HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 06-14 WA Adopting revised 2006-2007 budget WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 06-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, ADOPTING THE REVISED BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2006 AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31,2007. WHEREAS, Section 44.002 of the Education Code of the Texas Education Agency's Texas School Law Bulletin states the budget must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, and WHEREAS, the budget must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to August 31St according to Texas Education Agency's Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Section 2.6.2—TEA Legal Requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the revised budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2006 and the proposed Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2007 and appropriates the funds contained therein. SECTION 2: That a copy of the official adopted 2006-2007 Budget shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 28th DAY OF AUGUST 2006. Scott Brad fey, President ATTEST: J Dwinnell, Town Secretary Barbara Brizuela,;44ead of School APPROVED AS TO L. Stanton 16wfy, T Attorney now-do I waf a.. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI(,---'-.IALS FISCAL 2006/2007 Scoft Bradley President Fred Held, Don Redding, Bill Frey, Buddy Brown, Larry Corson Board of Trustees Barbara . ril Head of School WESTLAK AC ADEMY " 2600 OTTIN(aEP, ROAD A WESTLAKE, TEXAS 76262 WE,Sr :°``�����, " Mission Statement 2010 Strategic Planning Table of General Fund 199 .olitefits Special Revenue Fund 224 Special Revenue Fund 41 1 Goals & Objectives Achievements • TAKS Score 2006 Westlake Academy a convergence of quali Our Mission Statement Westlake Academy will provide a rigorous curriculum that is international I pe with high expectations by sharing the responsibility of educational development among teachers, parents, community and students. This will be thieved by providing an innovative approach to education that focuses on the seeds of each student to develop a thirst for knowledge, produce positive esteem, ncourage good citizenship and maximize individual potential. This will prepare tudents to be active participants and agents of change in a rapidly changing nvironment that is global in scope. 3/22/2006 Westlake Academy Westlake Academy a convergence o Offer Rigorous International Curriculum A. Hire highly qualified domestic D. Become certified PYP, MYI k & international teachers Diploma Program B. Provide IB Certification training b for each teacher C. Monitor and measure PYP, MYP k & Diploma Program 8/22/2006 E. Expose student to internatic opportunities F. Reflect IB philosophy in organizational structure Westlake Academy Westlake Academy II . Adhere to High Expectations A. Maintain & enforce updated Parent/Student Handbook B. Frequently assess performance of students, teachers and staff C. Promote based on merit and performance D. Maintain "Exemplary" TEA ranking without teaching to the test 8/22/2006 a convergence of E. Strive for 100% IB Diploma graduation F. Educate students and parent about the IB programs and grading system articulating benefits and superior attributes of the curriculum order to improve parental understanding and participation in the educatio process Westlake Academy Westlake Academy a convergence of r 0 III . Share responsibility of educational development between parents, teachers, students, staff and community A. Maintain active and productive F. Maintain active lobbying effoi Westlake Academy Foundation in Austin to protect school an( B. Maintain active and informed House of Commons G. C. Solicit structured and secure volunteer efforts D. Frequently expose and involve students and parents in community-wide activities H. E. Foundation to conduct annual campaign to support excellence in the Academy 8/22/2006 interests Establish consistent reliable communication between teacr and parents utilizing technolo personal meetin s, and the criteria used in IB assessment tools. Provide parents with access tc resources and materials used 1 the students to encourage F articipation and support at ome Westlake Academy Westlake Academy a convergence o IV. Offer individual "student needs" based education A. Train all teachers in differentiation skills B. Always challenge the fastest learners and sppecial needs students equally q Y C. Monitor individual student work plans and progress r� _aintaln an overall student acher ratio of not more th 16:1 E. Staff classrooms with specie needs teachers to suppleme regular classroom teachers where necessary. Westlake Academy AM Westlake Academy a convergence of q . Develop thirst for knowledge, positive self esteem , good citizenship and maximize potential Teach and enforce respect, v and principle based actions. Maintain active counseling services for all students. Provide safe learning environment free from intimidation, fear and/or bullying. Apply horizontal social and academic activities through House system. 9/22/2006 14. gild healthy traditions. Provide wide range of extracurricular activities and equally support art, music, humanities and sports. G. Maximize opportunity to pro the IB Learner Profile in all as of school life. PH Expose students to a wide range or viewpoints and case studies that challenge individual thought. Westlake Academy 6 Westlake Academy a convergence oj VI . Prepare students for Global "Flat" World 0 Maximize IT opportunitii connect and interact with different cultures. B. Provide international education opportunities for teachers, 6,.. parents and students. 8/22/2006 ach history and current eve in the context of individual impact and opportunity to grc and learn. D. Provide assessments to meast understanding of world chan,( and its impact on education & opportunities. Westlake Academy AIL, 411110L 'Westlake Academy ?C a convergence of q Summer 2005: Moved partial staff and storage out of Pod E Summer 2005: Built one additional classroom to add to space freed fro- year to accommodate 8t" grade at a cost of$85,000 Summer 2006: Will move court completely out of Pod E Summer 2006: Will complete construction on remainder of Pod E at a cost of $266,525 plus $98,000 for the additional parking lot. Summer 2006: WA Foundation to kick off capital campaign for and additional space. 8/22/2006 Goal: $5.5 1111111011 111 5 yrs. Westlake Academy Arts, WESTLAKE ACADEMY GENERALFUND199 Program Summary Proposed Proposed Actual Actual Adopted Amended Budget FY 03104 FY 04105 FY 04/05 FY 04/05 FY 06107 Beginning Fund Balance $ (13,360) $ 12,391 $ 232,091 $ 232,091 $ 325,675 Revenues 1,094,608 1,831,898 2,289,301 2,369,676 2,729,751 Expenditures 1,068,857 1,612,198 2,278,741 2,276,092 2,743,915 Net Revenues over (under) Exp. 25,751 219,700 10,560 93,584 (14,163) Ending Fund Balance $ 12,391 $ 232,091 $ 242,651 $ 325,675 $ 311,512 # Days Operating (Based on 365) 4 53 39 1 52 1 41 Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 06-07 General Operating Fund 199 r Proposed %of 8 of o �, c rFYO5/06 AMENDED Proposed Amended Amended °�' m R Budget Budget to to U LL U. O O !�- a FY 05/06 FY 06-07 Proposed Proposed REVENUES 199 00 5742 000 7 001 Interest Earned 0 9,000 9,000 0% 0 199 00 5744 000 7 00 Gifts and Donations 418,150 381,000 386,888 2% 5,888 199 00 5749 000 7 00 Other Local Revenue 6,000 12,000 11,000 -8% (1,000) 199 00 5749 000 7 03 Local-Restricted 03-Field Trips 14,000 0 0 0% 0 199 00 5751 000 7 00 Food/Beverage 7,000 78,400 82,359 5% 3,959 199 00 5752 000 7 00 Athletic Concessions 0 1,300 1,000 -23% (300) 199 00 5757 000 7 00 Community Courses 1,000 1,770 1,000 -44% (770) 199 1 001 5759 1 0001 7 1 001 Co-Curricular Revenue 4,500 0 0 0% 0 Local and Intermediate Sources 451,200 483,470 1 491,247 1 2%1 7,777 1991 001 5812 1 000 ' 7 1 00 State Foundation Revenue 1,730,150 1,783,422 2,120,175 19% 336,753 1991 001 5831 000 7 001 TRS On-behalf 107,951 102,784 118,329 15% 15,545 State Program Revenue 1 1,838,101 1,886,206 1 2,238,504 1 19%1 352,298 TOTAL .0 8/28/2006 1 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 06-07 General Operating Fund 199 Proposed %of $of o p ADOPTED AMENDED Proposed Amended Amended m R v Budget Budget Budget to to EL FY 05/06 FY 06-07 Proposed Proposed LL Li O O EXPENDITURES 199 11 6112 001 7 11 Teachers-Substitutes 10,000 8,600 10,000 16% 1,400 199 11 6119 001 7 11 Salary-Teachers 1,081,693 1,051,934 1,261,052 20% 209,118 199 11 6119 001 7 23 Salary-Sp Ed 19,111 19,111 61,761 223% 42,650 199 11 6129 001 7 23 Salaries-Support(Laura Gibbs) 0 1,200 9,220 668% 8,020 199 11 6141 001 7 11 SS/Medicare 21,271 21,271 19,050 -10% (2,221) 199 11 6141 001 7 23 SS/Medicare -Sp Ed 588 660 1,402 112% 742 199 11 6142 001 7 11 Insurance-Teachers 59,610 47,000 68,741 46% 21,741 199 11 6142 001 7 23 Insurance-Sp Ed 0 40 8,542 21255% 8,502 199 11 6143 001 7 11 Workers Comp-Teachers 11,549 17,500 10,804 -38% (6,696) 199 11 6143 001 7 23 Workers Comp-Sp Ed 150 150 822 448% 672 199 11 6144 001 7 11 TRS-On-behalf 78,559 78,559 87,434 11% 8,875 199 11 6144 001 7 23 TRS-On-behalf 1,300 5,246 100% 3,946 199 11 6145 001 7 11 Unemployment-Teachers 905 7,330 10,530 44% 3,200 199 11 6145 001 7 23 Unemployment-Teachers 340 945 178% 605 199 11 6146 001 7 11 1 TRS Care-Teachers 5,950 5,000 6,936 39% 1,936 1991 11 1 6146 001 7 231 TRS Care-Sp Ed 224 260 390 50% 130 Sub-Total 61001 1,289,610 1 1,260,255 1 1,562,876 1 24% 302,621 99 11 1 6219 1 001 1 7 1 11 Contracted Services 0 0 0 0% 0 1991 11 1 6219 1 001 1 7 1 231 Professional Services 25,000 21,000 26,260 25% 5,260 Sub-Total 62001 25,000 1 21,OOOT 26,260 1 25% 5,260 199 11 1 6321 001 1 7 1 11 1 Textbooks-instructional 7,000 4,000 7,350 84% 3,350 199 11 1 6395 001 7 11 Gen Supplies(Hardware) 24,495 26,936 40,000 49% 13,064 199 11 6398 001 7 11 Furniture 55,992 23,390 35,000 50% 11,610 199 11 6399 001 7 11 General Supplies 67,832 55,130 70,000 27% 14,870 199 11 6399 001 7 23 General Supplies-Sp Ed 1,050 7,638 10,000 31% 2,362 Sub-Total 63001 156,369 1 117,094 1 162,350 1 39%1 45,256 199 11 6411 001 7 1 11 1 Travel-Employee 1,385 0 -100% (1,385) 199 11 6412 001 1 7 1 11 1 Student Travel/Field Trips 14,000 1,700 0 -100% (1,700) 199 11 6499 001 7 1 11 1 Misc Operating 0 1,100 1,100 0% 0 Sub-Total 64001 14,000 1 4,185 1,100 -74% (3,085) TOTAL-Function 11 -Instructional 1 1,484,979 1 1,402,534 1 1,752,586 1 25%1 350,052 199 12 6119 001 7 11 Salary-Librarian 44,152 44,152 47,314 7% 3,162 199 12 6141 001 7 11 SS/Medicare 3,289 680 686 1% 6 199 12 6142 001 7 11 Insurance 3,974 2,259 4,171 85% 1,912 199 12 6143 001 7 11 Workers Comp 450 60 402 570% 342 199 12 6144 001 7 11 TRS-On-behalf 3,090 3,090 3,028 -2% (62) 199 12 6145 001 7 11 Unemployment 27 260 270 4% 10 11991 121 6146 001 7 1 11 TRS 242 242 260 8% 18 Sub-Total 61001 55,224 50,743 1 56,131 1 11%1 5,388 199 12 1 6329 1 001 1 7 1 991 Library books 5,000 6,100 7,350 20% 1,250 199 121 6395 001 1 7 1 991 Library-hardware 2,000 1,100 2,100 91% 1_,000 '99 12 1 6399 1 001 1 7 1 99 Library-supplies 700 200 750 275% 550 Sub-Total 62001 7,700 1 7,400 1 10,200 38%1 2,800 TOTAL-Function 12-Resources&Media 1 62,924 1 58,143 1 66,331 1 14% 8,188 8/28/2006 2 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 06-07 General Operating Fund 199 i C CD Proposed %of $of c c ADOPTED AMENDED Proposed Amended Amended V c° ' e`a V Budget Budget Budget to to U. Li O O !'- a .Y 05/06 FY 06-07 Proposed Pro 199 13 6119 001 7 11 Staff Development Stipend 0 0 500 100% 500 199 13 6141 001 7 11 SS/Medicare 0 0 7 100% 7 199 13 6143 001 7 11 Workers Comp 0 0 4 100% 4 199 13 6144 001 7 11 TRS-On-behalf 0 0 32 100% 32 199 13 6146 001 7 11 TRS 0 0 3 100% 3 Sub-Total 61001 0 j 0 1 546 1 100%1 546 199 13 6219 001 7 11 Professional Services 1,500 0 1,575 100% 1,575 Sub-Total 62001 1,500 1 0 1 1,575 1 100% 1,575 199 13 6399 001 7 1 991 General Supplies 0 30 0 -100% (30) Sub-Total 63001 0 1 30 1 0 1 -100% (30) 199 13 6411 1 001 7 1 991 Travel-Other 8,500 14,500 14,400 -1% (100) 199 131 6499 1 001 7 1 991 Operating(In-Sry Trng) 7,000 11,000 13,588 24% 2,588 Sub-Total 64001 15,500 1 25,500 1 27,988 1 10%1 2,488 TOTAL-Function 13-Staff Development 17,000 25,530 30,109 18%1 4,579 199 21 6119 001 7 11 Stipends-MYP and PYP Coordinators 0 330 8,043 100% 7,713 199 21 6141 001 7 11 SS/Medicare 0 5 117 100% 112 199 21 6142 001 7 11 Group Health&Life Insurance 0 45 (45) 199 21 6143 001 7 11 Workers Comp 0 10 68 100% 58 39 21 6144 001 7 11 TRS-On-behalf 0 21 515 100% 494 1 1991 21 1 61461 001 7 11 TRS 0 2 44 100% 42 Sub-Total 6100 0 413 8,787 100%1 8,374 TOTAL-Function 21 -Instructional Leadership 0 413 8,787 100% 199 23 6119 001 7 99 Salaries-Leadership 158,642 158,642 92,188 -42% (66,455) 199 23 6129 001 7 99 Support Personnel 71,017 60,000 65,826 10% 5,826 199 23 6139 001 7 99 Employee Allowance 7,200 7,340 7,200 -2% (140) 199 23 6141 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 4,170 3,750 2,396 -36% (1,354) 199 23 6142 001 7 99 Insurance 11,659 20,145 7,093 -65% (13,052) 199 23 6143 001 7 99 Workers Comp 2,416 3,225 1,404 -56% (1,821) 199 23 6144 001 7 99 TRS-On-behalf payments 16,076 16,076 10,574 -34% (5,502) 199 23 61451 001 7 99 Unemployment 122 1,309 945 -28% (364) 199--1231 61461 001 7 991 TRS 1,263 1,200 909 24% (291) Sub-Total 61001 272,565 1 271,687 1 188,534 1 -31% (83,153 199 231 6239 001 1 7 991 ESC Services 4,095 3,900 5,070 30% 1,170 199 23 6269 001 7 99 Copier Rental 3,255 3,255 3,596 10% 341 199 23 6299 001 7 99 Copier Maint/Cop Chg/Supplies 7,875 8,400 8,500 1% 100 Sub-Total 62001 15,225 1 15,555 17,166 10% 1,611 1991 231 64991 001 7 991 Miscellaneous Operating 0 10 50 400% 40 Sub-Total 64001 0 1 10 50 1 400% 40 TOTAL-Function 23-School Leadership 287,790 287,252 205,750 -28% (81,502) 8/28/2006 3 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 06-07 General Operating Fund 199 c m Propoj %of $of g c ADOPTED AMEND Proposed Amended Amend C m 0) R v Budget BudgBudget to to Li ti O O � a FY 05/06 FY 05/ FY 06-07 Proposed Propos 199 31 6119 001 7 99 Salaries-Counselor 22,142 22,500 24,276 8% 1,776 199 31 6141 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 304 330 352 7% 22 199 31 6142 001 7 99 Insurance 0 30 200 572% 170 199 31 6143 001 7 99 Workers Comp 226 50 206 313% 156 199 31 6144 001 7 99 TRS-On-behalf payments 1,550 1,550 1,554 0% 4 199 31 6145 001 7 99 Unemployment 14 14 135 864% 121 199 , 31 F6146 001 1 7 99 ! TRS 122 135 134 _1% (1) Sub-Total 61001 24,358 1 24,609 1 26,857 1 9%1 2,248 1991 31 6219 1 001 1 7 11 Testing-all students 4,000 6,900 10,000 45% 3,100 199 31 6219 001 7 23 Speech/Lang Testing -Sp Ed 9,450 12,500 10,000 -20% (2,500) Sub-Total 62001 13,450 1 19,400 1 20,000 1 3%1 600 199 31 6399 001 7 23 Testing Supplies-Sp Ed 1,050 950 1,500 100% 550 Sub-Total 6300 1,050 950 1,500 100% 550 TOTAL-Function 31 -Guidance&Counseling 38,858 44,959 48,357 8%1 3,398 199 33 6119 001 7 1 991 Salaries-Nurse 19,505 20,000 21,614 8% 1,614 199 33 6141 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 283 283 313 11% 30 199 33 6143 001 7 99 Workers Comp 199 45 184 308% 139 199 33 6144 001 7 99 TRS-On-behalf payments 1,365 1,365 1,732 27% 367 39 33 6145 001 7 99 Unemployment 27 250 540 116% 290 1991 331 6146 001 1 7 99 TRS 108 170 119 -30% (51) Sub-Total 6100 21,487 22,113 24,502 11% 2,389 1 199 1 331 6239 I, 001 1 7 1 991 ESC Services 788 788 1,000 27% 212 Sub-Total 62001 788 1 788 1 1,000 1 27%1 212 199 1 33 1 6399 001 1 7 1 99 Nurses-supplies 630 630 800 27% 170 Sub-Total 63001 630 1 630 1 800 1 27% 170 TOTAL-Function 33-Health Services 1 22,905 23,531 26,302 1 12%1 2,771 199 35 6119 001 7 99 Salaries-Lunchroom 7,829 8,400 9,220 10% 820 199 35 6141 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 598 125 134 7% 9 199 35 6142 001 7 99 Insurance 0 49 200 311% 151 199 35 6143 001 7 99 Workers Comp 79 90 78 -13% (12) 199 35 6144 001 7 99 TRS-On-behalf payments 548 548 590 8% 42 199 35 6145 001 7 99 Unemployment 27 27 135 400% 108 199 351 6146 001 7 991 TRS Care 44 55 51 -8% (4) Sub-Total 61001 9,125 1 9,294 1 10,408 1 12%1 1,115 199 1 351 6341 001 1 7 1 991 Food Purchases 6,300 61,000 63,800 5% 2,800 199 1 351 6342 001 7 1 991 Non-Food Purchases 53 110 200 82% 90 199 35 63981001 7 1 991 Furniture 0 7,610 0 0% (7,610) Sub-Total 63001 6,353 1 68,720 1 64,000 1 -7% (4,720) 199 35 6499 001 7 99 Food Operating 362 300 350 17% 50 Sub-Total 64001 362 300 350 1 17% 50 TOTAL-Function 35-Food Services 15,840 78,314 74,758 -5% (3,555) 8/28/2006 4 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 06-07 General Operating Fund 199 Proposed %of 3 of o c ADOPTED AMENDED Proposed Amended Amend :r m Budget Budget Budget to to L) LL LL O O } a fY 05/06 FY 06-07 Proposed P 199 36 6119 001 7 91 1 Stipends 7,500 8,300 9,875 19% 1,575 199 36 6141 001 7 91 SS/Medicare 109 120 143 19% 23 199 36 6142 001 7 91 Insurance 11 11 0 -100% (11) 199 36 6143 001 7 91 Workers Comp 0 226 84 -63% (142) 199 36 6144 001 7 91 TRS On-behalf payments 632 100% 632 199 36 6146 001 1 7 91 TRS Care 41 43 54 26% 11 Sub-Total 61001 7,661 1 8,700 1 10,788 1 24%1 2,088 199 361 6219 1 001 1 7 1 91 1 Coaches/Officials 33,232 7,000 12,000 71% 5,000 1991 361 6219 1 001 1 7 1 991 Professional Services 0 21,965 25,135 14% 3,170 Sub-Total 62001 33,232 1 28,965 1 37,135 1 28%1 8,170 199 1 361 6399 1 001 1 7 1 99 Co-Curricular supplies 1,050 3,000 3,500 17% 500 Sub-Total 63001 1,050 3,000 1 3,500 1 17%1 500 1991 36 6429 1 001 1 7 1 991 Insurance&Bonding 4,463 4,250 4,038 -5% (212) 199 1 361 6499 1 001 1 7 1 991 Co-Curricular operating 4,000 2,200 3,000 36% 800 Sub-Total 6400 8,463-F 6,450 7,038 9%1 588 TOTAL-Function 36-CoCurricular Activities 50,406 1 47,115 58,461 24%1 11,346 199 41 6119 701 7 99 Admin Salaries 0 4,300 68,250 100% 63,950 199 41 6141 701 7 99 SS/Medicare 0 75 990 100% 915 39 41 6142 701 7 99 Insurance 0 400 6,093 100% 5,693 199 41 6143 701 7 99 Workers Comp 0 75 580 100% 505 99 41 6144 701 7 99 TRS-On-behalf payments 0 275 4,368 100% 4,093 199 41 6145 701 7 99 Unemployment 0 0 0 100% 0 199 41 1 614617011 7 1 991 TRS Care 0 25 375 100% 350 Sub-Total 61001 0 1 5,150 1 80,656 1 100%1 75,506 199 41 6211 701 7 991 Legal Services 12,600 12,600 15,000 19% 2,400 199 41 6212 750 7 99 Audit 10,000 10,000 12,500 25% 2,500 199 41 6219 701 7 99 Admin Contract Services 3,000 1,000 3,500 250% 2,500 199 41 6239 001 7 99 ESC Region XI 20,473 0 0 0% 0 199 41 6239 750 7 99 ESC Region XI 21,400 24,000 12% 2,600 199 41 6239 700 7 99 ESC Region XI 1,000 0 1,000 100% 1,000 Sub-Total 62001 47,073 1 45,000 1 56,000 1 24%1 11,000 199 41 6395 750 7 1 99 Admin Materials 1,995 1,995 2,500 25% 505 199 41 6399 701 7 99 Admin Supplies 8,820 8,820 10,000 13% 1,180 199 41 6399 750 7 99 Admin Supplies 100 0 150 100% 150 Sub-Total 63001 10,915 1 10,815 1 12,650 1 17%1 1,835 199 41 1 6411 1 701 1 7 991 Travel-Barbara 2,900 0 3,000 100% 3,000 199 41 1 6429 701 1 7 99 Insurance and Bonding 14,000 14,000 14,786 6% 786 199 41 6499 701 7 99 Misc Operating/Fees 11,760 11,760 15,000 28% 3,240 199 41 6499 750M7 99 International moving exp 6,000 7,000 15,000 114% 8,000 Sub-Total 6400 34,660 32,760 47,786 46% 15,026 TOTAL-Function 41 -Administrative 92,648 93,725 197,092 110%1 103,367 I 8/28/2006 5 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 06-07 General Operating Fund 199 Proposed %of $of c d o ADOPTED AMENDED Proposed Amended Amended Z c °' rn ,`v V Budget Budget Budget to to LL ti O O �! it FY 05/06 FY 05/06 FY 06-07 Proposed Proposed 199 51 6249 001 7 99 Contract Maint&Repair 630 645 51,194 7837% 50,549 199 51 6255 001 7 99 Gas 9,587 13,850 15,000 8% 1,150 # 199 51 6256 001 7 99 Electric 67,040 77,200 79,750 3% 2,550 # 199 51 6257 001 7 99 Telephone 10,109 11,000 8,900 -19% (2,100) # 199 51 6258 001 1 7 99 Water 23,127 24,600 27,000 10% 2,400 # Sub-Total 62001 110,493 1 127,295 1 181,844 1 43% 54,549 199 1 51 1 6319 001 1 7 99 1 Maintenance supplies 2,520 500 9,650 1830% 9,150 Sub-Total 63001 2,520 500 1 9,650 1 1830%1 9,150 199 51 1 6429 001 1 7 1 99 Insurance&bonding 42,000 42,000 30,000 -29% (12,000) 199151 1 6499 1 001 , 7 . 99 Maintenance operating 236 736 300 -59% (436) Sub-Total 64001 42,236 42,736 30,300 1 -29% (12,436) TOTAL-Function 51 -Plant Maintenance&Operationsl 155,249 170,531 221,794 30%1 51,263 199 53 6119 001 7 1 991 Tech Stipend 2,000 2,000 30,221 1411% 28,221 199 53 6141 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 29 29 438 1411% 409 199 53 6142 001 7 99 Insurance 0 0 2,795 100% 2,795 199 53 6143 001 7 99 Workers Comp 23 23 257 1017% 234 199 53 6144 001 7 99 TRS-On-behalf payments 0 0 2,422 100% 2,422 a9 53 6145 001 7 99 Unemployment 0 0 135 100% 135 1991 6146 001 7 99 TRS Care 140 140 166 19% 26 Sub-Total 61001 2,192 1 2,192 36,435 1562% 34,243 199 53 1 6219 001 7 99 Data Processing Services 45,000 40,000 14,000 -65% (26,000) Sub-Total 62001 45,000 40,000 1 14,000 -65% (26,000) TOTAL-Function 53-Data Processing 47,192 42,192 50,435 20% 8,243 199 61 6121 001 7 1 991 Community Services 2,890 1,800 2,890 61% 1,090 199 61 6141 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 27 25 27 8% 2 199 61 6144 001 7 99 TRS on-behalf 0 0 202 100% 202 199 61 6143 001 7 99 Workers Comp 22 18 22 22% 4 199 61 6146 001 7 99 TRS 11 10 11 10% 1 Sub-Total 6100 2,950-F 1,853 3,152 70% 1,299 TOTAL-Function 61 -Community Services 2,950 1,853 3,152 70% 1,299 TOTAL i• 8/28/2006 6 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget 0-67 General Operating Fund 199 Proposed %of $of c 2 c ADOPTED AMENDED Proposed Amended Amended c c Budget Budget Budget to to U. Li O O >� f Y 05/06 FY 05/06 FY 06-07 Proposed Proposed SUMMARY Function 11 -Instructional 1,484,979 1,402,534 1,752,586 25% 350,052 Function 12-Resources&Media 62,924 58,143 66,331 14% 8,188 Function 13-Staff Development 17,000 25,530 30,109 18% 4,579 Function 21 -Instructional Leadership 0 413 8,787 2027% 8,374 Function 23-School Leadership 287,790 287,252 205,750 -28% (81,502) Function 31 -Guidance&Counseling 38,858 44,959 48,357 8% 3,398 Function 33-Health Services 22,905 23,531 26,302 12% 2,771 Function 35-Food Services 15,840 78,314 74,758 -5% (3,555) Function 36-CoCurricular Activities 50,406 47,115 58,461 24% 11,346 Function 41 -Administrative 92,648 93,725 197,092 110% 103,367 Function 51 -Maintenance&Operations 155,249 170,531 221,794 30% 51,263 Function 53-Data Processing 47,192 42,192 50,435 20% 8,243 Function 61 -CommuniN Services 2,950 1,853 3,152 70% 1,299 FUNCTION NET BY 0• Object Code 61XX-Payroll and Related 1,685,172 1,657,009 2,009,673 21% 352,664 Object Code 62XX-Prof&Cont.Services 299,461 305,403 365,180 20% 59,777 Object Code 63XX-Supplies&Materials 178,887 201,739 254,450 26% 52,711 Object Code 64XX-Other Ogeratina Costs 115,221 111,941 114,612 2% 2,671 NET BY OBJECT CODE 0• Revenues 2,289,301 2,369,676 2,729,751 15%u 360,075 Expenditures 2,278,741 2,276,092 2,743,915 21% 467,822 Excess Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures (14,163) -115% (107,747) CASH SUMMARY Beginning Cash 232,091 232,091 325,675 40% 93,584 Revenues 2,289,301 2,369,676 2,729,751 15% 360,075 Expenditures 2,278,741 2,276,092 2,743,915 21% 467,822 Ending Cash Balancel 242,651 1 ff,325,675 1 311,512 1 4 8/28/2006 7 of 7 9:30 AM Westlake Academy Proposed Budget FY 2006-2007 Special Revenue Funds 224 IDEA-B Reimbursement Grant Proposed %of $of °_ 1 o ADOPTED AMENDED Proposed Amended Amended C c °' R U Budget Budget Budget to to O O a FY 05/06 FY 05106 FY 06-07 Proposed Proposed 224 00 5929 001 7 00 IDEA-B Fed.Special Ed Funds 21,992 28,083 25,727 -8% (2,356) PROGRAM FEDERAL is 224 11 6119 !! 001 7 123 Salaries-Sp. Ed 21,467 28,081 25,727 -8% (2,354) 224 111 6399 001 7 I11 Supplies and Materials 0 1 - 0% (1) 224 131 6219 1 001 7 199 Professional services 525 1 - 0% (1) TOTAL is NETI 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 01 0 8/28/2006 1 of 1 9:21 AM Westlake Academy ---Proposed-Budget-FY 2006=2007 Special Revenue Fund 411 Technology Grant i Proposed YTD %of S of c .. c ADOPTED AMENDED Actuals Amended Amended v d v Budget Budget thru to to LL LL } a FY 05106 FY 05106 07131/2006 Proposed Prop 411 00 5829 001 7 00 Technology Grant 8,600 8,601 8,601.00 17% 1,468 STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 8,600 8,601 8,601.00 17% 1,468 411 11 6395 001 7 11 General Supplies(Hardware) 3,600 2,585 2,585.00 -100% (2,585) 411 11 6399 001 1 7 11 General Su lies Misc 5,000 6,016 6,016.00 67% 4,053 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,600 8,601 8,601-00 17% 1,469— 1 8/28/2006 1 of 1 9:22 AM Woodlahe ,.�4c&JOMY Acaves , u .g 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 ❖ Became an IBO World School with the Authorization of the PYP. This makes Westlake Academy only the sixth school in Texas with an IBO/PYP program. Had a successful Consultation Visit for the MYR As a result, M North America has scheduled the MYP Authorization Visit for second semester of the 2006-07 academic year. ❖ The PYP Exhibition—planned, organized and carried out by the G6 students —was of the highest caliber. Other IB candidate and authorized schools have contacted us on how to incorporate our unique plan for the Exhibition, a required part of the PYP. ❖ Conducted lst international student exchange when Fifth Grade students from Greengates School, an IB World School in Mexico City visited Westlake Academy in October 2005. Thirteen Westlake Academy students returned the five-day, four night visit in March 2006. ❖ 1" international teacher exchange takes place when an elementary teacher from Northlands, an IB school in Buenos Aires trades places for 3 weeks with a teacher from Westlake Academy. Implemented residential field trips for Grades 4, 5, 7 and 8. Maintained TEA Recognized status with increased numbers of 100% pass rates and even had 25% perfect scores in one grade's exam. ❖ Started a school newspaper, The Black Cow, headed by our MW students. The paper became the most highly read newspaper in the community and was named one of the top 7 Junior High newspapers in the state of Texas. Numerous student editors and contributors garnered individual awards. ❖ For the first time, students did the layout,writing and production for the school yearbook. ❖ Competitive sports doubled in number with both Elementary and Junior High teams in most sports offered. ❖ Fine Arts staged 3 drama productions. In every production, each and every one of the students in G7 & 8 were on stage. Plays staged: The Miracle Worker, Westside Story; and Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. ❖ Formed an exceptional Community Choir, comprised of parents and teachers, under the direction of our Music Teacher. ❖ All Westlake Academy Odyssey of the Mind teams won lst or 2nd prizes at Regionals and went on to State Competition. ❖ Westlake Academy students participated in UIL Regional Spelling Bees and did very well. Westlake Academy * 2600 OUI ger Road y 1`Y esfl.L,Texas 76262 Page 49 Wd 8 C adeny Achieveme n during 2005-2oo6 ❖ Student-led Conferences were very successfully initiated in lieu of Parent-teacher conferences. ❖ Students created service projects in record numbers, donating time, supplies, money and support to many different agencies and emergency relief funds. ❖ Teachers attended a record number of IB training courses, both locally, nationally and internationally. ❖ HOC donated funds for teachers to visit IB schools during the 2006-07 school year. ❖ Parents donated over$358,000 to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program. ❖ TEA ranked the Academy as a Gold Medalist in 5 categories for 2005: • Math • Reading • Science • Writing • Attendance Wesdale A demg * 2600 Otu ger R..d y Westlake,Texas 76262 Page 50 � t } 0 8 C a4JOMY S Scores 2oo6 Westlake Westlake 1� State State Grade Test i9 i idCommended Average Average, . , Average Reading 100% 89% 72%* 43% 3 Math 100% 82% *25%p53 t®scores 28% Reading 100% 82% 36% 20% 4 Math 100% 83% 44% 31% Writing 100% 92% 53% 20% Reading 94% 80% 53% 22% 5 Math 91% 81% 59% 38% Science 76% 75% 32% 24% 6 Reading 100% 91% 70% 39% Math 95% 79% 62% 31% Reading 98% 79% 52% 21% 7 Math 100% 70% 29% 13% Writing 100% 90% 60% 37% Reading 97% 83% 63% 36% 8 Math 77% 67% 31% 15% Social Studies 100% 83% 56% 30% Science 94% 52% 25% 12% Wes .Le A .demy y 2600 011znger 11®ad Wesd lce,Texas 76262 Page 52 t WmtLhe Aademy TAKS Graph 2oo6 100 90 80 , 70 ■ WA pass 60 i ■ TX pass i 50-/T ❑ WA 40 ' commended ❑ TX 30 commended 20 10 0 2005