HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 25 Annexing 25.56 Acres in Denton County ox�z��c� �va. 25 AN ORDINANCE R�:CEIVIhTG AN➢ ANNEXING TERRETORY AI}J�SCENT AN� CONTSGUOUS Td TF3E '�OWN OF WES'PLAKE, Ty`XASa Pt�OVIDING THA1 SUCH AREA S1�A,LL BECOP�tE A PART Ob� SAID TOWN ANl? THAT THE OWNERS ANT3 IN�tTABITANTS THERE,OI` SHAAL•L BE ENTSTLED Z'0 �LL TH� PRTVILEGES C7F+ 0^HEr� CITIZENS dF SAID TdWN, AND BE B(�UND BY TH� ACTS ANS} ORDINANCES �OW Ii� EF�'BCT l?ivD tC7 BE S3E13EINAF`PEti ADQPTED; l+�"URTSi�R PROVIBIA?G i+(�R Al`�I�IDING ADTD CORR�CTIN� TriE dF'F+`ICIAL I30III�II}ARIES OF SAID TOYud?�i AS HE�i,TO- FORE ADUPTED AS AI�'IEND�,S3, Ai�t➢ PROVIt�ING F'OR AN FF'FECTIVE DA1E WHEHE:�S, pursuant to tne prcvisians cf the �cts of ig53, 53rd �egislatu��es Fage 357, Chapter 93, codified �.s Article 97�-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Jo Glenn Tcarner, owner af tne real property ksereinaiter described, having made application as by lava prova.ded to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the iown af Westlake, Texas, �ec�uesting �nnexaf:ion af � tract af land con- sist�ng of a 25m56 ac-re tract of land, rnore or 1ess, out of the T. iI. Calloway Su,rvey, Denton Goun�y Abstraci� 272, and the R. Allen Survey, Denton County Abstract 17, State of Texas, and be- �ng r�ore f;aSly described by metes and baUnds as follows: 3EGIF�N�i�G at a poznt a.n the east line of �he pres- ent corporate limits �f the �own of Westlake, Texas, �aid point pcing North 0° Og ' �.OF4 G7est �-189.4 feet from tYze south line of said Cal�awa�r Survey and the ncsrth line of the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract 52ys THENGE North 0° 09 ' 10" G�Iesf; along present cor- parate limits 1,468,6 fe�t to a point in the southwest line of U. S. Governmetat property and the Grapevine Reservair; thence with the lines of U. S . Government property and Grapevine Reservoir the following coursess South 60° 43' 30" East 332.3 feety Soutn 49° 3�' 23" East 4g7.7 f eet; South 16° 23 ` 22" �r3es c 151 .5 f eet s South 27° ��5' 37'' 401e9 feetp North 65° 41 � 52" �.ast 335 .7 feet9 North 30° 0�1�' 22" East 23� <8 i'eet; South 77° 30 � 08�' East 43j�o8 feet� south 74 50 ° 08" Last 22901 feet to a corner, TI�NCE South 0° 43' 10" East witn a fenee 574.8 feet ta a cornerz thence South 86° 57 ' 40" �3est �rith fence 1,494.2 feet to the place of beginnin� and cori- taina.ng 25.56 ac-res or .03g4 sauare miles . A plat of said land showing its location *�ith respect to �he Town oi Westlake, 1c-xas9 being attached he-reto marked Exhi�it "A°i� and kdH�.R�`AS9 said petition wa� f.iled vaith the Town of Gfest- lake at r/ ;�� o ' clock �.me on � ���" ,�,�� , 1g60, trohieh is not less than five (5l anct not mare than thirt� (30} days priar to this dateg and Gdi-LEt�AS, iz appearing to tne Board oi Alaermen of �he Tawn of Westieke' `�exas9 that all statutory reauirements in con- neetion with said prapased annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grou�e� in�o one ter•ritory a.s not more than one-half mile in widtr and that all of same is ad�acen� tc the present Town �.7mits of the �own of �v�estlake, Texas; BE TT 013DAINED BY THE BOARD OF AL➢ERI�EN OF TF�: TOthiP� Cr ?�fESTZAKE, `�'EXAS s 1 � TH�T, the property hereinabove describea being ad}acent and contiguous to the Town Limits of �destlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and hrought wi�hsn che Carporate L�mits of sa�d Town and is hereby made an a,:�tegral p2,z't thereoie 2m TI-L�T, the nwners and inhab�tants �i tre area nerein annenea be entitled to all of the righl;s and �arivileges af ather citzzens and property owners of said Town and be bo�and lay all o�' the acts and ordinances made in cor,zorrnity thereto, now �.n full force and eifect and that Eahieh rnay be hereazter adop�ed. 3. TT�AT' �he oPfica.al map and bour.dar�.es of` the Tewn of Glestlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amendea, be and is nereb�y amended sa as to inc�.ude the aforement:�oned territory as part o£ the Town of Gtestlake, Texas . 4. 'i'HSS ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and efiect from and a£Cer izs passage and approval by the T*layar and duly attested by the Town Secretaryr. ADOP�E� this d�y o� , �. D. 1g6o , APP�qVE7�: �� ���._ , `��� " , -r,-� A`I'TF,ST o �` .. �J" /�f��.!`� r, �� _�-�-�--"---�:% � �<. , ,, MF�:Y�R `--a , r � � _ � ; � � � ,- �=%-'.��-� � . __ ._ � IOk1N SEGP,F,TARY TH� STATL OF TEXl�S � COUNTY Gr TARt�I�N`P I, A. L. Odom, iown Secretary of the Town oi' �rSest- 3ake, Tex_as, do hereby certify that the iorego?ng is a �rue and correct cop�r of C3rdinance i�o , 25, daly presente� and adopted by the Bo�r�d of Alde_�men ai �aid ?'own as' inlestlake, `Pexas, at a meeting held on the 17trz �ay af' September, 1960, as sa�rie appea.rs in the �niriutes oi saia meeting, in Book No , ly Pages s,,>4, - ,��..�; . WI1�t�SS 1�'?Y HA1v77� AP�v SEAL OF TI�E TO�ri�T Ofi t�dESTLAKE, 1EX�S9 this the 17f;:: day of Sepi,ember, _1960 . .} f� '` ''/ ��. , i , ` E�„ ./ `� ;' ��w��.-"'t,� _ TOWIk ��SECRETAftY A-ES G . GRAYM M A-4L ' � B- B.B. $r C. R. R. W. GIBSpN ,� A-155 P.W. A�-482 � � R, K I N G CASppf�Y z A�700 A-276 3 ' � �j � � J' 5. � R A A M o F,I,MERRIW�7HER A-4 a A-E354 � � J. MIGKES o T. J• ALC� EN A-898 y T, H. GALL�OYVAY A-8 W. D. B E a . KELLY ���72 . A-B a A-704 . � "f. ,7. A LLE N f ` ` ;,R. A �� E N A-7 �o au , � ' . ;'i' 's.;tsA i;` _!i iQ`17 �LSBA �� i �� ,E.P. J.�H N R Y � /�/// R.W, A L�.��l R.R. A- 529 -9t2 A-5 lza.i Ac. .�G/@nn 7crrn r M. M E DLIN / A-832 2 .f- E�ADS W. b�MEDLSN , J. R. MICHAEL � /� ///% ��� 392 /� A-829 , A-820 353 �. � ! -0-.37.AG.: �- - � �� y;�,,�. w�,�. � , ._ � .M pw/s/ R,b. 9 vrhy �� ... ,3 . r?' � � _�- rne e �� � / F� ;- / T , HAEL / � E. /1,18 C• A-$21 / � � / R. EAflS J SU7T(J11 L6N ,'z�j�y� ;' ,]_ HENRh' � ///�[/ �� i i ;/i' a 52B // � N�r y ee/i�son ' J.G" e�l n�n fT �n r � �/� !"� �/ � ..IreneTNeshiff � . � %%�.t � / i/�� � m�,t_y , � - J.GI�nn,Turner � pE� � A �� r2Ac, �'B.w.Nealh ��� _ f //'` / 24 57 A/G - 88.63/AL/ . !�n/..��r Er , l.ZA�� . //r/f/ ./ !f// / 68Ag ' J.Glenn Turner i //� anAAc. F r�ght-- .-Glenn Turner 1G. Turner. A.C:_Heafh �ohnA,. c ; � DEN�TON GO� . ` �OA . ANf G0. - G S �rs . � � Sa.67Ac. � - olaf �2/4/Ac. � J.G/e.r/7�l nEr� ' _ _ _ _ - f e'// f �/6 l� ,�{OJEY�S _ /s.b/A�c_/ J85.16��iic/�.�� /.�28.4Ac/�/`Y .� `2'a.'7� //�/� i r f���/./ . ��/1�/'/'�!// . so.�- �.e.[a pente - J.Glenn T�rner E.T.pr k�F� _ ��� � J SSE 61B CrB H�AI� 1' K : NIJNi ,FIH3 O P .- a.E. ay � A'S92 /�%j���f � 136/3Ac� � •,_,�..,,,.c�.,-,.... � oB� N. .lde .A�w I/��� //����� l .as �-pen fer /j G.H-HBrm n, r. � N POAL. i �75A . 9,9 A . - � � � 70.A6A._�' Q /,/.ii���i / J.GlEnrl urr7p_r / '� - �'�- 4oAc. / ��p[. 40AC. � ..� � N.C. j ��rh w:n�erha� e W.T.S Brptes J-A.Med{ord .S. ra/her q�j /�j� ,1�, I�AN� . i� .. f . l'�G C�.� 'S '76 py� /��3.4�Ac. � A-1147 �. /�f �ii/�/ �//%�%/ I E.H.Reed�^r� JohnA.M Gurre . �6/A�// . �l 1_9$Ae. i / / w-r.c•�pe.,fcr I. / !ii/// f ,F2.Merrlll � .N.RBed�r . ao&o. ' - . �7atC ��-.�z.dc. o `lAc_R[.Hiyymr � �� r'/.�. /6,33A . ro,3.69A - .�,rr5�e.+ xigylns � SV��f1�lN K+3S-D�G-0AA7 7HpS gEEDY R.Nr.GIgSON + a.z9ay� / n- 2ao� ,�-r2 A-S88 ,{/51.Q'N WALNp�' �`ra.Keeder" / �.e< 99Ac. . s+a � , � .a.. s u Reh:.,�on � .v.f �"e�3�� ^ /,�, n�.53Ar.. WM.WINN //r���i� a-6�a � E.N.Recder EXHIBIT " B�� � A R E A T4 BE AN NEXED � INCORPpRATED TOWN OF WESTLAKE4 TEXAS ,a�c4 ��«* � �' r j�1 I„1)i t r�.f-t = e� P l,.:.� }�........ ,.. ,+; � '} � �1 t c. J 3�7`'� sj L 4r� ,, �C;f� aRo 25 �- �# ` . �,'r��a, � . �� ,� �. ,,r, �'' . � PETITTON REQUESTING A. XA.TZON �� `� '�6 ,� ' r � �� � OF LAND CONTIGUOUS A.ND ADJACEN� ��'�- °�" �-°°�-�� TO THE TOWN OF �TESTLAKE TEXAS ��;,}, ,� �; 1�1'��� �' � �} �1ctr�r��s:.,E To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board, Aldermen of the Town o�' Westlake, Texas . GREE2INGS: I, the undersigned, J. Glenn Turner, hereinafter called Petitioner, represent as follows: 1 . Tha� I am the Owner af a 25.56 acre �rac� of land situ.ated in the T. H. Calloway Survey, Denton Caunty Abstract 272, and the R. Allen Survey, Denton Coun�y �.bstract 17, Sta�e of Texas, fu11y descr.ibed by metes and bounds as shown in EXHSBIT r'A" attached hereto . , A plat of said land showing its location wi�h respect to the boundary of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is at�ached heretQ marked EXHIBIT "B". 2. Tha�, the land described in EXHIBITS "A" and "B" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in wid.�h; that less than three qu.alified vaters reside thereon, and is con'ca.gu.ous and adjacent ta the Tawn of Westlake, Texas . 3. You.r Petitioner agrees that 3f �his requ,est for annexation be granted, said land sha11 become a par� of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any fu,ture inhaba.ta�ts thereof shall. be en�itled to a11 the rights arid privileges of other ci�izens of the Town of Westlake, and shall be bound by the ac�s and ordinances of' said Town, now in effec� and as here- af�er enacted. �THEREFORE, your Peti�ioner respectfully requ.ests that this Peti�ioner for Annexation to the Town of Westlake, ..o�f., the land described in attached EXHIBITS be granted. � � � WTTNESS the signature of Petitioner duly ackn'.owle�dged as required for deeds . ; � , ��' � � �`� �� �`' r,° � , � m,e � x ,��r��� 1.� � ��� . .: .,���, � } „�rr �,� �,.k F . THE STATE OF TEXAS ss . COUNTY OF DALLAS BF�'ORE ME, the undersigned, a No�ary Pu.blic in and for sa3.d County and State, on �his day personally appeared J. GLENN TURNER, known �o me to be the person w�hose name is su.bscribed to the foregoing ins�rument, and acknowledged to me that he execu.t�d the same �c�r �he pu.rpo�es and consideration -�herein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OPFSCE, this the -a ,�. day of ��, A. D. 1960. ��.�..-�..�.�—s,. �-��-�.... Notary Public in and for My Commission expires Da11as County, Texas June l, 1961 ����#���g,��4 �g .y� '��`�"�w.���".,� � ��.�. cx��� ����� �� �»��t.. ��.,���.`��� �� ������ s� aaw *�'�" m+�p.� � � ":m, �, �,� .#- � �i'?� $�y�.� ��.'�'�k�tt.� (�id� +'��;�.� ���A� �# �.� ���+,�:'s`7� ��i�ak'ia`��� ������ �'J�a •�.a�y ���� � ��� �.�� �� ����� �������'� ���� ������� ���� �� ��� � �� �..�� ��.''���� �.��"`�� �� �`�' ���� ���,�� � . <, ��.��� ��*a� ��' � �„;�r� �����; �,�� ��� �� ��? �'��.����� ..,����.�`��T;��� �� � ���.��r �� ��� ���:��; :�.:�.�'�� �.� ���� 3 ..�;� � «�; ���`� ��r�"'�a<.m���� �;�. � ��'' �� ���� ��� ��' �������,"`x'� "�'"��:�.�� ���,� ,�t�3��"'�� ��:�"��,; �����'s��. ��'' �,�� �;��� �����a;� ���;��� �"��� ,�:���# �.�.�` ��`�'���'�: �-`��� _��'� ���.�. ���-�,���v`���* ��i$�'�£«;�``' ��� �.m�� r��`�� ���� �� ��a� �'������ ����� ������:��� ���������:�:. ���;�.� � �� ����"�� �� �=�"� �.*�.�� �����. ��,:�,� ���d������ ����,�. ������'_�' ��..�:-a�.�� � �;���� , �.. � � � .�, � � � .�.,� .,.s � �'�:�� � � ��,�..�`��� ��� ���� ��a��..�:����,� ��.��� �� �'� �`ffi ��:������ �� �>�=�x��:.����� ���. ��.�� ��������.��r ���������:�x� �������. ����� ��� �,������ ��� ��µ �� ����� E ��� ,� e ����� ��� � ��;�� �����'��:�� ��� ���:� ' �� �������z ����� ��` ��� '���'' ���:�� ����� ���?�� ������� ��� ��� ���� �� ��*���" �'���� ����� �.�� ��� �'� �'��� ���;.�� ,����� ������ �� ���� ��� ��:��� ����� ����� ��� ��� ��� ° �� � �� ������ ��:��� ��� ��� � � ����� ����� ������ � ��� ��� ����� ����m� ���"�� ��7��� 3��� ,�`.�"fi� �� � ����'�� �fi�,� �'��`� �� � ��:;� ��'� �����; ������. a'=� ��� �:��� .�,��� ��:�� � :�' �� �'���� �'��:�> �� � ��� �€��� ��.���r:� ����� ���� �,�a ����� ����� ��� �`���� �.����� �"���t �� � ' ����� ��' ��.���.��; ����. � �� ����� ����� �� ���� ��. �� ���� , j . , - _. i , ( ---- — --- — PINSON wiics A-1339 A• A4- FELTUS J. W I L B U RN T. BURRESS p-t595 A-I 4 I fi Q-3 3 ; /�%7'rTT�Tr���� � //i� //�/:'/i/T;/'7�—�/ ��� ��/ ��� i .�; � . �ii/i'/ , � '� � � ��� i��,'i � �'��� i�'%��� �j' � �° � i�.v,�,�iAr„ �/,'� � ���� ��//�, ','i i�� /�/��, � ��;`/' r•,n,.yr,hultz / /i��r3�r n��/;����� -/ ��/�����,���/� �, , � ���% ;'Frnnk A/Schul fz �' i3.6S9 Ar.�, ...�. ' i ��''�� /;�, �� � �� � '�� J. N. D�NtSON ,/j'�,,,�, / . �,� , �/��/ �� ����59 T, p.R.R. GO. / /��ss.«�ic. � - A-1303 � / r��nk A.S�hu1FZ B. B. . a C. R.R, / /�//%�( /' / �/! M. [.f�, a P. R.R. i. ; .'%,''� ;/i;,; A•154 � / i �� '�'','' .j' �j!�i !a•822 / /�j�j%j '�" �;%/,i�i / / / ''�'. �%.'%;i, � � ' �f � , , J.GIBSOH ���';� f � �' �����'-�- / // �i"� , ';�'�,� ;/���� A``b7 8 � �B. B. Ei ��G.,R.�R.�;. ,��,� /�/ //� , .� : %%y�i �/ ' : :'A-�87 i�;/ �// �/��/�6 � - � �.i;�'�i a, wr� �E�ER /;j' �//%/ �'� 'ii%, ae�E�s /,j' � %;,� �%� %;� P,W. CASPARY i�'�'�j/ �z5"�j�r.:<tc: �%'',�•/ � � :• ' ;-����� �%� % A-277 ��/ ; ;,/�'iY ,;� , ;''jf�%i i/ / �iFf�7lll<��f�.SrIRU�fZ�.���%��/` e ��%///�.�� - ,%. //j�.�' r'i •/i R. A.CAF!RU7H R.A, Dl�VI SON �% '" �%���� . ,;.�i/ ,,�'• �i:%/-,� , :/�/`�J.�C M� �OWAN A-f5t9 A-f5 � �8. DANKS;:,',j'�";" � /��/,' .A_959 /��.%A-366 i:f;' ,,���'y;'!� � i i �i;{S��'� � ' �� //GY.5F3Ac% i" /'// �,��FrYc. i / a...o. . f2UTH ALLEN i ;F�riF A.�Sr,hu�i�'�', i'%�/ �:1:/.�. ..._.. ' / i �-;'/ • �, ,';'' —'�-- � A-I 5 ..,.., _ G , GRAYW M A-4a n g, B,9. 8 C, R, R, ��'` W. GIBSON A-153 � �� ' R. K I N G P �� � A-482 CASFAf�, � A-700 Q-276 �; �j h J' � S. G R A h A M o ' F.I.MERRIWETHER A-4 5 A-i354 J. MIGKES o T. J. ALLEf� A-89II �Z .�._.._.____. T, N. G A L L 0 1N A Y Q-a W. D. EI E l D, . K[LLY a-272 ��e o a•�ca , , , ' !%, , I '�;�%'�>'�.,. !!%i,' /%'I . � ��,,; , � '/� l"- J A L� EN %��',a:a a�. /�`' �R. A L L E N u-7 / �' �'� � A-17 ,rr.�;en %i,�� __—_ _. �/� 'i�%% , i � , � ; ;, M.�.P. ,), . FI �E N R Y j,' �� R.W. A L LE tV a � �;� / P. R.R. Q- 529;�` . �� A•912 � ' '%i ersac:�;j/ A-5 ;�,��i�';,',;�j.,. i ./. G/Cnn.7'urnEr' N;. i�5 E' fJ � Y n3 %. ;// ._. � 7aJ .,...._-- l!-$32 2 i / ;�J., E�ADS / '��MED� J. R. MtCWAEL /// � � /�-%///% ' � ///�� 92 i�jA-829��. A-820 3`�9..�'" / � � I/.2.9/AG. � r `� �l__l/_/ .. . �"tn�f�wsJ� - � -'� i 7 -----�- - ... ._. �.._;�.- � ��/ j i � � / �//,f R.D. 9v:hy .35 .3 �/yA .pwslC�f I '_"' / � / '� " " / C*' �. - _ � n c, J"i��1_�HdEL , .G.Turne / � � //i '', / _ i?f.iBAc• / 'iu��'/� / A-82� / //i ✓� � .� ,, �' ���� i G , GRAYH M A-4� ,� ^ 6•B.B. & C, R. R. W• GIBSON M A-I55 PYJ. A-482 � �a R. K I N G CRSPARY M � A-700 A-276 �3 �� h J � 5. G R A h AM o F,I.MERRIWETHER A-4 � A-D64 � J M I C K ES o T. J• ALLEN A-S9� �� "`"—'�"" T. H. CALLOV4AY A-a 1N. D. B E a � . KELLY A�z72 A•6 � A•704 ; i ' r �i ;, I // ���%����'��`w � ,�, ;,., ,��/,I �` T. � A L L E N .'�, %� .� ;�� , f /�-..�_� R. 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