HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 17 Redefining Boundaries and adopting officile map 02-03-57ORDINANCE NO. 17 AN ORDINANCE REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF, THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE., TEXAS; ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL MAP; PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SUCH ORDINANCE IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT AND DENTON COUNTIES, TEXAS; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the order of the Commissioners Court of Tarrant County, Texas, No. 28763, In He: "Incorporation Proceedings Town of Westlake, Texas", dated Decem1ber 26, 1956, executed by the Honorable Gus Brown, County Judge of Tarrant County, Texas, the Town of Westlake, Texas, was duly incorpora- ted pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Chapter 11, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, -a copy of said order with plat and field notes showing the limits of said Town having heretofore been filed and recorded in Volume 46, Pages 473, etc., minutes of the Commissioner's Court of Tarrant County, Texas, with certified copy of same, being recorded in Volume 3065 Page 408, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Vol-,uneD43,4, Page 76, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; and WHEREAS, since the incorporation of said Town as aforemen- tioned several annexations to the said Town have been made pur- suant to the provisions of Articles 974 and 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; NOW, THEFMFOR1_,', BE IT ORDAINED BY TIDE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF TIE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: 1. THAT the boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, be and are hereby redefined as follows: 2. THIS ordinance approved by the Mayor and attested by the Town Secretary shall be spread upon the minutes of the Town of Westlake, Texas., and a certified copy thereof shall be recorded in the Deed Records of Tarrant and Denton Counties., Texas. 3. THE map marked EXHIBIT "A" and attached hereto is declared to be the official map of the Town of �,Testlake, Texas) and a copy of such map shall be posted in the office of the Town. 4. ALL ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. PASSED and APPROVED this :0 _""'qday of February, A. D. 1957. MAYOR ATTEST: Town -secreE-ary THE STATE OF TEXAS i COUNTY OF TARRANT i I, John A. McGuire, Jr., Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake, Texas; do hereby certify that the above and fore- going Ordinance No. 17, is a true and correct copy of said Ordinance, redefining the said boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, of Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN of the Town of Westlake, Texas, this 7day of February, A. D. 1957, = as same appears in the minutes o ae meeting relating to its adoption in Book 1, Pages 5(;.- co - WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS., this - day of February., A. D. 1957. TOWN SECRETARY of the Town of Westlake, Texas. FIELD NOTES OF THE INCORPORATED LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS IN TARRANT AND DENTONCOUNTIES, TEXAS (February 23, 1 957 Situated in the counties of Tarrant and Denton, State of Texas, being lands located in the following surveys. J. Eads, A-392; We Da Medlin, A--829; J. Bacon, A-1565; R. Eads, A-393; J. ,Sutt0n, A-1154; C. Medlin, A-823; J. R. Michael, A-821; W. H. Pea, A-1045; J. Henry, A-528; W. Medlin, A-1958; Hrs, of C. M. Throop, A-1510; Hrs. of C. Dart, A-2003; W. H. Martin, A-1068; M, Hunt, A-7569 L. Boggess, A-196; Josiah Walker, A-1604; G. B. Hendricks, A-680; Jesse Gibson, A-493; Jesse Gibson, A--592; Wan. Huff, A-648; and A. Barnes. A-142. BEGINNING in Denton. County at the most northerly northwest corner of the Town of Westlake, said point being at the northwest corner of the Alvin M. Owsley 124,37 acre tract and its the north line of the R. Eads Survey, A-392; THENCE East 211.6 feet with the north line of said Owsley Tract and Eads Survey to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said Owsley 124,37 acre tract and the northwest corner of the Owsley 353.5 acre tract; THENCE N 890 E 5002.78 feet with the north line of said Owsley Tract and passing the northeast corner of said Eads Survey to a point .for corner at the northeast corner of the Owsley 353.5 acre tract in the W. D. Medlin Survey, A--829; THENCE S 10 E 3414 feet, more or less, with the east lane of said Owsley Tract and crossing the south line of said Medlin Survey and passing the southeast corner of said Owsley Tract and across to the south line of a county road leading from the town of Roanoke, Texas, to a point for corner in the C. Medlin Survey, A-823; THENCE N 850 301 E 1100 feet, more or less, with the south line of said county road to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 119.18 acre tract and the north- west corner of the Medlin Cemetery out of the Ca Medlin Survey, A-823; HENCE S 0° 6' W 770 feet, more or less, with the east line of said Turner, tract and the west line of said cemetery to a paint for corner at the southwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE S 770 E 433°33 feet with the south line of said cemetery to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said cemetery; THENCE N 0" 45' W 802.22 feet with the east line of said cemetery to a point for corner in the south line of a county road and the northeast corner of said cemetery tract; THENCE S 770 E 1830 feet, more or less,, with the north line of the Harry Seeligson 82.43 acre tract and the south line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being at the northeast corner of the Harry Seeligson 14„77 acre tract out of the J. R. Michael Survey, A-821; THENCE S 00 151 E 2315 feet, more or less, with the east .Line of said Seeligson Tract to a point for corner in the W. H. Pea Survey, A-1045, said point being 200 feet northeast of and perpendicular to the northeast line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE S 710 151 E with a line 200 feet northeast of and at all times parallel to the northeast lane of said highway to a point for corner in the east line of the Irene T. Nesbitt 4 acre tract; THENCE southwesterly with the east line of said Nesbitt Tract to a point for corner in the northeast line of ,State highway No. 114; THENCE S 710 151 E 350 feet with the northeast line of said highway to a point for corner; THENCE at 900 Angle to the right and crossing said highway to a point for corner in the southwest line of said highway.; THENCE N 710 1.5f W 640 feet, more or less, with the southwest line of said highway to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the B. K. Heath 4 acre tract out of the W. H. Pea Survey, A-1045; THENCE South with the east line of said Heath Tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said tract; THENCE West with south line of said Heath Tract and passing the southwest corner and continuing across a county road to a point for corner, said point being in the west line of said county road and the east line of the Max Cohen 83,43 acre tract out of -the C. Medlin Survey, A-823; THENCE South with the west line of county road and the east line of said Cohen Tract and continuing south passing the southeast corner of said Cohen Tract and with west line of said. road curving to the right to a point for corner in Tarrant County Road. No. 4026, THENCE East 1250 feet, more or less, crossing said county road and continuing on with the north lines of tie Hrs. of C. M. Throop Survey, A-1510, the M. L. Roberts 40 acre tract and the B. A. Zwa.ld 136-1/3 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE North crossing the W. Medlin Survey A-1958 and the Tarrant County Line into Denton County and continuing on with the West line of the John A. McGuire 26.8 acre tract out of the W. H. Pea Survey A-1045 to a point for corner at the northwest corner of said McGuire Tract and a point in the southwest line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE Southeasterly and following southwest line of said highway and northeast line of said McGuire tract and the G. H. Harmon 120.8 acre tract crossing into Tarrant County to a point for corner in the west line of County Road No. 3088; THENCE South with the west line of said county road to a point for corner,, said point being due west of the northwest corner of the G. H. Harmon 3.83 acre tract out of the W. Medlin Survey, A-1958; THENCE East and crossing said county road and continuing on with the north line of said Harmon 3.83 acre tract to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said tract; THENCE South with the east line of said 3.83 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said tract; THENCE West with south line of said 3.83 acre tract to a point for corner in the center of County Road No. 3088 and a point In the east line of the Hrs. of C. M. Throop Survey., A-1510; THENCE South with east line of said Throop Survey to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the G. H. Harmon 120.8 acre tract out of the said Throop Survey; THENCE West with the south line of said Harmon Tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Harmon Tract and in the east line of the John A. McGuire 20.86 acre tract; THENCE South with the east linesof said McGuire 20.86 acre tract and the John A. McGuire 83.47 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the said McGuire 83.47 acre tract and in the north line of Tarrant County Road No. 3080; THENCE Easterly and following the north line of said county road Ia ppirt fvr corne oint bea*ng due north ot f the west; -PnS' e U6un,y Road %.S098pextenN ; THENCE South and crossing County Road No. 3080 and con-tinuip-g on south for a total distance of 640 feet with the west line of County Road No. 3088 to a point for corner; THENCE West 200 feet to a point for corner; "v THENCE North with a line 200 feet west of and at all t-Im parallel to the west ,line of County Road No. 3088 to a point for corner in the south line of County Road.No. 3080; THENCE West and northwesterly following the south lure of said county road to a point for corner., said point being at the north- east corner of the A. M. Tate 11.32 acre tract out of the firs of C. M. Throop Survey, A-1510; THENCE South with east lane of said Tate 11.32 acre tract to a point for corner, said point being at the southeast corner of said Tate Tract and in the south line of said Throop Survey; THENCE West with the south line of said Tate 11.32 acre tract and said Throop Survey to a point for corner, said point being in the west line of Tarrant County Road No. 3035 and in the east line of the E. H. Reeder 103.69 acre tract out of the W. H. Martin Survey., A-1604; THENCE South and southwest with the west line of said county road and east line of said Reeder Tract to a point for corner; said point being at the southeast corner of the E. H. Reeder 1.03.69 acre tract; THENCE West 2075 feet,, more or less, with the south line of said Reeder Tract to a point for corner; saidpoint being at the southwest corner of the E. H. Reeder 103.69 acre tract and in the east .line of the Josiah Walker Survey, A-1604; THENCE S 00 15' E with the east line of said Walker Surrey and the E. H. Reeder 7..00 acre tract to a point for corner, said point being in the center of County Road No. 3035 and at the southeast corner of said Reeder Tract; THENCE S 890 41' W 3715.28 feet with the south lines of said Reeder 100 acre tract and the J. Glenn Turner 77°53 acre tract to a point for corner, at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 77.53 acre tract; THENCE N 00 26' W 3891.67 feet with the west lines of the J. Glenn Turner. 77x53 acre and 154.29 acre tracts to a point for corner, said point being at the northwest corner of the J, Glenn Turner 154.29 acre tract and in the south line of the L. Boggess Survey, A-196; THENCE West following the south line of said Boggess Surrey and passing its southwest corner and continuing on with the south line of the G. B. Hendricks Survey, A-680 to a point for corner, said point being in the south lane of the Rn Ralph Merrill. 29.3 acre tract out of said Boggess Survey and 310 feet east of the east line of Tarrant County Road No. 4041; THENCE North 660 feet with a line 310 feet east of and at all times parallel to the east line of County Road No. 4041 'to a point for corner, said point being in the south Line of the Georgia A. Pippin 10.7 acre tract; THENCE East with 'the south line of said Pippin Tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said Pippin Tract,-' THENCE North 660 feet with the east line of the Pippin 10.7 acre tract to a point for corner at its northeast corner; ,CHENCE West 660 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Pippin Tract to a point for corner at its north-west corner and being in the east line of County Road No. 4041; THENCE South 660 feet with the east line of said county road and the west line of the Pippin 10.7 acre tract to a point.for corner at the southwest corner of the Pippin Tract; THENCE East 300 feet with the south line of said Pippin Tract to a point for corner; THENCE South 660 feet with a line 300 feet east of and at all times parallel to the east line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the south lines of the G. B. Hendricks Survey, A-680 and the R. Ralph Merrill. 29.3 acre tract; THENCE West with south lines of said Hendricks Survey and Merrill Tract and crossing County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner in the west line of said county road; THENCE North with the west line of said county road to a point for corner, at the southeast corner of the J. A. Medford 20 acre tract out of the G. B. Hendricks Survey, A-680; THENCE West 200 feet with the south line of said Medford Tract to a point for corner; THENCE North with a line 200,feet west of and at all times parallel to the west line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner in the south line of County Road No. 4080; THENCE West with south line of said County Road No. 4080 and the north lines of the J. A. Medford 20 acre tract and the W. T. Sharpless 40 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-552, to a point for corner, said point being 600 feet east of the east line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE South 1300 feet, more or less, with a line across the W. T. Sharpless 40 acre tract to a point for corner in the south line of said Sharpless Tract; THENCE West with the south line of said Sharples tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said tract and in the east lane of County Road No. 4057; THENCE South with the east line of said county road and the west lines of the Ruth Medford 9 acre tract, the C. L. Medford 9 acre tract and the La Vern Wood 3 acre tract to a point for corner at the northwest corner of the Margie Wood 6 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-592; THENCE East 200 feet with the north line of said Wood 6 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE South 219.8 feet with a lane 200 feet east of and at a.11 tames parallel to the east line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE West with the south line of said Margie.Wood 6 acre tract and continuing on and crossing said County Road No. 4057 to a point for corner in the west line of said county road; THENCE North with west line of County Road No, 4057 to a point for corner at the southeast darner of the He C_, Winterbauer 40 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-592; THENCE West 200 feet with the south dine of said Winterbauer Tract to a point for corner; THENCE North with a line across said Winterbauer Tract to a point for corner in the north line of said tract; THENCE East with north line of said Winterbauer Tract to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said tract and in the west line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE North 1320 feet, more or less, with the west line of said county road to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the Erleen M. Current 40 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-592; THENCE N 890 20' W 1320 feet, more or less, with the south line of the J. Glenn Turner 40 acre tract and the north line of said Current 40 acre tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner tract and the northwest corner of said Current tract, said point also being in the east line of the J. Glenn Turner 81.3 acre tract; THENCE S 00 211 W 1325 feet with the west line of Current 40 acre tract and the east lane of the Turner 81.3 acre tract to a point for corner at southeast corner of said Turner tract; THENCE S 890 541 W 1335.54 feet with the south line of said Turner 81.3 acre tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner. Tract and being in the west line of the Jesse Gibson Survey and the east line of the William Huff Survey, A-648,-, THENCE S 00 21 E 3261 feet, more or less, with the east lines, of said Huff Survey and the J. Glenn Turner 60 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the. J. Glenn Turner 8.33 acre tract out of the A. Barnes Survey.. A-142, said point also being in the north- line of a county road; THENCE N 890 361 W 750.55 feet with the south line of said Turner Tract and 'the north line of said county road to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner 8.33 acre tract; THENCE N 00 301 w 433 feet, more or less, with the west line of said Turner 8.33 acre tract to a point for corner at the northwest corner of said Turner Tract and in the north line of A. Barnes Survey and south line of Wm. Huff Survey, A-648; THENCE N 890 08' W 100-55 feet with the south line of said Huff Survey to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 60 acre tract, out of said Huff Survey; THENCE N oO 461 E 951.39 feet with the west line of the J. Glenn Tu-rner 60 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 92 acre tract; 7RENCE N 890 261 W with the south line of said Turner Tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner Tract and in the east line of County Road No. 4060; THENCE N 00 381 E 2225 feet with the west line of said Turner Tract and the east line of said county road to a point at the northwest corner of said Turner Tract and continuing on north 00 401 E 712 feet, more or less, with the east line of said county and the west fine of the Gunnels Tract to a point at the northwest corner of said Gunnels Tract and the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 98.8 acre tract and continuing on north 00 421 E 1619.44 feet with the east line of said county road and the west line of said Turner Tract to a point for corner at the northwest corner of said Turner Tract and in the north line of the Wm. Huff Survey and the south line of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-593; THENCE S 890 211 E 1147.22 feet with the north lines of said Turner Tract and Wm. Huff Survey and the south line of Jesse Gibson Survey A-493 to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 8.3 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-493; THENCE N 0' 191 E 236.94 feet with the west line of said 8.3 acre 'tract and crossing the Tarrant County line into Denton County to a point at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 69 acre tract and continuing on north 00 364 E 2437.22 feet with the west line of said 69 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE N 890 24, W 1095 feet, more or less, to a point for corner in the east line of a county road leading into the Town of Roanoke, Texas; THENCE N 00 361 E 11.94 feet with the east line of said county road to a point for corner in the north line of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-493; THENCE S 890 249 E. 2314 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Gibson Survey to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 69 acre tract; THENCE S 00 291 W 2449.16 feet with the east line of said 69 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said 69 acre tract; THENCE S 890 211 E 1480.56 feet to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 37.43 acre tract out of the R. Bads Survey, A-393; THENCE N 30 45' E 837-77 feet with the west line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE S 890 40, E 369.44 feet with the most southerly north line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE N 00 20� E 258-53 feet with the most easterly west line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE s 890 40' E 1243 feet, more or less, with the north Ii-ne of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner in the west line of a county road leading into the Town of Roanoke, Texas; THENCE North and west with the west line and south line of said road to a point for corner; THENCE North and crossing said road to a point for corner in the north line of said road and the south line of a cemetery tract out of the R. Eads Survey, A-393, said point being 200 feet east of the southwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE East with the north line of said road and the south line of said cemetery to.a point for corner in the east line of the R. Eads Survey; r _I, -K. ) THENCE N 00 09' W with the east line of said Eads Survey and the east line of said cemetery tract to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said cemetery; THENCE N 890 19e W 811.11 feet with the north lime of said cemetery to a point for corner at the northwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE S 10 28, E with the west line of said cemetery and passing the southwest corner and crossing a county road to a point for corner in the south line of .said county road; THENCE West and northwesterly with south line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being 350 feet east of the west line of the Rd Eads Survey, A-393; THENCE Southwesterly 150 feet with a line at 900 angle to left of said county road to a point for corner; THENCE Northwesterly with a line 150 feet southwest of and at all times parallel to the southwest line of said county road t0 a point for corner in the west line of the J.. Bacon Survey, A®1565; THENCE North with the west line of said Bacon Survey at 200 feet,, more or less, a point in the center of a county road leading into the Town of Roanoke Texas, and continuing on with said center lige north 00 1c1 E 1222,22 feet to a point and north 00 12� E 279.72 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 880 431 E 237.71 feet to a point for corner in the west lines of the R. Eads Survey and the J. Glenn Turner 39.91 acre tract,, THENCE North 00 071 E with the west lines of said Eads Survey and Turner Tract to a point for corner in the south line of Dallas Street (a street leading from the Town of Roanoke, Texas] and being at the northwest corner of the Turner 39091 acre trac t; THENCE East following along the south line of Dallas Street crossing State Highway No. 114 at 1100 feet and continuing on with the So- th line of a county road for a total distance of 4625 feet to a point for corner in the Jo Sutton Su.r°vey, A-1.154; THENCE North and crossing the county road to a point for corner in the north line of said road, said point being 660 feet west of the east line of the J. Eads Survey, A-392; THENCE West with the north line of said county road to a point for corner at its intersection with the northeast line of State (X) Highway No. 114, said point being 1395 Feet west of the south- east corner of the Alvin Me pwsley 124.37 acre tract out of the J. Eads Survey, A-3923 THENCE Northwest 714 feet with the northeast line of said State Highway No. 114 to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said 0wsley 1.24.37 acre tract; THENCE N 10 211 W 2402.0 feet with the west line of said Owsl.ey Tract to the point of beginningq containing approx?mately 3996.46 acres o' land. 1 ✓ ,% do hereby certify that the field notes herein, tawen from maps prepared from field surveys and Courthouse Records are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 111 J.R. MICHAEL A-824 R. 0 8 v S.hy A4- A E L A-821 f p/ J. HENRY A-528 J PEA& A z A l I � DE TOM CO. o •� A AN CO. � t _ E55E GIB A -592- d -/ f• 1✓� BAE A v Orlrs,rFh t.w`nlerhe e 1 rpfEs J I a/eoro.e -/, /�� tiI IIS(- i11�ANN 1`4 A- t107 a ay- 0 ( I F-S.D�-G-0A-R THOS.BEEDY E X M i B I T' p` BARNES R.W.GIBSON A-142 A-588 ' A-2003 A-172!!� INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE,TEXAS T, 660