HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 6 Annexing land in Tarrant County ar�lN�t��c� Na a � �� ax��N��rc:� �c:�zvz�� ���� ��N�;xzN� ��R�.���oR� ADJAC�;NT ANll CO�i`.�SGIJaU� 10 TH��` T0�^�N OF '���ES1�KE TEX�IoS; �.'�'�OVTDI�G '1'�-�AAT SUCH AR:�A SIiALL BECGiv� A �ART CP �AIl� .�C}ir�T�d A1'�I71 THAT TI-i.�, Oj��1N�,RS .�ND �NHA�3ITANT� �'Hr.t�,��` SHALL. :3:� '�N�1�ITL:ET� 14 ALL '�`HE ��ZV'T.Ls�G�� GI' OTI�R. CITIZENS C7F �l�ID TOi�`��,, AN3� ��E :�OUN� UY TI� ACTS AN� CRDINA?�iC�S T�Ciry �N L�FZ'.li�° �1�� �,� �'� hLR�1..i��i�`�.�.�'eR ��Q�r.���`'D j �{UH�P�+�i PROV�DING �'OR �I�T�iDING AND COR1�:�GZIT�iG T�-� OFFIC�AL �QtT1�3DARI�.S Q�' SAI?� TQ��N xS I��.RETOF�RL A.DC►gTE�. AS AI�LI�TDED, AND �RQVIDING �'OR AN LFF�C�'IVE DATE. �JHEREAS, pursuant tQ the ��ovi��.ons of �i�.e Acts o�' �-��3, 53�°d Le��.s�a�ure, �a�� 3�7: Chap��-r J;, codiFiec� as Ax°ticl� �7��G, I��vxser� G�vz� S'�atute� of Te�a�, �'. Glenn Tu�ner and �ife, S�.e Reeder Turner, �w���rs of' '�h� rea�. pr�o�;e�ty hereir�aftur de�cri�ed havin� 1n�.d� ap�;�:�ca�:��ra as by 1�.��r �rovided to �ri� Maya� at�a �oa�.ha oi Ald�ri�en c�i ti�.e Town oi �Jest;la��e, Texa�, �equ�s�:Lr�g annexation oi a trac� c�f' land cons�s�in� of a {�.�5�� sq�are miZe tr�.ut of ;Land, inore ox� ���s, o�,tt o�' ti�.e W���. �uff 1�--6�-c� �urve�r �.r��. i.he A. �a:�n�s, A-�.�42 Surv�y, Tarr�.nt Coun�y, Texas, at��. being r,lore �'�.1.J.y d�sc�.^�bed by inetes ana bourlds as f o�.1 o�rr� : BEGINNIP�G a� a po:�n� at �h� �.n�eraection of��.e znost wes����y so�.�i�. �ine of the prese�� cor�ola'�e J�iix�its ai the T�van oi ir�es��ake, lexa� anc� �h� �as� ��ne oi County l�oad No. �050, �a�d po�t�� o�' �e��;innzn� b�it�g �he noz th�ae:� carner o�' �l�e hez�e;in aesc�.�i�ed trac� and �f uh� J. G�er�n Tur�er 16G.;3 acr°e �r�.c� out af �k-�� v��n�. Hu.f�' Survey A-6�G; TI�EEl�CE S 8�° �-a' W wi�h �h� sn�.�h �.�.��e �i said. �.orp- o�a�� 1.�.mi�� Lor a clis�anc� of�Da f�et wn�:�e 'c�e cox�po��at� ��n1;�t� turn �o �he lei t and �gni,inui�Zg a�Z witr� '�h� noi^�h ;L�.r�e of �aic� `�`ux,r�e� ��C.3 acre trac� a �ata� dis'cance oz 2�31.�� �'�.�i �a a pa:int for corners sai.d �oi.��t '�e;�n� th� nort�east co�k��r �f said Turncr :1.60. 3 acr� trac� ancl in �h� �a�t 1�ne of tlze S��rn. Huf�' ;��rve f; TH��iGL � 0° 0�� E wi�h the east 1.ine� ai �he �.�urr��a.� 1G0.� ac:r� t��act and �h� �a�Jm. Huf'f �u�vey a dis�ance o� 3�19.��� ��ct �o a �oint ��r co��er �n ���� Aa 13arnes ��.trv�jr A-1�-2, sai� po�.r�t bexraf� :i.ra '�i�� nor�h 1.ir1� of �. C�un.�y 1�aac� ai�d th� ;�au'cl�east corner Qf `�h� �. �1�n�� �u��r��tir 16Q.?� �.cie ��ac`�; THENC� IU �9° 36 t ��t wa�t�. rao��h �ine af s�.ic� Go�n�y Ro�.d a cl�.sta�c� of '�5�.�� �e�t to a point for cal�i�er, said point b�:�r�� �.� �he �ux°n c�f said �Caunt;y �.oad 'cc� i,i1e l.�f�; TH��v�CL I�T 0° �Oi E a distanc� of ��33.33 �=�et �,o a poir�� :�ar corner, s��.id pc�ir�� b�i���; a.r� �h� �c�u�h :Lir�e �f �he ��Ji�. Hu.�f `..,a�'urvey A-��o; �I�:NCE Td �9� 0�' tiv v���tl`� 'ci�� south 1in� of sa1c� H�zL'�: Sux�v�y� a r��stance of�OU.�� feet to � point �'o� cc�rn�r, said �oii�� i�ein�; �b�.e sou�heas#: car�iz�r o�:' 3c� acx�� �rac'c dut c�f' the ����r�, Huf� ;�u�vey; �'��ENCE N �° �k6� � wii.h '�h� e�,s�: line o� said 3t� acre �rac'c a di��a�ice o�' �51..3� �'�e� �.a a �oint f�r; cc�rr�er in �h� �n�rtheasi; co�.�n,er o�° saici 3c3 ac��� tract; �I-IEENC� N c59° 21.f W wi�h �h� Nc�r'ch �,�.nE �i sa�d 38 acr� ��ac� a�d ��ost no:�th�rly �outh la.ne of '�I�� J. Gler�n Turner �60.� acre t�a�t a �.3.�i.ar��� o�' 1�2�-.�k�- i ee� ta a poi�t for corner, said pca�.n� 1��.�ng in the �as�c �.ine o�' Coun�;� �c�acz 1�0. �-G�C3 �,rzd the nor��.hwe�'� corn�;� e�f saicJ. �€3 acr� tx�a�t and a so�zthwest corner ai' s�,�d ��'ux�n�� ��ac�; LI�N�E N Oa 3r�t �, �1���'th i.iie ea,�� �.it�� �f �a�.�. Cau���,� Roac� a dis�ar�ce o�' 22�.C7�. �'e�� �o ttle �oir7t of be�in- r�in�, an�. caver�.r�� a trac� raf' �.ai�a. canuaining 0.250� �quare �;zi 1e s. � pla'c of said land �hovv�ng �.i�s �ocat��n w�,t�. respec� �co �he lown of �•��st�a��e, T�xas, 'o�:i��� at�achec� l�er��o mar��ca E�hI13IT r,�r: � anc� WH�I�LAS, sa�.d peta���.c�t�, w�.a f i1.ed ti�it�i 'Lh� �own o�� ��'�s��.ak� a� 11:10 �..z�p on �ecer,�:�e:c° ��, I��,�, v�hici�a. i� nc�t lc:�s tha.r� �'i�re (5} ar1c�. �Q�; mor� tlzar� �h:i�.��y (;0} da�s ��ior to �i�i� d�,t�s anc� W3��Aa, it a�;���r�.��� �o ���� �oa,r�. of A1de:r'rrien of the '�owr� c�:E' a��1�stlak�, Texas, that all s��.tui ory requirem�n'�s in cor�nect:ior� 4�d �^aitY} sa�.d p.�a�os��. a�znex�,tior� hav� been r'u��i;].i.L�. a��d i,hat tlz� saicL are�, du�,� �rou�ec� ir�ta o►�� �erritc�ry :is r�oi, r�loi�e �ci�az� �,/2 i�l:il.� �.t� �,�idth and �11�.� a11 af' sarKi�: is �.djacent �o �h� p�°e�et�t TOWCl L�2;1��5 OI u112 T0U�7C� Of u�PS�L,1�.��� �.C'2`�.5� �r� I�' OP�DASN;uD �Y `�i7:�; :�Or��➢ 0�' AL1��hRT4�:N QF �I-� TO���� CF �I���'LAY�, . TE�A.�: . �. . ,,, T�-�T, �he pi�opex��y l��r�zna�a�v� describ�� r���.t�� �.d�acerit �`� ar�d cot�.�i;�o�:� i�o th� '�Qvrn Li��:its oi �v�stlaiti�, l��.as, �a� ar�c� is hei�eb�: a��i�ea;�d ancl braught �ti�i�hin t:�.� Ct�rpora�e Lim:��Vs �f said � ��,; �own and is he�3�i��, an�,de an ifite,�ra�. �ar� ��.�reof.. ,�;;�: r= ,�_, 2. �y' '�'HAT� t-he own�rs ar�d i€�hab�.�ants of�he �,r�a her�:�n ai�ne��d '° be entzi,l�d to a�� �z" tl�� ri�h�s and px�ivile��s �� o�her citi�er�s �- and pro�er'c;� Qwners c�f sair� Ta��r �,r�d be bouL�c� by a�.1 c�f the ac`�s �= ar�d ordinar�ces �r�ac�e in cor��'or�n�.t� ��.e�eto, now i� i�11. forc� and ��- ci�'ec� ar�d �klat v�hich r�.a� lae i���,�ea�'�c��� ad�pt�ci. §F. �: : �r�- �� 6`i:;: �:_ THl�T, the ��'ficyal. rna� ai�d �o�.lric�aries ox" �'r�� �lo�vrl o� d����1a��e, �_ ��e�,as, as hereto�°ox�� ar�op�ect ard 2.��erac�ed, be anc� ;�s herQb�T ar�ie��c�e�, �=:` so as to ia�cluae �i�� �,:�'arc�n��ntion�d 'c����it�r�� as pax�� o.� Lh� To�v�� �`-;" Q�' ���estl,a��e, T��as o �E,�_ �.. THT�, c�r��nance snal�t �eco:n� e�fectiv� and ��e in i'u1�. �:c�r�e and �i z ec� i rc�i�2 and a�ter �ts p�,ssa�e and appz�oval by the 1�T�.;�or� and d�ly a��ested 1�;� �he 19wr� �ec:�e�ary. A�OFTED 'chi s � � cla�� o�' Jat�uary, A. D. 1957. APFhOVE�: ATTE�T: ��� �'�.`-�� -�a �-___ •- MAYOR ,�� _ — '� ••-r�a�� � TOWN SL�R ��� �y� ��9 � � � � �{� " '�HE STATi, a�` TL�AS � TOWN OF ��i�STLAKE, T�XAS CGUNTY 0�+� TAft�€ANT � _ S, _ , '�`oU�m Secre�L�.�y a�' i,ne lown Qf ��,Test�a��, Texa�, - o �er��:�y . cex��tii'� that �h� f'or��c�3.n�; is a tr�ae ana cox�r�c� cop� of Grdinanc�: T�c�. �, ciu�y �s.��:set.��d ancl ada����� �Sr tne Boarc� of A�c�.ern��n c�f saic� Tawn ay West�a:��, T��.as, �.'G c3. 1i7.(:�'�C'i1�i`l� i�3��.C� G�`i 'F..�J.L� , __ .' C�.�.,� C�f' c�c�.C]'U.�.1"�y �.. �« �-�� I s `d.S s�,rr�c� a�;�e�.rs i� �Gi��: :�i�u�es� said rr��et�.n�� :in Book No, + , Fa�� - - � - . W�`.�N:��S I+'� HA� �ND ��AL fJ�, TH� TOWi� Ot� L�iESTI�AKL, T.��;�, �his �he ; c�ay o�' Janua�•��, �. T�. �-357. ,�{��,�� �� „�! � _ __ T C3W It� �S�C t'��"d.l';�r � � � , .��.� a r,..'., nn.r,v�srey I .�i.,.t I qi�in Al.�walty ✓.i._��T..�� S u . .�rN�L�L � r .i a�. A-82Y _� .. R. EAOS d. SU7TON � sza,pz J. HENRY A-"S93 A-IlS4 e.-y s�-+-as�-� A-526 -- /` Y � i y� � J.G:e^"9 T�:.�c� -. s;¢ Ncihirl � � n 2-0G.dG A^ ^'u�trY T G 9ecK¢:' J. �iIBSON I � c.c.s+�e;e , p�p A-493 j z 9.. ' �-.� � �a=r�;t � v '� a a�. � m _ _���___ .s u�� J� e^�.r�rnc 5i. :rc � A r., ~� ' '� ^ � r,�eF, r., � � DENTON GO• r.v- ;c � �.:er .r 9 A- Q �_�__ � a anrr co_ -u3 �+ � - � � `. f4e r :a � i ,� s1.cT6: 7///J''��— �I ' r_.a! 9].6nc . ______ __ '"' �/f/ ^ I ._.. :�i.d.ic v � S T�.ner "__ _�__ ._ ."_ �f #OI[ � y F l Pober7s J. S! _���.f_� T sc e ft 69.�c Ac ij ]O�[ r.�� c � J [ � /onc -Carpenlr� . ._'""`______{_____'_��! . J.Grc••� r�rne- E ., JESSE GIB G•6.HENDRI� M. WUNt y HRS. �F G. M. pP � °P �'"^ � -�---.-- .----- - A-SB2 A-680 i� �asa.�n� n- Islo ,:a.e<<� - M. HUFF -.«.7.u.c��fe.,: ��pe.,rc� s_ . "e� - e.c � �esc r I coeo zN��� ' d-646 a 4.�a�.-,�„r � zaac i 4 ' - - � � - - � i _ _ coac. aa.<. � a- aosc . re�c �I � �.� A.P.lJi/wo�fh NC.Wrn/erba e rp/ess JI +ledford rh-�:' ', .___ _ 'w. �a�vN �. _. _. ., ._ , _.- L. BOGGE55 A-iio7 A-196 ■ e°+c �a�.faaa vid c��pe'+{er I� �C�4 I R 4di2/�MGmil! �44eCdcr � v.��yg;n� i »a. + ��stc. �cn,t� �'r W..)fltfOn PR N��g��s RS.CF�G.7�A#�� THQS.BEEDY A BARN�S R.W.GI�SON '�Qz9°` n-2003 A-72 a-�42 A-58B JOSIAH WA4KEft ����� A-1604 ' E X H i B I T „ 2�da 45ar ft dc y 'G.J 4CS�-s: �-L`� H-E FCrg�san Ih� CORPORA�'�Q TpW'N OF W�STLAKE �J ,».�,.� wM'WINN . ���a Ta �E ANN � XED A-fi50 c.a.rr aede� � � • �iP� . /�e�e�6 , ��c ,�•�o a � e` ,Z� /9,f` /��'t f,f' ORD 6 ��Q�,�j�r`'9 G.f.f,��` ��� l'eX� ��'�E'iec r�• PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION UF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND `� J`°�se� ADJACENT TO THL T01rdN OF WESTLAYL, T�XAS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas. GREETINGS: ti1e, the undersigned, J . G1enn Turner and wi:C'e, Sue Reedei� Turner, of Denton County, Texas, her�einafter called Petitianer, rc:present as follows : 1. Tizat they are the O��rners of a 0. 2505 square mi1� tract of land situated in the Udm. Huff �-6�-8 Survey and the A. Barnes, A-1�2 Survey, Tarrant County, Texas, fu11y described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. A plat oi said land showing its location ti�vith respect to the boundary oF the Town oF Westl.ake, Texas, is attached hereto marked �XHIBIT "B" . 2, That, the land described in �XHIBIT "A" ancl "B" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; tha'c less than three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and adjacent to the Town o1' Westlake, Texas . 3. Your petitioners agree that if' this request for annexa- tion be granted, said land shall become a part of the Town of b�destlake, T�xas, and the said land and an;� future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to a11 the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town of �Jestlake, and shall be bound 'py the acts and ordinances of said Town, now in effect ancl as hereafter enacted. WI�iER.EFORE, �Tour petitioners respectfully request that this Petition for Annexation to the Town of Westlake, of the 1.and des- cribed in attached L�HIBI�'S be granted. WITNE,SS the signatures of petitioners du y cknowledged as required �'or deeds . . f��� � � �i� THE STATE OF T:�XAS � COUNTY OF TARRANT � UEFORE ML, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared J. G/e h h �n eN and ,j'v� �c ee d e v� Tvr»t✓` , nis wif'e, bo h known o me o be the persons whoserames are subscri ed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to rne that they each �xecuted the same f'or the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said S�vt /1Q�2 d¢N Tvrn er , having been examined by me privily and apar i'rom er usband, and having the same fu11y exPlained to her, she, the saicl J'v� /leeder Tvrrer , acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, ancl s e declai�ed that she had willingly si�ned the same f'or the purposes and consideratioa therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it, IVEN ND�h MY HANll AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the �C .y of , A. D. z956o � NOTARY PUBLIC in a or Tarrant County, Te 1;X�iT��'Z' ��A" �'TLLT� i�i01�� aF AN AR�A �.'U :�� 1�NNLY�U TO `l�H:;�� IN�C�R�QR11`SLD Z�OWN CJF �ES1L�Fti, �l'��.A� In �:C'al�ran� an�. 1��:nton CountiQs, `.P��as � Tr�ac t NQ. l �Situated in �;he Caunt;� o�' larrant, State oi' rlexa� being a trac�C oi 1ar�d out a:� the followin�; �ur�v�y�s : �e�lm, HL��'f �-���i, A. 13arnes 1�-lzi2. �3�GINNsNG at a �aoint at tn� int�r�section oi: t:n� rnost we�t�rly south line oi' the present cox�pora�Le lin�z�s oi tYle Town of jr�testlake, �.'exas and the east 3.ine o�' County Road No> �C��U, saia pair�t o�." �eginnin� b�ing the nox�thwest corn�r o�' th�: h�r�in c�es- cribed iract and. af t'ne J. G1�nn `l�urnea� lb0< ; acre tx�act out of' the '��m. iluf f Survey A-6��; r1'�I.�N�� � 8��° �k0' VJ �ri�h 'che sou�h line o�' said corporat� 1im:�ts fol° �, distane� o�' �!-OQ f'eet wher� th� corpaz�ate lirnits tux°ri to t1�e le�'t an�. continuing an with the nor�h 1�.n� o�' saa.d Turner 1�0.3 ac��e 'cract a f;o�al dis�;anc� a�' 2�i31.�4 i e�t to a po�nt f'o�, cornex°, saia point �eing th� norti�east coY°ner oz' saia lurner 1.60 a 3 �.cre tract and in the �a.s�; �11'�E o� the l��n. T-Iu:�'z' Survcy� TI-�i;NCL S 0° 02' � i�i.th the �as� :1�nes o:�' the Turnex� :iGU, 3 acrc t�°�.ct and �hc ��m, ilufi'� �;urvey a d�.starzce of' 3�1�.�-5 �'eet to a poi.n� xo?n° cor�n�:r i.n t�?e A. �ar°nes �urvey A-1�-�, sai.a poarat beir��; �n �h� no�.�th line oi a Count� l�o�,d and the southeast corner oi° �h� J e G1enn Turne-r 1(aU.3 acre tx�act; �IL�NC� N 8�° �6 ' 1�T tiv:ith nor�h l�.ne o�' �aid Coun�;� Roac� �. distanee o�' '(jU,55 s eet to a po�rat f or corner, saia po�.rzt b�in�; at th� tuure� of' said County l�.oad ta th� le�'t; �.L'I�;IvCL N Q° 30' � a distanc� of �33•.�3 1'�e:t �o a �aoint �or carner� said poin� b�ing in th� souGh line oi' t�zc; '1�Tr��.. Huff' �urvey A-6�1-a; TI-�E;NC:� N 8y° O�S' l�� TrJitilz th� south line o:C' �a�.d Huf:L Surv�:y a dist�.nce oi 10U.�� z ee� ta a point i a:e cornex=, sa:i.d ��o�.n� beirag ti�.� southea�t cc�rner° oi 38 acr� tract o�,it a�' th� G�Tm, Hu�'f �urvey; TN�NC� N 0° �-�' L w:ith the �ast l�r�e ot' said 3�3 acr� tract �. dis�anc� af �51.;3y ieet to a �oint :E'or cornez� in �ch� noz�tl2east cornez� ai said 3� acr� -�r°act; T�LENCE N 8�° 21� W vaith the North line of said 38 acr°e tract and most northerly south 1.ine of the J. G1enn Turner 160.3 acre tract a distance oi 182�-l�.��- ieet to a point for corner, said point being in the east line of County Road No. 40b0 and the north- west corner of' said 3�5 acre tract and a southwest corner of said Turner tract; THLNCE N 0° 38' E with the east line of said County Road a distance of' 2225.01 feet to the �oint of' beginning, ancl covering a tract of land containing 0.2505 squai�e miles. o� , oUl"' I, do hereby certify that the fic:ld notes herein, - ken f'rom map prepared i'rom �'ield surveys and Courthouse Records are true and correct to the best of my knowledge . 2 . � � , , - ,���� F i�-�M.owsqy I •�r.�� qi�i� .V.Ow.r/<y ' i� ��-_„r��.� s d . HAEL 1.,« � .i oo a-8zl R. EADS J. SUTTON e:<,.� J. HENRY A-393 4-1154 a�-y see��g.ro� A-sZ8 ' n � e:e„� ..:�< , _ c vc,y;.� i I m J " zac.zcnc Cemc�ery T G .9ecFe*r J. �IBSON � ` � �.s�==:� PEA A',-493 z i � o �e.... � .. 9e_.z � ' u a<< I a ----F----- \ i ae.+r. m i � .I �s e•,,-r..��c� s,.zwc a=� � � i 6'e � u �_ I uY, J G�ei+n n,..« _ D E N T O N GO• �gnr ,/ _ o �'Q__ �_- '' o , A ANT C0. -�s .r � 11A l :� , _________ SZc1F: ry - - _ _ � r_ � 92.G1� �/� ' 3_____._ _.._ I {0/c � I -" � '95.«c v � L T�•ne� � Aoberlt ✓ 5, � _ _�III_� sc o<c ee.,c�� i2 1 \ ro�c r� � e �olc .C�rpenler '"__"'"_'_;'__"'_� ✓ G�e^'+ r�rne E � v[. yr�n\ JESSE GIB G�B. HENORI M. HUNT � HRS. OF C. M. OP �3:�•� p- I510 - A-592 A-680 izo.e<< ';!:e H U F F E-leen N c,.�.z�� .•c.� � u.n�'nee 9 e Z..��d .rua . P°"'<' eoeo a-�n a � ., .,����,.�. � - - 9 1o/c � ' I I - - - sOlc <O�c • a_ • lolc r1/c APp�Jr�prfh MC.W�n/<rb� �rp/ess .// +/<d�ord �ni, s w. MQNN ■ .,_._ r ' "-'`- L. BOGGESS A-i107 _ A-196 �' �i - GOa� Yi� C�rpe'+itr /0/.1IA[ 3B/� I I R Re/p�,Uv��// e w aeGder a_„99:�, i _ e�s..c laa��� �� :e�r+o.. �9l:^, � RS.A�C�DAR� THOS.BEEDY A � BARNES R.WGIBSON "'a�9°` A-2003 A-72 q- ia2 A-588 JOSIAH WALKER A-1604 E X H I B I T ��B�� z"` �'�� 5�dc y 'G i 3CS'-S�" � H E FG�j�San INGORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE � i».s�.a WM.W INN AREA TO BE ANNEXED A-,660 !w qaede�