HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 08-14 WA Adopting Academy 2008-2009 Budget WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 08-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY TO ADOPT THE REVISED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2008 AND THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31,2009. WHEREAS, Section 44.002 of the Education Code of the Texas Education Agency Texas School Law Bulletin states the budget must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles; and WHEREAS, the budget must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to August 31St according to Texas Education Agency's Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Section 2.6,2—TEA Legal Requirements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the revised budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2008 and adopts the proposed Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2009 and appropriates the funds contained therein. SECTION 2: That a copy of the official adopted 2008-2009 Budget shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 11th DAY OF AUGUST, 2008. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President Sutter, Secretary Tom Bryme , C O APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Attorney AA nn nn uu aa ll OO pp ee rr aa tt ii nn gg BB uu dd gg ee tt .. Fiscal Year 2008/2009 . is WWWWWWWW eeeeeeee ssssssss tttttttt llllllll aaaaaaaa kkkkkkkk eeeeeeee AAAAAAAA cccccccc aaaaaaaa dddddddd eeeeeeee mmmmmmmm yyyyyyyy a convergence of quality * a commitment to excellence WWWWWWWWeeeeeeeessssssssttttttttllllllllaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkeeeeeeee AAAAAAAAccccccccaaaaaaaaddddddddeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmyyyyyyyy Table of Contents Westlake Academy * 2600 JT Ottinger Road * Westlake, Texas 76262 i Administrative Officials 01 Fund Descriptions 02 Account Coding Matrix 03 General Fund General Fund Program Summary 04 General Fund Proposed Budget by Function and Object Code 05 General Fund Budget Comparison 06 General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Percentage Graphs 08 Operating Expenditures including Municipal Support 09 Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Fiscal Year 03/04 through 08/09 10 Special Revenue Fund Program Summaries Fund 244 IDEA-B Reimbursement Grant 11 Fund 397 Advanced Placement/IB 12 Fund 411 Technology Allotment 13 Fund 429 FSP/High School Allotment 14 WWeessttllaakkee AAccaaddeemmyy Page 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS FISCAL YEAR 2008/2009 Laura Wheat PPrreessiiddeenntt Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rebecca Rollins, Don Redding BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess Mark Rosevear HHeeaadd ooff SScchhooooll Thomas Brymer CChhiieeff EExxeeccuuttiivvee OOffffiicceerr WWeessttllaakkee AAccaaddeemmyy Page 2 FUND DESCRIPTIONS Governmental Fund Types are those through which most governmental functions of the Academy are financed. The acquisition, use and balances of the District’s expendable financial resources, and the related liabilities are accounted for through the Governmental Fund Types. Following are the Academy’s Governmental Fund Types: General Fund The General Fund is the fund that accounts for financial resources in use for general types operations. This is a budgeted fund, and any fund balances are considered resources available for current operations. Fund balances may be appropriated by the Board of Trustees to implement its responsibilities. Special Revenue Funds The Special Revenue Funds are the funds that account for local, state and federally financed programs or expenditures legally restricted for specified purposes or where unused balances are returned to the grantor at the close of a specified project period. Fund 224 IDEA-B Reimbursement Grant (Federally Funded) Fund is used, on a project basis, for funds granted to operate educational programs for children with disabilities. Fund 397 Advanced Placement/IB Awards (State Funded) Fund is used to account, on a project basis, for funds awarded under the Texas Advanced Placement Award Incentive Program, Chapter 28, Subchapter C, Texas Education Code. The purpose of this incentive program is to recognize and reward those students, teachers, and schools that demonstrate success in achieving the state’s educational goals. Fund 411 Technology Allotment (State Funded) Fund is to be used to account, on a project basis, for funds awarded to purchase technological software or equipment that contributes to student learning, or to pay for training for educational personnel involved in the use of these materials. Fund 428 FSP-High School Allotment (State Funded) Fund is to be used for the allotment providing $275 per student in average daily attendance in grades 9-12 by the state. Note: The audited financial statements of the Academy include all funds. However, the Texas Education Agency only requires the adoption of the General Fund, Food Service Special Revenue Fund and Debt Service Fund. In the Westlake Academy’s case, only the General Fund is required to be adopted. Function CodeFunction Code Description 11Instruction & Related 12Instructional Resources & Media Sources (Library) 13Curriculum Development & Inst. Staff Development 21Instructional Leadership 23School Leadership (Principal) 31Guidance, Counseling & Evaluation Services 32Social Work Services 33Health Services 34Student (Pupil) Transportation ACCOUNT CODING MATRIX 35Food Services 36Cocurricular/extracurricular activities 41General Administration (Superintendent/Board) 51Plant Maintenance and Operations 52Security and Monitoring Services 53Data Processing Services 61Community Services 71Debt Service Object CodesObject Code Description 61XX Payroll and Payroll Related 62XXProfessional & Contracted Services 63XXSupplies and Materials 64XXOther Operating Costs 65XXDebt Service Page 3 Adopted Estimated Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Beginning Fund Balance427,720$ 691,740$ 691,740$ 558,236$ Revenues 2,879,531 2,951,311 3,240,449 3,623,228 Expenditures2,615,511 3,271,416 3,373,952 3,473,741 Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures 264,020 (320,105) (133,503) 149,487 Ending Fund Balance691,740$ 371,635$ 558,236$ 707,723$ # Days Operating (Based on 365)97 41 60 74 Days operating expense 7,166$ 8,963$ 9,244$ 9,517$ WESTLAKE ACADEMY General Fund - 199 Program Summary Page 4 Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2008-2009 Budget General Fund Adopted Estimated Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget FY 06-07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 REVENUES Local Revenues 512,335$ 593,498$ 539,652$ 540,212$ State Program Revenues 2,367,196 2,357,813 2,700,797 3,083,016 Total Revenues 2,879,531$ 2,951,311$ 3,240,449$ 3,623,228$ EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION 11 - Instructional 1,597,408$ 1,956,274$ 1,925,134$ 1,904,004$ 12 - Resources & Media 59,039 70,317 71,470 71,106 13 - Staff Development 29,886 26,000 29,275 29,870 21 - Instructional Leadership 9,190 10,968 12,776 6,548 23 - School Leadership 216,472 132,396 146,079 211,426 31 - Guidance & Counseling 41,988 111,926 117,272 150,804 33 - Health Services 25,412 25,248 26,426 57,448 35 - Food Services 84,484 95,918 33,489 22,821 36 - CoCurricular Activities 53,463 58,305 50,125 84,990 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. 41 - Administrative 218,670 401,373 509,152 462,560 51 - Maintenance & Operations195,264 233,381 245,000 272,135 53 - Data Processing 68,177 82,401 98,796 90,967 61 - Community Services 15,958 66,909 66,958 67,063 71 - Debt Service - - 42,000 42,000 Total Expenditures 2,615,411 3,271,416 3,373,952 3,473,741 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures264,120$ (320,105)$ (133,503)$ 149,487$ REVENUES Local Revenues 512,335$ 593,498$ 539,652$ 540,212$ State Program Revenues 2,367,196 2,357,813 2,700,797 3,083,016 Total Revenues 2,879,531$ 2,951,311$ 3,240,449$ 3,623,228$ EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CODE 61XXPayroll and Related Items1,981,908$ 2,484,284$ 2,584,884$ 2,654,330$ 62XXContracted Services 350,544 412,559 483,789 507,778 63XXSupplies & Materials 175,956 246,650 136,325 120,681 64XXOther Operating 107,103 127,923 126,954 148,953 65XX Debt Service - - 42,000 42,000 Total Expenditures 2,615,511 3,271,416 3,373,952 3,473,741 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures264,020$ (320,105)$ (133,503)$ 149,487$ Page 5 Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2008-2009 Budget Budget Comparison - General Fund Variance Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget to FY 06-07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Estimated REVENUES Local Revenues512,335$ 593,498$ 539,652$ 540,212$ 560$ State Program Revenues2,367,196 2,357,813 2,700,797 3,083,016 382,219 Total Revenues2,879,531$ 2,951,311$ 3,240,449$ 3,623,228$ 382,779$ EXPENDITURES 6100Payroll1,485,079$ 1,785,774$ 1,792,809$ 1,775,229$ (17,580)$ 6200Contracted Services27,883 30,000 34,525 35,020 495 6300Supplies & Materials84,299 140,000 97,000 93,240 (3,760) 6400Other Operating147 500 800 515 (285) Total Instructional1,597,408 1,956,274 1,925,134 1,904,004 (21,130) 11 Instructional 12 Resources & Media The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. 6100Payroll53,308 56,817 57,970 57,256 (714) 6200Contracted Services5,731 13,500 13,500 13,850 350 Total Resources & Media59,039 70,317 71,470 71,106 (364) 6300Supplies & Materials550 - 275 - (275) 6400Other Operating29,336 26,000 29,000 29,870 870 Total Staff Development29,886 26,000 29,275 29,870 595 6100Payroll 9,190 10,968 12,776 6,548 (6,228) Total Instructional Leadership9,190 10,968 12,776 6,548 (6,228) 6100Payroll200,794 117,676 132,959 196,826 63,867 6200Contracted Services15,078 9,720 12,920 13,600 680 6300Supplies & Materials600 5,000 200 1,000 800 Total School Leadership216,472 132,396 146,079 211,426 65,347 6100Payroll26,977 92,926 93,772 125,289 31,517 6200Contracted Services14,844 18,800 23,000 25,000 2,000 6300Supplies & Materials167 200 500 515 15 Total Guidance & Counseling41,988 111,926 117,272 150,804 33,532 6100Payroll24,176 24,598 25,171 56,133 30,962 6200Contracted Services755 - 755 800 45 6300Supplies & Materials581 650 500 515 15 Total Health Services25,512 25,248 26,426 57,448 31,022 12 Resources & Media 13 Staff Development 31 Guidance & Counseling 33 Health Services 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership Page 6 Westlake Academy Proposed FY 2008-2009 Budget Budget Comparison - General Fund (Continued) Variance Adopted Estimated Proposed Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget to FY 06-07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Estimated 6100Payroll13,519$ 14,918$ 15,839$ 17,252$ 1,413$ 6300Supplies & Materials70,716 80,650 17,400 5,311 (12,089) 6400Other Operating250 350 250 258 8 Total Food Services84,485 95,918 33,489 22,821 (10,668) 6100Payroll11,287 10,375 11,633 45,076 33,443 6200Contracted Services36,643 41,392 33,142 33,948 806 6300Supplies & Materials1,140 2,000 200 500 300 6400Other Operating4,393 4,538 5,150 5,466 316 Total CoCurricular Activities53,463 58,305 50,125 84,990 34,865 6100Payroll109,106 235,922 306,101 235,691 (70,410) 6200Contracted Services58,131 95,547 138,547 144,100 5,553 41 Administrative 35 Food Services 36 CoCurricular Activities The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. 6300Supplies & Materials6,298 8,150 10,250 9,300 (950) 6400Other Operating45,135 61,754 54,254 73,469 19,215 Total Administrative218,670 401,373 509,152 462,560 (46,592) 6200Contracted Services155,816 188,600 197,500 222,460 24,960 6300Supplies & Materials11,605 10,000 10,000 10,300 300 6400Other Operating27,842 34,781 37,500 39,375 1,875 Total Maintenance & Operations195,263 233,381 245,000 272,135 27,135 6100Payroll32,514 67,401 68,896 71,967 3,071 6200Contracted Services35,663 15,000 29,900 19,000 (10,900) Total Data Processing68,177 82,401 98,796 90,967 (7,829) 6100Payroll15,958 66,909 66,958 67,063 105 Total Community Services15,958 66,909 66,958 67,063 105 6500Debt Service- - 42,000 42,000 - Total Debt Service- - 42,000 42,000 - Total Expenditures 2,615,511 3,271,416 3,373,952 3,473,741 99,789 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures264,020 (320,105) (133,503) 149,487 282,990$ Beginning Fund Balance427,720 691,740 691,740 558,236 Ending Fund Balance691,740$ 371,635$ 558,236$ 707,723$ 51 Maintenance & Operations 71 Debt Service 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services Page 7 Westlake Academy Fiscal Year 2008/2009 General Fund Revenues and Expenditures State Program Revenues 85% Local Revenues 15% GeneralFund Proposed Revenues 15% Payroll & Related Items 76% Contracted Services 15% Supplies & Materials 4% Other Operating Costs 4%Debt Service 1% GeneralFund Proposed Expenditures Page 8 Operating Expenditures including Municipal Support Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Westlake Academy Payroll and Related 49% Contracted Services 9% Supplies & Materials 2% Other Operating Costs 3% Debt Service 1% Municipal Payroll & Related In-kind Support 4% Total $5,372,095 Municipal Debt Service Support 28% Municipal Facilites & Maintenance Support 4% 4% Academy Budgeted Expenditures 64% Municipal Support to Academy 36% $3,473,741 Total $5,372,095 $1,898,354 Page 9 Westlake Academy Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Page 10 Fiscal Year 03/04 through 08/09 $3000000 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 898 07, 5 2 6 879 , 5 3 1 40 , 4 4 9 $3 , 6 2 3 , 2 2 8 19 8 1, 8 9 7 615 , 4 1 1 373 , 9 5 3 3,4 7 3 , 7 4 1 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 FY 03/04 actual FY 04/05 actual FY 05/06 actual FY 06/07 actual FY 07/08 estimated FY 08/09 projected $1 , 0 9 4 , 6 0 8 $1 , 8 3 1 , 8 $2 , 4 0 $2 , 8 $3 , 2 $1 , 0 6 8 , 8 5 7 $1 , 6 1 2 , $2 , 2 1 $2 , 6 $3 , 3 $3 actual actual actual actual estimated projected Revenues Expenditures Page 10 Adopted Estimated Proposed Audited Budget Budget Budget FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Beginning Fund Balance-$ -$ -$ -$ State Revenue33,855 28,288 54,061 61,768 Expenditures (Staff Development)33,855 28,288 54,061 61,768 Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures- - - - Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ WESTLAKE ACADEMY Special Revenue Fund IDEA-B Reimbursement Grant - 224 Program Summary Page 11 Adopted Estimated Proposed Audited Budget Budget Budget FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Beginning Fund Balance-$ -$ -$ -$ State Revenue 2,250 - 5,750 5,750 Expenditures (Staff Development)2,250 - 5,750 5,750 Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures- - - - Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ WESTLAKE ACADEMY Special Revenue Fund Advanced Placement/IB - 397 Program Summary Page 12 Adopted Estimated Proposed Audited Budget Budget Budget FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Beginning Fund Balance-$ -$ -$ -$ State Revenue 8,988 10,212 10,420 10,500 Expenditures (Supplies)8,988 10,212 10,420 10,500 Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures- - - - Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ Special Revenue Fund Technology Allotment - 411 Program Summary WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page 13 Adopted Estimated Proposed Audited Budget Budget Budget FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Beginning Fund Balance-$ -$ -$ -$ State Revenue 8,821 7,603 7,603 26,400 Expenditures (Supplies)8,821 7,603 7,603 26,400 Net Revenues over (under) Expenditures- - - - Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ Program Summary WESTLAKE ACADEMY Special Revenue Fund FSP/High School Allotment - 428 Page 14