HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 31 Annexing 45.788 acres in Denton County QRDINAN�� N0. 31 AI� O�II�ANC�.� �.ECE�V�NG AND ANNE�ING TFFRZTURY' ADJACLNT AND C�1'3'���UOUS TD �`f�iE '��WN OF Z�iESTLAI�, TEkAS; PR�VID�NG THAT SUCH A1-�'�x'1 SHALL B.�CO1�+�EE � P�1RT OF SA ZI� '�O��TN A�11� THP.T THL OvrjNERS n� �.N� I-��B�TANTS THt�.R�OF SHAi,L B� ENTITLE�7 TO ALL TI�, �'R�V.�I.,EGES OF OTHL#� CTTIZENS 0� SAZD TaW�T, AND BE B�UND BY �HE ACTS �NJ� �RD:�NAT�1"C�S NQ�T IN ��'FEC`.� AN.1� TO B� H.�.�,INAFT�R A JOPTE�7; .t��ETRTI���R 1�-��VI�71T3G .�aR P.�1END.LNG �'� C��CTINC� mHL �FF�CIAL �OUI�D�!RIES OF SA�D TO��N AS �RETOFORE A 1�0 PTE17 AS ANLN.DEI�, AND PROVIDITdG �`OR AN �,��FEC- TSVE DAT�.. [��1��;RLkS, pursuan� t� the prcavisior�s caf i h�; Acts af �-�53, 53r� I��isla�ure, Page 3�?, �h�.���r 93, ccdified as �rticle 97�-G, R�vised C�vi.l ��atutes az" Texa�, Rolling Gre�� Cornpan�r, Inc . , a T�xas corpora�ion, o�uner oi th� re�.l prope:��y hei��.naf�er clescribed havin; �sa,de �pplica�a.on �s '�y 1.atiti� i��o- vic�,�d to the Nl�.yar arad �oarr� c��" L�1d��rr�.en of the Town a� �°�es�- lake, T�xas, r�equest:;�g anne��t 3 0� o�" ihe �.ands ly�n� �vi�i-�in a 0.�287 square m�.le �rac�, rnore t�r less, out of �i�e v1. Ii, Pc�a Surv��, A-�.d�-5, arid �he J. R. Ma.chae� Surve�r, A-�21, Denton Coun�y, T��a�, and ��ing ?nc�re fizl.�.y �.escra.bed by mei�s an�. baunds as follaws : A �5.7��3 acre t�ac� ou� nf '�he northeast corner c�i the W. H. I'ea Su�'��y, A-10�1-5 loca.teci. �.n �pn�c�n Gaunty, T�:�as and a 3a.��1. acre �r�,ct ou� o.� ��e southeast corn�r oi i h� J . R. 1�1�chael Sur- v�y, A-v21a loc�te�. in �7�n�Qn Cc�unty, T�xas, and described as fallows : B�.GINNING a� �he �ra��rsecLion o�' �he eas� line of° said ��a Surv��T and the wes'� �,in� o.�"' �h� J. Henry Surv��r, �--�2�3, Wii,h ��� r�.ori.I�eas� ri�h�- o;�-way a.i S�a°�e Highway N�. �1�+ �nd �'res�nt Cor��ora�e Limits o� tl�e Towr� c�f ��estlak�, Texas, s�.id pa�nt also be�n� '�he southeas� cornur oi s�,id. ��.788 acrp trac�; _ THENCE �1 70° �0 � ?^� wi�h �h� nor�h�eas� ri�ht-af- way oi ��:id �'ca�e H�ghway and said corpc�ra�e Li�n�.�s l�-8Q f��� mo�e ar l�:ss �co �h� southva�s� corner o�' said �-5.7�8 acre ��act; TH�I�TCE Nc�rth vti�h a z`'ence and c��assin� ���e nor�h ��ne of said Pea Survey and �}zc� sou�ch linP of s�.:�d P��ich�el Su�vey, 2�20 feQt �nar@ or 1�ss �a the sc�u�h 1.in� of a Coun��r- Ro�.d at ��� nc�r'��w�s� c�rner �f �azd 3�.�81 acr� tract; TH�,NC� S 78° 20 ' E a�ong �he nor�h line of said 30.58� �c�� tract �n� ��e sou�r� lizae of �aid Coun�y Pcaa 3�0 �eet mor� ur less �o an anole corner �Y��re��, TH�EIVCi� S r39° 27� �, vaxt�� �l�e na��L�z 1�ne af s�.id 36.581 acr� t�ac� anc�. �he sou�in. l�ne a.� sa�.d Caunt� 1-�2aad 100� f��� mor� or ��ss i o �i�� nor�h-� eas� cori��r a� said 3o.5a1 a.c�.�e �x���:�, ��id x�oint bein� a ccrner in the .���.�c��ers� Cor�oz�ate Limits arici in ���z east l�n� c�f said 1�lichael ��.�v�e�r, a�d the v�res� la.ne of �aa.d H�n�i��r St���7�y, THL��3Ci� Sou.�,h vJith tne 1�.ne �et�s�e�� said henr•�, Nicr�ael a,nc� '�ea SurveJs 2�gd feet m�r� or l��s to tne pa�.nt oi Le�a.nnin� anci cc�r�tainwng a 'cata�. of 32.30� a.eres nl� �.�2�7 �a�.are m:i.].es . L� ���.at of said land s'_no�+ring its 1oca�ian tr�itd� respec� �o the Tawn af�v`�s�lake, Te:�as, bein� att�.ched �ere�o mar��d �XI�IFIrI' �iAFi n � ��iHEF�AS, sc.xd pe�i�ic�n �va,s i i�e�. �����-� �h� Trsvan af ��dest��.k� a� �.: 00 A .M. an Oc�o�er 26, 19b�- , which i� �zot �e�� th�,ra �ive; (f) �.nd nQi, more than thiri�y (�Q} c��.ys �rior �o ;���s da�e; �,nd Z+�1-�.EA�, �� appe�,rzn� �o �G��� �card �i �lderr�en of �h� Town €�f �^Iestlak�, T�xas, �haL al1 s�,atutory requi�eme��s in connect?c�n v�T�.th �aid prapo�ed anneXaLio� have �e�n fu1.- filled and th�.� �i�� �aid ar�a �u�y �rou�ed �r��o one �e�r�i or�T a.s nqt r�lare �l��n �,f2 r:i�e in �,71 c�th a��ci �1ra� ��.1. c�° same �.s adjacen� to �l�e �resent To�,vn Li.m�.�s ��' �he Town Qf �^des�l.a�s�, TGx�.S; - BE �T �JRD�1i�EU �Y �I� B(3l�RD OF ALDERI��T�T 4F TH�. TOWN aF jr�E�STT�KE, TE�AS: i. THA�, the �roperty h�re�naba�,Te descxibed be�.ng ad�ae�n� �.nd can�i�L�au� �o �h� Tovyn Li�it� of ��d���,1ake, Texas, �ae and �s hereby annexed and brau�;ht va:i.th�.� �he C�r- �ara�e L�.mii s of said. Town and �s Yiereby madc �.n in��gral part �;her�tiz". � c. T��9T, �he av�n�rs �.nd innabii�ants o�' �;he ar�a nerein a��n�xed be en�i�C�.ed to a11 of' �ch� ���gh�s an� �rivi����s of oti��r ci�i.zens an�. prc�per�y o��r� c�� s�..id Tovan anc�. be b�und b�T all E`�f the ac�s anc� �rd�nances m�..cle in conf'orrni�y the�eto, nova in i�zll f`orce and e�"�'�C� �.nd that v�thicn r�ay �� her�eaf��r ada�ted. �• TH�T, the o�f�cza� ma� an� �oun�ar�es a� �he Town oi �rJestlake, T��as, as �ereto�'ore �c�:o��ed az`�.d am�nczec�, b� a�ct �.� ��r�i�y �.���nded so �.s to �nc iude �h� ax"oremen�ioned. ��r�-r�tor�y as ��.r� o�' �he �'oi�n c�f ���1e��1.a?�e, Texas . �I-. THTS �g°danance sha:��. become e�f�eU:�v� and be �n .�u�l �'c�rce and eff�c; �'�cm and af U�r its �a�sa,g� anc�. a���ov�.l bv vhe M�yar and �.u�,y a'c�es i�d by the Tov,�n S�cre��.�y=. A17f�PT��D ��'�is 1� si� da,y [�� OCts�bPr' , 196u. � f i _ _ - - --- -�_ - - -- -- - __ - ��PFtQ�FD: � . ` I • _ /'r` ,� . ,, , J o 1�. Mc Gu�.�e, T�YOR ATTES�': �,��'�� �� ,.��-->���--�.. �. �. oao�, To4�.r:� �.�c�z�R� ��� : � TI� �lAT� Qr�' TE��� TdvJN OF WESTLAT.�, �`EXAS C{�UNT� 0� Tr'�R�A 1V'� I, A. L. �I70M, To�vn ��ez����,�y oi the Town ai �i�s�lake, TL�as, do hereby c��tif�T tha.� the £ore�a�.n�; is a f;r�,�e and carr��ct copy o�' Qrdina�ic� 1�a. ��., du��r ���s�n��d an�. adopUe�. by �he 30��� ox" A].d,ermen of s��d mown ef ti°Tes�-- a..��2� �`�.'Xcl,�.�.� .r`a.'G 3 1TT1E:�'�1�J.� 'CJ-u''�C�. Q21 �t7e-'�. �l�tC�.a,y O�' QC�c�b�'.� s A. D, l�o�, as �a�� a;apears i�z th� minu�e� c�f said mee�in�, in Baok Nc. 2, Pa-�es �g� - 2�2 ���xTNESS T�IY HANI� ANT) S�,AL OF T�-I� T4WN aF irdES�'LA�, TLXAS, ��:�s 31st a�.y of October A, D. , ].g�a�-. � l� r�,�-.-� - .� A. L. O�.om, To�vn Secreta.ry � � T. H GALLdWAY H-� a} W. D. B E e . KELLY A-272 A-8 � A-704 / i �i, , �. /,,- /,, ��� � ��' � T. J A L L E N /i" j i / , j �a-a�.i /� Aa�aR. A �L E N a`� 3�.sen /l�j'� " �. .i A-17 ��,�� �� �'� ;,! , � �� : M.E.P. J. , H E N R Y'�� , � 2� �'�� ';'�/ �.�. - R.�N. ALLE[� P. R.R. A- 529,i : %. , ,/� % ' ,� A-S A'91� ��-�i �Z�g.75Fc �/. /.��/f//�'%''%'- %. G/enn,7��r-n6r M . !41 E D L [ N A-832 '� z � � jJ `£�ADS /W. D�MEDL {N J. R. 1UiICHAEL � � ///!/- ���� � 3g2 � �j��`A�829.�, A-820 �,��� 3,53.5 A c: l2a.37AG. ���-/-� �� ��/_�. S:�.M_O w.s 1 e'�?' __ �4r; = — -- , 35 .3fi � fq ,c f////. R.D. S�3hy '� .M(.pwsle� _ t 2'�� �� IIGc�. / � � ,�, � . HAEL CCtIkITY ROAD G. urn� �/ --- z ,/s.lsAc��, V �J a-82i R. l.. r'�R I C E /' � � f. �� � a.�,.;: :,,: / , r_ , R. EAOS J SUTTQH � 1-.�N r.93�ie,�� / ���NR /�/ //�i ; '; �'� " � � �� � /%.+f� ��� .var�y eerlgso,� � ,W. P�AEDLIN tt.-�se� ,�,/ j�� ���� ,/ 7' / » '.l.��tfrnNr ,/ � � j"/� �'��/ / ��-lre-�r TN�s�.sbi,-/ y� ip �/ / �. . r4 ' . � \ - / r� �'/� , �/���% � ,� / / ,--. "z ��.ea�,�. � - .✓.C1enn,Turner / �// ,���/�j�� � /'F � P��` /�j//.//ff / , ; �/J,/ / / � P,-Iod , �n� geckett Th�pse�r 1�f, hA ; �_ L 5 o /i2Ac. ��`/� �/�`, l��l� . �/ ��� .� � ��� �� �� A-377 -B.u_NeaFh � /Ff,'{ r/24 52Ay� /88/.d3AC.. �� / . f///�' � f�nrj ru� er SI.ZA��Cf.`� //�j'�/✓/ / ��j'/ � 6BAr � n�Ac. '/✓//� /.�� J.Glenn 7urner. � � /j�� e}" �(7B 61C.' . D� r�N �l("'i 0. F � rrght.� . G/enn 7uTner� .J.G. Turner A.G_Nea;h �ohn A.M r � � T,q RRANT GO. io A . r i e- ��s wrs + � � . .. �2.67Ac. �fa! 2.aA�. f r s<. c. .i�Fe ���ner,/ �-J - - --- � f%%�� U. P. hR A R T I N / / / �^�r M .Aoberls - ��/ / � o . � � �-I I 0 i / c,nRr 8916Ac�� � r28,4 r, ��I _ �Q�;, _ '/ ��� _ �j//�/ �/.v i1�/,/�''/'. �5.�c \ +.o�a. �a,ca e te � ✓.4 enn Ycirr�Nr �E�T.Di ke.r ' i J SSE 6iB /J� G�" H/�E/MC! r,�K /� . KUN� ,�� � �k4R9 O� - i�. � R �� •� R`` ay�Q,�' A-�592 /. _ r�/x���� ._>%.��� !�il�/� /r7o./�/ � -�_., ..� � rp��Ver � ar3o .H rldr: //�/� / . - .A. w I� �/�/! � ��e� _. / � / G.H Narm n ^ 20dr, /�j�/�, 75AG. . /� 9.9 A ' - � � � /. � � 2C'A6.A ' . � . J�!nn�T m 'r � / �/ .,,���� /. - �o�. 40„�. ,` iBAc. .� f j�f � ` . �_ � i a ,/��i�, :� n n,,�;ir„�+n w,nterha E ,7 5 arples 1.A Mrdford .S. hrasl+er� / ��/ � �' �/,� W. MAµN � ,/ /i`. %�� / .�.47Ac. � j A'114T ,''���: q G G E� S � �i��%�i�� /�j!,�j/f% � '., _. ���: f �i �H.R�edP�.� John� Gc��� ,�� � c.�- �er _—_S.- ��FOAr. � �� .��I.98AC. � 1/ �� . .. �p�., � �/`� an8o _�/��/�l�� ,i.�Reed� ./' � l � Tate �r.-�zas. . -IAc.R.c.N,'qg�ns o � i6,33d . _—_ � // r%�. W ��.5ar. PH. �OI3:63A �� �rr��o.+ Higgrns W.�A�,IIJ'' FiRS.-O�-C,-0AR� THOS.BEEDY 1RNES R W•G�gSON / �j,%���� � p- 2ana A-7z 42 A-S88 3%$I/R'.H WAi„10E�R :N-L�eder I / i . / lida �4az. � 5[a= /' �' n V .. �FrhA��en � u.f ccr3��s.�., / n�.s�Ac.� WM.WINN � `l///����� a-.660 �.H-Rpeder . �� �� rx � � a�r � A R E A TD BE ANNEX �D ,!�;; I �ICORPOP,AI"ED TOWN QF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ,A,l�L�.:d �,�.P.d'k_L�K.d 9�f_[..' ..9.�_4:a1l,.t'�l t,.� ,L,�4d 418 d:V 4.:✓1'� ��A�th.9.L.�:..d�... 7-i.y ���x.� V�°VSV.S.,S, ��.J.L'' �J_k4.itA1t"7.dV.L �, l� o :�o �]�C��� `1'�avan ,���re'�:�=.�,��fi e�� �k�� `�c�Wz� Q� %���i,�.�&�c�,� �'��a.s� �.o h�r�b� c�a�i;:"�fy ��aa� �ch� �c�:���c��m��� a_� a �:�u� a�ac� cc�r.��ct cr�py o� f���� :�'���F�ic�xa �'c�r �.n���.��c�.o� f�1�c� ;�:�_�� �1�� �.�ca�as�z a.� T���s'cl��e� �'����� �.n�. ac ce:� u�c�r� ��d �;����;�d by 'ch� �3����. c�x .��,de:�.�rr��:� c��' ���c� '�av��n �6.a� C��c�i,na�ac� �c�a �l< �rJ`�'l'l'��i��� M�` T�AIVI� A.:�T:� E�:��.� ���` '�I-� �'C}���IIiT �.�' �;�`.I'.Z1�TfiL��� ��'�Y�a,� �l�i� �1.��" d��� c�:C' �C rea,�����, �.�c���s , � _� `�' � � �R -: �., .�..e_. r`4 �' p� ,,,��- u,��.,� .� . �b Q�tJ�`A y �UW�1 tJF:Ci��'Ur'�.�'�T_.-m._,..�..,.�� 4RD 31 I'ETl"T�aN �QU�,�TING AT�I�ILXATIQiV 4F ZAND CQNTIGUC}US AND �'���� ,�,�j ����; ADJACENT TQ TH:E TO��N OF ��STT��, T:E:X�S ��r�c_�. �� ;�-��:- ��,�r�� ��.������ ��� ���� p d�-� ��,°�c� �8.rt�, To �he Honorable l�2ayar and F�embers oz" �he Boa�d a� .�lderm�n af �h� �c�wn of ��des�l.�.ke, �'exas . �` '�` r , < '�� �' ` '� `� �� � k € . ... "`�-�'- g '�w.--�� K ".4 ,.� , ^,.„ r � GRE�`I'INGS: a.a����.' �`�, rx���c�� ���r, t�.:F.���� The undersigned, Ro11in� �reen Company, Inc . , a Texas corpora�ion, here�naf�er called Peti�ioner, r�presents a� �.'�11aws : l. That Pet:i.�:ioner is �he owner of �he lands lying within an 82.369 acre �ract of land consis�ing aF �-5.788 acres c�ut o� the ��I< H. Pea Siar�ey, A--10�5, �en�.on Coun'cy, T�xas and 30.581 acres ou� af�ne J. R. Michael Survey, A-�21, Den�on Caunt�, Te:�as, x"u11y described by metes and bounds as shawn in E:�hibit �A ' a�taeh�d here�o, A plat of' said land �how3n� i.ts location ��Ti.th ��- s p�c� �o �he boundary oi the Tovm of Westlake, Texas, �.s at�ached hereto marked :�xhibit "B„ . 2. �'ha�, the land described in EXHIBTTS ".�" and ,':B" he�eto a��Caehed, is less than c�n�-half mile :�n w�.�.�th; that l�ss �han three qualified voters reside �hereor�, and is con�iguous and �.djacent to th� To�an of �Iestlake, Texas . 3. Your p��i�ioner agrees tha�� if this requ�st for annexa�:ifln be gran��d, said land and any futur� inhabitan�s there- of shall be en�:i.tled to all the rights and priv�.ledes of o�her ci�:�zens of �he Tawn of j�7es�l.ake, and shall be bpund by the ac�� and c�rd.inances o.f said Tc�wn, naw �n effect and as hereafter enaeted. ��HER;�.�ORE, your pe�i�ioner respec�fully requests that this �etit:ion for` Annexa�i:on to �he To�vn Q�' j�Jestlake, of the land d.escribed �n a�tached E�HIBTT� be gran�ed. �JITNESS the s�.gnature of Pet�.tioner duly owledg;ed as requir�d ior deeds . R LING R.�.EN C4MPAN T:�t . � . ._. ...., r � J. Glenn Turner, �'residen� AT'�E�'�i _ .. �, � � ' �� � ` � �.��. �� � , �'��... ��,����� ; s ,..�.w,. � ;� "t�., Fred. T. Simpson, Ass�. �'�etary THE STATE 0�' 2'EXA� ,�„t ,t � C C?UNTY C?F' ::�,,�','i�-�`f'�"-���� }3EFC7RE ME, �he undersi�ned authori�y, a Notary Public �.n and for said Coun�y and State, on �;his day persanally a�peared J. GLENN TU�NER, knovm �o me to be the person and. officer whase name is subscribed. to the fare�oin� ins�rument and acknawledged �o me 'chat the same was the ae� of �he said ROLLING GR�Ei�T COMPANY, INC> , a cor�ora�ion, and tha� he execu��d �he same as �he ac� o:� such carporatian f or the purpos�s and considera�cion �herein ex- pressed, and in the ca�ac:i.�y therein s�ated. � F�..� G�V�N UNDER NIY HAND AND S�AL 4F OPFIGE �his ���..� day of ���°��--�-- , 29e��, °�� �4 -�.!� - � -, �.�,,� _.. .� ;.� �. . � r� 4 r �,. , Natary Fublic in and -r ,.,�s ��.� ��.,,�`% My Carnma.ssian ex�ires: Cc�unt�, Texas '� June 1, 1905 �������t�����. ���r�.�,�:���� EXHIBIT "A" FSELD NOTES OF AN AREA TO BE ANNEX:�D TO THE INC4RPORATED TOWN 4F WESTLAKE, TEXAS � A �5.'j88 acre tract out of tne northeast corner of the W. H. Pea Survey, A-10�+5 1oca�ed in Denton County, Texas and a 36.581 acre tract au� . of the southeas� corner of �he J. R. Miahael Sur- , vey, A-821, located in Denton Gounty, Texas, and described as follows : BEGINNING at the intersection of the east line of said Pea Survey and the west line of the J. Henry Survey, A-528, with the northeas� ri�h�- af-way of State Highway No. 1.14 and Present � Corporate Limits of the Town oF Westlake, Texas, ; said aint also being the southeast corner of said �5.788 acre tract; � THENCE N 70° 50� W with the northeast right-of- way o� said State Highway and said corporate � �,imits 1�80 feet more ar less to the southwest : corner o£ said �5.788 acre tract; THENCE North with a fence and crossing the north 1.ine of said Pea Survey and �he sou�h ' line of said Michael Survey, 2520 feet more � • or less to the south line af a County Raad at the northwest eorner of sa�d 36.5$1 acre traczt; ' THEnTCE S 78° 20� E alang the nor�h .line of sa3.d � 36.581 acre tract, and the south line of said � Caunty Road 366 feet more or less �tc� an angle c orner the rein; . • T�-PNCE S 89° 27� E w�.th the north line of said i � 3n•581 acre trac� and the soutn line of said Gounty Road 1060 feet more ar less to the north- east carner af said 36.581. a�xe tract, said ' point being a corner in �he Present Corpora�e ' Limi.ts and in the east line of said Michael , Survey, and the wes� line of said Henry Survey; TI-�NCE South with the line beti��een said Henry� i�iahael and I'ea Surveys 2890 fee� more or less to the poin� .af Beginning and �coz�taining a �total . �f 82.369 acres or 0.1287 square miles. �. � x� � �� do hereby certify that • �he f e tes herein, ken ro maps prepared fram field surveys a Courthouse Re ords are true and correet to the . be�t of my knowledge. .��t .. .. . . _ . ..s�+� .r..... . . _- ,,� � ,'���/-�/� P I N 5 0 N W i L E S �':'i�'/j A-1339 A- M. FELTUS /, , ' � /i �%, J. W I L B U RN T. BURR[S5i A-1595 �, � A-14 I B 'A/3 3%/ , f r7�-. �-�-r�-�-� ', � // ,� , ��� � � �� � � ���� ,; '77�-, ��'�. �77: i i-�.i.�/,iAc, i� � � ; �� � .��. i . ,���/ % i� i i / : i �i. �� //i ,��i ��� � i - . i % � � � � �/� .'��' F A. r h�UlfZ / % � � ,'./7J9 A� .����� � ' � /i . , � �� - - . i; �, . i �� .i i �. -lst-L-����"�..� � � �." �Frank �A,Schulhr_' '�� ,7,? 7 �Ar,. .,�, , �� ;� . � ��!�; �� H�o�.n�:,o�i ��/, , " �� ,,;�;,, � , ��� %i: �i/''-�;/A-3.`i8 T.'P.R,R. GO �,",, %�,. %/�i,./i:• � . ,:�' , �, i53.i/ �i/i Ac. %�' ;''�;�i" -i-.�nk A.Schulfz A-13G3 6. e , & � ���'�/�/�/ '} C, R.R. //�. /�;%i/%/��;.{ :' M. E ,P, a P, i� R. A•154 '/ ��, ��,�����/ /ii � � ���- �� ��i/, ��///j;/y i A•9?� �/,. ���, � � / i�%'; �j%i � :f � ,J.G I BSGN � �/ / � �� �i'�i������ i� r� � , � A-478 i: �;���i, �B B. B. &' G. R: R., /�/i i,'. A-18 7 , i,:, /. � i i i� i � ,% ' �, y ��; -i i/,��'b, �, Wii[:ELER 'i'/ �//"���� , i;� A-i605 �i� /,/ ' /,� �, , P,W. CASPARY � ,;�� '�i��hz9{�i.�Ac. / � / ' A-277 �����// ,�';���'"� � � �� �;/ � i .� i� �!-a.�l<YA.�cl,illr / /. i ,/ / / - �-��, � R. A.CAP,RUTH R A. Dl1V1 SOFJ ��"" i' �%� ,��'� � " �'.�i, �' � i�/% � - . / ,J.'C M� GOWAN � A-1519 A-15 � �'�A�'�� C�!' NKt � ,�,�� '���%j�A-959 �,� � ' i. i ��iA 360 , �; i �' i� �!' � i� . i � %�i �/,���/.-'%, j ,i�, ,.3n�.,� ,� „ ys��.' iiUTH ALLEN ,�rar�k�.:;'chul.z' "`%% r�.`,�c�..,_'_.:.GL.GZ�!l� /-......i.'1"7'�:`!1`.J'7. r.,.l./ i � ._ �� I iQ'��J G . GRAYN M A-46 ,M M B, B.B?�I G'�, R R W. GIBSON ' � �. A •482 A � ,- R, K i N G CASPARY '� A•700 Q-27g 3 7� h �� � �, S. G R A F �1 M ,.�� / F,I MERRI'NETMER A••q � A-U84 � /' ' J M I C K ES � . 1", J, ALLEN A-8�0 ? - ._..--•-= T. k� GA LLOV'IAY A"� �,. W, D, �i � L D,• : KCL,LY A-v72 n�e a a•7�A � --_--� � � ��� � —- - �� �'�y- � T. � A l. L E E� � 'ioni{� /� ;V•.''R. ALL � td /a_7 , , , 1 i+;jvh� ij,crrn '' A�17 / - :� _ �r�.._._ — - / ' � � � M,�„�, J, FI E N RY. � A- 528 . � r.W. aLL.Ert r� n F�. ; , j !1•s�2 - � A-s � ;"7t.s<:c'�" { � � 1 e % �c�'!<�:nrt ]-t��n��r �i N fbl E D L I t�•1 , i -----�`.,. __.. � A-0 3?. �/ � � 2 , / / �//�!� �'�' '�/, ;' . / � � / , /; - J E'F7 Da/ /%� , tN fI.'�!4�0L� R I ' . / J U I H � , ���j C A E.L ;,�//���/ ���� j'�� �!% //i%/ ' � /�/�//�� 3"l./ % � �, Q•B?_9 1�-820 � / �,�..,,��.i �/ i � ', .l4 37Ac, � / / /� i� �� ��/� /,�/ � �//,/// ���/��' �''l',. �. . .� �. In n��w.•,Ir i //, / / / � ' 35 �+�f� ,c � .3 6 - - -i.f r1%�/ % � �'�//i//�/ / R..: 9v:.b J y� ` � / � ��/�I�S�O>vs1C�; y i i � }G � _ - � -�__ � � / �)� ,// ,j� `r�-� // </ '>'��/ ` / /�'� � i� 1 t /,�%i�, ' HAEL __ cunt'Y -.:c'� �/ /� , Y.;�/ , z. _ _ f����. , ,�ii,a��//%� ', ��//''�' ; 4 ez _ � , — `:= R / �� ��/� �i i.'. �,�.�."�/'��� /; '/i/�i' 'i � i'�/,' �i .'i%��;:' / j j �' � /'Y,;ff�� i�//� f " "'� � /// � � / � /; j /i,', //� ��// �i � i �/ ' ' i. / � � . / . /��/ ✓/.�;', �i'/i �i �', !/. . ��n! . , . , ,�i, �'/:� � ./ I � ,'i:'/�//�i/!'. � � .� G , G � AYW M A-48 �� B• B.d. P� C. R R W. GIBSON M A� 15:5 ' p '�. A •482 ^ �,� R , K I N G CASPARY �' a•��o a-a_•rs �I �.� �� ,; J 5. G F� A h L� M r� ' F,I MERftI'N�THEFt A.,,� � A-f154 � �� � J M I C K ES o , T. J• ALLE►`! A�8�� � --..__...._..__. T. N G A L LO W A Y A-� �;, W, U. 8 E • t � KELLY A'z72 . a�e• o a•�o� � ; --.—._ _. �'�. f;;�. ( i. 1�.�> �✓ ;v �,i�.,j/ }�' 1 . tj {.� �... � E � ,y ./ �� •;o,�i� "� �',�R. A L L E N a-7 �i� , i � '/,��. YJGh I/iil:ti , ,r A'�7 j„�, . , d� i j �� � I M,E,P. J. Fl E N R Y'; 2� ,� R.W. A L.L.E�J P R R. " A- 529. , , k�312 � , A-5 - ��;i7G Isi;c � � � j / F!iE'nrt,7�urn.5�� a „ �„. �n � o L i ��! 4 .--7� ...._. A-fi3?. / / / 26 � � � ' � '� . i � / ;j' /�j� i / i , � -� %� .i E•l+ U S/ �% , 1�l. 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TA R %�' � - ,..,� ,�„ � ,� ,;. � /, :''�'•� � j - i /�/ r^fe� '>>.nAr, � � � 7nla •�l I .54.1G. ��✓r�lr �l�irPr' �. /��� �, ✓ �h. �i �'u�nr��! / /... / � / i f ri i�,. / /�j . _ _ �� ' � � _ . . ,. . . �j � . // ' /,�/��/� /OI M'/L Rn�rf� � / U. ^ f ,��.� ,n.nA� (1.hi5Ac, 6TH�4Ar,/��r���// / � /� � �e.� % ��n��� rrMi� // �j/� �/���%% /Y%i//��/;7�' /// i ., ' ./. / � i5irnr,r. //7 (lijkt:r�j�V i53Ac /��j�/ J S5E filB �� �� � i % � � /� � : �//�/ Cs 0 H-C/N,��`I,(;IC�� �� �/H U N T �//� � /.�f R 3/4 F . M �.r P i • �t •+y`�ok� M, HUff A•�92 ���!�/ �///�K' t►V���' ��'/�i � /' �/ � iiF.i,ni ��}/�� � � � / 'n �ti t�,....,. �. r�ianlrJr 6NC i�����lld' ,i�'� ' ' , / ,i. �����i������� �1 W ���� � �. 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