HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 10-11 WA Adopting a School Sanction Trips policy WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 10-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS FOR SCHOOL SANCTIONED TRIPS FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees considers school sanctioned trips to be an important component of the learning environment and an integral concept in pursuing an International Baccalaureate education; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to identify grade level trips for planning and fund-raising purposes, which are specific to Primary and Secondary; and, WHEREAS, a safe and structured environment is desired for each trip; and, WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and the faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: THAT, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, the Board of Trustees for Westlake Academy,hereby approves the policy titled, Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: IF, any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason,be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: THAT, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 16th DAY OF AUGUST, 2010. Laura Wheat, President Resolution 10-1 I Page 1 of 7 ATTEST: Kell Ed ds, Board Secretary Thomas E. B er, uperintcndcnt APPROVED AS TO FORM: (:�� &4tA- I School Attorney �bff+ Resolution 10-11 Page 2 of 7 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 09-08: Date Board Adopted: March 9, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date: March 9, 2009 Policy Name: Board Parameters for School Sanctioned Trips Policy Category: Student Achievement Policy Goal: Students Who Become Well Balanced, Life Long Learners Policy Description: The Board of Trustees supports Academy sanctioned trips as a means to pursue, promote, and enhance IB learning goals for Academy students as set out in the IB Learner Profile. As such, all school sanctioned trips should fit and promote this IB Learner Profile, the IB curriculum, as well as be of direct educational value for the student participants of these trips. In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for the students of Westlake Academy, this policy for student trips will be enforced on any and all trips that require students to be away from the property located at 2600 J. T. Ottinger Road, Westlake, TX 76262. Board Approval for Out-of-State Trips The Board shall approve all out-of-state, school-sponsored trips. Such approval shall consider the immunity laws applicable for the destination, District and employee liability for damages arising from accidents and/or injuries that may occur during the trip, the stated educational value of the trip, and whether participation results from advancement in a regional or national competition. The following grade level(s) and trip formats have been identified as consistent with the IB curriculum and Learner Profile and thereby, effective as of the 2011/2012 school year, approved as to a standing schedule for the Academy. Resolution 10-11 Page 3 of 7 Grade Trip Format/Location Date of Occurrence Primary 4 Team Building (Local destination) Spring 5 Domestic or International Trip (Location subject to approval) Spring Secondary 7 Team Building (Domestic) Fall 8 Historical/Boston, Washington D.C. (Domestic) Spring 9 Language Immersion (Domestic) Fall 10 International Trip (Location subject to approval) Fall 11 Team Building (Local destination) Fall 12 Senior Trip (Location subject to approval) Spring All other policy directives contained in this document will begin with the 201012011 school year as it relates to, requests to organize student trips, staff training and chaperone responsibilities, non-school sanctioned trips, conduct expectations and consequences, and student participation. Requests to Organize Student Trips Other than the previously identified trips associated with each grade level, trip requests within the contiguous 48 states must be submitted to the Principal of each section for review, prior to Board approval. Requests for student trips to locations outside the United States will be submitted to the Superintendent for review, prior to Board approval. Student trips should coordinate with the Academy's school calendar as much as possible. If any part of the requested trip will occur during scheduled instructional time, the request should adequately address how the academic needs will be met for any students not participating in the trip. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for establishing required chaperone ratios that address safety needs. All student trips must be organized in accordance with the requirements established in the Parent-Student Handbook, other applicable administrative procedures, and any requirements imposed by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall review the request and, if applicable under this policy, forward it to the Board for approval. All student trip decisions are the sole purview of staff and faculty, subject to the restrictions of this policy. As such, parent input on such trips will be encouraged and utilized as appropriate however all final decisions on Westlake Academy student trip destinations and trip logistics will be made by Superintendent designated staff and faculty subject to the parameters of this policy. Resolution 14-11 Page 4 of 7 Any trip taken away from the school is a privilege, not a right, and as such, students are required to represent our school in a responsible manner. This privilege could be revoked as a disciplinary measure if deemed necessary by the school administration. Students who violate the code of conduct or directives given by school staff during a school trip, will be subject to the disciplinary processes contained in the Parent/Student Handbook. Serious conduct violations that occur during a school trip may result in expulsion in accordance with Academy policies and Parent/Student Handbook. Vendor Identification Staff shall utilize a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify and select a vendor to provide the school sponsored trips on an annual basis. All trip locations will be coordinated through the selected vendor who will work with the Superintendent or his/her designee to schedule the events. Staff Training and Chaperone Responsibilities Any staff member who participates in a school sponsored trip will be required to undergo a training process which explains the trip guidelines and responsibilities associated with serving as a chaperone. The foremost duty of all chaperones shall be the care and supervision of the students. All written and implied rules of conduct in the Employee.Manual or found in the Parent/Student Handbook will be followed. Additionally, trips will have a designated Group Leader, assigned by the appropriate Principal, to serve as the staff member who will coordinate the logistics, recruit additional chaperones, communicate with parents and make any necessary decisions which concern the welfare of the students while away from the Academy. Chaperones are not permitted to bring a spouse or other children who are not otherwise eligible for participation in a school trip as their guests, even at their own expense. Participation in Student Trips The Academy shall obtain written parent permission before any student may participate in any school-sponsored student trip or other activity away from school. Participation is subject to any pre-requisites that may be set in compliance with the Parent/Student Handbook. Students who participate in school-sponsored trips shall be required to ride in transportation arranged or provided by the school to and from the event. An exception may be made if the student's parent or guardian personally requests that the student be allowed to ride or travel with the parent or presents a written request to the office. The Academy shall not be liable for any injuries that occur to students being transported/traveling outside the school arranged transportation. Resolution 10-1 1 Page 5 of'7 Each school sponsored trip will be subject to a minimum number of student participants that will be deemed necessary to continue with the event. The Board has established 2/3 as the minimum number of student participation rate for each grade level trip. However, should a simple majority of 50% be achieved, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, is directed to review the educational benefits of the trip and determine if the trip should proceed as planned. Non-residential trips will require the Principal's approval for both location and the minimum number of student participants necessary to plan the event. Non-school Sanctioned Trips As school attendance, participation in the classroom environment and exposure to the appropriate educational material is vital to the success of the student, families are encouraged to refrain from removing their children) for family trips during the school term. Parents who schedule trips during the school year, which are not officially sanctioned by the Academy, subject their student(s) to unexcused absences. Any absences of this nature must be submitted to the Principal for review and approval prior to the withdrawal of the student. Approved trips will be given an excused absence and conversely unapproved trips will be given an unexcused absence, which will follow the guidelines in the Parent/Student Handbook for make-up work and attendance consequences. Residential Trips At Westlake Academy, we believe that residential trips give the students greater opportunities for experiential learning within an appropriate, relevant and authentic context, as well as the chance to develop their independence and self-management skills. Time away from home helps cement and forge friendships, as well as strengthening the bonds that they have with their teachers. In addition to the aforementioned, residential trips afford students with the opportunity of experiencing different perspectives and cultures, thus promoting and developing greater understanding and international-mindedness. The following are the Learning Outcomes for Residential Trips: DEVELOPING KEY SKILLS • Using and applying knowledge, skills and understanding in different, realistic and exciting contexts Resolution 10-11 Page 6 of 7 • Developing the ability to work co-operatively • Developing the ability to communicate successfully • Showing initiative and a positive attitude • Showing greater independence, moving towards self-reliance • Becoming increasingly risk aware and increasing understanding and independent action RAISING ACHIEVEMENT BYBOOSTING SELF-ESTEEMAND MOTIVATION • Raising self-esteem through successful participation and enjoyment • Developing a positive attitude to learning • Helping demonstrate strengths and understanding of limitations • Encouraging responsibility • Improving behavior • Addressing disaffection DEVELOPING SOCIAL EDUCATION AND CITIZENSHIP • The ability to work with others, accept and support them, building relationships • Learning to tolerate others and respect their views — understanding equal opportunities • Learning to accept the consequences of their own actions • Learning to defend their own point of view • Encouraging a commitment to voluntary service • Exploring attitudes and values they will carry into adult life PROMOTING EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • An appreciation of the natural world as a source of interest and challenge • A concern for living things • An understanding of the need for interdependence between people and the environment • Recognition of the effect of present actions on the future • An increasing ability to access evidence and make personal decisions PROMOTING HEALTH AND FITNESS AND A POSITIVE USE OF LEISURE (where applicable) • Developing a positive attitude to physical activities and a healthy lifestyle • Developing and experiencing physical fitness and well-being • Achieving success in physical activities • Developing self-respect and self-discipline and the ability to cope with adversity Revised 080210 Resolution 10-11 Page 7 of 7