HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 4 Annexing .40 square mile tract of land in Tarrant CountyORDINANCE NO. 4 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME, A PART OF SAID TOWN. AND THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF OTHER.CITIZENS.OF.SAID TOWN, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES -NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREINAFTER ADOPTED; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE.. OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED -AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter -93, codified as Article 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, J. Glenn Turner and wife, Sue Reeder Turner, and C. L. Steele, owners of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas., requesting annexation of the lands lying within a 0.40 square mile tract-, more or less, out of the J. Sutton A-1154 Survey, Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, and being more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southwest line of the Present Corporate Limits and State Highway No. 114, said point being 50 feet east of and perpendicular to the West line of the J. Sutton Survey, A-1154; THENCE southeasterly with the southwest line of said Corporate Limits and State Highway to a point for corner, said point being in the east line of the J. Sutton Survey; THENCE South leaving said highway and with the east line of said Sutton Survey and the line of said corporate limits to a point for corner in the southeast corner of the Sutton Survey; THENCE West with the south line of said Sutton Survey a distance of 2604.11 feet to a point for corner, said point being 50 feet east of and perpendicular to the West line of said Sutton Survey; CU co 0 D� THENCE North and at all times 50 feet east of and parallel to the West line of said Sutton Survey to Z the point of beginning, and covering a tract of < land containing 0.40 square miles. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Westlake, Texas, being attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "A"; and WHEREAS, said petition was filed with the Town of Westlake at 10:35 a.m. on December 28, 1956, which is not less than five (5) and not more than thirty (30) days prior to this date; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas., that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory is not more than 1/2 mile in width and that all of same is adja- cent to the present Town Limits of the Town of Westlake, Texas; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE', TEXAS: 1. THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent ®R and contiguous to the Town Limits of Westlake, Texas, be and is 4. hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate.Limits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. 2. Z THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed CL be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens 0 and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Z Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended., be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town U) of Westlake., Texas. THIS, ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTED this day of January, A. D. 1957. APPROVED: ATTEST:-YIAYOR OWN 6EERY/ THE STATE OF TEXAS TOWN OF WESTLAKE,0 TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake., 'Texas, cto iiereby alerti:U7 that the foregoing is a. true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 4, duly presented and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of said Town of Westlake, Texas, at a meeting held on the day of January, A. D. 1957, as same appears in the minute -s=o said meeting, in Book No. Page,... WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE$ TEXAS, this the ,, day of January., A.. D. 1957. Town '-p-creta v A M.6-1.3 4] Ya Ac. A!n!n M. 0-1. y 82.43 Ac, S CCf gsOn J Gf.nn r rear L. BOGGESS A- 196 GQ 4c pOc. 9I A4 3B Ac - /� a Ra/ph Herr;!! r w vee der At14 ES R.WGIBSON 2, A, A 142 A 588 JOSIAH WALKER A-1604 EXHIBIT I18" INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE AREA TO BE ANNEXED E. r.{ R CC der HAEL A-821 J. HENRY A-528 l-s.^L TVeibi4/ 7 G 9 ec�c 6`f .PEA iTON GO. TANT 00. 1 HRS. OF G- M. OP I °� ,3+Ya At. A- 1510 120.d Gr c, H. arrr.cn,lr MIM FA 021, M.WINN A-, 660 f. Genn r�rne I. _ s R. EADS I SUTTON A-393 A- 1154 - -- I ner � J J. �IBSON c cen,[ie ry Ai. 493 J G'C�n vrn[ i Sr i a. ] sz,[7A, i 4 Ac zo Ac .C4rpenfer % ._.-________;___--__!. J_ - J SSE GIB G,B.HENDRI M- HUNT A-592 A-680 i U FF Erfann N.Cur anf Ac�rpt er A- ^+fde dodo 48 1 - - zaAc � s9A1. f NAc A. c. 4!/.+�Grph NC.Wrnferb4 yrpleas J -A. Meefbrd 'rh -4_4�r lGo.aAc- 82.43 Ac, S CCf gsOn J Gf.nn r rear L. BOGGESS A- 196 GQ 4c pOc. 9I A4 3B Ac - /� a Ra/ph Herr;!! r w vee der At14 ES R.WGIBSON 2, A, A 142 A 588 JOSIAH WALKER A-1604 EXHIBIT I18" INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE AREA TO BE ANNEXED E. r.{ R CC der HAEL A-821 J. HENRY A-528 l-s.^L TVeibi4/ 7 G 9 ec�c 6`f .PEA iTON GO. TANT 00. 1 HRS. OF G- M. OP I °� ,3+Ya At. A- 1510 120.d Gr c, H. arrr.cn,lr MIM FA 021, M.WINN A-, 660 PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas. GREETINGS: We, the undersigned, J. Glenn Turner and wife, Sue Reeder Turner, and C. L. Steele of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter called Petitioner, represent as follows: 1. That they are the Owners of the landslying within a 0.40 square mile tract situated in the J. Sutton, A-115- Survey, Denton and Tarrant Counties., Texas, fully described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "'A" attached hereto. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the boundary of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "B". 2. That, the land described in EXHIBIT "A" and "'_13" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; that less than three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and -adjacent to CD the Town of Westlake, Texas. 3. Your petitioners agree that if t1-iis request for annexa- tion 'be granted, said land shall become a part of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town of Westlake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said Town, now in effect and as hereafter enacted. WHEREFORE, your petitioners respectfully request that this Petition for Annexation to the Town of ',14estlake, ofand des- cribed in attached EXHIBITS be granted. tn WITNESS the signatures of petitioners duly -c nowledged as required for deeds. THE, STATE OF TEXAS sS Tr E EL -i COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public.in-arid for,said County and State, on this day per RK E onally R_ appeared and. 's ,004L: wife, pot li known to me to be the rsons wnose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same CD for the urposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said 5;5 U Ep E P, _-Fu rz, A(,r- L -p , having been examined by me privily and apart from herhusband and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said 5 L) m jbt r -C-- R, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day ofL1F0,ErnhtP,. , A. D. 1956. ROTHRY, PUBLIC- -incL A for Tarrant County, 2as TIE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT 0 BEFORE PIE, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for id County and State, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subs—cribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , A. D. 1956. for Tarrant County_ _—'.n as 2 EXHIBIT "A" FIELD NOTES OF AN AREA TO BE ANNEXED TO THE INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS In Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas Tract No. 1 0.40 square miles Situated in the Counties of Tarrant and Denton, State of Texas, being a tract of land out of the J. Sutton Survey A-1154. BEGINNING at a point in the southwest line of the Present Corporate Limits and State IIighway No. 114, said point being 50 feet east of and perpendicular to the West line of the J. Sutton Survey, A-1154; THENCE southeasterly with the southwest line of said Cor- porate Limits and State Highway to a point for corner, said point being in the east line of the J. Sutton Survey; THENCE South leaving said highway and with the east line of said Sutton Survey and the line of said corporate limits to a point for corner in the southeast corner of the Sutton Survey; THENCE West with the south line of said Sutton Survey a distance of 2604.17 feet to a point for corner, said point being 50 feet east of and perpendicular to the West line of said Sutton Survey; THENCE North and at all times 50 feet east of and parallel to the West line of said Sutton Survey to the point of beginning, and covering a tract of land containing 0.40 square miles. I 0 �do hereby certify that the field notes fteWin,, taken frollmaps prepared from field surveys and Court House Re ords are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I ,(O A. A/ -'n Az. o.ol.y !f r A. Alin N.OW./ay c 9z.!! Ac 5—hp., � i A. Al. AO Ac. c 401, 1Ac A.p qi/WOrfh RC.Winferbs �rpla99 J.A.✓edford Th -a.!+ar 1G O.SA<. ✓. Glenn ruiner L. B O G G E S S A-196 401c rG/ 9a<< JB a. -- �1 R RA/ph Mar-;// _ w oeedcr All BARNES I R.W•GIBSON A-142 A-588 EXHIBIT IB11 ® INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE AREA TO BE ANNEXED 5a S9dc JOSIAH WALKER A- 1604 HAEL A-821 1A[. r c nec�c*r PEA J. HENRY A-528 1EEm / /CO. mm V���/�&`&a- / tOA< 1. Robe rfl HRS. OF C. M. OP .3:Y3 Ac. A- 1510 9. A. ZWald 4 V. uar•-.cn lr " J corpcnier w as sAc .: elrion RS.AF—C-DJ A- 2003 -9 !!T M.WINN A-_ 660 W. MANN A- 1107 THOS.BEEDY A - 72 .I R. EADS I J. SUTTON A-393 A-1154 _ i y� ✓. G:enn Tv: ner I' i O J Z41, i�e.nerery J. $IBSON s•= AI- 493 z — m J 4<nn TYrnc Sri<_ J ,.er, -. rwr,yh.... I ✓ i � *coal fz.a Ac sz.G)<c -_-- -.-- n 89.14 Ac 10 Ac .careen/er ___._ e� ✓.Glenn TY rner E J SSIB E G G•B.HENORI M. HUNT A-592 A-680 M. HUFF Erleen N.Corrcni A.Carpenrer <. H. W';Ide aoeo A-648 i - I4A c 9z.!! Ac 5—hp., � i A. Al. AO Ac. c 401, 1Ac A.p qi/WOrfh RC.Winferbs �rpla99 J.A.✓edford Th -a.!+ar 1G O.SA<. ✓. Glenn ruiner L. B O G G E S S A-196 401c rG/ 9a<< JB a. -- �1 R RA/ph Mar-;// _ w oeedcr All BARNES I R.W•GIBSON A-142 A-588 EXHIBIT IB11 ® INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE AREA TO BE ANNEXED 5a S9dc JOSIAH WALKER A- 1604 HAEL A-821 1A[. r c nec�c*r PEA J. HENRY A-528 1EEm / /CO. mm V���/�&`&a- / tOA< 1. Robe rfl HRS. OF C. M. OP .3:Y3 Ac. A- 1510 9. A. ZWald 4 V. uar•-.cn lr " J corpcnier w as sAc .: elrion RS.AF—C-DJ A- 2003 -9 !!T M.WINN A-_ 660 W. MANN A- 1107 THOS.BEEDY A - 72