HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 09-18 WA Amending Multiple Board Policies WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 09-18 ESTABLISHING AND AMENDING BOARD POLICIES INTENDED TO DIRECT AND GUIDE THE DAILY OPERATIONS AND EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES OF THE STUDENTS AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY, IN COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to establish policies to assist the staff and students in attaining their educational goals at Westlake Academy: and WHEREAS. the Board of Trustees desires to comply with State and Federal laws and regulations as it pertains to education and school requirements: and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the following Board policies attached as Exhibit "A": Homework Assessment and Grade Reporting Retention and Transfer Course Credits Graduation SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. Resolution 09-18 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD F TRUSTEES USTEES P LILY Policy Igo. 09 - 18 Date Board AdogLed: November 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: /A Effective ate: November 3, 2 olicy Name: Homework Policy olicy ate_ ory: Student Achievement Policy Coal: Creation of an effective and supportive learning environment olicy Description: Westlake Academy is a school with a desired outcome of high academic achievement for each student. In support of this outcome, homework is considered as an integral component of a student's school career and serves the vital purpose of assisting the student in their pursuit of knowledge. Homework is viewed as: • An avenue to increase and enhance student learning • Providing additional drill, practice and study • A support vehicle for teaching and developing personal responsibility • Informing parents of the subject matter and classroom lessons of their child Staff will develop uniform homework requirement guidelines for all grades and place the information in the Parent/Student Handbook and on the Academy's web site on an annual basis. Allowances and contingency plans will be developed for excused absences along with consequences for unexcused absences and the submittal of late assignments. In addition, schedules for student/teacher tutorials will be included in the homework requirement guidelines. Resolution 09-18 Rage 1 of 2 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY � BOARD F TRUSTEES P LI Y olicv No. 09 - 1 8 (continued): Parents are encouraged to assist the Academy's instruction program by providing the student with the necessary tools and time to complete the homework requirements. Failure to adhere to the homework requirements will subject the student to the possibility of receiving poor/'Failing grades on assignments. Continued abuse of the homework requirement guidelines will subject the student to the progressive disciplinary policy of the Academy. Resolution 09-18 Page 2of2 .a� TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD F TRUSTEES POLICY _ I olicy No. - Date Board d to : November 3, Date Board Amended: N/A Effective ate: November 3, 20 Policy Name: Assessment and Grade Reporting Policy Secondary— Middle Years Program and Diploma Program Policv Category: Student Achievement Policy Goal: Definition, uniformity, and transparency in the Academy's Secondary (MYP and DP) assessment and grading policy Policy-Description: Uniform assessments and grade reporting standards are a significant component of the success of the Secondary (MYP and DP) student's at Westlake Academy. As such, the following purposes of these standards are necessary to accurately reflect the academic achievement of the student: • Ability of the assessment 1 grading system to report actual classroom performance on exams, homework assignments, projects, etc. • Allow the parent to easily identify and gauge their child's performance • Consistency across grade level(s) of assessment application and grade reporting • Assist colleges in determining the achievements of the students • Demonstration of college readiness • Identification of any subject area where a student may need additional assistance to reach educational goals Resolution 09-18 Page 1 of 3 r-- TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY olicv No. 09 - (continued): In consideration of the need to establish comprehensive grade reporting and assessment policies for the student body of Westlake Academy, the following numerical grades will be utilized by the Staff to indicate academic performance on report cards. A = 100 P 90 points B = 89 - 80 points C = 7 - 70 points = 69 paints and below I = Incomplete for extenuating circumstances (to be determined by the Head(s) of Section) Staff will administer a variety of assessments to measure student knowledge and progress throughout the year. The frequency and type of assessment utilized will be program specific, - i.e. Primary, Middle or Diploma Program. In the Secondary School (Middle gears and Diploma Program), a student shall not be required to complete more than two major assessments on the same day. In addition, SENIORS in the Diploma Program sitting for the lS exams, may be eligible for final exam exemption based on absence criteria Report Cards - Westlake Academy will send home four ( ) report cards and two (2) interval progress reports each year. The report cards will be sent home at the end of each quarter. The interval progress reports will be issued within the quarter grading period. Parent Teacher Meetings -- Staff will conduct two (2) parent/teacher conferences per year - one (1) each semester. This will allow parents to meet with teachers to briefly discuss their child's progress. Additional concerns will be addressed at individually scheduled conferences available at any time during the school year. Resolution 09-18 Page 2 of 3 Letter Grades for Citizenship - Staff will assign a letter grade for student citizenship using the following criteria: E = Excellent Observes the rules all of the time S - Satisfactory Observes the rules most of the time Needs Improvement Observes rules infrequently/inconsistently U = Unsatisfactory Almost never observes the rules Elements of the IB Learner Profile will be to be used to assess citizenship grades. • Practices respect • Uses self-control • Talks at appropriate times • Obeys school rules • Works well with others • Uses acceptable language • Follows Uniform Code • Follows Honor Code Guidelines consistent with these policies will be developed by Staff and published in the Parent/Student Handbook. Resolution 0 -18 Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY 1 BOARD F TRUSTEES POLICY I Policy o. -1 Date Board Adopted: November 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: /A Effective ate: November 3, 200 olicy Name: Retention and Transfer Course Credit Policy Policy Category: Student Achievement Policy al: Describe criteria/circumstances for student retention based on unsatisfactory academic achievement and develop guidelines for acceptance of transfer course credits Policy D21 1 iptionm In order to ensure academic achievement and the mastery of the necessary skills to advance to each subsequent grade level, the Staff of Westlake Academy will develop specific Retention Guidelines for the students, which will be published in the Parent/Student Handbook on an annual basis. Legally mandated and internally required assessments will be administered to assist the teachers in determining if a student has attained the necessary educational understanding to advance to the neat grade level. The assessments may include, but are not limited to, grade/subject specific examinations, essays; homework assignments, group and individual projects, and state mandated assessment tests. Summer School/Alternative Educational Programs - Students, who do not meet the necessary requirements for advancement, must complete a comparable course in summer school or through an alternative education program. A student who fails free 3 or ore core classes may Rot advance to the next grade level. Resolution 00-18 Page 1 of 3 j TOWN OF WESTLAKE E TLAKE ACADEMY BOARD E TRUSTEES POLICY LICY Policy o. Q -'1 (continued): Students who do not satisfactorily complete a state required course for Nigh school graduation must complete the course through a summer or alternative educational program approved in advance by the Head of Secondary or his/her designee prior to being considered for graduation from Westlake Academy. Students who fail a core course must retake the class during the summer session immediately following the academic year in which the class was failed. If not offered at Westlake Academy, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to locate a summer school or alternative educational program within their home district for remediation that is acceptable for credit and approved by the Head of Secondary or his/her designee. Westlake Academy reserves the right to accept or deny summer school credit. Prior to attending summer school or any alternative educational program, parents and students should obtain written approval from the Head of Secondary or his/her designee to ensure that the credit has been approved and is acceptable by the Academy. Evaluation of Credits for Transfer Students — The Academy accepts credits from other schools accredited by the State of Texas. Courses will be evaluated by a counselor to determine if the course meets the requirements for graduation from a Texas high school, as well as from Westlake Academy. All transfer grades earned in accredited schools will be converted to Westlake Academy grading scale and course designation consistent with the Academy's standards. In order to receive credit for completed work, students entering Westlake Academy from a non-accredited school or from home schooling must take credit-by-exam (CBE) tests approved in advance by Westlake Academy. Students are responsible for any applicable fees associated with these tests and must achieve acceptable test scores as determined by the Head(s) of Section. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Testing and Remediation — The Board of Trustees and the Staff of Westlake Academy are committed to student success on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) and takes seriously its obligation to provide students the support and assistance they need to succeed. Resolution 09-18 Page 2 of 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE I ESTLAKE ACADEMY 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 4 --18 (continued): All students at TAKS-testing grade levels, Grades 3-11) will be administered regular benchmark testing to erasure they are making appropriate progress through the required TS curriculum. Students who are not making adequate progress will receive remedial assistance. In addition, students who have failed a TAS test in the previous year will be required to attend remedial classes/tutorials. The schedule(s) will be developed by Staff and communicated to the parent/guardian of the students needing additional assistance. Operational guidelines consistent with the above policy directives will be detailed and published as necessary by Academy Staff in the Parent/Student Handbook on an annual basis. Resolution 09-18 Page 3 of 3 d TOWN OF WESTLAKE E TL KE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. - 1 s Date Board t November 3, 2049 Date Board Amended: /A Effective Date: November 3, 2009; contingent upon approval by TEA Policy Name: Graduation Policy Policy ategory: Student Achievement olicy Goal: Defining the commencement participation requirements; establishing Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Honor Graduate policy; Policy escription: Eligibility for Commencement - Westlake Academy seniors who have satisfied all Academy requirements for graduation are eligible for participation in the graduation ceremonies. For students who do not meet the requirements, an exception may be made in the event that a senior lacks one ( ) credit towards the graduation requirements. The student must have a plan approved by the Head of Secondary to complete the credit prior to the beginning of the next school year, No other exceptions to participation in the graduation ceremony will be granted. Only students who have completed all the requirements of Westlake Academy will receive a diploma. Those requirements are as follows: • Completion of a minimum of 29 credit hours according to the Westlake Academy Program of Studies • Not assigned to a Disciplinary Alternative Education Placement (REAP) setting during his/her senior year at the Academy or any other educational facility Resolution 09-18 Page 1 of 5 li TOWN OF WESTLAKE ESTLAKE ACADEMY j BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY aliy No. 09 - 18 continue: As reflective of the Academy's rigorous and enriching IB curriculum and desire to foster college readiness, students who graduate from Westlake Academy will complete a program of study, which includes higher academic standards and additional credit hours than those established through the guidelines of the State of Texas. Students who receive a Westlake Academy high school diploma will have completed a minimum of 29 hours of course work, which reflects those higher levels of academic achievement. The graduation requirements detailing the necessary courses are incorporated into the policy by addendum A. The provision for the Westlake Academy Diploma will become effective for the students in the graduating class of 2011. Approved Courses Included in Formal Grade Point Average (GPA) - All courses taken at the secondary level at Westlake Academy which contain specific objectives, determined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and are not modified in content will be included when calculating grade point average. The following general criteria govern the calculation of the grade point average: • CPA will be calculated by the Counselor and rounded up to the nearest whole number • GPA will be determined using semester grades earned in state approved courses • Grades earned in courses completed at other fully accredited school(s) and transferred to the Academy will be included in determining grade point average Course criteria must be consistent with the standards established at Westlake Academy. Correspondence courses, Credit-by-Exam, Dual Credit courses, courses modified in content, Pass/Fail courses, Local Credit courses not required for graduation, Advanced Placement Exams, International Baccalaureate Exams and grades earned in credit-bearing courses taken prior to Grade 9 will not be included in the calculation of the formal GPA, but will be reflected on the student's Academic Achievement Record/Transcript. Resolution 09-18 Page 2 of 5 r TOWN OF WESTLAKE ESTI KE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY � Policy No. 09 - 18 J22fl rsreue t. Quality Paints for IB Courses - Beginning in Grade 9, Westlake Academy will award ten (10) points to the final grade for any IB Diploma Program or Advanced Placement course and no less than five ( ) points for any honors (pre-IB/AP) course, as determined by the school administration. Raw grades in the course must be a passing grade of 70% or better to receive quality points. Raw semester grades are shown on a student's report card and Academic Achievement Record ( R)/Transcript. Indicators for quality points will be included on the Report Gard and the AAR/Transcript. Quality points will be included in GPA calculation and this weighted GPA will appear on the student's transcript. Grades earned in honors (pre-IB/AP) courses and IB/AP courses taken at other accredited districts will receive quality points if the following conditions are met; • Quality points awarded from other schools will not exceed or be less than the numerical weight of quality points awarded at Westlake Academy • The previous school provides official documentation of advanced courses Academic Recognition - Westlake Academy will encourage and recognize academic achievement through the establishment of a class Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Honor Graduates. Only grades earned at Westlake Academy and those earned at schools approved by Westlake Academy will determine the student's academic recognition. Calculating and Reporting GPA - A counselor will determine a student's GPA calculation at regular intervals as determined necessary by the Head of Secondary. The intervals will be communicated through the use of the Parent/Student Handbook. Resolution 09-13 Page 3 of 5 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy o. 09 - c faunae }: Rank in Class - Rank in class will only be reported for the purposes of: • Automatic admission of the top 16%0 of the class into a Texas public college or university • Consideration for scholarships Valedictorian and Salutatorian T Graduating seniors with the top two cumulative grade point averages (CGPA), as determined by the Head of Secondary or his/her designee, will be eligible to serve as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. In the event of a tie for Valedictorian, the students will share the honor and no Salutatorian will be designated. All courses and corresponding numerical grades used to determine GPA must not be modified in content and must be identified by the state as regular, honors, and AP or IB courses in order to qualify for Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Valedictorian and Salutatorian eligibility requires attendance at Westlake Academy for six (6) consecutive semesters preceding graduation. Further, a student who is in violation of the Academy codes and requirements, Town code, or State codes, may be deemed ineligible by the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee to represent Westlake Academy as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian. Honor Graduates - A graduating senior's weighted cumulative grade point average (CGPA) rounded to 9 % or above will be determined to be an Honor Graduate and will be duly recognized at commencement.. All courses and corresponding numerical grades earned to determine GPA must not be modified in content and must be identified by the state as regular, honors, and AP or IB courses in order to qualify for Honor Graduate status. The Head of Secondary and his/her designee are granted the authority to include students whose CGPA is 9 % or above at the end of the final semester. Operational guidelines consistent with the above policy directives will be detailed and published by Academy Staff in the Parent/Student Handbook on an annual basis. Resolution 09-18 Page 4 of 5 Graduation Requirements Side-by-Side Comparison WA A NHP TEA Actual Required Distinguished* English 4 4 4 4 Mathematics 5 4 4 4 Science 4 4 4 4 Social Studies 4 4 4 10 Gov't 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Economics 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Foreign Language 5 3 3 3 Physical Education 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Health 0,5 0.5 0,5 0.5 Speech 0.5 0.5 0.5 0. Technology 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 Fine Arts 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Tok 2.0 2.0 1.0 n/ Electives 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 CAS/Extended Essay 1.0 0.5 n/ n/a (32.5) (29.0) (29.0) (26.0) *Source: TEA W bsite htt :l rittorat ,state,tx us rul s/tac/ci ter0 4ich0 4t.htmI Resolution 09-18 Page 5 of 5 PASSED AND APPROVED N THIS 3``� DAY OF NOVEMBER,2009. Laura heat, Pros 'riT 4y Corson, Trustee r Tien Britian. Trustee Rebecca Rolfi�nsrustee M Carol LangdoieTrustee Rick Rennhack, Trustee ATTEST: l elly day Secretary Thomas Br- "i. hief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO : Janet ubert, School .Attorney Resolution 09-18 Page 2 of 2