HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 09-03 WA Approving the Letter of Explanation in Report Cards WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 09-03 ADOPTING A FORMAL GRADING SYSTEM FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY AND APPROVING THE INCLUSION OF A LETTER OF EXPLANATION IN THE REPORT CARD ENVELOPES. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the proposed grading system and found it to be necessary to complete the formal grading system of Westlake Academy; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees approves the inclusion of the grading system in the 2008-09 Parent/Student Handbook; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees approve the letter of explanation to be included in the student Report Card; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Academy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1. That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby adopts the proposed Westlake Academy grading system and letter of explanation policy as outlined in the attached exhibit (Exhibit "A'q SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage but contingent upon approval by the TEA. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 12 DAY OF JANUARY 2009. Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: G/ Sutter, Secretary T Brym f xecutive Off cer APPRO RM: anton ool Attorney 2009 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Policies Manual Westlake Academy 1/12/2009 f i III Contents Westlake Academy Grading System ............................................................................2 r 11Page TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-03 Date Board Adopted: January 12, 2009 Date Board Amended: NIA Effective Date: January 12, 2009, contingent upon approval by TEA Policy Name: Westlake Academy Grading System Policy Category: Student Achievement Policy Goal: Effective and Understandable Student Achievement Measurement Policy Description: This grading policy applies on to the Secondary School - Grades 7 and above. Westlake Academy, as an IB MYP and DP school, gives grades out of 7 (7 being the highest grade, 1 the lowest, with 4 being considered a `pass' by IB standards). Thus, there are three steps to this process: 1. How we record the semester grades 2. How to convert those grades from 7-1 to a percentage 3. How to convert this percentage to a GPA 1. Semester grades. There are two semesters, and each is marked in the same way. Each semester has three marks recorded - 40% of the total mark is the work from the first half of the semester, 40% from the second, and 20% from the end of semester exam. Where the average is .5, we will take standard mathematical practice and round this up — e.g. 3.5. becomes 4.0. This is because all submitted grades need to be whole numbers. A mid-term progress report is issued to parents at the end of the first half term, and a full report card at the end of the semester. 2. Grades to percentages. These semester grades can be converted to percentages.. 7= 96 — 100 6 = 90 - 95 5 = 83 - 89 4 = 76 — 82 3 = 70 - 75 2 = 60 - 69 1 = 59 and below 2 1 P a e Policy No. 09-03 Policy Name: Westlake Academy Grading System (cont'd) 3. Percentages to GPA. All courses, with the exception of physical education courses, will be included in the GPA. Pre-113 and Pre-AP courses, in addition to IB and AP courses, will be weighted. College courses taken for high school and college credit (dual credit) will be weighted. IBIAPIDUAL CREDIT 90-100 = 4.0 90-100 = 5.0 89 = 3.9 89 = 4.9 88 = 3.8 88 = 4.8 87 = 3.7 87 = 4.7 86 = 3.6 86 = 4.6 85 = 3.5 85 = 4.5 84 = 3.4 84 = 4.4 83 = 3.3 83 = 4.3 82 = 3.2 82 = 4.2 81 = 3.1 81 = 4.1 80 = 3.0 80 = 4.0 79 = 2.9 79 = 3.9 78 = 2.8 78 = 3.8 77 = 2.7 77 = 3.7 76 = 2.6 76 = 3.6 75 = 2.5 75 = 3.5 74 = 2.4 74 = 3.4 73 = 2.3 73 = 3.3 72 = 2.2 72 = 3.2 71 = 2.1 71 = 3.1 70 = 2.0 70 = 3.0 69 and below = 0.0 69 and below = 0.0 The selection of Valedictorian and Salutatorian: During the second semester of the 12th grade year, percentage grades will be averaged to determine the top 2 students in the class. All grades for courses receiving high school credit, with the exception of P.E. grades, will be used in the computation. The Head of Secondary and Head of School will verify the computations and the results before they are announced. Grade Conversion Chart following: 3 1Pa` e Grade Conversion Chart as referenced in Grading System Policy: 7 100 6.9 100 6.8 99 6.7 98 6.6 97 6.5 96 6.4 95 6.3 95 6.2 94 6.1 94 6 93 5.9 93 5.8 92 5.7 92 5.6 91 5.5 90 5.4 89 5.3 89 5.2 88 5.1 88 5 87 4.9 87 4.8 86 4.7 85 4.6 84 4.5 83 4.4 82 2.2 67 4.3 82 2.1 66 4.2 81 2 65 4.1 81 1.9 64 4 So 1.8 63 3.9 80 1.7 62 3.8 79 1.6 61 3.7 78 1.5 60 3.6 77 1.4 59 3.5 76 1.3 59 3.4 75 1.2 59 3.3 75 1.1 59 3.2 74 1 59 3.1 74 3 73 2.9 73 2.8 72 2.7 72 2.6 71 2.5 70 2.4 69 2.3 68 4 Pa- e