HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 16 Annexing 28 acres of land in Denton County oz,s�z�a�:c;; T���. i6
A1VT dRI}I�TfiNC�: iu.�;`�IV11VG AIVD AN�V'_;Xr�;G `P.i.RZiI`P�i�`y
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iAR`1 OE+ SATD `.[`C}�iN AivZ) `PtiAT Ti�� Od�€Tti1i�'RS AN1�
Ii�HA�ITANl� TIu:Rt::Ob' SHAY,L B` ;NTi:TLF,� TQ 4Li�
� , `="iL: 1RIVSI�GE,`� 0� Gl'N�..�R C1TIZ1:iVS Oi SfiI133 TOiv:tN,
�ND ,��: i�OtiND �Y mi1�: AC�.CS AISJ O�INANCi�S 1v�0'�u 1N
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�.� nDQ�1i:D AS �I�'liND�i�'i1, P.tlrD �ROVIDING T+'0� AT1
- LFPLGTI�T�, Dr?�C�:.
�; �aHi�.R�:FS, pursuant to the �orovisa.ons of the Acts oz' 1953,
�� 53rd Legislature, �'age 357, C;Mapter 93, cod�fied as �rticle
� �74-G, Revised Civi1 Statutes af Texas, J< Gler�n iurner and wa.fe,
;�ue Reeder Turner, and C. L< Steele, owre�^s af tne real �raperty
YiereLnafter d�scribed 1:�ving mt�de application as i�y :Lava provided
'M to tne �%layor� and ;�oard oi L�ldermer. oi tne 1a�an oi' caest7ake, Te��as
wr;. requesting annexatzan of cne l�.n�s 1yir�g s�iithin a ?_2 acre �ract
��' land, more ar 1ess, out oi t.ie I3. '�ads %�-393 and J. Suttan
A-11�4 Surve�rs, Z'arrant and Dentoe� Cauntiesp `S'exas, ana bein�
rnare iully d.esc��ibed. by r!��etes ana baun�s as f'allows ;
�EG=NNIIVG at a poa.nt in �ize presen� corporate 1iA«its
of tne �ibwn of t�7estla�ce at the ::ntersection of th::
w�st line o� the Fi, Eada �urveY �-393p said point
be�ng �GO feet scutr� a�' tize sout� line of' county raad
leacir_g i'rom zhe tcvrn of Raanake;
TH�IVCu east 200 ieet irom and at a11 tirnes parall�l to
the sauti� 1Lne oi' said coun�J raad and followina said
car�aora�e lirn3ts 'co a po:�.nt i'ar carne-r in tne soutnwest
line of S�ate I�ighway Na. 114p
'7'H�NCE soutraeasterly vaitn said highvaay and cor�as°ate
limits to a paint zor corner; said poini beint; 50 feet
east af' measurcd perjaendiculaily from tne west lines
af the J, �utton aurvey A-1154 ar�d tne C. L. Steele
246<26 acre t-ract,
�`". TiILIVC� south with cor�orate lymits anc aU feet east af
i ; and at a11 tiraes parallel to �he west line oi said
� ;:1 �uttor �urvey and said Steele tract to a point for
��t, corner in �.C'arrant County anc� in the north line c�f' the
=� J . Bacon Survey Ia-1565?
TI�NC� west with carp�rate l�mlts and north line of
said bacon Survey a distance of jQ reet to a point for
carner at �he soutriulest corner of said �utton Survey
and in the east l�ne ai Cauizty Road P�a. �I-057;
Ts�rNCE north witn t?ie corporate limzts, vaest lzne of
said Suttan Survey and the �ast i�ne of saia county
raad crossing tnz county line inta �enton County ta a
pain� at the northeast carner of a cemetery 1ot9
TN�,NGL vaest with �he noitn line of said cemete-r;y* iar a
ciistance of 250 f�et to a poini, for corner, said �aint
bein� in the Fim i.acis Survey A-393;
TI-1�V�E narth with corpo��ate limits 250 feet west �y
and a� al1 tym�s �arallel to the east �.ine �i: saLc� L^"ads
�urv�y to a paint for carner9 said paint b�in�; lv� f'eet
from and r��asured pe-rp2ndicularly i'ra�;ti the soutnrrest
line af State I:ighway Nc. 11�6;
`:CY�NCE narttzv�cster�ly with co�^porate limits and 100 feet
from and at al1 times parailel to the south��rest line oS'
' said riighvaay to a point zc�r co�^ne-r, said poir�t being
3G0 i'eet sou�h oS' and nleasured perpendicularly from
tizE sauth line af cout�ty road leadang irom i�aanokes
�'��iIC'�; vr�st =rrii,n carporate 1im�.ts and 30� :'ee� south oi'
and at �11 tiz�ies parallel to the souti� line of' said
county road �o Vne point caf ae�;inning and cavering a
tract of' land cantainin� approximatel� 28 acresa
It is the ,ntent of the above descriptian to cov�r all
of the remaining lancls �f' C. s'�. ui.eele out of' the J.
Sutton Survey A-11j4 and J. Glenn �rurner out �f tAze
R, �afls Surve�T A-393 and J . Sutton �urvey A-1154 not
heretof'ore anne�.ed to ti�e incorporaced Z'own af wdestlake,
A plat of said land shovaLng its locatian v��tri reapec� to tne Tavrn
of' b�testlake, mexas, being ai.tached here�o marked EXHIBIT "�"s ar�d
'�uN�,l?�AS, said pe�ition was filed with the Z'ouan of ��7�stlake at
2:00 p„m. on F`ebruary 18, 1G57, wnicn is not less than five (5}
and not more than thirty (30) aays prior to this d.ate; ana
?r�NyREt�S, it appearino ta uhe �oard of �lderrnen of ti�e Town
of Westlake, ���xas,, that a11 statutory requirernents in connection
with said pr�oposed anr:exation nave been s'u1ii�.led and L'rzat t'rie
saic� area du.l�� groLiped into are t2rritory is nat irore tnan 1`2
ilzile in �,ridth and 'chat al1 oi' sazne is adjacent to tne present
Totivn Lir,iits oi the Towri o� `J�Testlakep Texa�s
B� IT C}F?�ATi�i:� �I' `i'rL:. BGi�RD f3h�' AL:7LF�tVi�:ti Ci�' 1Y��. �l'0�7N ��+'
V�EST:L,t�I�:, lEs�fi: :
�1'iyA`'i', the property her2ina�ave descr.ibed beir,g ad.jacent and
contiguous to the Town :�a.rnits oi' `u�estlakzg Texas , be and is hereby
annexed and l�rought wii,hin th� �or�orate Limits oi said `i�own and
zs Y?ereby raade an ?ntegral part therecf:`.
`l'i�AT, the owner�s and inhabztarits of cize area herein annex�d
be enti�led Lo all of tne ri�i�ts ard privileges of` ath�r citizens
and p�^o�ex°ty awners oi said 7`own and 1�e bound 'r�y al1 0� t'r�e acts
and ord3_nances made it, conf'oi^mity thereto, now in iull for.ce and
eiiect and tnet whi�n may be hereafter adapted.
7'FiAT, the offica.al map aizd baundarLes oi t':ie Town af' `v�estlake;
Texas, as Yieretofare adopted and antiended, be and is i��r2by ainerzdeci
so as t� ylzclude the aforenzertioned territory as part o1' ti�e Tovy�n
ai 'v�estlake, �!.'�xas.
`L`H�S, ordinance sha11 become c:�f�ctive and be :Ln full f'orce
and efiect from anu aster Lts passa�e and approval by the iwiayoz
and duly attested ay the Town �ecretary„
�I7(IFTLD this �. � ciay af' Fe�ruary, A. 3�m 1957.
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I9 „������g�l`�^L/��€'Cp�( , ToS,�n Secr�tary oi t�e `.I'aurn
of ��uestlak2, �`exas, da ereby certiSy that the foregaing is a
true and correct copy of t�rdinance 1V'a„ 16, du1y� presented and
adapt�d a�r the L�oard of Aldermen of' said Town af �iestla�te, Texas$
at a meeting r.e1d on the � 3�.� da;� o? r`ebruar,T, �,, I?. 195`�, as
sarne appears in tr�e niirutps o saia rneetin�, in Book No, 1,
vJIT i x'.�S N�SY HAi�PJ AIV"D >`�',�t�."��� C)t� 1fPL �PQudN OYF liV'"uS�l'LI�Kts9 .`�L._'e�is,
this tne.� 3� day� of �'ebruar�r, l�. �?m 19y'7.
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ORD 16 a---� a �, � � ,.� �
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-�. �-:����-�-�c�, ����.��� - -�
To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of �1ldermen of the
Town of Udestlake, Te:�as.
We, the undersigned, J. G1enn Turner and wife, Sue Reeder
Turner, and C. L. Steele, of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter
called Fetitioners, represen�L as follows :
1,. That they are the Owners of' the lands lying within a
28-acre tract of land situated in the R. �ads A-393 and J. Sutton
A- 1�. Surveys, Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas, fully described
by metes and bounds as shovan in Exhibit "�" attached heretoo
A plat o�' sai.d land showin� its location with respect to
the boundary of the Town of Wes'clake, Texas, is attached hereto
marked E�HIBIT "I3„ .
2. That, th� land descri'�ed in �XHI�ITS "A" and "B" hereto
attached, is less 'chan one-half mile in width; that less than three
qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and adjacent to
the Town of �;lestla.ke, Texas.
3. Your petitioners agree that if this request f'or annexa-
tion be granted, said land and any future inhabitants thereof' shall
be entitled to a11 the rights and privileges of other citizens of
the Town of Irdestla�ie, and sha11 be bound by the ac'cs and ordinances
of said Town, now in effect and as hereaf'ter enacted.
6�T�LCR�F4RE, your petitioners r�spectfully request that this
getition for Annexation to the Town of UTestlake, of the land des-
cribed in attached �XHIBITS be granted.
WITN�SS the signatures of petitioners du1.y acknowledged
as required for deeds.
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B�FORE P�, the undersigned, a Notary Public in;_and f'or
said County and State, on this day personally appeai�ed J. GLLNN
TURNER and SITL R.�EDER TURNER, his wife, both known to rne to be
the persons whose names are subscribed to the f'oregoing instrument,
and acknowledged to me that they each executed the sarne �'or the
purposes ancl consideration therein expressed, and the said �UE
R�;LDER TUR1�.�'R, wife of the said J. GLENN TURIV�R having been examined
by me privil.y and apart from her husband, and having �Lhe same fully
explained to her, sh�, the said SUE RELDER TURNER acknowledged such
instrument to be her act and deed, and she decl.ared that she had
will.ingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein
expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. ;
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No ,ary Pu ic in an � or �j;
Da11as County, Texas
LI'�-.. A. ��_::.�i', Notar� Pub�
in a�d f�r �s:>as Couaty, T..x��
BEFOP� N�,, the undersigned, a Notar� Public in and. :E'or
said County and State, on this day personally appeared C. L. STELLE,
known to me to '�e i,he person whose name is subscribed to the fore-
going instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same
for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. �
� GNEN UNDEt� MY I-�AND AND SEAL OF oFFZCE this the � day
o�' �i , A. D. 1.957•
• � �
o ary I.�u ic 1n n or
�-� � ,�„ County, TExa
...._"_I%.,' -.. _....,.---.. .: , r•;atary P>>bJiC
i:i w=.,._.,:r.'flii::3 Cu�nty,TC3Ctd$
L�HTb�T "A�`
Si�uated in the Counti�s oi Tarrai�� and Denton, �tate o�'
�.'exas, being a tract o:E' land aut of the x allo�aa.n� surveys : R. Eads
,A-393 and the J. �ut�on A-115�� �urveys.
BEGINNING at a po:i.nt in th� present corporate l:�rnits af
the Town of ���st�.al�e a�: the intersection of th� west line of �he
R. Eads Survey A-3y3, said point 'pe:ing 240 f��t south af�he sou�h
line of county road 1.eading from the tawn of Roanoke;
THLNC:� east 240 :E'eet fr°orn and at all times parallel to
the sauth �.in� of said cout�ty road and fo�.lowing said car�orate
limits to a point far corner in the southwest line af' �tat� Highway
_ Na. ll�;
TI-iENCL southeas��r1y tivith sa�.d highway ancl corpora�e 1imi�s
ta a point for corner; saici point b�in� 5(J fee�; east az measured
perpendicularly fr,om i,he wes� 1.ines af' the J. Sut�;or� �urv�y A-�.1��
and the C, L. �teele 2�-6.26 acre tract;
THLNCE south with cor�arate 1.imits and 50 feet east of
and a� a11 tirn�s parall�:1 to �hc� west line o�' sa�d �uttan Survey
and said �tee1� tract �to a pc�int f'or corner i.n Tarrani� County and
in the no:c°th line o�' tne J. �acon �urvey A--1�6�;
1I-�1;NCL west with corporate l�anits and narth line ai said
Bacon �urvey a distance of 5U �'eet to a po:�n'c f'or corner a�; the
sou�thwest ca:�ner of' sa;id �utton aurvey ancl in the �ast l3.ne o:� Coun�y
�.oad i�1a. 4057;
THENC� north with �h� corporate lirnits, west 1.ine of said
Su�;ton �urvey and �he east 1.i.ne of' said county road crass�ng the
county line in�o 7�el��on Caunty �o a point at the northeast carn�r
o�' a cemetery lot;
THENCE west witn. the north line of' said cernete�y �'or a
distar�ce af 25C? feet '�o a paint far carner, said poznt being in the
R. �:ads �urvey A-3�39
T�TENCE north with corporate lirnits 250 f��t west of and
at a1�, times parallel to the east 1.:ine of said Eads �urvey to a
poin�. iar corner, sa�.d point bea.ng lU0 feet from and measured
perp�ncli�ul.arly fr�ozn th� sou�hwest 1.a.ne af' State Highway No. 1.��-k�;
THEI�CL noz��hvaesterly with corporate 1.imi.i,s and 1.00 feet
from and at a11 tirnes parallel �o the southv��st line oz" said high�
way to a �oint far corner, said point bea,ng 30tJ fe�t south of and
rneasur�d perpendicularly from tn� south lin� oi county road leading
f'rom Roano��;
T�i�NC� vaest with coz�porate 13.mits and 300 fe�t south of
and at al1 �imes parall�l to �;he sou�h 1�ne of said coutaty r�aad to
the poin� o� b� innit�g and cov�rin� a tract of �.and con�a3.nin�;
approximatel.y 2� acres.
It is the intent of the above descriptian to cover all
of the remaining lands of C. L. �teele out of the �. �uttan Su.rvey
�-11�4 - and J. Glenn Turner out o�' �h� F�. �ads �urv�y A-393 and �o
Sutton Survey A-115L1� no� heretofore annexed to the inco�porated
Town of ��estl.ake, Texas,
I, ������ Gt�i� ��� da hereby certi�'y that the
f'ie�d not�s here:i.n, ' T�en f`rom maps pr�pared frarn fiel,d sux�v�ys and
Caurtnouse REcords az�e true and correc� to th� bes'c of my knowl.ed�;�.
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, EXHIBIT 8 A- 142 A-588