HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 06-17 WA Addition of Sick leave pool for employees WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 06-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY AUTHORIZING THE ADDITION OF AN EMPLOYEE SICK LEAVE POOL PROGRAM TO THE CURRECT WESLAKE ACADEMY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PACKAGE. WHEREAS, the goal of Westlake Academy is to provide policies and benefits that are competitive to surrounding school districts; and WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires to implement policies and benefits which assist employees in the event of pregnancy and/or catastrophic illness of injury. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby approve the creation of the Westlake Academy Sick Leave Pool program. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby approve Exhibit "A", specifying the policies and procedures by which the Westlake Academy Sick Leave Pool program will be governed. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2 006. Scott Bradl y, President ATTEST: Ginger"wtry, Acting Secretar /Barbara L. Bri ela, Head of School APPROV S T RM: tanton o Attorney Westlake Academy EMPLOYEE SICK LEAVE BANK OVERVIEW The purpose of the Westlake Academy Sick Leave Bank is to provide additional sick leave days to members of the bank in the event of catastrophic illness, surgery, or temporary disability due to an injury. Days may be requested from the bank only after the member has exhausted all accumulated state and local sick leave, personal business, vacation and extended leave days. Employees wishing to join the bank donate two or more days of local leilve. (Current members of the bank will remain in the bank unless a signed withdrawal request is returned to the Payroll Department.) Should there be a catastrophic illness or injury of the member, or of a person in the member's immediate family (as defined in the policy), necessitating the need for additional days after all accumulated state and local sick leave, personal, vacation (if applicable) and extended leave days (if applicable) have been used, the member may submit a request for days from the Bank. Applications may be submitted by the member twice during the school year. Members of the bank are eligible to apply for fifteen days per school year with an option to apply for up to ten additional days (pro-rated for regular employees working less than five days per week). Pregnancy and maternity will be covered by the Bank as a separate consideration from catastrophic illness or injury. Members may request a maximum of five days per academic year for pregnancy or maternity leave. Request forms are available from the school office, or from the Human Resources Department. Requests should be submitted to the Head of School, who will coordinate a meeting of the Sick Leave Board. The Board will review the application and supporting documentation to determine if the request fits within Board Policy. Once a determination has been made, the Board will notify the applicant of the approval or disapproval of the days. i WESTLAKE ACADEMY SICK. LEAVE BANK POLICY I. PURPOSE: The Westlake Academy Sick Leave Bank is to provide additional sick leave days to members of the tank in the event of catastrophic illness, surgery, or temporary disability due to an injury. Days may be requested from the bank only after the member has exhausted all accumulated state and local sick leave, personal business, and extended leave days. II. ELIGIBILITY: All regularly employed personnel are eligible to participate. Participation is voluntary, but requires contribution to the bank. III. ENROLLMENT. Open enrollment to the bank shall begin from the beginning of each school year through September 30 . New employees hired during a school year may enroll in the bank within 30 days of employment. Those employees w:to elect not to enroll in the bank shall not be permitted to enroll until the following annual open enrollment period. IV. CONTRIBUTIONS: Any employee who is eligible to enroll in the Westlake Academy Sick Leave Bank may do so by donating two or more days of his or her accrued local sick leave days the first year and one day each year thereafter (pro-rated for regularly employed personnel working less than 40 hours per week) as needed to maintain days in the bank equal to double the number of bank's members. Any member, however, using 15 or more days from the bank must donate two local sick leave days at the beginning of the next school year to be reinstated in WSLB. The days donated will be subtracted from the member's total local sick days. ALL donations will remain in force and cannot be returned, even upon cancellation of membership. V. RULES AND PROCEDURES: A. Should there be a catastrophic illness or injury to the member, or of a person in the member's immediate family (as defined in the policy), necessitating the need for additional days after all accumulated state and local sick leave, personal, and extended leave days (if applicable) have been used, the member may submit a request for days from the bank. Requests should be made through the Head of School, B. A member who requests days from the bank must submit to the Head of School within 30 days, forms containing the following information. 1. A statement signed by the member attesting to the fact that the condition which necessitated the request for days from the bank was unknown to the employee at the time he/she became a member of the bank. 2. Completion of the attending physician's statement which includes: a. Identification of the nature of the illness and/or extent of injury. b. Date of initial onset of this particular condition. C. Anticipated date eligible to return to work on a full or part-time basis. d. Statement from the physician that the condition is not a pre-existing condition. This statement is waived for the 2006 initial enrollment period and for new employees at their first opportunity to join the bank. 3. Anticipation of days,if any for follow-up examinations (May be limited by the Board of Directors). C. Forms for the above purposes have been prepared and are available from the school office or Human Resources Department. D. The Board of Directors may refuse to consider an application that does not contain the required information. E. If the member is critically ill and unable to file an application for sick leave days from the bank, the Head of School may initiate the application form at the request of the family. F. An applicant may be required to undergo a medical review by a second opinion physician of the Board's choice at any time, at the member's expense. G. Granting of days from the bank. 1. Conditions known to exist by the employee on or before the date of joining the Sick Leave Bank will not be covered under provisions of the Sick Leave Bank. This statement is waived for the 2006 initial enrollment period and for new employees at their first opportunity to joint the bank. 2. Sick leave days from the Bank will be granted only after the member has exhausted all accumulated state and local sick leave days,personal days, or any other form of paid leave. Members must also incur five days of uncompensated absence before requesting time from the Bank. 3. Days from the Bank shall be granted only for catastrophic illness, surgery, maternity, and other temporary disability due to an injury. 4. Sick Leave Bank days shall be granted only for absences from working days and will not be granted for holidays,vacation days or other such days for which a member is not paid. 5. Sick leave bank grants will not be authorized for illness or disability resulting from self-inflicted injury or act of war. 6. The maximum number of days that can be granted to any one member of the bank will be up to fifteen days per school year with an option to apply for up to ten additional days (pro-rated for regular employees working less than four hours per day). 7. The bank may not grant more days than its members have contributed. 8. If a member of the sick leave bank qualifies to receive days from the bank due to the illness of someone in the immediate family as defined in this policy, but has used all of the days allowed under the above provision, and if his/her spouse is a member of the bank and qualifies to receive days for the same illness, the days may be shared with the spouse who has no more days left. (Personal illness of either employee does not qualify for sick leave bank sharing of days.) 9. If a request to draw upon the bank is for other than consecutive days of illness, a separate request, including a physician's statement on the required form, must be submitted for each period of illness. Each separate application must meet the initial criteria of just cause. 10. All requests to draw upon the bank must be accompanied by the appropriate physician's signed statement confirming actual treatment,the cause of illness, and certification of the existence of a disability to perform assigned duties. Elective surgery is not included. 11. The Board may request a medical review by a physician at the member's expense. 12. A contributor will lose the right to utilize the benefits of the bank by: a. Termination of employment at Vti'estlake Academy. b. Notice of cancellation of participation by the member on the proper form. C. Being on approved leave of absence. d. Attempted abuse of the bank and/or its policies. e. Refusal to continue regular contributions. H. Pregnancy/Maternity requests. 1. Pregnancy and maternity will be covered by the bank as a separate consideration from catastrophic illness or injury. Members may request a maximum of five days per academic year for pregnancy or maternity leave. 2. Rare complications occurring after and arising from childbirth may be considered by the Board as a catastrophic injury or illness provided the recovery period requires longer than six weeks and medical documentation is provided. In these instances, the Board may grant up to fifteen days per school year with an option to apply for up to ten additional days (pro-rated for regular employees working less than four hours per day) 3. The Board may consider pregnancy complications as a catastrophic injury or illness only in the event that those complications delay the expected return of the employee. Employees who have made arrangements for maternity leave of a specified length will not be eligible for this consideration. 4. All policies, procedures and guidelines pertaining to the Sick Leave Bank will apply to pregnancy or maternity requests. VI. DEFINITION OF IMMEDIATE FAMILY. A. Definition of immediate family. 1. For the purposes of this policy, the term "immediate family" shall include: a. Spouse. b. Son, and stepson. c. Daughter, and stepdaughter. d. Parents. e. Any relative who may be residing in the employee's household at the time of illness or death. f. Other immediate family as defined in Board Policy may be considered at the discretion of the Board of Diiectors. VIL GOVERNING COMMITTEE: A. Name. 1. The governing committee, which will approve or disapprove all requests for sick leave bank days, shall be called "The Westlake Academy Sick Leave Bank Board of Directors." B. Composition of membership of Board of Directors. 1. Members of the Board of Directors must be members of the pool to hold office. 2. Voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the Head of School, one classroom teacher, and one non-classroom employee. C. Term of Office. 1. The term of office will be two years, with initial members drawing lots for one or two year terms in order ,, establish staggered terms. The term of office shall run from October 1 to September 30. A member may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. D. Election procedures. 1. Elections will be held in September. Only members of the bank are eligible to vote. 2. Members of each group named above may file as candidates from their group. Candidates must file for office with the Head of School by August 31 of each year. A form will be provided. 3. Voting will be by secret paper ballot. Ballots will be distributed and returned through the school mail. The Head of School shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors to tabulate the ballots no later than one week following the election. The candidate with the plurality of the vote will be elected. 4. In the event no one files as a candidate for one of the positions on the Board of Directors, the Board shall fill such position by appointment at the first Board Meeting following the filing deadline. The selection will be made from the group which would be represented by the vacant position. 5. If a member of the Board is rep,.esenting one group on the Board and accepts or is transferred to a new classification then, he/she must resign his/her position. E. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors. 1. At the first meeting of the year for the newly elected Board members, the Board shall select from its group a chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary. All applications for sick leave bank days shall be reviewed individually by the Board in a called meeting. 2. A member may be requested to appear before the Board to substantiate his/her case. 3. The Board of Directors shall determine the number of days approved up to 40 days and reserves the right to approve, disapprove, or modify the days requested. 4. A member may appeal the decision of the Board by writing a letter to the Human Resources Office requesting to appear in person before the Board of Directors. 5. The decision of the Board of Directors will be final. 6. Vacancies on the Board of Directors that arise during the school year will be filled by the person who received the next highest total of votes from the last election. The selection will be m..,de from the group which was represented by the member who resigned. 7. The Human Resources Manager shall process all approved sick leave days for members through the Payroll Department. 8. The Board of Directors shall review the policies and procedures annually in March and submit recommended changes to the membership only at the September election (except as required to comply with School Board Policy or applicable law). A simple majority of voting members shall decide the issues. 9. Any amended policies and procedures which could have an impact on the district will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval. V r