HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 72 Annexing LandORDINANCE NUMBER 72 AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTING ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THE TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS The following described land is situated in Denton County, Texas, and is entirely adjacent and contiguous to the present boundary line defining the corporate territorial limits of the Town of Westlake, Texas: In Denton County, Texas, beginning at the intersection of the North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the East boundary line of a public road running along the West boundary line of that certain one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. Gray, et ux. by Deed recorded in Volume 568, Page 119, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 76052'55" E, 29.55 feet; THENCE S 89051'30" E, 91.2 feet; THENCE N 00044' E, 383.8 feet; THENCE N 89051'30" W, 120.0 feet; THENCE N 00044' E, 1,015.4 feet; THENCE S 89053'30" E, 300.0 feet; THENCE N 00030' E, 903.54 feet; THENCE N 89049' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE S 00030' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89°23' W, 559.71 feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land con- veyed to Deloris Jane Perry by Deed recorded in Volume 527, Page 409, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 00000'30" E, 845.5 feet; THENCE S 89052'30`° E, 407.05 feet; THENCE S 00014130" W, a distance of approximately 1,125.4 feet to the North boundary line of the Medlin Road; THENCE S 76052155" E, with the North boundary line of the Medlin Road approximately 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. The above described tract is wholly contiguous with the presently existing boundary line of the Town of Westlake. None of the above-described land is within the extra- territorial jurisdiction of any other city or town and no railroad or railroad right-of-way is included within said land. The annexation of the above-described land to the Town of Westlake, Texas, will result in providing more orderly development and use of said land and to promote and protect the general health, safety and welfare of persons residing thereon. In the February 6, 1974, evening edition of the FORT WORTH STAR -TELEGRAM, Notice of a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, February 19, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. in the evening at the Bilbo Ranch in the Town of Westlake, was published. ,�2he FORT WORTH STAR -TELEGRAM is a newspaper of general circu- lation in the Town of Westlake and in the territory proposed to be annexed. A Petition signed by Johnson-Loggins, Inc., who are the owners of all of the land to be annexed, has been received requesting that the above land be included within the corporate territorial boundaries of the Town of Westlake. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas: I That the next following meeting of the Board of Aldermen be held on Monday, .March 11, 1974, at z(� o'clock, atBil.bo Ranch , in the Town of Westlake, and that at such meeting the Petition received this day and signed by the owners of the land to be annexed, be voted upon by the Board of Alder- men. . ADOPTED this 19th day of February, 1974. APPROVED: --'HOWARD DUDLEY, Mayor of the Town of Westlake PAUL C. ISHAM, Attorney for the Town of Westlake Town Secretary A REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: The undersigned, the owners of the land hereinafter de- scribed by metes and bounds, respectfully petition your Honor- able Body to annex the territory to the Town of Westlake, Texas. In support of this request, the undersigned would respectfully show the following: I. That the territory to be annexed is situated wh ll.y within Denton County, Texas, situated in the M. Medlin._Snr. vey, A-832 and the J. W. Michael Survey, A-821, and adjoins and is adjacent to the Town of Westlake, and is more parti- cularly described by metes and bounds as followsv Beginning at the intersection of the North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the East boundary line of a public road running along the West boundary line of that certain one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. Gray, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 568, Page 119 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas: THENCE S 76052'55` E, 29.55 feet; THENCE S 89051'30" E, 91.2 feet; THENCE N 00044' E, 383.8 feet; THENCE N 89051'30" W, 120.0 feet; WHENCE N 00044' E, 1,015.4 feet; THENCE S 89053'30" E, 300.0 feet; THENCE N 00030' E, 903.54 feet; THENCE N 69049' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE S 00030' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89023' W, 559.71 feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land con- veyed to Deloris Jane Perry by Deed recorded in Volume 527, Page 409, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 00000130" E, 845.5 feet THENCE S 89052130" E, 407.05 feet; THENCE S 00014'30" W, a distance of approximately 1,125.4 feet to the North boundary line of the Medlin Road; THENCE S 76052'55'° E, with the North boundary line of the. Medlin Road approximately 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. II. That no part of the territory to be annexed is within the limits of any city, town or village, or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction, as that term is defined in Article 970x, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, of any incorpor- ated city, town or village except the Town of Westlake, Texas, and all of said territory may be properly annexed to the Town of Westlake. There are no qualified voters presently residing within the territory to be annexed. IV. That the territory to be annexed is depicted on a map attached hereto as Exhibit "A". WHEREFORE, the undersigned respectfully pray that the attached and foregoing petition and this request be filed with the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and that the petition be in all things granted and the territory described herein be annexed to the Town, and the present and future inhabitants thereof be entitled to all the rights and privi- leges of other citizens of the Town of Westlake, Texas. 1974. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of.._. JOHNSON-LOGGINS, INC. BY: �- F r ��— Its. -2- THE STATE OF TEXAS 5 S COUNTY OF TARRANT 5 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County-and_5tate.,. on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said JOHNSON--LOGGINS, INC., a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the.,,.. day of �r 1974. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for Tarrant County, Texas -3- OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP ,jnj Et, � -1 r cL iA� [, k ff � 7z- ���q F ] H RES M04TIAL, 14IG" DENS IT Y L RESIDENT[AL,LOW DENSITY R RETAIL I NOUSTMAL mmrrrtm EXHIBIT A GRAPEVINE RESERVOIR Wed-nesday Evening, February 6, 1.974 ORD 72 FORT WORTH STAR -TELEGRAM l I=C .._ - GALITYi,.. --a, -s- S. G. Johndroe, Jr. AL CITY ATTORNEY NOTICE- IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, THAT; The Town of Westlake, Texas, Pro- poses to institute annexation Pro- ceedings to enlarge- and extend the boundary limits of said town -to in- clude the following described territo- ry, and NOTICE that a Petition for annexation of this area will be circu- Wed, to -wit! Denton Countv, Texas, beginning at the intersection of they North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the -East boundary line -of -a Pub- lic road running along the West boundarv..line -of that certain -one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. -� Gray, et ux. by Deed recorded in: 568, Page. 119 of the- Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S, 76 degrees 52'55" E, 29.55 feet; THENCE.S 89 decrees 51'30" E, 91.2 -S feet; THENCE N 00 decrees 44' E,383.8, j feet; THENCE N 89 degrees 5110" -W, J 120.0 feet; - THENCE N 00 degrees 44' E, 1,015.4 fee?; THENCE 300.0 feet; 5 89 degrees 53'30 E, THENCE N 00 degrees 30' E, 903.54. feet; THENCE N 89 degrees 49' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE 00 degrees 30' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89 degrees- 23' W, 559.71 - feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that ro..i., .. _. - of the Deed Records of Denton tv; Texas: VCE S 00 degrees 00'30" E, feet; VCE 5 89. degrees 52'30" E, i feet; VCE S 00, denrees le'3t1" W, a ethDud r2 feet Norboy line he in Road,- 'ICE oad;VCE 5 76 degrees 52'55" E, the North boundary line of fhe - in Road anoroximately 175.0 fo the DIace of beginning above described tract is wholly auous wtth the Presently exist - boundary Bne o lake. f the Town of ehteedwrnoffhhTownAld mee Of Westlake, Texas, on Tues - the 19th day of February, 1974, •30 P.m. o'clock at the Bilbo orlallhper ens interestedeinTthe and Placeanallxasuch Person have the riaht to aonear and sa all Persons sinterested e in fhe s and matters herein men- s, will take notice. Town oof t Westlake, ATexas derme thof s '1st day of January, 1974, -