HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 107 Determining rate to be charged for sales of electricityNO. 167 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS FIXING AND DETERMINING THE GENERAL SERVICE RATE TO BE CHARGED FOR SALES OF ELECTRICITY TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSUMERS WITHIN THE TOWN LIMITS OF WESTLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY AND DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH RATE MAY BE CHANGED, ADJUSTED AND AMENDED, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION I. Effective with the first electric bills rendered from and after the effective date of the ORDER of the Public Utility Commission of the State of Texas, the maxi- mum general service rate for sales of electricity rendered to residential and com- mercial consumers within the Town Limits of Westlake by Tri -County Electric Cooper- ative, Inc., its successors and assigns, is hereby fixed and determined in accord- ance with the rates and charges set out in the tariff filed with the Town of West- lake and the Public Utility Commission and which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. In addition, the service rules, regulations and service agreements are attached hereto and incorporated into this ordinance, and are hereby adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas. SECTION II. The rate set forth in Section I may be changed and amended by either the Town or Company furnishing electricity in the manner provided by law. Service hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction, and to the Com- pany's Rules and Regulations currently on file in the Company's office. SECTION III. It is hereby found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public, as required by Texas law, and that advance notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 30th day of August, A. D. 1978. DALE WHITE, MAYOR TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ATTEST: Y SE ITE, TOWN RETARY OWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: PAUL C. ISHAM, T014N ATTORNEY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE PPAF: PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR N APPLICATION: —Applicable to all rate schedules. PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FORMULA: PPAF = R E DEFINITIONS: R = Increase or decrease in annual purchased power cost to the Cooperative as a result of a Texas Public Utility Commission order which changes the supplier's rates, E = Annual energy sales to Cooperative's members. Bath the change in annual cost and the annual energy sales will be measured over the period used as the test year by the supplier in the hearing which resulted in the rate change. The Purchased Power Adjustment Factor m<.y be implemented only by order of the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the adjustment may be changed or eliminated by the Commission at any time. Rate to be effective after approval of tariffs by Texas Public Utility Commission. 6-1-78 TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE FCA: FUEL COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY: Applicable to all rate schedules. N FUEL COST ADJUSTMENT (FCA) - The monthly charges shall be adjusted by an amount equal to the total fuel cost incurred in providing service. The applicable fuel cost will be based upon power purchased for the most recent month and shall be computed as follows: A = Total Fuel Cost Adjustment Factor ($ per KWH) B = Total energy purchased (KIfI) C = Total fuel cost in wholesale power bills. D = Difference between actual and calculated FCA revenue collected in previous periods. E = Average System losses expressed decimally for preceding calendar Year. C+D 1 A=( B ) (1 E ) Rate to be effective after approval of tariffs by Texas Public Utility Coram.;sion. 6-1-78 TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE A; RESIDENTIAL, NON-COMMERCIAL FARM OPERATION, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS I APPLICABILITY: Service is available for residential purposes, non-commercial farm operation, schools, and public buildings with each point of service individually metered. (Three phase service may be offered if available and approved by the Cooperative.) CHARACTER OF SEWVICE: Single phase or three phase, 60 hertz, alternating current at standard secon�ry voltages. MONTHLY RATE: MINIMUM CHARGE: Minimum monthly charge shall be $4.90 plus $.25 per kva over 50kva installed transformer capacity. Residential consumers in individual private residences, or in individual metered apartments, having no other type fuel or energy in use except wood -burn- ing fireplace with a t6tal heating capacity of 12kw or more will be billed at November through April energy rate for all 12 months. Rate to be effective after approval of tariffs by Texas Public Utility Commission. 6-1-78 May through October November through April First 20 KWH @ $4.90 First 20 KWH @ $4.90 Next 1980 KWH @ 1.98¢ per KWH Next 980 KWH @ 1.58¢ per Mdi Over 2000 KWH @ 1.78¢ per KWH Next 9000 KWH @ 1.29¢ per KWH Over 10000 KWH @ 1.58¢ per KWH Plus an adjustment per KWH of energy sold per Schedule FCA and/or PPAF. MINIMUM CHARGE: Minimum monthly charge shall be $4.90 plus $.25 per kva over 50kva installed transformer capacity. Residential consumers in individual private residences, or in individual metered apartments, having no other type fuel or energy in use except wood -burn- ing fireplace with a t6tal heating capacity of 12kw or more will be billed at November through April energy rate for all 12 months. Rate to be effective after approval of tariffs by Texas Public Utility Commission. 6-1-78 TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE B: CO"&RCIAL F, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE I GENERAL THREE PHASE SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Service is available to individually metered commercial and in usr trial consumers. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Single phase or three phase, 60 hertz, alternating current at standard secondary voltages approved by Cooperative. MONTHLY RATE: For SOkva or Less Installed Transformer Canacity: Customer Charge of $7.00 per month per meter Plus First 5,000 KWH @ 2.48¢ per KWH Next 5,000 KWH @ 2.19¢ per KWH Next 20,000 KWH @ 1.78¢ per KWH Over 30,000 KWH @ 1.49¢ per KWH Plus an adjustment per KWH of energy sold per Schedule FCA and/or PPAF. Minimum Charge: Minimum monthly charge shall be $7.00. Over 50kva Installed Transformer Capacity: Above customer charge and energy rate plus a monthly demand charge of $1.75 per kw in excess of 4Skw based on actual demand but not less than 75% of the established peak demand in any month of the previous 11 month period. Minimum Charge: Minimum monthly charge shall be $7.00 plus .25 per kva over 50kva installed transformer capacity. For Oil Well and Irrigation Pumping: Above customer charge and energy rate plus a monthly demand of $1.75 per horsepower connected. The horsepower for bill- ing purposes shall be the sum of motor nameplate rating of horsepower output, except the Cooperative may elect to determine same by actual measurement during period of maximum use. M TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE B: Continued Minimum Charge: Minimum monthly charge shall be $7.00 or .7S per horsepower connected whichever is greater or per contract. I PRIMARY SERVICE: Minimum to be established by Contract. If service is furnished at t e Cooperative's primary distribution voltage, the Cooperative does not pro- vide transformation and the billing demand exceeds 300kw a credit of ten cents per kw demand will be allowed. The Cooperative may meter at secondary voltage and adjust the demand and energy charges by adding the estimated transformer losses. POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: Demand charges may be adjusted for all consumers with 600kwor mire— o demand with actual power factors lower than 90 percent. The billing demand will be computed by multiplying the actual demand of the current month by the product of 90 percent power factor divided by the actual power factor. Rate to be effective after approval of tariffs by Texas Public Utility Commission. 6-1-78 TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE C: SUBSTATION SERVICE I APPLICABILITY: Service is available to large power users located adjacent to substation(when available and approved by Cooperative). CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Three phase, 60 hertz, alternating current at standard secon ary v MONTHLY RATE: First 100,000 KWH @ 1.27¢ per KWH Over 100,000 KWH @ .68¢ per KWH Plus an adjustment per KWH of energy sold per Schedule FCA and/or PPAF. Plus a monthly demand charge of $1.62 per KW based on actual demand but not less than 75 percent of the established peak demand in previous 11 month period. Minimum Char: Minimum monthly charge shall be $.25 per KVA of stallleec intransformer capacity or per contract. POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: Demand charges may be adjusted for all consumers with 500kw or more of demand with actual power factors lower than 90 percent. The billing demand will be computed by multiplying the actual demand of the current month by the product of 90 percent power factor divided by the actual power factor. Rate to be effective after approval of tariff by Texas Public Utility Commission. me TRI -COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 600 N. W. Parkway Azle, TX 76020 SCHEDULE SL: SECURITY LIGHT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Service is available to all members receiving service. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Single phase, 60 hertz, alternating current at available secon ry voltage. MONTHLY RATE: Monthly rate per lamp shall be as shown when installed on existing wood pole using standard stock luminaire and served from existing service. 17S watt @ 400 watt @ 1000 watt @ KM $3.70 70 $S.4S 160 $10.40 400 Plus an adjustment per KWH of energy based on above per Schedule FCA and/or PPAF. The Cooperative will, at the request of the member, install and maijitain additional pole locations (maximum of 2). The total cost of this ad- ditional service is to be paid by the member and ownership will be retained by the Cooperative. Rate to be effective after approval of tariffs by Texas Public Utility Commission. 6-1-78 M I Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.4A WORKING HOURS Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 20 1.4A(1) Normal office hours for Tri -County Electric Cooperative are Monday through Friday 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 1.4A(2) Off duty hours are from 5 P.M. to 8 A.M. daily and Saturday, Sumday and Holidays. 1.4A(3) Official Holidays are: New Years Eve (at Noon) New Years Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Christmas Eve (at Noon) December 31st January lst March or April May 30th July 4th September November December 25th December 24th 1.4A(4) Holidays falling on Sunday will be observed the following Monday. 1.4A(5) Holidays falling on Saturday will be observed the previous Friday. C Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.41 Billing and Collecting Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 28 C 1.411 All electric service bills will be placed in the U. S. Post Office on or before the 1st day of each month. All electric service bills become due and payable when mailed; payable at Tri -County Electric Cooperative's main office located at 600 N. W. Parkway, Azle, Parker County, Texas; Tri -County Electric Cooperative's sub -office located at Route 3, Box 210, Granbury, Hood County, Texas or Tri -County Electric Cooperative's sub -office located at 52S E. Price Street, Keller, Tarrant County, Texas. All bills become delinquent if payment is not received in the Cooperative office on or before the 15th day after issuance. Where the deadline falls on Saturday or Sunday the following Monday qualifies as a deadline. 1.412 If the remittance is not received within five (S) days after second notice is given, Cooperative personnel will be dispatched to collect same. A collection charge of $5.00 per meter will be made when payment is made at the time of contact. If payment is not re- ceived service will be disconnected without further notice. 1.413 If service is disconnected, a reconnect charge of $10.00 per meter will be made before service is reconnected providing reconnect is made during regular working hours, Monday through Friday. If a member desires service reconnected during overtime working hours, a total of $20.00 per meter will be charged. 1.414 Postponement of payment of electric service bills will not be made except in extreme hardship cases; determination to be made by General Manager, Assistant General Manager, or such other person as may be designated by management. M Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.4J COOPERATIVE MEMBER CREDIT RATING Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 29 C 1.4J1 It shall be a policy of the Cooperative to establish a credit rating of each member on the basis of previous experience pertaining to electric service bill payments. 1.4-12 All members shall be established in one of the following classes: 1.4J2a Class "A" This rating shall apply to members who pay bills by the 20th day after issuance. 1.4J2b Class "B" This rating shall apply to new members and to members who are habitually delinquent and are subject to having Cooperative personnel dispatched for the purpose of collecting bill. 1.4J7 Class "B" rated members on collection list shall be required to pay the collector $5.00 per meter for collection charge when payment is made at the time of contact. If member does not pay the collector and service is disconnected, the member shall be required to pay the outstanding amount plus a. reconnect charge of $10.00 per meter before service is reconnected providing reconnect is made during regular working hours, Monday through Friday. If member desires service reconnected during overtime working hours, a total of $20.00 per meter will be charged. The same will apply to Class "A" rated consumers if their account appears two or more months delinquent. 1.4J4 When a collector is dispatched for the purpose of collecting a bila the outstanding amount shall be collected plus the service charge, or service will be disconnected. Any deviation from the above shall be approved by the General Manager, Assistant Manager, or any other person designated by the Manager. 1.4J5 All credit ratings shall be reviewed by the Cooperative every six months and ratings shall be changed in accordance with the previous six months experience. 1.4J0 All new members shall be given a Class "B" rating when they first receive service. .= Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.41, Theft - Current Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 197/8 Sheet Number 31 I 1 4L1 It is a policy that when a member is found to be tampering with metering equipment or diverting current from the meter, the member shall pay a minimum fee of $50.00 based on the estimated KWH consumption, time, mileage, meter repair and meter checkings cost expended by the Cooperative to put the service back into operation. In the event these total estimated costs are greater than $50.00 the total estimated cost will be collected from the member before the service is restored. -91- Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.4M Billing and Collecting - Returned Checks Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 32 1.4M(1) It is the policy of the Cooperative that when a check has been returned by the bank for any reason, the person who issued the check shall be notified and a handling charge of $5.00 will be added to the member's account. 1,1h1(2) If proper settlement has not been made within a specified time or if the check is in payment of a delinquent account, Co-op personnel will be dispatched immediately for the purpose of collecting and an additional charge of $5.00 will be made. Electrical service will be disconnected and the consumer will be required to appear in the Coop- erative office to settle charges if the bill is not paid at the time Cooperative personnel make a trip for collection purposes, 1.4M(3) When a member consistently issues checks that are returned by the bank, it shall be a policy to notify said member that personal checks will not be accepted for payment of electric service bills. If a check is issued, after this notification, in payment of the account and the check is returned by the member's bank for any reason, the meter will be disconnected without further correspondence. -92- C Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.4P Establishment of Credit and Deposits Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1918 Sheet Number 34 1.4P(1) A deposit of an estimated two months service for residential applicants will be required unless: 1.4P(1)(a) The applicant has been a customer of any utility for the same kind of service within the last two years and is not delinquent in payment of any such utility service - account and during the last twelve (12) consecutive months of service did not have more than one occasion in which a bill for such utility service was paid after becoming delinquent and never had service disconnected for nonpayment; or 1.4P(1)(b) The applicant furnishes in writing -a satisfactory guarantee to secure payment of bills for the service required; or 1.4P(1)(c) The applicant demonstrates a satisfactory credit rating by appropriate means including, but not limited to, the production of generally acceptable credit cards, letters of credit reference, the names of credit references which may be quickly and inexpensively contacted by Tri -County Electric Cooperative, Inc., or ownership of substantial equity. 1.4'(2) A deposit of two months of estimated or actual use for commercial or Industrial service will be required unless credit has been satisfactori- ly established. 1.00) Applicants 6S years or older will be considered as having estab- lished credit if such applicant does not have an outstanding account balance with Tri -County Electric Cooperative, Inc., or another utility for the saw utility service which accrued within the last two years. No cash deposit shall be required of such applicantunderthese conditions. 1,4P(4) If at the end of 30 days credit has been established deposits will be returned to applicants. If the deposit is retained by Tri -County Electric Cooperative, Inc. it will accrue interest at an annual rate of six percent (6a) from the date of deposit to be paid annually if re- quested by the applicant or at the time the deposit is returned or credited to the customer's account. The Cooperative will retain the deposit for 14 months for the members who have not been able to furnish satisfactory credit references. At the end of 14 months the deposit will be returned, if requested, to the members who are in the "A" credit rating classification. -93- C Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements 1.4Q Meter Reading Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 3S C 1.4Q(1) It. shall be the policy of the Cooperative to read all members' meters during the month preceding the issuance of a bill. -94- Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Section 1.4 Electric Distribution Original Date Service Rules, Regulations and Effective Date June 1, 1978 Service Agreements Sheet Number 36 1.4R Extension Po C 1.4R(1) Upon recommendation of the Texas Public Utility Commission it shall be the policy of the Cooperative to extend electric service to applicants for same under the following terms: 1.4R(1)(A) Residence (Permanent) The Cooperative will extend an overhead electric service to any permanent residence at no cost to the member. 1.4R(l)(B) Water Pump - Fishing and Hunting Cabins - Other A. The Cooperative will extend an overhead electric service line a maximum of S00 feet to Serve a water pump, fishing and hunting cabin and other at no cost to the member. A contribution in aid of construction shall be charged for all extensions in excess of 500 feet. This charge shall be 75¢ per foot, payable to the Cooperative in advance of construction. B. If an extension in excess of 500 feet is made where there is no evidence of a permanent residence then Item Number 1.4R(l)(B)A will apply. Should a per- manent residence be constructed and a meter install- ed within twenty-four (24) months of original appli- cation the amount paid by the member as aid in con- struction shall be refunded. If no permanent residence is constructed and served at the termina- tion of the twenty-four (24) month period then the amount paid by the member will be considered as aid in construction and no refund will be made from that date forward. 1.4R(1)(C) Power Loads All overhead extensions to serve power loads shall be based on a 5 year contract with a minimum monthly bill of 754 per H.P. connected. The Cooperative's investment in extension shall not exceed $75.00 per KW of estimated maximum demand. 1.4R(1)(D) Extent of New Overhead Extensions A. The Cooperative will provide electric service to the service head of the meter loop. B. The Cooperative will furnish meter base upon request. -95- Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 37 1.4R(l)(E) Underground Extensions to Subdivisions - Primary and Secondary The Cooperative will provide underground electric service in subdivisions under the following terms: A. A contribution in aid of construction in the amount of the difference of overhead and underground construction. B. This cost difference must be paid by the developer prior to start of construction. C. The cost difference shall apply to all primary and/or secondary extensions. 1.4R(1)(F) Underground Service Extensions to Permanent ResldPnCP.S Where the member requests the meter to be located on the residence, underground service will be extended under the following conditions. A. Member will provide ditching and backfill as specified by the Cooperative. B. Member shall pay the cost difference between overhead and underground construction. This cost difference shall be paid prior to start of construction. C. Cooperative reserves the right to determine feasibility of underground service due to trees, rock, rodents, etc. When the meter is located on the pole, the Cooperative will provide service to the service head of the meter loop. Those applications for new electric service not involving line extension or new facilities should be filled within seven (7) working days. Those applications for residential service requiring line extensions should be filled within ninety (90) days unless unavailability of materials cause unavoidable delays. M C Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 44 1.4Y Membership in Tri -County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1.4Y(1) It shall be a policy of the Cooperative that before constructing any facilities to serve an applicant, it will be necessary for said appli- cant to file a formal application for service, pay a membership fee of $20.00, and pay a non-refundable service charge of $10.00, execute a right-of-way easement, provide necessary information for a credit check or furnish the required deposit. 1.T,.'(2) An additional non-refundable $10.00 service charge shall be collected for each additional connection requested by the member. 1.4Y(3) Membership in the Cooperative shall not be transferable, and upon the death, cessation of existence, expulsion upon termination, the Certificate of Membership of such member shall be surrendered forthwith to the Cooperative. Termination of membership in any manner shall not release the member from any debts or liabilities of such member to the Cooperative. In case of withdrawal or termination of membership in any naner, the Cooperative will repay to the member the amount of the membership fee paid by him, provided, however, that the Cooperative shall deduct from the membership fee the amount of any debts or obli- gations owing from the member to the Cooperative. C Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements Staked Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 45 Location No. 1.4Y(4) Application For Membership and For Electric Service 1.4Y(4)(a) The undersigned (hereinafter called the "Member") hereby applies for membership in, and agrees to purchase electric energy from Tri -County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (hereinafter called the "Cooperative") upon the following terms and conditions: 1.4Y(4)(a)(1) The Member will pay the Cooperative the sum of $20.00, which will constitute the Member's membership fee, if this application is accepted by the Cooperative, and if application is not accepted by the Cooperative then the membership fee in the sun paid shall be re- turned to the Member. 1.4Y(4)(a)(2) The Member agrees, when electric energy becomes available, to purchase from the Cooperative all electric energy purchased for use on the premises specified in his application for membership, and shall pay therefor monthly at rates which shall from time to time be fixed by the Board. Production or use of electric energy on such premises, regard- less, of the source thereof, by means of facilities which shall be interconnected with Cooperative facilities, shall be subject to appro- priate regulations as shall be fixed from time to time by the Coopera- tive. The electric energy which the Cooperative agrees to furnish the Me,fber may be limited, cut off, interrupted for repairs and -or any cause that may be deemed necessary by the Cooperative, without notice to the Member. 1, 4Y (4) (a) (3) The Member will comply with and be bound by the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation and By -Laws of the Cooperative, and such rules and regulations as may from time to time be adopted by the Cooperative. The Cooperative shall be bound by the rules and regulations o" the Texas Public Utility Commission. 1,4Y(4)(a)(4) The Member, by paying a membership fee and becoming a member, assumes no personal liability or responsibility for any debts or liabilities of the Cooperative, and it is expressly understood that under the law his private property cannot be attached for any such debts or liabilities. 1.4Y(4)(a)(5) The acts>ptance of this application by the Cooperative shall constitute an ag•eement between the Member and the Cooperative, and the contract shall_ become effective on the date service is made available by the Cooperative to the Member. If this contract is for new construction the Cooperative shall commence their monthly billing within ten (10) days of the completion date of the construction. 1.4Y(4)(a)(6) The undersigned agrees that all poles, wires, and other facilities, including any main service entrance equipment, installed on the above described lands at the Cooperative's expense shall remain -97- A Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Section 1.4 Electric Distribution Original Date Service Rules, Regulations and Effective Date June 1, 1978 Service Agreements Sheet Number 46 the property of the Cooperative, removable at the option of the Cooperative upon termination of service to or on said lands. 1.4Y(4)(a)(7) Member herein agrees and covenants to pay all bills for electric service and any other charges at Tri -County Electric Cooperative, Inc., offices at Azle, Parker County, Texas, 600 N. W. Parkway, Azle, Texas 76020, Granbury, Hood County, Texas, Route 3, Box 210, Granbury, Texas 76048, and Keller, Tarrant County, Texas, S25 E. Price Street, Keller, Texas 76248. 1.4Y(4)(b) In addition to small appliances, which of the following do you intend to use: Electric Refrigerator Electric Range Electric Automatic Washer Electric Dryer Electric Home Freezer Electric Water Heater Electric Air Conditioner Electric Electric ;Vater Pump Other: Tract of land located side of Capacity in Gallons. approximate lyi miles N E S W from a" Size Kh' H. P. road 5 Tri -County Electric Coop., Inc. Electric Distribution Service Rules, Regulations and Service Agreements CREDIT INFORMATION Electrical Utility Previously Serving Applicant Section 1.4 Original Date Effective Date June 1, 1978 Sheet Number 47 Name of Utility Address Remitted To Date Connected Date Disconnected Street Addrss at which the above utility served you CREDIT REFERENCE F The Cooperative may refuse service if applicant is indebted to any utility for the same kind of service as that applied for; provided, however, that in the event the indebtedness of the applicant for service is in dispute, the applicant shall be served upon complying with the deposit requirement. Date Witness: 19 The above application for Membership accepted this__-_— day of -, 19— Duplicate Deposit Paid Letter of Credit Membership Fee_ Service Charge -99- Applicants Owner Tenant Post Office Address City and State Drivers License No. Telephone Number C