HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 08-10 WA Contract with French Toast Uniforms WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 08-10 AUTHORIZING THE CEO OF THE ACADEMY TO ENTER INTO THE CONTRACT ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A WITH FRENCH TOAST TO PROVIDE STUDENTS AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL UNIFORMS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: WHEREAS, the Academy utilizes French Toast which is responsible for providing the school uniforms in full compliance with the Westlake Academy Parent/Student Handbook. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy staff strictly enforces that the students follow the school uniform policy as stated in the Parent/Student Handbook. WHEREAS, French Toast will keep in stock at all times an ample supply of all required uniform pieces to assure that Westlake Academy students will be able to meet the uniform requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION l: That the Board of Directors of Westlake Academy does hereby authorize the CEO to enter into the contract attached hereto as Exhibit A with French Toast SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 9th DAY OF JUNE 2008. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President i i Sutter, Secretary Tomas E. o M alter APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' J1 l L. Stanton towk, Sch "Attorney Z N _'kmu MW Dit Dollars In Uniform ENROLLMENTFORM WO Please eatoll our school in the FrenchIoast.com iq)ollars in Uniform" fund raising program. Schools enrolled will rccvive a cash back- gift from Fremoh'I'MA in tlkCarnount of 5%orthevaluc or items when miewd directly from FrancliToosixon) or the Frencli Toast catalog. To qualify for crcdit orders nimst contain the school's identifying code listed ujxxi Ilic cmalog or.-tvail-,lblu at FrenchToast.com wch site. I- SChOOl I"f O. Vorify youraddress is correctly entered in the box below, School Name Addrcss Addr ss 7)_ State Zip cwt; .............. Contact Nanic M 4_&.� .T&Ehonc Number 1-7- 2- 5-757 zreitl in wl � Publ f Pnv 'c" �c'o a'e 2 c 0"' o L ss w rdr C, Q , St 61 Students i '11001 2. Would you like to receive our: C) Printed Catalog our standard 32 page catalog) �(Ctjstojn Catalog (includes only items specitled by your school) Delivery... Cho use where You want catalogs or custom catalogs delivered in bulk to your scizool or dircQtly to your school's familfes Select [low we should deliver catalogs or custom catalogs: Deliver all the catalogs or custont cittalogs to the seltool at atle tittle. The school will Send 11kelk) hatkm Ilie SOW prefers to Itave the catalogs or custant catalogs arrive on: -or- qHave FreticItToast mail the catalop or custom catalogs directly to the studems t the, A copy or the school rosttw may he vai ailed to 3. FAX Toll-Free 888-296-4966