HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 21 Annexing 477.71 acres in Denton County a��Tz��cE rro 0 21 �ti Ot�DIl�IAT3CE IiEGEIVING AND ANNEXIl�ICx 1EI3EiITdRY ADJ�CENT AND COBTT�GUOUS TQ THE 1^d��1N 0�` �7ESTLl�KE TE�AS9 PRQ�TIDITIG THAm SI3CF� AREA SH�LL BECO:ME A PART OF SAID TOWN. A�VD TIiE1T `i`HE 01rdNEftS AND Il�i- HABI'TAt�'PS THLREOF SHASIS, BE ENTITLEI3 TO ALL_ THE PRIVILEG�S, OF OTH�.K CITLZENS 0�` SAI� TOGTN, AND BE BOUND BY THE. ACIS At�TT� O�DINANCES NOW IN E�'FECT AND i0 BE. HEREINAb'TER A�OI'TED, PURTiL�R PR�JVIDING FOR AD�I�DING AND CORI�FCTING 'PEiE OFI'ICIA� BOTTI�tD- ARLES OF SAID TOWN �S F3ERET0�`ORE �']�dP'F�'D AS �l�tENI}- �,�, AND PROVID?I�iC FOR AN ��FECTIVE _TJA1E m i�fitiEr�-'AS, puru.sant to the provisions af the Acts of 1g53, 53rd Legislature, Page 35'�, Gha;oter 93, codified as �rticl� 974-G, Revised C�vil Statu.tes oi Texas, Frank A. Schultz and wiie, Betty Sehultz, owners of the r•eal property hereinafter described havin� made application as by laUr provided to the Mayor and Board of Alder:nen of the Town ai' G3estlake, Texas, requesting annexatzon o�' a tract o�' land consisting of a. �77.71 aere tract oi Iand, more or less9 out of the �i. B. vanks Surve-y, Denton County A�stract 368, the J. G. MeGo�raar Survey, Denton County Abstraet g59, the B.B.B. °� C, R.R. Survey, Denuon County Abstract l87 �nd the �, N. Densan Survey, i�enton County Abstract 359, State of Texas, ��d be- ing rr�ore fu.11y descriped by metes and bouncls as fa2lows : BEGI2�tNIrvG at a point in the North line oi a eounty raad running Eas� and G�est along the Sauth :;uine of the A. B. Darus Su.rvey A-368 a.r:d in the Las� line n�' said su.rvey, said point also being at the most northerly Northeast corner af t�e �resent corperate limits af the Town oP Ldestlakea 1H??.NCB alor.g the North line oi coantJ raad Sou.th �i9° 06' East 32 feet, Nrsrth 73° 36 ' East 8G-6.5 feet, North 3`7° 14P �ast 662.8 _eet to a point at the Southeast corner of the rrank A. Schultz 77oL1 acre i,ract ou� of the J. G. P��c- Gotn=an Survey A-95�1 therice 1`�olth d° 4b ' East 7.761,� ie�t to a point at tne I�7or��eas� corner o�' th� 77,tF acre Sc}�u1tz lract and the Southeast corner o�' tne B,S,3, & C. � , P�. Survejr k-1�7 and the f'rari�c i�, Schul'cz 62g.9U aere tract? TI=,�NCF. iaith the E^.st line o�" saia surve�� and Senultz Tract IJorth 0° 46 � E,aat �150 i'eet co a �oint at Uh� North- east ec�ner of s�id survey ana ,5chul�z tract; therce i�*ith i : ,.. i:.:. �, � �� � : .�,� �� .,<. �lZe iVorth line of' the E,�,B. �; C. R, :R. �5urvey r1-18'� and the Fiank A. Scnuli.z o2y,98 acre �_�act �iorth u9 2j ' tii�esi. �06.5 i'eet to a point at the Southeast corner oi the J. N. D2nson ,Survey I�-35y �nd the �4`rank A. Scnultz 15�.11 acre tract; THF,ATCy{ ti,*ith the East �ine of said Denson Survej� and Schultz tr�ct 2vorth 0° 11 ' i.ast 155505 feet to a point at �he Nartheast cors2er o��' the J. N> Denson Sur�ey and the Frank � , Sclzul'cz i5g,11 acre tractl thence vdi'�h the T�orch lin� of the J. N. Benson Survey G-359 and the Frank A. SchUltz 15Gm11 ac�e truct �Sorth 8G° 25' Ulest 1833 fee� mor2 or less, TIP3NCJ_. Sau.�h 0° LE6= j�dest �S695a5 feet to a point in the North line of a county road runnin� F`ast an� t�est, said poiizt also be�n� in the South line of the �rar�c �. Se'.nal�z 157m�6 acre traet and in a North line of �ne present c�rporate limits of tne Town of Wes�lake, Texas; THENrCE with �Torth line of county road and cor�or- ate limits line South 89° 06F East 113�9 r:iore or less to �he point of beginning, and covering a tract of l�nd containin� 477,71 acres or 0.7}No square �xiies „ A plat of said �and s'r.owin� its loe��ion with respect to i.he Tox*n of '�Testlake, Texas, be3ng ati,ached hereto marked ��;hiba.t "A"; and G�THi,��1S, said petityor. was :i?ed with the iown of wes�- lake at 5�00 o 'cicck p,mm on ��ebru,ary 5, 1y609 vahieh �s not less than f'zve ,5 and not more than �hiz°ty (30; days p�ior to this date9 and _ _ WHER�AS, it appearing to the Board of Tlderinen of tne `I`own of Ldestlake, Texas, Chat all sta�utory requirements in connec- tion wi�h said proposed annexatian have been fulfilled and that the saa.cl area du.ly grou.ped %nto one territory is not more than one-hal�' mile in width and that all of sa�ne is adjacent to the present Town Limi�s of the To�an of d+Test;lake, Texas➢ BE Ii �RDAII�TE.� BY 2'HE BOARD OF' laLDERNtEN dF THE 'I'OWN OP WES`1'LAKE, IEXAS: . I< m�AT, tne �roperty hereinabove described being ad�acent ancl contiguoas t� th2 Town Limits of 41est;lake, Texas, be and is herel�y annexed and brought wi�hin the Corparate v�.mits of said T3wn and is hereby rtade an integral parttY7ereof. ;;`;', ;;». ; ; �r�,; �-.�, �. • THAT$ the o�aners and inhabitants of �ne area her•e�.n annexed be entitled ta all oi the ri�hts and privileges of other � -• citizens and property owners of` said To�nrn and be bound by alI of ;� the acts and ordinances made in confarmity thereto, nosa in ftzll �':W foree and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. ;�� 3 x'�; TI-L�.T� �he of�'ieial man ai2d boundaries af' thE Tawn of' West- ;v',? lake, mexas, as heretofore adaptea and amended, �e ana is hereby ' amended so as to inclade �he aforeme�tioned terr�tory as part of ' the Tovrn of Westlake, Texas . ��a THIS ordinance shall become e�'fective and be in full force ana effect irom and after its p�ssage and approval by the Mayor anct duly attested by tne Town Secretary. ADOPTE.� this i3trz aa� of February, A. D. i96o. APPROVV�Dt kTTEST: �H� � � . . � �4 . ... �4 d p � -��- .r...,..r,w,.-„= `� f `� ..•�.0 d � 'f /' / � r�`, �., :� t,�G-"'.y,�'.L�l.,,.�. -� �'.` i''�I �YQ� �as�n� sEc�,�r�R� � � � � ���,� �� `; _ ��� � �; � 1HE STfiTE OF 1I1��S � CC}UNTY OF TARRANT I9 P , L, �dom, Town Secretary o£ uhe Town of t�lesGlake9 Texas, do hereby certify that the ioregoing is a true and correct copy e�f Ordinance Na , 21, duly presented and ado�ted by the Board of Aldermen of said lown of Westlake, Texas� at a meeting held on the 13th day of February, I� . D. 1960, as same appears in the m2n- ates oi saicl meeting, in Baok N'o. 1, Pages �i�_s� -;�� iTITN�SS NiY HANI� t�ND SFAL OF TTiE TOtv'IjT OF' W�STLAK�, 2'EY�FSS, this the 13th da�r of February, k. ➢, 1960. . s;�,;: _ � . � €�{, � .� t ,� `��; �' y � , • � -�� . . r°��' "� " P,j . .... " , < r _. �p�i ^.'a.+,6 ,' �. � :�%; _ s :: t7v3�i;_BEC�TARY '� £,,; �� �°:� ��`; ��> 3^`t° � f Z .�,`, �v z �I � . . . . .. ... .. pIN50N WILES A-1339 A. M. FEl.T�1S J. W I L 8 U RN T. BURRESS A-1595 A-1416 A-33 \ L3335!AC. �F.,.�I..Sc h u J t 2 �Y3-.A52 Ac. Frank A.Schultz 7,�.S59Ac. 'i - --r, . ��.. - --- I. N. D���.;u-',� i A-35` T, P.R.R. GO. iss.,i,�:.��-�..__...�_._...��.__� Q-i 3 0 3 �rank R.i"�ef,��� I._ 8. B. B� C. R.R. I M. E .P. B� P. R.R. A-154 I � A-922 '� ; ;J.GIBS�N � � R-478 9. B- B. &� �; �?. :4 � A-I$i.' 8. WHEELER i A-1605 � P.tN. GASPARY 62y'•;:.e�,: A-277 � Frankl fl..,S:-h�rlff 1 1 R. A.CARRUT'N R. A. �AV! 30N ':�� � M� GOINAN A-1�19 A-15 A. B. DRNK. � q-ggg A-368 I •°y = � i �_ - � /57.66.3AC. I �� �i.i�h.q �.� - RUTI-I A L �LE N Fr�nk A.sc,hul!z �, Q-15 G . GRAYH M A-48 � B. B. B. � C. R. R. W� GPBSON � A- 155 p w � � R. K I N G A-482 CASPARY "' � A�700 A-276 � , Z h � � �. S. G R A A M `a F,I.MERRIWETHER 0 A-4 � A-a54 J. M1CK �5 0 T. J• ALLEN A �98 � T. H. GALLAWAY '��g W. D. B E a KELLY a�2�2 A-8 � A-704 T. J. A LLEM 'R. ALLEN A-7 A-17 M.E.P. J. H � N R Y � R.W. A LL�N P. R.R. A- 529 R^5 A•9l2 M. M E DLIlU 79 a-e32 z� /�J. E'Ap5 YV. DrM� DLIN J. R. MIGWAEL 92 �j�A 629� / A-82� �f/�� 353.SAc. � 1��F.37.4G.:. //r \ �� y�n M.Owsla� ir�i i 1 / � � ' 4 ,� ,qc. 35 � f//// R.G. Avfhy . .M.OwSlec �• _ �M1� HAc�. . � � N � G. ,��ne � t / / S�HAEL z. . i�.rBAc� ��f� n-82i / / ✓ // / C! /: � / f M. M E DLIN �oJ A- 837_ 26 J- E�ADS W. D�M� DLIN J. R. MICHAEL ,% /��///%i � ��� 392 i A-829 - A-826 35,9.5Ac: ,./.i�,; y,. , ;�� '\ rn M. w.s lC , 4, __ /ii9�. A 3� � ` R.D. 9 vahy .M.Owslet • - �� c+ 8Ac_ /� e � .G.T�rne � / � « ..� � , HAEL 2.' �_. �BAc. ��f` a-82i � / j� / E R. EA�S J St1TTpN LtN � !�� �� !/�/ ,-9a.a3.a�� , J MENRY �r� r, s�a f,I i'/ � , f1a�,�ySeaJrgsan . / � i � � i/ j i � J.Genn T�mcr � •/ / �; e . / f/ � ,j' /� �../reneTNe.f.biFf � m�� �f�/ � i � ��_ � ,�,������, � - ✓. Ienn,.Tu r�ner P E A // / / � r2Ac, . ���"//�,.,�,����� �� 'Bk.Neafh� Acy e �1`,`it _ _ /24 �' ��r:� .B8.b3/Afc./� /! , l�nr���Fner � /,2AC,." .� !///f � /J/ .// .. /. . fi.BAy pBr1U InTu,mc / ✓.Glenn T�rner � - �//� �,�. . y 'W // F rrgnt-- Glenn Turneri ,�.G. 7urner A.c.Hea#h ✓ohnA, c f DENTON GO� �� raA . � ANT CO, : / +.s. G,5 wi 52.'-`7Ac. - Tdtdl 2/.4A[. / �/Tofa �fi 54, c. ✓-GIe rf7u nEr! ' T "- - - - - - �� �rner / _ � �o !�!�R b rY5 - 6.OAc � /B5./6.Ac � 2B.4AC,�� . / a� �� _ /�/%� /�/�i_%� ,/j`/Y!/ � .a..r. s.c �f-tP - f-��` f r •LCIe in l ner � ��E.T b� ke� � S Ac .� . / � _ ��� J 5SE 61� G B HENC1 I K HUN7 � ,Ni29 OF Ml. �r P � •- ,ef. ay�� � i c� � - A'392 ��y�i1.8"B�0✓/'� i I36/3Ac ,./�� -e ��v. . rpnnler ���n w"de . .��i/ �/j - /ir�//�� //izo./ffia/c' �. _ ���, .A.�w 1 //�/1 .e3 ;y� 20A4 i /� � GHHdrm�� // // 75A4. 9.97A � � � � �/��/t/,� � 24.SGa ;-i - } J.G/Br�n Turn� � . � � �o.c 40Ac. /� 40Ac. / ,v.�, / �8kc. / n.o.o�i.,,�tn winlerha e Yv.��; a ples J.a.Medfo�d .S�h asher O� Y�/�////,//� , W ac�� !j/�/f�. f � / ///// . MANN urne . i ,i' / f. � �1�a_.�r'� / .3.s�a.;.. � �� A-ilo7 `�j C1G�GE 5� f'i/1�� l/�j�/�� ° . �� /%/� E_H.RBed�.�� Joh A.M°Guire fiOA�. !�Ac. '� :j+�i / w r.c•.pe„fer ///�/� � / /f . i.��i� � � R,R.Merr�11 � .H.ReedEr 3 aO - .2tB .r�.3zAc. --_ �� .. -lAc.H.C.Ni99ihs � /6.33A _ }ia. , ��.Sa� . f/ P.R. �Qt3,(,S�9/A � w.�.r�e1o.. yigyins A � BARNES R_W.GIgSON �sa.a9ay. W•�H/����(!��' tN l�S.I���,.�43tS THOS-BEEDY 4- i42 . A-586 � �/��f`// !/'S'��� A- 2007 A-72 J051a'H W.Ai,K�R �rr.Re�de� � a` Std< 49at. /' / � w.F ce�y����., �.n.4a5:'�san Il' �'� / n�.59/Ac. WM.4MlNN i� � J//�/-.'�/�� A-.650 - . E.H.Ra_er'Jer - EX �iIBiT 1e8" � A R E A TO BE ANNEXED � INC4RPORATEU TOWfV OF WESTLAKEF TEXAS . � � � _ ��bu ORD 21 PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION �' ��� � / � � 5� . ��`�_/ac l;� ,�. ��,. OF. LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT �� " � � a �' TO THE TOWN. OF WESTL�IK�, TEXAS. �. '����--�'� . _ e /�p z v�� �fo,���t ;�. /y = G'u;Y , 5 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of dermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas . GREETINGS: We, the undersigned, Frank A. Schu.ltz and wife, Bet'cy Schu.ltz, hereinafter called Petitioner, represent as follows: l. That they are the Owners of a �77.71 acre tract of land situ.ated in the A. B. Danks Su.rvey, Denton County Abstract 368, the J. C. McGowan Su.rvey, Denton County Abstract 95�, the B.B.B. & C . R. R. Su.rvey, Den�on County Abstract 187 and the J. N. Denson Su.rvey, Denton County Abstract 359, State of Texas, fu.11y described by metes and bounds as shown in �XHIBIT "A" at- tached hereto. . A plat of said land shoZ•,ring i�s location with respect to the boundary of �he Town of Westlake, Texas, is attached here�o marked EXHIBIT "B" . 2. That, the land described in EXHIBITS "A�' and "B" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; ,that less than three qu.alified voters -reside thereon, and is contigu,ous and adjacent to the Town of Westlake, Texas . 3. You,r petitioners agree that if this requ.est for annexa�ion be granted, said land shall become a part of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and the said land and any fu.tu.re inhabitants thereof shall. be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town of Westlake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of. said Town, now in effect and as hereafter enacted. WHEREPORE, you.r petitioners respecti'u.11y requ,est that this Petition for Annexation to the Town of Westlake, oi' the land described in attached E�HIBITS be granted. WITNESS the signatu.res of P titioners du.ly acknowledged as required for deeds . �'�/,/._ --- � , �(.'(,�� � .�����ii�/�/ � THE STATE OF TEXAS •'� '' �� ss. COUNTY OF �.'���.r-L�'�'�' BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Pu.blic in and for said County and Sta�e, on this day personally appeared FRANK A. SCHULTZ and BETTY SCHULTZ, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are. su.bscribed to the foregoing instrumen�, and acknowledged �o me that they each execu.ted the same i'or the pu.rposes and cons3deration therein expressed, and �he said BETTY SCHULTZ, having been examined by me privily and apart from her hu.sband, and having the same fu.11y explained to her, she, �he said BETTY SCHULTZ, acknowledged su.ch instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same f'or the pu.rposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GZVEN UNDEP� M� HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the 5th day of Febru,ary, A. D, 1�60. _ .. ,�� ��`,�,`.�' ' �', - '`�F . .�-�,-�- �:-�,�'°'°,.� ;p�,f°',._.--' '" ,.r `- otar� Pu, la.c in andt% ar Dallas Caunty, Texas My Commission expires: Jun� l, 1g61 -2-- E�-I�'BIT r`�.'� Notes of a.n Area �o be Annexed to the Incorparated Town of' Wes�lake, Texas In Tarran� and Den�on Counties, Texas Situ.ated in Denton County, Sta�e af Texas, being a trac� of land ou� of �he foll.owing su.rveys: A. B. Danks .�--368, J, C. McGowan A-�95g, B.B,B. & C. �:.P, A-187, and J, _l�. Denson A-359. _ - B�GTNVING a� a point in the North line of a coun�y road running East arid West along �he Sou.th line of the A, B. �anks Survey .�-368 and _in the Eas� line of said survey, said poa.nt alsa being at the mos� nor�herly Northeas� corner of the present corparate lim3.�Cs of �he Town of Westlake; Thence along the Nor�h line of eounty road Sou.�h 890 06 t �as� 32 feet, North 73° 36� East �i�6.5 fee�, Nor�h 87°l�-t �st 6�2.8 feet ta a point at �he Sou.�heast corner of the Frank A, Schu.l�z 77.�l- acre tract ou.t of' the J. C� McGowan Su.rvey A.-�599 �hence Nor�h o° ��6t East 1761.b feet to a poin� a� the North- east corner of the 77,� acre Sehul�z Trac� and the So�.theast corner af the B,B,B. & C. R.R, Su.rvey. A-187 and the Frank A. Schu.ltz 629.98 acre �rac�; _ Thence with the East line of said su.rvey and Schultz Tract North o° �6t East 5150 feet ta a point at the Northeas� corner of said su.rvey and Schu.ltz tract; thence with �he Nor�h line of �he B.B.B. & C. R.R, Su,rvey A-187 and �he Frank .�. Schultz 62y.98 acre �ract North 8q° 25.' West 806.5 feet to a point a� the Sou.theas� carner of the J. N. Denson Su.rvey A-35g and th.e Frank A. Schultz 15�.11 acre �rac�; _ Thence wi�h �he Eas� line of said Denson Su,rvey and Schultz trac� Narth 0° llt �ast 1555.5 feet to a point a� the Northeast corner of the J, N. Denson Survey and the Frank A, Schu.ltz 159.11 acr� tract; thence wi�h the Nar�h line of the J. N. Denson Su.rvey A-359 and the Frank A, Schu.l�z 1.59.11 acre �Craet North 89° 25t Wes� 1833 feet mor,e or less; Thence �ou,th 0° �-6' �Test 8695.5 feet to a po�.nt in �he North line, af a county road running East and West, said poin� also being 3.n �h� Sau.�h line of the Frank A. Schultz 157,66 aere tract and in a �or�h line a�� the present corporate limits of the Town o�' i�Testlake, Texas; Thence wi�h North line of eoun�� roac� and eorporate 1imi�s line Sau.th 89° 46t East 1134t more or less ta �he poin� of beginning, and covering a tract af land con�aining �77q71 acres or 0.7�6 squ.are miles . .'"? � " �., r Y ... �.+'3� � t # �l 2, ;��x �-�.�..� , ���� �f�.�� ��' , � �R.��� ��� , do hereby certify that the no�es here�'z� taken from i�naps pr pared from field su.rveys an.d Cou.r�hou.se reec�ds are �tru.e and correct �o the best of my knowledge. _2_ �� PINSON WILES A-1339 A. M. FELTUS J. W I L B U RN T, BURRESS A-1595 A•14 I 6 q-33 /Yd..�!'/Ar. F..A,.Sr,N�ultz /7.3.?��ZAr,. *.l _ Frynk A.Schullr. 73.6G9Ac. "i I. N. DEN A-35� T, P,R.R. G0. �'���F A-1303 F�dnk A.: � , , B. 8. . a C. R.R. ? M. E .P, 8� P. R.R. A-154 � A�922 j J.GIBSON ; a-a�s B. e. a. &; A-18 3 i � � B, WHEELER ' � A-1605 P,W, CASPARY �;9. t A-277 Fr:f r�(< i R, A,CA�,RUTH R, �1, D/�VI SON • M� GOWAN A•1318 A-IS A. �. DAn1K A-959 A-368 . - � irsr.�s3nc. R U T H A L L E N Fro n N A.5 c h�-� /��.___L_���__��, � - .�._� ' A-15 - - � . GRAYH M A-48 ^ g, B.B. B C. R. R W. GIBSON � M A-155 �,� R. K I N G a w A-482 ,� CASPARY a A-7oo Q-276 �3 h � �' � S, G R � h A M o F,I,�YIERRIWETHER A-45 A-054 � J. MICKES o T, J• ALL�N A�B�II � �` _�""_ T. FI. CALLAWAY A-a h W, D. B E D KELLY A-2�2 A•8 � A•704 T. J A LLEN R. ALLEN q-7 A-17 , /, __ .._ M,E.P. J. W E N R Y ' � A- 829 R.W. ALLEN P, R.R. , A-5 II A•912 i N. t�� Z D L 9 �+a 7g n-�3; , 26 %�J.,�'E�ADS W, D�MEDLIN J. R. MICHAEL ��� � /�;j////, ' � j�� 92 i/!A-629 '. A-820 � 359.sf1c:/ ! a.3)AG. �i�� -`\' !!1! y:�M.C�w•!e, :i_. � i j- - - -- -- � �4 .� qF 35 3 �//// R.,� 9u:by � M.Ows/ey _ _ -_ � * ' i,�.__ / - .-. - - � _' c. � 0 c. � / � �f / �� ,%j, •% J R M 1:G H A[L=-=——__---__— -- .G. i.irnc 2. . . /:.IBAc. '�%�����,�� n-L'2�� _.. i / i a. Enos r ,� �;�'� ����;��: J SU TO►1 � ^Q LIN �.a3u� /� J HENRY ,,//,,��!!// '� j// � � , : i , __ Y1 �'l���f / // f. �/Jr f er/ir�,Son /�, A S�8 ' .G tl� �� r� 1 r j� /. /� �' / � /'Y��r� , . r �,���yl� � �/,�/��� %;/. �;���`�:���.;. .. ,,.,. �;., .'/ , Y �-��7 rT--i J/Tr--7 f� . _... ..-`.. — ;-::�+�`.�-r�.�� �f�.����.�,���� A-15 G . GRAYH M A��B ^ 8, 6.8. 8 C. R. R W. GIBSON n M A-ISS � w A •482 M �,� R. K f N G �ASpARY � A-700 a•276 �3 cj h J' �� S. G R A t A M o ' F,I.MERRIWETHER A-48 A-D54 :, . J M I C K ES o T. J• :+ LLEN a-898 ? '-�'��- T. H CALLAWAY A-e h W. D. 0 E o �. KELLY A�2�2 A•8 � A-704 � T J A L � E �1 R ALLEN a-� A-17 _c.—rz�.._. /� M,[,P. ,!. H E N R Y a R.W. ALLE�^� P. R.R. i A- 52�3 A•9i2 � A`5 �r M E DL tr! __-79 ---- �- j�� � , �; . / /., ; n- e s� ��, , �; , �;- �/- i ;" 26 �/�� �'%/�� '�'!%��/ �, �/� �,i �j�'i:�/,%%,�' /�J.. • E�ADS/ % W.�D �MEDLIN % J R MiCHAEL ���� �// //�� i!/:, � `/'j 92 ��,, A'8'29 / � A-820 � // .359.SA. %� � / � 'I.4l .37Ac, / � " � �/ i �� ,� y::M.ows�e '/ � . � �. - , -4, - =-- --- - , � i /�%1� a ; e�:�y. '35 3 G / .M.Owslr_�� ' ------- _ � .. ��.- �� ��'----� . . � .G. u�nci � `' �/%// [ i,/, . . J �i litl(�HaEI 2. //.9.1lIAc•'-// /� �'� i��' a N7. � . . - �_-=__-__--.— / � / /�/ /%,�.�,/� .. � / ' /1�,�/�/"�'�;, R. 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