HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 26 Annexing 133.35 acres in the Thomas Burress A33 Denton County ORDINANCE PSO . 26 AN ORI�INANCE ftECESVING AND ANI�EXING TERRZTdRV ADJACENT AND COI�IITGUOUS TO THE TOGIN dF GJESTLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDSiVG THAT SUCH AREA SHALL B�,COME A PART OF BATD TOWN AND THAT THE OW�IERS ANB INFIABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLES7 TO ALL THE PRSVILEGES OP OTHER CI`PIZENS OE�' SAID ^10WN, AN� BE BOUND BY THE ACmS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN E�'FECi AND Td BE HliRELNAF'TER ADdPTED; FURTHER PROVIDING F6R AI�iEhtDIN� AND CORRECTTNG 1HE OFFICIAL BdUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS riERETO- FOFtE �1�OPT�D AS A�'iEND�'D AND PROVSDING FOR 4N E�'PECTIVE DA`SE G1H�REAS, pursuant to the provisians of the Rets of 1953, 53rd Lega.sl�ture, Page 357, Chapter 93y codified as Artz- cle �7��-G, Revised C3vil Statutes oi' Texas, FRAi�TK A. SCHULTZ and wife, BETTV SCHIILTZ, owner.s of the real �property hereinafter &escribed, having made application �s by law provided to the Mayor and Eoard of Alderraen of the Tovan of Westlaue, Texas, re- questing annexatian of a tract of land consisting oi` a 133.35 acre tract of lan�, more or less, out of the Thomas Burress Survey, Denton Gounty Abstract 33, State of Z�exas, and being more fully described b�• metev and bounds as follovas: BEGINNING at the �ost northerly northwest corner of the present corporate limits of the Towr of G7est- lake, `Pexas, same alsa being in the east line of sayd Burress Sizrvey and the west line of the Pinson Wiles Survey, Abs�ract 1339; TNENCE North 0° �?1 ° Eas� w�.th a ienee and �he dividing line between the said Burress and Wi_Les Sur- vey� 1,62��e6 feet to a corner at the no-rtheast eorner of said Burress Surveyr THENC� North 88° 49' West with a fence and the north line cf said Burress Survey 1,167.4 feet to a corner in the southeast right oL' way line af U.S . x1.�rltnTa�r �O . ��T7i THENCE South 22° 26 ' West with said highway right of way line 2y20q.3 feet to a point, �hence with a 2° 02 ' curve to the left and along said highway 1, 102 feet to a corners TfiENCE South 41° 4'3¢ Eas� with a fence 21?�.9 feet to a corner, �ame bei.ng ir� the center oi access road to this tract oi land and alsa being in the south l:Lne of said Burreus Surve�r; THERTCE South 8b° 38 � Fast wi�h center of said road and south line oP said B�rress Survey 2,Og6.4 feet to a corner ac the southeast cor.ner cf the Burr.Ess Survey and a sou�hwest carner of tYie Pinsan Wiles Survey, same also being a corner of the present corporate li�iits of the ToUrn of Wes�lake; �y TriENCF �Tor�h 0° 41 ' East with t�e prese�t cor- 4 ''`, porate limits and the dividing line between the Bur- ^ � ress and the U7�les SUrveys 1,638.6 feet to the place �i '� of beginning anfl containing 133e35 acres or 0 .208 �*_'� square miles . • A plat of said lancl showin� its location with respect to the � Tov�n oi �desf�lake, Texas9 being attached hereco ma.rked �xh�ait e�A<<g an� °.':;, G�HE�AS, said petition wa �'ilsd with �he Town of Westlake at ; ,t',�-Q, o ' clock p.m, o� ��'-st`" /;,�' , lg6o, �ahich is not less than five (5} and not more than thirty (30j days prior f�.; to this date; anfl WHFREAS, it appearing to the Board of Aldermen of tne -" Town of Westlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in con- ` neetion with said proposed an�exation have been fuliilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory is not more than one-nalf mile in widt'ri and that all of same is adjaeent to the present Town Limits of �he Town oi �dest�ake, Texas9 BE �T dR�A�N`ED BY `�HE BOARt� Or �iLUER�EN OF` THE TdWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: l . THAT, the property hereinabove described �eing afl�acent and contiguous uo the Town Limits oP Westlake, Texass be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate: Limits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof , 2. 1HAT, the owners and inhabitants of �he area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other �u citizens and property ouaners of said Town and be bound '�y all of �' the acts and ordinances made in confzi�•rnity thereto, now in iull f";�. fiorce and effeet and that which may be herea�`ter adopted. i '':-; r;, 3. E . `�i �„� TH�1Tg the oft'ieiai ma�o and boun&ariea oi the Towr! of ;v" t�Testlake, Texas, as heretoiore adopted and amended, be and is �,W� �M w.�° �5 hereby amended so as ta include the aTorementioned territory as part of the Town of �estlake9 Texas . 4. THIS ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and ef�ect fram and after its passage and a:pproval by the P�ayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. d�.,,Z e...<.<.:_.. AIJOPTED this l� day of �ig����, �, De 1g600 APP�?�l ED � __.___ y�[{ �1(jj _ •�/� I �_•✓' � f� �y / //� /j .H.1�rZl�IJ1 a !��� j � L " �� �t�.J`L.'f�./� ✓`--' �_ 4 f, �yaA �.� l��- ` �-� "'i�"�--.----�.,._ __ r TGW �. �C�AF��� `�� � mHE STATE OP T�'XP.S � CDUNTY OP T�RRANT � I9 Aa L. Odom, Town Seere�ary of the Tovan oi G�est- lake, Texasp do hereby certiiy that the foregoing � s a true and ecrrect copy of Qrdinance No . 26, dul�r �aresented and adopted by the Board oz" Alderrnen of said Toti�n oi 5r�estlake, Texas9 at a nzeetino he2d on the 17tn day of September, 1�60, as same appears in the minutes oi said meeting, in Book Noe 1, Pa�es ��cs-..�vS t�7ITNESS MY HA�D AI�T➢ SEAL OF THE TO�rTN OF Z�IESZ`LAKE, iFXAS, this the 17th day of Sep�ember, 1960 . .°' � j . ,�� .,�' � 7C ,..`.o�,f . � . / " �� �„ ,....L% - � E ..� ..G. —"`r �"'.�.._„"'�,.:,... TO��IN S i�CftETt�RY � !�;, ;';�; '/f/?,-i j•', P I t� S O N W I L E 5 �����,/��% �i�; A-133� A. M. Ff�LTUS �.r,: � ��/�� P.-15�95 J. W I L B U RN 7. BURRESS%. I/ / . A-1416 / A 33' //, / i` �/j/ '/ �" �/,���� �J� �///� ', � i i, /� / � / / I '/�/i373:51,� ///� � �� f //�! :/� /� / ! %rF.A �Sr.hcrlf�. . i///i ////��3452Ac%�''/�// / f il� ;////i;'/�/ / , //�/ � , ' � ��'J i�% �.Frank A -SChu'tr�" �/ � ;/73 55.9AC. /. j , j i� ��. . i�,; ^"-/ - �.�/.'//,� � �i�r�i�ji�: , _ / , . . .-. � � / ` .l. N. DE9VfSON ' ' � ' � � �,i �, . ; �j � ���-353' ' � T. P.R.R. GO, � /ti �,,: /,-,, � � / iss.nAc.', . , �, , , A-1303 r�nk A.Sch�ultz,�i'� '',�j �', , � � , B. B. . 8� C. R.R. ,/�.,j/���///i/ M. E .P. � P. R.R. A-S54 ���� � i �� A-922 �,� ���; ��,�� � i: J.G I B S 0 N / ��'� i i �//X:', ���/ `�` A-478 B. B/� B� 6� �G/,R. R- �� //� A-I$7����1�/ /1�/�� i� '�if ' �� -� �� ��/ '/ // j//;�f�,� . /��%:�/.f B. WHEELER /�' /'/ , A-Ii60�5 �� �/j�/r'r�'/� � P,W. CASPARY '� "�%�i// ' '// 625.975fSC- ��. � a-2 7� ////�' /,�/ �� F�rank�A.Scf,ultz � / i,i ,/, �. i .�i >/� '���; R. A.CARFiUTH R. A. DA�11 50N /� � �i%��;��i J.0 h,�� GOWAN � A-15l9 A-15 � A/B. DANK���� A-959 � I A-369� � - //� ���f/// � � - — J576s3Ac. � 77.39SAc. ///�/f/ f � / f F�IJTr°i AL�EN � Frank A.schultz�� ___ i A-15 y / � � ��/ //t/ii� 'Fr� � � � %�� - ' � � / J.GlenrlTurn r / � �//! .o.� ¢�H.c. //�� r&,cc. .1/��f / �/ �� r �� W. MANN !��! � d.a.n�!+„�fh Wr'nferha C �w.T.S�arples J.A.Med�ord •S,Yhra her / //� ��� p�f /5,�z!�'�"� / � 0 4-1167 � / p�"G�' � �/�.a�ac. urne /� /i/�//� �/f�`��/ � /!� // ��,X.RBedcr Jnhnd M�Guirg w..r.c,�Pe��e� �s�Ay I �r.98pc � � / . /k//!�f fii//!� 3o&U Merr�l! .H-Reeder �7ate ��.3zAc. 'IAc.R.C.Niqyins � /6.33A . �� �Y.a. .�.s��. v:R_ --- ��'Q.3.69 j . ' w.�.r„�o.. N ggins� (� . � w/Wa�� q�,���,p6�d� THQS-BEEOX � A� $ARNES R-W.G{BSON � 2�Ay- A-2oo3 A-7Z A-588 //�/ �/ � �.y.fZeedCr � A- 142 d45�.AH WALK�f3 ' 21dc. 99ac, 5�p`. s.a.Rahl.,�on N,E Fcrguso� ^ �� � ///�J��.sa/,a.. wr.winH ///!,�//� � A-,660 : . �.k.Reeder E X H I g 1 T il �If � AR E A 70 BE ANNEXEt3 ,�j�j''/,� INCdRPORATED TOWN 4F WESTLAKEY TEXAS �f.a � !�;, ;';�; '/f/?,-i j•', P I t� S O N W I L E 5 �����,/��% �i�; A-133� A. M. Ff�LTUS �.r,: � ��/�� P.-15�95 J. W I L B U RN 7. BURRESS%. I/ / . A-1416 / A 33' //, / i` �/j/ '/ �" �/,���� �J� �///� ', � i i, /� / � / / I '/�/i373:51,� ///� � �� f //�! :/� /� / ! %rF.A �Sr.hcrlf�. . i///i ////��3452Ac%�''/�// / f il� ;////i;'/�/ / , //�/ � , ' � ��'J i�% �.Frank A -SChu'tr�" �/ � ;/73 55.9AC. /. j , j i� ��. . i�,; ^"-/ - �.�/.'//,� � �i�r�i�ji�: , _ / , . . .-. � � / ` .l. N. DE9VfSON ' ' � ' � � �,i �, . ; �j � ���-353' ' � T. P.R.R. GO, � /ti �,,: /,-,, � � / iss.nAc.', . , �, , , A-1303 r�nk A.Sch�ultz,�i'� '',�j �', , � � , B. B. . 8� C. R.R. ,/�.,j/���///i/ M. E .P. � P. R.R. A-S54 ���� � i �� A-922 �,� ���; ��,�� � i: J.G I B S 0 N / ��'� i i �//X:', ���/ `�` A-478 B. B/� B� 6� �G/,R. R- �� //� A-I$7����1�/ /1�/�� i� '�if ' �� -� �� ��/ '/ // j//;�f�,� . /��%:�/.f B. WHEELER /�' /'/ , A-Ii60�5 �� �/j�/r'r�'/� � P,W. CASPARY '� "�%�i// ' '// 625.975fSC- ��. � a-2 7� ////�' /,�/ �� F�rank�A.Scf,ultz � / i,i ,/, �. i .�i >/� '���; R. A.CARFiUTH R. A. DA�11 50N /� � �i%��;��i J.0 h,�� GOWAN � A-15l9 A-15 � A/B. DANK���� A-959 � I A-369� � - //� ���f/// � � - — J576s3Ac. � 77.39SAc. ///�/f/ f � / f F�IJTr°i AL�EN � Frank A.schultz�� ___ i A-15 y / � � ��/ //t/ii� 'Fr� � � � %�� - ' � � / J.GlenrlTurn r / � �//! .o.� ¢�H.c. //�� r&,cc. .1/��f / �/ �� r �� W. MANN !��! � d.a.n�!+„�fh Wr'nferha C �w.T.S�arples J.A.Med�ord •S,Yhra her / //� ��� p�f /5,�z!�'�"� / � 0 4-1167 � / p�"G�' � �/�.a�ac. urne /� /i/�//� �/f�`��/ � /!� // ��,X.RBedcr Jnhnd M�Guirg w..r.c,�Pe��e� �s�Ay I �r.98pc � � / . /k//!�f fii//!� 3o&U Merr�l! .H-Reeder �7ate ��.3zAc. 'IAc.R.C.Niqyins � /6.33A . �� �Y.a. .�.s��. v:R_ --- ��'Q.3.69 j . ' w.�.r„�o.. N ggins� (� . � w/Wa�� q�,���,p6�d� THQS-BEEOX � A� $ARNES R-W.G{BSON � 2�Ay- A-2oo3 A-7Z A-588 //�/ �/ � �.y.fZeedCr � A- 142 d45�.AH WALK�f3 ' 21dc. 99ac, 5�p`. s.a.Rahl.,�on N,E Fcrguso� ^ �� � ///�J��.sa/,a.. wr.winH ///!,�//� � A-,660 : . �.k.Reeder E X H I g 1 T il �If � AR E A 70 BE ANNEXEt3 ,�j�j''/,� INCdRPORATED TOWN 4F WESTLAKEY TEXAS �f.a ,;�-" �-�; f��` ��� f-/� �'�=����..� ,. _ , �1.� _3'/f�: f�?- ?pl� �^ ``�[^+t;�! fp t �1 l� �� �r����' �.—f' �� ` :�z' �, f�'� �� s � PETITION PtiEQUESTZNG ANNEXA����3��. � f�d � ' �,,�-- �3 ��...� •� ��.__, � OF LAND CC}NTIGU�US A�.�A`��'AC.��'��� �'� _---�--- C TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,.,�'EXAS � ��;,�,,,, ;�; �;� !��-1�rs�'�, 1�� �,tjr�r., � To the Honorable Mayor and Members of �he Board of� Aldermen af �he Tawn of Westlake, Texas . - GREETINGS: �e, the undersigned, Frank A. Schultz and wife, Betty Schul�z, hereinafter called Petitioraer, represezat as foll.ows: l . Tha� they are the owners of a 133•35 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas Burress Survey, Denton County Abstract 33, Sta�e of Texas, fu11y described by me�es and bounds as shown in EXHIBTT "A" attaehed hereto . A plat of' said land showing i�s location v�i�Ch respect �o �he boundary of �the Town of Tn7estlake, Texas, is at�ached hereto marked EXFI�BIT "B" . 2. That, the land d.escribed in EXHIBITS "A" and "B„ here�o atLached, is less �han one-half' m.ile in wid.th, that less than three qualit'ied voters reside thereon, and is eantiguous and adjacent to the Town of Udes�lake, Te:�as . 3. Your Petitioner agrees that if this request i'or annexation be granted, sai.d land shall become a par� o�' the Tawn of Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any fu�ure inhabi�ants �hereof sha11 be enti�led ta a11 the rights and priv ileges af o�her ci.tizens af' the Town of Westlall�e, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of' said Tavm, now in effect and as here- after enacted. WHEREFOR:E, your Petitioner respec�fully requests that this Peti�a.on for Arznexatian to the Town af Wes�lake, of the land described in attached EXHIBITS be granted. WITNESS �he signatures of Petitioners duly ackno�rrledged as required i'or deeds . -�� ,., �, s,,,-- , ..�- / r�"�...-.. /,� � . ,,.� ,���--�, ���,��:�., ��•------'"""_�_..._ ;��� m ,��J �. � ,�� ___--_-_-, � � � THE STATE OF TEXAS --- ,��..- ss . COUNTY OF � BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Count� and State, on this day personally ap�eared FRANK A. SCHULTZ and BETTY SCHULT�, his wi�e, both known to me to be the persons W�10S2 names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and considera�ion therein expressed, and the said BETTY SCHULTZ, having been ex�.mined by m� pri.vily and a�a�� frorn her husbaxad, and having the same fu11y explained �o her, she, the said �ETTY SCHULTZ, acknowled�ed such instrument �a be her� act and deed, and she declared �hat she had willingl�T signed �he same for the purposes and consid�ration therein expressed, and that she did not wish �o retract it . GIVEN' UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, �his �he � ��;; day of August, A. D. �.g6o . I �ary Public in and for �.�,,,�0��/ Co . , Texas My Commission expires June 1, 1�61 -2- �� ����� �� � �� ������ � � � �� � �` � � � � �` �� �� � � � � �� � t� . ` ���� �� .� �� � ��`� ��. �� . � � �,� . :, � ��: �� ����� �� �� � ��'�� `� � '�� �� ��� � �- � �� °� �� �� ' ��� �� ��, , �, ������ �.. �� k,��� ��� �� ... �� � : �� �` �.�� ���� ��'��� � ��� ��� �� � � � �� ��� � . �� � �� , �� � . . � �;�'� �� :�� �. ���� � ��°#',`,�'��� �'� ��� �� . ��. � �`� �� �� � ��„ �,����_ � �� " ��� � �� �.���� � �� �� � _ �'"� ��° ��� � ��"�'� �; � . ����� ������� ��` , � � �'� ��"'�� �,��w�� � �� � '� ��' ��� . '� �� ��� .� ��� ' � �. � � *� �� �� ������ �� ���� . � �� ��� � �� "��� � �� � � ��'��'� ������ � ���� � ��� ���; ����� � �:"���'�" �'� .: ��.�x ��� � �, ���� - ���� ��� �� ��,�'�� ��� �� �� �� ���� .�� � �� � ��� � �, ���� � ����� � �� � �' �������� �°°� W, �� �:� � . . ° � ���� ; �. �� ����� - � ��� `� ,' �.. . � �� �� �� ���'� ��� �� � . 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I Q-i595 A-1416 � i � ,� , � �/��; "; j / ' ;'' ':'i!% � ���/ � ��.!i;�,'.',�:' i �//! ���//��j�/�/ /� � / / • '`/I i �� .- �. ,.._,IJ �����///79.4.52ACi�! // / // ///� "!��///�//�/i��� %/ "-.�.,.��._�_.�•- . i 'Frank A Schultc��,�� 73.F�,{',g�1c%i '� / /. . / /� �� �i J. N. D t N�S 0 IJ � �� �j '�_,_,� i�i �. A�359" ,. / � T. �.4�,Pf_G0. � �iss.nAc_, f�-�34k3 �ank A.Schulfz � � � ''� ,,. y i / ,� �,, �, B. 8. . B� C. R.R. /,� ;`• ' ; '� M.E.P.& P. R.R. A-t54 // �� � `ii. !//� A•922 �' /�' � , /�. � /�� , i� :' !�, , �f.�P BS�a�t �i;/��' ��i �� �� , .-���j'. � t,-478 B B. �. &X"C�.,R` R'/�%'�����`/ ." �� ��%A-I87� :i�!,'��%/�� ,-� � �/, e. w ►��_E��R !� � ,,% i � . � �, �' , �,� �%/ a-i6os /,/ �� : ,. ;;�, , i� P.W. CASPARY �'� �iX���'�� � % `�`� ' � /629.97.5 Ac �' %/�� � A-277 '%� / /�;/}' i .� � / /FrankYA.Sch�iltz/ � / � i � ,, � %���� , ' � � ; �;, � , , ,i R. A.CAP,RUTH R. /�. DAVI SON , � � .. /�/J.� McGOKlA� A-1518 /�-15 A a. 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