HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 30 Annexing 213.84 acres of land in the J Henry Survey ��. '������� ��m ��'' �.i� ��.�����I���� ��€�����I��a� A��� �'�?`�������� '����I���.� �3.����:i,�'�� �ii� {����'r`�"����"�`:� `.�`C� �� `�C���� �� �����`�z� �..��� `?'��'���� �'����:t�.�'�.'�� ����'� ;����. ��.� ��.��'� �������� .� ��:�.� t�� �.�1-� �'Q��� .�:�� �'.��� '� �����t���� �.�� ����- �����?�'�.�fi� ��.���7� ��.��,:� ?�� �i�:��.'��'-x' �.P� �.��� �� ' ����#��(��� C��` �'�`��`� �:�'�'������ �� �1�?�� ������� .��:� ' �� ���?��; ��.� ���� .���'� ;��� Q��.�T���:�� �IQ:� ��� '������ �� �`� �� ��'���.����� ����'�°��� ���'��� ��'t����i���� s�s� .�.�I;���`;����C� A� ��_ C�s�'.`�1�� �'� C��`������1., �i��T1�.���.�� �;� ��3�� '?'t���� �:� �R�,�Q�.�'�� ; .�����'�� �� �.���I����� �.�� �**�.�a��I����`� ��� �1� :����`�-- ����� �����$ ` _ �'���� ' ��a.���.a�� �� ��� �;�ca��:���.c��� c�.� ��.� ���� ;�:� �-��3� ����. 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'���' r�.e�e� �r�d �c���� ��� �'�E 1����, � ��.�g��� �.,��� ����� �� ��;r��. �c���:�.��-�r��; �� 2��68�- �.��e� c��� c��" �h� �4 ������% �a.�.:��r�����.���� ;������c� �� ������r? �c��.����� ����� �.�.c� 2.���' �.�r�e� �;�� �.� ���� �i��s ?���c�'_�.r� ��.����r� ��.-1��� �ac���� ei.r� '��r���� `��s�n��cd� �°�:�a�$ ar�. d�:���?'��c� �� z"���.���� �3.��`������L�� �.� �,�����e��?c�� c��x ���� ����� ��,.�� '��" ��.�c� '�T> :����.� ����r�� ���.�h ��e �c�����e��� �°��h�-- �.�-��r��.� c�� ��:,��� ��:����a� �s�� �.:a.�; �,��r� ��°����� ����:���� I.���i��,� c��' ��� �c��:� c��' �����:�a��, °���.a�.� '�:���.��� �ci,���.� ������' �iz� ����� ��.��� c�f' s�.�..c�. i�����% A:.3��V���a �'�.}�l.l ���4n�Lt: k3.v.�3_ '�w �� �.��6�✓�tJ�.. lJ� GE, V����L �.�� ���� �c��.�� �.in� c��' ������ �.r��.�. ��� �.� ���; ����h� ����� ��ya��� �� �a�.�. ��.�m�� ��.�e ������ �'�?��:� � ��° ��'° � �.�c��� �c����°� ��r�� c�.� ���d �c��.����� �.c�a�. ���. ��� ��?c���� ����e, ��' s��..� �13 s�°�- ���e ���e�; 2�a�-� �°�e� �r���� �x� �.e�� �c� � ����� ' z� � ����. ������������z c��� ��� ���� ���� �� ��,�� �.��:��� ��.��r��r �.���. ;�e �c�x��rie�.�� ������ ��" ��4�_� ��.����i� ���e �;��,c�$ THENCE � �° 2� ' Gr` w��h �he ��s� �ine a� sai� Henry �urvey and w�.��� a ience rnos� oi �Ch� wa� and. cro�s�n� a r�ar� 3c�G3 ��e� mo�.�� or l�ss tc� th� ea�t sou�h�as� co�.�ncr• cf sa�d �13.��- acre �rac�� sarr�� b�?3�� an in��cie carne�° o�' saia t�i�alin Sur�TeJ c�n the D�ratc�n-`�arr�.n�C Covr��y lines �`�HENC� N ��° 3� ° Wes� w�.'�h tl�e aine b��Cween said ��nry ana I'�led�.�n Sur�eys and alon� tha Cc�uizt�% Line, 1.�0.� �"'�et �c� a corner near the w��� s�.d� Gf a z�oad, T��TCE S �� 15' W 2.3�.9 �'eet �c� a corner a� �he n�s�heas� c a�ner o�' �ne Hr� . a�' �. I�. Thraap ,S�rvey, A-1.�1� ir� Tarrant County, saicl po�nv also '��ing a sou�hea�t cc�r�er o�' a 3 . 0�5 acr� t�ac� ou� c�f sazc� L��dla�n �ur�r���, �I-�1�YCE Ti�est wi.t�i a �ez�cE o�z �he l�.ne b��weei� said T�z�oop and Medl�n �Su.rve�T�, �c�3 . 1 i�et tc a corner �n �he north�ast rign�-a�'-way �� S�a�� H�.ghway No. 11�i-, said �ownt a�.so b��n�, �he so�z�hw�st corn�r oi said �.Oc;S ac�e 'crac� and. �.n the Pre��ent �o�poa�ate Lim��s af the Tawn of irTe�tlake; T'r�NCE Ncar�hwe�ter�.y wi�h sa�.d r�.�ht-of--way �.nd �aid ��rpor�te Li.mi�s around a 2.�2� curve to �h� lef� and crossin� the T�.rran�-Der�zc�n �Qunty l�.�e, 130�-.9 feet to �h2 �nc�. t��° >�ai.d c�arv�, �he chord o� �k�l�ich i�s N 5�° �9 ' vd �3�!0�� �'�e�; T.Ny`TdC� T� (�° 5� ' vd ti�rith the no��heas� righ�- ai--way� oz sa�d ��ate �-I��:r���ay �nd Pt��sen� �or�rora�e L�rni�s ��Q �'��:�, maa.�e or �.��s , to ;,1-?� pQint c�n L-���.nning, canta�nin� a tataJ. o�' �1.�.9?5 acre� ar 0,33�g square mile� , .A pl�'c af s�.id land showinb �ts loca�ion vlith re�pec� to th� Tcsvan o;� t��est���te, Texas, be�n� ���ached here�o marl��ci �..h%s.I�IT ,i�,� a 3 W�R�:AS, �aid pe�i�ion was �'iled ia�.th th�: �t�wn af �es i 1.a1�e at1.2: �,�0 P.M. an Qctc�'��� 17, �90� , wh�ch is not les� �han f zve (5) an�. n o� �no r� �n�.n th�r'��r {�0) da�s pr�or to th�s �.ate� ana 1 ' v,�HLR�A�, ��, �bp�arin� �o th� Board o� A�d�rmen o� �he �, Tc�wn of v�est�.a�e, �e�as, tha� a��. s���u�ory r�qu�r��n�n�� in conn�c�?on w�-ch �a.�cl proposea ann��.�.�ion have b��n iulFiZlea a�.� thai, t�ie said �rea du�.y ��ou��d ����,o on� t�r�i�or�y i� r�ot i�or� �Gharz �/� n1��.e in wic�th ai�d �h�t a11 of sa�e i� ac3jacen�t �o �h� presen�C Town Lim��s of i�h� ��u�*n Q� �ilestlake, Texas; �iE �'� �RD��Tr�ED B� T� .30A�77 C}� AL�ERM�N 4F TI� T�}Wi�' U� WESTT�KE, TE��: �.. �'HAT, �h� ���o,�erLy 'r��rei�zabove de�crii�ua ��in� �,d�ac�n� and coni���uou� ta the �`o��rx} L�mi�s oi �v'es��.al�e , Texas, be and �s n���'uy an��x�d �z�c� brou�nt w�+�h;n the Cr�r- par��e Lima.�s o:� �aid Town �.r�d is h�re�y mad.e an ��nte��a1 p�.r� �he re of. 2. THl�T, the ov��ners �nd in�aabi�an�s caf t�7e area �iere�.n an:rle�.ed be �n�i�led to �.11 oi the ri�h�s ar��. p��vil�g�s a�' oth�r c��iz�n,� and prageri�y at�ers of saici Tc�v�m ane� be baun�l b�r a��. of 'che ac�s �.md arainanc�s r;�acie in canform,��y thereto, nc��r irl fu�3 z or�e an�. e��"�c� �na� �na� wh�.ch may b� h�r��.fter adop'ced. 3 • THAT, t he �f��.c�a� nap �.nd boundaries of the Town of Wes�:�,ake, T�xas, a� heretaio re a�o�t�d an�. a�enc��d, be arid is hereby amended so �,s to it�.cl�.de �he a�o�enAentioned terri- tQry as ��r� o.� i,h� 1'own o�' vdestla'�a, Tex�s , �-. THIS Ordinar�ce shall b�cam� �ffec Uive anc� l�� in � �u11 �'or•c� ar�� effect �'i ozn and a���r its pa�sa�e and ap�arov�� b�T the �I�vor an.d du�v a�c��s�ed by the Taw�r� S�cre�ary. ADOPTED �l��s 2�thc3.ay c�y� 4c�ober ; 196�. , _..:__ ._.._. ---y;�;-i-.__..._.__- � VED: �_��-� t I Y � � -�-��' - --�__ _�.� _ ��-��--� ohn A,. �c Gua.re, MAYOR ��'�EST: : � ��� # .... t� ,:� �.. P . �. �dar�, 0 �JN SE P,�TAR T� s TA��, �� �.���s ) ) `�o+�iV �F+ W:�`�T�1'..KE, T:EXAS CfJ€TNN'�Y dF 'T'ARR�1VT � I, .�.. L. 4DaM, iown �ecretary af �t�� �'ow�, of i�Jest�ake, Te�as, do he?���y cer��fy �hat the fore�o�n� is a �rue and carr�ct c�py of �rdinance No. ,��, duly �res�n��a and a�.apted by �he Bc�ard o,� A].d�rmen o� said Town os" West�- J.ake, Texas, �t a mee�in�; held on ��� 2�th day o�' ��'�ober A. D. , 1go�k, as �arne �,p�ears in �h� r��nu�es o:� said meet:in,�, _�� 1�Qa�� I•�o. 2, ����s 2��5-2�3,�. W�TNES�� M� HAN� AT�D SEI�L C�' �'H� TGi��2�' OF ta�li�STLAF�� T��F1.5, �his 2��h day of Oc�aber , A. D. , l�o�-. G-� '� � -%' �� �-3.�--------� A. L. c3om, Tow�� �ecre�ar� � I . rJ• W LLt IY L� T. H. CALI.OWAY �"$ W. p. B � L . KELLY A-272 A-8 a A-704 . �/ T• J. A LLEN �o.4Ac�� R. A L L E N A-7 /,��. ! 8.46A / 31.58� /�,� r A-I 7 /� /: � � /:` j/;' ��!�i'��� M.E,P, � J. H� N R Y �; 1 � f �f � R.W. ALLEN P. R.R. �- 529/ �� A•912 '� �/ �-� 1ze.r Ac. �i�//�1 . G/enn�Turn f M, 14t E � L l N �� / f' A- 832_ 2 .1. E�ADS W. D.'M�DLIIV J. R. MICHAEL f /%/%;' ��� 392 ��A-629� A-$20 .�s3.sA�: � � � 1 4.37AG.:�// � �'_ �/ l .yin�M, wsl�� .14` ¢ � 35 3 6 /ir9/` R.�. e�shy .M.C7 wsle� � � � urne � g �� / / F � j� . � HAEL [4UNTY ROAD a. . i .rsae� /,; a-sz� R. L. P R I C E � / � i 3d.581 Ac. , . R- �A05 J SUT70N ,/ �-4N z.¢3a�. � � riEr��Y �%/� _ �/� //���.•�/: / Ha�ry Seellgsrn n-5�s ,W. M E D L I N Ar4588 f� / .G�nn ?" rnBr ���� ��� � �-�-�lrene LNe.rbi+f 2£A � i.=� l/ / `�r T�: m���_Y ///� �1" / � � e a57asAc. 'e8�! , -� J. lenn,T�.rrner �. �// p�p /// �/, �/;� , �� R-IQ ' Beffy r r� �"s � .�;x,,san ,/ / W, M I L L S �2Ae. / / '6.x.Hea�h A-877 /-� - - �243./$ZAfi� &8/.69///AC. /: , lenr7 Turn�r 51-2A,.��� /.r./°/ /���� 6 BAc. ' 0.8Ac. /.�� ✓.Gfenn Tur��er. ��/' / /.✓ /� �, .:�,:�SAt� F riyhf-_ .Glenn 7'u�ner J.G. Turner A-C_Heafh �ohn A,M� �r P � ' �E TQN �i �. � ioA . �a TA Rr4ANT GO. - � � _ u.31 G.3. V�S S2.E7A . �6fa7 TJ.4A.c.: 54. e�. .%L!e �rY Tu ner - - - - - - . / . � � o ni'����rs U. P. N1 A R T I N - 2 A - - ��� r . �,����f .: �j/J�/i�� . �' A-f I 0 7 �o�c, .e,�a pente � J.G}�nn 7urn8� E T.�i kEr' � A� d SSE 6iB G B +�6ND rj�K . Kur�T //', �HR9 OF �� P � -� R.F. ay a-552 f�/k�jB�k�i�� _ - r3E�3nc'%� � -. �B ! O. 4 �...r....�,..� rpenfEr �� OBo . .N.W"rde /�/, . �' .�a.'�i/ ��/�� .e3 //// �. Nd.rm n, r. . �. ZORG i ���� 75A§// 99 A . � C �f/��///� / 24.AaA �.' . �� J.6l�nnT�rng f� �r. - f�-� /%r!�� � .a., �soac_ �// �Sac. ,.( /%�J� / ���� ' ` ' %c. �� / �� �`. / ��'�•,rfn Winferha e T5 a ptes J.A.Medford .S. ra her � �'�" � � - � /: i/ �� /fi; W. MAMN � t DGCi�E'S��/ . �y"J � i��s7A . �.j���l// A-1107 � /� �// f %//7!�/� �'j�'��� !� �' ' / o / � f.N,Reede�� Jnh. a.M�Gu�re � '"a`'_ / //y// / ./ � �w.r.c,�pe.,�er /�/�/p/.,j� ' r�ggAt. / . /////� � � �3080 / .F2.Mer�i1! .N.RCed.'r _ � .Tate !i.szAc. �� r .s :. � 'IAc,R.C.Niyyinr - - - �6.33w >i�� , PFi.� �013.69AC � � w�.r�i/vn Niggins i R.W.GIg$QN y /W"�'���� ��-��G,�RAit� TMp5BEEDY /%%i%�'/ � �`� n- zoo� �-�z A-586 ,�051RH WAI.K�i;� E,.H.Reeder i � �rdf. ^9P<, 5�a� � ' / ti 6.A.Roh�r�ten 4�,E Ker����.. // ,��,sa,a�. wM.wiNK ��/�/��/� n-.s5o �.H.Ree�Er EX � � B1r "�" , � A R E A TO B� AN NEXED � INCORPORATED TC3WN flF W�STLAKE�, T�XAS oRo 30 r j;��.� _`� .�`�,�, ���,���� ,�{;� ���-1�i����:a .���, ��,<���"� P.;aTIT�QI�T REQU.�STING ANNEXATIO�T OF LAATD GONTZGUDUS A ADJACENT TO THE TO'�3N OF ��;STLAK�:, T�,Y�A� ��� j� iM.���--��+-� � ,,-�' � �x � � ��._`-�-� �....�,�._�.�...�.,A _ �._: � ;��.�� /�. ���= �.�,`�-�3���=y�x� To i,he Honcarable l�Zayor ana Menlber� c�f ��1e Board af Al�.e�men oi t�e Town a:� Westlake, Texas . ��: k�'� GREiTI�TGS: �'=..,� �� The underszgned, Rollin� Green Company, nc . , a Texas corpara'cion, h�reinafte?� called Peti�zoner, repr� ents as follows: l, Tha� Pe�:�'c.-ioner �?s the owner of �he lands lying within a 21�,925 acre �rac� of land cansistin�; of 213,�31►- acz�es out of the J, Henr� Surv��, A-523, Den�on Cour�'cy, T�xas and 2.O�S5 acr�s out o:E' the ;�. Medlin Surv�y, A-1.588, Tarran� Count�T, Texas, fully deser�..bed by me�es anc� bounds as sha�vn in Exnibit ''A„ a�tached hereto. A pla� of �a,id land. shoUrin� its Zacation wi�ch re-- speci, �o �he boundary o� �the Town o� ?�lestlake, T�.�as, is a��ached hereta marked Exhibit 'i�9i , 2. That, �he land describ�d in EXHI�3ITS f'A" and "B" her��o at�a.ened, is less �han one-hali mile in vaidth; 'chat less �han �chre� qu.alif:�.ed va�e:rs reside ther�on, and is conti�;uous and adjacent �;c� �he Tow�� of ���stlake, Te�as . 3. Your ��ei�it:ioner agrees tha� if �his reques� �or annexa�ion be ;ran'ced, sa�.d land and any futur�e inhabi�ants �here- of sha.11 b� en�_��1ed �o a11 �he righ�s and privile��s of other ci�:izens a:C t�ze lov�n of '��es�lake, and shall be baund by �he ae�s and o;c�dinances or.' said To�vn, now i.n �fF�c� and as hereafter ��ac�ed. ;�H�;R:LPQRE, your �e�it��oner r�spuc�fu3ly reque��.s �hat �hzs P����:ion for Annexat:iQn ta the Totzvn af t�estl.ake, o�"' �he land descrlbed in at'cachea EXHIBITS be gran�ed. �^dIT1�ESS �he signatur� of Peti.tioner dul ac� o�vledged as required for dee�s . R LTNG GR:C�,� G�NtPA , TN . . By --- ATTEST: J G1.�nn `I'u;�ner, Pr�sid�nt r;�,�___ r _-._f___ �' .�"^--- r � :��#�� 5 t �` ' ,.�y.r� � ,r .'�''.-'ac.'"" ("�,^.- .,.�� 3 �!r � . � ..4 Fred 'l�. Sim�san, Ass�t,Sec ,�e ary �.� TI� ST�TE 4F TEXAS C OU.NTY' OF �...��,;:�,�` � I3EF�JRE M�,, �he undersigned au�horri�,y, a No�ary Pu.blic �n and �"or said Caun�y and Sta�e, on thi.s day personally appeared J. GLEN3V TURN.�R, ��no�vn �o rri� �a be �he person and officer whase name is subscribe�. to the foregoing inst�.�ument a��d acknowled�ed i o me �hat the sa.me was the ae� of the said �.QLLING G�LiV C4NTPANY, T�TC. , a carpora�ian, and th�,t he executed th� same as �h� ae� o:E such corpora�ian f'or �he pur�}�oses and consielera���on therein ex- press�d, and iz� the eapacity �her�in s�at�d. � .�,�. �,., , GTVFN UNDER I'�1Y HAI�1D AND ��;AL OF C}�FIC� �his �� clay oi �r� �-�.�z�,�`� , l�o�-. ��- ` �,r�'� �� � .. ,+�`�l ,,.r'�+�"^—��--sr—• "�*�" G:�.�^�' ���. „��`4.._...,... No ary Public in and _csr, F,'' ��- _ Coun�y, Texas My Co�nm�ssion e�pires: ���������b��� i,� �.�,�,��; June . l, 1965 EXHIBIT nA�r FIELD N4T�S ��' AN AF3.t�.A TO BE ANNEXED TO THE INCORPOF�iTED Tt?WAT OF WESTLt1KE, T�XAS �, 2a6.9�5 aaxa �r:�at a�' �.anc� a�ansi�t3.z�� o�' 21.3.a1� acres ou� oi� Lhe � . Henry Su�vay,A-528 lacat�d 1n Den�on Coun�y, Texas and 2.085 aores out oi' �he t�7. N�dl�.n Surv�y, �1-a�88 located �.n Tarxant County'� ' Texas, and described a� �ol].owa: BEGxN�tING at in�ersec�ion of the ��tes� line af ' said J. Henry Survey wi�h the nor�heas� ri�h�- . of-way of State Hi�h��ray No, ll� and PresenU Corporate Limi�s o�f tihe Town of 1Testlake, Texas; ' TiiEI�TC� North vri�h �he west line af sa�.d H�n:y Survef, 2884 feet more or less to a corner �.n the south line of County Road and at �he north-� vrest eorner of said 213.8� acre traet; . '�HENC�, S 49° 27� E a1on� s outh line af said County T�oad and the north line af said 213.8�F � acre �ract, 2640 �'eet more or less to a corner in a road intersection on the easti 1.ine of' said henr�,� Survey and the nar�h�as1� aorner of said 2�.3.$�F acre tract; � T�i�.NCE S 0° 29' irl with �he eas� line o£ said H�nry Survey and with a fence most a� the way 4nd crossing a road 3803 f'ee� more or less to ; the east southeas� corn�r of said 213.8�+ aare ' �rac�, same be3.n� an ins3.de carner af said � Mealin Survey on the Denton-Tarran� County 13.ne; TiiEP1Ci. N 89� jl ' ta7c�t ��i.�h tho J.ln� bebwecn � said Henry and r�edlin Surveys and alon� �ne County Line, J.9o.4 ieet �o a eorner near the west side of a road; � +Ti-i�:NGE S 9° 15' W 23$.9 �'eet to a carner a� " �ne northeast corner o£ �he Hrs , of C. M. Throop Survey, A-1510 in Tarran� County, said poin� also bein� a sau�heasL corner of a 3.08� , acre tract aut of said Medlin Survey; 1H�NCL Wes� t�ri�h a fence on �he line bettaeen • said Throop and Medlin Surv�ys , �F63.1. fee� �o :� a corner on the northeas� right-of-way o£ Si;ate Highway No. 11.�; said point also bein� �he southc��es� corner of said 3.�85 aore traat and in �he Present Corporate Limits o£ �he Toc�rn of Ytestlake; � . TI-�NCE Nar�hwes�er1y with said ri�h�--of-way ' ' and said Corparate Limits araund a 2.92�' curve �o the left and crassing the Tarrant-Den�on County 1ine, 136�F.9 feet to the end af said curve, the chord of' t�rhich is rr 5op 59 ' W ' 13�+0.5 �'eet; lI'1F,NGL N 70`� 50 o W with the nartheast r3.gh�� of-way af said S�a�e Hi�hway and Presen� . Corpora�e Limits 920 fee�, more or less, �o the point of Heginnin , Qontaining a �otal of 21b.925 a�res �r 4.33�9 'square milesa I, � • do hereby certify that ,the field �es herein, a n fram maps prepared from field surveys a Courthouse Records are true and c arrect to the best af my knowledge. � � T:f�E STATE OF T'�XAS T4�i�tN OF ��ES'I'LAK�,, TEXAS C4UNTY 4F TA�RANT I, �. L. ODOT��1, To��an Secre�ary oi the Tov�n of �7�stlake, Texas, do hereby cerf;�ify �hat the fore�o:i.�g is a true and correc�c copy of �he P���tion for Annexatian �'i1�d with the Tovan of �:�e�Vlake, Texas, and acted upon and granted by �he Board oF .�ldermen o�' said Tovrn by Ordinanc� No. 30. ��dITNESS fl2Y HAN_D AIITD SEAL OF 'I'FIE TQ�+�T C?F '�1EST.LAI�, �':�1�.AS, �h:i.s o��7'� da�- o�' ��Ta�`5��. , 1�6�. �'* '�� `�CR-��' �� ���>�,.�-_,_. A. L. � M, Totan ecre�ary � y r �X �j ... ... ...�.,,... I r �" a I i .�� � ... . ..- .i �/ :%/j � PINSON WILES /// / A-1339 n. �. FELT`US J, W I L � U RN 1', BU�tRE55 r'"��'gs //i/ A•14 I 6 A-33 � • � ` �, ,�� ,� � , , ,. � ;; i , i,; %i ,, ,;%� , �/ �, ;/,, �j����i/// ��'%�", i�.,..nriA ��' / / ' /� � � ' //i:i�i �-'� � �/ /�/� ����' �i��. .�..;'ehyl�� �/,///////%�/,�% j�/ '/�/�i�'i�, �; � Frtink A Schultz ii;�� / 1d.o59Ac.��;' _'i � i � �'/j!: J. N. OLNfSON, ,'/i�� / �, / � /� i�i v- ;�,, '. A-353`: ,..�. '/ T. P.R.R.Gt3. � � i i i; ;�/��i� �iss.uAc".' , A-1303 r�nk A,Schulf�j��� '; �/.'�' ,/;/i//�-j,� /// B. B. . 8� C. R.R, � ;;!/;/�i ;,, /�;�' :ii//,�'�� M.E .P. f� P. R.R, :�: /�%� A-154 �j; ��!/,�/ A•922 �i., '�' ,�/// '�% /'/ J.GIBSOht //� �i� �� � ; , / / ��.�� ;�'. , �, :'%���i;,�%� A-478 / ���,�,•�;�'%/��j!/,��� � B. 8• S• &�C,-,,R. R �i�// �"�A-187�� :���/'�/j� � � `� � ; �`� �/, ��%,�' : � . � / �-' % i,�./,;-/'�/� B. WHkELER j� �� ��j/%!�';;,� i ! ,. %'j/ ',':'�i A-1605 � ���/i�� ': �' , P.W. CASPARY � / /!��i ' �i � 529.975 AC. �; /� A-277 �' �////��/� /!'�,�%%�% 'iFr7ril<fA..Schcllf/� � / i/ i,'/:i � ��j�% � i �� i , /� � . � �� '��/�i R. A.CARRUTH R. A. Dt�VI SON ;j i/,(�/, ,�.',��� J:C M� GOWAN A-(519 A-IS �B. DANKS //� //// a-959 /�A-368/� / ��, i / - ..-' � /// b 3AG.��� /77.355Ac. RUTIi ALLEN �Fjnk A schu tz�� ��/ __ r A��S G . GRAYH M A-48 h B. B.B. a C. R. R. W. � � BSON M A-ISg P.W � ��; ' R, K I PI G A-482 CASPARY r A�7oo a-276 � �� h J �. S. G R A h A M o F,I MERRIWETHER A-� � A-D54 i J. M I C K ES �o T. J. ALLEN A�S�� � T. W CALLOWAY A�g W, O, B E l o, . KELLY A-2�2 A•8 o A•70�J . � i ,���,� ���, / � T/��� �j� ��//r��. T. J A L� E JV 'i�'/ ia'zi�,;�,�%7R. AI.GCt+! /�-� � ,;// , .� ,- ,;i�'e�r.��;� i A-17 ?i.cca �i' .�/_ �j � / ,_._. _ ---�-- r - ,�---- _ / / i � I i M.E.F'. � J.� H E N R Y � I R. W A t_ L E N � fA- 529 � P. R R.�� t A-5 A•912 I. . zx�sn,: , i �, �� u!dnn.7'urntr� , rA M E' O L i r! 7g , Z , n -es? , � 2 ,;;,/% j%' ,�,///'./ / � ,//;, -./ ; , /. ,, , . ,,,, , ,, ,, . ' �;� ��; , �; !i. �• �J : CA/// �' :"W. D�MkDi_ I1� � �1 R M ; CNA[: /�/ / j� �/i i;'/: ' / � 1 ��� �//� 92 �� i � i;� "A-629 ./ A-820 ���/ � i �3.SAc.� � / /�� i � // i �/� / � 1l437Ac. j/��/ ����////� ! , / ' � //// /%/, , � �- / � 9 yin �,i.Oih�s;e � / • _ � _� .< <_. ., ./�__ / i • -- - ----. ..- ------ --- ,.�_4 j_�//� , � �/// ��;�z�� , � ' 35 3 6 , , � '�; i i� %� -•�; � �t.o�•v.s!,`�; - ;�;�f,��;�-;: - kr�r.. / /��/ ��� .• , . ' (�HAEL if� / / /l '/ . -------- . _.- "-- ------- 6. irne � -` - -- --- _ .�,�/ � ✓ �� y;,�ir� y,,:,!��,,� ;�. � .:;_��� 7/.� �� i'l)�UAc� ' . /. a A7. " �- / � // �/,� �i,� /�f�/ /' + I j . . i �� �` 7���� � '�/� , .3d.�f10t• � � I . %/// ✓/////////�fi�/,��'��/,• 1��y�i , ,''/�, I _ _ � G . GRAYH M A-48 ^ B• B.B. a C. R. R. W. � IBSON M A-155 P �' A-462 � �a R. K f N G C:ASWLhRY M r A-700 A-27'6 �3 �j h J' � S. G R A F A M � F,I MERRIWETHER A_,� � A-f354 J. M I C K ES o T, J. /aLLEn! ��8�a � `--� T. FI CALLOWAY a-g h W, D, B E l D . KELIY A-272 A•B � A•704 i�. � ._,.._ �_,Wr /;�'� ,�' /� i � %:�,,,���� �����'i r. � n �� E ry ��i ��iaanat i�' ��j' R, A L L G N n••7 / // � ,� %�� �in� A-17 ,�i.�nn i ; / ��. / '%/ � T �i � .�� v . ' -• - ,,;, �/� M.F ('. .1./.'H �E,'N�Ft Yi/j � ' ' �!'"/,�i R.W. Q L LE(V P. R.R. , '�4= 5?_9 i/�� �,.� � %%;,,:� A-5 A•312 ���• ,; r7.n�riic,�///i '////i����/i ,i G!�ryn 'Y"ur-nCr ';�; ;/,,�,/�;j,',, M. 119 E D L 1 P� „ �7q: �` �,� •� A 6'? i �/ / 2 �I / ,�/, � i / , . , �� �� ,. . ����/� //� � �j//. I . //'�/��/ "/'�r�E'� �%��� �i// 'W. U M�OI_ IN J. R. MICHAEL r i f�'/,�// /� �/� //;'' ////, v � ���� / A 629:". A-�20 � 3.5.�'S�,/ �e�!„�/AC., r ' �/ �� ,��'// � � � y1', ,�w.s/i. � _ �- y,_. �. - - - , �.,��/ ,c 35 ,� 6 �//// R.O. 9��hy — � ,M.(�wslcr� - - - _ c„' '~� / `yy .G,/T�nCr ��� / / i� /,''/ ' NAEL CCUNTY RCAD Z. _ !.f./(JAc• /�� A•821 i / / /� � /i R. A / / �„l �� j/ � 36.581Ac. �, E 08/ J SUTTON �..�i1 LIN / � / •. /�/�/ i 07.43Ac.��.. � / � �� //d��y SeUlySon 1 � i n � .G/nn 7 r qr /j �-�/ i i .. r � � � �•���� �� �/� ..�re e T.Ne.thiFf � � t�Tere•y %�/ • i,////� i�/ i �!" � 6tTB8AG. . - ✓.!lenn,7'urr•��r / / �,/ /� PEA z j/�,// / � o /���/ ,/,j/� � � n-ro eerry° � //7A , %�//�j� i// /j /// 'o.K.Neni/r :7 A� � . / �_ . /' �/ LX S.5l A � // � B8.6!A ._ /� r NnJ� yrn�r �,ZA/�� /' ', i /; / . , /j'� � / /�., �1�/ / // /, � //, b�Q� / ` _ .6�nn7L �n -i �' � / � . J.CIICIiry 7�U1'I70P' �i�; /// �i . /f' �qnno. � DE _� _ _ � ht... � , /. Glcni� 1'urrrf r J.G. 'i'UrnC,r A.C_HraFhG �Jolrn A,MG r i .. � - - - . A . .-.r., T�: //�i ` � / . !r J('wid // ,i � � ��, � /� / � /�f / /�' , /�1,�i7A(/ �/ - � � // // � 6fel Tr.4Ac.� /� •/ /�/ I ///,it.91 vl'lQSd,AG"� �.Gle r!'l��r'�i'!Pr "�•' /-�'�- - � 4AA � GIN rt ilrnCr' � ,/ _ � /`/� ///� �/ /o /Roh�rts /�� 7 � �s.car. /as,ir„4,. i•r�a.�. ,�/y� � � , so.c . .�'a rrrl. � ��/ �i��%�� / /Y///��i .r � / ���1/' - � ai�n urv�e� //%Oi kr.r / �` /,3 A� ����` � J -SSE GIH G/k} ti�WQ t .1C �//� . HUNT /�� .klt9 QF C, . � P `/'( � r R.E. a,• RS. F{U f F �.,�A N592N... �� /�/J�.a vri" `ofe'"�// ///��. _ - {� �i3E%rac� N � , Y -- �'IiOr fer O@'�• / //. ,/" �� / �/,//;�/� / !O.l�'Ay � � /� / � //// '.83 � / / ^ ' 7G44 ' � /, // / . .Ndf'mbn, r. /b � / /�� � %!r/.nlr, 99 n4< r. / �o.. /� � _•__1�.." /y�/�� /�//��//1� / � .O.NG� S./ / �./ GlNnfl Tiir��tr _�;/ � 40Ac. � �//�� %� �����'��������'�� � � N.c. ' i%j �BAC, •.n.��a•.a�r�. Winlnrh��e W.7::; ,rrf�/�a J.�t.n1adlor� ,S7hrdshcr O / � ;/ , O•.9AC, J ���/�/� -' � •• / / /� !//�/ :,�/;��/,�j W. W .G'/e n T'urne �� �"� i O G G E 5� �a zy ��� i/�s.��a�. ��%i;�% A-1 � � __�.� _ %j% %,, �•• `� / /ii�f// �//��// �'��' � ! - -� �, � ��r ��� EH.RBcdr� ✓nhnd.M�Guir� •�_r14�. � -- .�_.... � f��Ar, / /.9IJAi. � � w✓.c�. e..rs� .��.�, � / iI// '� � � i � , � ,i I � j/ /�MArrill� F,H.Reed�fr-/ / / ��� / � arr ,i.Ja.ic. � / r �"' •/�c.R.C. c � / � /GJ3A'. ._-�• ` // f�N , I1.1/t. / /O 69qc �'�t• //4• ,/ .�i rii�e.� Nigyins W.N fiil !W _ Hf1S..O�C.OAR-7 T A BARNES R.W,GIB90N i;- .•� ,��� A• 142 A�SBB � J05aH WA/I,KER/ /��'�°ed"c;-/ A-2o03 � � � �. i,�� rea<, / � / ' � 5 n qohdn�on / �.t v..,�,.>>n � i /7�.5:;A WM.WINN / //������� A-.660 � ...Fl.kecder � � ?f HtBIT �� B"� � AREA TO BE ANfUEXED ,,:� I (dCORPURATED 1"C��tY(�l C�F � . � _ � _ � ., . - �� . . � i .- M . v . . . .. ..� .� . .. r. "�--La , e ��: i . , .�¢.r . � ._. .. . , e � s . . p ... . �4 . . � R NSOtl W a�,- p 3'N ("ELTU9 d� fl�(IpN ` � �I�REBB A 696 ( t. A '4 � A ]94 4 3� � ' • .�a.\ a �' ��� .�i✓/�'�✓l � z � � ,� ,�'Ft ��. JN6£N � � � �$Y��" � .�� r4 EO140 . ` . . ` � � .,A . , '. . a ka,4YNi ., . � L// / • • 6 B. B G. F q �f^�l� ��� [ s�aP, d sg �k��//� ��.,a� � ,+ .�'ason ff 1�� ��f!� a,,�a �� ,r�,�//��� ; � e w �ce�ea, ' � �i� ,l�% n-�son � l / <F.M' 615YPRY � �j�/� �. 4 2P � ff��q�3c'�:�.vf ' f . ' . . � �F ' i .. n ACaApo£x n onVi §oM � J � MLeoMnw PMa � D. �lb - @oAW qMeB II' , ���3��% �� ��,� a«E� � s� „a�� ,. rr ' E a��, r � + E. BPPY M .. . ANB [ gy B 0 G d iAs} � � � 'M695IIN . � � I `PW. A=A6S F NIN 3 P9P4PY � M*pp Ar;i6 I d� � . 4 yFA MN o fSHEARIM�tN£P A ♦ .:. A estl � wl�cheS p J�' PCkEN� >•BHB ^ ��, T XFALLGW`bY �' � . W 6 eE ? - NBLL " A""�e P8 ' O .:ASOO T. J puex � a��ep ' ri � � � . �'� i , ai+ � l � b4.��V � JSKf�R � � , kAYA4 EN . ' � �'�"" .'�jF , :' P a M � � �� ��� � I. �� � t� M E v r.3 x'. a�sa€,. ; � � 3 � 'WF�p N daAnM CM/{E`L l ' li�%�BY J � % g � .: � . ,.� � _� '. 36 �� � '� ae ' �¢ . �aa�ce � �� � �v' .W..)PEut N'n S : J`�� ��l� � <u e m � ����. �� � M ts 1` � �� �� �'..���� . � �e � xax� eb � . , m < <a.d .,« . � 9 bPRANT CO. I m.ek ' � , n / >Y^ � � f d. ,��'. �� � � f�C�. A/��!/{� � � �� ( . .. J v N 4ti r IN � � 'uE `�f '��s°fi/� � �/, "'� . , y�, � ��i ' � � �� ,r � ,.,�: .,..,� .. .� � 'fi� , Fs' �� i �i / /,�` f'R';: !�M'"d'�1.,, . ., , � a � r ., . , . �, n,. t r/J� �� � s+� „ r' , A II ,,.re ewe �� '�'"�' � :�t ° ' .�'�:4� / Jif l/ . �` ' "° a c v . ! u � e� 'F� '`�'` / � �� �f`sY{`. /�� 4 ,. :_.; ��,« E $ HI &IT ° � AR € F TO BE ANNEXEO �C . � '� INCORP6RRTEp TPnN OF �WESYLFNE� T6MF4