HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 102 Regulating the prep and presentation of preliminary & final Plats establishing minimum subdivision design standardsN0. 202
1.1, This ordinance shall be known as the subdivision ordin-
ance of the Town of Westlake.
1,2, The provision of this ordinance shall be the minimum
requirements adopted for the protection of the public health,
safety and welfare. To protect the public such provisions are in-
tended to provide for a permanently wholesome community environ-
ment, adequate municipal services and safe streets.
2,1, For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and
terms are hereby defined as follows:
2.2. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN means a compilation of policy state-
ments, goals, standards, and maps for guiding the physical, social
and economic development, both private and public, of the Town and
its environs.
2.3. DESIGN STANDARDS are the specifications to land owners
or subdividers for the preparation of plats, both preliminary and
final, indicating among other things, the optimum, minimum or maxi-
mum dimensions of such items as rights of way, blocks, easements
and lots,
2.4. IMPROVEMENTS means the construction or installation of
public or private utilities including, but not limited to, potable
water, sanitary sewer systems, storm sewers, roads and other thorough-
fares, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, paving, barricades, trees and
other plantings, lighting, fuel or energy and the transmission there-
of, transportation systems or facilities connected therewith and com-
munication systems which are necessary, desirable or convenient in
the maintenance of the health, safety, and the general welfare,
2,5. LOT is a parcel of land delineated upon and thereafter
described by the reference to a plat, registered land survey or
auditor's subdivision or other similar recorded document.
2,6, OPEN SPACE is an area set aside for recreation and
the preservation of natural open spaces to counteract the effects
of urban congestion and lack of esthetic values,
2,7, OWNER is any person, firm or corporation, or any other
legal entity, or a combination of any of them, having sufficient
legal proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided to
commence and maintain proceedings to subdivide the same under this
2,8. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS are public lands and open space
in the town dedicated for and usable for recreation purposes,
2.9, PEDESTRIAN WAY is a public or private right of way with-
in or across a block to provide access for pedestrians and which
may be used for utilities,
2,10, PROTECTIVE COVENANTS are contracts made between private
parties as to the manner in which land may be used, with the view
to protecting and preserving the physical and economic integrity of
a given area,
2,11, REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS are defined as those im-
provements in any proposed subdivision, including streets, water
and sewer systems and storm water drainage systems, which are re-
quired in connection with the approval of any plat or other sub-
2,12, STREETS means a way for vehicular traffic, whether
designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway,
road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, or however otherwise designated,
2,13. COLLECTOR STREETS are those which carry traffic from any
minor street to the major system of arterial streets and highways,
including the principal entrance streets of a residential development
and streets for circulation within such a development,
2,14, SUBDIVISION shall mean that a subdivision of a parcel of
land into two or more parcels; or any change in the property line or
lines of a parcel, lot, or tract; also, the term includes resubdivision,
a reversion to acreage and, when appropriate to the context, shall
relate to the process of subdividing or to the land to be subdivided.
2.15. MINOR STREETS are those which are used primarily for
access to the abutting properties,
3,1. No person shall subdivide any tract of land except in con-
formity with the provisions of this ordinance,
3.2. The Town Secretary shall not issue building or repair per-
mits for any structure or parcel of land in subdivision unless: (1)
such subdivision has been approved by the Town Council and a plat
as approved by the Council has been recorded in the manner prescribed
herein, or (2) an appropriate resolution authorizing such subdivision
has been adopted by the Council.
3.3. All public improvements and maintenance of such improve-
ments, including maintenance of streets and sanitary sewer facilities,
will be withheld from all subdivisions which have not been approved,
and from all areas dedicated to the public which have not been
accepted by the Council as provided herein,
3.4. The subdivider shall pay a filing fee of $35.00 plus $2,00
per acre for every preliminary plat submitted for approval. The
final plat review fee shall be $2.00 per lot. The subdivider shall
pay to the Town of Westlake (in addition to the filing fee) an amount
equal to the actual cost of investigating the requested subdivision,
consultant fees, attorney's fees, publication costs, and expenses of
the Town for other matters required by law and by these regulations
in connection with the requested subdivision.
4,1. Prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat, the sub-
divider shall submit to the Town Secretary a sketch plan of their
intended layout, a description of the proposed development, and such
other information as may be requested. As soon as possible after
receiving all the information needed, the Planning Commission shall
determine whether or not the intended layout conforms satisfactorily
plat, its original name, and all revised or vacated roadways shall
be shown by dotted or dashed lines,
(5) Location and width and names of existing streets including
type of surfacing and other public ways, parks and public open spaces,
permanent buildings and structures and section and municipal boundary
lines within the plat and to a distance of 100 feet beyond, railroads,
sanitary sewers, water mains, storm sewers, culverts, grades, invert
elevations and locations of catch basins, manholes and hydrants and
any underground facilities within the plat and to a distance of 100
feet beyond shall be shown.
(6) Boundary lines of land within 2S0 feet of the tract of land
within the plat, and the name of the owner thereof, but including all
contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider or owner of
the tract proposed to be platted.
(7) Topographic data within 100 feet of tract boundaries, in-
cluding contours at vertical intervals of not more than 2 feet, ex-
cept that where the horizontal contour interval is 100 feet or more,
a one foot vertical interval shall be shown. Water courses, lakes,
marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, and other significant physical
features shall be shown, U.S. Geodetic survey datum shall be used
for all topographic mapping.
(8) A copy of restrictive covenants, if any, on all abutting
land shall be filed with the preliminary plat,
5.4. The preliminary plat shall show design features including
the following:
(1) Layout of proposed streets, showing right of way width and
proposed names of streets,
(2) Locations and widths of alleys, pedestrian ways and utility
(3) Profiles of existing and proposed centerline grades of
streets, alleys, sanitary sewers, water mains, storm sewers, drainage
ditches and culverts.
(4) Layouts of lots and blocks with numbers of each, square
footage of lots and lot dimensions scaled to the nearest tenth of
a foot,
(S) Areas, other than streets, pedestrian ways and utility
easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use,
including the size of such area,
(6) Minimum front and side yard building setback lines as
required by the ordinances of the Town,
(7) Proposed method of disposing of surface water drainage
within and beyond the limits of the plat,
(8) Whenever a portion of a tract of land is proposed for
subdividing and said tract is large enough or is intended for
future enlargement, a tentative plan for the future subdivisions
of the entire tract shall be submitted to the Planning Commission,
5,5 The preliminary plat shall be accompanied by additional
information requested by the Planning Commission or a Town Engineer
including the following:
(1) Statement of proposed use of lots, i.e., whether resi-
dential, commercial, or combination thereof. If residential, state
type and number of dwelling units, Furnish sufficient details for
all types of usage in order to reveal the effect of the subdivision
development on traffic, fire protection and density of population,
(2) Source of water supply,
(3) Facilities for sewage disposal,
(4) If the zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed
zoning plan for the area,
(5) Soil tests,
(6) In areas affected by inadequate surface drainage or sub-
jected to periodic flooding, furnish proposals designed to make
area safe for occupancy and to provide for adequate street and lot
(7) Proposals for street lighting, curb, gutter, sidewalks,
and boulevard improvements,
(8) Such other information as shall be requested by the Plan-
ning Commission or Town Engineer,
to the requirements of the subdivision regulations and shall so
advise the subdivider with whatever suggestions and information
may be needed for his guidance in the preparation of the pre-
liminary plan.
5.1, At least twenty-one days in advance of the Planning Com-
mission review thereon, the subdivider shall file with the Town
Secretary five copies of a preliminary plat.
5.2. The preliminary plat shall show:
(1) Proposed name of subdivision, which name shall not dupli-
cate nor be alike in pronunciation to the name of any plat thereto-
fore recorded in the County wherein said land is situated.
(2) Full legal description of the land involving said plat,
(3) Names and addresses of the owner and subdivider of the
land, and the designer and surveyor of said plat. If the subdivider
is not the fee owner of the land, the subdivider shall submit the
written consent of the fee owner to the filing of the preliminary
(4) Graphic scale of not less than one inch to one hundred
(5) North point, designated as true north.
(6) Date of preparation,
(7) Certification by registered surveyor certifying to accuracy
of survey.
5.3. The preliminary plat shall show all existing conditions
(1) Boundary line survey, including measured distances and
angles, which shall be tied into the nearest quarter section or
section line by traverse.
(2) Total acreage,
(3) Existing zoning classifications for tract of land in and
abutting the preliminary plat.
(4) If the preliminary plat is a re -arrangement or a re -plat
of any recorded plat, the lot and block arrangement of the original
6,1. Application shall be filed with the Town Secretary at
which time the fee required herein shall be paid. In the event
that the final plat does not conform substantially to the pre-
liminary plat a new application together with payment of an addi-
tional fee shall be required.
6.2, The Planning Commission shall review the proposed sub-
6.3, Following (a) review of the preliminary subdivision and
other material submitted for conformity thereof to these regula-
tions, and (b) negotiations with the subdivider on changes deemed
advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him,
the Planning Commission shall, within thirty (30) days after the
initial review, act thereon as submitted or modified, and if
approved, the Planning Commission shall recommend Conditional
Approval and state the conditions of such approval, if any, or if
disapproved, shall recommend disapproval, giving reasons therefore,
The Planning Commission shall note any action taken on two copies
of the preliminary plat, referenced and attached to the conditions
determined. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider and the
other retained by the Town Secretary,
6,4, Following commission action, the preliminary plat shall
be submitted to the town council at its next regular meeting for
hearing and conditional approval,
6,5. Not less than ten nor more than 30 days in advance of
the hearing the Town Secretary shall call a notice of such hearing
to be published once in the official newspaper, stating both the
legal description and the street location of the proposed subdivi-
6.6, At the time and date specified in the notice of hearing
all interested persons shall be heard,
6,7. Conditional approval of a preliminary subdivision shall
not constitute approval of final subdivision. Rather it shall be
deamed an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the
preliminary plat as a guide to the preparation of the final plat
which will be submitted for approval of the Town Council and for
recording upon fullfillment of the requirements of these regula-
tions and the conditions of the conditional approval.
7.1. The subdivider shall deliver four copies of the final
plat, plus two linen tracings and two mounted copies of the plat
to the Town Secretary at least ten days before submitting the final
plat to the Town Council for approval,. The two mounted copies and
one linen tracing, if finally approved, will be signed by the pro-
per authorities and returned to the subdivider, The final plat
shall be drawn in ink and shall be at a scale of two hundred feet
to one inch or larger. Where necessary, the plat may be on separate
sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision.
For large subdivisions, the final plat may be submitted for approval
progressively and contiguous sections satisfactory to the Councils.
7.2, The final plat shall be in conformance with the require-
ments of State Statutes.
7,3, Reasonable evidence of title to the tract shall accompany
the plat,
8.1. Within twelve months after receiving conditional approval
the final plat and other exhibits required for approval shall be
submitted to the town council for final approval, Failure to sub-
mit the final plat within said time will result in the submission
being treated as an application for preliminary plat,
9.1. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, and
location of all streets shall conform to a comprehensive plan and
shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned
streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and
safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed usage of
the land to be served by such street,
9,2. Where such is not shown in a comprehensive plan of the
town, the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either:
(1) Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection
of existing principal street in surrounding areas; or
(2) Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or
adopted by the town council to meet a particular situation where
topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformance
to existing streets impracticable.
9.3. Minor streets shall be so laid out that their use by
through traffic will be discouraged.
9.4. Street jogs with center lines offsets of less than one
hundred twenty-five feet shall be avoided,
9.S. A tangent at least one hundred feet long shall be in-
troduced between reverse curves on collector streets and a tangent
of at least fifty feet in length shall be introduced between re-
verse curves and vertical curves on all other streets.
9.6. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly
as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any
other street at less than sixty degrees.
9,7, The location of all curve streets should be so arranged
as to fit the natural topography as closely as possible and to
make possible desirable land subdivisions and safe vehicluar
9.8. Terminal residential streets or cul-de-sacs should be
platted not longer than 1320 feet unless topographical conditions
make a longer street necessary
to streets are prohibited,
Reserve strips controlling access
9.9. A turnaround at the closed end of all terminal streets
shall be provided with an outside roadway diameter of at least 80
feet and a street property line diameter of least 100 feet.
9,10. Street grades shall follow topography along the fol-
lowing, with due allowance for reasonable vertical curves or de -
suable maximum, and consent of the town council shall be required
to exceed them:
CF1' .
No street grade
less than
Private streets
of narrower width
than public streets where connection with a public street is pro-
vided and utility easements adjacent to the right of way are pro-
vided of sufficient width to total the width requirements for
similar public streets.
9.13. Street right of way widths shall be as shown in the
Comprehensive Plan and where not shown therein shall be not less
than as follows:
Collector Street
Minor Streets
66 Feet
SO Feet
9.14. Half streets shall be prohibited, except where essential
to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conformity with
the other requirements of these regulations; and where the Planning
Commission finds it will be practicable to require the dedication
of the other half street if adjacent to a tract to be subdivided,
the other half of the street shall be platted within such tract.
Roadways of street intersections shall be rounded by a radius of
not less than 20 feet.
9,15, Names of new streets shall not duplicate existing or
platted street names unless the new street is the continuation of,
or in alignment with the existing or platted street. House numbers
shall be assigned in accordance with the house numbering system
now in effect in the Town,
9.16. Easements across lots or centered on rear or side lot
lines shall be provided for utilities and drainage where necessary
and shall be at least 10 feet wide for telephone or power line ease-
ments and 20 feet wide for drainage, sewer or water easements,
Underground utility installation may be required, especially along
lot lines bordering on parks, schools, drainage basins, or open
marshlands or other public grounds or natural features,
9,17. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course,
drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm
water easement or a drainage right of way conforming substantially
with the lines of such water course, and such further width or
construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Par-
allel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith,
9.18. In addition to other open space dedication of easements
to provide connection to public trails shall be required where
shown on a Comprehensive Plan,
9,19. The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be de-
termined with due regard to:
(1) Provisions of adequate building sides suitable to the
special needs of the type of use contemplated.
(2) Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and
safety of street traffic.
(3) Limitations and opportunities of topography.
9.21. Block lengths shall not exceed 1800 feet or be less
than 600 feet unless approved by the Planning Commission. Pro-
visions for additional accessways to schools, parks and other
public grounds may be required.
9.22. The lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation,
and the minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for
the location of the subdivision and for the type of development
and use contemplated, all to conform to the requirements of the
zoning code.
9.23. Lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of
the Zoning Code.
9.24. Corner lots for residential use shall have a width
to permit appropriate building setback from and orientation on
both streets.
9.25. Each lot shall be provided with satisfactory access to
an existing public street by means of a public or private street,
9,26. When finished, all subdivisions must have all block
corners stakes replaced. Error of all surveys shall not be more
than 1 in 7500.
9.27. Double frontage, and reverse frontage lots, shall be
avoided except where essential to provide seperation of residen-
tial development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific dis-
advantages of topography and orientation. A planning screen ease-
ment of at least 10 feet and across which there shall be no right
of access, shall be provided along the line of lots abutting such
traffic arterie or other disadvantageous use,
9.28. Side lot lines shall be substantually at right angles
or radial to street lines.
9,29, Where a proposed park, playground, school or other
public use shown in a comprehensive plan of the town is located
in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Town Council may require
the dedication or reservation of such area within the subdivision
in those cases in which the town council deems such requirement
to be reasonable,
9.30. As an alternative, the subdivider may contribute an
amount in cash equivalent to the value of land required to be
dedicated by this subdivision. The cash payments shall be used
only for the acquisition of land for parks and playgrounds,
Where recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by
the Council, upon consideration of the particular type of develop-
ment proposed in the subdivision, and especially in large scale
neighborhood unit developments not anticipated in a Comprehensive
Plan of the Town, the subdivider may be required to dedicate or
reserve to the public such other areas or sites of a character,
extent, and location suitable to the needs created by such deve-
lopment for school, park and other neighborhood purposes, It is
hereby found and declared that, as a general rule, it is reason-
able to require an amount of land equal in value to five percent
of the land proposed to be subdiveded be dedicated or reserved to
the public for public use for parks and playgrounds.
9.31. Areas within the jurisdiction of the town subject to
flood conditions as established by the Town Council or the water-
shed district having jurisdiction will not be considered for sub-
division purposes until adequate drainage has been provided,
9,32. The planting of trees, the type and the spacing on
public property shall be subject to the regulations of the Council,
No planting, gateways, entrances and similar improvements shall be
made on public property except with permission and approval of the
9,33. The varying size of lots, and the size of the subdivi-
sion will have a direct bearing on the desirability of and the
necessity for dedication of public sites and open spaces as well
as the size of the parcel to be dedicated, The Town Council shall
interpret these regulations in the light of the overall plan and
pattern of park and open space development,
10.1, Prior to the granting of final approval the subdivider
shall have installed the following:
10.2. Monuments shall be placed at all lot corners, block
corners, angle points, points of curves and streets and at inter-
mediate points as shall be required by the Town Engineer. The
monuments shall be of such material, size and length as may be
approved by the Town Engineer,
10.3, Streets shall be concrete unless the Council approves
streets surfaced with hot mix asphalt concrete (County, Type 3
Street). Such construction shall be subject to inspection and
approval of the Town Engineer,
10.4. Curbs, gutters, drainage, and drainage structures shall
be provided in accordance with standards of the Town. Such con-
struction shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the
Town Engineer.
10.5. Street name signs shall be placed at all street inter-
sections within or abutting the subdivision, Such signs shall be
of a type approved by the Town and shall be placed in accordance
with the standards of the Town,
10,6. Each lot within the subdivision shall be provided with
a connection to public sanitary sewer. All connections shall be
subject to the approval of the Town Engineer,
10,7, Upon completion of installation of all required im-
provements, the subdivider shall file with the Town Secretary a
tracing and two copies of plans and specifications showing all
improvements as finally constructed and installed,
11,1,. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or
fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be
punished by a fine of not to exceed $100,00 or imprisonment not to
exceed 90 days for each offense, or both. Each day that the vio-
lation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense,
12,1, If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase
of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or
for any reason invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
13.1, Any ordinance in confict hereof are hereby repealed,
PASSED AND APPROVED this the S � day of