HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 08-05 WA Adopting Parent Student Complaint Procedure policy WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 08-05 ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE AND POLICY FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the several Complaints Procedure and Policies adopted by several area independent school districts, as well as versions of complaint policies recommended by appropriate education associations; and WHEREAS, the Board has sought and received advice and counsel concerning complaint policies from its education attorney; and WHEREAS, under its authority to adopt local policies, the Board heretofore has adopted a certain Complaint Procedure and Policies that is published in the Parent/Student Handbook; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to amend the Complaint Procedure and Policies, and to emphasize that these procedures must be followed before a complaint is presented to the Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the policy attached hereto will (a) define a more efficient way for students and parents to register a complaint or concern with the school and a more efficient way for the school to respond to those complaints and concerns, and (b) better protect the due process rights of teachers and students; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1. That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby adopts the Complaints Procedure And Policy attached hereto. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 25" DAY OF FEBRUARY 2008. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: r � n i Sutter, Secretary Barbara Brizuel-, ead of School APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Westlake Academy Charter School Parent/Student Question and Complaint Procedures Except as addressed by SPECIFIC COMPLAINTS below, this Policy applies to all complaints or grievances from students or parents. • Expulsion (See the Westlake Academy Student Code of Conduct) • Identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with a disability within the scope of Section 504. • Identification, evaluation, educational placement, or discipline of a student with a disability within the scope of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the parents' rights handbook provided to parents of all students referred to special education. Informal Resolution: Students and parents are encouraged to discuss concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator. It is the policy of the Westlake Academy Board to encourage early resolution of concerns at the lowest possible staff or, if necessary, administrative level. Concerns should be expressed, informally if possible and as soon as possible. In that regard, Westlake Academy teachers can be contacted on a daily basis via the student planner, e-mail or telephoning and leaving a voice mail. Teachers unable to deal with a concern may refer to: • School counselors • The PYP, MYP or DP Coordinator • Head of Section • Head of School If the informal process does not resolve the complaint the complainant may initiate the formal complaint process. Notwithstanding any attempt to informally resolve a complaint, a formal complaint must be initiated within 20 days of the date the complainant first knew, or with reasonable diligence should have known of the existence of the complaint See "Formal Complaint Process" below). Formal Complaint General Provisions:. • "Complaints" and "Grievances" have the same meaning • Complaints arising out of an event or a series of related events must be addressed in one complaint. A student or parent may not bring separate or serial complaints arising from any event or series of events that have been or could have been addressed in a prior complaint. • All time limits must be strictly followed unless modified by mutual written consent and, if a complaint or the appeal of a decision about a complaint is untimely, the complaint may be dismissed. • For the purpose of this policy, "days" means school business days. Formal Complaint Process: 1 . Within 20 days of the date a student or parent first knew, or with reasonable diligence should have known, of the decision or action giving rise to the complaint or grievance, an original complaint, in writing and dated, describing the matter complained of and the date of the occurrence or occurrences, must be presented to the lowest level administrator whom the student or parent perceives to have authority to remedy the concern. 2. If that administrator is unable to resolve the complaint, the administrator shall direct the complainant, in writing, to the next level administrator who shall either resolve the complaint or direct the complainant in writing to the next level, continuing until the complaint reaches the Head of School. 3. A complaint reaching the Head of School's level must be in writing, setting out all prior attempts to resolve the complaint and the remedy requested. The Head of School, or designee, may schedule a conference with the complainant and within ten business days of receipt of the written complaint, shall issue a written decision. 4. If the decision is unsatisfactory to the complainant, or if the Head of School, or designee fails to respond timely, the complainant may, within 15 days of submission of the written complaint to the Head of School, submit a written request to the Head of School to have the complaint considered by the Board of Trustees. 5. If Board review is requested, the Head of School shall submit the entire written record of the complaint and any further response to the President of the Board of Trustees who shall create an Agenda item for consideration of the complaint at the next available regular meeting, or the next appropriate meeting thereafter. At that meeting the Board shall, at a minimum, stop, look and listen to or consider the written complaint, and any response thereto and may, or may not, issue a decision. Failure of the Board to issue a decision at or before the next regular Board meeting following the meeting at which the complaint was presented to the Board will uphold the decision of the administration. 2