HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 08-23 WA Contract with Parker Uniforms WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 08-23 AUTHORIZING THE CEO OF THE ACADEMY TO ENTER INTO THE CONTRACT ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A WITH PARKER SCHOOL UNIFORMS TO PROVIDE STUDENTS AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL UNIFORMS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: WHEREAS, the Academy utilizes Parker School Uniforms which is responsible for providing the school uniforms in full compliance with the Westlake Academy Uniform Policy. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy staff strictly enforces that the students follow the school uniform policy as stated in the Parent/Student Handbook. WHEREAS, Parker School Uniforms will keep in stock at all times an ample supply of all required uniform pieces to assure that Westlake Academy students will be. able to meet the uniform requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby authorize the CEO to enter into the contract attached hereto as Exhibit A with Parker School Uniforms. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 8 DAY OF DECEMBER 2008. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President r. im utter, Secretary omas mer Chief utive Officer APPR A O ORM: L. anton ch Attorney .,,ParK,rer C H 0 0 L N I F 0 R M S Raw 193 N I F 0 It PV1 -S T 0 C K A G It F! F! N1 E Pq T BOMM.1 Westlake Acadeiny, Westlake, Texas and Nirker Uniforins, Inc. d.bA. Mriter School Uniforms, uoustoR,,rexvis TO Agireernon MH authorize Parker Schnal IJnifonns tostciUand be the exclusive supplier of the adopted and required wiliforin for tile alxwe narlied School for a period of three years. '['his, WH QMVr sar wo! kc iys from Aupist2009 to June 21111k Ampust 2010 to June 2011; Migusl 2011 to Juno 2012. N is agreC4 11111t Parker Scht-VI Unifortn�.5 will Stock stifficient tmif"ornis to incei the e.s titer ated nvemgu roequiruments for all required itenls listed oil the Verific-ation Forin, Ilwssc items{are to be a pan of he OW! wqWnii required by the above naive d MCNXA, 111fless oll1mvise nowd, hi the event 11lat the school desirt!s to change style or sounce of Supply. tha School will allow Parker School 1,;'jd1bnms stifMant ti ia to dkpose of the pmsan monk bruMbriaL Ile time will 110t em;ccd tjl(� till-ximum term as at, grced iii Paragraph 1, Date Awhorized Sig195-1 rc I)rte F. NITS"huford , Vrk°sidcllt