HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 43 Granting a Franchise Agreement to Southwestern Bell Telephone 011D' NTANCE 1,10. 43 AN 01-r,D"�ll\,IANCL, WFfEIII1:�Pj':("I'liE Town of Westlake TEXAS, AND THE SO"TTHWESTERN BELL TY-1i-EPI-IONJI� COMPANYAGR_K' THAT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY SHALL CONTINUE TO ERECT' AND 1VIIA"INTAIN ITS POLES, WILRES, ANCHORS, CABIJES, MANKOLE-S., CONDUITS, AND &THER PY,AN'-!' CONSTRUCTION ANDA1:PURTE­ NANCES ALONG, ACROSS, ON, OVER, THROUGH, ABOVE 1,.,�C S 'TS, AENES, ALLEYS, AND CINDER ALL 1,EY, VU- PUB_J'_j'r,C GROUNDS AND PJ AGES IN SAID GfTY, UNDER REGt1L_A.T10NS AND RESTRICICIONS AND THAT THE CITY' SHALL RECE.11,"E AN ANNUAL PAYMENT AND THE RIGHT TO USE GERTAlN F_AG1L'2`.TIES OF THE TELEPHONE COM- PANY, ALL AS HEREIN PRO'N"IDED WHEREAS, the Scrith-,vesierr. Bell Telephone Company, hereinafter referred to as the "'Telephone Company",. is now and has been engaged in the telephone bus-'Mc-;; s in the State of Texas and in furtherance thereof, has erected and mainta.ined certain items of ills plant construction in the Town of Westlake Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City", for .many years pursuant to such r--.ghts as have been granted it by and under the laws of the State of Texas, and subject to the- exercise of such reasonable rights of regulalon under the police povcer as have, been also lawfully granted by and under said laws to said City; and WHEREAit: is to the rnu_tual advaritage of both the City and the Jeleph.one Company that an agreement should be entered into between the Tele- phone Gon-ipany- and Iffic. Gii.y establishing the condi��ionc -ander which the Telephone Company shall operate i-n the CAy', NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY' THE Board of Aldermen 0-F THE Town of Westlake TEXAS, THAT : SECTION I - CONSTRUCTI-ON AND MAINTENANCE OF TELEPHONE PLANT AND SERVICE The poleax, wires, anchors, cables, manholes, conduits and other plant construc- tion. and appurtenances, used in or incident to the g1v1'nff, of telephone service and to the maintenance of a telephone business and-system by the Telephone Company in the City, shall. remain as no-.f-,r constructed, subject to such changes as under the limitations and conditions herein prescribed may be considered necessary by the City in the excreise of its la-,.vful powers a-nd by the Telephone Company in the exercise of its business of furnishing telephone service; and the Telephone Company shall continue to exercise its right to place, remove, construct and reconstruct, extend and maintain its said plant and appurtenances as the busi- ness and purposes for which it is or may be, incorporated may from time to ti.nz rer �l ~c l.or-g, ac;:a ,s; cal, over, through, above, and under all the pV,1-)l_c ?r1'() puzblic grau.nds an.d }laces W,il_"r the pr`e-ert lr.�-_":s v c;.,, l= tit Iv' r t of il'if' (.�i'.i 37d �.��t.l"7'. Cl �,rt.1�_:S r_5 1:1"_e saI'1�.f' frnr�"1 3.ri1@ to ta.l.'Yle rYIC.� bEM su-1--Ject, to the r.egul. tin�.� li.rn t,. f, nn5 E3.r..d. cor}.d .tion W l:ter:e=zpre cr_ l:7cd., SEC'TION 2 -- _SL PJT--,RV1S1.:01\T BY CITY Ode' LOCATION OF POLES ANIS CONDUIT A].1. poles, to be pl:4.cFd :wha.l.l bF: of sound mater i .l a"zad. rf.:asona.bly st.:;a.ight,, a.x)d shall, be so set that they not -interfere w-,.th the flow of water in any gut-tex or cl,- in, a.nd so that the same will in..erfere as Ltt].e as practicable with the on the street or sidevia.l.l._o The location and route of a.l.l polesq str-b ,,,, g75ys, anchors. con( is and ca.blps to be 1,3 aced and construct -d by the Telephone Coz l r.Yxy �. the const,~uctior. and. ma.°inter.-.-+.nce of. its telephone ;;yst,em the C:_tir, a.n-J the location of all conduits to be 1 "lcl by the: Telephone Company vAthir-, the llnrrlf ; of t:hr City 1;ndcr this oxd,nance, shall be subject to the reason- r.bl_.n and. p.apr x€gtl= tion, control and direction of f:he Board of Aldermen or of a.n.y City off cial to Nvhoz. such duties have beex2 or may be delegated.® SECTI01'1 3 - STREETS TO BE RESTORED TO C:00D CONDITION T}ze sup' ce of a.n.y -61-' �--ee-=_1)-e r, high-vita.y, o~ publ--c place disturbed by the Tek - phone Cornp_<.r_, in buld-irg, constructing, reneviing or maintaining its teI.ephone plant and system shall be restored 1vlthir~ a reasonable time after the completion of the � nr, k to as good a. concl-t'ion as before the cornmencement: of work and i-na in- tained to the sa.ti .<f;actk1n of the Board. of Aldermen , or of any City off=cia.l to whom each dulies have been or may be delegated, for one year from the date the surface of said. stieet, �;l.ley, higl.kv!ay, or public place is broken fox= such constrr-tc- tion or n>a"n.te-Laance vic)- k, after wl-nich tirrle responsi,bil.ity for the main.tena.nce shall b€scor e the_ duty of the Uktya No street, alley, higl-iwa.y or public place shall, be eDcuzrnbered fog, a longer period than shall be n.ecessa.ry to e .cute the work, SE CT f all 4 - OPERATION AND 1, AINTENA NGE OF TELEPHONE PLANT The l F-1.€:p?.o? e Compar�.r sh_11_ its Gya+err?_ in x.ea.sona.ble oper°ati.nr cdrzcl? tion at x.11 nn_I-nal. t-if-Y:Les during the continuance of this agreernento An exception to this cor..;clit",on is automatically in effect when service furnished by the Telephone Company is U-tex;_upted, impa.-fired, or prevented by fires, stri.kes, riots, or other occurrences beyond the control. of the Telephone Company, or by storms, floods or other casualties, in any of whic3r events the Telephone Company shall_ do all things, reasonably viithin it_> power to do, to restore normal service. SECTION S - TEMPORARY REMOVAL OF WIRES The Telephone Company ori the request of any pe son shall remove or raise or lower: its wires temporarily to perm- Et the moving of houses, ar° other bully structures. The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lQwerin.g of, - 2 - wires shall be paid by the benefited party or parties, and tilo Telephone Company may require such payment in advance. The Tcicphone C0!1_1pZL1_1y shall be given not less thp.n fort -T -eight hours advance notice to arrange foi� citch tc)nperary 0 0. VV i r C. c h al 1 s:s., SECTiOIN 6 -- TREE TRIMMUNG The x-ight, license, privilege and pca.­nisjion is hereby granteJ to the Telephone Company, its successors and assigns, to trim trees upon ax -id overhanging the streets, alleys, sidev,,,alks and public places of the City-, ro as to prcvent the branches of such troes, from corning in contact with the ,,,;ires or cables of the Telephone Company, and when so ordered by the City, said trimming shall bo done under the ssupcyvision and direction of the Board of Aldermen or of any City official to whom said duties have been or may be delegated. SECTION 7 - ANNUAL CASH CONSIDERATION TO BE PAID 13Y THIE' TELE-1,11-:110NE To indemnify the City ty for any and all possilble damages to its sl-.reets, alleys, and public grounds which may result frorn the placing and maintenance therein or thercon of the Telephone Com panyls poles, co-,ld,15_L1 4s 0 r other telephone' C) e e C phone' equipment or apparatus, and to compensate the City fur its superintendance of this agreement, and as the cash consideration2 for the same, the Telephone Corn - pang agrees to pay to the City a.Tmnua)-y during the coatiAluance of the agreement a sum of money equal to two per cent (2%) of the annual gross receipts for the preceding year received by the Company ny from the rendition of local exchange telephone transmission service within the corporate limits of the City. The first payincrit hereunde:i• shall be made April 15' , 1970 J. and shall equal in .1 amount two per cent (Z;Io) of the gross receipts received from January I 1969 , to Deccrnb6r 31 , 1969 : and thereafter payment shall be made annually on April 15 - as herein provided, SECTION 8 - PAYMiENT OF CAS -1-1 GONSIDEIRATION TO BE, IN LIEU OF ANY ,r\ 'P 'C) A %7 1 1 -­,,; �- S rj I - I OR SPECIAL 01HER - 1111V.L_zl' I L ULE-3U.1%L GENER-e'll-I U AD VALOREM TAXES The City agrees ' that the consideration set forth in the preceding section hereof shall be paid and received in lieu of any , taxliccrlsel, L. charge, fee, street or alley rental or other character of charge for use and occupancy of the streets, alleys and public placer, of the City; in lieu of any pole tax or inspection fee tax; ixi lieu of any easement or franchise tax, whether levied as an ad valorem, special or other character of tax; a -ad in lieu of any imposition other than the usual general or special ad valorem taxes now or hereafter: levied. Should the City not have the legal power to agree that the payment of the foregoing cash consideration shall be in lieu of the taxes, licenses, charges, fees, - 3 - zenh?ls, and d)- 1..,2.xno for f =_.? , thr_:n. the Cit}j:, (c s that --t. Null! r.lop.; 'o 17Tucl. O. :'.fir:. }>_"Y']?._G]"1. =. may to t:7.= ,5_..t.i r_i:3.on. of the `1'elt.pl'.ng',,_ C:or p^,r^yl obl gMdns, Of any, to pay any such Axes, licen es, ch%-T'gF_ feen yentn&,fee and _a ctnnl'_t; or franchise taxes. SEG1 W%T o FA.GI`_l f- t F,-rS TO BE 1',`UJ-,, r S.P�7.D G;T-:= AS ADDITI,]ONAL GOWS'_f F-RA.TTON In addit-,.on 3_o the consideration set: forth in Section 7, the Telepl.�one Conapa,ny shall hold. itself re&dy to furnish, subject- to the u&e of the City, such wire sp;=cr. nil r be: requ-. ed_ frorn. thaic to W.>> by the City urpon the poles now owned or hex e0ter F uct.Fd by the Teephone Cornp any the City foTM the use of the City's police and fire alarm ys Lern provided. that the required vA7-e space shall not exceed the wine capacity of one cross arm on any one pole. The location on the polc:�^ of this fire and police wKe space shall be d terra ned 071 spec'E"C Fpt lAcat_r n _ fo.T- Space. at the Erne the applications are receaved frorn the City, -'-nd. NvW be allotted. in accordance vnith the con. sidf .ra.Lions for electrical cor}.pt- act on of the Ur -.,ted States Depar traeut of Gor.-nme,-. ce, Bureau of Standards. In its s;,_re cons+: uct.?on on the Te3ephonc Gornp ny's poles, the C�`ty s° ll fo11_on the suggestions and requk,crnents laLddown for wire construc- tion in the ,Rules and Wg 1<t.ions of the Bureau of 54a.nd.a.rds of the United States Dep,-' rhrert. of Goinnaevcv, Where cor:.du.t- are ?.s,ud or, are constructed by the Tele>_hore Company, Fald Company shall hold; 1Mlf re._dy to ft .rni s1. �t ffir_ic rit duct spice riot to er,c:eed. CRpacity- of one duct f:o--r uc"e 1_}} the City in Carrying its police and five l.._rrawires. A.l.l such wires, whether an poles or in canduits, shall be constructed, n_.^_. t. _,red. and operated in `:inch rnannerr as not to '..ntf_arfF,re with Yvo~- c_ c__:te u dtn hazard, in the opexation of the te1c, hone syst,erxa of te Telet=,honey Gn np_.n.y- l:+ is furt:heK agreed that th<: Telephoa-e Goz.lzp ny shall not b e r o n P i l_11. c ;, o_. t 2:- t� paxties i whatsoever 5s e r � � c ='p - � F,a.�.. �; c�� l _._. -: e s �.1_rhtso _ _. io-� :�.>n, c1�,.:.rrrl.F& d.errr r,.dl.�,, loosen suits, judgxnents .,`.'oLL el,_:magEs or r=.jL:,1e7' to per=sors Or proprrt;Y by 3'e >':cr' of the con t' uct: o :., maintenance, ..nce,9 °Y'_`'pection or use of the polls,, c'_nd f re_ alar,,-„ %vise s br'ongr'.rg to the City, ar.dl the City shall Ji- sure,-ndlrm.tlify and. hold. the Teal:.ephor_f° C:ornt -n. ;r l_4E_vrnless, against ._nst all such cl.=4 runs losses, Cler?1c?nct , suits and judgr eus, SEEC'I`ION 1-0 - ATT'AGI-13VIE,.N'TS ON POLES AND SPACE .1N DUCTS NOT HERS AFFEGTED - Nothing in th-.:7 osdin__-ijace coma n"d shall be construed to redlu-irr or permit any electric: light or po,Y.-er v=�_' e attachments bye- the C-ity or for the G .Ly, now to require o3° pe mst: any elc ct.r= c l.glrt or power wires to be placed in, any duct used by the Gi.ty in tl-,e Telepi-one Gom. par,,.ys s conclt lts4 If l.- gb-t or power attachments a e d.c-siTed by the City or for the City, or if the C qty desires to place electric light or pov e?: wixes r tiny duct used. by the tarty, thea a; further 4 sf.-p,-: `:-.ate n-or-oili�a gcr{ g :r=rixr,er!t she -3.1 be pre xequ .tri to such attachrac,n.ts or shall obl�.Pat.e sue),. Us'-, of �,,_Y caltii:t us,d. by alar G��tya Nothing he :e�-r,: containedo Gon-zp<iny n ex c3.s-ng its; r-�ght- voluntax-ily to rarte_r into pol..e' ttC;ChmCn.t� pole usS^L(, joint ovwnershi.p, and. other wile space a.rtd fa.c litiec :4 :e -'en eats writ] 1. gi-If -?.'fid po%ver coI)`J:pan e s and, with other wire using companies NA+3ch I7:1ay be p.Hvileg(-d. to op€ r'),tc the Gity. SF.C'ICION 111 - PER_ "':'0D OF TIME OF THIS ORDINANCE - TE IeMIN AT101V Th4.s: agre,em-nt .shp.11 br- 4n, full fol:cc and effect for the period. beginning with the effect'Eve date hereof_ and ending twenty- (20) yeas`,, after August 1 1969 , provided that: at the end of the exp 7at.on. of the initial period, such term shall be automat�°�cal,l.y renewed fort,hv�.�'.t.).� for successive pc�€lods of t`�re,.�.t.y ?Q years, condy.t:ionecl, however, that -if dui ink; t1_ --e last four months of the initial p€ clod- or of an -y successive twenty (20) yea-,-, period, not less than, ninety days' priori wrii.tten notice sha,Jl. be given. either to the Telephone Company by the City or to the Gi.ty by f1he Telcpl._on.e Corn.pa-ny, setting forth the desire of the giver of si;.ch not`cF to ted-,=7)a.te t.h.s agreerner-t, then in. such case this agreement shall. tern -.d -.ate at the e:xpiirat--',on of the then current pe,:iddo SECTION 1Z - NO EXCl. US-1VE PRIVILEGES CONFERRED BY THIS ORDINANCE Notb n.g herein confa-lned sheall. be construed as giving to the Telephane Gorr-Loa.ny any e,3.c1,',) siv r- p:: 3. vi 1..F-gc o SECT."LON 13 SUCCESS01'.S AND ASSIGNS The rigilts, pox -e. s lim-nations, duties and restrictions herein. provid.cd fox- shall orshall inu-xe to and be binding upon the parties hE.re-,to and upon their respective successors and ^ss±ga?so SECTIQJ'\T 14 - PARTIAL INVALIDITY .Al_`wTD REPEAL PROVISIONS If any sect -or, ser_.ter.ce, clr.us:- or ph -ase of this, o.reUna.nee is for any reason. held to be illegal, u.ltua. vir c: or unconstitutional, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the rernaina:.r.g portions of this ordinance. All ordinances and agree rnen.ts and parn of ord r:,ances and, agreements in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 15 - ACCEPTANCE OF .AGRE1 MU',NT The Telephone Company shall have sixty (60) days from and after the passage and approval of this o?-d.:ixa rice to file its Av itten acceptance thereof with the City Secretary, and upon such acceptance being Hiled, this Ordinance shall. 5 a. U-1he effoct be in force frorn Enc' l aftcr Lh--- da,':- c-.,-. iLs, 9''-1r,,-.�7 app -,.Ova, bY l.."ayor and rhoiffl u �[-Ct, -1y .. - 0 Vi �1,1 L L the torro.,,i hereof. alld P-PPT-ov--d thif; 9th Jay of October Atte ct: City Secrc-,Lsufy , A.13, 1969a City Clarl, 1, A. L. ODOM City jS-',,-crct;-z.t-ry of tlle Town of Westlake do hzrelw certily that UiLe ics a truc, anil covrect. of cc, y p I' Ordinatice No. 43 , paso-edand ap-,,provc-0. by the Board of Aldern-iei-), of Westlake: at a rogv-!E�r held o:="2 t.11c 9th day of October , 1969. In witneoe vvbercof, I hc.-cto r,,et my band au!�k the officiaL scal of the To'wn of Westlake CM & 9th day Of October , A.D, 1969. City Secretary City CLork wo