HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 161 Annexing of 21.8 acres in the Richard Eads, Jessie Gibson and John Bacon SurveysNO. 161 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TRACTS OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS; BEING ALL THAT LOT, TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND CONSISTING OF 24.8 ACRES AND 61 ACRES LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN DENTON AND TARRANT COUNTIES, STATE OF TEXAS AND BEING IN THE RICHARD EADS SURVEY, THE JESSIE GIBSON SURVEY, AND THE JOHN BACON SURVEY; CLASSIFYING THE SAME AS LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE PROPERTY; OUTLINING A MUNICIPAL SERVICE PLAN; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the request for annexation was presented to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, on a petition of Sam W. Lee and Margaret Lee; and WHEREAS, an opportunity was afforded at two public hear- ings for that purpose on March 2, 1987 and on March 3, 1987 for all interested persons to state their views and present evidence bearing upon the annexation provided by this ordinance; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearings were published in a newspaper in accordance with Article 970a, Section 6, revised, of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I. That the tracts of land described by metes and bounds on Exhibit "A", are hereby annexed to the Town of Westlake, Texas and the same are made a part of said town and the land and any present and future inhabitants shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said town and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said town now in effect or which may hereafter be enacted. These tracts of land shall be subject to and shall bear their pro -rata part of the taxes levied by the town. These tracts of land hereby annexed are described on Exhibit "A" which is part of and attached to this ordinance. Page 1 of 2 SECTION II. The tracts of land described on Exhibit "A" are hereby classified as Low Density Residential use property and shall appear on the official zoning map of the Town of Westlake, Texas which map shall be amended accordingly. SECTION III. MUNICIPAL SERVICE PLAN. 1. Police patrolling, fire protection and ambulance service will be provided at a level substantially equivalent to the level of services provided other areas of the Town; that is, the Denton County and Tarrant County Sheriff's Offices, and the Roanoke and Southlake Volunteer Fire Departments. 2. Water will be from property owner's private well. 3. Sewage disposal through property owner's septic tank. 4. Routine maintenance of public roads and streets on the same basis as in the present Town will be provided upon the effective date of annexation. 5. No capital improvements are necessary to provide municipal services to the area. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE(o Z7 day of A.D. 1987. ATTEST: GF RRY WHITE, SECRETARY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS DALE L. WHITE, MAYOR TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Page 2 of 2 ,a,r- /'.P' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, TOWN OF WESTLAKE: The undersigned, being the owner(s) of that certain land described by metes and bounds on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, request(s) the annexation of such land to the Town of Westlake. In furtherance of such petition, the undersigned represent(s) and warrant(s) as follows: 1. The land is not more than one-half (1/2) mile outside the town limits of Westlake. 2. Less than three (3) qualified voters reside on such land. 3. The land is contiguous and adjacent to the Town of Westlake, or in the alternative, such land will be contiguous and adjacent thereto upon the annexation of other certain tracts which are sought contempo- raneously herewith to be annexed to the Town of Westlake. 4. The undersigned understand(s) that (a) if annexed to the Town of Westlake the land will be zoned "low density residential," (b) such zoning does not permit subdivision below ten acres and (c) such land hereafter may not be subdivided except with the approval of the Board of Aldermen. DATE: i % J Rz)A t, -to w (If the land is owned by husband and wife or by more than one person/entity, all interested parties must sign. Please execute before a notary public.) Acknowledgment STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF MAMUUM§ DENTON This instrument was day of January , My _.commission expires: '04•-25-87 acknowledged before me on the 14th 1987, by Same W. Lee 'v V tary Public, State of Texas Notary's Printed Name: Linda Ellison Acknowledgment STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF XDZa7a=§ DENTON This instrument was day of January , My commission expires: 04-25-87 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT acknowledged before me on the 14rh 19 87, by Marparet eern// Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's Printed Name: Linda Ellison Corporate Acknowledgment This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 19_, by , of a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's Printed Name: My commission expires: Exhibit "A" FIELD NOTES Tract All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract Number 393, Denton County, Texas, being a part of a certain (called) 24.8 acre tract deeded by Mrs. Anna Cowan, a widow to J.W. Mitchell on the 9th day of October, 1934, recorded in Volume 248, Page 626, Deed Records of said County, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said 24.8 acre tract, an iron pin on the south side of County Road Number 4057, also being in the existing City limits line of the Town of Westlake as described in Town Ordinance Number 81; Thence Southeasterly and East, with the south line of said County road and said City limits line to a point on the east line of the herein described 17 -acre tract; Thence South 00 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds West, leaving said south line of said road and said City limits line along and near a fence, to a fence corner post in the north line of a 37.43 acre tract to J. Glenn Turner and City limits line; fence North 89 degrees 40 minutes West, along a fence and the north line of said 37.43 acre tract and said City limits line, a distance of 188.51 feet to a fence corner post; Thence South 00 degrees 20 minutes West, along a fence, a west line of said 37.43 acre tract and said City limits line, a distance of 258.53 feet to a fence corner post; Thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes West, along a fence, the most southerly north line of said 37.43 acre tract and said City limits line, a distance of 369.44 feet to an x -tie at angle in fence; Thence North 89 degrees 04 minutes 51 seconds West, and leaving the City limits line along and near a fence, a distance of 525.56 feet to an x -tie; Thence North, along and near a fence, a distance of 1164.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 17 acres of land, more or less. page 1 of 2 Exhibit "A" FIELD NOTES Tract II All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, and the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the Jessie Gibson Survey, Abstract Number 493; the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract Number 393; and the John Bacon Survey, Abstract Number 1565, Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, and being the same tract as described in deed from H.M. Luttrell et al to W.W. Prewitt, as shown of record in Volume 1813, Page 264, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Jessie Gibson Survey in the existing City limits line of the Town of Westlake as described in Town Ordinance Number 81; Thence West, with the north line of said J. Gibson Survey and said City limits line, a distance of 287.19 feet more or less to a corner; said corner aldo being the northwest corner of said Prewitt tract and the northeast corner of a 69 -acre tract to J. Glenn Turner; Thence South 00 degrees 29 minutes West, with the west boundary line of said Prewitt tract and east line of said 69 -acre Turner tract and said City limits line, a distance of 2449.16 feet to the southwest corner of said Prewitt tract and the southeast corner of said 69 -acre Turner tract; —hence South 89 degrees 21 minutes East, with the south boundary of said Prewitt tract and said City nits line, a distance of 1480.56 feet to the southeast corner of said Prewitt tract and the southwest corner of a 37.43 acre tract to J. Glenn Turner; Thence North 03 degrees 45 minutes East, with the most easterly cast line of said Prewitt tract and the west line of said 37.43 acre tract and said City limits line a distance of 837.77 feet to an x -tie post; Thence North 89 degrees 04 minutes 51 seconds West, leaving the City limits line, along and near a fence 525.56 feet to an x -tie; Thence North, along and near a fence, a distance of 1164.00 feet to a point in the south line of County Road Number 4057, also being in the City limits line; Thence Northwesterly, with south line of said County road and said City limits line to a point for corner, said point being 350 feet East of the west line of the R. Eads Survey, Abstract Number 393; Thence Southwesterly, 150 feet with said City limits line at 90 degree angle to left of said County road to a point for corner; Thence Northwesterly, with said City limits line 150 feet Southwest of and at all times parallel to the southwest line of said County road to a point for corner in the west line of the John Bacon Survey, Abstract Number 1565; Thence North, with the west line of said Bacon Survey and the east line of said Gibson Survey and the City limits line to the Point of Beginning and containing 61 acres, more or less. page 2 0£ 2 Tract 1 All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the. pRicF.,frd Tads Survey, Abstract No. 393, Denton County, Texas, hei'ng a/pi!k-t of a certain (called) 24-4/5 acre tract deeded by Mrs. Anna Cohan, a widow to J. W. Mitchell on the 9th day of October, 1914 recorded in Volume 2481 Page 626, Deed :records of said County, and beyng more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner,,of said 24-4%5,,agte pin on the south side of a public 'road; THENCE N 89° 59' 57" E a distance of.60.00 feet toan the north side of a public road; 11 THENCE S 40" 31' 59" E along said public road a lista feet to a point in said road; TIIE13CC 6 000 00' .00" E a distance of 48.06,'feet to an ^HENCE S C90 04' 51" E along said public rdAd part,,/%;a 564.54 feet to a point in aid --road; THENCE S 00° 14' 07" So al_ o. anZ "h -ear a fence `a feet to a fence corner pa t; THENCc S 890 50' 14" V alpnu a fence"a distance fence corner }ost; TIIENCE S 010 18' 4E" V' al'.ono a fence A distance fence corner ost; tract, an iron iron pin on nce of 717.00 iron pin; y a distance of stance of 319.00 188.51 feet to a of 257.84 feet to a THENCE 11 88. 55' 59" VI along a fence line a distance of 369.28 feet to a cross -tie post at angle in fence] THENCE N 89. 04' 51" 4; along and near, a fence a distance of 525.56 feet to a cross-tie`\corner`,post; f THEI:CE N 00" 00' 000'11 along and ne*r a fence a distance of 1164.00 feet to the Point-of= eginni'ng_ 4inO-`contain'ing 17.555 acres of land. [Some portion of the property described in this exhibit may already lie within the boundaries of the Town of Westlake.] Page 1 of 2 tXH181T "A" Tract 2 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, tract or parcel of,/land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, and the County o 'Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the Jessie Gibson Survey, Abst/. No. 493, the Richard Eads Survey, Abst. No. 393, and the John Bacon S vey, Abet. No. 15611, Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, and being the samg'tract as described/in Deed from H. M. Luttrell at al to W. W. Prewitt, as shown of record in Vol. 1813, Page 264, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more partieukarly described as followss BEGINNING at a fence corner on the South boundary line o 'ai public roa;;, said beginning corner being 21`17 vre. East of the Northeast corner of the Jesse Gibson Surveys v / THENCE West with said fence, passing the Noeaat Eorner of said Jesse Gibson Survey at 21.17 varas and continuing West with/the North boundary line of said Gibson Survey, a total distance of 124.54 varas to a corner, said corner being the Northwest corner`of said Prewitt tract, THENCE South 0 degrees and 30 minute4,East W tr, fence and with the West boundary line of sold- Prewitt tract, $81.6} 4,Varas to a corners said corner being the Southwest corn of said Piewltt tract, THENCE North 89 degrees and SIR minutes East,,,/with the South boundary line of said Prewitt tract, 533.16`\varas to the Southeast corner of said tract, ' / THENCE North 0 degrees and 35 minutes $ast with fence and with the most Easterly East boundary line oU said Prewitt tract, 303.4asAzas to the most Easterly Northeast corner jof sa&'tract, { THENCE West with fence, 189.00/vara, to a corner, THENCE North 0 degiaes and 28 minutes East with fence and with the East boundary line of said Prewitt tract, 419.04 varas to a corner in the Southwest bounda line of a p lic Xosid, THENCE North 54 degrees--atid 00 minutes West with the South boundary line of said road and with the Northerly boundary line of said Prewitt tract, 281.52 varas\to the place .f beginning, containing 61.778 acres of land. (Survey made on the gr,. on March 240 1950, and certified by R. T. May, Jr., County ,Sgrveyor/=o;' Denton County, Texas) being the same rand, described in a dsed from Hr. 'n. Panning and wife, Leo -.I& -Fanning, to the VETERANS LF.N9.BOARDlpF THi tTATE OF TEXAS dated May 13, 1950 and shown of record in Vblumw,359 ,page 452, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas and in a certain Contract" --"of Sale and Purchase between the Veterans$ Land Board of Texas and Joe/`Cj( Bass shown of Record in Volume 362, page l7f Depd Records RZ ,pen A,rcdunty, .xaxa . [Some portion of the property described in this exhibit may already lie within the boundaries of the Town of Westlake.] Page 2 of 2 LOCATION MAP (N. T. S. ) HENRIETTA CREEK ROAD 1 r DENTON COU TY TARRANT COU TY -140 1 4TJ 150' SOUTH OF SW ROW i W I TNF IIPPFNT zn of 1600 I J . 0 C.? S 0Q' P X96 0 a m v Ln w z ccw z J C.: W gI03 JII 0 U) Lo uj z z >- c I Ill s d Yf) ED LJ1 I cal Lij -jIolxJ -i a L ( A 2D L FAWKES r 1 z z 0 \ o DOWN E DOVE ROA[ O P MOCKIN6BIR P4 II LmO ll Q I II SLEEPY HOLLOW zi` r CD 0 o II — UIr Lli Ir a 0 w z \\ H IJ u Iz H u w II a l 11 II I l l J° i K olu STq ?lc \y s14 Wmm-ULW, Ackm mffiw, = ZONING DISTRICT MAP BEING COMPLETE THROUGH ORDINANCE 147 COMPOSED BY METROPLEX ENGINEERING CORPORATION 1123 FORT WORTH DRIVE DENTON, TEXAS 76205 (817) 383-1416 METRO 430-1692 DRAWN: WOLF SCALE 1, JOB NO. CHECKED: DKC 1" = 1000' 05 FE8 1987 7650