HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 24 Annexing 274.11 acres in Denton County f�RDINANCE N0. 2�+ AN ORDTNANCE RECEXV�P�G AND ANNEXXNG TERRITORY ADJACENT A1VD GONTIGUOUS TO TH� 'I'OWN OF W�STLAKE, �EKAS; PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECQ�+'IE A PART OF SAII7 TOWN AND THAT THE 0�1NERS AND INHABITAIr1'�S THEREO�' SHALL BE ENTITL�D TO ALI� THE PRIVILEGES OF fJTHER C�TI�ENS OF SAxD TOWN, AI� BE BOUP�D BX THE ACTS AI�TD dRD�NANCES N01r� IN EFFECT AND T� B� HEREINAFTEFi ADOPTE�; FiIRTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENI3ING AND CO�RECTTNG T�iE OFFTCTAL I30UNDARIES 0� SAID TOWI�T AS HERETOFO� ADOPT�D AS AMEI��DED AND PRC}VIDING FU� AN EF� FEC"T�'fTE DATE WHEREAS, pursuan� to the provisions of th� Acts af 1q53, 53rd Le�is�ature, Page 3�7, Chapt�r �3, cad�fied as Art- icZe g74-G, R�vised C�.vi1 Statutes of Texas, Frank A. Schultz and w#.fe, Betty Schultz, owners of the re�]. progerty hereina.£ter d�scribed, havin,g made appl�.ca.�ion as by �aw provided �ra the Mayor and �oard of Aldern�en of the Town af �J'estlake, T�xas, re- questing �.nnexation af a tract of l.and cansist�.ng of a 2�7.11 acre tract of land, more or l�ss, out of the A. N. Feltus Sur- vey, Denton County Abstract 1595, and �he P3.nson Wil�es Survey, D�n"�an County Abs�tract 1�39, State of Texas, and bein� more �'ul].y c�escr�bed by metes and bounds as fallaws : BEG�PTNZNG a� point at the most nor'�he��.y nor�h- east corner af the present corporat� limi�s of the - Town o�' Westlake, Texas, same being a.lso at the north east corner �f the J. N. I7ensan Survey, Abstract 359; THENCE S�uth OQ 11 ' West with pre��nt corpora�e limits 385.7 feet to most sautherly sor��hwest ct�rner of sa�.d F�ltus Surv�y; thEnce Sauth $9� 37' Ea�t wi�h a fence and sauth 1�r�e of said Fel�us Survey �.,�62�.3 �'eet ta a corner; THENCE Narth �° 0� ' East with fen�e Z,536.3 feet �v a cor�e�; �hence Nar�h $9° 3� ' West �,�0�.� f�et �o a corrler; thez�ce North �° 08' West 3�� feet to a corner; �h�nce North 89° 36 � West 1 �53.0 feet 'to a . ,_ �orne�'; thence_ North l� �$ r East 20�.8 feet to a Gor�ner; THE�ICE �iorth $g° 2�' Wes't 2,�3$.� feet to a corner in �he West line of �aid WiJ.es Surv�y and the �ast �.ine of the Thc�mas Burress Survey, Abstract 33; th�nce Sou'�h Oa 41 ' Wes� with dividing line bet�ween s�.id Wiles and Burress Surveys 1,638.6 feet to a corner �n the center of access road to thi.s tract of land and a sou�hwes� corner c�f said Wiles Survey; THENGE Sou�h 88° 38� East wi�h sou�h ��ne af said Wiles S�trvey 6G+�i fee� to an inside corner of said Wiles Sur�vey and at 'che northeast corr��r of the �y-Z � r B.B.B. �C C. R. R. Survey, Ab��ract �.5�; thence South 0 �-5 ' Wes'� with the dividir�g lines be�w�en said Wi�.es and B.B.B. & C . �. R, Surveys I��+.53 fee� �o mos� so�therly sauthwest corner flf said Wiles S��vey, sa�e bei�g at the most nartherly nor�hwes� corner a�' the pres�;nt corpara�e limits �f �',hE T�W31 of West].�kei THENC� Sau�h 8g� 25� East with north lin� of �aid corporate limits arid the south line a�' said Wiles Survey 4,�+4$ feet �o the p�.ace of be�inn�.ng, cor�taining a tract of �and c�n�aining 2�-7.11 acres or 0.386c7 square miles . A glai� of �aid land shawing �.t� location with respect to the Tawn of Wes�lake, Texas, bein�; a�tached hereto ma�rked Exhibi� "A"; and WHEREAS, �aid pe�ition was fi�ed wit� �he Town of Westlake at � .�:� d o " c].ock p .m. on August /.3 , 1960, which is not ].e,�s than�ve (5) ar�d not more t�iar� t i�y (3Q) d.ays prior �o thls cia�e; and WHEREAS, it appea��.ng to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that aZ1 s�atutory requirements �.n con- nec�ion w�.th said �roposed annexat3on h�ve been fulfill�d and that the said a�ea duly g,rouped 3�nto c+ne �erritory is not more �han one-ha�f mile in wid�h and that al�, af same is ad�acent to �he present Town Lim��s of the Town of West�ake, T�xas; BE IT ORDAIN`��7 BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEl� OF THE TQW�i OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: �. . THAT, the proger�y here�.nabvve described being ad�a- cent and con�iguous to 'the Towr� Limits of Westlake, Texas, be and �.s hereby annexed and brough� with3n the Carporate Lirriits af said Town and is hereby made ar� integra]. par� thereaf. 2. THAT, �he owners and inhabitants af the area here�.n annexec� be entitled tQ a11 0� the righ�s and pr�vileges af other c�.t�.zens and prope�ty awners of said Town �.nd b� bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformi�y thereto, now in �u].1 force and effect and th�t which may be herea�'ter adopted. 2y� 3. THAT, the o�'ficial map and boundaries of the Tflwn of w��ti�e, Texas, as heretofare adop�ced and amended, be and is Y�ereby amended sc� as to inc�ude the afo�rementioned terr�.tary as part of the Towrr of Westlalce, Texas . � . THIS o�dinar�ce shall become efFective and ]ae� in full force and �ffect fram and af�er its passage and apgroval by the Mayor and duly at�ested by the Town Sec�etary. ADqP'I'ED this 20th d�,y of Augus�, A. D. 1960. !' APPRO : - � _ - - - -- -- _ '� ..� �` r ATTES'�: =� i � � � R - ' 1 p�. ��� , t TQ�nIN S�R�:TA� � THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY 4F TARRANT I, A. �. Odom, Tawn Secretary of the Town o�' Wes�lake, T�xas, do hereby cert��'y that the �'oregaing is a �rue and correct capy o� Ordinance No . 2+�, dul�' presen�ced anci adapted by �h� Board of Aldermen of said Tc,wn of 'Westlake, '�exas, at a meetin� held.,an the 24th ci.ay of August, 196�, as same appears in the �ir�utes af said me�ti.ng, in Bflo�c Na , l, Pages �/G � /y�' W�TNE,SS MY HAND A1VD SEAL �F �H� 'fi4W1'� OF W�STLI�KE, TEXAS, tY�i� the 2�0'�h day of August, A. D. 7�9�0 . - � " f/ ! � C a z�� ��r�F�ii�rii���� �Frank A.Sc1��uld'z �� � �/ •/ �, R. A.GARRUTH R A. DAVI SON j� ///�/,,�' .0 M� GOWAN A-15i9 A-15 A /B. DANKS" r A-959 ` //f,A�3 B 8,/�/ /�/ • � //�///,��/57.663 AG. 77.396 AC. R 'TH Q " ' ''/Ji/ � �/ U L L E N 'F�ank ,�..5chu tz / / — Q-IS G . C� RAY hl A-48 � 8. 8.6. 8 C . R R W� GIBSON � A- 155 P W A-482 � � R. K I N G CASPRR7 � A-744 A-276 3 ? h � J �. S. G R A AM `� F.I MERRIW€THER 0 A-4 a A-f35a � J MICKES o T. J, ALLEN �`-8�8 � T. H CALLOYVAY �-a � W. D. B E D KELLY �'2�` A-9 Q A-704 / � � r i /f '• / f� �� /�,j}�+. c S�', T. J A L L E N i �'S.�7�� ��,4 �...�-. �o.�a�4,f, � /� R. ALLEN A-7 � /r,; �%�i/:'. . s.4�a A-I 7 3J.5BA /r. / � � � �� `, �\. . — - �,�/. ;,.�. . ,; � , .f= /-/• , // � - !, i'��,;'�i "/� �j M.E.P. J. ,H E.N R Y�f`i`" f3� , � , , ;;rf�•/ ' R.tiN. ALL��N P R,R. A-529.�',:�;I�j j .�;, , � A•912 �,;�i.'�;,:,,f�. A-5 -— ---- � .�.:�lf79�.T5Ae. •/ . . _ _ .1f f . ,r,�//'%i �C,1t'nn�.Turn��" ( � M• MEbLIN .��. ybc n_ a�n � �� ���� � � .,�- � . .�-��- �'-,l�� � �����: �-��, p t3RD 24 P�T�Tzo� ��,uEszx�G �.N���Tzo� . *��� � � ����� { ����; �y��.�;��A� OF Z.AI�TD CONTZGUOUS AND t�.DJACEN�' `e �� � �T � s �.�° �� �'�� �..�..�-. TO THE TO�T OF WESTLAKE, T��AS � ;;�.,� � ��,.�.��,/���"� ,��.Qr�� To �h� Honorable Mayor and M�mbers af the Board' of ;Aldermen of the Town of �'estlake, Texas . GREETI�TGS: We, the undersigned, Frank A. Schultz and wife, Be�ty Schultz, hereinaf�er called Peta.tioner, represent as follows: l . That �hey are �he �w?zers af a 2�-7,11 acre tract of 1.and situated in the A. N. Feltus Survey, Ab�trac� 1}5� and the Pinson �Tiles Survey, Abstrac� 1339, State of Texas, fu1ly de- scribed by metes and baunds as shown in EXHTF3IT "A" a�tached here�o . A pla� af said land showing its location with respect to the boundary of�he Town of Westlake, Texas, is attached here�o marked EXHIBIT rrBrt. 2. Tha�, the land described in EXHIBSTS "AT' and f'B" heretQ attached, is less than one--half mile in vaidth; that less than three qualified vo�ers reside thereon, and is con�igu.ou.s and ad,�acent ta the Town of �estlake, Texas . 3. Your Petitioner agrees that if this requ,est for annexatian be granted, said land shall become a part of the Town of' Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any fu,ture inhabitan.ts thereof shall be en�i�led to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town af Westlake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said Town, now in effect and as here- after enacted. �THEREFORE, your Petitioner respeetfully requ,ests �hat this Petition for Annexation to �he Town of Westlake, of the land described in a��ached EXHIBITS be granted. WIT�TESS the sa.gnatures of' Petitioners d�1y acknowledged as required for deeds. �---- > ..,..-.r'��t���2,�' ,: ,�"..� � ___ � �;, r.. , „�--'`��` � THE STATE OF TEXAS `� °' + �,� �._� Ss. COUNTY OP ..�-�t�.r_,��t,_,-_,,� BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public a.n and for said Coun�ty and State, on this day personally appeared FRANK A. SCHULTZ and BETTY SCHULTZ, his wife, both known to me ta be the persons whose names are su.bscra.bed �o the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged �o me that they eaeh execu.ted the same for the purposes and considera�ion therein expressed, and the said BETTY SCHULTZ, having been exa.mined by me privi.ly and apart fram her hu.sband, and having the same fully expalined �o her, she, �he said BETTY SCHULTZ, acknowledged su.ch ins�rument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for �he purposes and consideration �herein expressed, and that she did not wish to re�ract it . GZV.EN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF 4FFICE, this the 12th day Qf Augu.s�, A. D. Zg6o, �' .�,� �;� � r� �` ' ,s ,c-�'--��--;a"r._�'...A' f `,�t.-,.;�t.-f �-'f,,d„a.,,��`"s'��: otary Public in and ar . ���F,��� Co ., Texas .. �:_.�.�,� My Commission expires: June l, Zg6i -2- EXHIBTT "A" � ������,� � � � �_ � ��: a � � °� � �������� �"�' �� �� ��� : �� ��'� �� � � , ��' ���� � �� � �� � �� � �� � ��� � ��� �-, �� �� � �� ��`.��� � . ���� � ��� ' '� � �� � �� ����� � :` � � ��' �.��� � . � . � � ° ,� . �;� �'�:�� . .�� �� � ��.:� � � � ��� �� �` ;�� �� ������ � � �� �� T �� �� � � ��� : �� � �� �� � �� �� �� '�� � ��� � � �.� � �� ��: _ �.� � �� � � � � � ��: � �� � �� � � �� � � ���� �� ���� �`= .� � �; ��,� � � � �� ����� �� ��:��� � �� � �� �. .��� � �� �� �� ��� ��� �� � �� ���� �� � � � ��� �� ��� �� ������ �� . �� � :� � ���� �� � ��_.� ��� `� ���� �� � �� . � �� � � � � �� � � ��� � ��� . � �� �� "� � �� ���� � ��� � ����` �� � � � � ,� � �� � �� ���� � �a� � �� � ��� � � ' � � � � � � � �� �� �� � � � � ��� � � �� � ��� �� � � �, �' � . � :� � � �. �� �^ �� �� � �� �� � �� ` �w � :� ��;� ��� �' � �� � �� � � �� � �� �� � � �� �� ��. �� ����� �� � �,� � � � �. " � ���� �: ,. . � � � �. �.� � ��� � . � �� ��,� ���� �� �� �� ��� � � �� ���, �� w � � ���� ��� � ����� �. �� .. �� � ���� �� � � � � � � ,� �� � : �� � � � �� �� � � �� � ����� �� ��� � � ���� � , �� �� ��� � . � � ���� ��� �� � �� � ���� � � � � �� � ��� � � �� �� ��� �. �� �� � t ��� �� � � � � � � �� � � ��� � �� �� � � ��• � � �. �� � � � ��' ,� �� � '� � � � � �.. � � �� ' � � �� �� � �� � � ar�� � ` � , � � ���° � �� � � ��` � � � � °��` � � � � � ����� �; � �� � � �� �' �� : ���� �� �� �� �� � � � �� ��� � �� � ��� " � � ��` � ���� ���� � � � �� �� ,� � ` � �� � ��� c���� �; �� �� � � � � ��:,� � PINSON W � t_ES A-133� A. M. FELTUS J, W I L B U Rr; T, BURRESS A-1595 A-I ti I 6 A-33 -----._.._..----._.__.------- �_._._—.- ---- ~���_-- i,VJ.d!,/Ai;. /'.A..Sl:�7U1�1 i/.�?:c:�A.'. ... -:`ao'�s..—�-_- /�:��,P .. .,. l�, ;fl,. ,�1 _ . '-9C'i�_. � ---- �L� i '�,j // i ��'7 � �'� %,�/�J. N. D:�"N�SOhi� —_i �', , ' i . -i�� r. ;�' j�/i//��!�A-3 5 3 T. P R.R..G O � /i%a,ii Ac. �, %��%///� r:�nk A.'s�hu�ii '; A-13G3 .,�, j/� j/ //��i i;�:� � ' / , /%� , D. �, , & C. R,R. i�, /,� � i�� �,�; M G ,f�. (� P, k?.R, A•154 ��' �������'� /j/i" A•922 '�i�'� � /�Y %�',�' ; /����%���� .'/' �� j������j �;',-� �/, J.G l B SG N � // � ' : , , . ����� � %�' %�.� , ��/ %,.�� i; A-478 ' �'� 8. 6- &�C. R: R�.,�,- ; �. �; � � - I .; , '�% j�j;i�, , � ' ,:��; i �a-�e; i, /���// ��/,'. /� , i / .y, F3. WNCELER //��;,%�/��/�%� ; ;;i, i / -i ��;', a�i��5 ��i/ij /, /, �� ',��,�,; ,�;. � p.W. CASPARY �����` � � � ; �%. �i�� � �29.9ri�Ac.. ��� �, A-277 �/�%;'�'• � �_� ;�i'��i /�//�/ �/Ff7�lI<�A.<���hcf/��Z�. %/// � /�� '��iii�///. 1 // � ��� '/; j �i %'%Y, � ;�%. . . , .j/, R, A,CAF?RU7M R A D/1V1 SON � i ���,'/� ��� � ' � �'i• A•15I8 A-I5� i:/�j.'ji�/�1: ;i,�/f�,J.0 M� riOWAN ��j f �. DARIKS ' '/�/��/i A-959 �� � � � � /- . �� / � j ;,/�A�368/ �� �� '/ti� a��%/��, //. !//G7.�RA.?4� , ' / /7.355Ar,.. ��� � / ! . /�/ / F2 U T li A L L E N /i�';f-�.�rik � � " y�y,�,�,� A.Sc.hult, �• %/j// _ � �G.LGT/_,�.1'1r�7-r.�'�`y'' � - -.. ../ i ! / ,r�-__ -�'-�—���. � A-I 5 _. �_. G , GF� AYF{ M A_�� M" B.f3.B. Y� C, R. R 4y. GIBSON ,, A-155 �r� �� R. K I N G CASPAf{y A -482 � A�70� A-276 a � i� h J� �, S. G R A H A M D F,I.MERRIWETHER �..q � A-064 J MICKES � A-898 o T. J• A LL�N r --.______ T. W CALLOVNAY A-8 y W, U, D F L .D . KELLY A'z72 A •8 � A•7G4 � `�� •-- - �i� � T. J A LLEfV .. � �ir��i�� L� ....R, �1LLEN q.-7 � N.��.�� .ili:pA i. A'�7 , / i M,E.P. J. H E N R Y E� R.W. ALLEN P. R.R. A-529 Q•912 A-5 �Xn.ls n:c. ,/. G/c:rrn 'FurnCr' r�. !v E � L1r� _ 7g..___ -- � n-e a 2 '; / � / , 26 i; / � � "�j;J.�� E�ADS �W. D.�MEDLihI J R. MICNAEL .%�// j/ 9 � / ///// �+ / //� /3 .5��.•A-829 ' A-820 � 1Z4 .97l1t. /�r - � ` ���1/../ y f'/`! �w;c,',� � _. . ..,__ ,.. •. 4' . .. _� , _ �� :��q 35 3 i M/w/�� R.D. 8ushy / / - +..-� ' � �/ o c. c �, .1�`' --- �, ����C � � � ;��i 7'R>�SrHdEL 2.' /:.i4Ac�� ����� a-82i �� � �� /,�� � � % % �/ � R. EA05 J SUTYON / / ,Q �,{N' � ���� ,i ftENRY �� / / � ,y�. %�� �� I/,7rr f 5en,/i nn A�926� � `9;': % �'+ .' G jrin Tt(r i.r � � ',i�'//%//i///'ji ���... � /,(� - . • � � � „ //, .� '/;r rni.'! „ /////� . /� ';21 /� / ////i, //�� �/i,� ��: /�i('J/ ~ �F� ti B. B.D. fl� C, R. R W. GIBSON � M A-I55 P � A •482 � �� R, K I N G ��,spariY a A'70� A-276 �� r� h J' � S. G R �l h A M ,� , F.I MERRIWETHER �..q � A-OB4 � J MICkES � T. J� ALLE1� A-890 r - �- - 7. W CALLOWAY A-8 �� , W. U. 0 E l o, , K �L.LY A�2�2 A '8'' o ' A•7G� �� - `�`. / -- ``70. � V T. J. A LLEN . I � �� �`' R. 6tLl. EN A-7 7(i4Ar � N.•le�A ai�;r,A `�• A-17 i�r��_....._ --��-- --- -- - M,E.P. J. H E N R Y p. R.W. A LLEN P. R.R. A- 529 A-5 A•912 izn,.�sa�• � ,/. GIE'f4R �U/-Ilt?f' !�d. (4� E Q � i �1 ---- �7� -_---•- - !'<-6 3 2 / / , . � � � ;' 2 6 /iJ. - El� OS %�/ W. D�E �hl J R. MICNA[L "�i� i/' , "�� ,,�/ !� i � ����� �, ��" /�, A•829 '. A-820 j/`�� 92 / .3�s,�y• '� / � �ft,3'll1c, �� / / � 1��/ �'.r;n�., ,w.,���. _ .� �� �: � � .�� ' 35 3 , /� y i n/f.nw'/c,.� -- R,0 9✓rb � / --' �. - —� �, i� �- _ � .� � - 1� Ci)Lr`r7Cr �0 t, � ;; [ : �� 1 � i� ' ;'�� 7'�;=�1,�GHAEI. ---- -- �-- / � �// '!.' _ /:,ilJ c/ y �/i'� a-62t / / 1 .i � //, , /,,� i �� �� , �� �,%� � ;� � ;� i, : R. 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