HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 5 Annexing 0.183 square mile tract land in Denton County ai�z���r�cL �1a, � AN ORDTNA.��CL l�CLIVING AND ANl�EniNG TEI�RITOI�Y A�3JACENT AT�1D CpI�X1IC�UDU� lU THL �OUdN OF W.La`�`LA� `�EY�S; P'RC7V'�DI�G T�-fAT �UCH A�;A ��L4LL :�LC0�1� A �APT D�j ��ID T�Ou�i�1 A3��7 TI�T T� O��INER� A1�TD T�Y�}�:�TANTS TIi`r'�R�Q�' SHALi, �E �i�T��.�L�D �°0 ALL 1'�� �''R�VI��E� (�r O1�R. GITIZE�vS OF SA�D TCI��ITv, AND i�E �30UND SY THE A�TS AND �RU�i�ANCES 1�TQu; ZN EFFECT Ai�D TC} ]3".�, I-I�R�TNA�'T�R ADOF`��D: PURTI�R �RO�T�D,ING �'aR An�N7ING AI� COF�RECT�NG TH�. ��'�IG�AL :bi�U�.�AR�ES 4F SA�T3 TOWr� l�� HE:1-�y TQ��'QR� ADQ�TED. �S AP+'fEl���D, ANL FRQVID�NG FOR AN E�`F��CTIVE DATE. �^��-�C;i�AS, pursuari� to tr�e px�ovisions oi i,he T�c�s af' 19�3, ��rd Le�islai,z�re, P��e �j7, Ciza�t�r 93, codiiiec� as Art�cle g7�-G, Revis�d. C�.vxl S�at�.tes �a.� '1'ex�,s, �7' . G�e��r� Tur�zer a���. wi:��, �ue R�eder T3.�rr�e�.�, a��d �'. ��ri.�ht, c�wn�rs o�' th� rea1. �rQpe�.��y h�;a ei��-- aa i�pr �.escr�k�ed l�.aving r�1�.de �,pj�l�c�,tion �.s l�� law prov:�dea `�o ti�� �u�ayc�r and 3oard o�' Alderrr��i�. c�� �he lown of 1�J�s��a�Ce, '�'exas, requestin�; an�zexa�ia�n r�f th� lai�ds �.�,��.izg w�th a Q. ��3 square �n,�le �rac�, morG or �.ess, o�.t of °�he J. Gipsor� Sa,�rv�y A-��3, J. �acon Survey A-1565 �.�d the R. Eads Su��vey A-3�3: pe���o�a a�d Tarr�.��� Counties, ��xas, �.��. be�.t�� r��or� �'-�11y d�scriber� ;��� �n�tes ar�d �bo-u�'1�C1s �.S f�J.1.oWs � BEGINT�I�TG a� a poir�t in �h� na���. 1�.ne of �h� J. Ga.bson 5urve;� A-�F�3 and the �a�� 1.ine o�' a GounV;� Roaa. l�ad�.n� frs�:�n R�a�nos%L�, �ai.d �c�in� oi be�:��anin�; '��ie�� the ?i�ost nol�t�i�x�:Ly nor�;�zG,�e�t corn�:�� o�' �ne her�in �.escr�.��d �ract; TI�NCE s 8g� ��-� E wi�i� �h� na�th lzne o�' said Gi�son S�rv�y a ais�c�i�c� c�f 231�-.72 �'��� �o a " p�in� for.� corner, sa�d pQir�� b�ing tt�e nort�.eas1� corne�� �z the J. G�.et�,r� Tux ner 6� acre tract; THENC�. S �J� 2�t tud with �h� eas� ].a��� af s�.id '��urn�r i.ract a distance af 2��-9.16 feet to a �oir�t for carn�r, said pozn'c °�h� soL�theast carner o�' the �'urne:� ag acre tract ar�d xt� ��i� D�nton-T�.rran� Coun'�y L�ne; THENC� S ��� �l_e �, w:��ci �he said. coun�cy lin� anc�. th@ north line oi �i�e J. G�.ei-�r� Turn�r 1����F acre �ra�� aut oz t'rxe J. Gi'�aa�, J. �acon ar�d R., E�.as ;��.rvey� � cTis�ance af ��i-�50.5u feet tn a poin� :��ar ca����, saia pQ�n� '��:in� '�i�.� southti°�est corn��r of thU J . G1er�i� Tux°ner 3�,�3 acr� trac�� Qut o� �he R. Laas �ur�re�% �.-393� '�I�i�iC� I�i 3� ��� E v���h �.�Q �T�s� :�:��n� of sa�d 36.�3 acre trac� a dist�,r�c� af 8�j,7`( f�et to a po�.nt �'or cc��.�ner, �aid point �bein� �.t�s �he so���th line of ���e T. 4�do Iy7itchell 2�.�3 ac�e �rac�; TH�NCL S 39° �C?' L wi'ch a sQu�h l:�ne of sa�d 2�.0 acr� �rac� a d�.stiar�ac�: o�' 3�y a°l�� fee V to a �oir�z for car�era TI�NCE N 4° 20' E �. clista�ace o�' �a8•33 f'e�t� to a po�nt ic�i� �orne�; TI .�''�NC� S S�}° �k�J x E a dista�ce o� 1.2�-�.�3� �o a poin� f or� corner, s�.id �o�nt bein�; in thc presen� Corporate Lirni�s oi �he Totivn c�i bd�s�lak� a�d �i�.e wes� l.ir�e a�' a Caunty �oac�; T��NCE � 0o Oy� E wi�n '�s�.e sa:�d Cor�oratc Lir,��.ts and ��� vJ�st 1;i.nc� o� Cour��y Roaa a d:���anc� of �39�k,�� fe�t to a poin� far cori�el°, �air� poic�� �a�in�; i�n �h� raa�^'�Y? 1.in�: o�' �he Fr�.t�k 4�J�:��.�n.t 2 �.cz�� tx�ac:t; TH�NCE N c�9° 21' Uu w�.tr �1�� present Co���l�a�e Li��rzits ana north 1�in� of sa�.d 2 acre: ��ac� �. di��a�z�c� e��' �C30 f'eet to a point �or co�ner; r�'i1�.NC�. S 0� 0�' E Va�.�ki �c�xe pr�sen� Co��or�a�e L�.r�iits and cz�ossir�� the D�r�ton-Tarrant Gour3�y Lic�e at 2c��.99 �'eet and cont�nuing on a dis�ance o�' 3�5.�3 :�ee'� �o a po:int far cor�n�z, sa�.d poa.rl� beir�g in ��e sau�h lane C7� LYl�. R. Eads 5��.xv�y A-393; TI-L�i.NC� N c�g° 21 d d�d v�:i�h i�h� south ��' �l�.e sa�d :�ads Surv�y �Q a point �ar cc�rn�r, saici pair�t l��ing in the east �.�,r�e of' �he J. G�l�so� �urve� A-�k�3, TH�NCE S Q° 33' E wi�� �c:�.� east ��,ne oi said Gilasor� �urv�;� a �.�sta��c� of 236 Q�� feet ta a point for ca��ner, sa�d �o�nt bei�g tlle sc�u�t��a�� cc�rn�r af i,n� J . �ibson Survey; i"-: �. I� 111L,��:� i� ��� ��� u'+� W�.'L�3. f:r1E SC3Ll'Grl �:LCl� �}�._'�%%� Sr"�1C1 u�-, Gib�or� �u�°vey °�o �. ,poi��� �"�� coi ra�1, s�.id po�n i� beii�� _�i �h� so�,��Ylw�s�� carr��r° of' ��.e J. Gler�n Tu��ne�� u.2 �,c��� +; L r'r'�.G�� . _ '�`�.I�cE iV fl° ;�� E T,���.�1� �h� �•r�s� air�e ax ��.�.d_ 8.2 ac;re ._ i.rac�, �r�cz �che J. G�,e�r� Tu���� G� acre �.z�ac� to apo�nt , f0�' C:ox'r?e:r�� �: �l�I�NCy N 8��' 2� ' ��� a tzis'canc� ca�' lQ��-'�.�� ���i, �o a �' �o:�n� zo� carne�, said poira� �u�it��; ir� �n� e�.si� �a.�1e �.� ��� of Coun�� Raaa leavin�; Roanoke; �'�� �,; T��i�GL N C�° 36 � �� with �ast 1.i��e o�' said C�u�r�ty i�c�ad �T, a d�.s�arxce o� ��.��- feet to the poil�t o� be�inning ���= a�c� cover�.r��; a trac� of land carz�ainin�; O. l03 square '= � E�z:il.es. A pla� o� said lancl sho��rir�g i�� �.o��,��.on w�.th �uspect ta ��2� Tcwn n�' ir�l�s�lak:e, T�:xa�, 1�ein� at��.cr�ea he��eto r«ar��ecl EX:�-i,T.��T "A" ; and L�d�E:k�:.��, �aid petitian ti�aas filed_ with �n� Towt� of },�d�s'�l.�.k� at 11 :00 a.rri. ar� T7ecern�e�c ��, ].9�6, wh�en is iZo� �.��s �ha� f�.�'� �5} ar�d r�o� rnare �han �h�r�y (30) da;rs �c�z�ior �c� i his ��,�e; and L,��R�A�, iti a,ppeaz°in� to the 1�oarcl of Aldermen of �tze Towi� of �n�estl�.k�, Texas� tha� all ��a'cu.�ory recr,:!irVr�z�t��,s i� cra���c�ion wi�cl� said pa:�o;pc�sed �.nn��at�ot� ha�i�e been fulfa.;I,�ed an�. �:hat the saa.ci. area du�� gro�.lp�a intc� o�� terT�a�ary �� na� iF1or� f;�ian l,/2 711i1.G i� wid�n 2.n�. th�.t a11 0�' sa.r�ii� i� aajac�ra� �c� �he px�eset�t T�wn Lirr�i�s c�f the T��vn ��' ��est�,ak�e, x�xa�; �'E IT ORDAIT�.�D :I�� THE �flA,�D OF ALDE?�MEN �P `�'H� T��'N (7�` W�,�T:a�A�ii., TE1�AS: �. �=� TkIA�, the p:�o��r�y i�er�i.r�abave descr�.��c� b�in� adj�cen� and �'�<, corz�i�;uou;� �o �he Ta��n Lii�ni��s o� ti�es�;3.a�:,�, Te�as J �e and i.s l�.ere�y j ;; at�r�e�.e�. ar�d �xyou�;h� z�r�.�h�.n ���.� Cor;�o�°ate Lir��its Qf saic� Tow� and � �.s ?���eby nAade ar� :Ln���r�a1 par� �here�f. ,,_, E.`,- � ��:rt; 2 0 F��,: � T.�`1, the owners �.r�a inlzabi�an�s of' tne a�ea here��r� anne�ed � - �z �ntitlecl to a1.� or' �Yie rigr��s ar?c� ���vile��� a�° ot,�.�r citizen� �.'-: � � � � � ac�e� pro;��P��� owncrs oz saa.d To�v� and. b� �our�d bj� al:� a�' �h� acts a�`ad ordir�arlc�� ma�.e in cat�f orinity ther��a, t�o4+r an �tzl�. f orce and �fi�ci� ar�a �a�a� �rhicn �riay be he��af't��° �.c�.optea. � J� T�,AT, �h� oifici�.�. ;:n�,� �,r�d baut��.ar�.�s of the: T�wn Qi v�est7.�.ke, Teras, as h�re�ofQre adop�ed an�. ar��e��ded, �e anr� is her�c�by ain�:�c��a. so as �o iizc�u�.� the afo���ravnt�ot�V�. �Lerx°a.�c�ry as par� af' �,h� To�vn a�." ydes�Clake, r.��xas . �. THIS, oi�cl�.na�ce sha�� ��c�r�e effec��ve and �u �t� x"u�.7. �o�ce at�d e�'fec� froi� anci aft�r :�ts �aassa�e ancz a��x�av�.�. ��;r �he ��ayar anc� du�y a��es'c�d by the Tawr� S�c�e�az�. ADQFTED tl�.is ';, ;���"s. , day o� Jat��.aray, A. �. �.951. APt�O VED: � -�,�-�- A`�'�E��: �7 � ..��!� �� f�, �p �3� .�1'� . . , TOvdN ���:�Al�Y� -�. - �ry TI�, STATL �]F TE�AS �( TO��Id OF WESTLAYsE„ `�'��AS CC�UNTX 0� TARRAlv 1 � I, -_ - - , Town Sacre'cary of' the Tow�a o�' ��testlake, Te�a�,- ao net��`b�y-"c��.��ify ut�at the .ior�goii�g �s a t.�ue anc� corr�c� cc�py of Ox°c�inance l�o. �, dv�y preseni,ed and �.aopt�d i�y the t3oard ax" ��.dez�:net� a� said Tas��rn o�' L�d�s�lake, Texas, at a rFiec:�Gin� he1.d fln th� , - c�a�� o�' �anuary, A. �, �.957, a� same a�;�ears in the tninui,es a� sa�d m��`�in�, �.n BaQk No. , Fa�e_- ; ��TNE�� T�IY iaf��TD AND SEAL 0�' `l'F� '�'OWN 0��7ESTLAI�, T�XAS, th�s �ch� , ;,;>.,; day o�' Jar�uar;�, A. �. 1.��`T. � � ,� �� - � � -- =-- Tawr� �ecr�t�y � icaAr �J/ I a�,,,n ae.a�e�ie`J Y a�e A� .+�,;., N.o�„�ey in �s_��r..-, so . . HAEL . r _� e�. A-82Y -- R. EADS J, SUTTON sz.a3P� J. HENRY A-353 A-If 54 e�-y sc:�•gso.� A-528 �' h J � G:e..�T�.-ne� ,-¢-e ve�h�/F II �O i � 3da.2GAc '"'�'+e'X T G 9ec�¢�r J. ¢IBSOAR I ` c.r.s+��:= . PEA AI-�93 �� z � . I ! � 9.. �� ��._-� ; a�:���.; , � -L<< '. � Q ----1----- .5� � ,, ..' _' m � _ � � ' - F�2 Ic A'.[�k.l i �� �. � -•.-•--� I ._.- ...- J. GlGnn T�'rr�Cr _ _ o�rvronr ca � � � - � . � . � � A � ANT G0. � '� - -s� ` v, � !SA � _ _ � � S;.�Tbc ��j 'r..aV 9l,Gdc !/ ,.. � � ro�� � r.,.. :9s,a<c. p, � s r���er ____"__'__�_-__________ I J .�il••r.r TT . . .00bar�s r — _��Ll_� F� e 5�O 9.�L�c !z � :a�c r.�-�./T �Oar .C�rpen/r� '-`___ _ / •/ J.G.G..h -Ur,:c. £ __7_""'___y \ JESSE GIB G•B. HENDRI� �M. HUNT i HRS. OF C. M. r OP - ° y'�. A•592 A-680 � +3:%�Ac q- �g�p p i�.w;i�a rzo.e E� ..M- H�l F F E��e��ne.cu�r-.7i .n.c�.�pe.�rer eoea d a<.Z.+a�e a.s3c A-648 �. e..w .,.� �.,�: i - - zo�c i � i - - •��c. •o.c. s a- •a« �eAc ,caa«, AP�'i„,a�tn wc.w;n�G,-s. �rPlass �+.u�erord rn�.:��� W. M4NN ., , .,� r�rx� � �� � A-1107 - L. BOGGESS 0 A-196 � . �p.f� ✓+J cprpGlRer nI �0I.9l.tc 3B A. 7 R R ef�h Nemiff e p/aGGd�r f ..v..wgg..-n, 0 r�iIc_ ,61Ja �3 w.J ei.rlan vAN���9inr ki BARNES R.W.GI�SON ����G��"�� 7HOS.BEEDY !Sd.24 b[ A-2003 A-72 A- 142 A-588 d JOSIdH WALKER A-1604 EXH6BiT ��B`� _,°` �'°` SEAc 'J'�J� b 'G.J 3:S�-r�. ILILLG' N,E Fer�u.san Ii� GARPORATED TOWE� OF W�5TLAKE ,��.5�.� WM.WINN . �0 . A-,56D Y- - N R E Q 1 'V 8 G Q � IV � /\ ��I e..�Aeede� - �j�`� /��ct� .!� lj�oo �e< 2�� �,.�d� �� � RD 5 `�f,�;,,� o����'�`�'�-� � f% '�Qf,��z�� ��l'��G d � ?`QX 2�, f PETITIQN REQUi�:STING ANNE�ATIO�t OF LAND CONTIGUaUS AND ADJACENT �'0 1 �'� �'O��N OF I�tESTLAKi�.,, Z'E�A� To �he I�anarab�.� Ma�Tor and NTemb�rs o:�' th� 13oa:cd of' �laertnen of 'ch� Tovrn ox ���Testlake, Te:�as s ���,��z��s. � �I�, f�h� u.nd�rsigne�., J. Glenn Turner and wiie, Sue P��eder TL1T'Tl�Z'� and �. 4Jri�ht o� DUn�on Coun�y, Texas, her�it�zai'ter callc�d Pe�i�ioner�, r�pr�sent as i'ollaws : 1 a That the�% are f;h� Q�r�ners of lands 1.yin� ta�thin a 0. 183 �auare mi1� trac� s:ituated in the J . Gi�san Sus°vey A-�l-�3, J. Bacon Survey A-156� and 'ch� �i. �ads, A-3�3 Surv�y, Dencon and Tarrant Counties, Texas, fully d�scribed �by met�s and bouncls as shown in Exh��bi� ";A" attach�d her�to. A �1.at o�' saa.d �and shoti�r�.�1� �,ts lc�ca�i�n �ra.th �°�spec� ta the bou�zaary of th� To�rn o�' ���estl�.ke, Texas, is attachecl he:ceto markea EX�ITB�T "�3" . 2. That, the� lanc� d�scri'��d in ��III�IT "A`r and `r�3rf l�ere�ta at�ached, is less than anc-hal�' ma.1e in width� tha� less than �Lhree qL��.1.ii:i.ed voters reside ther�on, and is conti�u.ous �.nd adjac�n�G tp �Ch� Tov�n pf' �r�e�tlake, T�xas. 3a Your pe;tition�rs a�;ree that if this rec�uest for ann�xa- tian be granted, said land sha�.l becom� a p�.rt o�' the Town af �Ies�lake, T��as, ancl the sa�c� land and an�7 future ir�habi�ants thereof shall be �nti�l�c1 to all the rights and privile�;es oi athe�� citizens of th� Town oi �^Tes�l.ake, and shall be bound by �he acts and ardir?anc�s o�: said Town, now in �ffect and as her�a�ter �nac'c�d. WI�E.RLFORE, your pe�itioners ���s�ectful2;� r� u�:s� tha� this Petit�.r�n fain Annexation ta the Totan o�' U�c�stla�Le, of' �fii��and c��;s- cribed in at�;acheca. �HTBZTS b� g:canted. ' � vJITNESS the �igr�atures of petition�rs dul� �.c�nowl.�dgec� as requ�.red f o:e deeds . � r /,i, \ �..�.�'Z/L'�`J�' � � �' -�:-..t� � . a �'�, .�', °ia '�%''�' ����`'""�1� „�'"..,..� TI-�, ST�1TZ OF TEXA�S � � r'�.�,-� ,� � ..��..v�, � , �..TM� , �.--- �-i'Z..�tr l� �' FZ t �h`C u'r'`- � GOUI�ITY Q�+' TARRANT � BEFOR.E ME, the und�r°sa.�;n�d, a Notary Public zn and for �aic� " � � � � pearect � � '"� County and �tat�, n this day pe2sona ly a b �.nd � _ ,k� , ._.�. `'. �j�,�. �.�aC�" �� �� P �-.-;�1 "..����� - ,. , his vr2�'�, " Yao, h k�i�own�`` �o me �o b� the ��rsans �nrn�ose nax�ies ar°et;` u�s�ed to the fore�Qin�; instx°urnen�, and ac��now�dged 'co m� that they� �ach �xeeuted tY�e sar�� f'ar the urposes a d con�a.d�ration �hei�e�.n �xpressed, ana tl•�e saic� �'� U tf� , having been e�aminzd b;� me privily and a�ar rom her us an , ancl ha�i e sam� fu�.l�T explain::� t� h�r, she, th� said ��� � ��j -. �� '�j� ac��nowledged such instruan�nt ta be her ac az7 e� , ancl s ze eclared tha�; sh� had will.ingly s:igned the same �'or the pu�poses �,nd cansidera�cion thex�ein expx��ss�c�, and that she did nat va:i.�Lh to r�e�;ract :it> Gl�N UI�TD�R MY HAND Ai�dS� S�AL Q�' OF�'ICE, this th� �v�-- ay o� �(,��j7-?...� F'��_ , A. v. 19�6. ��- ,,.` � �-'.� ,-�. NOTARY I'U:�LIC in n �or �.arrant Caunty, T' as ��-�-.� sTAm�� ��{ ���s � , COUNTY CJT `�ARI=�ANT � �3�FC7RE ML, the undersi�ned., a Notary �'ub�.ic in and for said Cou �;, and S�ate, on t��.is day per�son�.11y �.p�c�ared ��, kno�vn to m� to b� th� p�rson t�ahos� name is su'bscr� �d � o �he �'orc:�;oin� in�trument, and ackno��rled�i:d ta m�: f;hat he executed the same �or° �h� purposes and can,�iderat:ion thcrein ��pr�ss�o. -IV N UNDE� ��IY HAND �ND SLI�L UF OFFICE th:�s the �-�i�f� day af , A. D; 1���, .---, r � ; �---'f l �--�2��'i�� �%�.�ir-2-G.:— NtJ`J.'ARY 'PU3LZC �n �nt�' f'ox° Tar�ara� Coun�y, `�'��s 2 .L,xxzz�x� ���t� �'TEL,D NQT:�,S OF AN AP,.�,A TO ��: ANI�TEXED TO TH� TOI��N OF tA�T�.'STLA.KE� T��AS In Tax�rant anc� Den�on Coun�ies, Texas Tract No. 1 0.1�3 Square Ni1es Sl�uated in �he Coun�;ies of T�.rrant and Denton, State af T�xas, bei.n� a tract of 1and. ou� of �he J. Gibson Su��veY .�-�l-�3, J. Bac�n Survey A--15o5 and R. Eads Survey A-3�3. { B�GINI�TNG at a point :in the north line of the: J. Gib�on Surv�;r A-���3 and the easL line of a Co�anty Roac� lead�,ng f'r�orn �Roan.ol��, said po:in� of' �beg:innin�; bein� the mas�t nor�herly northwest carn�r of �h� here�..n �escrib�d tract a T�IENCE S 8�°-2?�' E v,rith the narth line of said GibSo.n Svrvey a distance af 231�,72 f�et to a poin� fo�.� carner, said paint be:is���� the rc�rtheast car.ner o�' the J, Glenn T�rne�� 6� �.cre tract; TH�'NCE � 0° 2� � W vai�h �he east line of said Tur:n�r tract a dis�dnce of 2�-��.16 fee� to a point fo:c corner, said poin� �Che southeas� corner of t�ze Turner 6� acre tract and i.n the Denta.n - Tarrant Coun�y La�ne; `�I�ENC�. S 89° 21' E with �he said count�r line a.nd the narth line of the J, Glenn Turner 1�5.� �,cre �ract out af �he J, Gi.bsc�n, J, Baca:n and �.. Eads Surveys a aistancc of l�F��,Sb �ee� �o a pain� f'or corner, saic� poini, bein�, th� saL�thwest corner of�he J. G1�nn Tur.ner 36.53 acr� tract aut of' �ne R. Eads Survey A-393� T:fIENCE N 3° �-5r E v�ith �ne t�rest line af saic� 3�. 53 acr� tract a distance of 837,('7 feet �o a poinu f o-r car.ner, said po:%.n�i; bei.n� :in the sou�h lin� af the i. W. M:itchell 2�-,° �.cre trac�; l�'NCE S �3°° �0� E wi'ch a south line of said 24.3 acre tract a ��_stance af 36�.�4 feet to a paint f or e�rn�r, TK�NC� N 0° 20� � a dis�;ance of 2�8.3� f�et i,o a poin� fo?� carner, T�i�NCE S ��° L�0 t E a clistance of 12�-3.8� to �. �osn� for corner, sa:i� �oint beiri; in 'ch� prese.nt Corporate Limits of �Che Tativn of G�e�tlak� and the T�est line of a CQur�ty �.a�.d; THENCE S 0° 09 � E with the said Corporate Limits an� the west li.ne of County Road a distance of 89�.44 fee�t to a point for corner, said poi.nt being in the north li.ne of the Frank Wright 2 acre tract; TI�ENCE N 8�° 21 � W with the present Corporate Limits and north line of said 2 acre tract a distance of 300 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 0° 09 ' E with the present Corporate Liinits and crossing the De.nton-Tarrant County Line at 209.99 feet and continui.ng o.n a distance of 3LI-5.93 feet to a point for corner, said point bei.ng i.n the south li.ne of the R. �ads Survey A-3�3; THENCE N 8�° 21 t Gd with the soutiz of the said Eac1s Survey to a poi.nt for corner, said point bei.ng in the east line of th� J. Gibson Survey A-�93; THENCE S 0° 33 ' E with the east line of said Gibso.n Survey a distanee of 236,94 feet to a �oint for corner, said point being the southeast coz�ner of' the J. Gibso.n Survey; THENC�, N 89° 21 � �n1 with the south line of the said Gibson Survey to a point for corner, said point bei.ng the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 8.2 acre tract; THENCE N 0° 36 � t, with the west li.ne of said 8.2 acre tract and 'che J. Glenn Turner 6� acre tract to a point for corner; T�IENCL N 8g° 2�� W a distance of 1095. 55 feet to a point for corner, said point being i.n the east li.ne of County Road leaving Roanoke; TH�NCE N 0° 36 � E with east lii�e of saicl Cou.nty Road a distance of 11.9� feet to the point of beginning, and coveri.ng a 'cract of land containii�� O.1B3 square miles. ,r� �d,'���� �, ; � r, I a� • '�°'� '��� �'��=�;�-�-��'�-`�%��do hereby certify that the field notes herein,�a�e rorn n�aps prepared f'rom field surveys and Court House Records are t e and correct to the best of my k.nocvledge. . � r I I icc�� ai���M.o.,�i.y I �>r�c Ai�.� .f/.Ow1/ty �;_�,r_ , "sa . HAEL s,« � .i a�. A-821 R. EADS J. SUTTON gz<,a� J. HENRY - --_--� A-393 A-1154 a.-y sce�,gaa� A-528 '� � h c:e � .,-�a � j 'I � � . ,. r4c�hi1� I � 26G.SG d^ Ceme�e� J. �I BSON � a y c c s+ee:e r e eecae+, . PEA a;-nsa = � � � r -�....sr� � 9c_r¢ i � � z.� � a —--F----- � � � � � - - -, -- � ' Sl�Iwc A c u I ' J . .-••--_" J G/enn T.irne� � _ o � � P��_T_� :� ,, DENTON GO� ' A ANT CO. , �e. -sa: ., i � sz.c�<_ - - .= . ,,�.� J/-//� Ir, . '9S.G<c v �_ L Tv�ner ____"'_"__;_'___'_ _'__ y j sO�c � t Robarfs ✓ j, � _ _�III 1_ scaac ea.�c�� �z _�.< < � r �O�c .Ci�penle� "_'____""'_;___"__� ✓.G�e^� rurne E J r JESSE GIB G�B.HENDRI M. HUNT � HRS. OF C. M. OP � "� y'°^\ A-592 A-680 �3=��� A- I510 - /iO.dL� . E-I<enN C�rrz.�i .AC�rpenr<r e. .:1,'ilse !.I)� dOEO 9 < j���/d A-648 c .r w�� c..�� � 10�< 9 I � I t0�c l0�c. c • t0/c �1/c A P/�i/wO�fh HC.Win/Grb� �rp/es5 �� �/eClord h-�.hs� �coaa� W. MANN J G/^_nn ru.�c� L. BOGGESS � A-��o� A-196 , �I — GOac i0i.1IAc Yi� C�rpe�ier .1B 4c � R R!lpF Ner—i// C w 9GGdCr a.,.yy:.,, 0 �i��J e�s•c i� .:ci.r/o.. laaw�y;�i RS.A�C.-0A�2? THOS.BEEOY A BARNES R.W.GIBSON 5d�9dc A-2003 q-72 A- 142 A-388 JOSIAH WALKER A-1604 E X H I B I T ��B�� Z,°° �94° 5.d< b 'G .1 �CS•-J�^ � H E Fcr3uson INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE � � �».s�.� WM.WINN AREA TO BE ANNEXED A-,660 (N R ee0er