HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 12-13 WA Amending the WA Personnel Manual WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 12-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMENDING CURRENT MANUAL AND ADOPTING 2012-2013 THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY PERSONNEL MANUAL. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy recognizes that ongoing updates to the Academy's personnel manual are necessary to ensure best practices; and, WHEREAS, the leaders of Westlake Academy desire to promote professionalism, safety, security, and high standards of performance in the workplace; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires is to provide employees with a personnel manual that reflects the goals and vision of the Academy's leaders, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: that, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees does hereby amends the current manual with the proposed personnel policy additions and changes, attached as Exhibit "A"" and adopts the 2012-2013 Westlake Academy Personnel Manual with the aforementioned additions. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 12-13 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST 2012. —Z�h.l,, , — F ATTEST; Laura fVheat, President Kelly tdward own Secretary Tom B r en dent APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7,- L. Stap6n Lowry, own Attorney 2 "Exhibit A!' — Personnel Manual Additions & Amendments (proposed changes are highlighted in yellow) Travel Policy/expense reimbursement Before any travel expenses are incurred by an employee, approval is required by the Superintendent or designee. For approved travel, employees will be reimbursed for mileage and other travel expenditures according to the current rate schedule established by the Internal Revenue Service. Employees must submit receipts to be reimbursed for expenses other than mileage. Event/Travel Procedures The following guidelines and standards shall be utilized when traveling on Academy business; A. Registration 1. Direct payment to the sponsor of the event is preferable. 2. In the event direct payment to the sponsor is impossible, an individual attendee will be reimbursed for the actual cost of the registration and/or event costs. 3. Full advantage should be taken of any pre-registration discounts when possible. 4. Vouchers, invoices, advance registration forms, and/or receipts must be submitted as payment or reimbursement justification. B. Transportation 1. Transportation arrangements are based on what provides the most economic advantage to Westlake Academy. 2. Airfare will be paid directly to the carrier, travel agency(or reimbursed), based on coach fare, utilizing all prepaid, special, or discount fares as may be available. C. Public Carrier Fares and Car Rental 1. Public carrier fares will be reimbursed based on receipts or prevailing fares based on the geographic area. 2. Car rental reimbursement will be reviewed upon submission and/or receipts of prevailing rental rates paid. If necessary, other circumstances will be evaluated in determining additional reimbursement for the rental. 3. Discounts and special rates should be utilized whenever possible. D. Personal Vehicle or Town Owned Vehicle Use 1. Employees using their own vehicle will be eligible to receive a mileage allowance at a rate in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service allowance. Reimbursement will be based upon actual mileage from the employee's regular place of work to their destination, or from home to destination whichever is less. 2. If an employee is required to attend training for an extended period of time (longer than one work week), the place of training will become the employees regularly assigned workplace until such training is completed. An employee will not be eligible for mileage reimbursement in such an instance. 3. To receive mileage reimbursement,the event, seminar,class, etc. must be required by the Academy or approved as personal development related to the job of the employee. WA Resolution 12-13 Pagel of 2 E. Overnight Accommodations 1. Room rental will be based on the actual cost of the room,plus tax (where applicable)and parking. Direct payment or billing from the hotel is preferred. 2. Personal items such as personal telephone calls and movies are not reimbursable. When travel time exceeds a day, one night's accommodations to the event and one night's accommodation on the return trip may be reimbursed. 3. Receipts are required for all reimbursements. 4. Overnight accommodations should not exceed what is considered mid-range in terms of cost and should take into account the distance from the conference site in order to reduce transportation costs. F. Meals and Incidental Expenses 1. Meals will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts when travel is outside of the Town of Westlake for attendance at a seminar, training class, or full day meeting. 2. Meals will be reimbursed at a maximum of$15.00 for breakfast, $20.00 for lunch, and $30.00 for dinner. If a meal exceeds this amount,the employee will be required to pay the difference. 3. There is a maximum daily reimbursement of$65.00 for meals. Amounts not used for a meal cannot be applied to another meal. Submittal of Completed Expense Report Employee must document any expenses incurred on an Employee Expense Report. Receipts must accompany the report to substantiate any requested reimbursement. Expenses must be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for approval. Expense reports should be submitted to the Finance Department within ten(10)days of returning from travel. Possession of firearms and weapons Employees, visitors, and students, including those with a license to carry a concealed handgun, are prohibited from bringing firearms, knives, clubs or other prohibited weapons onto school premises (i.e., building or portion of a building)or any grounds or building where a school-sponsored activity takes place. To ensure the safety of all persons, employees who observe or suspect a violation of the Academy's weapons policy should report it to the school office immediately. Continuation of Health Insurance Employees on an approved leave of absence other than family and medical leave may continue their insurance benefits at their own expense. Health insurance benefits for employees on paid leave and leave designated under the Family and Medical Leave Act will be paid by the district as they were prior to the leave. Otherwise, the Academy does not pay any portion of insurance premiums for employees who are on unpaid leave. Under TRS-Active Care rules, an employee is no longer eligible for insurance through Westlake Academy after six months of unpaid leave other than leave taken under FMLA provisions. If an employee's unpaid leave extends for more than six months, the Academy will provide the employee with notice of COBRA rights. WA Resolution 12-13 Page 2 of 2