HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 53 Granting the petiition for the Annexation of certain landORDINANCE NUMBER 53 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LAND TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, held on July 2, 1973, an ordinance was passed wxpanding the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Westlake, Texas, to include that territory described by metes and bounds hereinbelow and in the attached annexation petition, which ordinance was passed at the request of the owners of such land pursuant to the provisions of Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 970a Sec.3C; and WHERE -AS, at said meeting an ordinance calling a public hearing before the Board of Aldermen to consider the annexation of said land was passed; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, desires to approve, ratify and affirm all action taken at said meeting; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the annexation of said land was called and notice given thereof in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 23rd day of July, 1973, at the Circle T Ranch in Westlake, Texas, following a brief meeting of the Board of Aldermen; and WHEREAS, the annexation of said land wi-1 result in . providing more orderly development and use of said land, and will promote and protect the general health, safety and welfare of persons residing thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the matters and facts set out hereinabove found and declared to be true and correct. Section 2. That this meeting held on August 2, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. at the Circle T Ranchhouse in Westlake, Texas, was called and notice given thereof in accordance with law. Section 3. That all actions taken at the meetings of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, held on July 2, 1973, and on July 23, 1973, are hereby approved, ratified and affirmed. Section 4. That attached to this ordinance and made a part hereof is a petition for the annexation of the following described territory to the Town of Westlake, Texas: In Denton County, Texas, beginning at a point in the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey A-17, at which the present boundary of the Town of Westlake intersects, said point being approximately 525 feet due North of the point at which the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey intersects the North line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE with the boundary line of the Town of Westlake N 87°33'30" E, 553.7 feet to an iron pin in concrete; N 00°11' W, 580.7 feet; THENCE N 00°12' W, 329.2 feet; THENCE S 81047' E, 930.5 feet; THENCE S 05014' W, 449.75 feet; THENCE N 48°13' E, 675.0 feet; THENCE N 89°43' E, 399.9 feet; THENCE S 42°01' E, 500.0 feet; THENCE N 32°45' E, 505.1 feet; THENCE N 82033' E, 1,179.8 feet; THENCE N 64028' E, 949.8 feet; THENCE N 21050130" E, 1,670.1 feet: THENCE S 00038' W, 934.1 feet; THENCE S 81°47' E, 129.9 feet; THENCE S 81°49' E, 77.7 feet; THENCE S 02032' W, 613.3 feet; THENCE S 86°31' E, 184.7 feet; THENCE N 89051' E, 8.1 feet; THENCE S 00029' E, 1,924.0 feet; THENCE S 00029' E approximately 42.0 feet to the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 89045'30" West with the South line of the Marshall Creek -2- Road approximately 1,750.0 feet to the point at which the East line of the R. W. Allen Survey, Abstract A-5, intersects the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 00005' E, 552.35 feet; THENCE S 00007130" W, 1,125.3 feet; THENCE S 49002' W, 229.55 feet; THENCE S 34035' W, 463.8 feet; THENCE S 09059' W, 491.8 feet; THENCE S 39°54' W, 599.25 feet; THENCE N 86030' W, 247.75 feet; THENCE S 14°50' E, 756.5 feet; THENCE N 79017' W, 1,581.8 feet; THENCE S 68023' W, 380.9 feet; THENCE S 01010' W, 341.7 feet; THENCE N 75056' E, 120.65 feet; THENCE S 78°13' E, 393.9 feet; THENCE N 33042' E, 299.1 feet; THENCE S 73037' E, 958.2 feet; THENCE S 09039' E, 221.55 feet; THENCE N 58048' E, 169.0 feet; THENCE N 04°35' W, 234.0 feet; THENCE N 86032' E, 306.5 feet; THENCE N 66024' E, 877.4 feet; THENCE S 02054' W, 224.0 feet; THENCE S 40000' E, 542.25 feet; THENCE N 19030' E, 250.25 feet; THENCE N 18005113" W, 1,000.8 feet; THENCE N 29010' E, 556.4 feet; THENCE N 89033130" E, 7301.3 feet, being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to James E. Redman by Deed recorded in Volume 668, page 465 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 89033130" E 1018.2 feet; THENCE S 10012' E, 1,203.1 feet; THENCE N 28059' E, 1,362.4 feet; MI THENCE N 89029130" E, 626.0 feet; THENCE S 01004' E, 493.95 feet; THENCE S 88°57' E, 324.6 feet; THENCE N 11°45' E, 501.5 feet; THENCE N 89°07' E, 289.3 feet; THENCE N 89038130" E, 362.8 feet; THENCE N 89017' E, crossing the West line of a public road at 606.4 feet, in all 631.4 feet, the center line of a public road; THENCE S 00008' E, with the center line of a public road, 39.0 feet; THENCE S 56°48' W, 612.5 feet; THENCE S 00.01' W, 150.0 feet; THENCE S 88004' E, 537.3 feet to the east line of public road; THENCE S 00009' E, with the east line of said road, at 1,070.0 feet departing said U.S.A. tract line, in all approximately 3,582.3 feet to the South line of Medlin Road: THENCE N 89051130" W, along the South boundary of the Medlin Road, and the present boundary of the City of Westlake, a distance of approximately 3,738.1 feet; Continuing with the presently existing boundary line of the City of Westlake to the place of beginning as follows: THENCE N 76052155" W, 339.05 feet; THENCE S 00004120" E, 2,651.8 feet to a point in the North line of State Highway 114; THENCE N 71003120" W, with the North line of State Highway 114 approximately 1,400 feet; THENCE North approximately 2,500 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road; THENCE N 75040115" W, along the South line of Medlin Road, 1,687.5 feet; THENCE S 85026'30" W approximately 1,270.8 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road South of the East boundary line of the W. Medlin Survey A-829; THENCE N 000021 E, along the East line of the said W. Medlin Survey 3,425.4 feet to an iron pin for a corner, the same being the Northeast corner of the W. Medlin Survey; THENCE S 89°58' W, 87.05 feet; THENCE S 89°30' W, 2,267.7 feet to an iron pin set in concrete; THENCE N 01°38' E, 2,669.1 feet; Na THENCE S 89°54' E, 20.1 feet; THENCE N 00-01' E, 488.65 feet to an iron pin in concrete; THENCE N 87033'30" E, 937.5 feet to place of beginning. SAVE AND EXCEPT the following tracts of lands TRACT is A tract of land out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to Gordon W. Alexander and wife, Virginia D. Alexander by deed recorded in Volume 578, page 492, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE with the East line of said Alexander tract North 00°04' East 586-0/10 feet, the Northeast corner of said Alexander tract; THENCE North 30002'30" East 284-45/100 feet to a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of a tract of land held in fee by the United States of America; THENCE South 88044' East, at 487-8/10 feet the West line of a Public Road, in all 512-8/10 feet to a point in the centerline of said Public Road; THENCE South 00009' East with the centerline of said road 820-3/10 feet; THENCE North 89035130" West at 25 feet the West line of said road, in all 657-8/10 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 2s Beginning at the intersection of the North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the East boundary line of a public road running along the West boundary line of that certain one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. Gray, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 568, page 119 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 76052'55" E, 29.55 feet; THENCE S 89051130" E, 91.2 feet; THENCE N 00044' E, 383.8 feet; THENCE N 89051130" W, 120.0 feet; THENCE N 00°44' E, 1,015.4 feet; THENCE S 89053130" E, 300.0 feet; THENCE N 00030' E, 903.54 feet; THENCE N 89°49' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE S 00030' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89023' W, 559.71 feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Deloris Jane -5- Perry by Deed recorded in Volume 527, page 40.9, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 00000130" E, 745.5 feet; THENCE S 89052130" E, 407.05 feet; THENCE S 00014130" W, a distance of approximately 1,125.4 feet to the North boundary line of the Medlin toad; THENCE S 76052'55" E, with the North boundary line of the Medlin Road approximately 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 3s Beginning at a point in the North boundary line of the Medlin Road at which the West boundary line of that certain 1.002 acre tract of land conveyed to dames A. Venable, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 397 at page 548 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, intersects: THENCE S 89051130" E, 209.0 feet; THENCE N 00031130" E, 2,09.0 feet; �1" •_,�}r R, : +r r `i. of t' �titee e'*4 ,� rr9s3r, s3. Such petition is herXy* granted, and the above-described territory is hereby annexed into the corporate limits of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as a part of said Town from and after the date hereof. Section 5. That this oridnance is passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Aldermen on this the 2nd day of August, A.D. 1973, and shall take effect immediately upon its approval by the Mayor. PASSED this 2nd day of August, A.D. 1973. APPROVED this 2nd day of August, A.D. 1973. a:or of the To n of Westlake APPROVED: "Ci ttorney OFFICIAL ZONING DlgTRICT MAP Fl RESIDENTIAL, N HIGH OENSITY 171 L RESIDENTIAL, LOW DEN5I7Y R RETAIL I®77,�'��yy �M,l I INDUSTRIAL RESERVOM )N CAEEk n LLL ' . 'o -A -V A F F I D A V I T THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DENTON )( BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mrs. Cheryl Alexander , who upon oath did depose and say: That three copies of a Petition for Annexation of the territory described in the attached Exhibit "A" into the Town of Westlake, Texas, on July 3, 1973, were posted within the annexation area in public places as follows: two copies were posted on the Medlin Road on fence posts near the intersections of the Medlin Road and the west and east boundaries of the annexation area, and one copy was posted on the Marshall Creek Road on a fence post. 1 e 1IkL d 1L _ "i SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this day of 1973. Notary Public in and for Dento County, Texas Medlin Road at which the West boundary line of that certain 1.002 acre tract of land conveyed to James A venable, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 397 at page 548 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, intersects; THENCE S 89051130" E, 209.0 feet; THENCE N 00031130" E, 209.0 feet. In Denton County, Texas, beginning at a point in the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey A-17, at which the present boundary of the Town of Westlake intersects, said point being approximately 525 feet due North of the point at which the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey intersects the North line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE with the boundary line of the Town of Westlake N 87°33'30" E, 553.7 feet to an iron pin in concrete; N 00°11' W, 580.7 feet; THENCE N 00°12' W, 329.2 feet; THENCE S 81°47' E, 930.5 feet; THENCE S 06°14' W, 449.75 feet; THENCE N 48°13' E, 675.0 feet; THENCE N 89043' E, 399.9 feet; THENCE S 42.01' E, 500.0 feet; THENCE N 32045' E, 505.1 feet; THENCE N 82033' E, 1,179.8 feet; THENCE N 64028' E, 949.8 feet; THENCE N 21050130" E, 1,670.1 feet: THENCE S 00°38' W, 934.1 feet; THENCE S 81°47' E, 129.9 feet; THENCE S 81°49' E, 77.7 feet; THENCE S 02°32' W, 613.3 feet; THENCE S 86°31' E, 184.7 feet; THENCE N 89051' E, 8.1 feet; THENCE S 00°29' E, 1,924.0 feet; THENCE S 00°29' E approximately 42.0 feet to the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 89045'30" West with the South line of the Marshall Creek Road approximately 1,750.0 feet to the point at which the East line of the R. W. Allen Survey, Abstract A-5, intersects the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 00°05' E, 552.35 feet; THENCE S 00007'30" W, 1,125.3 feet; THENCE S 49°02' W, 229.55 feet; THENCE S 34°35' W, 463.8 feet; THENCE S 09059' W, 491.8 feet; THENCE S 39°54' W, 599.25 feet; kXlruloflt THENCE N 86030' W, 247.75 feet; THENCE S 14°50' E, 756.5 feet; THENCE N 79017' W, 1,581.8 feet; THENCE S 68023' W, 380.9 feet; THENCE S 01°10' W, 341.7 feet; THENCE N 75056' E, 120.65 feet; THENCE S 78013' E, 393.9 feet; THENCE N 33042' E, 299.1 feet; THENCE S 73037' E, 958.2 feet; THENCE S 09039' E, 221.55 feet; THENCE N 58048' E, 169.0 feet; THENCE N 04°35' W, 234.0 feet; THENCE N 86°32' E, 306.5 feet; THENCE N 66024' E, 877.4 feet; THENCE S 02054' W, 224.0 feet; THENCE S 40°00' E, 542.25 feet; THENCE N 19030' E, 250.25 feet; THENCE N 18005113" W, 1,000.8 feet; THENCE N 29°10' E, 556.4 feet; THENCE N 89033130" E, 730.3 feet, being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to James E. Redman by Deed recorded in Volume 668, page 465 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 89033'30" E 1018.2 feet; THENCE S 10°12' E, 1,203.1 feet; THENCE N 28059' E, 1,362.4 feet; THENCE N 89029130" E, 626.0 feet; THENCE S 01004' E, 493.95 feet; THENCE S 88°57' E, 324.6 feet; THENCE N 11°45' E, 501.5 feet; THENCE N 89°07' E, 289.3 feet; THENCE N 89038'30" E, 362.8 feet; THENCE N 89017' E, crossing the West line of a public road at 606.4 feet, in all 631.4 feet, the center line of a public road; THENCE S 00008' E, with the center line of a public road, 39.0 feet; THENCE S 56°48' W, 612.5 feet; THENCE S 00001' W, 150.0 feet; THENCE S 88°04' E, 537.3 feet to the east line of public road; THENCE S 00009' E, with the east line of said road, at 1,070.0 feet departing said U.S.A. tract line, in all approximately 3,582.3 feet to the South line of Medlin Road: THENCE N 89051'30" W, along the South boundary of the Medlin Road, and the present boundary of the City of Westlake, a distance of approximately 3,738.1 feet; Continuing with the presently existing boundary line of the City of Westlake to the place of beginning as follows: THENCE N 76052'55" W, 339.05 feet; THENCE S 00004'20" E, 2,651.8 feet to a point in the North line of State Highway 114; THENCE N 71003'20" W, with the North line of State Highway 114 approximately 1,400 feet; THENCE North approximately 2,500 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road; THENCE N 75040'15" W, along the South line of Medlin Road, 1,687.5 feet; THENCE S 85026'30" W approximately 1,270.8 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road South of the East boundary line of the W. Medlin Survey A-829; THENCE N 00002' E, along the East line of the said W. Medlin Survey 3,425.4 feet to an iron pin for a corner, the same being the Northeast corner of the W. Medlin Survey; THENCE S 89°58' W, 87.05 feet; THENCE S 89°30' W, 2,267.7 feet to an iron pin set in concrete; THENCE N 01°38' E, 2,669.1 feet; THENCE S 89°54' E, 20.1 feet; THENCE N 00.01' E, 488.65 feet to an iron pin in concrete; THENCE N 87033'30" E, 937.5 feet to place of beginning. SAVE AND EXCEPT the following tracts of land: TRACT 1: A tract of land out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to Gordon W. Alexander and wife, Virginia D. Alexander by deed recorded in Volume 578, page 492, Deed Records of Denton. County, Texas; THENCE with the East line of said Alexander tract North 0004' East 586-0/10 feet, the Northeast corner of said Alexander tract; THENCE North 30°02'30" East 284-45/100 feet to a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of a tract of land held in fee by the United States of America; THENCE South 88°44' East, at 487-8/10 feet the West line of a Public Road, in all 512-8/10 feet to a point in the centerline of said Public Road; THENCE South 00°09' East with the centerline of said road 820-3/10 feet; THENCE North 89035'30" West at 25 feet the West line of said road, in all 657-8/10 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 2: Beginning at the intersection of the North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the East boundary line of a public road running along the West boundary line of that certain one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. Gray, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 568, page 119 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 76052'55" E, 29.55 feet; THENCE S 89051'30" E, 91.2 feet; THENCE N 00°44' E, 383.8 feet; THENCE N 89051'30" W, 120.0 feet; THENCE N 00044' E, 1,015.4 feet; THENCE S 89053'30" E, 300.0 feet; THENCE N 00030' E, 903.54 feet; THENCE N 89"49' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE S 00°30' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89°23' W, 559.71 feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Deloris Jane Perry by Deed recorded in Volume 527, page 409, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 00000130" E, 745.5 feet; THENCE S 89052130" E, 407.05 feet; THENCE S 00014'30" W, a distance of approximately 1,125.4 feet to the North boundary line of the Medlin Road; THENCE S 76052'55" E, with the North boundary line of the Medlin Road approximately 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 3: Beginning at a point in the North boundary line of the THENCE with the East line of said Alexander tract North 00004' East 586-0/10 feet, the Northeast corner of said Alexander tract; THENCE North 3000213011 East 284-45/100 feet to a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of a tract of land held in fee by the United States of America; THENCE South 88°44' East, at 487-8/10 feet the West line of a Public Road, in all 512-8/10 feet to a point in the centerline of said Public Road; THENCE South 00009' East with the centerline of said road 820-3/10 feet; THENCE North 89035'30" West at 25 feet the West line of said road, in all 657-8/10 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 2: Beginning at the intersection of the North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the East boundary line of a public road running along the West boundary line of that certain one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. Gray, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 568, page 119 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 76052'55" E, 29.55 feet; THENCE S 89051'30" E, 91.2 feet; THENCE N 00°44' E, 383.8 feet; THENCE N 89051'30" W, 120.0 feet; THENCE N 00°44' E, 1,015.4 feet; THENCE S 89053'30" E, 300.0 feet; THENCE N 00°30' E, 903.54 feet; THENCE N 89°49' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE S 00°30' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89°23' W, 559.71 feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Deloris Jane Perry by Deed recorded in Volume 527, page 409, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 00000'30" E, 745.5 feet; THENCE S 89052'30" E, 407.05 feet; THENCE S 00014'30" W, a distance of approximately 1,125.4 feet to the North boundary line of the Medlin Road; THENCE S 76052'55" E, with the North boundary line of the Medlin Road approximately 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 3: Beginning at a point in the North boundary line of the Medlin Road at which the West boundary line of that certain 1.002 acre tract of land conveyed to James A venable, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 397 at page 548 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, intersects; THENCE S 89051°30" E, 209.0 feet; THENCE N 00031130" E, 209.0 feet. AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DENTON )( BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared each of the undersigned, who upon his/her oath did depose and say: 1. That on the 29th day of July , 1973, my domicile was within the boundaries of the territory described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A. " I have maintained my domicile in said territory and my domicile is presently within said territory. 2. That by Petition dated July 29, 1973 a majority of the inhabitants, who are qualified electors residing within the area described in Exhibit "A, " voted in favor of becoming a part of the Town of Westlake, Texas. 3. That the total number of adult residents presently residing within the boundaries of the territory described in Exhibit "A" is R : twenty-two people; and that the total number of qualified voters who appear on the current poll list in the office of the Denton County Voter Regi.straiion office is eleven, and that the approx_mate total number of area contained within the boundaries of the territory described iIn Exhibit "A" ;.5 1, 200 acres. 4. That I was more than eighteen years of age on;`1973, and was a citizen of the United States of Am,---rica at such time and am still a citizen of the United States of America. 5. That I was domiciled in the State of Texas for more than one year and domiciled in Denton County, Texas, for more than six months oma. January 1, 1973. 6. That I am not and never have been an i,uot or a lunatic or a pauper supported by the County cand that I have never been convicted of any felony. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEF6RE ME this,i�' day of �s 1973. Notary Public in and for Denton Codi y, Texas A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DENTON )( TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: The undersigned, a majority of the inhabitants who are qualified voters residing within the territory described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A, " which territory is indicated on the map attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B, " and which territory is hereinafter referred to as "Annexation Territory", acting pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, respect- fully petition your Honorable Body to annex such Annexation Territory to the Town of Westlake, Texas. In support of this Petition, petitioners would respectfully show the following: R That the annexation territory is situated wholly within Denton County, Texas, adjoins and is contiguous and adjacent to the Town of Westlake, Texas. II. That all of the annexation territory is within the exclusive extrater- ritorial jurisdiction as that term is defined in Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and no part of the annexation territory is within the limits or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any incorporated city, town or village other than the Town of Westlake, Texas, and all of said annexation territory may be properly annexed to the Town of Westlake, Texas. That more than three (3) qualified voters reside within the bounds of the annexation territory and a majority of the inhabitants, who are qualified voters residing within the Annexation Territory, by signing this Petition hereby vote in favor of becoming a part of the Town of Westlake, Texas. WHEREFORE, the undersigned respectfully pray that this Petition be filed with the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and that this Petition be in all things granted and the said Annexation Territory be annexed to the Town, and the present and future inhabitants thereof be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town of Westlake, Texas. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this z9thday of July 1973. NAME ADDRESS PRECINCT VOTER REGISTRATION TTTTT FTITII TTTTT FT'ITiT —2 — 9`s t--Ly�x:l�f�aCZ.n'.Fv'� �j r y { f, l l p f 4 / � i 5 ,r \t —5— ;;>„=4v` In Denton County, Texas, beginning at a point in the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey A-17, at which the present boundary of the Town of Westlake intersects, said point being approximately 525 feet due North of the point at which the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey intersects the North line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE with the boundary line of the Town of Westlake N 87133130" E, 553.7 feet to an iron pin in concrete; N 00°11' W, 580.7 feet; THENCE N 00°12' W, 329.2 feet; THENCE S 81°47' E, 930.5 feet; THENCE S 06°14' W, 449.75 feet; THENCE N 48°13' E, 675.0 feet; THENCE N 89°43' E, 399.9 feet; THENCE S 42.01' E, 500.0 feet; THENCE N 32°45' E, 505.1 feet; THENCE N 82°33' E, 1,179.8 feet; THENCE N 64°28' E, 949.8 feet; THENCE N 21050'30" E, 1,670.1 feet: THENCE S 00°38' W, 934.1 feet; THENCE S 81°47' E, 129.9 feet; THENCE S 81049' E, 77.7 feet; THENCE S 02-321 W, 613.3 feet; THENCE S 86031' E, 184.7 feet; THENCE N 89°51' E, 8.1 feet; THENCE S 00°29' E, 1,924.0 feet; THENCE S 00029' E approximately 42.0 feet to the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 89045'30" West with the South line of the Marshall Creek Road approximately 1,750.0 feet to the point at which the East line of the R. W. Allen Survey, Abstract A-5, intersects the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 00°05' E, 552.35 feet; THENCE S 00007'30" W, 1,125.3 feet; THENCE S 49°02' W, 229.55 feet; THENCE S 34°35' W, 463.8 feet; THENCE S 09°59' W, 491.8 feet; THENCE S 39°54' W, 599.25 feet; i THENCE N 86°30' W, 247.75 feet; THENCE S 14°50' E, 756.5 feet; THENCE N 79°17' W, 1,581.8 feet; THENCE S 68023' W, 380.9 feet; THENCE S 01010' W, 341.7 feet; THENCE N 75°56' E, 120.65 feet; THENCE S 78013' E, 393.9 feet; THENCE N 33042' E, 299.1 feet; THENCE S 73°37' E, 958.2 feet; THENCE S 09°39' E, 221.55 feet; THENCE N 58°48' E, 169.0 feet; THENCE N 04035' W, 234.0 feet; THENCE N 86032' E, 306.5 feet; THENCE N 66024' E, 877.4 feet; THENCE S 02°54' W, 224.0 feet; THENCE S 40°00' E, 542.25 feet; THENCE N 19030' E, 250.25 feet; THENCE N 18005'13" W, 1,000.8 feet; THENCE N 29°10' E, 556.4 feet; THENCE N 89033130" E, 730.3 feet, being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to James E. Redman by Deed recorded in Volume 668, page 465 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 89033130" E 1018.2 feet; THENCE S 10°12' E, 1,203.1 feet; THENCE N 28°59' E, 1,362.4 feet; THENCE N 89029'30" E, 626.0 feet; THENCE S 01004' E, 493.95 feet; THENCE S 88°57' E, 324.6 feet; THENCE N 11045' E, 501.5 feet; THENCE N 89°07' E, 289.3 feet; THENCE N 89038'30" E, 362.8 feet; THENCE N 89°17' E, crossing the West line of a public road at 606.4 feet, in all 631.4 feet, the center line of a public road; THENCE S 00°08' E, with the center line of a public road, 39.0 feet; THENCE S 56°48' W, 612.5 feet; THENCE S 00°01' W, 150.0 feet; THENCE S 88°04' E, 537.3 feet to the east line of public road; THENCE S 00°09' E, with the east line of said road, at 1,070.0 feet departing said U.S.A. tract line, in all approximately 3,582.3 feet to the South line of Medlin Road: THENCE N 89051'30" W, along the South boundary of the Medlin Road, and the present boundary of the City of Westlake, a distance of approximately 3,738.1 feet; Continuing with the presently existing boundary line of the City of Westlake to the place of beginning as follows: THENCE N 76052155" W, 339.05 feet; THENCE S 00004'20" E, 2,651.8 feet to a point in the North line of State Highway 114; THENCE N 71003'20" W, with the North line of State Highway 114 approximately 1,400 feet; THENCE North approximately 2,500 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road; THENCE N 75040'15" W, along the South line of Medlin Road, 1,687.5 feet; THENCE S 85026'30" W approximately 1,270.8 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road South of the East boundary line of the W. Medlin Survey A-829; THENCE N 00002' E, along the East line of the said W. Medlin Survey 3,425.4 feet to an iron pin for a corner, the same being the Northeast corner of the W. Medlin Survey; THENCE S 89°58' W, 87.05 feet; THENCE S 89°30' W, 2,267.7 feet to an iron pin set in concrete; THENCE N 01"38' E, 2,669.1 feet; THENCE S 89°54' E, 20.1 feet; THENCE N 00.01' E, 488.65 feet to an iron pin in concrete; THENCE N 87033'30" E, 937.5 feet to place of beginning. SAVE AND EXCEPT the following tracts of land: TRACT 1: A tract of land out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to Gordon W. Alexander and wife, Virginia D. Alexander by deed recorded in Volume 578, page 492, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE with the East line of said Alexander tract North 00104' East 586-0/10 feet, the Northeast corner of said Alexander tract; THENCE North 30002'30" East 284-45/100 feet to a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of a tract of land held in fee by the United States of America; THENCE South 88°44' East, at 487-8/10 feet the West line of a Public Road, in all 512-8/10 feet to a point in the centerline of said Public Road; THENCE South 00°09' East with the centerline of said road 820-3/10 feet; THENCE North 89035'30" West at 25 feet the West line of said road, in all 657-8/10 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 2: Beginning at the intersection of the North boundary line of the Medlin Road and the East boundary line of a public road running along the West boundary line of that certain one acre tract of land conveyed to H. J. Gray, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 568, page 119 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 76052155" E, 29.55 feet; THENCE S 89051'30" E, 91.2 feet; THENCE N 00°44' E, 383.8 feet; THENCE N 89051'30" W, 120.0 feet; THENCE N 00044' E, 1,015.4 feet; THENCE S 89053'30" E, 300.0 feet; THENCE N 00°30' E, 903.54 feet; THENCE N 89049' W, 300.0 feet; THENCE S 00°30' W, 388.94 feet; THENCE N 89023' W, 559.71 feet to an iron pin in the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Deloris Jane Perry by Deed recorded in Volume 527, page 409, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 00000'30" E, 745.5 feet; THENCE S 89052'30" E, 407.05 feet; THENCE S 00014'30" W, a distance of approximately 1,125.4 feet to the North boundary line of the Medlin Road; THENCE S 76052'55" E, with the North boundary line of the Medlin Road approximately 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT 3: Beginning at a point in the North boundary line of the Medlin Road at which the West boundary line of that certain 1.002 acre tract of land conveyed to James A venable, et ux, by Deed recorded in Volume 397 at page 548 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, intersects; THENCE S 89051'30" E, 209.0 feet; THENCE N 00031'30" E, 209.0 feet. OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP 1.. �.F 7 H RESIDENTIAL, NIGH DENSITY �- L RESIDENTIAL,LOW DENSITY �� 1 _ P RETAIL 1 INDUSTRIAL I/ 14 f� y l� C IRESERvgtR L-IT.N cRFrrc l � I , R,AN.T��ta i j. — j s> L -� �rJ +J ADOPTED ADOPTED._ .. r A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRIT TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DENTON )( TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: The undersigned, who are the owners of the territory described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A, " which territory is indicated on the map attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B, " and which territory is hereinafter referred to as "Annexation Territory", acting pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to annex such Annexation Territory to the Town of Westlake, Texas. In support of this Petition, petitioners would respectfully show the following: I. That the annexation territory is situated wholly within Denton County, Texas, adjoins and is contiguous and adjacent to the Town of Westlake, Texas. H. That all of the Annexation Territory is within the exclusive extrater- ritorial jurisdiction as that term is defined in Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and no part of the Annexation Territory is within the limits or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any incorporated city, Town or village other than the Town of Westlake, Texas, and all of said Annexation Territory may be properly annexed to the Town of Westlake, Texas. WHEREFORE, the undersigned respectfully pray that this Petition be filed with the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and that this Petition be in all things granted and the said Annexation Territory be annexed to the Town, and the present and future inhabitants thereof be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Town of Westlake, Texas. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of 1973 JOHNSON-LOGGINS, INC. By Vti\t(z6z President -2- In Denton County, Texas, beginning at a point in the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey A-17, at which the present boundary of the Town of Westlake intersects, said point being approximately 525 feet due North of the point at which the West boundary line of the R. Allen Survey intersects the North line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE with the boundary line of the Town of Westlake N 87033130" E, 553.7 feet to an iron pin in concrete; N 00°11' W, 580.7 feet; THENCE N 00°12' W, 329.2 feet; THENCE S 81°47' E, 930.5 feet; THENCE S 06014' W, 449.75 feet; THENCE N 48°13' E, 675.0 feet; THENCE N 89°43' E, 399.9 feet; THENCE S 42001' E, 500.0 feet; THENCE N 32045' E, 505.1 feet; THENCE N 82°33' E, 1,179.8 feet; THENCE N 64028' E, 949.8 feet; THENCE N 21050'30°' E, 1,670.1 feet: THENCE S 00°38' W, 934.1 feet; THENCE S 81047' E, 129.9 feet; THENCE S 81°49' E, 77.7 feet; THENCE S 02°32' W, 613.3 feet; THENCE S 86031' E, 184.7 feet; THENCE N 89051' E, 8.1 feet; THENCE S 00°29' E, 1,924.0 feet; THENCE S 00029' E approximately 42.0 feet to the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 89045'30" West with the South line of the Marshall Creek Road approximately 1,750.0 feet to the point at which the East line of the R. W. Allen Survey, Abstract A-5, intersects the South line of the Marshall Creek Road; THENCE S 00°05' E, 552.35 feet; THENCE S 00007'30" W, 1,125.3 feet; THENCE S 49002' W, 229.55 feet; THENCE S 34°35' W, 463.8 feet; THENCE S 09°59' W, 491.8 feet; THENCE S 39°54' W, 599.25 feet; r THENCE N 86030' W, 247.75 feet; THENCE S 14°50' E, 756.5 feet; THENCE N 79°17' W, 1,581.8 feet; THENCE S 68023' W, 380.9 feet; THENCE S 01°10' W, 341.7 feet; THENCE N 75°56' E, 120.65 feet; THENCE S 78°13' E, 393.9 feet; THENCE N 33°42' E, 299.1 feet; THENCE S 73°37' E, 958.2 feet; THENCE S 09-39' E, 221.55 feet; THENCE N 58°48' E, 169.0 feet; THENCE N 04°35' W, 234.0 feet; THENCE N 86°32' E, 306.5 feet; THENCE N 66°24' E, 877.4 feet; THENCE S 02°54' W, 224.0 feet; THENCE S 40°00' E, 542.25 feet; THENCE N 19°30' E, 250.25 feet; THENCE N 18005'13" W, 1,000.8 feet; THENCE N 29010' E, 556.4 feet; THENCE N 89033130" E, 730.3 feet, being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to James E. Redman by Deed recorded in Volume 668, page 465 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 89033130" E 1018.2 feet; THENCE S 10012' E, 1,203.1 feet; THENCE N 28°59' E, 1,362.4 feet; THENCE N 89029'30" E, 626.0 feet; THENCE S 01°04' E, 493.95 feet; THENCE S 88°57' E, 324.6 feet; THENCE N 11°45' E, 501.5 feet; THENCE N 89°07' E, 289.3 feet; THENCE N 89038'30" E, 362.8 feet; THENCE N 89°17' E, crossing the West line of a public road at 606.4 feet, in all 631.4 feet, the center line of a public road; THENCE S 00008' E, with the center line of a public road, 39.0 feet; THENCE S 56048' W, 612.5 feet; THENCE S 00.01' W, 150.0 feet; THENCE S 88°04' E, 537.3 feet to the east line of public road; THENCE S 00°09' E, with the east line of said road, at 1,070.0 feet departing said U.S.A. tract line, in all approximately 3,582.3 feet to the South line of Medlin Road: THENCE N 89051'30" W, along the South boundary of the Medlin Road, and the present boundary of the City of Westlake, a distance of approximately 3,738.1 feet; Continuing with the presently existing boundary line of the City of Westlake to the place of beginning as follows: THENCE N 76052'55" W, 339.05 feet; THENCE S 00004'20" E, 2,651.8 feet to a point in the North line of State Highway 114; THENCE N 71003'20" W, with the North line of State Highway 114 approximately 1,400 feet; THENCE North approximately 2,500 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road; THENCE N 75040115" W, along the South line of Medlin Road, 1,687.5 feet; THENCE S 85026130" W approximately 1,270.8 feet to a point in the South line of the Medlin Road South of the East boundary line of the W. Medlin Survey A-829; THENCE N 00002' E, along the East line of the said W. Medlin Survey 3,425.4 feet to an iron pin for a corner, the same being the Northeast corner of the W. Medlin Survey; THENCE S 89058' W, 87.05 feet; THENCE S 89°30' W, 2,267.7 feet to an iron pin set in concrete; THENCE N 01°38' E, 2,669.1 feet; THENCE S 89054' E, 20.1 feet; THENCE N 00°01' E, 488.65 feet to an iron pin in concrete; THENCE N 87033'30" E, 937.5 feet to place of beginning. SAVE AND EXCEPT the following tracts of land: TRACT 1: A tract of land out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to Gordon W. Alexander and wife, Virginia D. Alexander by deed recorded in Volume 578, page 492, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas;