HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 28 Annexing 57.32 acres in DM Throop Survey A1510 I aRD�N.�NCE N0. 28 � A�� URDIi�l�NCE RLCEIV�T�G AND �.Nlr�EX�NG T:�RR�TOR�" ADJ�IC.�NT A�1D C0�3T.�GUDU� T� T�-�� TCIY,�T� aF ��,iES"�'.LA�r, T�X��; PROV��}x�G �I�AT SUGH ��':�:A SHALL BECQM� A PAP{T �F SA�J Ti��^FN ���l�D THCa�' T�-I� aWNERS A� IN- �-I�ILITA�TS TH��Or FS�iAT L 73� �NT��°LLD TO AL�., 1H:� P�TVTLEGES 0��' DTH�R C�T�ZZNS 0� SA:�D TUW1�1, �N� .�E B�}UND BY THE A�TS Al�D O.�DINANCES I�iO�� o N ��'PEC'T ' AI�D TU �� I��:ii.i�.E�NAFTi�R 4�OP'�°ED� FURTN.:�R PROVTD�Td� FOR AN�ElV�I1'3G �.ND CC7R�CT-�NG TT-IE 0�'�'�C`�AL BUUNDh�.�LS i OF SALD TaWN AS ��RLTDFORE ADU�'".�E� A� AMENDED, A�� i PR�V�DII�G �'UP AN E���1t��'TVE �ATE. ��R�AS, �urs�ani;. �o �h� �rov_i,�ions o� vh� �c�r� a�" 1953, 53rc1 �eg�sla�ure, Pav� 3�`�, Chapter 93s cod�i i:�d a� .���t�e?e 9��-G, �.evase�:� C�.�a�l S�a�utes ai' '�'exa�, �-}ans t�u��.3.er and hi� v��fe, C13a. i ��uclZer, and: W. 1° Ni��;�_ns �,nu �~La.s tr�i.�e, P�a�;r �nn Hi�g�.ns, own�rs ox" �he xeal pro-��e�°��r here�.na�'��r descri�ed h�.v�n� �a�.� ap�lica- �i�n a�s b� law ���ovidecl �c� tl�� ��la�oa� �nd }3o�rr� r��' A�.de��n of thz To�n. o.� ��i�st�ak�, Tex�s, reques�-�r�b ar�z�e�.a'c�an of the lanc�s l�ra�n�; wa.�hin a 0.Gd�S� �c�u.a�� �ri:i.le �rac�, n1�re ar I^ss ; o�a� of tz�e �-ir.s . af_C . T�i. T��r�oop Su�v��T, A-�!��_0, Tarran� Co�n���; Texa�, a�zd b�ir�g rn�� fu�1y de�er�.bed by r�ei,es and bounds as fo�.Zows : A 57.;� ac�� tract af l�r�d o�a.� a�" ��Ze Hrs , o�" C . I��. T��roo;�� Surve�T, �-�.,��.�� 1oea�.��. '�.n �I'�.,r.�an�; C��.ntu, Te�a� anc� �.�sc�i��d as fol7.ows: BEGINNING at a ca�c�e�e r�onU�nen� corner :�.t� tne pres�nt Cor�orat� Li�nit;s oi �he Tov�rn of Wes�lake, and �n the �outi� lin� c�f tre G. H. Harmon 12a.� �.cre i:rac� and the no��h �.�ne of i,he W. J. �a�pe�Ler trdc.�, s�,�d 1�aa.nt �,1so ��i�G at the raor�h�a�� c�r�ex� oi �,i�� �ier��n de�c�i��d �ra.c�a T�Li�CE ��.th '�h� �as'c fe�ce 1.�ne c��" ��,�c� 5`�t;�� �.cre �ract �.s �o�.l���s: � 1�?° �a� �0`�"-L' 279. 3 ���� t� �. concret€; monumen� co�ner, S �.1° �0 ' 3ps�� 1�-2 . 3 feet i,o a c��cr��e man�.�m�nt cc�rner; S 2c�° �a° 3�"L 97.9 fee� �a a canc:�ete monumen°� cc�rner; S 2�° 3o'W 1�33.5 �'cet tfl a eoncret� mor�izm�nt co�ner, S 7° 02'4d a°u0. � �eet ta a cone���e �rzor�um��r�; corner �n i,�e no��hea.s� �.yne fl� Coun�y Rc�ad No . 3C78C? and a t1o�rIt �n ��e Pr�s�n'c Cor�t�o�ai��: Lim?�� c�F the 1��u�� Qi ��eti��a?d�� Ti�iV�CE i?� a nor�,hwest�rly �n� sauthiaest�rly d�rec�ion fallow�ng s�.id ���ar��y rcad an�. Corpc�ra�e Limi�s �Q �he sou�hwest cc�rn�� of sai�. 57. 32 acr� trac°� a.nd be�n� al�o �Y�e so�.�heasi, carn�r �f the J�k�n A . �cGuS.r� �;. 47 acr� �rac�; i i T����CL N 1° �j' - 3C7�TnF 1��.�.� fee� �.xo�� tY�e Wes� 1�n� o� sa�d 57.3� ac�e Urac� �.iY�� ���' �aid Goz���ra�e L�m�.t� and ���� �as� l��n� c� sai� i�cGtz�r�e �ract i.;o a c�ncre�e r��nn,.�r�.�n�� cor�t�er �.n U�oa ��u�h l-�ne �i �ne G. H. Harr�an -�r�.c�; THLNC:� �v ��° 56 t �0„�, 3��-��n 5 i'�Pt �,1on�, ���e nor�h line ��: ;�a:�.a �7. 32 acre �ra�� l�ne of �a�.�. ��ars�or��� L�.r=1�ts �nd ��e ,�o�,t� 1in� o� sa�d Har�rr��n �rac� to �h� 1�oin� c�� �egi.nn.��� �.nd con�a:�n�n� 57 . �� acr�s or �.���;� sq_uarz ��.1.�s . A �l�t ��` sa-�a iand ��o�r�n� i�s locat�.on �i�� �.�e�r��e�, ta �'ne Tos�z-� o� �,�e�t:l.a��e, me�.a�, b2in; a�'��c�?��. i�ereuo r,i�.rl�ec� FX�.��-��' "���`� ; �,nd ��1I-i�R�1�S, �aid �e�:�.t�.on w�.s �'�il��. wi�h �th� �'a��rn c�f �e�L�ake at 2: 00 P,T�T. or� ��bx�u.ary 2�, 1��.� wh�ah �s n�� �.es� �Gnan �'�ve (�} �.nd. nat r�or� �han tha�r�y (��� days p��o�� tc� ti��.s da�te; and �T�IEFi.�A�, 1'� appeari.n� �� �he B�a:�d o:E' A�c�.er�en of the �'o�,�n o'� Tatdestl.ak�, Tenas, �ha� aJ.l stai u��r� re�u:�.rem�n�s �r� �onn�ctz.c�n wi��: s�,�a. r��opos�d �.nne�a�i.�n �iav� �eer� z"�.�fil�e�. �.n�. tha� th� said �,rea �uly� ox�flaped. �.n�o �n� terr!�orV is n�-� �nor� th�n 1/2 mile in wid'ch �.nd �ha� al�. of` sar�le is adjacent �o the pr�s�r� Zov� L��.r�1��s oi �he Taw� c�f `u�estl.�i��, Tex�,s :, BT IT ORDAINE�+ LY T�-� 30AR:� C��' ALDERl�'i.�N 0�' '��iE TOWV OF YY�F.?.4,.J-f1'1�1J.:e 9 1�1Lt1�J t �. T�1t�T, tne �`�ro��rty ;�ereinabave d��cx°ib��. bein�; a�3�}ac�n-� an�. con�i�;�.ou� tc� ��e To��n Lim�us oz ��es�1.a��, '�exas, b� and �s nereY�y annexe�. and brou�ht w�.�k��n i h� Cor�ora�e L�.�ii�s af sa�.d Town and is hc�r�b� �la�e �.n ��n���ral pa�� Lh�reoz. 2 . '��T, �ne �wners and ir?�.abitan�s of �he a��a h�:rein annexe�. �.�e �rztitil�� �a a11 of th� rights a���. �riva.l�aes af n�Lh�� ci�i�ens and �r�aperty owner� of said Tc�wn arid b� bou�d by �.1.1. oz" the ac�s and ordi.r�ances r�ad� in con�'ar�}ity �h�re��, na��r �.n fui� forc� anc� u��'�c� �t�d �hat w�'1ich m�.y be herea�'`�er a�.o�ted. 3• �'�iAT, �he of�'icial ma� and bc�uri�.ar�es o�' �he Town of i�es�1�k�, T�xas, as l�ere�a�'ore a�lapted and �mended, �e and is here��� arrzendbd sa a� �o incl��e� tne a.�o�emen�::�on�d t�r���ar� a� par� o�: �he Town of Wes�lal��, T�xas . �. THI� ard�nance shal� ��came efi��t�v� an� l�e �n ���1 _ iore� �.nd e�'f'�ct �"r�m and af�er i�s �assa��e and a���rova� �y the 1'�ayor �.�d du�y at�C�s��d by �h� Tavm Secretary. ADOPT�I� �h�s �nd da� of March, �.y63. � � 1 John A. McGu�r�, �� R ' AT�'EST: �',,.� �� �-�����-�.� __�_-- � A. L. 4�.om, TO't�T ,S�CRETA��' THE STATE OF T�XIa.S TD�N ��' ��EST:�ATS�, TE�,S G()UNTY 0�' TARRAN� �, A, L. UDCM, Taw-n Secr��ary of ��e �owr� oi Westlake, '�exa�, do i�ereby eert:�iy th�.'� �h� fare�o�.ng 7 s � ���.� anc� co.�rect ca�� a� �rd�nanee T�To. 2�, �La3u,r ��r°esen�Led ar�d adc�p��d. k�y t'rie Boa.rd of Aldermer� of sa3d Towrz Q�' ��e��lake, Texas, a� a m�e�ing h��.d on �he �n� da� of Narch, A. D. , 1903, a� same �.p��a�s in �h� ma_n�.�'�es o� �a�d rree�:i.n�g �n Book No . 2, Pa��s 2�--���- W�.TI�'S� MY HAND A� SEAL OF TII� T�IWN OF ��'STLAK:E, �'�XAS, �l�.�s the 2nd da�r of March, A. D. , �.��3. � � � /,`� , � � j �� f{' f,�J;�� -..�.----- _.l_ - �� ------=-�-�_ k. �L. Uc�or.�, Tawn ��c����ar� _ � - � � A �' �� �� A-704 � � � ,%��/ f ,j � T- J- ALLEN '�� �a.oa�j R. A L.L E N A-7 8.q6A 3/St7A �� Qi'I� i` /�Y / / ,,i� /. !/%i: M.E,P. J. H� !V R Y � E� r ///� R.4Y, A L L E N P. R.�7. '� 529 A•9I2 %� A-5 I18.75Ae.. /ri/r�/ . G/enn Turn r . // `� M• MEDLIN � A- 832 26 J. E•ADS W. D�M� D�. IN . J. R, MICNAEL 2 / ,/f/%/� ��� %��A-B29/: A-82Q 353.5Ac: � 1L4-37aG., � �..' / y:n M.Owsl�i�i/ J ���L}r � . /ir�`/`" �5 3 . .M.Owsle� �-`�- Q�rhy _ c �'1� ..� .8 c': � �. �' .�, .J , .G. urne � T �(',H A E L � � z: i�.isa�. v�/�' a-s2i � / � R. EAOS J SUTT(3M � ' L�y i/;- � � z¢3a� ' J_ HENRY /`�i��•/i�� Ma����seel��San A-528 J.Genn iurn.i^ . �f � �., � �+� � , 1/� � ' �'�/rene7:NPShi�f �6.�J �f// �'9c. .�c/e-y � � J.G�G'nn,TU rner �'EA , �� A-iOq ��2Ac. � � ,�a_k.NPa{h . .. � 24 .52A�� ,�B.esAc., .1IPn�r�r+1Cr , I.2AC� � . ����/ � ✓.Glenn Tlrner ,��� S.eA/�' F rf,ghf .�G�l�" 'n' Tu' r�ef J.G. urrier A_C.Heafh John A,' c�a�jA�� [}f"l�f T�N CO- c-- o � _ � raR _ AIVT G0. f• G.S vis .dfal �2/.4�Ac... S2..E7Ac. 1�54./c. J-Gie rl7V�r�r7B�r� _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ �,L � r �iif / / o��'�' �F�oherks / - 6,aAc. f/.. / r / 20. ��f/f/ . i2(i.4AG //� � V /. �e�V�e /.✓/%�l/. . �o�c. ��e.Ca p - -���� r _ ✓.Glenn Furner ,/T Or�kPr��� � �3�c�� J SSE 61B CrBi�IiF�Affl � k : H[JNT / � A-592 �j �/�/��/ ,� rHR9 �QF •M P .- R,e. ay -":-rc.nw.�W��-.,. .rpenler p�� .N. r1NP - �3S/3At�� ` - . � ////,� ///!j_/o./4e - _A. W.1 //./// .83 C20Ac. � � 75A . . .3.9�Ac- G NNarm n, r /��/li / � ' , , 20.NG,FE �a..- . J.G"lenn�rn � . �� - 40Ac. / 46Ac. '' Xc. /�f. �BAC. ��f/� � � � �� ���'r"'"'fh Wrnlerha e WT.� arp/es J.A.rhedford �S, h,�a her� � ��� 6 �' W. MAhlN a /��/.��. QG'G�' $ �F.79A /� / 3.47,ac. � A'1107 � /i��,�`/ /�%�/%/ � C'.H.F7Beder. -iJoh a.M Guir� . 59.32,qe. . � �6CAr,. •i l.98Ac. / � i � ,.pe�ler ///!/�i f� ` . .f2.Merr�ll .H,RCed� � �/�'� • ,�og`p�� � . O � .]'�n .3ZAc_ o //' '1Ac_R.c_Niyg,'ns /! �// �i�� + IE.33A _ •s�.5�i. RH. /(J /�/�i,3,(.6�AAf�cf G11E � w,..-r�rfa., Nigyins 5 R W.GIBSOM /�sa.zy�4 c. /f/�r{�'�� ����—C���� THOS9EEDY M1-366 ��/ /���jr�/�.��� � !, ,^Y}^'r),� � A- 20Q3 A-T2 f%s��_M/�'"aLKEq .`.v.ueede� / � � „ lidr - 99Ac �� �/ s�n� ^ ryl �.a Fab�nion hf.E Fr_rrj,�s o /i' � f// ���.S/3Ar. YYM.WINN l/'���//��� A�-,660 F..H.fteeder - . ��, EXF; IBIT ��/��� � AREA TQ BE ANNEXED ,� 1NCORP4P,ATED TC}WN OF W�ST�AKEr TEXAS (JRD 28 _ __, �� � ��f� �: _ r� ��� �� ��.� �° �=r�$1�,� „ � "°` ,��;� �'� � .. ,, " , _�' '�� �� ,. �_.�� ��� ..�,� �, ._...�. � �..�. � � �� z:�TI'I'ItJN RLQU�,�TT�G A�TN�°-��.TTOI�I Q�' _;�,A;�-.CC�TV"T!GUOUS��1 � AI�JAC:�NT �'�J T:EIE �"�WN t�F t�'�S�T�A�, TEXA�..._. c � (f. „ ,+, <;,j/'� :�,�y` . �• � '*.... " q S,.� '^ n. ..�. p : ^.. 5,�. ... ¢ y) J .�«„ „�a ..... =4�., � �.-`.;:,�I g°'a �� ��f'; , ,y��p p�y ��'�`��. «' &°'�a..,.r�� f ,. To ��ae HonUraiale I`�I�,�-or and M�mbers of �he���:�o�,r� of .��.derm�n of ihe .. Town of Westlak�, Tex�.s . ; � GR�ETII�TGS: ;��� ��`e, the �,�nders�gned, Hans ��iue�ler anc�4��a:�fe, C�lla ��uell�r, and �. T. H�..ggin� an�. vrife, Mary �.nn H?g�7 ns, of Tarran� County, Texas, hereina�"cer ca'11ed P�t:i��oners, represen� as follo�d�: 1. Tha'c �he�� ar� �he a�vners o�" �he lanc?s ly�.n� wi�hin a 57•32-acre trac� of land situa'c�d :in �he Hrs . ax" c;. 1�, Throo� �urve��, A-1�10, Tarran� CQun��r, T��;as, fully descr�.bed �by mei,e� and bound� as s�iown �n ':�.�hx�-i� "x�" a��ach�d hereto. .� �lat of sa�d land show�ng _��Cs loca'c:ion wi�h res�ect �;o i�he �ound�ry of �he �own a�' ��Tes'clake, Texas, is a�tach�d here�o mar��ed �::�I�B�T izB„ . 2. Tha�, �he land descr:�bed i.n .��-i�FI�'�S �,A" and 'f�3`S h�x�e�a a�tach�d., is less �;han one--half mil� in width� t'n�� 1�ss �han �hree qual-��'i�d voters res�.de �her�on, anc� is contiiguous and adjacent to �h� Tovm o�' i�es�lake, �`exas . :3. Yaur pe�i.tion��s agre� �i�a�t :i.f this requ�s� �'a r annex�.��.on b� �ranted, said land and. any future inha�i'cants �h�re- af shall be �nti�led ta all th� rigl�t� and �rivi.le��s of ather c�t��ens of' �h� Town of t��es�lake, anc�. shal�. be bound '�y �he acts and ard�_nanees af sa�.d Towr�, naw �n effeet and as her�af�er enac��d. ��I-L�RE��:E�E, yQur pet��ion�rs respectz"u1.l�r requ�s� �ha� thi� Pe��.�cion f or Ann�xa�-�on tc� �Che Tawn o�' Wes��ake, o:�� �he lan�. descr�.bed �.n at�ached 'E"�HI�ITS lae �;ran�ed. 6�IT�T�.�S� �he aigna�ures af pe'ci�_i.oners dul� acknowled��d as r�quyred z"or deeds , .�;�-� ����'�'������y��,��,.���.�.�.����.��.��_ ,�ns�, _..��.m.;� �� � ��� �..,.:�1.AN� 1��tJELL�R ���`"'�``�' ��,.a�,- ..�-����"�'� 4I,I,t� ��U�LLER ��. �� ��� ��.� �A TP HIGG NS ,' ,�' � � �r � f ,i� �-�.` .�.� /'`�,..�.---r''� -:�-�-�...,�' N1ARY ANN IG�II�Ta ,j / �.. ,� ., Tx� s�AT� �� ���� �� COUNTY 4.� ��,.'���;.�. � BE��:�E M:�., �he underti�.gn�d au�harity, a i�o�f;ary �vbl��.c :�.n a�d for saa.d Coun�y and S�a�e, on �his da,y personally ap- ��ared :KAN� N:�TELL�R and 4ZLA MUELLER, his wife, 'po�,h �nown �;o me �Co be the z�e�.�son whase nar��s ar� subscri�ed to -�he fare�o::i_ng ins'crum�nt and �,c��noval.ed�ed �o ��e that uhey each e�ecu�ed tY�re same for �he ?�ur;�oses and cons�a. erat�ons �herein ex�ress�d, and the said O�,LA ��U:�LLER, v�r�:L'e ai th� said I��.N�S MU:�.T_,.i�:�:R, hav��n� bee� examined by me �r�.vily and a�ar� from her hu.�band. and. hav:�n� �he same full.y ex�lained �o her, she, �che sa�d OLLA T�I[T.�T,L�R ac��noval�d;ed such a.nstrum�n� �o be h�r ac� anc� deed, a�d. sh� declared �ha� she had w�.11in��.y si�ned �he same for �he �urposes and consid,era�:ion thcrein expressed, and �ha� she did not wi.s�z �o re�rac� ��. ,-, G�VEI� UND�R MY N.AND h`N1�7 i�AL OF 0�+'.I�+'IC� -�his ��` ` �""��`" � .� . � � day c,�' ��.:���R�.�- A. D. , 1go3. .,� �,� ,;.- + ,,,,� � ..�jr , 1 � � � (}1f'f{f {9d {f�/, pJ ` { .. � �.� 3.t" d+...�"4�. ln4�{itw.� .Y�.- �..--1....Q..u.-1,4.. .,P„`.�^.�*`t l��otar� Publi� in and �`ar �,�, �� ����"°` Coun�y, Texas V��.UA, P.R�..EDG`�> Natary �ublic !(d AKD (�b�TAiti�ANT COUN7Y,��XA� THE STATE 0.� TE:�A� �� CQUN'z'Y a� ,..,���.��.��.�.�.,-��-��„�� BEFURE ��E, the und.ers�gned au�;hority, a RTotary PuYalic in and fo.r said Coun�y and S�a�e, pn �;h:is �.ay per�analSy ap- �earec� �T. T. HTGGIN� and MARY �.NN �ITGGINS, his v�yi e, bo�h known to me �c� b� �he person whose names are subser�bed 'co the fore- going irs'crurrnent and acl�nawled�;ed to me tha� tl�.e;� each executed the same �'ar the pur-�dses and consideratians therein expressed., and �he said MARY A�N �iIGGZN,�, wi�"e of �he said ��. �'. H�GGINS, hav�n� been exami�.ed by me pr�.vil.y and apar� from h�r hus�an�., and hav�_ri� the same fu11y ex}�1a�ned �o her, she, �ch� �aid MARY AIVN HIGGINS acknowledged such instrument ta be h�r ac�, and deed, and she declarecl '�hat she had will�n�ly signed th� same yo_r �he pur�oses and considera�ian therein expres��d� and that sl�e d:id nat wish �o re�ract i�. � `�..��.�'� �GI�T.�N tT.[�D�;t�. ��Y HA.ND .AND �EAL C?F C3F�"ICE th�_s ._-��--� a day o�' �- ��_ � -�:���.��.,��...`�_ A. I�. , 1963. � � � ; , �� �� v. � � �.�� -�:.a-��� � ���� +�� -�'�.{� ��',�"�":�,;, t�atary Pu��lc in and for ��`�.a���'� ��...�M � _��' County, Te:�as � � �'� a ,,�3 ` � � A$�g.� °�...3_ ...Q �,'�.-� '�, Y.���� �'�'"3„f �,...� „,���r.�.k�r ��.C�,.� � ��fi�" � ` `" � , , �� ;_ ,:�,,�::-c...-��.� f � f° �:� � v' ,,�, � � _ .. 4„r :��HI�IT "A.`� FTELD">NOT.�,� C7F AN AREA '��1 �E ANNE�.�E17. TO TH�c� II`3GORPOt`�AT�D �'t}'u�T OF ��'�S'Z'LA��, T�;XAS Situa�ecl in �he Cov.nty o�" Tarran�, S�ate a�' Texas, being a trac� of land out af �he �irs , c�f G. I`�, T'nx�oc�p Surv�y, A-151.0. BEGTI�TING at a concrete mflnum�n� eorner in the present �orporate Limi�s of �lz� Ta�rn of a��:stlake, and in �he sau�h �.��rie ��' �n� G. H. Harman 124.8 acre t�ac� and �he nor�h line of the ��. J. Car�aen�:er trac�, s�,id noin� �.lso �ein�; at �Che nor�hea�t corn�;r of the herein descr��bed trac�; ��i�Nt�E w:x.�h the �as� z"'ence l�a n� of said 57.;2 acre �rae�C as follQws: S 10° lo' �p"E 279.3 iee� �o a concre�e monurnent carn�r, S ll° 10� �0":� 1�-2. � fee� ta a cc�nc:c'e-�e monLinlen� eorn�r, S 20° �-0 i 30'�� 97,g ��'ee� �;o a concrc��e rnonumen� corner; S 23 36�W 11.33, 5 fee-� �o a eoncrete monum�n-c corner, S 7° Q2�T�T 5�0. 3 fe�� to a concre�e manument corner in ��ze nor�heas� line o�' Coun�y Road No. 3Q80 and a ���in� in the Presen� Cor�o rat� �imi�s os the Town of ��Tes�lake; TKEI�CE �n �, noa��hwes�erly and sou�hwes�;erly di.rec��on -�'o1low�n� said. count�� ra�.d and CUr�aora�e �,:�.m�ts �o �he southwes� corner a�' sa�.d 57. �2 acre �rac� and be�.n�; al�o the sau�h�a�'c corne� of �he �'ohn A. 1'�c�u�ire 83.�7 acre ��act� THEN�L I� 1° 55' -30"� 191�. 3 :�e�� along �l�e �r�es� 1in� o:�" said 57.�2 acr� �r�.c� line of said �ar�aora�e �,imi.ts an�. the east l:i.ne a�' sai�. McGuire �;rac� ��a a concr�te monum�n�, corn�r in �he south l:ine c�� th� G. H. Harmc�n �r�.e�; TI-I�NG� I�J �3c�° j�� 30"� ��-�-9. 5 �'ce'c a1on� �he nor�h li.ne oi said 5f.32 acr� trac� l�ne o��' �a�.c� Gorpora%c Lim�.�w ana �che �flL��h l�n� of said Ha�mon �rac� �o the �oint oi beg�..n- ning and can�a::�nin�, �7,32 acres ar 0.03y�6 squ.are miles , I, G� ��. ��-�`�' � do l�ereby cer�i�'y �ha� 'che f�.eld. no�e� ��� �.n, taken �'z� m ma;os �repar�d f'rom �'iela surve�s and Caur�I�ouse Records are �rue and corr�ct t� ���e bes�C oi r,�� �n�wlec���, � 4 � � �� �� ..�;�x„�,+uaa�„»hiia+.t^r�+�arow�v;skr:�.��#L.�e*�`�Mid.. " °�' , �ia,fisw�n �� � /r�^,� � � � � . ..�rw�:�;n'a��+?,ry . xN"�+ a x,o- �3� , � . �� �+�,-K���"�' � ��� �� � � � � ���� � � � � �` � ;t�Y� � �, '? ���a^+ �� � ''�`�� �'�+. � _ �•�� ,:�� � �"�. �� �� � '� �' ��'� ,� �` . � '� �, �`�:,. .:z.,:�,.: , ��� � ���� �F�`�`�� ��;� ,�'� ;��;���� ��� ���'�:����':#: ��`� �,��� � _ ���'� �`� ��: �*� . �'�� ��'` � � �� ������ N� ���'. � fi �, �: ' a �`. ,�'��' , ��`�' �`��� �� , �� �; � �� -��� ��� �� � �� � �;:. �`�a:a� ��� .����, �;��:� ����'�`���� g`: .� ��.- � , � . `� � ti��"��'�'�� �'�� �'��'<� ,��� "'�------, . * ' � �,�.� _..:`.�::`..::.,... / PINSON WIL[S A-1339 Q. M'. FEL3�EfS- J. W I L B U R N T, U�RESS �+-t595 A-1416 A-33� � ��'%i/ ���� ';'� �� j/,��; � /,h�,3G/A j/ j��/ ��j��/j����%�/�� / / � �/� •%/;rhy�llr i%i�� //i%�'/%j%i�' � // �rank A�Schulfz� ' /� 73.bCi3l3G/� ..� / �. N. r��-n!tS�rJ / �// / '�" �.� � �.��'.�;;%; � j / /A�359 � � T. P.R.R. G0. / iss.uAc. �"i A-1303 rank A.SchuH�z,-,,��,'�� B. 8. . & C. R,R. '��//,//,�'�'� ��% i%;%'�i M. E .n. Q P. (�.R. A•154 � �'i;//���� / i, A•922 / �''%�� � , ( " ;!�j, �� J.GIBS4H !��,� !�� ,'','/��j%;j/ A-478 8. B. B. &�'r;. R. R� ,���� � �� A.-If;7 ,'/��'%/ � / � �� / / ' � ,-' , � ' � 'i, ;;i;i B, WHEELER / �/� �; j�, / i //,%' ,% � ' , / / ��. ; A-1605 P.W. CASPARY � ����/�/%i�" ,�!/ , � 629.975 AG. � Q'277 � ������'�j���/���� F��nkfA.SchulfZ / �;i�, // �j��.� , . , ; ;.. R. A,CAP,RUTH R, �1. DAV1 50N � ��'%' � � �' �/�(, ,,;' % `� J.0 M� 60WAN A-1519 A-IS A �. DP.NKSj /� A-959 // A�368/;�/ /° '��j "�-. - � /57.5G3AC.� � 7Z396AC. RUTIi ALLEN %Fr���",�• , � • /� i i nk A.Sr.hu�.z � �, i A-IS G , GRAYW M A-48 g,B.B. a C. R. R. � W• GIBSON A-ISS F W. � �a R. K I N G A-482 CASPARY r A-700 A-276 �3 cj h �� �. S. G R A F A M o F.I,MERRIWETHER A_4 � A-D54 J. M t C K ES �o T. J• Af_LF..N A-890 y - T. N. CALLOWAY A-8 W. D. 0 E • L D , KELLY a�2�2 A'8 d A•704 � / i/. / ��� , j/� T. J. A LLEN i � �o,�n�� R. A L L E N A-7 /1 8.4frA .!/,SdA ///, /� •� Q-�7 �, /�� i '/' '�� I �/ / /�// M.G.P. J.�H �,/N�R Y � 6 ��"��� /i ' �.� F2.W. ALL[M A� 52�/!� P. R.fT. � R•912 ':/�.�;;%,%%� A-5 '�� /2C.T5�L. � J / /��/// . G%csnn Ta�rn r M. M � p L 1 N ,� �i /' / 79 n-ea2 26 J, E�ADS W, D�ME�N J. R. MICHAEL � �� //// " � v � � /�� 92 ��A-829 A-620 � � 35 ,SA�: / 4.37AG.: �- . \� - -.�'�n c:.7"i.'�C..---- � 4, - . . � -- 35 3 �/W/�J R.�. Burhy - - - - c�'_� 84c. , / �E • �,. .G rne � • HAEI j. 2. / ./BAc. ��� A-621 . / / � � � � � �/. H-4a 8.8.8. 8 C.R, R. � M A-155 W• GIBSON �� R. K I N G CASPARY a-482 M A-700 Q-276 � �� � J' � S. G R A F A M o F,I.MERRI4YETHER A-45 A-ti54 J. MlCKES o T. J• ALL�N A�898 � T. I-I. CALLOWAY A-& �i W. D. D E a . KELLY A�272 A•8 o A-70Q / / / � � T. J. A LLEht / ��.a,�� R. A L L E N A-7 //� / ��cn A-17 .f/.SAA / /�' /;�� / � � j%;�"��// ; � fN.�,P. J.�, N � N R Y/ ; �, %�' // �,�', f�.W. A L L E N P. R.f�. �` 523 �: li•9I2 ' �� �./�'. � A-5 �./ /izc.�s��.� /i/�//i/ ./%Gien�//urn��- M. 1�9 E D L 1 tU ii / i . _ _ --_ A-8 3 2 �g � Z 6 � i J. � �A� W. D�M�D��N, vJ. R. MICNA[L �� ��� 9 //�A-629 �. , A-820 i �9 ,SA � 4,37Ac, � / � �-� --J.'r./`��9."%s/�._.�. , ,_ . _ , � _ / ��/// R.D. 9�Jhy •35 3 .M. w /Cc ____ - � „ _`— ,. � / / ;�Y ��-- -- /G �rner i ,-� / HAEL / 2. / ,/ c. u�� A-82! � / • � —. R. EA�/ J SUTTOft ////� l.�N gz.asac. -� d tiE�FBY � �/� ; ,, /;' i/u��y 5ee/%yson 1-��S , y � n :.G AI'1P1 7l)r I• / �%�/j �j / ,. �r«nc LNe.fbifl r .� � i � � / •r�� < � %i� '/ ,�j/ . _ �._�,...y , j j , / : = J.('lrrrin,7'urr+ar / PEA Z _,,( / . // p•IQ 0 u _., �12A . � � / B.K.HevJb /,/CJ/Ac • // / � 2 52/Ayj �e�//4 •o� nnTu o "' r n' //r . .,I.ZA/�/ ///// / / � /// 6.BAG. � OAAc. ry hl.. y J.Gl�nn7urnor ' _ ��l c1'� � DENTQN _� .�dlCnn Yurner J,G. 7'urricr A.G.NeaFh John A. ' /OA . Al�LT I �� G J v� I6VAI ?.4�AE,. uS.57'AG� � /� I /i$1� f i Se c. r.�fa r�7'urn�� ///q /f' /r Iry n UrnQr'� / � � Mr .Roh rfs / %j f ` /� � /� d.oAc. . � /���/FiAr,. ' i/Y�%�/� � / . � �a�e, � e Cnl - ���� � , _ ✓.Gleii7�7/Cr. //T.Di kCr/ ��� �/ � // �, J SSE GIB / � 6�9 ��NG �� . MUNT / ,HRS O� . M�. !t : P � � a.E. �a A-592 M. H li FF .�..,,�.��..,... ,rpa 1 r ��.H. Idn. � i�i��/� �/ ///iZo.�� i � n .il. W l //��� .83 .' ' G I{Narm n,�1r./ � lOAG _ '_- ' ' / 9.9 A . � I �/ h /y � � �� /.G e�n�Tu�p / 2o,e6 a�� / � .o.c ¢¢¢ y 40NC. /�/ /BAG. ��//� . / //� � I O..�AG. ' A.n,q:/v��i{h winlerha e W 7� nrp/e.+ J.A.Medfard ro Aar � �j�! ,�- /�ji/ / — ; ✓.G'le n j r� .� // ; D G G E' S �6 ay L/� /�J.s7Ac.//// k- / <..._. ��� /ii�// 1///'��/, / � S�.dzac. I / � / / E.H.Reeda� John d.M Gwre , ?N e, s�._L��:�. �A�. /i///! � �� E .rr,�c. ��, / /J/�/i aoa� , t,Mn�r�ll ,N.Reed�r � _ �. / .afr, ii..�t�tc. , � - '/�.c.R. '_.......__._ • . �� �... � u.s.c. �f6.i3A . ' � /O 69A P�' / ��• / ..-�rn�a�� �Higgin.t I ai.M a�R tN .xFrs,��.c.�ya�z A BQRNES R.WGtBSON ...�. //'�/�j �J'J° e.-2oos �-i42 �•S�e �JO�aH WaLK�R �'�+.r,eedc�/ / � t.., r�«. s..< 'w` i � � :.n 4oh,'nsan � / H.f Fi!��r�f�n 1, V �%: �' /Y7..5� , ,. WM.WINN � ' //////�/ A-.660 G.N.kP.cdBr ExHiBir " B" �__� A R E A TO BE ANNEXED � dMGORPQRaTED TOWfV 01