HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 15 Annexing 58.8 acres of land in Tarrant County C7Ft�1.NANC;3 NQ. 15 ASd CPu�Si�l�NC`'rJ R��CEIVING fiN'il' ANN�"�'I1�TG T�����tKIaORY ADJAC}�=1V`l' �zl�TJ CON�l'IGUC3US `PQ T?zL; '10�dN OF "v�1�:STLAK�s, '.l'ls'XAS� PRf}VIDING �J:'I�:T SUCH �iiEA ;��'�L:i,� T�ECOt/ii� A E`ART �E�' SAZD TOesN A1�[D 'I'FII�T '1''rL�: G�71�IE;NS !�ND IiVli�i3lTANl'> 1N.un�.C1P' ;JHl`�L'L 1':li li2vTITLuD 7!C7 PL1� THli iPIVSLEG�S OI+'` 0`i'Eii�`:R CIT�Z�NS dP SAII7 1Gb+TN, P,ND ii� BdUND BiT 'i"N-,� AC1S AAiD 0r�u'7INANCi S 1110�`v I1�T ';::Y 11''�:C`�' A1viD TC} L� ti��R�;INAFT.�R A1�J. OPTL;D� FURiii�R PItf�VI�'IN� F�R A�iENi}I1VG kN� CQRi�GTIi�u TH�. QE`PSGSAi� HOUIv��kT�1liS OF 5�I:D TC3UTI�f A� N�:i3E`Z'QF(7t`t� ADfJrlED AS Ai�;s:N�r17, I�l�1�J Pft0"VIDITdG I+'OR P�N L�'rLC�l'zU�� l��mLa �TIz;�R�:i�S, pursuarlt ta the provisions af tiie Acts ot' 1g53, 53rd Le�islature, Fage 357, �hapter 93, cadii'ied as Art�cle g74-Gy Rev�sed Civil `tatutes of Tex�.s, �dward Tm �ick�r and vrife, i�rs< �:dvaard T, llie.�er, �. H. ubfilcle and w�ie, i�lrs6 F�a H< 'vlilde and J W Glen� Tur�ner and wif e, Sue Reeder° �urne-r, a�vners of the real prop�rty hereil��.fter desc��ib�d havin� nlade a�plic2.- tian as by lasr provided to the i��ayor and Boar� �f t�ldermen oz tl.�e �l'own of' �Yestla'_�ce, Texas, requesting annexatzor� of the lanc�s 1�.,ing vaitt�.in a 58.8 �.cre tract of 2and, raore or 1ess, aut af tne J, Baeon A-1565� Ma H'unt �i-7�6, C. B. Fiendricks �-6�3G and Jessv Gibsan t1-592 �urveys, �C'arrant Cau�:ty, Texas, �nd bein� marc �ul2y aescribed �;� me i,e�, ana bounds as f'allavas � t3i�GTNNING a� a poin� ia th.e west; 1;ne a> t'rie J. B�cor, �urvey A-1565, saia poini, being �t the intersection af an westerly ,Qrolon�ation af zhe m.ost sovtheY=1y north line o�' said. Bacon Suivey and zn tn.e present carparate 1ir,iii,s of' tne Towz� of �Testlake; THENG7:, ��ast vaith said pralonbation and corporate limit: and continuing on v�itiz tne rnosf; southerly tzortYi 1i�e oz saicl :�acon ;urvey �o a paint iar coi ner �.n ti1� weat line oi' countj road No, 4026; 'I'�ENCE southwzs�erly Txith curve in said county raad to a point foi corner; said �oint being 155 feet sauth of m�e�sured perpendicuiaa�ly to t'r�e sauth iine of triu J, B�co�� Survej� A-1�6j; T���VC;� �.�est 155 f'eei� sauti� oi' �nd at a11 times parallel to i�iie soutli 1:rle of the s�.ic� ]3aeon aurve;T and i,ne r.ortiz linesoi ',;he i�. Hunt �urveJ A-'(5�, G, �lo Hendricks Suivey A.-6�� and th.e Jesse Gi'ason Survey .�-592 to a point f'ar corner, said paint b�ing in the west l�ne os th� said Gib,�on �urveg, ; ; ; ,� I � , ��� ?s-, ;"•!8 `1'�L�:NCE north. and passi�� �he northwest corn�r os swid �� Gibson Surv�y at 155 feet ancl cantinuing on to tne -� pain� oi be�inning ana eovering a tract of land con- ��"? taining apwproxitnate�y 58,c3 acres. .u;�., "'� St is the intenf: oi tl�ie abay.. descript��n to cover a11 ;� the r�maining lands oz U. �`. D�ekerp J > Glanr. �`urner ar.d ��. �a G�tilde out oz the above mentioned. surveys th�.t have not her�tafore been annexed to th� Towiz oi u��stlake> A1l of trxe h�reinabove cract is adjacent to ar�ci follaws the present cor�aorate lirnits to the Tc�wn of ��stl�k� . �, ��.�,t of' said land showing its location with _r•es��ect to the �l'own of westlak�, Texasp bein� attacned hereio naarked L:XHIBIm "A" r and WH�.ZZui�S, said peti�ian was �i1ed with the Tovan oz" 'vdestl.�ke at 2n00 p.�n. oi. Fe�rua»y 189 lgj(, val�ich is na� less than iive (5j and e�ot more than thir��y (30) days prior to triis date9 atid r�tITE,��AS, it appearin�; �o the �oard of' �lderm�n ai the �1�awn of �rdestlake, �l'exas, tnat a11 statutory requirements :ie. co�nectzon vaith said pro�osed annexatidn :�a��e be�n �'ulT'illed and that tne said area duly grouped :�nto on� terr�tor� is r,ot rnore thar� 1�2 iciilc in vaidtri an�. tlzat a11 ai sam� is adjacent to the pr2sent Tovan Limits af' �he �Povan ai 'stiestl�.lce, T�xas; 13li IT 0�t]�AI1�LL Ba Tiii' �OARI} E7b�` AI,��;i3D'CC.IV Ci�' T'c:�; `1'0`vil�] v:l' . �+iESTi�Akii;s T��AS : _ � i. c;� :���i TiA�T, the oroa�erty riereina�ove d�scribed being adjacent and M' contiguous ta the �l'own Lir�its oy Inlestlake, Texasp be arid is 'r:erei�y m anr.�xed and brati��ht v�itnin �he COY'p€3r�,te Lirnits of' s�.ia r1'ou*n and ' is nereby made an inte�ral part thereoi, ._ 2 0 TI�AT, tize owners and inhabitants af' the area herei� annexed be entitled to a11 of the rignts and priv:ileges vi' otner cit3zens �' and p-roperty awn�rs of said Towr and be bound by ail a�' tl�e acts - ana arclinances made zn coniormit; th.ereto, now in :L'u11 farce �nd effect and i.rat which m�y be heraafter adopteda �,<., 3> THfaT, tne afzicia�_ map and boundaries of the Tot�rn oi brestlake, �'exas, as kieretozore adopted and an�ended, 'ae and is her�ray amended so as to include the af'oreineni,ianed territory as �art aS �he lown of INestlakes `i'exas. � e !'iiIS� ordinance shall become ef'f'ec�ive and i�e in f ull fcrrce �,izci ef_'ect f'ronz and after its pa.ssa�e and approval by trie Iuiayor ancl c�u1y attested by the 'iown Secret2ry. �iDt7iT�.D t1�is ,�, ',',-. da;� of �'ebruary, A. lle 1�57• ��F�'RbV,1D t „ �``�`, ` _ , ��.x., �:�, tfiAYGR ATT�ST: `" }, R r `� ��... �,� `�� - �` - `�QW�t SEC��`lARY 3't�, �lAT� 01Y TLa�AS � Tf��^div Gb� VJ�STI,���, TLY,AS COUNTY dI+' �SI�TZFiFi�Ii � ,�. I, �fC? ^� � CrZJ/R�C"�O( , 2'ovan Secretax�y of tb� �l'ov,�n oi 5,�astlake, Texas, do Izereby�ify tt�.at the foreg;aing is a true and eorrect copy of Ordinance No. i5, duiy presented ae�d adopte� by the �oard of A1c� rmen af said Zbwn oi ��estilake, �.'exas, at �, meeting neld an the f g� d�,y of E+�ebruary, k. Dm 19?7, as saane appears in L�ie nzinutes at said snee�ing, Book No. l, �a�es �t7 TNE,St�" 1�'tY �,A1Vi� Aa1I? S��,F'i.i., dl+� '1'HF, `1'OU+TI\T Oi' W�S`l'LAKL'',� �i:+,XA`,,`'i' � .., this the � day oi �`ebruary, �, D, Zg57. � � � %�� �` .'( ''z � R �r /��p .- �' i�/ �f '/z 7 . rfj"� i� ` � , %: +. 2.i-,.'/".r'wt';�.+� i� _'own Secre ary t, � �' ;� J.R. MlGHAE� � A-82D r _ � � . r o.��� R.P �3�.rhy . _ — ���` " ;, . . HAEL �V � ,� p A-82� z r ' J. HENRY - a-sza z ; .�_ ..-' . r 5 secam=r / ' - / /� PEA A -a..Har1n � 3c_.¢:� _ _ _ _ s a c.u-.�+Y � �� i f-, , - ` \�oF+vro�r eo. _ . , � a anrr co. %`i, _ _ - _�s- �. � � _ � 3 < \ a P ^- - - - - �t - - - - - - �n�\ yr � - _ '�.' - - � �� fl� ioac � � � 9 � . ._. . f/�J //i - e p ' _ _ _ �/ e J, +eAc >� �rF/,55 NeCford iW. MANN / 3 A-1107 -- —- � �I — _ -�— , vi� carpG��ie� I r_ . 1� i � , r ._n_H,9y:nr 'a �� .�.se� Ip..c:c i 3 .eifia� � uf9:n R-S.�OF—C.-OAli� THOS.BEEDY R.W.G I B S Q N 9 A-2 043 A-72 A-SBB a zrd� qva:. sa a c n I � s �.S•`-s:-- N E F^r3��sen i --- � wnt.w�kr�' I A-,660 ,� . .r � _ a... . . . • � � I \ � � \-�. d �-e��o . � g S � C( S J ORD 15 �-� �- �, e-d �. ,^-, • � l s/ �. C �-a.�.-�;-¢--� �.. C—` C�-c�v-�1' � ��-e e� �� e--^L' -S�a -c c���s-e s,��� PETITION RLQUEaTING ANNLXATION OF LAND CON�'I'IGUOUS AND ADJACENT 10 THE TOWN OP WESTLAKL, TEXAS To the Honorable Mayor. and Members of the Board of Aldermen oF the Town of U�estlake, Texas. GREETINGS: We, the undersigned, Ldward T. Dick�r and wif�, Mrs . Ldward T. Dicker, A. H. b�lilde and wife, Mr°s. A. H. Wilde and J. G1enn Tui^ner and wife, Sue Reeder Turner, of Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called Petitioners, represent as follows : l. Tna� they are the Owners of �he lands lying within a 58.8 acre tract of land situated in the J. I3acon A-1.565, M. Hunt A-756, G. B. Hendricks A=68o and Jesse Gibson A-592 Surveys, Tarrant County, Texas, fu11y described by metes and bounds as shown in Fxhibit "A" attached hereto. A p1a� of said land showing its location with respect to the boundai°y of the Tovan of b�lestlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "B" . 2. That, tne lar�d described in �XHIBITS "A" and 'rB" hereto attached, is less than one-half mi1.e in width; that less than three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and adjacent to the Town of Westlake, Texas. 3. Your petitioners a�ree that if this request for annexa- tion be granted, said land sha11 become a part of th� Town or Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof sha11 be entitled to all the ri�hts and privileges of other citizen.s of the Town of tidestlake, and sha11 be bound by the acts and ordinances of said Town, now in effect and as her�after enacted. WI�R.�FORE, your petitioners respectfully requcst that this Petition f'or Ai�nexation to the Town of Westlake, of the land des- cribed in attached EXHIBITS be granted. WITNESS the signatures of petitioners duly acknowledged as required f'or deeds. , � � . . _. , . � � `�1��-�,�.c�.�•�"��,r�+J __ „ . . , _ �'., �,r ,��.._f �;�.�-�' -�__ _ ��. /�, ( � , � ��� '�- f � F J � �1 ��/c�'� � X � �'r �, w ��� �� ��e.tJ �.,1�.���r�o� _ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF B�FORE Mi., the undersi�ned, a Votary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared EDWARD T. DICKLR and MRS. ED1rJARD T, DICKER, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names ar� subscribed to the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said MRS. EDWARD T. DICKER, wife of the said EDbJARD T. DICKER having been exarnined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fu11y explained to h�r, she, the said MRS. EDWARD T. DICK�R acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the pur- poses and consideration therein expressed, and Lhat she did not wish to retract it. � GIVLN UNDER MY HAND AND �EAL OF OFFICE, this the /�ay of'G%�.c%���".n,�o , A. D. 1.957• � A ^� , � £ i-"'6st,' o ary u ` ic in am or � ,���>-� County, Texas STAT� OF TEXAS � SM1'ILLIAt�� L. ?�icIN;�.RP1rX,1Votary Ptablie 1 in and for Dalias County,Texas COUNTY OF ) BEFOR.� ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared A. H. WILDE and MRS. A. H. WILDE, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknow- ledged to me that they each execut�d the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said MRS. A. H. WILD�, wif e of tlze said A. H_: tidILD� having been examined by me privily and apart frorn her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said MRS. A. H. WILD� acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declai�ed that she had wi�lingl.y signecl the same for the purposes and consideration therein expl�essed, and that she did not wish to retract it. -�` GIV�N UNDLR i�'lY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the !��d y of�-���.��,^;�-�� , A. D. 1957. � ✓ �' ./�` � � z ��� ��:..�,=,'.s�-''�..rV.,�•..��.��%�._,,�"..=�r."�..'V`s.-.y a.^ No ar�y Pu�llc in and 'or �' ��.��:;�,,, Countyy Texas � �v����tir L. r.s�rrr�r.rrr�,r�ota�r��,�;c STATZ OP TLXAS in and ior Dalias County,Texas COUNTY OF DALLA� � BLFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and f'or said County and State, on this day personally appeared J. GLLNN TURNER and SUE REEDER TURNER, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said SUE REEDER TURNLR, wife of the said J . GL�NN TUR.NER having been exarnined by me privily and apart f'rom her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said SU� RLEDER TURNER acknowl�dged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she decl.ared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. �� �I ,�IVE�.N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFIC�, this the f� day of �,2� ;u,- , A. D. 1957• - �. -1 � , �% �,� -,� :" � > � � � 1 t� i'. �'-t" /E �/ - Notary Pub lic in and f or �::- � � Dallas County, Texas � LXDI� A. BE'�dL��', I'Sotary Fub�� in amd for D41?::s CmuatJ9 '��?.:� �:�x��z3� ����, FI�T.�D NOTL� Ok' AN AR�;.A TQ �3L ANNEY3.I;D �I'0 T�� INCQI-�.�QRAT�D TOti�TN OF WE�TLAKE, T�,XA� �ituated in the County of Tarrant, ,State oz Texas, being a tract a� 1.an�. aut of the fol.lowing surveys� J. ]3acon A-1565, l�. Hunt A-756, G. B. �Iendricks �-6�30 and Jesse Gibsora A-592o BEGTNNING at a point ir� the west l:ine of the J . Bacon Surv�y A-1565, said poa.nt being at the intersection of a.ra wes�erly prol.ongation af the most southerl.y north linc; ofi' said Bacon Survey� and in the present carporate lirnits a�' the r.�own ofi ��estlake; 7.'HENCE, East with said prolongation anc� carpora�e lirni�,s and continuit�g on with the rtlost southerly north line af' said Bacon �urvey to a ;point far eorner 3,n thc west line of county road No. �026; TIi�;NCE southwesterly w3th curve in saic� county road �a a point for corn�r; sa:Ld point being 1�5 feet south of n�easured p�rpen- dicularl� ta the south 1.ine of the J. I�acon Survey A-1�65; THEN�E west l55 feet south of aad at all times parallel. to the south line of the said Bacon Survey and t� north l ines of 'che �. Hur�t �Surv�y A-7��, G. B. Hendx�icks Survey .A-6Z30 anc� �he Jess� Gi'bson �urvey A-��2 to a point �"ar corner, said point being ;in the west line of 'che said Gibson �urvey; �.'�ILNGE north and passing the northwes� corner t�f said Gibson �urvey at l�5 feet and can�inuing an to -c'rae poin� of begit�nirz� and coverin�; a tract of land containing approximately j�i.8 acresQ It is the a.ntent of the above descriptian to cover al1 �he :cem�.ining larzds of E. T. :Dicl�er, J. G1e�an �'urner and A. �I. ��a,'lde out of the above lnentioned surveys that have not ��er�tofore b�en annexed to the Town of �r�estlake. Al1 of �;he herea.nal�ove tract is acljacent to and follows 'che pr�sent cox�parate 1inlits to the Town of Westlake. I, �� fG� .�� do hereby certify that th� f3.e1d notes here n�� n �'`rom rlap�epared f'rom f':i�ld sux=veys an.d � Gourthouse Recards ar� true and cor�ect to �ize best af my knowl.ec�ge. J.R. MIGHAEL � A-820 N r - - f�l _ � _ - - � - - � — - i � o e R.0 B�shy ° :, HAEL � � / ./ F Q'82� , , J. HENRY - A-528 h , c'vun,.• ' b " n p T C. 9ec+¢'• J. a Tc PEA q = A- p � �9..wsil/. � je_r¢ . V � �r Q _ _ _ ' S _ I { � m ' < - I S i A C.ulelN �� -' _ DENTON CO� _ o _ ,�, ' _ — — A ANT C0. � so ,. � i�A 9 C T __ _ ✓ - _ _ _ _ - r � � \� a o n, ' P - - _ - �i - - _ _ ESSE GIB "` y""�� A-592 - , :," - - ��• .. li � ` 3 � -ee v C����. Q � �' // tG�c I _ /^ 9 � / • _ _ _ ' ��a< ao<c � - ,I�c a o�,i,-„�+n wc w;.,ie�e. e '�Fi�ss �. .v�ero.a �W. MANN S I� _ r.< I .—.— _--_ Q'���7 i ____.___ / / J' ol I —_—' '—_L___ s ✓i� ca�pe�:er nl. �d.�. - - �I I . , I " J � o. „y..., 1 - � ..s�� i .� i� w��ir�a„ IoAw,�J:�, � RS.D�CrDAi27 THOS.BEEDY �� �� A � BARNES R.W.GIBSON 9 E X H I B I T B q- 142 A-568 A-2003 A-72 _ / - � INCORPORATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE , TEXAS n AREA TO BE ANNEXED