HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 175 Providing for the Issuance of Liquor License PermitsORDINANCE NO. 175 TOWN OF WESTLAKE LIQUOR LICENSE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE TO BE KNOWN AS THE LIQUOR LICENSE ORDINANCE, PRO- VIDING FOR PERMITS AND LIMITING PERMITS TO CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED $E FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake lies in Precinct 3, Tarrant County, Texas, which Precinct by vote on July 10, 1973, and by orders of the Tarrant County Commissioner duly signed on July 15, 1973, has been declared a "wet" area; and WHEREAS, for the health, safety, morals and public welfare of the Town of Westlake, the Board of Alderman deem it necessary and appropriate to adopt the following ordinance to regulate the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Town; NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Westlake does hereby ordain the following ordinance controlling the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Town limits; 1. Applicant - Each person or entity proposing to sell alco- holic beverages in the Town of Westlake ("Applicant") must comply with the terms of this ordinance. 2. Permit Required - Upon the exhibition of a permit duly issued by the State to the Applicant, the Westlake Town Sec- retary•shall, in the name of the Town, issue and deliver to Applicant a permit to engage in business in the Town of the character described in and authorized by the permit from the State held by Applicant. The permit so issued in the name of the Town shall authorize the conduct of such business upon the premises described in the permit from the State and shall remain in force only so long as such permit from the State remains in force. 3. Permits Prohibited for Establishments Within 300 Feet of Churches and Schools -- No license permit under this chapter may be issued an Applicant who sells alcoholic beverages as defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Code if Applicant's place of business is within 300 feet of a church or public school, which shall not include training facilities for corporations or associations. 4. Prohibited Signage - No sign bearing the word "liquor," "beer," or "whiskey" shall be displayed by any establish- ments selling beer or mixed drinks where such signs are vis- ible outside of such establishments. 5. Hours of Operation - The hours of operation for establish- ments permitted to sell beer and/or mixed drinks shall con- form to State law. 5. Permissible Areas - Only areas zoned planned office park or planned office park -hotel or such other zoning classifica- tions as may be designated by the Town in the future may have establishments entitled to receive permits hereunder. 7. Fine - Any violation of this ordinance may be punished by a fine not to exceed '"Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($100.00) per offense. An offense shall be considered to occur on each day that a violation of this ordinance occurs. 8. Emergency - This ordinance shall become effective immedi- ately upon its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE , TEXAS, ON THE 6th DAY OF March,1989. MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOWN ATTORNEY ATTEST: TOWN SECRETARY ne ii nLMtM15cncu cnaT. on Tnis Tne loin oav UT July. A. u. iyis, Tne.monoraDle tprmnssioners' Court of Tarrant County, Texas, met in Special Term. Regular Meeting at the Court house in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, with the followinn members present: Honorable Howard L. r:reen. County Judge, oresidinq Robert L. Mebus. Commissioner Precinct Two R. F. Lewis, Commissioner Precinct Three Richard T. Andersen, Commissioner Precinct One ASSENT) reorge Skeet Richardson, Commissioner Precinct Four ASSENT) and County Clerk E. M. Loftin, represented by his duly appointed Deputy, "taurine r1 over, when the x following proceedings were had and orders made: 42670 RESULTS OF LOCAL OPTION ELECTION IN JUSTICE PRECINCT THREE DECLARED July 16, 1973 THE STATE OF TEXASI COUNTY OF TARRANT On this 16th day of July A.D. 1973, the Commissioners' Court of said County being called and convei ed in special session for the numose of canvassing the votes and certifying the results of an election heretofore held on the 10th day of July A.D. 1973, to determine whether or not the legal sale of beer f off premise consumption only shall be. prohibited or legalized within the prescribed limits of the "; Justice Precinct No. 3, in Tarrant County. Texas, hereinafter called "Election District"; and a quorum beinq present, this court proceeded to canvass the votes and certify the results of said election; and it appearing to the court that said election was in all things held in conformity with law, and in accordance with an order, heretofore and on the 11th day of June A.D. 1973, made by this court orderinn said election; and it further appearing and being satisfactorily shorn to the court that conies of said order were posted by the County Clerk of said county in the manner and form and for the length of time required by law, this court does hereby make and enter its order declaring the result of said election and finds upon canvassing the votes thereof, the voters at said election voted and cast their votes as fol I04S. to -wit: FOR: The legal sale of beer for off oremise consumption only 6383 votes. AGAINST: The legal sale of beer for off premise consumption only 5998 votes. and as a consequence the Court delcares that said election has resulted in the sale of beer for off Premise consumption only upon this order becoming effective as nrovided for by la:,, beinq leqalized in said election district. IT IS THEREFORE DECLARED, ORDERED AND DECREED by this Court that said election has tarried and a majority of the voters who cast their ballots and voted therein voted FOP the legal sale of beer for of Premise consumntion only, and upon this order becoming effective as nrovided for by law, the sale of beer for off premise consumntion only shall he legalized in said election district; and it is further ordered that this decree he entered of record as the law renuires. blitness our hands and seal of this court, this 16th day of July 1973. (SEAL) THE STATE OF TEXASI COUNTY OF TARRANT Presiding: Howard L. Green, County Judge Present: R. L. Mebus, Commissioner, Precinct 2 R. F. Lewis, Commissioner, Precinct 3 On this 16th day of July A.D. 1973, the Commissioners' Court of said County beinq called and con- vened in special session for the Purpose of canvassing the votes and certifying the results of an elect Ion. heretofore held on the 11th day of July A.D. 1973, to determine whether or not the legal sale of mixed beverages shall be prohibited or legalized within the prescribed limits of the Justice Precint No. 3, in Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called "Election District"; and a quorum being present, this court proceeded to canvass the votes and certify the results of said election; and it aopearinq to the Court that said election was in ail things held in conformity with law, and in accordance with an Minutes Commissioners' Court, SPECIAL erm, JULY f A, D+ 19 73 REGULAR MEETING the 15TH Day of JULY } A. D. 1973 42674 Continued. order, heretofore and on the 11th day of June A.D. 1973, made by this court ordereing said election; and it further anoearing and being satisfactorily shorn to the court that conies of said order were posted by the County Clerk of said county in the manner and form and for the length of time required law, this court does hereby make and enter its order declaring the result of said election and finds upon canvassing the votes thereof, the voters at said election voted and cast their votes as folltr:rs, to -wit: FOR; The legal sale of Mixed Beverage 6277 votes AGAINST: The legal sale of Mixed Beverage 6477 votes and as a consequence the Court declares that said election has resulted in the sale of "Mixed Beverages upon this order becoming effective as orovided for by law, being legalized in said election district. IT IS THEREFORE DECLARED, ORDERED AND DECREED by this Court that said election has carried and a majority of the voters who cast their ballots and voted therein voted FOR the legal sale of Mixed Beverages and upon this order becoming effective as provided for by law, the sale of "fixed Beverages shall be legalized in said election district; and it is further ordered that this decree be entered of record as the law requires. Witness our hands and seal of this court, this 16th day of July 1973. Presiding: Howard L. rreen. County Judge (SEAL) Present: R. L. "Mehus, Commissioner, Precinct 2 R. F. Lewis, Commissioner, Precinct 3 I -Q-Q-Q-Q'Q-D-Q-Q-Q-Q-Q- A COPY, ATT LST 'i — Clerk County Court and ER-Gff:60 Clerk Cunn, i3siogo s' u art Tarrant County, Te, --.as V01., SLC Page ! cf(-? By A—, Deputy