HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 121 Amending the Franchise Agreement with Lone Star GasORDINANCE N0. f Z ® ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND CHANGING A FRANCHISE ORDINANCE ENACTED BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ON JUNE 3 , 19 67 AND BEING PARTLY STYLED, "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO LONE STAR GAS COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO FURNISH AND SUPPLY GAS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE 4 , TARRANT , TEXAS"; AND PROVIDING FOR A MODIFICATION OF THE DEFINITION OF THE TERMS "SERVICE LINES" AND "YARD LINES" REFERENCED IN SECTION 4 THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. As of the effective date of this amendatory ordinance, and upon acceptance by Lone Star Gas Company of the provisions hereof, Section 4 of the aforesaid captioned franchise ordinance enacted on June 3 , 19 67 , shall be stricken, cancelled and nullified and there shall be substituted in lieu thereof a new provision reading as follows: "SECTION 4 , In addition to the rates charged for gas supplied, Company may make and enforce reasonable charges, rules and regulations for service rendered in the conduct of its business including a charge for services rendered in the inauguration of natural gas service, and may require, before furnishing service, the execution of a contract there- for. Company shall have the right to contract with each customer with reference to the installation of, and payment for, any and all of the gas piping from the connection there- of with the Company's main in the streets or alleys to and throughout the consumer's premises. Company shall own, operate and maintain all service lines, which are defined as the supply lines extending from the Company's main to the customer's meter 'where gas is measured by Company. The consumer shall own, operate, and maintain all yard lines and house piping. Yard lines are defined as the underground supply lines extending from the point of connection with Company's customer meter to the point of connection with consumer's house piping." SECTION 2. Enactment of this amendatory ordinance shall in no way ever be construed so as to diminish or impair any consumer's ownership interest in service lines (or portions thereof) installed prior to the effective date of this amendatory ordinance. SECTION 3. The terms and provisions of this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed to be severable, and if the validity of any section, sen- tence, clause or phrase of this amendatory ordinance should be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this amendatory ordinance. SECTION 4. Except as heretofore and hereinabove changed and amended, the terms, provisions, conditions and requirements of the aforesaid franchise ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This amendatory ordinance shall become effective as of (.-2j �:,�)e�,7F%if , 1982.. if the Company files its written acceptance othe prions of this ordinance within sixty (60) days after its final passage and approval by this Town and upon acceptance, the provisions hereof shall be binding upon Town and Company, their successors and assigns. 198.1*, ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS E --DAY OF Y€' THf , Secretary /T— Mayor Town of Westlake , Texas STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF TARRANT X I, dY 4— , Secretary of the Town of Westlake V , Tarrant County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an amendatory ordinance passed by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake , Texas, at a dQ^ �r session, held on the /7,�X, day of ¢77 , 199L as it appears of record in the minutes of the Town Council in Book page. ^ WITNESS MY BAND AND SEAL OF SAID TOWN, THIS THE 12V- day of ;2s4- 'd# , A.D. 1981. If Seoetary Town of Westlake Texas Lona Star Gas Company DIVISION OF DISTRIBUTION V. R. Henderson 319 Main Street Manager Grapevine, T exas 76051 The Honorable Mayor Dale White and City Council City of Westlake, Texas Gentlemen: July 1, 1981 In response to State and Federal regulation of natural gas pipeline safety, Lone Star Gas Company has re-evaluated its practice relating to installation and maintenance of service lines. In order to fully meet the Company's responsibility for gas service from its main line to the point of delivery for each customer, it is necessary to define the terms "service line" and yard line" in our existing franchise agreement with the City of Westlake. The proposed franchise amendment will allow Lone Star Gas Company to contract with our customers for installation and maintenance of "service lines" which are defined as all of the gas piping from the connection with the Company's main up to the meter where gas consumption is measured. Each customer will be responsible for installation and maintenance of his yard line. A "yard line" is defined as .an underground supply line extending from the point of connection with a customer's meter to the point of connection with that customer's house piping. In addition to allowing Lone Star Gas Company to comply with regulatory law, this new policy will offer the advantages of: 1. Quick response with repair of leaks after they are detected on a service line; 2. Minimum periods of disrupted service for customers while service lines are being repaired; 3. Allowing efficient use of labor and materials to effect repairs or to provide new installations; and, 4. Increased safety for customers by assuring service line installation according to local, State and Federal standards. Although this new service line policy will place additional responsibility upon Lone Star Gas Company, we believe the overall efficiency and improved safety of operation provide ample justification for compliance with regulatory requirements. r V. R. Henderson VRH/kf Attachments 1. National Transportation Safety Board 192 2. Plumber's requirement to meet Federal safety standards 3. Franchise Amendments - Revised Service Line Policy cc: Mr. G. L. Smith Mr, Paul C. Isham w/attachments City Attorney --i -- _ . .') --- - __ , -- NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD 192 transmission line must be installed will: a minirnum cover as follows: far.n I,.cav g 16 C1us r. =. an6 < loaf Wrti_— rs mo pnag. r.liev W public rods ' % uw wd _...(b) Erccpi as provided in Paragraphs 4e) and Id) of this s,cUo,_ each buried mat, must bt installed with at least 24 Inches of cover, 11rid sWctlire 'fc) when an undcT9m prevents the installation or a us-ust' s- alna line or main with the mlalmuse cover. the line or main may be installed with less cover If It is pro- vided with additional moiccuan to with- stand anticipated external loads. 4d) A main may be h_tal)cd with loss than 24 Inches of cover if the law of the Sour or municipality— (Il );stallishes a ]minimum corer of fess titan 24 inches: (2l yvquirrs that mains be Installed 1, a co. ubon Inman with other utility fines: and (3) P'_ vidts adequately for preven- tion of damage to the pipe by external forces (e) All pipe which is inssl)ed in a navigable river, stream_ or harbor most have a minimum cover of 48 inches in soil or 24 inches in consolidated rock. and all pipe installed In any offshore, lo- cation under water less than 12feet deep, as measured from mean low tide. must have a minimum cover of 36 inches In soil or 18 inches in consolidated rock, between the Lop of the pipe and the natural bottom. However, less than the minimum cover is permitted in accord- ance with paragraph (c) of this section. tis FR 33257, Aug. 19. 3470, u amended by Amit. 192-27, 41 FR 34506, Aug. 16. 19761 ErTiCTtcx n4Ti Noxi: in 4192.327. y graph (a) mss Ymcnd,d and (e) adecd by by Arndt 142-27 at A FR 34606, Aug. 36, 1998, c❑ecuve Avg. 1. 1971. For the convcn"oca of the vacT. N< anpenGeed text v aat bctov: (a) Fscepe m provided to paragraph (d of tble .Boron. Gash burietl Vansmlcclon line moat be Irutxnl d with Y minimum eoveT a5 roltov,a: Subpart H—Lustamer lheieM, Servica Regulators, and Service Lines 4192351 Scope. Th§s subpa.-t prescribes enlnimum me quirements far Lstalluss cust.omes meters. service regulators, a,rvice uric. service line valves, and service line con- nections to mRISLt R 192.353 Cuaiomtr mGtcra =nd regv- Y=tora: Iota inn. (al Each meter and --ice regulator, whether tiside or outside of a buildi,q, must be Installed In a readily Rccesslble location and be protected from corrosion and other damage. However, the up- sueam regulator In a seric may be buried - (b) Eacb service regulator installed within a building most be-loeated as near as practical to the point of service line enlrancL e) Each meter Insslled within r building most be located in a v -mitis Led place and not less than 3 feet from any source of ignition or anysource of heat which might damage the meter. (d) When feasible, the upstma.m rog- ulat,r in a aeric most be located outside the building. Or]' It is located to a separate metering or regulating building - 19 -1.355 Cvseamtr incurs =nd rep,. Ia lOra: dnmagc. (n) Protection from vacuum or back pressure. If the customer's equipment Might create either a vacuum or a back pressure. a device must be installed to protect the system - (III Service repulafor ocntt and relief vents. T -he outside terminal of each serv- ice regulator vent and relief vent must (11 Be rain and Insect resistant: (2) Be located at a place where cas from the vent can escape freely into the atmosphere and away from any opening into the building: and (3) Be protected from damage caused by submergence in areas where flooding may occur, to) Pits and vaults. Earn pit or vault that houses a customer meter or regula- tor at a place where vehicular tm1f)c Is anticipated. most be able to support that LTRmc. 20 4142-357 Cu •tomer mtlm and rcg+- Frton: inrtallnivex- (a) Eacb mew and each regulator must be irsstat}ed so as to notru a an- tirSpatcd stresses upon the mr—rctulg piping and the meter. (b) Wbab Biose a] -thread r"pPlts are used the all thickness remaining after the threads axe cut most meet the minI_ mum all thickness r,gi mmimis of this part {e) {tarn Ktlnrl5 made of ItRd or Other easily damaged mars.ral may not be used I, the installAuCin of meters or regulators. (d) Each regulator that might release gas in its operation most be vented to the outside atmosphere. 4 142.359 Cuavnmer mein inav=Piano..•. operating prruvrr. (a) A meter may not be used at a presses, that is more than 67 percent d the manufaC[tlrer's shell test Pressure. (b) ERch newly installed meter'an- ufaetured after November 12. 1970, must have been tested to a minimum of IQ psi¢. (t) A rebuilt or repa.md tia37ed s'ret case meter may not be used at a pres- sun that Is mom than 50 percent of the pressure used to Lost the meter after rebuilding or repairing. i5a FA /`-1ST. aug. 16, ]D"lt), u aaeaded by ttL par. � }, `-$Gvvirc7incnt arm�t-=ii_�t,on�Q__ .may Dept ...Dcpf ..�..._« b "'loci h. Each buried sersfa Lint must be Installed with at least 12 Inches of cover in private property and at least I8 inches of cover In streets and roads. However, where an underground struc- ture prevents installation at those depths, the service line most be able to withstand any anticipated external load. (b) Support and back¢II. Earl] ser - Ice line most be properly supported on undisturbed or well -compacted sol', and materia) used for back; (e) ftutaliaffon of service fines Into buildings. £acb underground service tine ir'stalied below grade tbrougb fht outer foundation wall of a building Must— (f) In the ease of a metal scrvlcx Iine, be protected against co--rosion; (2) 1, the case of a plastic�: rice Line, be protected from shealing action and baceM settlement: and (3) be sealed at tot foundation wall to prevent leakage Into the building. (f) losfo Ration of scn-ice Eno: c, buildinps- Where an underground service line is Installed under a building - (l) It must be encased In a gas-tight conduit: - (2) The conduit and the sen -ice line must, If the service line supplies the building It underlies, extend into a nor- maliv usable and ameodble part of the buDding: and (3) The space between the conduit and the service line must be sealed m prevent gas leakage into the building and. U the conduit is sealed at both ends, a vent line from the ennu:=span must extend to a point where gas would not be a hazard, and extend above grade, ter^:j;-s.jag In a rain and msec'. resistant fitting. (a.) =ash service line must have a valve that facets the aPP21- cab)e requirementA Of Subparts B and G of this part A valve incorporated in a meter bar, that allows the meter to be bypassed may not be used as a service - Line valve. (b) A soft aeat mrvlre line valve may not be used if its ability to control the flow of gals could be adversely affected by exposure to anticipated heat® It-EPj___Lli 6efYfttS:nE 3'st42 "'..�`�_r,^T pressure-sen%Tce-line, installed above ground or in an arta where the blow- ing of gas would be bazardous, must be designed and constructed to Minmizt the possib=y of the removal of the core of the valve with other than specia?Led tools. ¢ 192365 Service Gnu, IMHtinn of . 1l. (a) hdation to rcpulctor or meter. Each strvice-line valve must be m - stalled upstream of the regulator Or, If there is no regulator, upstream of the meter. (b) Outside valves. Each sen-im line must have s shut-off valve In a readily accessible location that, if feasible, I, (c) A cos: iron or ductile Iran service outside of the buUdfng. fine may not be installed in unstable (e) Underpround values. Each under- soli or under a building. ground scrvict-line valve must be lo- r"-'4"`�" ¢192-37i..'Scr:;ce I,n®taLwc= sated in a covered durable curb box or r.,,ey=i" outside standpipe that allows ready operation of a'i�chP%s-+mice the valve and is supperi.td independently building must be Installed below ground of the service lines level, except that It may Lrcnant, above ground and outside the bullding. If - 192 -367 Sar,;, I;ne.: Erne.-aY eeon: mcnG fol- rnnntclionr Ac n:siv P'P'nF (a) Location. Each strNI--li_^e con- nection to a main must be located at the top of the main or, If that is not practl- eai, at the sidt of the main_ un) ^=s a suitable protective device Is 1=ssPed to minimize the possibility of dust and moisture being carted from the masa into the service line. (b) Compression -type conn[tion to r,unn_ Each compression -type service line to main connection mur (1) Be designed and installed to effm- tdvely sustain the longitudinal pull-out or thrust forces caused by contraction or expansion of the piping. or by antic{- pattd external or internal loading: and (2) If gesketx are used in connecting the senic line to the main connection -^� feting, have gaskets that are compat- ible with the kJnd of gas In the system. ¢ 192.369 Sec.ice lin.-.: con intim.. to uet icon nr ductile iron mnina. (a) Each service line connected to a cast Iron or ductile iron main must be connected by a mechanical champ, by drilling and tapping Lhe main, or by another method meeting the re0uire- monts of f 192273. (b) If a threaded is P is being hucrted, the mQuirements oI f 192.151 (b) and (c) must also be met ¢ 39u7� _; .si=r;tY llnra= ,tea: f: -arCii`sCecT?"s-rs;cr'Y'.de'td'bE�operated at less than 100 ps.1g. must be can- structed of pipe designed for a minimum of 100 ps.I.g. IAmdt. 192-1, 3s PA. 27666, No, 17, 19701 ¢ 192.373 Service Iine. r.,, icon end ductile iron. (a) Cast or ductile iron pipe less than 6 Inches in diameter may not be In- stalled for service linea (b) If cast iron pipe or ductile iron pipe is installed for use as a service Iine, the part of the service line which extends through the building wail must be of steel pipe - 21 (3) Tot above ground part of the piastie service, lint is p,mtcei.ed agelnat dettriorabon and ext al damage; and (2) The plastic service lint is not used to support external loads (b) Each plastic service line Inside a building must be Protected against es- femat damage - 192 -377 So,ive hose: coppty. Each eopner service Iine installed within a building must he pmiccted agam.st external damage lAmdt. 192-8, 37 F 2D691. Oct. 3, 19721 § 192.379 N, sen -0¢ lin. not in urn Each service Iine that is not placed In service upon completion Of lnstalla- tion must comply with one of the foIlow- ing until the customer is supplied with gas. (a) The valve that is closed to prevent the flow of gas to the customer must be provided with a locking device or other means designed to prevent the opening m the valve by persons other than those authorized by the operator. (b) A mechanical device Or fitting that will prevent the flow of gas. must be installed In the service line Or in the meter assembly. (c) The customei s piping must be physically disconnected from the gas supply and the open pipe ends sealed. Subpart I—Requirement, for Corrosion Control Aoraoa,xr: TTe Provlelona of thfa Bubpert I Laued under Netual ou Plptltns Act of ime 149 OBC. ate. 2671 m seq., Part Y rtgula_ U.. of Ofie of the Secre tarp of 7z P.- tcuon. 1D (.P8 Part h and dt)cgatlon of aq- thority to Director, Office of Ptpellne S+1ety, as PA )6{aa. BomQ: The provfalotu or thle Subpart I matatned 10 Amdt 192-1. 36 rA 12392, .lune 30, 1971. unlcv othtribe noted. ¢ 192.451 Sropo <s7� +cls �ar1-�rctir Prot susim�r-a'� regvirem-:tz"-"Sor the protection of - metallic pipelines from externa! inter_ Inti, and atmnrrhrrir corrosion. _un beam tlex:mum kwon cu..R ei'ne.d r rmm v. d SWYs Num. -tiro aUan,.n rte _. It. . ti - (d) Each meld tsstd fn tie -In a test segment of pipehnt is excepted tram the test requirements of this subpart ¢ e-92-505 Strrn_th to) req «.vrmrnrc far ce.cl p. r nl operae xt c IY& cur.• of 30 prrrcor sr.orr of SAfYS. cal Except for servict linnet, each seg- ment of a steel pipeline List Is to op- erate at a hoop sires: of 30 percent ar .more of S.M"S mint bt strength tested M accordance with the section to sub- stanuate the moiwsod maximum Allow- able operating prtSsurt. In addition, In a Clxw< l or Maw 2 location, If these Ia a building Int.cnded for human occu- pancy within 300 feet of a pipeline, a hvdroststic test most be conducted to a test pressure of at Ieast 125 percent of maximum operating pressure on that ,�:nent of the pipeline wlthin 300 feet of seen a building, but in no event may the test section be less than 600 feet w,)ew the length of the newly Installed or re)ocsted pipe Is less than 600 feet However, if the buildings ere evacuated whflc the hoop stress exceeds 50 percent m SMYS, air or inert gas may be used as the test medium. (b) In a Class I or Class 2 Ipcatiom each compressor station, regulator ata- ' Item and measuring station, most he .tested to at least Class 3 location test requirements. (c) Except as provided In paragreplt (e) of this section, the strength test must be conducted by maintaining the pres- sure at or above the test pressure for at least g hours_ (d) If a component other than pipe is the only item being replaced or added to a pipeline. a strength test after installa- tion is not required. If the manufacturer of the component certifies that— ' (1) The component was tested to at Scant the pressure reculred for the pipe- line to which It Is being added: or (2) The component v.as manufactmzrd under a quality control system Lhat en- sures List each Item manufactured is at least equal In strength to a prototype and that the prototype was tested to at least the p.-ersure required for the pipe- line to which If is being added. (c) For fabricated units and short sec- tIotu of pipe, for which a post installs - tion test is impracticxL a preinstallation girength test must be conducled by mato- taiMng the pressure at or above the test pressure for at least 4 hours, ¢ 192.507 Teat rTz< it inerts For Ji., t. to o).cr tc. x x hr.op strew Ecxc tr,x.n 30 priory of S:Y: `.'S .r,d xlw.a 100 p.ci_g. Except for service Imes and plastic pipelines, each segment of a pipeline that is to be operated at a hoop stress less than 30 Percent of Sh+YS and above 400 ps_ig, must be tested in accordance with the fcIioamg: ea) The p'.pellne operator must use- a test procedure that ..ill ersure dis.-.overy of all potent!any hazardaus leaks in tie segment being tested. (b) If, during the test, the segment is to be stre_cced to 20 percent or more of SMYS and natural Kass. inert gas, or air is the test medium— (1) Aleakizstmustbemadeatap.'es- :,ure- between 300 ps1.g. and the pressu.-e required to produce a hoop stress of 20 percent of SMYS; or (2) The line must be walked to check for leaks while the hoop stress is held at 2pproximately 20 percent of SX1YS. (c) The pressure must be maintained at or above the test pressure for at least I hour. ¢ 192.509 Test rrquirrmcn to for pipe- Gn eo opmnm xt or Lelo.. 100 Except for servlet lines and plastic pipelines, each segment of a pipeline that Is to be operated at or below 100 psl-g. must be leak tested in accordance with the following; (a) The test procedure used must en- aurc discovery of all potentially hazard- ous leaks in the segment being tested. (b) Each main that Is to be operated at less than I ps.i.g. must be tested to at least 10 pts S.g. and each main to be op- erated at or above 1 psd_r_ mmt be tested to at least 90,p.s1.g. _ �325r;,.i r.t kcgni rnts (or':crv'tce,'� --- (E) Each segment of a serviet line (other than plastic) must be leak tested in accordance with this section before being placed in service. If feasible, the service -line connectlon to the :Iain most 2S be included in the best: If not feasible, It must be given a leakage test at the operating pressure when placed in service - (b) Each segment of a senrlot It,, (other than plastic) intended to be ap- erated at a pressure of at least I ps5,g. but not more than 40 psi.$. must be given sleek test at a pr'wure of rpt less than 50S;s S.g. (c)Ea`-Hisv-,-me-=± cf a scrrict line (other titanprsttcinded to be op- erated at pressures of more 4han 40 p-a.l-g- must be tested to at least 90 ps1_g_ except that each segment of a stexl sen'ice- Line stressed Lo 20 percent or more of SMYS must be tested In ac- cords -rice with f 192.507 of this s.;bpari � 39> 513.�e,s rcGancmcnta xor �?x tie' (a) Each segment of a plastic pipeline most be tested In accordance --ifh this sectio) - (b) The test prn edure must In,Wt discovery of all potentially hs_+ardous lesks In the segment being tested (e) The test pressure must be at least 150 percent of the maximum operating pressure or 50 ps1.g„ whlc-eever is Create. However, the maximum test pressure may not be- more than three times the design pressure of the pipe. (dl The temperature of thermoplastic material must not be more than 300• P. during the test- 192.515 est192.515 En.ironmrntnl prot rrxion vnd .xicty rcQn in mcntr_ (a) In conducting tests under this subpart each operator shall insure that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect Its employees and the Central public during the testing. Whenever the hoop stress of the segment of the pipe- line being tested will exceed 50 percent of SMYS, the operator shall take an practicable steps to keep persona not working an the testing operation outside of the testing area until the pressure is reduced to or below the proposed maxl- mum allowable operating pressure. (b) The oppemtor shall Insure that the Lest medium Is cilspesed of In a manner that will minimize damage to the cnvL-onmrnt ¢ 192.517 Rrrord, Each operator shall make, and rosin for the uselul life of the pipeline, s rec- ord of each test performed under If 192.505 and 192507. The record 'UMBERS RE UIREMENT TO MEET FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS Ti)-NSTALi SER'ICE (GAS) 7rlNES CARRYING UNMEASURED GAS ON CUSTOMER PREM=SES. Oualifying Persons to Make Joints - Federal Regulation 192.285 No person may make a joint in a Polyethylene pipe unless that person has been qualified under applicable joining procedures by: (1) Appropriate training or experience in the use of the jointing procedure. (2) Making a specimen joint from pipe section joined according to the procedure. (3) Each operator shall establish a method to determine that each person making joints in Polyethylene pipeline in his system is qualified in accordance with Section 192.285. Material Wrapped steel meter riser pipe that would be connected to polyethylene pipe and fitting conforming to ASTM D2513 & ASTM D2517 and required to be put under Cathodic Protection by installing anode to metal riser. A mechanical compression coupling with an approved insert stiffner of proper size must be used to connect the steel meter riser to the polyethylene service line. Polyethylene pipe can be jointed with a compression type fitting that doesn't require cathodic protection. One approved type through 2" is the AMP fitting. Non -corrodible meter service riser requires a support post and connecting clamp. It can be connected by the AMP fitting, heat fusion, or mechanical compression couplings with cathodic protection. Alternate to compressing fitting is purchasing non -corrodible meter service riser with the correct length of polyethylene heat fused by a qualified person. Installation of Polyethylene Pipe (1) Installed on undisturbed or well compacted soil. (2) its full length will bare on the bottom of the ditch with no part of pipe spanning any portion of the ditch bottom. Locator wire size #12 guage insulated copper wire to be installed at same depth as pipe but in no case will the wire be tied or wrapped around the pipe. Locator will extend the full length of the plastic service line and brought above ground at metes. rise; so a pipe locator can be attached for locating a r pine after it had been covered. Minimum cover = 12`° on private property and 18" on street or roads. minimun Clearance from underground structure is 6". Testing - 90 lbs. air test 5 to 30 minutes depending on length up to 100°. Over 1001 will be tested depending on size and length. All installations of polyethylene pipe will have to meet the reeuirements of the minimun Federal Safety Standards established by title 49, code of Federal Regulations Part 192. Each service line must have a stopcock designed and constructed to minimize the possibility of removal of the core of the valve with other than specialized tools. STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DALLAS X WHEREAS, there was finally passed and approved on February 17, 1982, Ordinance No. 121 amending the Lone Star Gas Company Franchise Ordinance No. 38 enacted by the Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas on June 3, 1967, of record in the Minutes of the Town Council, to revise the definition of the terms "service lines" and "yard lines" set out in Section 4 of said franchise, which is recorded in Book 2 of the Minutes of the Town Council of said Town; and follows: WHEREAS, Section 5 of said amendatory ordinance provides as "SECTION 5. This amendatory ordinance shall become effective as of February 17, 1982 if the Company files its written acceptance of the provisions of this ordi- nance within sixty (60) days after its final passage and approval by this Town and upon acceptance, the provisions hereof shall be binding upon Town and Com- pany, their successors and assigns." AND, WHEREAS, it is the desire of Lone Star Gas Company, a Division of ENSERCH Corporation, to comply with the above -quoted provi- sions of Section 5 thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, premises considered, Lone Star Gas Company, a Division of ENSERCH Corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized officers, and within the time prescribed by Section 5 quoted above, does hereby accept the provisions of the above amendatory Ordinance No. 121 in accordance with its terms, provisions, conditions, and require- ments, and subject to the stipulations and agreements therein contained. 41 WITNESS THE EXECUTION THEREOF, on this the 2-2 day of " 1982. ATTEST: Assistant S cretary STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF TARRANT X LONE STAR GAS COMPANY, A Divi- sion of ENSERCH CORPORATION By Vice tyesident Secretary.of the Town of Westlake Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a formal acceptance of Ordinance No. 121 finally passed and approved by said Town on February 17, 1982, and of record in Book 49'7of the Minutes of the Town; and I do further certify that said acceptance has been duly pre- sented to the Town Council and filed in connection with and as a part of said amendatory Ordinance No. 121. OF WHICH, witness my official signature and the seal of said Town on this the <,:,S- �day of i'„,r� z_ 1982. t° City Recretary Town of Westlake, Texas LONE STAR GAS COMPANY CITY OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Overpayment of street and alley rental for the years 1974, 1975 and 1976, based on 1973, 1974 and 1975 overstated revenue because of showing customers inside the city limits that are actually outside the city limits follows: AS ORIGINALLY CALCULATED AND PAID Payment Due 3-21-74 3-17-75 3-22-76 Overpayment $ 491.03 552.64 805.84 $1,849.51 Overpayment Balance to Date 1976 Gross Street and Alley Year Receipts Rental Paid 1973 $25,274.33 $ 505.49 1974 28,354.71 567.09 1975 41,153.16 823.06 1979 RECALCULATED RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS 78.25 Redetermined Corrected Street Year Gross Receipts - and Alley Rental 1973 $ 723.08 $ 14.46 1974 722.52 14.45 1975 861.13 17.22 APPLIED TO OVERPAYMENT BALANCE Gross Street & Alley Overpayment Year Receipts Rental Balance Forward Payment Due 3-21-74 3-17-75 3-22-76 Overpayment $ 491.03 552.64 805.84 $1,849.51 Overpayment Balance to Date 1976 $1,316.01 $ 26.32 $1,849.51 $1,823.19 1977 1,131.13 22.62 1,823.19 1,800.57 1978 2,820.60 56.41 1,800.57 1,744.16 1979 3,912.27 78.25 1,744.16 1,665.91 1980 2,428.31 48.57 1,665.91 1,617.34 Gross receipts for the year 1981 amounted to $6,831.71 as shown in sworn statement. The $136.63 street and alley rental resulting from the above gross receipts when applied to the previous overpayment reflects a current overpayment balance as shown below. Overpayment beginning balance - $1,617.34 1981 Street and Alley Rental - 136.63 Overpayment Ending Balance - $1,480.71 y p 1 fn s anager, s ower Acopuntirfng Section STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DALLAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The undersigned, acting by and in behalf of Lone Star Gas Company, does certify and state that receipts of the Lone Star Gas Company from business done in the City of Westlake, Texas for the calendar year 1061 were as follows: Residential ar_d Commercial ?eceiots, less ^over.nmental $6,831.71 The undersigned certifies that the above information is true and correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief. 19 82 Witness the execution hereof this . day of Manager, Customer AccountingSection Sworn and subscribed to before me, a Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas r* No ry Public m and for ' Dallas County, Texas