HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 07-09 WA Adopting a revised budget for FY2007-2008 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 07-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, ADOPTING THE REVISED BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2007 AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2008. WHEREAS, Section 44.002 of the Education Code of the Texas Education Agency's Texas School Law Bulletin states the budget must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, and WHEREAS, the budget must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to August 31 c according to Texas Education Agency's Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Section 2.6.2 —TEA Legal Requirements; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the revised budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2007 and the proposed Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2008 and appropriates the funds contained therein. SECTION 2: That a copy of the official adopted 2007-2008 budget shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 27th DAY OF AUGUST 2007. ATTEST: dl ,, Scott Bradley', Pr t c V. �- c Ki Sutter, Secretary Barbara Brizuel , Head of School APPROVE TO I , antonLo o,lA ey "-",Westlake _.. ORLD S Z O 4,t a a convergence o part � a commitmen �• � .1�� � t to e.�cellence 4V t sJ � k i r - _ 1 "ESTt..il�f• 1r_- 1F1i� \ti� a fl Special Revenue Fund 41 Achievemen Goals and Objectives 2007/200 • TAKS Score 2 • i Additional informs Mi IL ot n W e f x% t I Acad-em-y Mission Statement The Westlake Academy will provide a rigorous curriculum that is international in scope with high expectations by sharing the responsibility of educational development between teachers, parents, community and students. This will be achieved by providing an innovative approach to education that focuses on the needs of each student to develop a thirst for knowledge, produce positive esteem, encourage good citizenship and maximize individual potential. This will prepare students to be active participants and agents of change in a rapidly changing environment that is global in scope. Goals & ta►bjectiveS 20o6/a007 Westlake Academy * 2600 Ottinger Road * Westlake; Texas 76262 1. Curriculum A. Become authorized for IB A. A. programs a. Solicit PYP Authorization Visit a. $4500 (paid in a. PYP in 2005/06 (Authorization attained, July 2006) 05/06 budget) b. MYP in 2006/07 b. Submit MYP Application b. $4500 (paid in B. Attract and retain best teachers (accomplished); solicit Authorization 05/06 budget) and support staff visit (tentatively scheduled for second semester 2006 -07 school year) B. Competitive salaries B. Included in budget. a. Brought salaries within 3% of best a. Cost: additional districts in 2005 -06 $54,480 b. Propose to give all teachers and staff b. Cost for staff: HB 1 increase of $2000 plus a school $8167 increase median of ISDs minus 2% c. No cost to school c. Change Health plan to TRS Active Care to reduce costs to staff and enable school to offer affordable family plans C. Expose students to C. international opportunities a. 2005 -6 onwards: Grade 5 exchange C. to Mexico a. Students paid. b. Teacher exchange to Argentina Teacher cost included in all budgets b. Transportation D. Hire IT Coordinator/ D. September 2006, one year ahead of plan. included in budgets Technician/Teacher D. Included in budget E. Hire an Elementary Principal E. Interview during 2006/07 for job to begin August 1, 2007 E. Not included in 2006/07 budget Cost for 2007/08: $60,000 - $75,000 3. Improve A. Provide increased A. Schedule MYP Math classes so that 2 A. Included in budget Math and differentiated Math to ensure teachers can work with one group Science all students reaching regularly programs maximum potential B. MYP G9 scientist (PhD in Biology) will B. Included in budget B. Science job share in G5, with intent in improving science in louver grades 1. Science as one of top priorities for staff development 4. Full Sports A. School sports: A, Hire male PE teacher A. Included in budget program — 1. Increase number of sports both offered: soccer and boys' intramural volleyball in 2005/6; cross and inter- country- and golf club in 2006/7 school, 2 Offer single sex PE classes in TAPPS, Westlake Academy * 2600 Ottinger Road * Westlake; Texas 76262 Goals . Obj cct Ve S 20o6/200 Westlake Academy * 2600 Ottinger Road * Westlake, Texas 76262 Goals Performance Indicators , CSAF) as MYP well as sport clubs and lessons 5. Enhance A. Internal A. Internal A. Included in budget school 1. Redesign school webpage with increased B. External image B. External information 1. No cost; work with through 2. Set up parent, password protected page HOS, staff and WAF optimum on website 2 WAF level of 3. Develop with HOC mentoring program for new students c 4_ Set up Senior Management Team to cation, , enhance communication between both sections and Board mtemal and B. External external 1. Press releases issued regularly (improved) 2. WA brochure published for companies, funding etc. still in progress) Westlake Academy * 2600 Ottinger Road * Westlake, Texas 76262 } 3 WestlakeAcademy Special notes for Budget items: O 2006 -07: State provided $2000 /teacher; $500 /staff to help increase salaries. Does not provide this year, yet we need to keep abreast of salaries • Bought a convection oven to improve quality of •o• witho raising, for this cost to students • Included high legal for eventualities c• • the dispute L. Actual (Audited) FY 05106 Adopted Budget FY 06/07 Proposed Amended FY 06107 Proposed Adopted FY 07/08 Beginning Fund Balance $ 232,091 $ 427,720 $ 427,720 $ 459,177 Revenues 2,407,527 2,729,751 2,731,119 2,951,311 Expenditures 2,211,898 2,743,914 2,699,662 3,271,414 Net Revenues over (under) Exp. 195,629 (14,163) 31,457 (320,103) Ending Fund Balance $ 427,720 $ 413,557 $ 459,177 $ 139,073 # Days Operating (Based on 365) 71 1 55 1 62 1 16 Days operating expense $ 6,060 1 $ 7,518 1 $ 7,396 1 $ 8,963 - "Westlake Academ General Fund Coding Matrix Function Code Function Code Description 11 Instruction & Related 12 Instructional Resources & Media Sources (Library) 13 Curriculum Development & Inst. Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership (Principal) 31 Guidance, Counseling & Evaluation Services 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Student (Pupil) Transportation 35 Food Services 36 Cocurricular /extracurricular activities 41 General Administration (Superintendent /Board) 51 Plant Maintenance and Operations 52 Security and Monitoring Services 53 Data Processing Services 61 Community Services Object Codes Object Code Description 61 XX Payroll and Payroll Related 62XX Professional & Contracted Services 63XX Supplies and Materials 64XX Other Operating Costs Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget General Fund - 199 C O p V 0 y U N U 0 IL 0 0 0 d Proposed Y -T -D Budget PROPOSED FY 07 Budget FY 07 Budget Actual Adopted Amended Actuals vs c VS VS (Audited) Budget Budget thru Actual FY 08 Budget FY 08 Budget FY 05 -06 1 FY 06 -07 1 FY 06107 8121107 1 FY 06107 r FY 07108 $$ %% Comments 199 001 5742100 000 7 00 Interest Earned 8,180 9,000 22,000 20,851 1,149 15,000 (7,000 -32% Avg of $300K at 5% 199 001 5744100 000 7 00 Gifts and Donations -Misc 0 5,300 5,339 (39 ) 5,000 300 -6% 199 001 5744100 000 7 00 Gifts and Donations - Blacksmith 384,595 386,888 386,888 386,339 549 420,324 33,436 9% 376 students @ $1,111.97 Foundation Salary Reimbursement 14,905 9,541 5,364 66,174 51,269 100% 199 00 5748 00 000 7 00 SCRIP Revenue 0 2,195 2,197 2 5,000 2,805 128% 199 00 5749 00 000 7 00 Other Local Revenue 4,815 11,000 2,000 1,992 8 2,000 - 0% 199 00 5751 00 000 7 00 Food/Beverage 90,346 82,359 70,000 67,138 2,862 80,000 10,000 14% 199 00 5752 00 000 7 00 Athletic Concessions 1,333 1,000 0 - 0% WRAC took over this 199 00 -6-75-7-70-01 000 7 00 Community Courses 1,863 1,000 0 0% No interest this ear Local and Intermediate Sources 1 491,132 1 491,247 1 503,288 1 493,396 1 9,892 1 593,498 1 90,210 18% 199 001 5812 1601 0001 7 1 001 State Foundation Revenue 1,822,201 2,120,175 2,120,175 1,966,433 153,742 2,217,935 97,760 5% 991 001 5831 1001 0001 7 1 001 TRS On- behalf 94,194 118,329 107,656 107,553 103 139,878 32,222 30% State Program Revenuel 1,916 394 1 2,238,604 2,227,831 1 2,073,986 1 153,845 1 357,813 1 129,982 1 6% 8/24/2007 1 of 8 1:27 PM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget General Fund - 199 c m G _ 0 U a � m V u- ILL. O J O ! ii Actual (Audited) FY 05 -06 Adopted Budget FY 06 -07 Proposed Amended Budget FY 06107 Y -T -D Actuals thru 8121107 Budget • FY 07 Budget vs = s VS Actual FY 08 Budget FY 06107 : $$ FY 07 Budget VS FY 08 Budget %% Commonts XPENDITURES 199 11 6112100 001 7 11 3 long -term subs for maternity Teachers - Substitutes 8,540 10,000 33,000 32,493 508 17,500 15,500 -47% leave in PY 199 11 1 6119100 001 7 11 Sala - Teachers 1,069,888 1,261,052 1,231,038 1,173,038 58,000 1,453,181 222,143 18% 3 teachers /matemit leave in PY 199 11 6119 00 001 7 23 Maternity leave for Karg- worked Sala - Sp Ed 18,718 61,761 36,434 33,559 2,875 64,923 28,489 78% 100 out of 187 days 199 11 6129 00 001 7 23 Salaries - Support 961 9,220 7,930 7,380 550 9,681 1,751 22% Laura Gibbs 199 11 6139 00 001 7 11 Employee Moving Allowance 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 - 0% LeSurf /Herrera 199 11 1 6141 100 001 7 11 SS /Medicare 17,197 19,050 17,900 17,200 700 20,075 2,175 12% 199 11 6141 00 001 7 23 SS /Medicare - Sp Ed 644 1,402 650 592 58 1,085 435 67% 199 11 6142 00 001 7 11 Based on enrollment of new teachers and assuming all other Insurance - Teachers 42,501 68,741 42,500 37,348 5,152 69,800 27,300 64% will be same as in previous year 199 11 6142 00 001 7 23 Insurance - Sp Ed 34 8,542 1,000 845 155 8,200 7,200 720% 199 11 6143 00 001 7 11 Workers Comp - Teachers 12,259 10,804 10,350 8,237 2,113 10,350 - 0% 199 11 1 6143 100 001 1 7 23 Workers Comp - Sp Ed 95 822 442 231 211 522 80 18% 199 11 6144 00 001 7 11 TRS - On- behalf 68,734 87,434 76,952 76,952 0 96,000 19,048 25% 199 11 6144 00 001 7 23 TRS - On- behalf 3,220 5,246 3,721 3,721 0) 4,857 1,136 31% 199 11 6145 00 001 7 11 Rate went from 3% to .3% in FY Unemployment - Teachers 7,330 10,530 5,334 4,834 500 2,655 2,679 -50% 07 - Budgeted at .5% 199 11 6145 00 001 7 23 Unemployment - Teachers 339 945 1,055 146 909 135 (920) -87 °k 199 11 6146 00 001 7 11 6.58 % surcharge is charged first 90 days for new hires (Originally TRS Care - Teachers 4,949 6,936 14,284 11,784 2,500 21,400 7,116 50% coded to On- behalf) 199 11 6146 00 001 7 23 TRS Care- S Ed 251 390 390 149 539 410 20 5% Sub -Total 6100 1,255,657 1,562,876 1,487,979 1,413,209 74,770 1 1,785,775 1 297,796 1 20% 199 11 6219 1 00 001 1 7 1 231 Professional Services 21,085 26,260 27,750 27,455 295 30,000 2,250 8% Sub -Total 62001 21,085 1 26,260 1 27,750 1 27,455 1 295 1 30,000 2,250 1 8% 199 11 6321 00 001 7 11 Textbooks - instructional 5,216 7,350 5,000 34 5,034 20,000 15,000 300% Using State texts CY 199 11 1 6395100 0121 11 Gen Supplies Hardware1 25,780 40,000 31,000 13,037 17,963 55,000 24,000 77% 199 11 6398100 001 --L 7 11 Furniture 23,289 35,000 35,000 15,195 19,805 15,000 20,000 -57% 199 11 1 6399100 001 7 11 General Supplies 26,186 70,000 33,000 30,384 2,616 45,000 12,000 36% 199 11 6399100 001 7 23 General Supplies - S Ed 7,303 10,000 4,000 2,547 1,453 5,000 1,000 25% Sub- Tota16300 87,775 1 162,3 OT 108,000 1 61,129 1 46,871 1 140,000 32,000 1 30% 199 11 6411 00 001 7 11 Travel - employees 1,381 199 11 6499 00 001 7 11 Student Travel/Field Trips 1,725 1991 11 1 64991001 001 1 7 1 11 Misc Operating 739 1,100 200 147 53 500 300 150% Sub -Total 64001 3,845 1 1,100 1 200 147 1 53 1 300 1 150° TOTAL - Function 11 - Instructional 1,368,362 1,752,586 1,623,929 1,501,940 121,989 1,956,275 332,346 20% 8/24/2007 2of8 1:27 PM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget General Fund - 199 ro v � � � $ C e ro t) IF LL O J O > a Actual (Audited) FY 05 -06 Adopted Budget FY 06-07 Proposed Amended Budget FY 06107 Y -T -D Actuals thru 8121107 Budget ' • FY 07 Budget vs c vs Actual FY 08 Budget FY 06/07 r r bb FY 07 Budget vs FY 08 Budget %% Comments 199 12 6119 00 001 7 11 Salary - Librarian 44,478 47,314 47,503 45,503 2,000 48,321 817 2% 199 12 6141 00 001 7 11 SS /Medicare 607 686 617 587 30 701 84 14% 199 12 6142 00 001 7 11 Insurance 1,694 4,171 4,171 3,027 1,144 4,000 (171) -4% 199 12 6143 00 001 7 11 Workers Comp 48 402 600 434 166 338 (262) -44% 199 12 6144 00 001 7 11 TRS - On- behalf 2,972 3,028 3,115 3,114 1 3,146 31 1% 199 12 6145 00 001 7 11 Unemployment 260 270 270 - 270 45 225 -83% 199 12 6146 00 001 7 11 TRS Care 237 260 403 253 150 266 137 -34% Sub -Total 6100 50,297 56,131 56,680 52,919 3,761 56,816 136 0% 199 121 6329 100 001 1 7 1 991 Library books 6,586 7,350 7,350 490 6,860 10,000 2,650 36% 1991 2 6395 1001 001 1 7 1 991 Library - hardware 1,040 2,100 885 - 885 2,000 1,115 126% 199 12 6399 1001 001 1 7 1 99 Libra -su lies 141 750 1,250 1,215 35 1,500 250 20% Sub -Tota16200 7,767 1 10,200 9,485 1,705 7,780 13,500 4,015 42% TOTAL - Function 12 - Resources & Media 58,065 66,331 66,165 54 624 11 541 70,316 4,151 6 199 13 6119 00 001 7 11 Staff Development Stipend 500 500 500 - (500 ) - 100% None for cY 199 13 6141 00 001 7 11 SS /Medicare 7 7 7 7 -100% 199 13 6143 00 001 7 11 Workers Comp 4 5 5 (0 ) (5 - 100% 199 13 6144 00 001 7 11 TRS - On- behalf 32 35 35 (0) (35) -100% 199 13 6146 00 001 7 11 TRS Care 3 3 3 0 3 -100% Sub -Total 6100 646 550 550 0 550 -100 199 1 13 6219 1001 001 1 7 1 11 1 Professional Services 1,575 0 - Sub -Total 62001 1,575 0 1 0% 1991 131 63991001 001 1 7 991 General Su lies 30 0 0 Sub -Total 63001 30 1 0 1 0 1 0% 199 13 6411 00 001 7 99 Travel & Meals for training 9,301 14,400 13,800 11,070 2,730 11,000 (2,800) -20% 199 13 6499 00 001 7 99 0 era tin n- ry mg ,000 1,800 11% Sub -Total 6400 19,949 27,988 30,600 27,779 2,821 26 000 4,600 15% TOTAL - Function 13 - Staff Develo ment 19,978 30,108 31 150 28,329 2,821 000 5,150 17% 199 21 6119 00 001 7 11 - -- MYP, PYP & Diploma Stipends 347 8,043 8,477 7,977 500 10,043 1,566 18% Coordinators (Claudia /David) 199 21 6141 00 001 7 11 SS /Medicare 5 117 126 116 10 146 19 15% 199 21 6142 00 001 7 11 Group Health & Life Insurance 24 0 500 408 92 (500) -100% Allocated to proper function 199 21 6143 00 001 7 11 Workers Comp 8 68 118 75 43 70 (48) -40% 199 21 6144 00 001 7 11 TRS - On- behalf 515 546 546 0 654 108 20% 199 21 6146 00 001 7 11 TRS Care 2 44 70 45 25 55 14 21% Sub -Total 6100 386 8 787 9,837 9 167 670 10,968 1,131 11 TOTAL - Function 21 - Instructional Leadershi 386 8 787 9,837 9167 670 10,968 1,131 11 8/24/2007 3 of 8 1:27 PM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget [.PnPral Fund - 199 c �' C ., v a � d v IL 1L O .� O a Actual (Audited) FY 05 -06 Adopted Budget FY 06 -07 Proposed Amended Budget FY 06/07 Y -T -D Actuals thru 8121107 Budget ' • FY 07 Budget vs = VS Actual FY 08 Budget FY 06/07 � � : $$ FY 07 Budget VS FY 08 Budget %% Comments 199 6119 00 001 7 99 Salaries-Leadership 156,502 92,188 102,050 99,050 3,000 70,000 32,050 -31% 199 d23 6129 00 001 7 99 Support Personnel 57,910 65,826 64,494 63,294 1,200 29,115 35,379 -55% 199 6139 00 001 7 99 Employee Allowance 7,199 7,200 10,867 10,451 416 10,867) - 100% 199 23 6139 00 001 7 99 Employee Allowance - moving 2,500 - 2,500 2,500) - 100% 199 23 6141 00 001 7 99 SS /Medicare 3,141 2,396 2,788 2,738 50 422 2,366 -85% 199 23 6142 00 001 7 1 991 Insurance 15,109 7,093 7,950 7,448 502 8,000 50 1% 199 23 6143 00 001 7 99 Workers Comp 3,175 1,404 905 886 19 717 194) -21% 199 231 6144 00 001 7 99 TRS - On- behalf payments 15,005 10,574 11,632 11,632 0 6,615 5,017 -43% 199 23 6145 00 001 7 99 Unemployment 1,309 945 200 160 40 180 20 -10% 199 23 6146 00 001 7 99 6.58% surcharge is charged firs TRS Care 1,163 909 1,543 1,093 450 2,633 1,090 71% 90 days for new hires Sub -Total 6100 260,514 188,534 204,929 196,752 8,177 117,676 87,253 43% 199 231 6239100 001 7 1 991 ESC Services 3,900 5,070 5,070 4,740 330 5,070) - 100% 199 23 6269 00 001 7 99 $284.67 /month (2 pymts for 5 months in previous year; Bough Copier Rental 2,795 3,596 4,623 4,338 285 3,420 1,203 -26% lease out at $600 for old copier 199 23 6299 00 001 7 99 $6K Maintenance agreement; ac dl for any copiies over 600,000 Copier Maint/Co Ch /Su lies 8,347 8,500 8,500 6,000 2,500 6,300 2,200 26% annually; Sub -Total 6200 15,041 17,166 18,193 15,078 3,115 9,720 8,473 47% 1991 231 6399 001 001 1 7 1 991 General Su lies 0 600 600 5,000 4,400 733% Bu out of old copier in PY Sub -Total 00 0 600 1 600 0 5,000 1 4,400 1 733% 199 23 64-9-97001 001 1 7 991 Miscellaneous O eratin 4 50 0 - - Sub- Tota16400 4 1 0 - #D!V /0! TOTAL - Function 23 - School Leadershipj 275,559 1 205,760 1 223,723 1 212,431 1 11,292 132,396 91,326 -41 199 31 6119 00 001 :T L69 Salaries - Counselor 22,384 24,276 26,807 23,507 3,300 80,670 53,863 201% 199 31 6141 00 001 7 99 SS /Medicare 325 352 391 341 50 1,170 779 199% 199 31 6142 00 001 7 1 991 Insurance 17 200 200 19 181 3,800 3,600 1800% 199 31 6143 00 001 7 99 Workers Comp 32 206 288 213 75 565 277 96% 199 31 6144 00 001 7 99 TRS - On- behalf payments 1,545 1,554 1,565 1,563 2 6,251 3,686 236% 199 31 6145 00 001 7 99 Unemployment 135 135 135 90 45 -33% 199 31 6146100 001 7 99 TRS Care 129 134 154 129 25 1 380 1,226 795% Sub -Total 6100 24 432 26 857 29,540 25 772 3,768 92,926 63,385 215% 1991 31 6219 00 001 7 11 Testing - all students 7,011 10,000 8,500 7,435 1,065 10,000 1,500 18% 199 31 6219 00 001 7 23 S eech /Lan Testing - Sp Ed 12,120 10,000 8,000 7,410 590 8,800 800 10% Sub -Total 6200 19131 20,000 16,500 14,845 1,655 18,800 2,300 14% 199 31 6399 00 001 7 23 Testing Supplies - S Ed 1,006 1,500 200 167 33 200 - 0% Sub -Total 6300 1 006 1,500 200 167 33 200 - 0% TOTAL - Function 31 - Guidance & Counseling 44 569 48,357 48 240 40 784 5,457 111,926 65,685 142% 8/24/2007 4 of 8 1:27 PM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget (.pnpral Fund - 199 c LL �o c IL m m $ O O w } O 0. 7 Actual (Audited) FY 05 -06 Adopted Budget FY 06 -07 Proposed Amended Budget FY 06107 Y -T -D Actuals thru 8121/07 Budget vs Actual FY 06/07 = ■ t FY 07 Budget VS FY OS Budget $$ FY 07 Budget VS FY 08 Budget %% Commonts 4-/b includes addi p/t 199 351 6141 100 001 7 991 SS /Medicare 113 134 190 172 18 427 199 33 6119 00 001 7 99 Salaries -Nurse 19,900 21,614 21,783 20,783 1,000 22,482 700 3% 199 33 6141 00 001 7 99 SS/Medicare 256 313 313 294 19 326 13 4% 199 33 6143 00 001 7 99 Workers Comp 22 184 284 198 86 157 (127 ) -45% 199 33 6144 00 001 7 99 TRS - On- behalf payments 1,313 1,732 1,110 1,106 4 1,464 354 32% 199 33 6145 00 001 7 99 Unemployment 231 540 540 - 540 45 495 -92% 199 33 6146 00 001 7 99 TRS Care 152 119 424 414 10 124 300 -71% 617 4% 199 35 6341 Sub -Total 6100 21,874 24,502 24,453 22,794 1,659 24,598 145 1% 199 331 62391001 001 1 7 991 ESC Services 0 1,000 1,000 755 245 Non -Food Purchases 1,000 -100°% 400 348 52 450 50 Sub -Total 62001 1991 35 1,000 755 1 245 7 (1,000) -100% 1991 33 6399 100 001 1 71 99 Nurses - su lies 346 800 600 484 116 650 50 8% Sub -Total 6300 73,681 64,000 72,900 Sub- Tota16300 346 1 800 600 484 116 650 50 8% 001 7 99 Food Operating 250 TOTAL - Function 33 - Health Services 22,220 26,302 26,053 24,034 2,019 48 805 3% 199 351 6129100 001 7 991 Salaries - Support Personnel 8,087 9,220 12,913 12,413 500 13,431 518 4-/b includes addi p/t 199 351 6141 100 001 7 991 SS /Medicare 113 134 190 172 18 427 237 125% 199 351 6142100 001 7 991 Insurance 28 200 200 19 181 200 - 0% 199 35 6143 00 001 7 991 Workers Comp 84 78 178 118 60 94 84 -47% 199 35 6144 00 001 7 99 TRS - On- behalf payments 555 590 625 621 4 630 5 1 % 199 35 6145 00 001 7 99 Unemployment 135 135 - 135 83 53 -39% 199 35 6146 00 001 7 99 TRS Care 45 51 60 50 10 53 7 -12% Sub -Total 6100 8 913 10,408 14 301 13,392 909 14,918 617 4% 199 35 6341 00 001 7 99 Food Purchases 65,475 63,800 70,000 66,447 3,553 80,000 10,000 14% 199 35 6342 00 001 7 99 Non -Food Purchases 603 200 400 348 52 450 50 13% 1991 35 6398 1001 001 7 991 Supplies & Materials 7,603 0 2,500 130 2,370 200 2,300 -92% Purchased convection oven Sub -Total 6300 73,681 64,000 72,900 66,924 5,976 80,650 7,750 11 1991 351 6499 1 00 001 7 99 Food Operating 250 350 400 250 150 350 ±50k---- -13% Sub -Total 6400 250 350 400 250 150 350 -13% TOTAL - Function 35 - Food Services 82,844 74,768 87,601 80,567 7,035 95,918 8,317 9% 8/24/2007 5of8 1:27 PM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget General Fund - 199 r 41 � � � c c v a V U. � O J O } iy Actual (Audited) FY 05 -06 Adopted Budget FY 06 -07 Proposed Amended Budget FY 06/07 Y -T -D Actuals thru 8121/07 Budget vs Actual FY 06/07 I. • FY 07 Budget c t VS FY 08 Budget r r $$ FY 07 Budget VS FY 08 Budget %% Comments 199 361 6119 100 001 1 7 1 911 Stipends 8,224 7,500 7,912 7,612 300 7,500 (412 ) -5% Rubayo volleyball stipend 199 36 6119 00 001 7 99 Stipends textbook, OM, and Stipends 2,375 2,755 2,655 100 2,000 755 -27% yearbook 199 36 6141 00 001 7 91 SS /Medicare 119 143 120 110 10 109 (12) -10% 199 36 6141 00 001 7 99 SS /Medicare 0 43 38 5 29 14) -32% 199 361 6142 100 001 7 1 991 Insurance 6 199 361 6143100 001 7 1 911 Workers Comp 84 90 77 13 53 (38) -42% 199 36 001 7 99 Workers Com 226 0 50 27 23 14 (36 -72% 199 36 001 7 91 TRS On- behalf payments 595 632 525 525 0 618 93 18% 36 t6143 1 7 99 TRS On- behalf payments 180 179 1 199 36 001 7 91 TRS Care 54 47 42 5 41 (6) -12% 199 36 001 7 99 TRS Care 43 0 24 19 5 11 13 -54% Sub -Total 61001 9,214 1 10,788 1 11,746 11,284 463 1 10,375 1,372 -12% 1991 36 6219 10 0 001 7 91 Coaches /Officials 6,257 12,000 11,508 11,508 - 15,000 3,492 30% 1991 361 62191001 001 7 991 Professional Services 21,965 25,135 25,135 25,135 0 26,392 1,257 5% Sub -Total 6200 28,222 37,136 36,643 36,643 0 41,392 1 749 1 13% 199 36 6399 00 001 7 91 Co- Curricular supplies (athletic) 0 1,500 1,140 360 2,000 500 33% 199 36 6399 001 001 1 7 1 99 1 Co- Curricular su lies non - athletic 836 3,500 - - - Sub -Total 6300 836 1 3,500 1 1,500 1,140 360 2,000 500 1 33% 199 361 6429 1 00 001 7 99 Insurance & Bonding 4,250 4,038 4,038 4,038 - 4,038 _0_% 100% paid 199 36 6499 10 0 1 001 7 99 1 Co- Curricular operating 1,205 3,000 500 355 145 500 0 Sub -Total 6400 5,455 7,038 4,5 38 4 393 145 4,538 0% TOTAL - Function 36 - CoCurricular Activities 43,726 58,461 54,427 53 46 9 968 58,305 3,877 70 199 41 6119 00 701 7 99 100% Barbara/ PY 50% Function Admin Salaries 2,625 68,250 90,802 84,802 6,000 150,000 59,198 65% 41 and 50% Function 23 199 41 6129100 001 7 1 991 Support Personnel 1,600 - 1,600 40,002 38,402 100% 199 41 6139 0 701 7 1 991 Employee Allowance 500 500 12,100 11,600 100% Travel /Car allowance 199 41 6141 00 701 7 1 991 SS /Medicare 37 990 1,397 1,247 150 2,930 1,534 100% 199 41 6142 00 701 7 99 Insurance 291 6,093 7,700 7,118 582 15,116 7,416 96% 199 41 6143 00 701 7 99 Workers Comp 58 580 1,400 646 754 1,415 15 1% 199 41 6144 00 701 7 99 TRS - On- behalf payments 4,368 6,075 6,073 3 13,157 7,082 117% 199 41 6145 00 701 7 99 Unemployment 0 300 216 84 90 (210) -70% 199 41 6146 00 701 7 99 TRS Care 14 375 1,027 477 550 1.112 84 8% Sub -Total 6100 1 3,025 1 80,656 110,801 100,578 1 10,223 235,922 1 125,120 113% 199 41 6211 00 701 7 1 991 Legal Services 12,516 15,000 15,000 11,468 3,532 55,000 40,000 267% 199 41 6212 00 750 7 99 Audit 10,000 12,500 11,000 11,000 12,500 1,500 14% 199 41 6219100 701 7 99 Admin Contract Services 512 3,500 2,000 1,828 172 3,500 1,500 75% 199 41 62391 0 701 7 99 ESC Region XI 0 50 50 - (50 ) -100% 199 41 6239100 750 7 99 ESC Region XI 21,400 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,647 547 2% Accounting Services 199 41 6239100 700 7 99 ESC Region XI 1,000 0 - - - Sub -Total 62001 44,428 1 56,000 62,050 48,346 1 3,704 1 95,547 43,497 84% 199 41 6395 00 750 7 99 Admin Materials 1,149 2,500 - - - - 0% 199 41 6399 00 701 7 99 Admin Supplies 7,662 10,000 7,500 5,282 2,218 8,000 500 7% 199 41 6399 1 00 750 7 99 Admin Su lies 150 150 124 26 150 - 0% Sub -Total 6300 8,811 12 650 1 7,660 1 6,407 1 2,244 1 8,150 500 1 7% 199 41 6411 00 701 7 99 Travel Expense 12,612 3,000 3,520 3,415 105 4,000 480 14% 199 41 6411 00 750 7 99 Travel Expense -admin 0 460 457 3 1,000 540 117% Training for business staff 199 41 6429 00 701 7 99 Insurance and Bonding 14,786 11,500 8,729 2,771 12,754 1,254 11% 199 41 6499 00 701 7 99 Misc Operating /Fees 10,417 15,000 30,000 25,380 4,620 32,000 2,000 7% 199 41 6499 00 750 7 99 International movin ex 5,553 15,000 8,000 4,822 3,178 12,000 4,000 50% Sub- Tota16400 28,582 47,786 53,480 42,804 10,676 61,754 8,274 15% 8/24/2007 TOTAL - Function 41 - Administrative 84,846 197,092 2 3? 1 197,135 26,847 401,373 177,391 797/o 1:27 PM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget General Fund - 199 y a0 a LM V u ILL O O } a Actual (Audited) FY 05 -06 Adopted Budget FY 06 -07 Proposed Amended Budget FY 06107 Y -T -D Actuals thru 8121107 Budget vs Actual FY 06107 • FY 07 Budget = VS FY 08 Budget r $$ FY 07 Budget VS FY 08 Budget %% Comments 30,221 30,961 28,561 2,400 199 51 1 6219100 199 001 7 99 Professional Services 0 0 0 - - - 199 51 6249 00 001 7 99 Carpet Cleaning $4K; Janitorial $44K; Security $11 K; 800 Contract Maint & Repair 642 51,194 51,194 41,153 10,041 59,800 8,606 17% miscellaneous 199 51 1 6255100 6141 001 7 99 Gas 13,832 15,000 13,000 11,442 1,558 14,000 1,000 8% 199 51 6256 00 001 7 99 Two more pymts - approx Electric 78,930 79,750 79,750 59,761 19,989 90,000 10,250 13% $9K/each 199 51 6257 00 001 7 99 Telephone/T1 Line 11,037 8,900 8,300 7,510 790 8,300 - 0% 199 51 6258 001 001 1 7 1 991 Water 21,071 27,000 16,000 13,158 2,842 16,500 500 3% Sub -Total 62001 125,512 1 181,844 1 168,244 1 133,026T 35,218 1 188,600 1 20,356 1 12% 1991 51 1 6319 00 001 7 99 Maintenance supplies 281 9,650 9,650 6,822 2,828 10,000 350 4% Paper goods $8K + $2K misc 199 51 6399 00 001 7 99 General Supplies 0 0 2,084 2,083 1 2,084 -100% Add'I telephones Sub -Total 6300 281 9,660 11,734 8,905 2,829 10 000 1,734 -15% 1991 51 1 64291001 001 001 1 7 991 Insurance & bonding 41,070 30,000 33,278 24,010 9,268 32,781 (497) -1% 1991 51 1 6499 001 001 1 7 1 991 Maintenance o eratin 455 300 100 31 69 2,000 1,900 1900% Kitchen equipment maintenance Sub -Total 6400 41,525 30,300 1 33 378 24 041 9,337 34,781 1,403 4% 135 TOTAL - Function 51 - Plant Maintenance & Operations] 167,317 2 94 213 356 185 972 47 384 233,381 1 20,025 1 9% 001 199 53 6119 00 001 7 99 _- Salaries 1,800 30,221 30,961 28,561 2,400 57,000 26,039 Tech person didn't start until Oct 84% in FY 2007 199 53 6139 00 001 7 99 Employee Allowance - moving 99 Salaries - Support Personnel 2,000 - 2,000 10,769 (2,000 ) -100% 199 53 6141 00 001 7 99 SS /Medicare 26 438 449 414 35 12 449 - 100% 199 53 6142100 61 001 7 99 Insurance 0 2,795 2,795 1,350 1,445 4,000 1,205 43% 199 53 6143 00 001 7 99 Workers Comp 18 257 257 46 303 413 156 61% 199 53 6144 00 001 7 99 TRS - On- behalf payments 124 2,422 1,420 1,333 87 31841 2,421 170% 199 53 6145 00 001 7 99 Unemployment 99 135 135 - 135 135 - Service Center to reallocate at 0% year -end 199 53 6146 00 001 7 99 TRS Care 9 166 925 775 150 2,012 1,088 118% 3,491 2252% _ 199 61 6145 00 Sub -Total 61001 1,977 1 36,435 1 38,942 1 32,386 1 6,556 1 67,401 1 28,460 73% 199 53 6219 00 001 7 991 Data Processing Services 40,062 14,000 37,000 29,193 7,807 14,000 (23,000) -62% No tech person at beg of year 199 53 6239 00 001 7 99 ESC Peims Services 7 0 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 705 Reallocation from function 41 for 0% PENS 308 697 -69% Sub -Total 6200 40 082 14,000 38,000 30,193 7,807 15,000 (23,000 61 13,513 2,744 66,907 50,649 TOTAL - Function 53 -Data Processin 42,039 50,435 78 942 62 579 14 363 82,401 5,460 131. 16,258 199 611 6121 100 001 7 991 Community Services 1,800 2,890 1,330 1,326 4 1,500 170 13% 6129 00 999 7 99 Salaries - Support Personnel 12,969 10,769 2,200 56,000 43,031 332% Angie - Foundation 61 6141 00 001 7 99 SS /Medicare 25 27 12 12 0 22 10 81% 61 6141 00 999 7 99 SS /Medicare 163 137 26 812 649 398% r61 61 6142 00 999 7 99 Health & Life Insurance 501 374 128 4,000 3,499 698% 61 6143 00 001 7 99 Workers Comp 18 22 110 23 88 11 (100) -90% 61 6143 00 999 7 99 Workers Comp 0 0 - - 392 392 100% 61 6144 00 001 7 99 TRS on- behalf 131 202 155 155 (0 ) 3,646 3,491 2252% _ 199 61 6145 00 001 7 99 Unemployment 0 0 - 135 135 100% 199 61-6146 00 001 1 7 199 1 TRS care 10 11 12 12 (0) 83 71 588% 199 61 6146 001 9991 7 1 991 TRS care 0 1,005 705 300 308 697 -69% Sub-Total 6100 1,984 3,152 16,258 13,513 2,744 66,907 50,649 312% TOTAL - Function 61 - Communi Services 1,984 3,152 16,258 13,513 2 744 66,907 50,649 312% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,211,898 2,743,914 2,699,662 2,444,532 255,130 3,271,414 571,752 21% 8/24/2007 7 of 8 1:27 PM S Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget General Fund - 199 c 0 U IL IL to i 0 9 d Proposed Y -T -D Budget •' • FY 07 Budget FY 07 Budget Actual Adopted Amended Actuals vs = vS vs (Audited) Budget Budget thru Actual FY 08 Budget FY 08 Budget FY 05 -06 1 FY 06 -07 1 FY 06/07 1 8121107 1 FY 06107 $$ 1 %% Comments UMMARY - - _ .. Function 11- Instructional 1,368,362 1,752,586 1,623,929 1,501,940 121,989 1,956,275 332,346 20% Function 12 - Resources & Media 58,065 66,331 66,165 54,624 11,541 70,316 4,151 6% Function 13- Staff Development 19,978 30,109 31,150 28,329 2,821 26,000 5,150 -17% Function 21 - Instructional Leadership 386 8,787 9,837 9,167 670 10,968 1,131 11% Function 23 - School Leadership 275,559 205,750 223,723 212,431 11,292 132,396 91,326 -41% Function 31 - Guidance & Counseling 44,569 48,357 46,240 40,784 5,457 111,926 65,685 142% Function 33 - Health Services 22,220 26,302 26,053 24,034 2,019 25,248 805 -3% Function 35 - Food Services 82,844 74,758 87,601 80,567 7,035 95,918 8,317 9% Function 36 - CoCurricular Activities 43,726 58,461 54,427 53,459 968 58,305 3,877 7% Function 41 - Administrative 84,846 197,092 223,981 197,135 26,847 401,373 177,391 79% Function 51 - Maintenance & Operations 167,317 221,794 213,356 165,972 47,384 233,381 20,025 9% Function 53 - Data Processing 42,039 50,435 76,942 62,579 14,363 82,401 5,460 7% Function 61 - Communit Services FUNCTION NET BY 1,984 3,152 16,258 13,513 2,744 66,907 50,649 312% 8/24/2007 8 of 8 1:27 PM WeF %e Academy Prop —:ied FY 2007 -2008 Budget Special Revenue Fund 224 C 0 o_ 0 o r U T U. a O O } a IDEA -B Reimbursement Grant Proposed I Y -T•D 11WI FY 07 Budget FY D7 Budget Actual Adopted Amended Actuals vs vs (Audited) Budget Budget thru FY 08 Budget FY 08 Budget FY 06 -06 FY 06 -07 1 FY 06 -07 8121107 ",.,, ..` :� $$ %% 224 00 5831 000 7 00 TRS On- Behalf - - 478 478.34 - (478) -100% 224 00 5929 000 7 00 IDEA- B Fed. S ecialEdFunds 29i 452 25727 32986 32811.73 28288 4698 -14% FEDERAL 224 11 6119 001 7 23 Salaries - Sp.Ed 29,452 25,727 29,000 29,886.86 25,900 (3,100) -11% 224 11 6141 001 7 23 SS /Medicare - - 350 364.48 378 28 8% 224 11 6142 001 7 23 Group Health & Life Insurance - - 2,155 2,266.66 - (2,155) -100% 224 11 6143 001 7 23 Workers Comp - - 61 63.24 181 121 199% 224 11 6144 001 7 23 TRS On- Behalf Payments 479 478.34 1,686 1,207 252% 224 11 6146 001 7 23 TRS Care TOTAL EXPENDITURES - 1 420 29,462 26,727 33,464 1478.67 34,637.13 142 28,288 1 277 (6,17G) -90% -16% EXCESS EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES 0 (1,726) 0 1 478 1 0 Excess Expenditure over Revenues represent FY 08 funds. FY 07 grant runs from 8 -17 -06 through 6- 30 -07. Expenditures from June 30- August 31 will be requested from the FY O8 grant funds. 1 8/21/07 of 1 3:42 PM Westlake idemy Proposed t f 2007 -2008 Budget Special Revenue Fund 411 Techno logy Grant c N Proposed Y -T -D Budget PROPOSED FY 07 Budget I FY 07 Budget °_ o Actual Adopted Amended Actuals vs = vs vs c c rn `m (Audited( Budget Budget thru Actual FY 08 Budget FY 08 Budget U IL IL O O Y� a FY 06.06 FY 06 -07 FY 06107 8121107 FY 06!07 $$ % % Comments 411 DO 5829 001 7 00 Technology Grant 8,649 10,069 8,988 8,988 10,121 10,121 1,133 CYamt x 373 students STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 8,649 10,069 8,988 8,988 1,133 411 11 6399 001 7 11 General Su lies Misc 8 649 10.069 8.988 8.988 10,121 10,121 1,133 TOTAL I. NETI 1 0 1 O 1 0 0 8/22/07 1 of 1 10:50AM Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget Special Revenue Fund 428 C 0 0 '0 0 m LL ILL O O FSP - High School Allotment Y -T -D Budget Proposed Actuals vs Budget thru Actual FY 06 -07 8121/07 FY 06107 FY 07 Budget FY 07 Budget vs vs FY 08 Budget FY 08 Budget $$ % % Comments 428 00 5812 001 7 00 Foundation Entitlement 8,821 8,086.21 (735 ) 18,975 10,154 115% I STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 8,821 8,086.21 (736) 110,164 116% 428 11 6395 001 7 11 Su olies 8,821 5.017.93 (3.803) 18.975 10.154 115% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,821 6,017.93 (3,803) 10,164 116% Nr=Tl 1 0 1 3,068.28 1 3,066.26 Westlake mademy Proposed Amended FY 2006 -2007 Budget (No grant to -date for FY 2007 -2008) Special Revenue Fund 289 Classroom Supp lies Teacher Reimbursement C N o 'a 0 C G � Of tt{ Li Li O O a ®'J Budget % of Proposed Actuals vs YTD Budget thru Actual Actuals FY 06 -07 FY 06/07 FY 06/07 Won't know until further in year whether we will get this and 287 00 5929 001 7 00 Revenue 4,650 1 050.00 3 a00 -77% how much A— I . FEDERAL PROGRAM REVENUES 4,650 1,050.00 (3,600.00) -77% 287 11 6399 001 7 23 General Su olies 4 650 3 273.29 1 377 -30% TOTAL • NET (2,223.29) (2,223.29) 0% ** Requested and approved 8/21/07 Page 1 of 1 3:42 PM Westlakr °aderny ProposeL.. Y 2007 -2008 Budget Special Revenue Fund 397 c °1 o 0 � U c c °i rn n LL' u�. O O Advanced PlacementlIB Reward Y -T -D • . FY 07 Budget FY 07 Budget Proposed Proposed Actuals = vs vs Budget Amended thru FY 08 Budget FY 08 Budget FY 06 -07 FY 06 -07 1 8121107 $$ 1 %% 00 5829 00 00 State Funds 2,250 2,250 2,260 6,860 3.600 00% STATE PROGRAM REVENUES 2,260 2,260 2,260 6,860 3,600 100% 398 13 6399 001 7 99 Curriculum & Staff Dev Supplies 1,125 - 0% 398 13 6411 . 001 7 99 Travel & Sub - Em to ee 1 125 2 250 2 260 6 860 3 600 0% TOTAL 6 60 2,260 6,860 3,GOO Comments _ OF1Vf.Cj�.. �w. �qKE Ate' WestlakeAvademy Accomplishments 2006-07 • Our MYP received 100 Authorization, making us the only school in Texas to have both PYP and MYP • The Diploma Program application was approved and the authorization visit is scheduled for Fall 2007 l - of them a service / 1 • Increased the number t scope of student service projects • One of our teachers was selected to becov:k�-�'W- i i Leader and Site Visitor; / impressed training the group that she was then asked 1 one of only Online members, a Westlake Academ. Goa-1 Goa-is & Objectives 2007/2-008 It The Academy has met all of the 5 year goals set forth in its Charter, continues to address the Strategic Plan and now needs to set out broad priorities to guide us through the next years. 1.Academic A. Remain committed to A. Become IBO authorized for all three All included in the IBO programs. programs: PYP, MYP (authorized) and budget 1) Address the whole DP (visit set for Fall 2007), making WA person the 5t' school in the USA with all 3 2) Breadth and depth programs. 3) Lasting impact on student 4) Gives a head start for college: a year's credit in Texas B. Continue to set B. attainable, measurable 1) IB: Diploma authorization during goals 2007 -2008 school year. 1) IB authorization 2) Science: an improvement plan, 2) Improve science started in 2005, has reaped great 3) Improve Math in benefits: Science TAKS in G5 Primary have gone up from 76% to 89% (State average 77 %); G8 had 100°/x! (State average 60 %) 3) Math: in most grade levels, Math scores have improved. G7: from 75% to 100 %; G8 from 77% to 94 %. This year will focus on improving Primary: a) Set up an informal, internal Math Review, headed by HS Math teacher and PYP Coordinator and Head of Primary b) Use results to create improvement plan and staff development sessions 2. Remain A. Use IB experience and A. International staff become involved Included in yearly xVii estlak.e A Goals & ObjectiveS2007/2008 committed to different perspectives to in community projects budgets hiring understand the value of 1) Coach sports (soccer, golf) international diversity. 2) Offer additional curriculum staff 1) All IB site visitors support (eg. Math review, math have remarked on tutoring) students' ability to 3) Yearbook, newspaper, clubs, understand other after school activities commonalities 4) Set up summer program while accepting differences. 2) Students, staff and community become global citizens 3. Keep A. Increased individual A. When class size in G1 -6 goes above Included in budget optimum class attention. total of 39 for two classes, hire additional size small B. Cater for differentiation teacher. (KG -13; Gl- B. Continue teacher learning curve on 6: 16 -18; G7- individual learning plans. .2: 20 4. Commit to A. Create much needed A. Support a successful Capital Not included in and build the space for improving Campaign by the WA Foundation School budget Arts & science and arts instruction B. Plan for community action Science B. Create opportunities for 1) Create local artist gallery space Centre increased community in Foyer during June - August and projects perhaps 2 other times during the C. View the building as a school year financial and community 2) Summer theatre asset for the Town of a) Adult productions Westlake b) Children's theatre 3) Regular music events a) Chamber ensembles b) Jazz groups c) Country or rock 4) Art film centre a) Film cycles for the community 5. Commit to A. Committee continue to A. A minimum of a written synopsis of Not included in idea of meet to further develop what was accomplished with budget adopting a work done during 2006- committee 06 -07 new Master 2007 1) A complete plan including Ilan B. Present to the Board of architectural renderings 4 Westlak.e A-Vad-em { Goals & JectiveS Trustees and Aldermen a plan for continued growth in an organized way. 6. Add a Pre- A. Pursue possibilities of a A. Continue work done during 2006 -07 Not included in K to the public /private venture. budget Academy B. Will improve the curricular program C. Bring additional funds to the Academy 7. Remain A. Become a model for A. Continue to provide mentorship for Not included in committed to other schools other municipalities. budget. the unique B. Improve relations B. Bring the community into the school municipally between residents and held charter school 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Westlake Aeaclezn TAKS Graph 2-007 �Ml � 2005 2006 2007 W�..estlakex Academy TAKS Grapy 2007 Grade Test WA 06 07 State 07 WA 06 07 State 06 07 06 Commended Commended 3 Reading 100% 97 89% 89% 72 %* 53 43% 36% Math 100% 81 82% 82% 53% 50 28% 28% 4 Reading 100% 97 82% 84% 36% 42 20% 30 % Math 100% 97 83% 86% 44% 21 31% 34% Writing 100% 97 92 %. 91% 53% 13 20% 28% 5 Reading 100% 100 80% 82% 53% 58 22% 25% Math 91% 92 81% 85% 59% 50 38% 39% Science 76% 89 75% 77% 32% 31 24% 31% 6 Reading 100 % 100 91% 92% 70% 79 39% 51% Math 95% 94 79% 79% 62% 64 31% 34% 7 Reading 98 % 100 79% 85% 52% 65 21% 25% Math 100% 91 70% 76% 29% 22 13% 17% Writing 100% 100 90% 93% 60% 85 37% 31% 8 Reading 97% 95 83% 89% 63% 76 36% 42 % Math 77% 94 67% 71% 31% 54 15% 17% SS 100% 97 83% 87 % 56 % 44 30% 34 % Science 94% 100 52% 60% 25% 36 12% 17% 9 Reading 100 87% 86% 50 20 %o 24% Math 88 56% 60% 38 14% 17 % c� w Westlake Academy Student Goals 2002- 2003- 2004 - 2006- 2006- Progress 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Measurement Academic - Overall ♦ Exceed performance standards for student learning for the first five years ♦ Obtain a status as a state exemplary school s Have a minimum of 50% of high school graduates achieve the distinguished Achievement Program — Advanced High School Program as describes in TEA Chapter 74 Students will pass the appropriate TAAS with TLI of 70% of 76% of 80% of 85% of 90% of Spring TAAS 80% students students students students students * TEKS incorporated into curriculum • Pre -test, administered the second week of school, identifies individual areas of weakness • Test taking strategies reviewed prior to test date Timeline for reporting: Year -end SBOE report Students will score above grade level in reading, 70% of 75% of 80% of 85% of 90% of Pre -test and math, language, science, and social studies students students students students students Post -test Stanford • Broad based core curriculum utilized by all Achievement teachers Test of the • Low student teacher ratio implemented Gates- McGinite • Various teaching styles incorporated into assessment test instruction • Comprehensive reading program offered to all students Timeline for reporting: Year -end SBGE report .r Westlake Academy [Students will prepare and present their portfolios to a 75% of students SO% of students 85% of students 90% of studen #s 95% of students Semes #er update to roup of parents, community members, and /or staff • Instruction on preparation of portfolios Director Incorporation of portfolios into assessment process • Participation by adults in evaluation process Time line for reporting: Year -end SB ®E report cg`s 61 cz Westlake Academy Non - academic 75 %of 80% of 85% of 90% of 95% of Attendance Each student will attain a good attendance rate students students students students students cards • Calls to parents of absent students made daily • Conference with student and parents held after 3 absences per nine weeks • Conference with student and parents held after 6 absences per semester Timeline for reporting: 6 -week ADA report and year- end SBOE report 80% of 85% of 90% of 95% of 100% of Teacher record Each grade level will participate in a community classes classes classes classes classes sheet project per year A list of possible projects provided to each class • Two designated volunteer parents along with the teachers coordinate the activity • Two community leaders work with the class Timeline for reporting: Year -end SBOE report 80% of 85% of 90% of 95% of 100% of Student sign -in Each student will participate in an individual students students students students students sheet community service project • A list of possible projects on campus provided to students • A list of possible projects in the community provided to students • A parent volunteer committee coordinates the activities Timeline for reporting: Year -end SBOE report 62 - spa ,: "Debbie Piper" <dpiper @westlake- tx.org> Subject: Emailing: 65 Instruction Expenditure Ratio.pdf Duty:: August 22, 2007 10:21:30 AM CDT c: "'Barbara Brizuela "' <bbrizuela@westlakeacademy.org> 1 Attachment, 14.7 KB Save This is updated with the latest expenditures Date Run: 08 -22 -2007 10 :19 AM Cnty Dist: 220 -810 School Year 2006 -2007 Function Description Instructional Expenditures 11 INSTRUCTION 12 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES /MEDIA 31 GUIDANCEAND COUNSELING SVS 33 HEALTH SERVICES 36 CO- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Operating Expenditures 11 INSTRUCTION 12 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES/MEDIA 13 CURRICULUM & STAFF DEVELOPMEP 21 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 23 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 31 GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SVS 33 HEALTH SERVICES 35 FOOD SERVICES 36 CO- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 41 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 51 PLANT MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 53 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 61 COMMUNITY SERVICES End of Report 65% Instruction Expenditure Ratio WESTLAKE ACADEMY NCES Modified Definition 6100 1,467,246.16 53,067.99 26,976.78. 23,676.13 11,287.09 1,467,246.16 53,067.99 550.10 9,190.32 200,793.63 26,976.78 23,676.13 13;393.59 11,287.09 109,030.88 .00 32,385.93 15,958.18 6200 6300 Program: FIN3650 Page: 1 of 1 File ID: C 6400 Total 27,455.00 79,098.88 147.00 1,573,947.04 .00 1,704.84 .00 54,772.83 14,844.62 167.06 .00 41,988.46 755.00 484.49 .00 24,915.62 36,643.02 1,139.54 4,393.00 53,462.65 Totals for Instructional Expenditures 1,749,086.60 27,455.00 79,098.88 147.00 1,573,947.04 .00 1,704.84 .00 54,772.83 .00 .00 30,510.83 31,060.93 .00 .00 .00 9,190.32 15,078.47 600.00 -.05 216,472.05 14,844.62 167.06 .00 41,988.46 755.00 484.49 .00 24,915.62 .00 66,924.09 250.00 80,567.68 36,643.02 1,139.54 4,393.00 53,462.65 48,345.80 5,638.38 42,804.06 205,819.12 136,206.57 9,962.49 24,040.65 170,209.71 30,192.97 .00 .00 62,578.90 .00 .00 .00 15,958.18 Totals for Operating Expenditures 2,540,943.49 65% Instruction Expenditure Ratio 68.84 Date Run: 08-.,-2007 3:18 PM Cnty Dist: 220 -810 Total Expenditures: 1,451,087.72 Finance 85% Compliai.ce Worksheet PIC 11 .00 Basic Ed .00 Services Direct Costs: PIC 22 PIC 23 11 -INSTRUCTION 1,381,901.53 12 - INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES /MEDIA 52,184.52 13 - CURRICULUM & STAFF DEVELOPMENT 550.10 21 - INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 9,016.95 23 - SCHOOL LEADERSHIP .00 31 - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SVS 7,434.62 33 - HEALTH SERVICES .00 35 - FOOD SERVICES .00 36 - CO- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES .00 51 - PLANT MAINTENANCE & OPERATION .00 53 - DATA PROCESSING SERVICES .00 61 -COMMUNITY SERVICES .00 Total Direct: 1,451,087.72 Indirect Costs: .00 .00 41 -GENERAL ADMINISTRATION .00 Total Indirect: .00 Total Expenditures: 1,451,087.72 Finance 85% Compliai.ce Worksheet PIC 24 PIC 25 PIC 26 Accelerated Bilingual and AEP Basic Education Special LA Services .00 WESTLAKE ACADEMY .00 Unallocated .00 As of: August PIC 21 PIC 22 PIC 23 Gifted and Career and Special Talented Technololgy Education .00 .00 .00 .00 72,795.63 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,577.06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 80,372.69 .00 .00 . .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 80,372.69 PIC 24 PIC 25 PIC 26 Accelerated Bilingual and AEP Basic Education Special LA Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Program: FIN350u Page 1 of 1 File ID: C Date Run: ,'-2007 3:18 PM Cnty Dist: 220 -810 Direct Costs: 11 -INSTRUCTION 12 - INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES /MEDIA 13 - CURRICULUM & STAFF DEVELOPMENT 21 - INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 23 - SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 31 - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SVS 33 - HEALTH SERVICES 35 - FOOD SERVICES 36 - CO- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 51 - PLANT MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 53 - DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 61 -COMMUNITY SERVICES Total Direct: Indirect Costs: 41 -GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Total Indirect: Total Expenditures: End of Report Finance 85% Comp ,ce Worksheet Program: FIN, WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page 1 of 1 Unallocated File ID: C As of: August PIC 28 PIC 29 PIC 30 PIC 71 -89 PIC 91 PIC 99 DAEP Basic DAEP Suppl Title 1 Reserved Athletics and Other Total All Services Services Part A for ESCs and Related Undistrib PICS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,454,697.16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,704.84 53,889.36 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 26,626.86 27,176.96 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -3.68 9,013.27 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 212,146.15 212,146.15 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 24,991.67 40,003.35 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 24,033.84 24,033.84 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 80,419.12 80,419.12 .00 .00 .00 .00 20,899.24 32,414.81 53,314.05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 165, 971.71 165, 971.71 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 57,045.80 57,045.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 13, 513.39 13, 513.39 .00 .00 .00 .00 20,899.24 638,864.51 2,191,224.16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 196, 006.73 196, 006.73 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 196,006.73 196,006.73 .00 .00 .00 .00 20,899.24 834,871.24 2,387,230.89 L� These are the actual salary scales of the ISDs for the 2006 -2007 school year A Q d v Years •o A A a � N cs � A U oOb a .. d o a v o > a 0 41,636 43,000 44,255 42,000 43,216 42,000 44,250 42,000 42,300 44,159 43,020 43,000 -3.2% -3.2% 1' 7aO Qi�° ., ' , ,32. bn(�., t s3' 4 4fi, 5�. 3 i 1; 4 ' j:;, -3...p /o 2 42,107 43,392 44,450 42,590 43,502 42,705 44,450 43,005 42,770 44,459 43,480 43,392 -3.2% -3.0% 4'S�d 40 . . 4 3s #O 44;19'9 ` 43`850 4 42,910 43,784 44,940 43,190 43,829 42,896 45,824 44,065 43,451 45,259 44,138 43,829 -2.8% -2.1% 5 a3 ,,,,5 ,:.. << ° y 44, `42 ..,..,, pp 4$ 7 fY� +� 4. 6 43,546 44,566 45,340 43,790 45,168 43,072 46,123 44,665 43,822 45,809 44,706 44,665 -2.6% -2.5% 44,681 46,409 WOAC 45,223 8 43,941 45,158 45,740 44,390 45,325 43,299 46,737 45,265 45,265 -2.8% -2.9% 9 .44;12$1 d 4 0i Q ; 4 0 4 i :, 1'3 , , : 47,814 � 45,915 45,803 ,., ; , , `$ . 46,961 +' S 4 t t�3�;1 %, -. 3, p/d 10 44,407 45,750 46,140 44,990 46,202 43,784 45,929 45,915 -3.3% -3.3% ILA 400L , :, ..... t3 59 � x . b�3 � . E' 4` � ; ..�' , � 46,667 ' 47,657 ,, i • 46,577 '�: 46,530 � -2.7% ' ..,� J r ` 12 45,332 46,530 46,540 45,590 46,470 44,979 48,233 46,529 -2.6% 1 4 S,. 6, INN", s! 11 T 14 46,500 47,312 46,940 46,195 46,784 46,174 49,256 47,615 47,663 48,759 47,411 47,312 -1.9% -1.7% 1 16 47,991 48,246 48,805 47,927 49,779 48,121 51,091 48,265 49,319 50,475 49,114 48,805 -2.3% -1.7% 5, 4$, .227 4 980',. 4 j. ' $."dal 3 4$' 69(1- 50!,3e , .83 j G '4, `65 18 49,798 49,969 50,740 48,527 50,157 49,996 53,066 49,365 51,335 52,381 50,615 50,157 -1.6% -0.7% 1+� S 7],s a .5' 20 51,677 51,759 52,415 51,250 53,639 51,562 54,419 50,565 53,418 53,939 52,552 52,415 -1.7% -1.4% z J, fy 2 S S2 493 541 tt9. S '465. :S!� 5'4 9 3 22 53,476 52,801 53,882 53,322 55,596 52,509 55,193 55,115 53,987 53,679 . *, .. F f1, S:, .. 5d ` , � 9, 79 "'I, ;0 t . .. 5 9,i .51, 4 24 55,195 53,401 54,178 55,037 57,623 53,797 56,818 56,484 55,317 55,116 26 56,609 54,001 57,284 56,704 58,086 55,146 57,613 56,492 56,704 49..,:, �:PAM", y/ f.R a 28 57,721 54,601 58,131 58,370 59,435 56,391 58,251 57,557 58,131 ;29 5.8, . `"' . "4;4�� � � .:� ; 5$,57��` 6 X�9 ''� �►59 :' ,� B4O�`9 589 l 30 58,835 55,201 63,060 58,785 60,650 57,559 58,768 58,980 58,785 *These are the 06 -07 salary scales of the ISDs adjusted by the average of those who have released new scales as of 8/15/07 o 'o w Years A A A d � A d GO t �b ;4 0 41,636 44,590 46,000 43,553 44,814 43,000 46,000 43,553 43,700 46,322 44,615 44,590 -6.6% 17 41,$4 44''13 °6, `- 4` 0;. - ;... 4; 4 , Q.. - . I;QZQ 4r 3 , .: " 65 00 - GrS�4:. 2 42,107 45,139 46,580 44,305 45,253 43,878 46,124 44,736 44,368 46,722 45,234 45,139 -6.7% 9'- 46y 4' , Via. 45 Q:= 46 >22 ;4'4, 44 46: d 4 4 42,910 45,390 46,980 44,774 45,436 44,099 47,376 45,681 44,928 47,162 45,758 45,436 -5.6% ;., 5 4: <, `, 471Q 4'S�. '9 4b.,g 1�, ' 47" . �QS Y` „'�, 6 43,546 46,252 47,280 45,447 46,877 44,247 47,813 46,355 45,416 47,922 46,401 46,355 -6.1% 4 5 :. 4b _1 .4,'S'#41, ... 4 a+b 5,S ; 4 's 2,i : S9 % 46 _ $ I -G - 8 43,941 46,680 47,665 45,886 46,852 44,482 48,105 46,790 45,813 48,472 46,749 46,790 -6.1% 9: ., 2 4 . :.... ` 4'1; 1 ", $ 6 9.. i 6 ,. 4+ 10 44,407 47,223 48,065 46,438 47,689 44,715 49,015 47,393 47,219 48,931 47,410 47,393 -6.3% 47,0 416, 4 ,2� ` 4060" �1j864 ..`� 4is,;?1ii iM 47, l , 12 45,332 48,057 48,465 47,086 47,995 45,713 49,949 48,056 48,003 49,667 48,110 48,056 -5.7% 45,876: . 4$4 5 .... •6165 ... . � 3', 4 10$ �'. 46 fit` �` SD;1 ~t rr. : 14 46,500 48,718 48,865 47,568 48,174 46,944 50,435 49,030 49,034 50,622 48,821 48,865 -4.8% 15 i° . _7,31 48,7#b 4?A,b'i, ;: �$:._., 5 15 :?7; . ,.: S1�Z: :.�9 ; : '4�1�' .� 'y��s t. 2, 4 4..: 16 47,991 49,252 49,815 48,927 50,817 48,499 52,262 49,272 50,191 52,248 50,142 49,815 -3.7% 17 ' 48,9 0,. 0', . +95_ , ,` 5.0 ;.4,95 = 5,1`3 „y6 ' ` 51,27 , ..' i .$ 4,$5'. SQy?0 ; "d� ✓° - ..; 18 49,798 50,951 51,990 49,480 51,143 50,506 54,218 50,335 52,180 53,703 51,612 51,143 -2.6% 19`' 7s M, 8" 5'1`, $ .0 � 5 5► .. g 5, 20 51,677 53,047 53,665 52,525 54,973 52,353 56,300 51,823 54,456 55,622 53,863 53,665 -3.7% �.. 53 .$ = 454Q; . 9 ".. 22 - 54,751 54,060 55,166 54,068 57,147 53,761 56,424 56,832 55,276 54,959 - 23 ,. tiQt ,4' � 7,3$1 57" .128 $$5_. s . 9 _ - 24 - 56,433 54,599 55,393 55,781 58,882 55,004 58,252 58, 56,559 56,107 - '" 26 - 57,548 60,241 56,567 59,071 59,482 58,582 59,071 - 28 - 59,262 61,006 57,706 59,897 60,782 59,731 59,897 - 29` } 60,42 aJ9$ SSf i . GD S6 :30 - 60,334 62,470 60,011 60,561 62,082 61,091 60,561 - Median Salary Scale Comparison '07-'08 00 0 o s b Q � o a � s o rA 44,144 - 1.00% 2,508 >. 0 o 2,580 tj 4.0 ., 199l'' a - 1.00% ro A M o �3 2, 45,892 -1.00% 2,346 p y L 45,854 y O -1.00% 2,381 46,445 46,919 -1.00% 0 0 41,636 44,590 -6.6% - 1.00% 2,243 44;733::' 2 42,107 45,139 -6.7% 42,592, 48,819 49,317 4 42,910 45,436 -5.6% 5 50,631 37' 833 6 43,546 46,355 -6.1% - 1.00% 1,452 3 95° WO b , 8 43,94 46,790 -6.1% s 9 41 4,11, 54,985 55,546 10 44,407 47,393 -6.3% 57,890 58,480 -1.00% - 12 45,332 48,056 -5.7% -1.00% - 58,744 14 46,500 48,865 -4.8% 15`, 470 16 47,991 49,815 -3.7% 18 49,798 51,143 -2.6% ,$1 20 51,677 5 3,665 -3.7% 2a. 5,4 5db' 22 - 554,9�5Q9 - 7 -2'. 24 - 56,107 - 26 - 59,071 - 28 - 59,897 - 30 - 60,561 - Median Salary Scale Comparison '07-'08 00 0 o s b Q � o a � s o rA 44,144 - 1.00% 2,508 44,688 -1.00% 2,580 2 4.0 ., 199l'' 44,982 - 1.00% 2,072 #N7 2, 45,892 -1.00% 2,346 p 45,854 46,322 -1.00% 2,381 46,445 46,919 -1.00% 2,512 47,095 47,575 - 1.00% 2,243 ^ 47,888 48,376 -1.00% 1,876 48,819 49,317 - 1.00% 1,326 50,120 50,631 -1.00% 833 t4; . 1 52,592 53,128 - 1.00% 1,452 3 95° WO b , 53,859 54,409 - 1.00% - n 9 54,985 55,546 - 1.00% - r, 1090 , ' ' 57,890 58,480 -1.00% - 58,100 58,699 59,298 -1.00% - 58,744 59,350 59,955 -1.00% - 00 o d b � o b � 43,698 - 2.00% 2,062 44,236 - 2.00% 2,129 44,527 -2.00% 1,617 45,428 -2.00% 1,882 1,419 p 45,854 - 2.00% 1,913 1,445 46,445 -2.00% 2,038 1,564 47,095 -2.00% 1,763 1,282 47,888 - 2.00% 1,387 899 48,819 -2.00% 828 330 50,120 - 2.00 % 321 i'' 500$ . y�'b 2,3 O 52,592 -2.00% 915 ' , - %y 53,859 - 2.00% - 1,. 54,424 54,985 -2.00% - ` ,s7 r, 1090 , ' ' 57,890 - 2.00% - 58,100 58,699 -2.00% - 58,744 59,350 -2.00% - 00 0 e o 43,252 -3.00% 1,616 43,785 -3.00% 1,678 44,073 - 3.00% 1,163 44,965 - 3.00% 1,419 p 45,386 -3.00% 1,445 45,971 -3.00% 1,564 46,614 - 3.00% 1,282 47,399 - 3.00 % 899 48,321 - 3.00% 330 49,798 - 2.63% - 2,3 O 52,055 - 3.00 % 378 h' - %y d - 5553,310 µ3. {.00 54,424 - 3.0/0% - 57,29h9 -3.00% - du''%' 58,100 - 3.00 % - 58,744 - 3.00 % - d v d N W L 00 O t- O y q O C Q V) y cd ppp l � o O LJ cV 0 44,590 3.0 133,770 is O 2 45,139 1.0 45,139 v s 4 45,436 0.0 - CO �" 6 46,355 2.5 115,888 0 44,144 3.0 132,432 8 46,790 1.0 46,790 9 7,004; 3. W 16 , 14 10 47,393 1.0 47,h3 1 IT, !. E ,6{,..11 }93 ; Y 12 48,056 0.0 - 2.5 114,729 2.5 113,570 14 48,865 0.0 - 15.' 46,322 1.0 -6,53 16 49,815 1.5 74,723 17 $0,930: '94`' - 18 51,143 0.0 - X9' 114 3..,; -: - 20 53,665 0.0 - �' - 0.0 - 22 54,959 0.0 - 23 "55L39, i, is f - 24 56,107 0.5 28,053 0.0 - 19: 1,3:x'' 26 1 59,071 0.4 23,628 0.0 - 21 $'a' $ 28 59,897 0.0 - 0.0 - � 27,492 30 60,561 0.0 - 07 -08 Base Salaries Cost 34.1 25 s , Cost of salary scale adjustment '07-'08 00 4 o � is O V d s o y PC d CO �" � a 0 44,144 3.0 132,432 I W9 D -. 2 44,688 1.0 44,688 1.0 44,236 3' ' 4 4 44,982 0.0 - 5 45, _ LO 224 $ ,; 6 45,892 2.5 114,729 2.5 113,570 ;i30 8 46,322 1.0 46,322 1.0 -6,53 ti;{li 46,4..4 10 46,919 1.0 46,919 1.0 le "47, 0. 1 i.3 . 91 12 47,575 0.0 - 3..,; -: " 4W, 27" SsD DAM 14 48,376 0.0 - 0.0 - 16 49,317 1.5 73,975 is f 72,481 - 18 50,631 0.0 - 19: 1,3:x'' :0 `• 20 53,128 0.0 - 21 $'a' $ n 5 ,. 22 54,409 0.0 - � 27,492 24 - 24 55,546 0.5 27,773 25 57;4y13`, 57,890 0.4 26 58,480 0.4 23,392 28 58,699 0.0 - 28 59,298 0.0 - xK'S: 59,350 0.0 - 30 59,955 0.0 - 07 -08 Base 34.1 34.1 Salaries Cost s s R 4 0 O � V d � � h o U y CO �" 0 43,698 3.0 1 131,094 rl W9 D -. 2 44,236 1.0 44,236 3' ' 4 LO ..$ W 4 44,527 0.0 - v}& ,. .n25�7 6 45,428 2.5 113,570 ;i30 p A 9 8 45,854 1.0 45,854 ti;{li 46,4..4 ,tip.. 2. 46,445 10 46,445 1.0 45,971 - 12 47,095 0.0 13 4;5.2° SsD DAM 14 47,888 0.0 - 0.0 - 16 48,819 1.5 73,228 1.5 72,481 18 50,120 0.0 - 19 ' 5Q4 20 52,592 0.0 - 1. A-15 53,859 ",0s 0.0 5 ,. 22 - 22 ,! 27,492 24 54,985 0.5 27,212 24 54,424 23,156 26 57,890 0.4 26 57,299 - 28 58,699 0.0 - ' 5..3 oQ 0.0 30 59,350 0.0 - 07 -08 Base 34.1 58,744 Salaries Cost s , 4 O D, O � v d O U 0 43,252 3.0 129,756 2 43,785 1.0 43,785 4 44,073 0.0 - 6 44,965 2.5 112,411 ;i30 p 8 45,386 1.0 1 45,386 ,594'6 X64, :37i 10 45,971 1.0 45,971 12 46,614 0.0 - 3 14 47,399 0.0 - 16 48,321 1.5 72,481 18 49,798 0.0 - 20 52,055 0.0 - ,r 5 ,. 0' 22 53,310 0.0 - 23. t 53,737 ;; °' a'! 27,212 24 54,424 0.5 .5 s$ ;317 4,ab 26 57,299 0.4 22,920 28 58,100 0.0 - 30 58,744 0.0 - 07 -08 Base 34.1 Salaries Cost s f e� by � O W) C _yy Q d ii Fa ice. Years C L / 0 41,636 43,252 3.9% - 0.0 � o 44,615 -3.2% 1 � . , . . . zQ % 14,857 ?.:., t4plo 2 42107 43,785 4.0% 4.6% 1.0 4.6 % 45,234 -3.3% 70 > r. 4 42,910 44,073 2.7% 3.5% 0.0 0.0% 45,758 -3.8% 6 43 546 44,965 3.3% 4.0% 1.5 6.0% 46,401 -3.2% 7 t ;23 ;: � ° 1r . " 0 P /o' _, 6 91 4.0, °Jo 8 43,941 45,386 3.3% 3.5% 1.0 3.5% 46,749 -3.0% i �.i, : 3 . -: • 3`$40 ' .,•" ;:��b ..fi�4; : $s�.', � ., . _ 3�2, °lu:., ., - , 10 44,407 45,971 3.5% 4.2% 10 4.2% M 47,410 3.1% 12 45,332 46,614 2.8% 3.8% 0.0 0.0% 48,110 -3.2% `aB,A 8Q� 14 46,500 47,399 1.9% 3.3% 0.0 0.0% 48,821 -3.0% : A 4.4 49 O'! ddb " "u 2c ° ✓9 D.: 3 ° /u. 1. 1 Q; 16 47,991 48,321 0.7% 2.1% 1.5 3.2% 50,142 -3.8% 96 49,4. 2.9 °l0', 18 49,798 49,798 0.0% 1.8% 0.0 0.0% 51,612 -3.6% � n' r�$`. 5Q''J�8 0 % i BQ /o; Dp. ;• 594 :%o. 20 51,677 52,055 0.7% 2.6% 0.0 0.0% 53,863 -3.5% 22 - 53,310 26.2 55,276 24 - 54,424 56,559 26 - 57,299 58,582 58,100 28 - 59,731 30 =. 58,744' 61,091 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 199 -11 -23 199 -11 -23 199 -11 -23 199 -12 WF` 'rLAKE ACADEMY E; iATED PAYROLL & RELATED COSTS FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 8/24/2001 , 1:45 AM DRAFT Name Salary Stipend Stipend Total Salary Medicare Insurance WIC TgS On Unemp. TRS Care Total Gibbs (Support) 9,681.00 1 9,681.00 1.45% 200.00 0.7% 6.51% 45.00 .55% +6.58% (90 Days) for New Hires 10,817.62 Subs 17,500.00 17,500.00 1,338.75 4,000.00 316.61 2,944.45 270.00 248.76 19,231.25 Aisthorpe 45,386.41 10,000.00 55,386.41 803.10 4,000.00 522.23 3,605.66 45.00 304.63 64,532.50 ntoine(Manning)(Music) 43,252.16 43,252.16 627.16 400.00 R336.40 2,815.72 135.00 1,607.62 49,140.41 Austin 43,784.88 43,784.88 634.88 4,000.00 2,850.40 45.00 240.82 51,862.47 Busico (Tech - 4 %) 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 130.20 68.22 2,212.42 Carlson 47,056.64 1,000.00 48,056.64 696.82 400.00 3,128.49 45.00 264.31 52,927.66 Herrera 45,593.66 10,000.00 55,593.66 4,000.00 389.16 3,619.15 45.00 305.77 63,952.73 Jacks 47,056.64 47,056.64 682.32 4,000.00 329.40 3,063.39 135.00 1,749.02 57,015.77 Jackson 46,250.07 46,250.07 670.63 400.00 323.75 3,010.88 45.00 254.38 50,954.70 James (60 %) 27,750.04 27,750.04 402.38 400.00 194.25 1,806.53 45.00 152.63 30,750.82 Jawad (50 %) 24,160.28 24,160.28 350.32 400.00 169.12 1,572.83 45.00 132.88 26,830.44 C. Jenkins (60 %) 27,356.20 27,356.20 396.66 4,000.00 191.49 1,780.89 45.00 150.46 33,920.70 D. Jenkins 47,056.64 10,000.00 57,056.64 27.32 4,000.00 399.40 3,714.39 45.00 313.81 66,356.56 Kai 44,964.55 1,000.00 45,964.55 66.49 4,000.00 321.75 2,992.29 45.00 252.81 54,242.89 Karkhanis (40 %) 22,919.55 1,000.00 23,919.55 46.83 P661.11 400.00 167.44 1,557.16 135.00 889.05 27,415.03 Kloempken 43,252.16 43,252.16 27.16 4,000.00 302.77 2,815.72 135.00 1,607.62 52,740.41 LeSurf 46,250.07 9,000.00 2,500.00 57,750.07 0.00 4,000.00 404.25 3,759.53 135.00 2,146.48 68,195.33 Lira 45,593.66 45,593.66 400.00 319.16 2,968.15 45.00 250.77 50,237.84 MacFarlane 43,391.17 10,000.00 53,391.17 4,000.00 373.74 3,475.77 45.00 293.65 61,579.33 Setford 43,681.69 43,681.69 633.38 400.00 305.77 2,843.68 135.00 1,623.58 49,623.11 Miller 47,056.64 47,056.64 682.32 4,000.00 329.40 3,063.39 45.00 258.81 55,435.56 Misner -Smith 44,655.49 44,655.49 647.50 400.00 312.59 2,907.07 45.00 245.61 49,213.26 Odom 46,250.07 46,250.07 670.63 400.00 323.75 3,010.88 45.00 254.38 50,954.70 Ourthe- Cabale 44,655.49 9,000.00 53,655.49 778.00 4,000.00 375.59 3,492.97 45.00 295.11 62,642.16 Parker (Devivo) 43,252.16 43,252.16 627.16 400.00 302.77 2,815.72 135.00 1,607.62 49,140.41 Rubayo 47,056.64 47,056.64 682.32 400.00 329.40 3,063.39 45.00 258.81 51,835.56 Schneider 44,655.49 44,655.49 647.50 4,000.00 312.59 2,907.07 45.00 245.61 52,813.26 Shivers 45,971.37 1,000.00 46,971.37 681.08 400.00 328.80 3,057.84 45.00 258.34 51,742.43 Stack 44,964.55 1,000.00 45,964.55 666.49 4,000.00 321.75 2,992.29 135.00 1,708.43 55,788.51 Sullivan 44,655.49 1,000.00 45,655.49 662.00 400.00 319.59 2,972.17 135.00 1,696.94 51,841.20 Tech 44,655.49 3,000.00 47,655.49 691.00 400.00 333.59 3,102.37 45.00 262.11 52,489.56 Turnage 43,681.69 43,681.69 633.38 4,000.00 305.77 2,843.68 45.00 240.25 51,749.78 Valentine 43,252.00 43,252.00 627.15 400.00 302.76 2,815.71 45.00 237.89 47,680.51 Watson 43,391.17 43,391.17 629.17 400.00 303.74 2,824.77 45.00 238.65 47,832.50 Wizneauckas(60 %) 26,271.00 26,271.00 380.93 3,000.00 183.90 1,710.24 135.00 976.45 32,657.52 199 -11 Total 1,408,681.24 67,000.00 2,500.00 1,478,181.24 1 1 20,071.97 69,800.00 10,347.27 95,090.35 2,655.00 21,393.47 1,697,539.30 Karg 19,693.66 1 19,693.66 285.56 4,000.00 137.86 1,282.06 45.00 108.32 25,552.45 Gibbs (Support) 9,681.00 1 9,681.00 140.37 200.00 67.77 630.23 45.00 53.25 10,817.62 Peebles 45,229.62 45,229.62 655.83 4,000.00 316.61 2,944.45 45.00 248.76 53,440.26 199 -11 -23 Total 74,604.28 74,604.28 1,081.76 8,200.00 522.23 4,856.74 135.00 410.32 89,810.33 Fullertonj 1 48,320.55 1 48,320.55 700.65 4,000.00 338.24 11 3,145.67 45.00 265.76 of 356, 815.87 199 -12 Total 48,320.55 1 48,320.55 700.65 4,000.00 338.24 11 3,145.67 45.00 265.76 56,815.87 WEgTLAKE ACADEMY E; IATED PAYROLL & RELATED COSTS FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 199 -21 199 -21 199 -23 % # 199 -23 % 199 -31 # 199 -31 199 -33 199 -35 199 -41 % 199 -41 % 199 -41 % 199 -53 % # 199 -61 % 8/24/2001 1:45 AM DRAFT Name Salary Stipend 8,043.00 Total Salary Medicare Insurance WIC TgS On Unemp. TRS Care Total Ourthe - Cabale 29,115.00 - St Pend 11 2,000.00 29.00 0.00 14.00 130.20 0.00 11.00 2,184.20 Jenkins 61,000.00 9,000.00 8,043.00 1 8,043.00 1 116.62 0.00 56.30 523.60 0.00 44.24 8,783.76 Ourthe - Cabale 29,115.00 - 2,000.00 11 2,000.00 29.00 0.00 14.00 130.20 0.00 11.00 2,184.20 199 -21 Total - 9,000.00 10,043.00 11 10,043.00 145.62 1 8,000.00 70.30 653.80 180.00 55.24 10,967.96 Schmitz 61,000.00 9,000.00 2,500.00 72,500.00 1 428.80 4,000.00 1 507.50 1 4,119.75 135.00 2,472.88 84,335.13 White (Support) 29,115.00 - 2,504.65 29,115.00 11 422.17 1 4,000.00 203.81 1 1 1,895.39 45.00 160.13 1 35,841.49 199 -23 Total 90,115.00 9,000.00 2,500.00 101,615.00 11 422.17 1 8,000.00 711.31 11 6,615.14 180.00 2,633.01 1 120,176.62 Davis 27,211.87 1,000.00 1,360.59 29,572.46 1 428.80 1 400.00 1 207.01 1,925.17 j 45.00 i 1,099.16 33,677.60 Halbert 47,593.05 1,000.00 2,504.65 51,097.70 11 740.92 11 200.00 357.68 3,326.46 1 1 45.00 1 1 281.04 56,048.80 199 -31 Total 74,804.92 2,000.00 3,865.25 80,670.17 11 1,169.72 11 600.00 564.69 5,251.63 11 90.00 11 1,380.20 89,726.40 Lannon (50%)l 22,482.28 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 22,482.28 1 1 325.99 0.00 157.38 1,463.60 45.00 123.65 24,597.90 199 -33 Total 22,482.28 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 22,482.28 11 325.99 1 200.00 157.38 1,463.60 45.00 123.65 24,597.90 Steger 3,750.00 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 3,750.00 286.88 0.00 26.25 0.00 37.50 0.00 4,100.63 Gibbs 9,681.00 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 9,681.00 140.37 1 200.00 11 67.77 1 630.23 45.00 11 53.25 10,817.62 199 -35 Total 13,431.00 - 13,431.00 427.25 1 200.00 11 94.02 1 1 630.23 82.50 11 53.25 14,918.25 Brizuela 150,000.00 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 150,000.00 2175.00 14,716.00 1,050.00 9,765.00 45.00 825.00 178,576.00 McFarlane (Support) 40,002.00 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 40,002.00 580.03 400.00 280.01 2,604.13 45.00 220.01 44,131.18 Brizuela 12,100.00 41.25 12,100.00 175.45 66.50 84.70 787.71 52.25 66.55 13,214.41 199 -41 Total 202,102.00 1 1 138,968.94 11 3,592.50 202,102.00 2,930.48 15,116.00 1,414.71 13,156.84 90.00 1,111.56 235,921.59 Busicol 1 48,000.00 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 1 1 59,000.00 "" 4,000.00 413.00 3,840.90 135.00 2,012.41 69,401.31 199 -53 Total 48,000.00 11 9,000.00 11 2,000.00 11 59,000.00 812.00 4,000.00 413.00 11 3,840.90 135.00 2,012.41 69,401.31 Gofredol 1 56,000.00 1 1 56,000.00 812.00 1 1 4,000.00 392.00 3,645.60 135.00 11 308.00 65,292.60 199 -61 Total 56,000.00 9,500.00 0.00 56,000.00 812.00 4,000.00 392.00 3,645.60 135.00 308.00 65,292.60 199 -36 -99 Kai - YB 199 -36 -99 Schneider OM 199 -36 -99 Shivers - Textbook 199 -36 -91 Rubayo - Sports 199 -36 Total TOTAL PAYROLL 2,038,-541.26 3.63 250.00 250.00 16.28 1,000.00 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 7.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 - 9,500.00 9,500.00 0.00 5.25 48.83 87,000.00 30,408.25 2,155,949.51 3.63 0.00 1.75 16.28 0.00 1.38 14.50 0.00 7.00 65.10 0.00 5.50 10.88 0.00 5.25 48.83 0.00 413 [�273....03 108.75 0.00 52.50 488.25 0.00 41.25 137.75 - 66.50 618.45 52.25 10,374.95 28,225.36 1 113,916.00 11 15,091.65 1 1 138,968.94 11 3,592.50 11 29,799.13 11 21485,543.09 2 of 3 224 -11 -23 MS PYP MYP PhD Intl WF''TLAKE ACADEMY E" jATED PAYROLL & RELATED COSTS FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 8/24/200-t 1:45 AM DRAFT Name Salary Stipend ED Total Salary Medicare Insurance W/C TRS On- Behalf Unemp. TRS Care Total 224 -11 -23 Total 25,900.00 - Stipend 25,900.00 375.55 125.00 181.30 11 1,686.09 Halbert (Counselor) 142.45 1 28,285.39 Kargj 1 25,900.00 Masters 25,900.00 375.55 2,000.00 181.30 11 1,686.0911 D. Jenkins (MYP) 11 142.45 1 28,285.39 224 -11 -23 Total 25,900.00 - Doctorate 25,900.00 375.55 125.00 181.30 11 1,686.09 Halbert (Counselor) 142.45 1 28,285.39 New Hires 11 -month employees (207 days) Teachers - 10 -month employees (187 days) J1Visas - exempt from Medicare * 5% raises assumed for office staff 3 of 3 Extra Duty Stipends & Moving Allowance Masters 199 -21 -99 Ourthe - Cabale (PYP) 2,000.00 PYP Coordinator 199 -21 -99 D. Jenkins (MYP) 6,043.00 MYP Coordinator 199 -21 -99 D. Jenkins (Diploma Program) 2,000.00 Doctorate 199 -31 -99 Halbert (Testing) 125.00 International teacher 199 -31 -99 Halbert (Counselor) 2,379.65 199 -31 -99 Davis (Counselor) 1,360.59 199 -36 -99 Kai(Yearbook) 250.00 199 -36 -99 Schneider (OM) 1,000.00 199 -36 -99 Shivers (Textbk) 750.00 199 -36 -91 Rubayo (Sports) 7,500.00 199 -11 -99 LeSurf (moving allowance) 2,500.00 FY 06 -07 199 -23 -99 Schmitz (moving allowance) 2,500.00 FY 06 -07 199 -53 -99 Busico (moving allowance) 2,000.00 FY 06 -07 30,408.25 J1Visas - exempt from Medicare * 5% raises assumed for office staff 3 of 3