HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 23 Annexing 213.63 acres in Denton County ar�=rr��c� �ro< z3 AN dRDINANCE RECEIVING AN77 I�NNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN QP ti�J�'STLAK�, `l'EXAS; PROVII3ING THA1 SBC�S AREA SHALZ BECdME A PART dF' SAID TfSUdN AND THAT THE OWT3ERS A_ND 1i�H�3BITANTS `PH�REOF SHALL BE E�TTITLED TO ALL THE PftIVSLEGES OF OTHER Ct`IIZENS OF SAID TOWN, AND B� BOtTiVD BY T"rIE ACTS AND ORDINAI�CES NO�Sd IN EFFECT A�ID ^id BE NEl�Ii�AF'TE� ADOPTED; FURTF�ER PROVIDTNG rOR AME�SDII�G AND COR�ECTING TH� OI�'FICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAiD TOG?N AS HERETQ- r'OREa ADdPTED AS AME�DEll, A1�D PROVIDIt3G FOR AN EFFECTIVE 1�ATE WHE'_REAS, pursuant co the provisians oi the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter g3$ codif�_ed as Article �'74-Gs Revised Civil Statutes of Texas9 J. Glenn Turner, owraer of the real property hereinafter descra�bed, hava.�g made application as by law provided to the P�Tayor and Board of Aldermen oi �he Tcwn of G�estlake, Texas, reauesting annexatzon o� a tract af land con- sisting of a 213 .63 acre tract of land, more or less9 cut af the Joseph Fienry Survey, Denton Caunty Abstract 520, Thomas Kelly Sur- �ey, Dentan County Abstract 7C4 and the Te �I. Gallovray Survey, Denuara Caunty Abstract 272, State of Texas, ax�d being more ful�t_y �eseribed by metes and bou?�ds as follows : BEG�NNING at a point in the most northerly nor�h lyne oi tne �resent corporate limits of the 'I'own of 'r9est- lake, Texas, said point also being in the so�ath line oi the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract 529, and approximatel� 1,030 feet west of its sautheast cort�ers thence North 1 �$' 20" East with fence 2�666 feet to a point in the north line of an east-west eounty roady `I`HENCE East 16>?_ ieet along north line oi cous�ty roa� to a �aint for corner; thence North 0° 09' 1C� T�7est 19 �83_ feet to a �oint far corner a.n tne southwest pro�erty line of U, S . Government and the .Grape�zne Reservoirs THENCE with the southwest line of said Grapevine Reservoir and the fol?owing courses and distances v�rith an iron pipe markin� each cornere North 60� 43 � 30" West 310 feet; nIor�n 58° 48 � 45" East 245.1 feet; ltTorth 43° 36E 15" West 7�1 .5 feety hortn �1° 40� �dest 409e5 feet ta a corner in fence on the west line of the T. H. Calloway Survey, Abstract 272, and the eas� line of the Thomas Ye�ly Sur�ey, Abstract 7049 TFi.�NCE Seuth 0° 28 ' 20" West w�th a fence on the line between said Ca�a.oway and ILe11y Surveys �16 feet to a corner; thence West with a f2nce 619.4 ieet to a eorner; thence South 0° 56' 10" West 2,193.7 feet to a corner in the south line of an east-west county road; THENCE North 89° 38 ' 30" West with south line of said county road, the center oz which is the south line a� said Kelly Survey �nd the north line of the Joseph Henry Surve�, Abs�ract 529, 602 ieet to a corne.r; TI�NCE South 1° 33` 5a" T�1th a �'ence 2,639 feet to a fence cor•ner, and being ir, the south line of said Henr�r Survey and the norL-h lina oi present corporate limi�s of the Tawn of Westlake; TiIENCE East with a fence and the sau�h line o£ said HEnry Survey and �ne north l�ne of said corporate iimits to the place of` beginning covering a tract of land containing 213.63 acres or 0 .3338 square miles . A plat oi said land show3ng its location tvith respect to the `I'own of Westlake, Texasg being attached hereta marked Exhibit ft ft Pi 9 ��a N lt WFIERGAS, said petiLion vaas filed with the Tovm oi Giestlake at ,�,�.; �� o ' clock p.m, on August !� , 1g6o, which is not less than five (5} and r�ot rnore than thirty (30} days prior to th7 s date; and WHEREAS� it "appearing to the Board af Aldermen oi the Tovan of Westlake, Texasy that �.l:l st�tutory requirements in con- nection with saia pro�osed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly groupefl into one territory is not more tha:� one-half mile in width and that all of same ie ad„acent to the present Tovan �imits of the Tawn of C�estlake, Texas; BE �'`P dRDAINED BY TiiE BOARD OF ALDERMEN 0�` TKE TQ�dN �F t�dESTLAKE, TEXAS : l . TFTAT9 the property hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the `�own Limits of tdestlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corpo_rate Limita oi said Totan and is hereby made an integral part thereof, 2> TiIA`P, the owners and inhabitani.s of the area herein annexed be entitled to a11 of the rights and privileges of other citizens and �roperty owners of said Town and be bound by all of th� acts and ordinances made in confirmity thereto, now in full foree and ef�ect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3 . THAT, the official map and boundaries o� the Town of T�estlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforement?oned territory as part of the Town of WestlaKe, Texas . 4e THIS ordinance shall become efiective and be in fu11 falce and efflect from and after its passage and ap�roval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Seer•etary. ADdP��D this 20th day of Au�ust9 A. �. 1960. APP�OVED> '�� -- .> _. _ _ _. _" - .__ -� �1 n� ' , � �x���n...T° �� � i � � � _. ���—%--` �� ' � �'' �.sC��� , � NfAYOR � .w, , n �. ,,. ,��,;. 1 �" � . C�i�/'"`��,�--�..,.,w,..�.,.�_-��v.._ _ •.. TO�v`N SECRETARY � �' TEi�. STA`PE OF TEXl�S .� COUNTY 0� TARRA�T`I' � I, A. L. Odom, Tovan Secre�ary of the Towr� of Westlake, `�exasy do herebST certify that the faregoing is a true and cor- rect cop;� of Ordi��:nce No . 23, flu7.y �resented and adop�ed 'oy tbe Board of 9ldermen of said Town of Westlake, `Pexas, at a meeting held on the 20tn day of August, �960, as same app�ars in the rninutes oi said meeting, in Book No . 1, Pages i�,�' -Jy�S� G�ITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE '�QWN OF WESTLAYE, TEX�1S, tn�s tl:e 20th day of August, 4. D. 1960 . t' � ��,- �/'�<'- ��-��----- TOGJN SECRETARV �' PINS �N WILES j� /� A-1339 A. M. FEL7US i J. W f L B U R� T, BURRESS A:-l595 � ���/ A-I4 16 q-33 j , I � // /i � j % i ;�// /� ,,�!� �/i�, ��%�i�j , �/�� ' f''/ � i � � �//�/i�� f i /if� iii . � ' � i9335l.qC�/ �/� / � ' y � / � � . // � i , i // / � / / , /�, �.,f/�/ ;�� /ii/�ir.� '% /'� �;��/f�'� ��' / , ,�,� , /J ' i, i, �, Fi�A„5churfz" .�,�� . .��-�45�Ac �� � //� � �, . �;'i 'f ,.,. `i/, , . / �//�/Ji � ////%f//f���� '. +r�ank A,.SrhuNr' !/j�i;73 65gAc I � �� � . ,�� � i, / � !,i ,';���i�. ���1��J. N. DEt111����� .�,.� , .��. �i �; � /� i.i � �,� i �� Af�359 ; T, P.R.R. G4, � ,� f/,Sg.,,a� � � �i �i A-1303 rank A,Schu�lf�/,���/i� i�`// � / � �/�f/J//���/ 8. B. . & C. R.i1. � � i M. E .P. & P. R.R. A-154 " %,i� %• A-922 /;1/�j� '�% . � / �,%� �. / ,�' J.G18S�N /� � ; i %'/�/,� %i%�/� A-478 B. 9. B. ��G,: R. a. ��� � �f R-i87 //� , , ''/ / ,'//�,, ./•;.� _ � �/�� "�!/j��' /� //. � /�.'//�f�� /� B. W M E E!�E R : �: i:'�/'�''��� � � / ;% �� ,��/,', � A-1605 �,�// �/ P.W. CA5PARY �/,�"��!�/// �-'i��� dZ9.975AC,.�/If A-2 7 7 ���/v'/.�//�,�1 FTa n k'�A,S c h��l tz f�/v �/,/ /: � , R. �S.CAP,RUTH R. A. pAVI SON i� j,�/ �- � J.0 M� GOWAN A-15f9 A-15 A B. DA��� �� ' //� A-959 I f,�R-368 � / " ii�i `- - /57'.653AC.� 77.396Ac. �/////i / � RUT�H ALLEN fF��k ,a.s�h� t:s �j _ _ A-15 G . GRAYH M A-48 B. B.B- � C. R. R. +� A-155 tiN_ GfBSON � � R. K I N G CASPARY �-4�2 � �" A-7Q0 11-276 3 � � h � � �. S. G R A A M o �.I.MERRINfETHER A-� � A-135a J M [ CKES o T. J. A �LEN A-88� � 7. H. CALLOWAY A-8 h W. D. B E a KEL�Y a-272 A-B 4 A-704 � T. J. A L � EN �s:aa'�', R. A L L E N A-7 � s.46d sr.se� : � _i A.-17 � �,i �/ , i; �i'%/�%� M.E,P, J. H N R Y �`/� /� R.W. ALLEN P. R.R. '� 524 �,r// A•912 � �'./ A-5 ,%,r8�sa�.r /.��l.i///%// - � ,l. G/enn 7c.rrn�r �� rj-!'�,' 'l ,' M. 'M � q L I 9U I 7g - A- e�z 26 J. E�ADS ri. D�MEDLIN . J. R. MICHAEL � /y/ ////%.: ��� 92 F��/q-829 , A-820 � 353,5 c: � ���.. y � ���� m M. ws!e !f_+ ! / / /��j ' � �///7 � R.0: Q u r h y •�� � � � �M.OwSfec C ]' B G. / ^ `-_____ .G. r�rnC // / i � � f �A�L z. I .18Ac-` � .��� A-821 i � / � �' /% ; ,J.�v lenn�T�rrn�r" r t�/•i/, = M. M E � L I N r'/`-' �%'; 79 A--s32 & J. E'ADS YY. D�I1�EpLIN , J. R. fNlCHAEL � /j`/' !!/% `/�� 9Z �,/ A-629 � A-820 � 35,9.5 c: ���; y :_� �s:,�` � �n M. wsle f A '✓ �J ' � �q ,� �� � ' .MOw/r' R.;7: du3hy C � a c / � � F FfAEL ��.G. �+rne � - < � ; / � 2: / ,J$,4G f A-821 / � � ` R. E A05 J S UTtf}N � �//f-' �/� L�� ,�z.¢sac. i J. H E N R Y // � i� ��,. / / Har ySeellys/n- A-5�8 / j .� J.G enn Tu�ner � � � / ���/ � '� ��/.-eneTNe.rhi+� %ii�� �z,{.y ,� J_Glenn,7y rrier P E A /, i� _ z / / �'/ / o /�� j� A-Ib `� . .12 pc , �t1.K.Nea f h . � LL �24 52A �&B.s3slc. 9AGy . //�� /S� /// / j// . !Enr� T r er I.���� �!�// .' . ��j'f i// .5�.8A¢. .Gl nh�7U e � /.�% J.G/gnn 7ur.r�E7- / O.SAc. F ry hf-- G/Enn TurrteY J.G. Turrzer ' A.C.Heafh ��hn A. ��� i 1}ENT�N CO• aoa . ANT �p. Cr.3. Vf5 �.la 52.E7AL. - 1i .ata1 z,aac. II �Tola � - -. .� ✓.G ///r . i _ '. " _. .._ ' , . . f/ $C. G IE �/TUrliCF � � `/`/�� � �Nnn 7Urner��� � �yM Heherls - - 2 6.oAc.� - 89,16Ac�.�' � ra8.4Ac � . , ,s - fi`,��/ � /���// ,/�ir�r/�-�; ro.,c. .e.c.a Pent� . J.G1enn T�rner �.T.Di kPr� � / ��� \ �l SSE 6M8 G-B W/�Nfl I }4 . Hi,IIVT �i ,hR3 pF {� p � ,. rt.F ay fi7. F4 Li F F _ A�592r`.^. ... . ,./�ry�Wilrle � � _ , !36%aAc� . Z � e �, r�penfer .G80 - /f/✓',�/ �j/// . �� - � - � -A�w 1 �� y� 2AAL. i � � 7�/A/ G.�{Narm n, r. � � ��/f/.� / / A / . � � r . 20.R6.4�� G1Bnn Turn,r� � �bOAc. / 40 Ac. // � � � .o., sic. /// �8ae. �.(j/// ,r� � �/ o,prrr„�rn iroinl6rba E 4v 7.S�arpfcs d.A.rvledford -�5.'Thra her �/ �O �j/ // 0.3A[. " ���� J.Gl�nn Tu ne i / W. MANP1 ��. �.. ���Ci���� . � ��/ �9 / 3.47Ac. A'5107 • �� ,i"�i" /:�j,,',��i:� ��F.H.Re�der - ✓ahn 6,h� Gu re . y ! l.9BAc. �i / / �� w.,�_c.�rpe�fer !e ac. �/lA/�/ ////// � .R_MerrJll � :�oe0- � �'I .H.fteedGr ! �� � ..afe�� �t.aZA�f. � -lAc,R.C.Hi99ins �. • �// i �:a. .�.s.<. i6.334 �, �ro 3.65A P.R.� . % J,(' // w.�.r�r1a� Hiyg�nr Ni.M/�!iR�'lM RS.-0�C,.p4�t-7 THQS.BEEDY A BARNES R-W•GIBSON � �9a //,���/�'� R- 142 A-568 ,jqSIA;H WAi,�ER�� �u_�R�ee�/e' �� A-20D3 A-72 i Z�dc. 99a[. i Ss a , ;-a-Reh;.,acn .v.E xe-3.�s�n l, //nz.s/�A/c. WM.WINN � r/I�/.�r/.. A'.560 - . �.H.Reeder � - EXHiBIT �� B'� � A R E A T� BE AN NEXED � � NCORPORATED TOVYN 0� WEST�AK� 4 TEXAS ,��, ,� : ,�vc,�. ,r"v�j �`���W� 1 ' ��� f / �: �� ' a .�4 �'�,,!(j Cr � � _ ��� � � ���� QRD 23 PETITTON I�.EQUEST2NG ANNEXATI�N. ����.*� �.�.. ,�.F�, -`� OF LAND CONTIGUOUS .�ND ADJ.���`.�' , ,� ._ ,y,r� ���,�,��.� '�i` TO THE_TOt�N OF WESTLRKE, T�XAS ���3�,�a`�• ,�% � �`' � � � � � � To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Bc>ard o�� Aldermen of 'che Town of �Testlake, Texas . GREETINGS: I, �he undersigned, J. Glenn Tu.rner, hereinafter called Petitioner, represent as follows: 1. That S am the Owner of a 213.63 acre trac� of land situ.ated in the Joseph Henry Su.rvey, Denton County Abs�rac� 529, Thomas Kell� Survey, Denton County Abstract 70z1-, and �he T. H. Calloway Survey, Den�on County Abstraet 272, Sta�e of Texas, ful.ly described by metes and bounds as shown in EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto . A pla� of said land showing its location with respect �o the boundary of �the Tow� of Westlake, Texas, is at�ached hereto marked EXHIBIT "B". 2. That, the land described in EXHIBITS r'A." and "B" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; �hat less �Ghan three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguaus and adjacent to the Town of Westlake, Texas . 3. Your Petitioner agrees that if this requ.est for annexa'cion be granted, said land shall beeome a part of the Tawn of Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof' shall be entitled to al1 the righ�s and privileges of o�her ci�izens of the Town of �estlake, and sha11 be bound by � the acts and ordinanees of said Town, now in effec�t an.d as here- after enacted. ��IHEREFORE, your Peti�3.oner respectfully reques�s tha� this Pe�3.tion for Annexa�ion �o �he Town of Westlake of �he land described in a�tached EXHIBITS be gran�ted. WITNESS the signatu.re o Peti�ioner dul ac nowledged as required f'or deeds . . . THE STATE OF TEXAS ss. COUNTY OP DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Pu,bl�.c in and for said County and S�ate, on this da�r personally appeared J. GLENN TURNER, known to me �o be the person vahose name is su.bscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowl�dged to me that he execu.�ed �he same for the pu.rposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the �'�. day of August, A. �. 1960. ��.��,��.�- ���;�-��,�� My Commission expires Notary Public in a�d for June 1, 1961 Dallas County, Texas . EXHIBIT r�A r� ��.� �� � � �� � � �� �� � � ���� � � � . ���^� � � ��� ��.��� �; ��' ��. ��r ��� �� � � � �� �« �. 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M. FELTUS J. W I L B U RN T. BURRESS A-i595 A-I 4 I 6 A-3 3 ��--_.____ ^�-- �i.,.��,iac. /-.A..ir.hul)r /7.1.¢f;�Ar. � l Fr;�rik A .SChulhi /,9.6F'gA.r.. ...y. -' _ / , � 'i� .�/ � J N. DL'N�SOfJ ' � ������ j��A�359 T. P.R.R. GO �,� %/ !i �i�s.�i,ac. A-I3G3 / �� � F�ank A.SchulfT � �/,y � � - //i � �',� i�; /�� ///i �. . ,;,, e. e. . a C. R.R. /� , / i;r , ; M. E ,f�. Ci P. R.R. A-154 �/� �/i� / ;'�, i. �/ A•922 /��/��%/�� � %%�!� '�' � �/��j ,i ',!'�- � J.G18SGN �j �/ �`''� �' A-a7 S . � / j// �% , ;'i // / �" ,� . /i '':�/.!ii. B B. B� �f C R: R. , ,, / //, , i, � � . � -A-I B^'3 � � �' j,, /1 / � //// �j //���. ,, . '�/i B. WHtELER //� ;%,�'����/�;�, ,'�!�', ,; � ��;��� /�� ��/;��� A-I 6 0 5 � � ��/���`�, � "�'�'i, P.VI. CASPARY i. ,�� ��x� � � � ;�i/./ � 519..v75 Ac.: :'i.'i/;'. . Q'277 ���,� �� ��%�iD, � , / ///������ i jFrr�r�k{�A.Schciltz// %�%� i //��/ /'b '. � i � R, A.CARRUTH R, A. DAVI SON '�/:'��' / � �/:� �%'�"% A-1519 11-15 /���B. 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