual Use Fee $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Annual Per-Student Fee C cu — $ 1.50 per student $ Total for campus 4 S S. Campus Name: Telephone Number: Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Annual Use Fee $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Annual Per-Student Fee cv —C $ 1.50 per student $ Total for campus 5 S 6. Campus Name: Telephone Number: — Campus Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number Annual Use Fee $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Annual Per-Student Fee @ $ 1.50 per student $ Total for campus 6 S Duplicate this page for additional campuses. TOTAL K12PLANET FEES FOR campuses Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: 1philfipsctesc I !,net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,Texas 76106 34 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT -2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION ARTICLE XIX HEALTIIOFFICE 2000 ENTERPRISE HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise (HO2E) is a health and immunization management product that is available through the Education Service Center. Data can be maintained either through use of a central database that includes all campuses or each campus can be a separate database. Databases can be maintained on a personal computer, a LAN or a WAN. HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise software is cooperated and licensed for use at a specific campus or district. The software is to be installed at the campus or a central district network and used only by authorized campus/district employees. All campuses in a district must purchase a site license. The software must not be copied or modified in any way other than for backup and archival purposes. Each campus, upon one week's advanced written notice, must grant the Education Service Center and/or Healthmaster reasonable access to verify compliance with this agreement. The school nurse can maintain student immunization and screening records. Scheduled administrations can be maintained. • Allows import of demographic records from Win School files • Records can be moved between campuses Provides state required immunization and examination records calculations HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS These are the recommended requirements for Healthmaster's HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise system. Meeting or exceeding these requirements will improve overall performance of the system. System Requirements Recommended Operating System windows 98,2000,ME,NT 4.0(SPO,Internet Explorer 5.5 Processor Pentium 111 700 MHz or higher Memory 256 MB or higher Hard Drive I GB frees ace Monitor Resolution SVGA Monitor w/ 800X600 or higher Backup Drive lomega®Zip Drive or LS 120 Iomega R Zip Drive, LS 120. or to Network CD ROM Drive 6x or FASTER Printer Inkjet or Laser Optional Networking Network Interface Card Server NT/2000 Servers only. Novell is not supported. 35 MANAGEMENT NF AT I SYSTEMS SOFTWARE an U T SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER E E I I ARTICLE XX IIEALTIIOFFICE 2000 ENTERPRISE PRICE LIST IlealthOffice 2000 Enterprise Campus Annual License Fee S 700 per regular campus S 420 per alternative campus ARTICLE XXI HEALTHOFFICE 2000 ENTERPRISE COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES IIEALTIIOFFICE 2000 ENTERPRISE District Name District Coordinator Telephone Number Extension Number HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise(H02E) Annual Use Site Fee campuses $ 700 per regular campus $ Annual Use Site Fee campuses @ $ 420 per alternative campus$ Campus Name Nurse's lame Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus lame Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus lame Nurse's Name Phone Number Campus Name Nurse's 'Name Phone Number Duplicate this page for additional campuses. TOTAL H02E FEES FOR campuses S L- A Transfer this Total H02E Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: Iphillips)FiescI l.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 36 MANAGEMENT NF ATI N SYSTEMS SOFTWARE an U SERVICE AGREEMENT 2 -2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER E I I ARTICLE XXII eSPED.COM eSped.com software is available for use in Texas through exclusive agreement between eSped.com and the Education Service Center. This application is a Web-based product that requires only an Internet connection using Internet Explorer 5.5 or above and Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. eSped.com is cooperated and licensed for use by a specific district and it's designated personnel. Use is maintained through extensive security and assigned rights. Included within this Service Agreement is a copy of the eSped ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT. Signing this MIS Service Agreement signifies agreement to the eSped ONLINE Agreement. This online application provides a district with virtually everything needed to maintain records for their special populations students. Additionally, Clients can download static data to an Access Database for the purpose of writing reports using either Access or another Report Writer. A process is in place to upload demographic data from the district's Student Information System to eSped.com if the District's SIS can produce the record format required. A district must license all special needs students with this licensing agreement. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Minimum hardware requirements include: PC MAC Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, Operating System: 8.1 or later Windows NT 4 (with Service Pack 5), or XP Intel Pentium processor(Pentium III Power Macintosh Processor (G3 or higher recommended) recommended) Memory: 64 MB of RAM Memo 64 MB of RAM '/2 GB of available hard disks ace '/ GB disks ace available 56K Internet Connection 56K Internet Connection Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet 5.0 (use defaults and see settings) Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 Medium font size display Medium font size display 37 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION ARTICLE XXIII eSPED.COM PRICE LIST eSPED.COM LICENSE FEE One Time Fees for each District: Initial Set up Costs and Data Conversion Fee: Districts with more than 100 students*: • Initial set-up fee per school district S1,500.00 • Data conversion biographic and demographic data fields. Services are subject to the terms and conditions of a separate data conversion services agreement. S1.00/stu or 51,000.00 (Whichever is larger) Districts with 51 to 100 students*: • Initial set-up per school district S 500.00 • Conversion of biographic and demographic data fields. y S 250.00 Districts with up to 50 students*: * Initial set-up per school district S 250.00 * Data conversion biographic and demographic data fields. S 100.00 * Number of students is determined by the Fall PEIMS count of Special Education students for the prior year. 38 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XXIII eSPED.COM PRICE LIST (Continued) Annual Licensing Fees: Package Options: Platinum Package Gold Package Silver Package Bronze Package Pewter Package Basic WeblEP Basic WeblEP Basic WeblEP Basic WeblEP Basic WeblEP TEKS alignment TEKS alignment Access download Access download TEKS alignment Access download Access download FAX System FAX System FAX System FAX System FAX System SIS integration SIS integration COST - S22/stu COST-S20/stu COST - S20/stu COST -S18/stu COST -S18/stu Medicaid Billing System approx. 10 % gross billed I Training (For first time users) S 50 per person Client may elect to use these systems. This process allows the client to download its static data to an Access database for the purpose of writing special reports in Access or other Report Writer. Additional Fees for Optional Services: Districts may purchase manuals of the Goals and Objectives included in eSped for a fee. Each Manual is $275. A district must purchase a minimum number of manuals equal to the number of campuses in the district. A district may purchase more copies. $275 X (9 campuses in the district***) Alternative campuses may be excluded from this calculation. 39 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS S SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT ®2 5 EDUCATION N S VICE CENTER I I ARTICLE XXIV eSPED.COM COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES eSPED.COM District Name District Coordinator # of Students Telephone Number Extension Number eSped.com Annual License Fee Initial set-up fee per school district (one time fee-first year only) Use Correct Table on Paae 38 $ Data conversion (one time fee) # of students @ $ 1 each or $ 1000 (whichever is greater) or use Correct Table on Page 38 $ Platinum Package #of students @ $ 22 each $ Gold Package # of students @ $ 20 each$ Silver Package # of students @ $ 20 each$ Bronze Package # of students @ $ 18 each$ Pewter Package # of students @ $ 18 each$ Medicaid Billing System (approximately 10%of services billed) $ Training #of trainers @ $ 50 each $ Goals& Objectives/TEKS Manuals #of campuses @ $ 275 each $ TOTAL, eSPED.COM FEES S Transfer this Total eSped.com Commitment amount to Page 52. Retain the original PIDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1,2004 to: 1phillips: escI l.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 40 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT - EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XXV eSPED ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT 77:p THIS AGREEMENT(the"Agreement")is entered into between eSped.com.Inc.,with offices at 8A Industrial Way,Salem.NH 03079("eSped")and School District contracting with Region XI Education Service Center("Customer")on the following terms and conditions: 1. Agreement. (a) Generally. This Agreement governs Customer's relationship with eSped as well as its(and its Authorized User's)use of eSped.com's Online Services.The Agreement is comprised of the provisions that follow and any additional or different terms that may from time to time be implemented under Subsection(b)("Changes to Agreement")by eSped. (b) Changes to Agreement. eSped may change or add provisions to this Agreement from time to time in its sole discretion by publishing a notice in the Online Services.All changes are effective upon publication. Customer's continued use of Online Services after the effective date of an) amendment to this Agreement will constitute Customer's acceptance of the amendment. If Customer does not agree with a proposed change,Customer may exercise Customer's termination rights under Section 10("Term &Termination"). 2. Online Services. (a) Generally. eSped will make available to Customer certain application services listed in Schedule A("Price and Term for Online Services"). Customer may also purchase additional services from eSped upon mutual agreement of the parties and which shall be set forth on separate schedules and attached hereto from time to time. For purposes of this Agreement,.all features,access privileges_application services.including all optional or enhanced services,and any additional services purchased by the Customer and set forth on schedules attached hereto from time to time.shall be collectively referred to as Online Services {"Online Services"). eSped may in its sole discretion upgrade,change.add,suspend or discontinue any Online Service(s)at am time. (b) Third Part\Interaction. Customer and its Authorized Users maN enter into correspondence with.purchase goods and/or services from,or participate in promotions of third party advertisers or sponsors showing their good and/or services through Online Services.Any such activity,and any terms.conditions,warranties or representations associated with such activity,is solely between Customer.its Authorized Users and the applicable third party. eSped is not a party to any,transaction between Customer and any third party selling goods and/or services through the Online Services.Sped shall have no liability.obligation or responsibility for an) such correspondence,purchase or promotion between Customer.its.Authorized Users and any such third pam.ESPED DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES REGARDING GOODS OR SERVICES CUSTOMER PURCHASES OR OBTAINS FROM THIRD PARTY SUPPLIES.CUSTOMER AGREES TO LOOK SOLELY TO THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS FOR ALL CLAIMS REGARDING SUCH GOODS OR SERVICES. 3. Access to Online Services. (a) Remote Access Software. Customer may access Online Services through any third part) software that meets the compatibility requirements from time to time published by eSped. Customer assumes all risk for ensuring the ongoing compatibility of third party software with the Online Services. (b) Remote.Access Equipment. Customer is responsible at Customer's own expense to obtain.install,configure and maintain equipment to access and use the Online Services. Customer assumes all risk for ensuring the ongoing compatibility of remote access equipment vith the Online Services. (c) Telecommunications. Customer may access the Online Services Through the Internet. Customer is solely responsible for the cost,installation,performance,integrity.maintenance.and integration of its internet connection. (d) Customer Support. Education Service Center.Region AI shalt provide Customer with technical support for Online Services. 41 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-2005 EDUCATION E VIC CENTER REGION ARTICLE XXV eSPED ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT (Continued) 4. Use of Online Services. (a) Authorized Users. Customer agrees Online Services will be used only by Customer's own employees and agents (Authorized Users)for the beneficial purposes described in section 4(b)("Permitted Uses").To apply for a user account. Authorized Users must complete the registration process by providing eSped with current,complete,and accurate information as prompted by the registration form. Further.Customer certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief;information provided by its.Authorized Users during registration for an Online Services Account shall be accurate,current and complete.During registration.Authorized Users must enter a valid electronic mail address,which shall function as their Login ID. A secret password for obtaining access to the Online Services through each Authorized User's account will be assigned by eSped or chosen by the Authorized User. It is the Authorized Users responsibility to safeguard and protect his or her password from disclosure or use by others. Authorized User will promptly,change his or her password and Customer will immediately notify eSped if Authorized User or Customer has reason to believe any of Customer's Authorized Users'accounts are being accessed or used by others. Authorized Users'accounts cannot be"shared"or used by more than one individual. Customer agrees to maintain a single user account for each of its Authorized Users. Customer and its Authorized Users are solely responsible for any and all activities that occur under Authorized Users'account and for ensuring that Authorized Users properly exit or log off from their accounts at the end of each session of use. eSped is not responsible for any unauthorized access to.or alteration of.Customer's or its Authorized Users'transmissions or Data. (b) Permitted Uses. Subject to timely payment of applicable Service Fee.Customer is granted during the Term of this .Agreement a non-exclusive.nontransferable.limited license to access and make permitted use of the Online Services. For purposes of this Agreement..permitted use("Permitted Use")means to execute Remote Access Software supplied by Customer(or available System Commands),to display information derived from the Online Services on Customer's computer or terminal screen.to download and store in nonvolatile memory insubstantial pans of such information in machine readable form indefinitely,and to print a reasonable number of copies of such information.In addition.Customer may download,store,load and execute on Customer's Remote Access Equipment any JAVA applets or similar client-side routines made available by eSped for such purpose. (c) Prohibited Uses. Except as authorized under Subsection(b)('Permitted Uses").Customer may not display,copy, download,store.reproduce,transmit.distribute,resell or otherwise commercially exploit any part of the Online Services. including any data or information derived from the Online Services,in any format or through any technology,or media now existing or hereafter developed. Customer is specifically prohibited from disseminating any part of the Online Services,data or information in a manner that potentially would usurp the market for the Online Services,including transmittal of copyrighted material from the Online Services without the owner's express authorization and the prior written consent of eSped. (d) User Conduct. Customer and its Authorized Users agree to abide by all applicable local,state.national,and foreign laws, treaties and regulations in connection with Customer and its Authorized Users'use of the Online Services. In addition.Customer certifies its Authorized Users shall not.without limitation,use Online Services or information from Online Services to: (i)harvest.. collect.gather or assemble information or data regarding other users,including e-mail addresses,.without their consent(ii) transmit through or post on the Online Services unlawful.immoral.libelous.abusive,harassing,tortuous,defamatory.threatening. harmful.invasive.\ulgar,obscene or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature which is harmful to minors in any way.(iii)transmit through or post to the Online Sen ices any material that may infringe the intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of third parties,including trademark,copyright or right of publicity,(iv)transmit any material that contains software viruses or other harmful or deleterious computer code.files or programs such as trojan horses.worms.time bombs or cancelbots:(v)interfere with or disrupt the integrity of any data or computer-based information or any servers or networks connected to the Online Services or violate the regulations.policies or procedures of such networks,(vii)attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Online Services.other accounts.computer systems or networks connected to the Online Services,or (viii)harass or interfere with another Customer's use and enjoyment of the Online Services. (e) No Assignment Customer agrees to use Online Services strictly in support of Customers internal operations and to process Customer's own data.Customer may not assign.transfer.sublicense,rent.lease or loan any of Customer's rights.nor delegate any of Customer's obligations under this Agreement and any attempt to the contras shall be void and a material breach of this Agreement. 42 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE an SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-200 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER GI N XI ARTICLE XXV eSPED ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT (Continued) (f) Certain Law-Related Features. Customer may use certain law-related features in the Online Services for general reference only and subject to the following conditions. None of the Online Services,including communications Customer may have with the eSped will establish an attorney-client relationship or constitute specific"legal advice"unless expressly agreed in writing by both parties to the relationship.Customer will not claim detrimental reliance on any information obtained from the Online Services but instead will independently verify through outside sources the accuracy.completeness and fitness of all such information. 5. Price 8 Payment. (a) application Service Fees. eSped shall provide Customer with Online Services in consideration for the"Service Fee"set forth in Schedule A("Price and Ternl for Application Services`).Customer's most recent December 1 report.which Customer agrees to provide to eSped,will be used as the basis for calculating the annual Service Fee throughout the contract term.eSped shall bill Customer annually in advance of the Term also outlined in Schedule A.Customer agrees to pay all Sen ice Fee adjustments,billed monthly,for additional usage.Customer also agrees to maintain all records necessary to accurately calculate Service Fees and adjustments.including its December I Report.and to make such records and reports available to eSped for review and verification. (b) Payment&Late Charges. Customer agrees to pay all charges set forth in Schedule A as well as any adjustments invoiced for additional usage.All charges for Online Services(including any Third Party Supplier charges)shall be invoiced and due prior to the first daN of the Term. Customer will pay,all sales.use.value-added.personal property or other governmental tax or levy imposed on the goods or services provided to Customer(including interest and penalties imposed thereon)other than taxes based on the net income or profits of eSped. If Customer fails to pay any amount when due.then this Agreement(including any license to software)may,at eSped's option,be suspended or terminated. Customer agrees to pay all costs of enforcement.including reasonable legal fees. 6. Certain Proprietary Rights. (a) Confidential Infonnation Ownership. Customer acknowledges and agrees that all right title and interest in and to the Online Services and the features provided therein are the exclusive property of eSped or other owner designated in the Online Services and that the Online Services constitute the confidential and proprietary information of eSped or such other designated owner. Customer N611 at all times use due diligence to safeguard and protect all such confidential and proprietary information. (b) Account Information and Data Rights. eSped does not own any student specific biographic or demographic data. information or material that Customer or its Authorized Users submit to the Online Services("Data').eSped will NOT monitor. edit or willfully disclose any Data except as may be required by law.eSped may access Customer accounts..including its Data.to respond to service or technical problems.Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy.completeness.quality.integrity.legality. reliability,and copyright of such Data.and eSped shall not be responsible or liable for the deletion,correction.loss or failure to store Data.eSped reserves the right to withhold.remove and/or discard Data without notice for any breach of this Agreement by Customer,including.without limitation,non-payment. (c) Copv°rights. Customer agrees that all right.title and interest(including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights) in the Online Services belong exclusively to eSped or other owner designated in the Online Services.Customer grants eSped and its users a royalty free.perpetual.irrevocable.non-exclusive license to use.copy.modify.prepare derivative works of and redistribute any suggestions.ideas.feedback.recommendations or other information,including learning goals and objectives.(in whole or in part)submitted by Customer and its.Authorized Users to the Online Services("Submissions')on a world-wide basis through technologies now existing or hereafter developed.eSped retains exclusive otiynership of all"compilation"and"collective work"copyrights in the selection,coordination and arrangement of such Submissions as a whole. (d) Certain Trade Secrets. The Online Services are provided to Customer in machine readable form.Customer agrees not to disassemble,decompile or reverse engineer any of the Online Services features.Customer also agrees that any information obtained in violation of this restriction will be confidential and information automatically and irrevocably deemed assigned to and owned exclusively by the owner of the original feature. Customer will at all times use due diligence to safeguard and protect all such confidential and proprietary information. 43 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SE VICE CENTER REGION I ART ICLE XXV eSPED ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT (Continued) (e) Identifvina Marks. Customer will ensure that all marks.notices or legends pertaining to the origin,identity or ownership of the Online Services and any data.information or other content obtained from such Online Sen ices remain intact and clearly legible. (f) Confidentiality. eSped will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of any student record information provided by Customer on the Online Services and will only disclose such student record information to those of its employees,consultants or agents who have a need to know such information in order to perform eSped's duties hereunder. 7. Force Maieure. eSped is excused from any failure or delay in performance of responsibilities otherwise imposed by this Agreement for any cause beyond its reasonable control.Such causes include.without limitation,fires,floods.storms.earthquakes. civil disturbances.disruption of telecommunications.transportation,.utilities or necessary supplies.governmental action.computer viruses and incompatible or defective equipment.software or services not supplied by eSped. Nothing herein enlarges any warranty or diminishes an} disclaimer provided in Section 8("Warranties"). 8. Warranties. The following provisions are subject to Section 9("Limitation of Remedies cQ Liabilities"). (a) Noninfringement Warranty. (i) eSped Content. eSped warrants to the best of its knowledge and belief that it has the rights needed to enter into this Agreement and that Permitted Uses by Customer of features in the Online Services created by eSped("eSped Content")will not infringe or misappropriate any United States cop}right.trademark.patent.or the trade secrets of any third persons.If promptly notified of any claim to the contrary.eSped shall(i)defend through litigation or obtain through negotiation Customers right to continue using the eSped Content:(ii)rework the eSped Content to make it noninfringing.or(iii)replace the eSped Content with functionally equivalent content. (ii) User Content. Customer warrants that any Authorized User Content("Authorized User Content")uploaded by Customer to the Online Services will not infringe or misappropriate any copyright.trademark,patent.or the trade secrets of any third persons,or otherwise violate this Agreement or any applicable law.Customer will defend. indemnify and hold eSped harmless from all liability and expense(including attorney fees)arising from any claim to the contrar} and from any breach by Customer of the provisions of this Agreement regulating Authorized User Content.Customer also agrees to have all Authorized User Content contributed through Customer's account screened for software viruses and will use due diligence to remove any viruses capable of being detected with commercially available detection programs. (iii) Securitv, eSped warrants that it will utilize such electronic systems as it deems appropriate or necessary in order to maintain the eonfidentialih and security of the student record information submitted by Customer,which systems may include commercially available fire,,vall and/or encryption programs. eSped does not warrant that these security measures will be 100% effective or error-free. (b ) Third Pam Content. eSped is a distributor(and not a publisher)of any features.contributions or content supplied by third party vendors and available to Authorized Users of the Online Services.It has no more editorial control over such content than does a public library.book store.or newsstand.As such,eSped is not responsible for screening.policing.editing.or monitoring such content.If notified of allegedly infringing.defamatory,damaging,illegal or offensive material.eSped may investigate the allegation and determine in good faith and in its sole discretion whether to remove or request the removal of such material from the Online Services. If eSped elects to perform(or not to perform)any such activities,it shall be held harmless from all claims so long as it acts in good faith. (c) Disclaimer.Except as provided in this Section.Customer agrees that the Online Services are provided strictly on an"as is"and"as available"basis without any express or implied warranty.guarantee or other assurance of quality.conformiv,with specifications,reliabilit}`or functionalit}.Customer accepts all risk concerning suitability,use.performance or nonperformance of the Online Services.ESPED MAKES NO REPRESENTATION,WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE AS TO THE RELIABILITY, TIMLINESS,QUALITY.SUITABILITY.AVAILABILITY.ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE ONLINE SERVICES OR ANY CONTENT INCLUDED THEREIN.ESPED DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT:(1)THE USE OF THE ONLINE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE OR OPERATE IN COMBINATION WITH ANY HARDWARE,SOFTWARE.SYSTEM OR DATA,(11)THE ONLINE SERVICES OR THE QUALITY OF ANY PRODUCTS..SERVICES.INFORMATION OR OTHER MATERIAL PURCHASED OR OBTAINED BY CUSTOMER OR ITS AUTHORIZED USERS THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES WILL MEET ITS REQUIREMENTS OR 44 0����� ���� �� �������� �`�^~�`�~�����`���^` � INFORMATION ��� ���°�^`�^� SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XXV eSPED ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT (Co EXPECTATIONS�(111)ANY DATA STOP-ED WILL BE ACCURATE.COMPLETE OR RELIABLE-(IV)T14E ONLINE SERVICES OR THE SERVER(S)THAT MAKE THE ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS.ESPED MAKES NO REPRESENTATION.WARRANTY.EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. AND DISCLAIMS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY.TITLE.FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY L/\STS, 38 THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY T0 CUSTOMER.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES CUSTOMER SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. CUSTOMER MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS.WHICH VARY FROM STATE T0STATE. 9. Limitation of Remedies& Liabilities. Tbe following prov isions are a material condition of this Agreement and reflect a fair allocation vfrisk: (u) Remedies. Customer agrees that i[the eS»udviolate`any xurraotyo,other provision of this Agreement.and eSn,d determines that repair or other corrective action is not economically or technically feasible.Customer's sole and exclusive remeds ,"ill be to obtain a refund,prorated based on the Term of this Agreement as provided in Schedule A,vf amounts paid for Online Services b\ Customer during the previous twelve(12)months.Customer also agrees that legal remedies alone provide inadequate protection of intellectual property rights described in Section 6("Certain ProprietaT', Kieb,s'')and that,io addition uo other relief, � eSped or other owner max go to court and without necessity of posting bond obtain temporary and permanent injunctions to enforce those rights.Customer\N ill defend. indemni� and hold eSped harmless from all claims and expenses(including reasonable legal fees)arising from any violation b\ &stomer of this Agreement or applicable law. (h) Liabilities. ESPED IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNT EXCEEDING THE PRICE PAID AND/OR DUE FROM CUSTOMER FOR ONLINE SERVICES|e THE TWELVE(|2)MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO ANY CLAIM.IN NO EVENT SHALL ESPED BE LIABLE.'A"HETHER IN CONTRACT.TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE)OR OTHERWISE.FOR ANY INDIRECT.PUNITIVE.SPECIAL.EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL 0m CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 0F ANY TYPE OK KIND(INCLUDING LOST SAVINGS,PROFIT. REVENUE.LOST DATA.uuS/Nc55 INTERRUPTION.USE.OTHER ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE 0R ATTOnN,sYS [ccS EVEN |F NOTIFIED lN ADVANCE 0r SUCH POSSIBILITY)INCURRED aY CUSTOMER.0u ARISING OUT OF.0R|N ANY WAY CONNECTED'A"ITH ONLINE SERVICES.INCLL'!DING BUT NOT LIN41TED TO CUSTOMER'S USE OR INABILITY T0 USE THE ONLINE SERVICES.FOR PURPOSES 0F THIS SUBSECTION,''c5»Fo''INCLUDES ALL THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS AND ANY DISTRIBUTOR.PUBLISHER OR RESELLER FROM WHOM CUSTOMER OBTAINED THE ONLINE SERVICES OR OTHER COMPONENTS.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION Okuxx|TaT|0NOF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OmC0MSC0UcwT}AL DAMAGES.S0 THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY T0CUSTOMER. lO. . <m Generally. e5ncd shall.during the''Tcrm-defined in .pmvidr Customer with Online Services in consideration for the"Service Fee"also set forth in Schedule A.This Agreement shall continue io full force and effect until terminated hx either party upon thirty(3V)days written notice.Nom i/bmxoding the foregoing.(i) uuned ma) suspend v,terminate this Agreement at any time without notice if Customer breaches mcwmvi^inuvf it.and(i<) Customer mav terminate this Agreement at an\ time if Customer does not agree to m»amendment published under Section |(b)(''Cbungesmxgrrcmcu,'). (N Effect of Termination. Tconinubouvr this Agreement will terminate Customer's right m access v,use the Online Services.Tcnviumiouvi||have n"effect^opvmomvfxm^un�due under Sc�ioox(''pncc&�ymenu^),pmpn�mThub�and vhxgudoosunder 3cchno6(^Ce�uinrnnpricmnxigb/,''),iodomnifiuuhon^or disclaimers under Section V(''wuonnb,,^). limitations under Section 9("Limitation of Remedies&Liabilities")or continuing assurances made under Section l2(''Exp`rt Regulations"). Upon Termination for cause.Customer's right to access or use Data immediateIN ceases.and eSped shall have m, obligation m maintain any Data stored inCvaomc,'succoumo,mfomm,dun/dmumCumxmoo,an«mi,drunx. |o tile event that Customer terminates this Agreement for reason other than its breach vfthis Agreement.rSrcd shall make available m Customer a file of its Data if Customer so requests its Data at the time of its notif ication of termination. 45 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE an SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004- 5 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI AR'T'ICLE XXV eSPED ONLINE SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT (Continued 11. Disputes.Choice of Law, Except actions for certain injunctive relief authorized under Section 4("Limitation of Remedies& Liabilities"),which may be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction at any time,the parties agree that all disputes shall be submitted to a single arbitrator for nonbinding arbitration under proceedings conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.The award of the arbitrator shall be limited to remedies otherwise available in court and shall include a written explanation of the decision.If the parties are still unable to reconcile their differences after the arbitrator issues its award.the dispute then may be taken to court by either party. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBSTANTIVE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND NEW HAMPSHIRE.AND ANY ACTION SHALL BE INITIATED AND MAINTAINED IN A FORUM OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IN SUCH DESIGNATED STATE. ANY ACTION OR OTHER PROCEEDING BY CUSTOMER SHALL BE INITIATED WITHIN ONE(1)YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION AROSE.OR BE BARRED. 12. Export Regulations. (a) Export Control. eSped's Online Services rely on software and technology that may be subject to United States export controls administered by the U.S.Department of Commerce,the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control,and other U.S.agencies and the export control regulations of the European Union.Customer acknowledges and agrees that Online Services shall not be used,and none of the underlying information,software or technolog) may be transferred or otherwise exported or re-exported to Afghanistan,Burma.Cuba. Iraq,Iran.Libya,Sudan or an} other countries to which the United States and/or the European Union maintains an embargo(collectively."Embargoed Countries'),or to or by a national or resident thereof..or any person or entit-, on the U.S.Department of Treasury's List of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce's table of Denial Orders(collectively."Designated Nationals'). The lists of Embargoed Countries and Designated Nationals are subject to change without notice. By using the Online Services.Customer agrees to comply strictly with all U.S. and European Union export laws and assumes sole responsibility for first obtaining licenses to export or re-export as may be required. This provision and the assurances made herein shall survive termination of this Agreement. (b) International Use, Online Services may use encryption technology that is subject to the licensing requirements under the U.S.Export Administration regulations, 15 C.F.R.Parts 730-774 and Council Regulation(EC)No. 1334/2000. eSped makes no representation that the Online Services is appropriate or available for use outside the United States.Customer is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws for use of Online Services outside the United States.including export or import regulations of other countries. 13. Miscellaneous. This Agreement constitutes the entire and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to this subject matter and supersedes all other communications.whether written or oral. This Agreement may be amended as provided in Section I(b)("Changes to Agreement"). Any other amendment shall require a writing signed by eSped,regardless of any course of conduct or trade practice between the parties.This document and Customer's signature in electronic form.or a hardcopy duplicate in good form.shall be considered an original document with authenticated signature admissible into evidence unless the document's authemicir} is genuinely placed in question.Customer may issue a purchase order for administrative convenience,but it will have no substantive effect on the terms or conditions of this Agreement. Any provision hereof found by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable shall be automatically conformed to the minimum requirements of law and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 'Naiver of any provision hereof in one instance shall not preclude enforcement of it on future occasions. Headings are for reference purposes only and have no substantive effect. Signing this MIS Service Agreement constitutes agreement to the provisions of the eSped Online Access Agreement. 46 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XXVI STUDENT SYSTEMS RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SUPPORT DUTIES OF EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER • Provide hands-on training with first-year installation of Win School, Open District, K I 2PIanet, HealthOff ice 2000 Enterprise, and eSped.com. • Assist with the initial installation of all Student Systems software on School District's computer(s). • Assist with all possible data file conversion from previous software vendor. • Provide on-site visits as needed with the initial software installation. • Provide telephone consultation at any time. • Provide additional training sessions., if requested, at the price described in Pricing List, Article XIV. Provide up to four walk-in or on-site visits per district, if requested. • Provide a copy of all software updates with instructions for installation. • Provide a copy of documentation to accompany software. • Maintain a backup of all software. • Provide a backup processing site if School District experiences extended downtime or loss of hardware. • Ensure that MIS Student Systems are in full compliance with TEA requirements at all times. DUTIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT • Provide and maintain all hardware necessary to run Win School, K I 2PIanet, Open District, HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise and/or eSped.com software. • Perform all data entry necessary to establish data files and operate the systems on a routine basis. • Procure all necessary paper stock- and other supplies. • Perform, maintain, and verify all file backups • Allow staff to attend all traininc, sessions provided by Education Service Center. • Allow staff to attend all scheduled meetings at Education Service Center concerning updates and enhancements to student systems. • Each School District shall designate a person to function as District Coordinator. • Each Campus shall designate person(s)to function as Campus Coordinator(s). • Maintain the integrity of the software by not altering or transferring to other sites. • Maintain copies of all software releases and updates. 47 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE a SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004- 5 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER EG N XI ARTICLE XXVII NOVELL OR NT/2000 NETWORK SUPPORT The network servers and workstations supported in this agreement are restricted to those components listed in Articles V1, XIII, and XXII. This initiative, in conjunction with the RSCCC Business Systems, Win School student software, Healthmaster and eSped create a well-balanced support package for district campuses. This combination of services insures proper operation of RSCCC, Win School, Open District. Healthmaster, eSped and eClass products on district servers and workstations. TRAINING Novell and NT workshops offered by MIS at the Education Service Center will focus on the needs of the schools using the Network Service Agreement. An initial orientation to the network and server will be performed at the school site. The initial orientation is NOT intended to replace formal workshop training, but will help the school staff member manage the network and perform very basic procedures on the server. Certified Novell courses and Windows NT workshops are offered regularly through the ESC Region XI Technology Department. NETWORK SUPPORT TO NOVELL AND NT NETWORK SERVERS The MIS department will provide network support to the district's Novell and NT networks under agreement (per server basis). Up to 5 incidents are allowed (see incidents below). A site survey will be conducted and serial numbers will be recorded for all servers under this agreement. FIVE INCIDENTS FOR ON-SITE TECHNICAL SUPPORT An incident is the resolution of a specific problem regardless of the number of visits needed to solve the problem. When the district requests assistance requiring an on-site visit, an incident will be opened and assigned a number. This incident will be tracked and documented throughout the process. Upon resolution of the problem, the district/campus will be provided documentation describing the problem and the resolution. Upon mutual agreement, the document will be signed indicating closure to this incident. The district/campus will be allowed 5 incidents during this agreement. Additional on-site visits will be charged at a rate of$60 per hour, with a minimum of$120 and maximum of$300 per day. 48 MANAGEMENT NF AT SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER GI N XI ARTICLE XXVII NOVELL OR NT/2000 NETWORK SUPPORT (Continued} UNLIMITED TELEPHONE AND E-MAIL SUPPORT MIS will provide unlimited telephone and e-mail support for RSCCC Business Systems, Win School, and Healthmaster networks and workstations. Each call will be documented and entered into a locy for future access. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADES OF NOVELL OR NT NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM MIS will install, configure, and upgrade the supported Novell or NT operating systems on RSCCC Business Systems, Win School and Healthmaster servers. All electrical outlets and the network infrastructure (cabling, etc.) must be in place prior to the installation. INSTALLATION OF SOFTWARE Application software will be installed on all RSCCC, Win School and Healthmaster network servers, providing the software is networkable, the district/campus has a license for the software, and it is available during the initial set-up of the server. Software that needs to be installed after the initial installation or on existing servers requires the use of an incident (described above). District/campus must notify David Sons at (817) 740-7506 of any software installations or changes to the server covered under this agreement. The agreement does not include the installation of application software on individual workstations. TROUBLESHOOTING OF NETWORK PROBLEMS MIS will attempt to resolve the problem on the telephone with the contact person. If the problem is not resolved over the phone, MIS will dial into the network system, via the district-installed line, and attempt to resolve the problem through remote dial-up connection. Finally, if the problem is not resolved, an incident will be opened and MIS will go on-site to resolve the problem. 49 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE an SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT - EDUCATION E E CENTER EGI N XI ARTICLE XXVII NOVELL OR NT/2000 NETWORK SUPPORT (Continued) REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTRICTS TO QUALIFY FOR NETWORK SUPPORT • Battery backup installed on servers • Tape backup installed in network and set for nightly backup • Modem installed in network and PC Anywhere 32 for remote support • NetWare 5.x/6.x or Windows NT/2000 • Windows 98/2000/XP or NT Workstation • Designated site contact (network manager) • Cabling system must be inspected and accepted by MIS SERVICES COVERED • Five incident calls a. An incident is defined as a problem which may not be solved by phone or modem and may require one or more trips to the site to resolve b. Districts with a service agreement on more than one server may combine incident calls district-wide c. Additional on-site visits @ $60 per hour, upon request, with a minimum of$120 and maximum of$300 per day • Labor on server repairs only (parts must be purchased by district) • Installation and troubleshooting of peripheral devices which attach to or complement the functionality of the RSCCC and Win School software • Workstation network client software • Network printing and printer configuration associated with the RSCCC and Win School software • Installation and upgrading the network operating system SERVICES NOT COVERED • Workstation hardware repair • Software installed on local hard drives, except RSCCC, Win School, and Network client software • Network products other than Novell or NT. unless authorized by ESC Region XI MIS Technical Support Group • Printer repair • Network cable repair • Support for non-RSCCC and Win School software packages beyond installation 50 MANAGEMENT INF ATI SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2 4-2 EDUCATION E VICE CENTER EG N XI ARTICLE XXVIII NOVELL OR NT/2000 NETWORK SUPPORT PRICE LIST Novell or NT/2000 Network Support Annual Server Support Fee New File Servers S 2000 each File Server Renewals S 1000 each ARTICLE XXIX NOVELL OR NT/2000 NETWORK SUPPORT CONMMITMENT FOR SERVICES NOVELL OR NT/2000 NETWORK SUPPORT New File Server # sites @ $ 2000 each $ File Server Renewal # sites @ $ 1000 each $ TOTAL NETWORK SUPPORT S Transfer this Total Novell or NT/2000 Network Support Commitment amount to Page 52. List each site separately. Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Network Site Administrator Phone Duplicate this page if you require additional sites. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1,2004 to: 1phillipsO%escI I.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 51 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI ARTICLE XXX COMMITMENT FOR SERVICES Total RSCCC Business Commitment (page 15) 0.00 I Total RSCCC PEI MS System Commit (page 17) Total Win School Regular Site Commitment (page 25) Total Win School Alternative Site Commit (page 28) S 0.00 Total Win School Special Site-1 Commit (page 29) $ 0.00 Total Win School Special Site-11 Commit (page 3 0) $ 0.00 Total in School Retraining Commitment (page D'1) $ 0.00 Win School K12Planet Commitment (page 33) $ 0.00 HealthOffice 2000 Enterprise Commitment (page 36) $ 0.00, eSped.com Commitment (page 40) $ 0.00 Total Network Support (page 5 1) S 0.00 Total District Commitment Enter the Total District Commitment amount on page 52. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1, 2004 to: 1phillipscescl l.net MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76106 52 MANAGEMENT INF A I SYSTEMS SOFTWARE and SUPPORT SERVICE AGREEMENT 2004-2005 EDUCATION E VICE CENTER I ARTICLE XXXI AUTHORIZATION FOR SERVICES Rc-ct- SrtruuFffiftriet has approved the use of the specified MIS Software Systems for the 2004-2005 school year. The district agrees to pay for the contracted services as indicated in this service agreement for the total amount of Superintendent of S "Os Date ° THIS AGREEMENT IS ACCEPTED BY EDUCA'T'ION SERVICE CENTER REGION XI AS INDICATED ABOVE. Executive Director Education Service Center Region XI X3 ,0 Ll Date Education Service Center will return a copy of this page to the School District. Retain the original PDF document for your records. Return a copy of the completed PDF document by June 1. 2004 to: 1phillipsO;esc I l.net FAX this page after the Superintendent has signed it to: Attn: Linda Phillips at(817)-140-')64') OR snail the entire document to Linda Phillips. MIS Mail address: MIS Department Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,Texas 76106 53 04-06 ESC Region Contract '.es WA 04-06 2004-2005 District/Charter School Membership Commitment For Billing to districts/charter schools will occur on October 1, 2004,based on actual enrollment. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice and may be paid quarterly or annually. ESC REGION XI Cost Extended BASIC CONTRACT FEE $650.00 per district $650.00 COOPERATIVE FEES: Instructional Services Cooperative $.85 per ADA (2003-2004 refined ADA) -Credit by Exam -ESL Test Purchasing Cooperative -New Generation System Data Input (Signature required on attached contracts.Must belong to Instructional Services Contract to access these services.) Educational Technology,Distance Learning, Library and $1.85 per ADA Instructional Media Services Cooperative (2003-2004 refined ADA) 3�, Superintendent and School Board Training $800.00 per district ?,moo, O Field Services Cooperative $500.00 per district Administrative Services Cooperative $30 per ADA (2003-2004 refined ADA) TOTAL. We hereby agree to pay for the contracted service as indicated above. C-}<lz 4 L_&.d Ic Education Service Center Region XI Se3��strrct/Charter School Superintendent/Dir-9geor Executive Director 5f- ) ?> c q Date Date Please return commitment form and other signature pages by May 3, 2004, to the address below. An original will be returned to you for your records. Jennifer R.Coffey ESC Region XI V 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,TX 76106 2 Basic ESC Region XI Contract for Comprehensive Services District/Charter School Membership When your district/charter school contracts for one or more of the four cooperatives, ESC Region XI support assures quality services in the following areas: ® Communication and dialogue with school district personnel on pertinent state and federal legislation; ® Information dissemination of rules, regulations, standards, and other legislative and agency mandates; ® Assistance with preparation for scheduled compliance and accountability monitoring visits; ® Telephone technical assistance; ® On-site technical assistance at a reduced cost; ® Other ESC Region XI services such as textbook preview center, software preview center, online catalog and registration for ESC Region XI Professional Development Opportunities, coordination of special interest networks, ESC Region XI Directory, and an annual report of ESC Region XI workshops attended by district staff, E-mail services; ® 50% reduction of fees for on-site training in your district/school; i TASA Study Group meetings quarterly; and i Superintendent cluster meetings quarterly. 3 Region XI Instructional Services Cooperative (District/Charter School Membership) The Instructional Services Cooperative includes services in the following areas: • All curriculum content areas (English language arts,math, science, social studies), pre-K-12 • Curriculum alignment and integration • Instructional strategies for all students, including special populations • Integration of technology into instruction • Texas Assessment Program, including TAKS,SDAA,LDAA,RPTE,LPOP,TPRI, Tejas LEE • Instructional assessment • Data disaggregation and analysis for improvement planning, including instructional supports, professional development planning, family involvement, etc. • State and federal accountability systems • Compliance with federal and state requirements, including NCLB,IDEA,Migrant, Bilingual, Title I-V,Performance Based Compliance,Financial Compliance, Special Education Compliance and Interventions, Dyslexia,Advanced Academics, Career and Technology Education,Early Childhood,Compensatory Education, Transition • Health,P.E.,health-related support services(e.g. vision/hearing screening, school nurses, etc.) • Classroom management/behavior management • Supports for all special populations (e.g. students with disabilities,bilingual/ESL, etc.) • Instructional support to low performing campuses/districts/charter schools • Family involvement • Related and support services(speech/language pathology, counselors,diagnosticians, psychologists,OT/PT, assistive technology, etc.) • Program evaluation Contracting districts/charters will receive the following services: • Reduced (half of non-contract fee) or no cost professional development • Onsite training and technical assistance at a 50%reduction in cost • Unlimited telephone, e-mail, face-to-face technical assistance at no cost • No cost informational meetings for job alike groups • Regular electronic updates for Instructional Leaders and other specialized groups • Ongoing support for compliance requirements FEE: $.85 per ADA On site training - $650/day per consultant for contract members On site training - $1300/day per consultant for non-contract members ESC CONTACT: Dr. Francine Holland,Deputy Executive Director,Instructional Services 4 ESC Region Xl Credit By Exam Purchasing and Testing Co-op The Education Service Center Region XI agrees to provide the following services to Credit By Exam Purchasing and Testing Co-op members: a Set dates for required testing and provide member districts with schedule for testing; ® Order test n ded per the member districts registrations; ® Administer th ests per the established schedule; ® Provide site for t t administration; ® Provide member di 'cts a sample copy of a notice,in English, for publicizing the CBE testing; ® Provide member distn s with sample policy or procedures as appropriate; and ® Bill each member dist-nc er exam at one of the following rates: ® $25 er exam s the cost of each exam, for Instructional Services contracted districts (districts will e billed at full rate for no-shows), ® $50 per exam plus a cost of each exam for all other non-contract districts, or ® $100 per exam plus th ost of the exam for non-Region XI districts/schools and home- schooled students. As a member of the Region XI Credit By Exam ollaborative, ISD agrees to provide the following: ■ Designate a person within the district to sery as the member district's contact; ® Conduct a conference with students pursuing E. Stress the following: 1) limit of two, 3-hour tests per day, 2) district will be billed full fee for all no-sh ws, 3) all CBE testing conducted at ESC XI, 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM; and 4)student provides own sack lunch. ® Conduct registrations within the district, collect regi ations and mail/fax to EEC's Region XI CBE Co-op contact within required registration timelines (no late istrations will be accepted); ® Publicize legal notices regarding CBE testing; ® Provide any additional items for assessment that are a p f the ISD's curriculum; ® Receive the test scores provided by the test contractor; ® Provide at least one person from each member district to roc r testin and to supervise the students from its district; ® Remit the cost of each exam ordered and the ESC user fee er tes when billed; and ® Determine district transportation arrangements for students to and m the testing site. This agreement between and C Region XI pertains to examinations for acceleration and credit retrieval, grades 1-12 (not kindergart\DeboBrown.eriod of September 1,2004—August 31,2005. Fees are based on costs incurred by ESC ched Credit By Exam rules:Texas Education Code and Texas Administrative Code. The credit by examination contact for the Education Service Center Region XI is She can be reached at(817)740-7592,or dbrown(ii%escl l.net or Fax: (8 17) 740-7684. Superintendent Date ESC Region XI Executive Director Date Print name of ISD contact for CBE Collaborative Phone No. E-Mail ad ss Please return contract by May 3,2004,to the address below. An original will be returned to you for your re rds. Jennifer R. Coffey ESC Region XI 3001 North Freeway- Fort Worth,TX 76106 5 ESC Region XI Credit by Exam Calendar 2004-2005 Cycle 1: July 1, - December 1, Testing Dates Registration Deadlines July 7, 2004 Wed sday June 4, 2004 July 8, 2004 Thurs June 4, 2004 July 9, 2004 Friday June 4, 2004 October 22, 2004 Friday September 24, 2004 October 23, 2004 Saturday September 24, 2004 Cycle 2: January 1, 2005- June 30, 2005 Testing Dates egistration Deadlines March 18, 2005 Friday Fe rLI 1, 2005 March 19, 2005 Saturday Feb ary 1, 2005 June 22,2005 Wednesday May ,2005 June 23, 2005 Thursday May 6,2005 Cycle 3: July 1, 2005- December 31, 2005 Testing Dates Registration Deaqlines July 5, 2005 Tuesday May 17, 2005 July 6, 2005 Wednesday May 17, 2005 July 7, 2005 Thursday May 17, 2005 October 21, 2005 Friday September 2, 2005 October 22, 2005 Saturday September 2, 2005 All testing will take place at the Education Service Center Region XI,3001 N. Freeway,Fort Worth,Tftas. CBE Contact: Debora Brown,817-740-7592 6 ESC REGION XI ENGLISH AND SPANISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST PURCHASING CO-OP CONTRACT September 1, 2004 —August 31, 2005 Education Service Cente egion XI will provide: 1) IDEA Oral langu e,reading,and writing language proficiency test materials for testing :, ESL/Bilingual I stu den as required by state law(enough materials for every student who must be tested)based on 2004 PE MS LEP enrollment. MS LEP enrollment. 2) Examiner's Manuals o sets per campus 3)Test Pictures-two sets p campus vv, b • Testing materials will not provided for non-required purposes • Spanish language tests will b distributed only to districts with Bilingual programs. • Those districts with ESL progrr;s will receive only the tests in the Englis version. • All manuals remain the property f ESC Region X1. • Any lost or damaged manuals or test pictures will be replaced at the district's expense. • All reusable test materials remain th4roperty of ESC Region XI and must be returned when the district is no longer a member of thc,co-op. The following district fees schedule is based on the numbe\rof identified ESL/Bilingual students on the 2004 PEIMS report: 0 - 15 16 - 25 $850 26 - 50 $1050 51 - 100 $1550 101 - 150 $2100 151 - 200 $2600 201 - 250 $3100 251 - 300 $3600 301 - 500 $5100 501 - 700 $6800 701 - 900 $8700 901 - 1200 $14,250 School District Contact one Number Superintendent -Date ESC Region XI Executive Director Date ESC Region XI Contact: Elizabeth Rowland,Ed.D. Telephone: (8 17) 740-7625 Fax: (817) 740-3622 Please return signed contract by May 3,2004,to the address below. An original will be returned to you for your records. Jennifer R.Coffey ESC Region X1 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,TX 76106 7 ESC Region XI Migrant Program New Generation Data Input Contract 2004®2005 D\Ensure onsibilities: annual New Generation System(NGS)training provided by ESC XI fy migrant designee/contact train district personnel e email address for migrant designee/contact equested data to ESC NGS clerk within prescribed timelines e match between Certificate of Eligibility(COE)and PEIMS for eligible migrant students a sit log of documentation and summarize data submitted ct ina uracies in the data and/or Certificate of Eligibility(COE) submitted to ESC lete all r uired activities within prescribed timelines and as mandated by state: • Co'Plete and submit COEs • Verify 2esidency and Priority of Services • Review for continuation of services • Conduct S Quality Control • Determine art submit Limited English Proficiency(LEP)status • Submit regular�school year data:withdrawals;termination codes;graduation plans; state assessment�arogram results; secondary credit—fall/spring semester grades; missing credits an d�artial credits; alternate student identification number(PEIMS); updated facilities; me41cal/alert immunization data; regular term coursework for grades 6-8;recommended courses for fall schedule ; supplemental program data • Submit Summer/Intersession data: enrollments; withdrawals; supplemental program data; academic and health data `P4 ESC Responsibilities: • Provide annual New Generation System(NGS)training and updates • Provide forms for data collection N • Enter data into NGS within prescribed timelines • Return inaccurate data or Certificates of Eligibility for correction • Generate reports for district and campus planning ,y • Review NGS Quality Control checklist • Provide technical assistance yet ESC Region XI Contact: Patsy Caudill, 817-740-7585 We hereby agree to pay for the contracted service as indicated above. `. Education Service Center Region XI School District/Charter School . Superintendent/Director Executive Director Date Date ` E. Please return contract by May 3,2004,to the address below. An original will be returned to you"for your records. t� Jennifer R.Coffey N. ESC Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth,`1'X 76106 8 ESC Region XI Educational Technology, Distance Learning, Library and Instructional Media Services— Public Schools 2004-2005 The Department of Educational Technology offers the following services and discounts for districts that join the Educational Technology, Distance Learning, Library and Instructional Media Services Cooperative: Free Access to Licensed Videostreaming (Digital video resources)for teachers and students to use in the classroom. Teachers have immediate access to download and use licensed digital videos, video clips and related teacher and student resource materials. Districts have been provided a videostreaming caching server to assist with videostreaming in the district. Additional titles will be made available at no additional cost during the year from the licensed collection at the Center. Additional digital video titles can be licensed through the Center for a cooperative licensing fee from other digital video vendors. (Note: Nonparticipating districts must erase all previously downloaded and duplicated licensed materials.) Free Campus Placement of Licensed Videos for teachers to use in the classroom. A $5 duplication fees applies to cover the cost of the tape or CD-ROM (some titles are available in high resolution CD-ROM format), duplication, labeling, case and delivery. As a result, teachers have immediate classroom access to licensed video materials. (Note: Nonparticipating districts must return all previously duplicated and licensed materials.) Free On-line Informational Resources such as Facts on File and/or K-12 Teaching and Learning Center and discounts on other on-line resources selected and purchased by the district or campus through the regional cooperative such as the Digital Knowledge Central (Britannica, NewsBank, and EBSCO), Groliers, Gale, and others. Free 'Technical and Planning Assistance for Technology, Distance Learning, Library, and Instructional Media including but not limited to ® Integrating technology into the curriculum addressing the TEKS/TAKS, On-line resources, Distance learning design and implementation, Development of technology plans, ® Development of library media programs based on state and national library standards, ® Library automation systems, ® E-Rate application assistance, Internet integration and usage, and other related areas Discounted pricing on duplication of Audiotapes including Textbooks-on-Tape and Literature-on-Tape ($2.50 vs. $3.50 per audiotape) Discounted pricing on duplication of lion-licensed Videotapes such as tapes made available through TEA, RETN Sessions, TETN Sessions, satellite broadcasts, and other providers. ($5.00 vs. $10.00 per title) 9 Miscounted Professional Development The Regional Technology Integration Initiative (50% Discount)* • Principals Academy Series • Instructional Technology Integration Specialists Academy Series • Technical Academy Series On-line Professional Development via live and archived videostreaming(50% Discount)* Regional workshops published via the on-line Catalog ($40 vs. $80 per day per person)* Contracted customized workshops ($650 vs. $1,300 per day per contracted workshop) Tech Academy— 10 days of training for an Instructional Leader to develop technical skills ($800 vs. $1,600 per person) High Tech Academy—9 days of high level application training ($800 vs. $1,600 per person) d Get Techie - 4 days of hands-on Office training with integration activities. ($2,600 contracted or-site vs. $5,200 per contracted workshop) Campus Based Technology Integration Specialist—Contracted mentoring at the campus level for just in time professional development. ($650 a day vs. $1,300 per contracted day; suggested 12 days minimum) r Vid-it Training— 5 days of teaching via two-way distance learning - $4,000 for a class of 16 vs $8,000 (customized variations are available) On-line Resources in the Classroom- ($40 per day per person or$2,600 contracted academy vs. $80 and $5,200) Library Academy— 10 sessions for school librarians ($250 vs. $500 per person or$30 vs. $60 per session)* Two sessions of A+ Certification Training—5 days per session at $40 a day plus materials vs. $80 per day plus materials Other Academies and Programs at a 50% discount Miscounted On-line Resources over the Region XI Telecommunications Network(RETN) such as Novanet, library reference resources, on-line instructional resources, and other reference and database materials. Membership in the 'Technology Advisory Committee where designated district staff members receive updates related to educational technology, telecommunications, library and instructional media developments, have opportunity to provide feedback on programs and services, and participate in training and technical assistance. Information regarding state and federal requirements and grants are discussed and shared. * Title III) Shared Services Arrangement—Participation in this Contract is a pre-requisite to participation in the regional Title III) Shared Services Arrangement. Under the Title IID SSA, district staff can participate at "no cost"in the regionally cale ndared technology professional development, in the Texas Teacher Technology Competencies Certification program, and in a variety of electronic field trips via the regional network. MEMBERSHIP FEE: $ 1.85 per ADA plus Discounted fees as noted ESC CONTACT: Dr. Randal Douglas Director for Educational Technology 10 C Region Administrative Services Cooperative (District Membership) 2004-05 The Administrative Services Division is offering this portion of the ESC XI contract to school districts that would like to purchase administrator development and support services. The Administrative Services Cooperative applies to all district superintendents, central office staff, principals, assistant principals, and all educators in leadership roles. Administrator Development and Support Services include: • TEA/SBEC rule/regulation dissemination and interpretation including individual district support and assistance • Opportunity for district participation in innovative leadership development sessions and/or projects at a reduced cost • Reduced fees for all nationally recognized administrator training and/or products • Reduced fees on School Leadership Support products • Reduced fees for all SBEC Principal Standards-Based administrator development sessions (all ESC XI sessions are aligned to Region XI Principal/Assistant Principal Assessment data) • Reduced fees for customized, on-site leadership development sessions focused on specific district/campus needs • Reduced fees for School Board Planning and Goal Setting sessions • Reduced fees for Principal Induction Services including Mentor Training and First Time Administrator Academy • Reduced fees for Site-Based Decision Making Training and support • Instructional Leadership Development training and certification • PDAS training, certification, assistance, and support Fee: $ .30 per 2003-04 ADA On-site workshops: $650 per day per consultant for Contract Members On-site workshops: $1300 per day per consultant for Non Contract Members ESC Contact: Ann Hoover, Director, Administrator Development 11 ESC Region Superintendent and School Board Member Training Cooperative District/Charter School Membership This portion of the ESC contract provides school board members and superintendents access to all continuing education activities for which school board training credit is awarded by ESC Region XI. Contracting districts will receive the following services: • ESC Region XI is a state-approved sponsor and offers approved programs in which school board members can participate and receive school board member training credit. Fee 2004-2005 training to member districts will include: 2 hours Level I Texas Education Code Update Training. 3 hours of Level I Texas Education Code Orientation Training. Hot Topic nights Level III Training. • ESC Region XI will occasionally host and sponsor other groups that provide school board member training. • ESC Region XI staff will be available to contract with districts to customize school Level II Team of Eight and Level III board member training, $300 on-site cost. Fee: Members: $800 per District Individual Board member fees: No Cost On-site workshops $300 per three-hour session per board On-site workshops $300 per three-hour session per cluster Other recognized national or state workshops will be offered at a reduced rate Non-members: Individual board member fee to attend workshop : $65 On-site workshops $500 per three-hour session per board On-site workshops $500 per three-hour session per cluster Other recognized national or state workshops will be offered at the regular rate ESC CONTACT: James Scott, Director of Field Support Services 817-740-3603 12 ESC Region X1 Field Services Cooperative Contract District School Membership To include: • Providing districts with ESC & TEA contacts • Technical Assistance • Information • Guidance • Rules and regulations at local, state, and federal levels FEE: $500 ESC CONTACT: James Scott, Director of Field Support Services 817-740-3603 13