HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 22 Annexing 546.44 acres in Denton County GRDiNASSCG �0 0 22 1LN Gi;�IN�I�ICL+ t�-',CES`dSNG AIlTD �.iV[vEX:tNG `?'Gi�RITORY �DJ�sC�P?T A?SD CONiIGtiOLT�S md TIic� 'POi,�I1 0�+ tfILSTLFKE Z'E�'�S; rRa"VILI.dG m;i,'�'1' �t7Ci� FiP�A S.ziALL B�Cc1��, A ��r����� o��i� sr�z� To��1zv �nr� 2�tzt�� l:r� a�s�.i�s ���� T�- H�v3`1T1k�NTS TiIE:�OF Sia€SLL :B�' `�+',�51'S i I,k'D TO AL•L 'I`TiE PRSTTLEGPS QP 0'�`�3i�,�� C�TIZ;;NS 0= S"�ID 1'Otu'D?, ANU' B� 30Uidll �'�' �1�HL �C`�S h1�rD ORDI2t.=�TdCi:S iti0i�� ITd 'u��I�ECT ��T� TO F3� HE'�S�vArT�R �DOPT��D; ?rUR�'�iEi; PROvIDTNG FOIi �TE�1�2�i�i�TG �ND COR:iv;C'TTt�CT 1I�i� GF'^iCS�L� ?OiT�TD- £�RT�S OF uAIi7 �OUTn! nS H���'GF�C� E1DGi`T'yD 4S `�NI�iQ�- E�, 1P�D PFtOVIy1NG ?GR i�i� :�:Fr�'C'�'1Jr D�'�'E, �IiI:,R.�'P_S, �au-rsuant �o the provisions of �iz2 �",ets oi ��J.�9 ��j�^d Led=s:lature, Page 35`j, C;��1�ter 93, cocii'ied as Ar�iele 971;--�, Revised C�_vi�. Stati:�e� �r_^ lexas, _�:�anit �. Sch.u.ltz a.�d v�iie, �,e��y �'C�"il;t.i�Z9 O�V11E�1^S 01 L="_E' T'E.'c� -tiT'O}�2P'G�S 'f12i'£.'i:13:1:E.�'i G.EuCY'1'G1C-'Cz Y'i2.1'1ri� 1_Tt`d.^J'.E` 31:J7Ji'Ce9.�1 O:C7 3S i.'�;j �.u.W TJPOVS.Cl2Q�. �O t.i'lE.' �.`fe`1��0'1' B.riG. �O$iC�. O1" �ldermen o� 'i.;2 �I'O'�f} Oi' �I�St�c`3�i2s :'C.'Xc,Sy .i201;E.'S��1i�U c Tif12X3�=C11 a:' a crae{; oi land eonsiutin� o� a 5�i.�,4�� aere ciaet o? land, more o_�• less9 cut o= che Ae i>> i�anks au�^ve,5,�, Der,��on i,c��ni,y Ab- stract �6�, the McCaowan anr P�tcock Survey, �entoiz CounLy Abstracc 95&�; the B.B,�3. �� C . ��i.i�. Su,:�vey, De���on Gounty Absi,ract 137 and the Ja N, Denson Su,rvey, Denton Coun�,, �bs�;ract j�9, St��c- o_� Texas, az�d beii�� rno-r°e f'all� cescribe� by rr.eccs �nd. 'vou.�ds as fc.l- lo'v1s: ���C�'�VrvSi�'G �t a point in the NorL'h l; n� oi' the J. N. Denson "urve,T A-359 and the �j'rar'_�c d�. Schu�tz �5g.11 ac�re tr2et� sa�d poznt bei:z� at L�1e mest north2rl�T ncrth��res� coz°ner a�' th� pr.2ae:�i, corperate limits of �he Town oi Westlake, Terase therce vri�h �he North l�nc oi sa�c� ller,son Su-rvey and Schuitz t�ac c North �9° 25 R �iest 2E�15 feet n7c-re ar i ess to a poyn� at the �a_rf;rwest corner• of said L�enson Surve�r and Sc�ultz ��act, t�ence witi2 Une Ldest lines ai t;ne J, N. Denson �urvey A-35�, the B,�?.s�e a: C . R.�, S'u_ve„� i�-i8( and �he '+ranit �. Schul'cz 159.11 acre and 62gP98 acre t�aet;� Sou�r �° 45 ' �^�est 6811 .7 feet �o a »oin� a� �i�c So'!athwest corne� oi said B.B,Ba �; Cm R.1. Sur•rey and Sehultz 629,�8 ac.-ce �raec; 1��E�v'GE t�rith �}2e South line oi the B,B,3, & C . R. RD Survev �-1�37 and 'che ;�rank �. Scnuitz o29.9fi ac-re t��aet Naitn �9� 26 ' East 120 .1 �ec-z to a �oint; 1�NCE r�i�h tne 41est lin� of the �r<nk Aa Schuitr 77.4 aere arc 157.66 acr� �-rac�s out ofi the Mcuov�ai� a�d r:�tcack Survey f�-95�u and ��Ze A. �3e Danks Surve� �_36gc �0 2.n, � '�rENt 1y22m1�� fc-et �o a Toin� in the Nortii line oT' a eour,�;�r road runnin� east and west alon� t]�e South line o�' sai� Dan�cs Surve�, saic! point also beir�g the southvaest corne� of the Sct_.7�lzz 157 .h6 acr� t'r.aet al�d. bein� in �sle tia�th l�ne oz 'une pr.esc-n� ccrporate lirni�s ef the �'or,•n oi I�7estlaze9 �exas% 11�7s'S7C�,` vJ_th the 1�7o-rth 1.ine cf s��d count� road anc t�e :present corporate l�rnz�s South �u�° 06' East 2502 feet rnore ar iess ta a pcint a� an aA,�le cc�,:,2r of saia cor:oo�Gce lirnits; t'tience �ryi,h tr7e coroorate lin;�i,s of tlze To4�n ci i�Tetii,lake Nor•th 0° 4�° �asc H6�� m5 f'�et �o the �o=nt oi' k�eg�nn�.ng, �nd coveriri� a tract of land concai:;ing 546<4-% acr�s or 0 „853H sc;uare rnilesa � p�uaL of saicz land shaNririg its locacio�� �raii;h respect to �he `�'own ci �Sestlal�2, `�e�as, bein� attachecl_ l�e-reto .,.arked ilYl�%J;.L '��"p anu ��7y�L:S�A�y s�i� peti�ior, was iiled *raitn �he Town oi' itiest- lake a� 5eQ0 c '�lock p.:n. an �1�-'?1 27, iy6d, tai�ieh is no� less than five (5) and na� rno,�e ti..a_n t:�irtuz {30; days prior te 'tlryis ���. C'taLE'y c'�TIC. ir�Y'.i.A��.C.rl�'y �'� S.(Jp2c`f.l'1Y1.� �O i�:.:lE i�08,:['Q'. O? �i�.CL2P?112i1 Oi t`.112 '�'o-vtn of I�1esf,lake, `Pexas, tfa� �li s�atuUo.ry revuirements in con- nec�ion v�_zh said ;ropascd_ annexati�n l�av� been i°uliillea and tha� the s�id a��°ea dL;iy greu�ec% into one te.r-r=tory ws not more than oi��-ha:li' r,lile in vrid�Fz anc� that alS of sarne is aci�acen:c to tY�e p_esen� 1o��r.� ��i.,.it� oi tene `_'c,-rn os `rdest�ake, `'exas, �E Im CRD�Zi1�D �Y `l'H� BOP.i?� Ob` t�LD��hi�'i�11T OF Ti:�� ='�T�N 0= GdEST%�iKE, lEX�S a � . 'Cii�`�', i,he �r�opert�r l�erei.tak�ove descrii�ed be�ng ad�acent and contiguous to the Toir;r� Isirnics of' ?.]estla'_�e, 'i'exas, 'ae an� is =�e�eb;;r anr,exed anc br°aug�� tiJithin tLe Corporat� L�.mits oi said `.Pown a�d ys a�ereb� ma�e an inte�ral part thei�cf . 2 . TafT1`�`�, t'rie owners and :�nhabit2nts oi tlzc area hereiz� ar�nexed be enLitled i.o all oi tlze r�ghts arcy pri�rileges cf otfer ei�izers ane3. _p^o�perty owners oi said 'I'own and be bound by all oi , �� �. ,_ ._. �r�� „_�a ;,-°o: the accs and crca.inances mar�e Ln ca�S°ormi�jr there�o, r_�oU? ir. fuli fc-rce and 2L'i'ect and t�at whicl, may �e rLere�Pter ado�ted< � . lIiAT, the offieial ma� and hoUn�aries of the To��rn of Wes�iake, mexas, as hereto�'ore adopted an& amended, b� and is nereby ain�nded so as Uo i_nc�ude �he aionemen�iot�ed ter'ritory ar� a�r� of u12e '1'own oi `Jde;c1�k_� . `��x_asa � � o iHiS or�inance shali b�cei.e 2izect�ve and l,e in iull florce and ei:'ec� frc_: a'r�d a_i.er its passage anc� appicva� by the P?�;�:�1 ann dv.��r a�tested b�r t �e To'v�;n Sec�eta-ry�, =t1�CI"irD �his 3rd da�r o�^ i�Tay, � . �, 1960. ���l�r�o�T�, : . ..�,. ° �, �... o �. . � .�vm�..�Sl.�. r �"' ,.,., . .,_... ��„� � � �m � , �`_ � i � � � � , > i . ._ �_. � * � �"_ 1` ,, ,Ni OR �_ �°� €g._.'� u .r{ '� t�.., ���'����_.G', 's . .....,,..N... .. �6T�azv sEc�?���:xt� _� �, f. ^ �l l.f� tJ i SL 1�� Q,�il i�Y.�11Y31J � �m. E�'OLT�T`?"C QF TAPRRidT -_ Ts �e 7�. Odom, ToTv"n Seereta-r�r oz the mo��r�i oi v�esclake, J%T, lexas, c!o herep�� ce�t�fi;y tha� the io.regaiA�g z�s a t_^ue and eo`rreci. ca�a�� o�` Ordin�rice �to . 22, dul�T pr�esented ar?d adcp�efl oJ ti�e �3oarci ''�'�' O� ��.C�.2Y'1TI-C'71 01 52.1(�. �'OV�TI Of' i�iT2.`�",'G�'d:�29 `L'C.-"I>d,Sy 'di: c, iT1PL''G171� �2@.�i.Cl CY1. � �h� 3rd �ay of T�I�.v; A, �;, 1�51�, as saine api ears ir. the minv:ce� c� said i�:eeLing, in i3oo.k_ No e l, ��a;e ��-�,c, �rTlyI�,TESS irY ?�(�itir) "�I�,T� SEF_=t� OP `I`x31. TO;F?iv Ob' 1idESmL(�S�E, TEXAS, tnis the 3rd c.a;� o�' T�Zay, � , �. 1950, ,� � . � ,��� � ..�+r..�'' f�c' ,..E ,_. � � TO'�iTv S�'C1�T��Y � _____� FINSON WiLES A-4339 4_ M. FELTUS J. 4V l L B U Rh T, BURRESS A-1595 I �i A�14 I 6 A-33 I� is�.35iAG. r='. A.:SrhU!}- /7,3.4$2 Ac. .-...-,•� F'�.*��N fS.5c1"'rullc 7_7.5��tRG. _i' ____ _ .__ � % _ �;. �f�:���"saN ;, %. � �1-:�; 9 . � � � �i�� T, P R.R. G�. �. , ��: A-1303 �,�,n schult`.�", i�,/ .,.. _ _-_..�..._ ', � � } ' � �'��'���/ i i�., � 8. B. 9� C. R.R. I. / �r� ! �/�� AA. E,P. O� P. R.R. A-IS�3 I�'•i �/%. - �'/ / A-922 I , ' ,�/ �� f,��. /r � '/ /� �� ' �%�' J.GI�SON � f�//,-�,.�i���' A-47S ;,//f .. .�'c,�` �.f;�����, , �, i� �`� �/, / /i�f'� ��, , , / /,;� . ��ri , , �;.;�� � '' �'; ��/�/i/ f �� ��fi . , - B, INHEE�ER �/,` � j � ��, i . •, , A-1605 �';�; �r'; ,� /,.� �'.W. CASPARY C' ��� � � 9���c,-',/ � �% a-�7� ��" i,'%��ri��`��;./ -,.,�,::��a:s�r,�rtz;; .� _.. .Y. '�Y..�//,� , !i _ � � ��,� R. A.GAP,RUTH R. A. DAV'I SON C�" �' �/ � �S�/�f, ��/� J.C IfA� G O W R!V A-1519 1k-15 �1 K�/�,•`� � f1� A-959 f ,:� f//, : 4/// !/! � —� : .n::. ��/f ' %7.3.�6Ac.. R 11 T H A L!.E N �,�_;It i/� : / ��� A-15 G . GRAYH M A-48 � B. B.B. & C. R. R. 4'Y. GIBSDN n� A�i55 � w, A -462 � ��i R. K I N G �ASPARY z A-7fl0 A-276 � , � �� �i �' J S. f� R A A M o F.I.MERRIWETHER A_� � A-II54 J. M i C K E5 0 T. J. A L L �N A-89� y T. W. CA LLAWAY a-8 W. D. B E � . KELLY �-z72 A-8 Q A•704 , T. J . ALL � N R. ALLEN A-7 A-17 M.E.P. J. H E N R Y p� R.W. ALL�N P. R.R. A- 529 A-5 A•912 M. M E DLIN I 7� A- 832 � 26 � � , J.� ��ADS W. p�M��LIN J, R, MICHAEL � / j�1///,•` r ���� 392 /i� A�829 ��- A-820 � /3.53.5Ac: ! � � f Z2.37AG.,-�//, //� �-� ��/�'/ __ .�'n M.Qws/B� i i �i r_/ __ ��f - _-__ . � ^ j� . . 4l %qfl,c'. J� � ��//// R.�. 9 w hy �u.0 wsleal : _ _ � � ,4." ��-- I V � � - G irTne � � � f a � ;/j ',T`�i'�L�HAEL ,2. /9.l8Ac• a-821 II / t �/ f� 1�� M. M � DLIh.I / 7,� A� 832 26 Jr E�ADS W. br14�EDLIN J. R, M ICHAEL _ �� f �/ii�'////;� ' �� ��� 392 /f�A-82J!� A-820 ��3.sA�: � � 1�4.37Ac..� r � �� _y'n M.Ows ,:y,� i�.�ili , 4� . " . /ii�,�` R.�. $�:hy 35 � M.QwsJe� , _ � � , � i .G urner 17A�. �. ,f � y f -- HAEL f,2. YJ.18AC. ll ���� A-B�k . �� / � � .�� � �� �/ �/ �/ R. EAOS J SUTT¢N � f ��N '�¢�,�/'�. J. HENRY / �,,' , ,�., -,�� � Harry Seelrgsr�n.,� A��`� n .l,' G.��i� r . r � � � � '%��� � � �� -�/�e�,eTn�e.thi?{ � , ,�, ,,� ;�i� a_ _ 26 A /� ` - �` � '"` ��i�� / �/ � - ��� J_G�enn,Turr�,er / //�� � ��� PEA z �. � 0 / 0.-10 � � / /.�/;/� ;, ��,/ , '-�g.rr,He�rh ���2fAc. /, 9Aey o // - - �/ �24 .3 5ZA� �� � / 88.63/Ac., .G!// . �lEn�7 Tur er �L2A�� /.�i/�/� //// ��////��/ y nnTu e y /� ' . �� !//;�� // �/�,�//1 �/!�� �oAAc_ . � ✓.Glenn7urner c i OENTiON GO• ,� rrqht-_ Glenn Tu�ner .i.v. 7-urner� A-c_He�Ph �ohn A. � � �n,� . a nrr c o. -- G.s ��, �.�. . �2,r7Ac. i_�� - / .htal� 2/.4�z�. � i � / . � '7'�l- f l854. c. J.GIe rYTUrn£r,� _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ '.� ?Af.�, / Gltinn 7"ur er�� //� ,/`'0�� f/r/ � - . . �fJ�/� V,+r .F<�.bjrts� - - , , ���� r /�.�.�/ . . /�/�'p/��// � � �.� � /. . 20.4 . / .a�e. .a.Ca pente - J_G�enn Turner / �,T.6r ker � J. � 5 dc . J SSE 61B Cr B +l6Np 1'f k : NUF1T J/!� //,HR.9 QFf Ml �'f P /J/ .- +�e. ay HUFf � A-592 / �� . . /'� i � . �/ � �// �i36/3%c/!// . �y / -e-,,.r.c���..., .F�enter^' GRo�.M. f!� .y7�G� � / f//�//� /f7.0. A8/c. �.3 ��,d/�j-C _ /�� ��.A. W ! //�// / _ � / � G.�H.Harm n �r. . � 20Ac. � � 75.0 9.9 A�� �/ � �2�.8b1S � Q ��///f f/ � � J.Glenn Turn r '��� y - �-� �o.r aoAc. .�� FOAc. � ...,� �Bac. � � �f/`j A,a_o;r,,,rth �.y;nferba� e T; a ples J.A.Medford , .�m a/her �� � � l � W. M4NN '` /` /�//. , //�'% ��1@+;f7 TLIrT78 76?9 ! . �r3,,.�47Ac. e R'1107 � �� ,/,t. � oQ�E� 5� /i�/��� �i///�/�/ A . ��, /!',�'� � . P.H.Peed�Ar' ./ohn d,M°Guir� w.�.c.rpe�ls� SOAe. . I �_98Ae. / .j // �.a a�. f['/��� /i/�`// � � x Merri!! � .N.Re�dEr / 3oec�r . � -72tC �i.3aAc. / -lAc.R.C.Hi9yi�s // �6.33N _- // � � r:,k + �e.s�r. PA. � � • ���-/OJ3.6J9�C � w.�.r�rl�a., Higqiris I►j�N !SR lN 1iRS.-�D�G.p6lt? TH05.6EEDY ,sa. sa a-2ooa �-�2 A BARNES R-W•G�BSON ��`/�y� /��j /1- 142 A-598 �Jfl511iH W4LK�R �;4.RPedcr � Ir-0r 99oc, 5�3 h .'.,A-�'idhin3af9 4.'�' cr9U.)'J7 ////�7�.s�a/�. wM.w�HH � //f�//�'��/�. . A-,660 . �.H.k�Geder ' ExH � Bi-r ",� " � A R E A TO BE AN NEX�D i ;,'.: INCORRORA�ED TOWN ��' W�STLAKEy T�?CAS �� ,-'' f�le� F�,�. /�� c ���cl �� 5;�o r,,,.Y,� �p�,l a�, ��'Go —. ORD ZZ PETITION REQU�STING ANNEXATION `T"o �� � o� G��es//���, OF LAND CONTICTUOUS AND ADJACENT � `� ��_ TO THE TOWN OF ��I�STLAK�, TEXAS - n7aVuv / I To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen oi' the Town of Wes�lake, Te�.as . GREETINGS : U�e, the undersigned, Frank A. Schul'cz and wife, Bet�y Schultz, hereinafter call�d Petitioner, represent as �'ollows : l . That they are the Owners of a 5�l-6.�-�E acre tract of lancl situ.ated in the A. B. Danks SLll�vey, Denton County Abs�ract 368, the McGowan and Pi'�cock Su.rvey, Denton County Abstract 958, the B.B.B. 8c C . R.R. Su.rvey, Denton Coun�y Abstrac'c 187 and the J. N. Denson Survey, Denton County Abs�ract 35�, State of Texas, fLlll�T described by metes and bounds as shovJn in �XHIBIT "A" a'c- tached hereto . A pla'c oi said land showing its location with respec� to the boundar,y of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is attached hereto marl�ed EXIII�'IT "B" . 2 . Tha'c, the lanc� described in EXHIBITS "f�" and "I3" hereto attached, is less zhan one-half mile in width; that less zhan thre� qL�alified voters reside zhereon, and is contiguou.s and adjacent to �he Town or Westlake, Texas . 3. Your pe�i�ioners agree �cha'c ii' �;his reques'� f'or anne�ation be gran�ced, said land shall become a part of the Town of Wes�lake, Te�as, and the said land and any fu.ture inhabitanzs '�hereof shall be en'ci�cled to all �he rights and privileges oz o�her citizens of the Toti�n of Westlake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of' said Town, novl in eff'ec� and as herea�'ter enaczed. WHLRE1i0I�,, you.r pe'citioners respeczfully reques� that this Pe'cition for Annexa'cioi� to the ^lown of Westlake, o�' the land d_escribed in a'�taclzed EXHIBI�l�S be granted. WITNESS the signatu.res of Pe'citione_rs duly acknowledged as required �'or deeds . �. f_ �_.._ ..i;' , � ,• �- ,,�� �,` /,.�. f�/Z�L,��.. �/�-��.�'�iG� ,';� �/_�_ _�-- ;� - --'� GL 'Z�-��t- � ;. ,. i r THE STATE OF TZ�S � ss . C OUNT`� ��F .�����C�-r BEFOR:E Nl�, the undersi�ned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared I'l�qI�`� A. SCHULTZ and BETTY SCHULTZ, his wife, both known to me to be '�he pe-rsons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing inszrument, and acknowledged to me tha�L �they each execu.ted the same for the pu.rposes and consideratiion therein expressed, and the said BETTY SCI-iULTZ, having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully �1�plained 'co her, she, the said BETTY SCHULTZ, acknowledg�c� su.ch instrument to be her act and deed, and sne declared tha'� she had willingly signed the same for tihe pu.rposes and consideration therein expressed, and tha'� she did not wish to re�ract it . c? CTIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the � 7 ✓ day of April, A. D. 1960 . G�c/ .��i/� ' ��� vr� Notary Pu.blic in nd for Dallas County, Texas My Commission exnires : June l, 1961 -2- EXHIBIT "A" Notes of an Area to be llnnexed to the Incorpora�ed Town of Westlake, Texas In Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas Si'cu.ated in Den�on County, State of ^lexas, being a tract o�' land ou.t of the follov�ing su.rveys: J. N. Denson A-359� B.�.B. �C C . RR. A-187, A. B. Danks 1�-368 and McGowan and Pii,cock A-95�. B�GINNING at a poin� in i,he North line of the J. N. Denson Su.rvey A-359 and '�he Frank A. Schu.ltz 159.11 acre tract, said point being at the m.os'c northerly nor�hwest corner of the present corporate limits of' tihe Town of Westlake, Texas; i,hence with the North line of saicl Denson Su.rvey and Schultz trac� North 8�° 25 ' West 2615 fee� more or less to a point at the nor�hwest corner of' said Denson Surve�r and Schu.ltz tract; thence with the West lines of the J. N. Denson Survey A-35�, the B.B.B. 8c C . R°R. Su.rvey A-187 and the Frank A. Schu.ltz 159.11 acre and 62�.�8 acre tracts Sou.th 0° 1I-5 ' West 6811 .7 feet �o a point at the Sou'chwes� corner oi' said B.B.B. & C . R.R. Su.rvey and Schu.l'cz 629.98 acre 'cract; TI-i�NCE with the Sou.th line of'�he B.B.B. 8c C . R. R. Su.rvey A-187 and the Frank A. Schultz 62�.98 acre tract Nor'�h g90 26 ' Las� 120 .1 feet to a point; T:tiENCE with the West line of the Frank A. Schultz 77.4 acre and 157.66 acre tracts ou.t of the P�icGowan and Pitcock Su.r- ve� A-958 and the A. B. Danks Su.rvey A-368 Sou.th 0° 29 ' West 1922.�6 feet to a poin� in �he North line of a county road running east and west along 'che Sou.�h line of said Danks Su:rvey, said poin'c also being the sou.thwest corner of the Schultz 157.66 acre trac'� and being in the North line of the present corpora'ce lim- its of the Tov�rn of Westlake, Texas; THENCE with the North line o�' said county i�oad and the present corpora'�e limits Sou.th 8g° 06' East 2502 fee� more or less to a point at an angle corner oi said corpora'ce limits; thence with the corporate limi'cs of the Town of Westlake North 0° 11-6' East 86g5.5 feet to the point of beginning, and covering a tract of land containing 5�1-6.L��E acres or 0 .8538 squ.are rniles . . ... . . �.� . .._ . _ ..._ �. _ � i � � -.��_ � ,I � � FINSaN Yt' iL�S A-1333 �.- 0.r'. FEL.�'Z�S J. 4W I L B U Rri T. BUF?RESS A-u�95 Q-I 4 I 6 A-33 _.___..___-- -----L----._..� G�.Y.3F.i A r:. i7.3.451 Ac_ ,� i f-,A.Sr,/-�ul1T. `� �� Frank A-:�r:hullt T,�..(sL:y„eG- �s�----___._._... _,.-__._ � SCPJ 3 i•. F.!;.�_i:rE'1 i ��: i.l-C3fi� s�r,urtz �i. B. S C. R.R. ' .'•�'�' ; ; /M. E .P.& P. R.R. , :' � � j, . A-154 ; . ' A•322 � � /f' /� � , i , ,:' ' :;',/ :�,. < /. :b.G d B S F�t`L E � �% �i, 67,-4�7� i f C. R. ii.'�: ';:.•' ., , � i 7 , . '�i. � i i : � 8. WH�ELE�Z 1� �" �,/ /2-1605 . .�,� P.W. CASPARY � ' ' �� � i, -�.:;,�,c. 'jj/�i" A-277 F, �,, ; ��, �A..Sc/-,�c�lf-z, � '���;"; �/�:%. i`=.�.."�-�-fj . .i. .. �%,.';;�� . R. A.CAf?(�UFH R. A. Cl�Vt 50N � ',,!;�iJ'C' �lcG�4Y�N A-I�19 A-IS '� ,;,, .:, �/ . �i -SS�g I ' %; • �/� � � / '�~r''/i i/ ���� " _ _ � / ! / •z aysn�. � RUTli ALL[N � j/i ' i�, �'� �J'TLr i i�i•r-r�L �- %��___.��__„� _ .1_11.ZZ--;, a-15 G . GkAYH M r A-�-R {�.B.6. 8 C.R R. � A-155 tM. 6� 8,5 ��' P.1dt!. � ya , R. K ( IV �'a CAaF'ARY �'�B7_ Z A-700 ?,T . A-.. 6 i �' i '�' �� 4) I � �� ' �. �, � A q � � ; F.LM�RRI'A'ETHER A-4 5 A-£s54 _.. J, k�ttC �cE� o T. J• Af_LL-'h! �-$3II � �---- T. F!. CALLAWAY A-o c� 1k. D. B E - o KE��Y A�272 A 'E 0' A-7QQ T. J P � L [ �1� R. /1l_LEN �,_7 A-17 i� M.L'.,la. ) J. I-i E fd R Y & { R.Vl. A L L G,^! r� r�.�.� ,a- 5zr k, �-siz �� a-s �, � 4:. P1 r D L i r+ L: —�3 --- - / ✓ n�-c 3 a.. 26 �" , ,�J.,'E•A D 5 ./ / �// . "YY. 0. MEDLIN J R. MICEf/�[! , j/j � j///// ' v /� `�2 /j; A-829.'�. A-82G � 353.5 j. lr.�.37Ac. /�- � � \-` �/� � 1/.../_ �':n�f Ows«� � � ,-�. .._.. .�,..- -_._- - ' . ----- _-_. ��4, � , 3� ��//// R.;.. 9�:ny ✓5 �� ' i/ .M.Ow /ec� - ._� �.�� c ^' . � .ti 7�.�� �Aa�. � � � ,� / - /, S R-=�LC�HkEL " % �---__ -- _-_-_�-=:_-_—_ zr �i j�Ac� / •�j /,. a�92 i� / J �//�. � � � � �� '�� 'i � � _ _�// ���<__� / , , r�.% �� /,,�%�'�, . G . GRAYH M I I A-A•8 I B.�f.D. a C.Ft R. � 1ti' Ci�G 6�S C3 1k � A-155 , �' W• !�.-�i8r ' �,� , R. K I IV G CASPAf�Y � � A-70U A•:'6 � s (.� 4� � `. V g. G �Z p q � o ; F.t.MERRIWETHER �-,� � A-i354 J. RS6CKE� o T. u• Al_!_EN �-S�� ��, --- T. H. GALLAWAY A-d K'. D. B [ a i. KCLLY A-272 . �-e o a-7aa 1'. J �. L L � I'� R. �, LLEId �,-T A-17 '7�.�.-'.Z�'-J_ � � �l�.�..��. � �. � � �\� {�{ � FJc � Fi.l��. k t.L[f�! f' f�t.�.r fl- 5:�, !t•312 � A-5 a�. +v, t_ D I_ 1 i`; 7� � !�-F.?x,, / / 26 ; ; i ', ., / % // � / _ , ;J.. EADS t�. 0. r,��DLIPJ J. R. MICt�ACt � � � ��///i- '�+ �� ��� 392 /: ��,'A-629 � . A-8?_0 r ���`3/5� // � � l�.4.37 j ���J%"/ � Xj� \. �n wsle � � � Y,/1 y, < ,_r_. . -r-=,�4�., .__ , �/--— ��, q ,c � �//// R.�. 9u:hy 3� 3 .M.Dw.5/Ct� '' _ - - `_ . - . .: ,_ _ _. -. �---' /� I34c: � i `f _ /.GJ�irrrr_ ./ / � ,�,��� 1�T'i�'E�Sr�i�L'L i // / 7.>, i�.H1Ac, j/;� / j a-ezi ----- �— — . �� �'/ � � / , i � � / ' /, ��� �j � � iR. EA// J SUTTON � ;/ �iN / /!% / ' /. 4z.¢1nc , �l I�f iEKLRY �� . � , /i/i ."_ ��� �� � //��/j j '` Ha�r��.�ee/lyson A-52'k� � .Genn ��o�. � / /'//j�jj'//��. ��� y�/`/ / `� ,.�„ / �rn,•P.en1P1 -� ' ,.2fAf. j / i /,/// �/ , � . t `� ���/ � �� � � � �/ / / - J.C/�•nr•t,Tiirnn_r /�j /:� '�j��� /� /.I + PEA /� o � �i��� i j � �/ A-I O \ � -- � �,�A�. "��y/ � ��///�. H.:.,��:,,,, . ! ./� � �24 5"/.A / B8.e�i .�Ivn/rJ' T r r_r .rl.2A�y„�f /%� �i� / �� rg.nq/�. G rcnr�7u C F r!h l. � �/// • / ////� //� 1. � r ./.cilenn 'Rirnnr ` i :3, hc.� �.. �` _ _ Z /.G/e n n 7"u rn c r J.C. T u�n c r A.r,.H e a F h �J.n h n A. � i a'E�f - - � � ---- - ��t� � � .a;r. • I r I .5?.!7.4�.. _ �j,'c,,� I /� �otn! t?/A.� - - 7-r�ls ! I(�;4ife. ✓�%� r�"I-i ne;� � i1 / G/rnn �«rnCr''/ _ � / �%///jol M�!'.nh rfs /`/��%', f.oRc �89./6Ac. ' izl1.aAc.�• w �/�/�.� �n'�� � ������/ /Yi/�/��/� �i / /"��;'�// �c a< /.t.� y.en��r - -//��� - - . �!,f, ann 'Y��rnr.r, //7�.Oi kr.r.�, 3S/3,yt � // I J SSE �IB �j/ 6.13 HENp t K '�� HUNT � `� �/� f f M. Nl1FF _aA y592,..� ///Y .� /��a���✓ .���� _. j' ;�� .HR$3AU� . M. M�, '�Q�P j�����- y � r�r.�lr.r Gaa. i .H.Vifdn, /r. i �, ���' �i i i/�/�� /e72u.4ac. ;,'I —'— / � /.A. w / / �� /�� i /�/ � � :'/ ' / / / / � `I ., r —IOAr, /' ' � �// / / �� nG N' Jrirr: . . / // �. A�. '9.9 Ar.� , �� //� � �/ ,_..�.� � '/ / � ����/%�� / � j ?C.EGiT� /� ,/r` � ✓.f,/enn 'f"�rnP.r� / , ' 'i �f��.� . sa qn.i�. � bAr., � / � � n.c. /% �AaG. ,(fji/ / �,� / /j�` /�.�,, //�.:JAr„ / �An,i.�s.�r, Win/r.rh�tc¢ W,7.:ihoi�,�,/rs. J./..Mrd(ni'd J...1hi-a5i�er � {/ %/� cC � : /�, 1.fi/r, n 7urne. � __ ------- / /� / //• / /�I � /�ji//// — � / / �. ��;/ �%/; /, �s a5 � ss.c��,=- I / � ---�- �--...-_-_._ �y. DGG�5 / /i.f�/ �jj'���'%�/� i�/� / / /� / C N.!?BtrJr.i-� .%r,hn u.td��ui�r�/ '� ____ _'L."'_ � qnAr�. �/ � /Ol.3NAf. � � ' / / //// / � n.. �crryc,,,�r. �sac. / _ .' - / �//���/;/ /i////� � i ��;/:/" ' --- 1,i;,Mnri-i/l� F.H.Reedrr � j�D�?� , � / / / �fr.l'X.�c. b T:l'0'C _'�'_ � � I �. ._.. _ _ / � /�/ ` I�PIi.'s1J_ • __'._...� // 'J e.erc_ ' f"4'7..' � ��0�.$9L1G�� :eacr.a�• IAd't�.yf/.u. /�W N/�IA� Ifd _—tl4.h4S..Q�G.p+4',RI= A� BARMES R.W.G�BSOk � i��•z9A �' �� � /////�j ���J�Jr� 4-�cas A- 142 A-S66 J���ctH�WALItER � �����aede� � / � ::e� ys,..:. /,, � � ..o. ,.� w��, . ���..,:,_� ., f c.-,�� .. 1. i i�z59A�/ WAA.WINN I i�/ //���/�� �-.660 4./-I./{@C�Pf � �. x � � acr L..__..� A R E A TC9 �� Ll,V�; t�� � IfUCflRPC�4��t��.� 3'Q��'