HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 06-20 WA Approving the installation of the ActRadio Program WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 06-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF THE ACTRADIO PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the installation of the Actradio program, as described in the attached Exhibit "A", will assist the staff of Westlake Academy in keeping the parents up to date on activities and important announcements; and WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees finds that it is in the best interests of the parents, students and faculty that the ActRadio program be installed on the campus of the Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby approve the installation of the ActRadio program. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. ATTEST: Scott Bradle , President Ginger Alhj, Acting Secretary &bara L. Brizu la, Head of School APPROVE TO . L. anton L y, ey EXHIBIT A WA Pies (AP-ZD ACTRADIO ActRadio is a new kind of radio transmitter- the first of its kind! No bigger than a small 'VCR- weighs less than 4 pounds! Anyone can use to broadcast their own pre-recorded advertising messages directly to the radio's of cars stopped near their location. As simple to use as a telephone answering machine. Here's how its works: N. 1. Place the Transmitter in a convenient office or room anywhere inside your school. Install the exterior antenna near where parents pull into the the parking lot. Each morning and afternoon, record your message onto digital voice chip using handheld microphone. Sample Sign Actradio { * i WESTLAKE ACADEMY aclra dii o TUNE YOUR CAR RADIO NOW TUNE CAR RADIO TO 1600 AM AM FOR YOUR DAILY NEWS & FOR INF0RMAIION ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. Alert parents and students via your newsletter, a sign or banner encouraging them to tune-in to your updates and last minute school news. 3. Parents and students hear your voice, your message, every day -just as if you were standing outside greeting them personally! The result? Better-informed parents And Students at every grad level. ActRadio can be use by a School's principal to broadcast their own pre-recorded messages to the car radios of parents and students as they drive onto the school's grounds. It's a great way to remind everyone about what's going on. For example: Did the basketball team win last night? Announce it on ActRadio! Did the PTA or PTO meeting time change? Get the word out fast on ActRadio! Are concert tickets going fast? Spread the word with ActRadio! Does the fundraiser need one final push to meet its goal? Rally support - immediately -- through ActRadio! Is the school picnic on or off because of bad weather? Broadcast the final word on ActRadio! ActRadio can be a lifesaver when you need to get out last-minute information, or announce unexpected changes to plans fast. It's the most immediate way to communicate with parents and students available. Plus, with the simple flip of a bypass switch, ActRadio goes live...and so can you and your students! It's a great opportunity to have a lot of fun, and learn at the same time. Introduce students to radio broadcasting by starting a club or offering a class. This student "radio station" will easily cover the school grounds, but be assured, the signal will not reach into the surrounding neighborhoods and cause any problems_ ActRadlo Schools - Transmitter Specs Page I of 3 W.: actradio, Home Contact Us Company Info 800-444-8: Welcome Schools New *Advanced* Schools Menu :.-..'Home Transmitter Specs (u4s"I' '.Parent Comments kv, )A ,:FAQuestions ,::�'Products/Pricing actradio,� `ai`Sample Scripts News Articles J. Important Features: Longer Message Time - 5 minutes of message time lets you say all you need You don't need to fill it all, however! Your message repeats immediately witf air time. 117 Stations Available on LED Display - Transmits on any AM station 530• Two-Part Message Option - You can record the first part of the message, the add to the end of it. This means you can lock in a perfect message that you "a! want on the transmitter, and later only add the information about a new locatil promotion. Enhanced Sound Quality - The new generation of memory chips have a 271/ "Sampling Rate." You sound crisp and clear. (This does NOT use a tape!) Solid State Memory for Message Storage -Message stored on computer chi wears out! Hand Held Microphone - This is in addition to the built-in microphone, and recordings easier to do, and better sounding. No-Drift Frequency Control /Better Range - Sophisticated quartz locked, tuning system keeps your transmitter perfectly tuned for strongest Output. Get http://www.actradio-com/schools/transmitterspecs.htm 11/8/2006 ActRadio Schools - Transmitter Specs Page 2 of 3 every inch of range allowed by the F.C.C. Key Lock- When you pull out the key, no one can tamper with your messag( frequency Simple Push Button Controls - One button record, one button transmit. Plus stop during your recording, then start up again. External Transmitter - For those tough locations that need greatly extended External ATU will cover a larger geographic area -- often up to a quarter mile more. Fully FCC Approved -No license needed. Just plug in and you're on the air. Technical Specifications • Range*: 900 ft. • Frequency Choices: 530-1700 AM • Message Length: Up to 5 min. • Message Storage: Computer Chips • Microphone: Built-in and hand-held • Size: 8" x 14"x 3" • Weight: 4lbs. • Antenna: 3 meters • Power: 110AG12v DC http://www.actradio.com/schools/transmitterspecs.htm 11/8/2000 ActRadio Schools Page 1 of 1 W-,- ,�1 a ct ra d'10 Havre Contact Us Company Info 800-444-8: Welcome Schools Sample Scripts :A a L The following are some sample scripts: Schools Menu .: .:°Home • "Good morning and thanks for tuning in! This is (Gail Silver), principal 4 Transmitter Specs (Lakeside Elementary) School with this week's announcements. This we, t Parent Comments will be holding a canned food drive to support the local food pantry. Plea i FAQuestions canned item with your child to benefit the needy. Wednesday from 5-8pr %Prod ucts/Pricin having book fair in the g p g gym, proceeds from the sale will o toward the y'Sampie Scripts of equipment for the new computer lab, personal checks and credit cards 1`!)News Arti cles accepted. Report cards are coming home on Friday, be sure to sign and r them on Monday. Thanks again for tuning in, if you have any questions 1 call the main office at(555-1234). Have a good day!" • "Good morning and thanks for tuning in! This is (Gail Silver), principal (Lakeside Elementary) School. Today is (Monday, February 12th) and sc closed today due to the bad weather. We hope to get the snow cleared in school tomorrow. You may call (555-1234) tomorrow morning to confin whether school is open. Kids, enjoy your day off!" + "Hi, this is (Gail Silver), principal of(Lakeside Elementary) School and tuned into "School Radio". We have a fund raiser going on this week. Ini is being sent home with your child today so be sure to look for it. Procee help to pay for the art museum field trip coming up next month. Also, wt looking for volunteers to help plan this year's Fun Fair. If you are interes please call Judy Jones, head of the PTO, at(555-1234). Saturday is the 4 5th grade band concert at 1pm in the gym- Everyone is welcome to atten, PTO will be selling baked goods and other refreshments will be availabli Thanks for tuning in, if you have any questions, call the main office at (` 1234)." Go To http://www.actrad.io.com/schools/samplescripts,htm t t 1RPMnr1 AcltKadro Schools Page 1 of 3 actradio Welcome Schools Horne Contact Us Company Info $00-X44-$; 5 , h o o Ls This is an article that was run for the customer of one Schools Menu : customers. Over the years we have had a number of sch( °t.`Tra nie our transmitter. They have used it for everything from Transmitter Specs — - broadcasting the daily lunch menu to use at school sport ii"Parent Comments '�� events. They have found it to be a great too] to communi FAQuestions �""" °""~°�„""'�” with parents on a daily basis. Products/Pricing Sample Scripts f s At the same time, they have made it part of the curricula News Articles - allowing the children to produce the message. Thus givii x real com-munication experience. A large elementary sch yk using Michigan is �, .. g g our unit to communicate with parents .w not speak English. We've also had college's use our unit mini school radio station, playing requests for students c campus. To Iearn more, ive us a call! k It's morning and you can't rem what your children's school ha store for lunch. Should you pas goodies or send them off with i The parents of kids who attend Beavertown Elementary Schoc Kettering, Ohio have it easy. V they can't remember what's on menu for grub, they just tune in to K.I.D.S. Beavertown Radio, 1580 AM to get a we report. Listeners of the station can also hear school news, birthday announcements, fu information, interviews of the school principal and other V.I.P.'s, and songs fr. recent school productions - all broadcast from the mouths and hearts of the sch fifth grade class. Mary Lou Holland, a teacher at Beavertown school, keeps it all going. She is q proud of her radio enthusiasts and says they rarely get nervous at all. "We've done surveys, interviews. The next thing we will do is spotlight differs classes. The kids have come up with some really good ideas," she says. "They so natural on the air. Their delivery is so good." It all started when HolIand's brother, who owns his own business, wanted to to http://www.actradio.com/schools/news.htm 11 IRl�nnti ActRadio Schools Page 2 of 3 AM radio equipment for future sale to schools, churches and other non-profit 4 His business specializes in closed circuit radio devices and has installed equips cam ground sites and the Walt Disney parking lot. "He's done most of the major airports in the country," relates Holland. "He cal and asked if I knew of any classrooms that wanted to test the equipment." Holland has a passion for developing writing skills in young people so the brai was right up her alley. Her brother donated the necessary equipment- includin antenna on the roof- and, as of Labor Day, 1998, Beavertown Elementary Sch been broadcasting 24 hours a day. Larry Casey, age 10, admits it's a little easier because the broadcast isn't live. to re-do it if we don't like it," he says. The project is open to all fifth graders a: about 10 faithfully stay after school one day a week to update the on-air broad The school had a contest to name the station; K.I.D.S. radio does not need any FCC registration. It works similarly to the broadcasts travelers can tune into as approach the airprot or drive down the highway. The other classrooms at Beav school have radios so they can listen to their peers whenever they want. "This signal goes out for about two miles," explains Holland, "so some of the I hear it in their neighborhood houses. And, people can tune in as they drive by. The broadcast has a twelve-minute loop at which point the tape is re-run. One runs for a week at a time. Preparing a weekly broadcast doesn't just teach thes, graders about confidence, news reporting and good speaking skills. It also acts math lesson, according to Holland, since the students must add munutes and se in order to update each tape. Samantha Brown, age 10, likes the research phase of radio production. "I like the interviews, gathering up all the information," she says. Brown has intervie, school's music teacher and volleyball tournament coach. Meanwhile, Amber It - also age 10 - likes writing the scripts the best. The participants in K.I.D.S. Beavertown Radio, 1580 AM got to meet other ra, buffs when students from nearby Fairmont High School visited for career day. also have their own radio station at school. Holland said all the students instan found a common connection. If two students want to do the same task, they flip a coin. It usually takes abou hour to update the tape each week. Holland believes getting to interview the pi was an eye-opener for students. "They wanted to know about his life outside the building. They found out he h teenage kids and likes to play golf. They thought that was neat_" In addition to learning new math skills and conducting the interviews, radio club participantE understand what makes writing for radio different than other forms of written communication. "It's a form of stylized writing. We count syllables. They learn to keep it limp' the point. We talk about how to punch different words. They write the script of board and underline the words they are going to punch," explains Holland. http://www.actradio.com/schools/news.btm 1 11917.000, ActKa(110 Jchools Page 3 of 3 Some other classrooms have participated in the broadcasts by taping a word-of month segment. One classroom was assigned the word, respect, and gave exan what it means. "They ended it with Aretha Franklin music," laughs Holland. was really fun." Holland isn't sure where the project will go from here. But she is certain that tl fifth graders are hooked on radio. Brown, Casey and Mitchell expect to do livc once they get to high school, and Casey is especially looking forward to the ch cover sports on the air. After all, with the experience these 10-year olds now have, going live is just th logical step. Casey is sure he can do it. "It wouldn't be that hard." Go To http://www.actradio.com/schools/news.htm 1118/2006 ActRadio FAQuestions Page 1 of 5 actradio Home Contact Us Company Info $00-444-$: Welcome Schools The Most Frequently Asked Questions... Q: What is ActRadio? Schools Menu : A: ActRadio is a new kind of easy to operate, low power AM radio transmitte Home used by you and your staff to broadcast a pre-recorded message to the car radi :'Transmitter Specs or students as the drive onto our school's _ Parent Comments y y grounds. ActRadio is no larger the VCR. It weighs only 4 pounds, and operates on standard 120-volt AC power. �TAQuestions Prod uctsfPricing - C�,Sample Scripts --.-----.-----_._____..--------------...._._-- i,News Articles Q: Where does the Transmitter go? A- The transmitter can be placed anywhere inside the school; in the principal': administrative area, and you run a cable to the exterior antenna. It can even bf the microphone for the School's internal PA system- Safe and completely silel bother anyone. Installation takes about 30 minutes. Importantly, ActRadio wil with other radio stations, or with any other electronic equipment at the school neighborhoods. Q: What Find of antenna is used? A: ActRadio broadcasts its signal from a building-mounted antenna that is on] in length, and requires no special permit. With a signal range averaging over f ActRadio can deliver a crisp, clear radio signal to drivers listening in parking off areas, and on nearby streets. Signal range will vary with installation style ; environmental factors such as Iine-of-sight and other interference. Q. Is ActRadio easy to use? A: Yes. Your message is loaded onto a five-minute digital recording/playback simply by speaking into a handheld microphone. Or, a professionally produce can be downloaded using a cassette or CD player. The message can be any let want, up to five minutes, and can be changed as often as you'd like. Because i there is never any denigration in its quality. Your message will just repeat in hours a day, 7 days a week. Q: Do I need a license? http://www.actradio-com/schools/faquestions.htm Acrtcaaio rAQuestions Page 2 of 5 A: No. ActRadio is safe, legal, and trouble free. It is in full compliance with F regulations, so it does not require a separate license. It broadcasts on any fregi entire AM band (560 to 1700 AM). Changing the broadcast frequency is as e changing your car radio. Because there are no commercial radio stations oper, U.S. above 1600, it is always easy to find an open frequency.. Q: What would I use ActRadio for? A: Imagine if you could stand in the school parking lot every morning and aft greet parents as they drop off and pick up their kids. Imagine if you could per everyone know about Iast-minute news or unexpected schedule changes. Of c. don't have time to talk to parents in person every day, but you can talk to then every day...and you can do it from the comfort of your office with ActRadio. ActRadio to broadcast your own pre-recorded messages to the car radios of p€ students as they drive onto your school's grounds. They hear your voice, your every day -just as if you were standing there greeting them personally! • Did the basketball team win Iast night? Announce it on ActRadio! Did the PTA or PTO meeting time change? Get the word out fast on ActRad Are concert tickets going fast? Spread the word with ActRadio! Does the fundraiser need one final push to meet its goal? Rally support - imr through ActRadio! Is the school picnic on or off because of bad weather? Broadcast the final we ActRadio! ActRadio can be a lifesaver when you need to get out last-minute information unexpected changes to plans fast. It's the most immediate way to communicat and students available. Q: Is there any kind of security against unwanted broadcasts? A: Yes, for your peace of mind, ActRadio has a special key-lock feature that 1 unauthorized frequency or message changes. You don't have to be nervous th,, will be able to broadcast an unwanted message. Q: Can I broadcast "live" A: Yes. ActRadio has a bypass audio input for switching to live broadcast. Ju; how excited your students will be to be able to have their own radio station fo broadcasting on the school grounds. It's a great opportunity to have a lot of fu http-//www.actradio.com/schools/faquestions.btm 11/8/2006 ActRadio FAQuestions Page 3 of 5 the same time. (Please note: signal range is 900 feet, so this student radio stati reach into the surrounding neighborhoods and cause any problems.) One of of accessories is a Basic DJ Station that makes it easy for you to set-up a broads, club. (Click here to read related news article.) Q: Why do you transmit on th AM radio band? A: Two big reasons. First, almost every car has an AM radio. Your message r everyone. Second, the FCC is much too restrictive on FM. We can legally go on AM. On FM, the FCC only lets you go about 60 ft. (Some companies have transmitters that go farther than 60 ft_, but they always get fined and shut dow just not enough for many applications. Also, AM is where most people turn ft so ActRadio fits right in, Remember, you are giving helpful information, not l music concert. AM is great for that. Q: Can I use ActRadio for fund raising? A: Yes. ActRadio can promote fundraising activities like Market Days 24 hoL your school raises money by selling candy, candles, wrapping paper, or anyth ActRadio can generate enthusiasm and interest and keep the momentum goinj involved. Q: Must I use 1610 AM? A: No. You can set the transmitter to any frequency. Just like tuning your car the most popular because it is "open" almost everywhere. It's never given out commercial station. There are also other open frequencies in your area you ca Q: Do the transmitters use a tape to hold my message? A: No. Your voice is stored on a computer chip. They shouldn't wear out, and always crisp. Your message, up to 5 minutes long, repeats over and over. Q: How do they sound? A.- Just like you. The chips that store your voice are very "crisp". Q: How does your 3-Month Satisfaction Guarantee work? http://www.actradio.com/schools/faquestions.htm 11/812006