HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-14 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY August 12, 2014 Westlake History Museum 3 Village Circle, Suite 104 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton, Wanda Brewster, Laurel Mason, Paula Thornton, Jon White, Daniel Zipperlen ABSENT: Rob Meyer OTHERS PRESENT: Abby Bosworth 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 7:23 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD JUNE 24, 2014. Member Brewster read the minutes. The minutes were corrected with the addition ofTarrant County on page 2. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve. MOTION: Member Zippedenmade amotion toapprove the minutes ascorrected. Member Mason seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. Member Brewster presented the VVHPSStatement ofActivities dated July 31,2O14.She reported the $1,000 donation from Steele & Freeman for Decoration Day and expenses to ChemCan, Boy Scout troop 170 and Ally Hany have posted to the WHIPS account. There are some outstanding expenses for Decoration Day and President Thornton encouraged everyone to submit their receipts. Member Brewster corrected a statement she made at a previous meeting that WHIPS is in the red. WHPS has a balance of $3,558 for FY 2014, and $1,553 overall. MOTION: Member Zipperlen made a motion to accept the report. Member White seconded. WHIPS Minutes 08/12/2014 the motion. The motion carried. 4. OLD BUSINESS. Decoration Day: The tree we planted on Decoration Day has died for lack of water. There was discussion on the need for a solution to irrigation at the I.O.O.F cemetery before we plant a replacement tree. President Thornton said he would approach the Town to see if they are receptive to WHPS forming a cemetery advisory committee to work with the Town on issues such as irrigation and care of the I.O.O.F cemetery. Stephen Thornton, Jon White, Daniel Zipperlen, Paula Thornton and Abby Bosworth volunteered to be on this committee if the Town approves. 5. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Membership: There was discussion about developing a membership campaign. Motion: Member Mason made a motion to change membership renewal from an annual membership renewed in January each year to an annual membership renewed each year on the anniversary of the membership. Member Thornton seconded the motion. The motion carried. Member Zipperlen reported on the costs of using a boost on Facebook to advertise our events. $5 reaches 550 —1,000 people $20 reaches 2,000 — 5,000 people $30 reaches 3,000 — 7,000 people $50 reaches 4,000 —10,000 people He also reported that the cost of developing a website for WHPS would be approximately $500 and there would be additional annual costs to maintain the website. The board agreed to continue to use our page on the Westlake town website rather than develop our own. Constitution Day: Constitution Day is September 17, 2014. Member Thornton suggested we hold a reception at the museum with cookies and punch. The event will be from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM and will be designed to catch people coming to the Solana plaza. Member Thornton will head the committee planning the event. Committee members include Laurel Mason, Jon White and Abby Bosworth. The event will be promoted on the Westlake town website and via the Westlake Wire. Motion: Member Thornton made a motion that we use a $5 boost to advertise 10 days prior to the event. Member White seconded the motion. The motion carried. Member Zipperlen will WHPS Minutes 8/12%2014 Page 2 of 3 contact Susan McFarland to have the boost made. Museum Window Exhibit: Member Mason and Member Thornton are developing the next museum exhibit which will feature historical maps of Texas. 6. ADJOURNMENT President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. aeconded the motion. The motion carried. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM. APPROVED BY THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF /,IL- 2014. WHPS Minutes 8/12/2014 Page 3 of 3 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton, Wanda Brewster, Laurel Mason, Paula Thornton, Daniel Zippeden l. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON MAY 6,2014. Member Brewster read the minutes. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve. MOTION: Member Mason made emotion toapprove the minutes. MemberZ]ppeden seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. Member Brewster presented the WHPS Statement of Activities dated June 24, 2014. She reported that the report does not include income and expenses for Decoration Day which have yet topost tothe VVHP8account. VVewill receive a$1,OU8donation from Steele & Freeman and vvehave abill from Chem Can for the porta potty. President Thornton encouraged everyone to submit their expenses. Member Brewster corrected a statement she made at a previous meeting that WHPS is in the black. VVHPShas abalance of$6U1for FY2014,but still has abalance of'$5,692overall, reflecting the expense of the history book. W*PS Minutes 05/06/2014 MOTION: Member 2]ppedenmade amotion toaccept the report. Member Thornton seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton led a discussion of the Decoration Day event held on Monday,May 26, 2014. Debra Heath's recipe won the ice cream contest. Suggestions for improvement were made and recorded byPresident Thornton. Among the suggestions was tustart advertising early perhaps with a Letter to the Editor of the Times Register announcing the event. President Thornton suggested we consider establishing a I.C.O.F cemetery advisory committee to support the Town inmanaging the cemetery inthe future. Motion: Member Thornton made a motion that we make a donation of $100 to Boy Scouts of America Troop 170 and pay $50 to trumpeter Ally Hany who played Taps for their contributions tothe event, Member Zipper|enseconded the motion. The motion carried. WHIPS Wabsite& Social Media: Susan McFarland reported that the Town has 115 Likes on Facebook and she offered to post whatever VVHPSwould like tohave distributed. Member Zipper|ensaid that hecould boost a post toeveryone inthe geographic area ofWestlake. There isafee for the boost and VVHPSwill discuss this for our next event. Constitution Day: Constitution Day isSeptember 17\2O14. President Thornton will contact Westlake Academy and find out what they are planning. Hewill calla committee meeting ofVVHPSboard members to plan how WHPS activities coordinate with what Westlake Academy is planning. Museum Window Exhibit: Member Mason and Member Thornton will meet next week to plan the 3 rd quarter window exhibit at the Westlake Museum. Future Ideas: � Start a committee to help gather, document, log and store Westlake Academy items of historical interest 10the Town ofWestlake. Westlake Academy principal Dr. Bryson has not been contacted with this idea. Discussion ranged from whether VVHPShas the capacity to do this to whether Westlake Academy is already collecting this material. President Thornton will contact Dr. Bryson to discuss. wHPS Minutes 6/24/2014 Make a call to residents of Westlake for photos and documents of interest to Westlake history and the community. Photos and documents to be scanned and returned to the resident. Respond to a request from County Commissioner Gary Fickes for historical photos for the NE Tarrant County sub courthouse. ® Write a monthly or quarterly history column for Simply Westlake. Member Thornton volunteered to write the first column. President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member Zipperlen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Mason seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 9:25 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tuesday, August 5, 2014 at 7:00 PM. APPROVED, BY THE EST KE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF 20M W'ANDA BREW STtk,SkR&ARY WHPS Minutes 6/24/2014 Page 3 of 3