HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 74-46 Approving the Incorporation of the Town of Stonecrest, TexasAT A REGULAR FETING OF THE TOWN COL21CIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEAS, HELD AT THE BILBO RANCH I4 SAID CITY ON THE /f AL DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1974. R E S 0 L U T I O N P'70.46 WHEREAS, previous to said meeting the proposed Town of Stonecrest, Texas made its appearance before the Town Cot.cil of the Town of Westlake and requested said Town to waive its extra -territorial jurisdiction pertaining to the proposed city limits of the Town of Stonecrest pursuant to Article 970a of.. the Vernon's Civil Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake unanimously approved the waiving of said extra -territorial jurisdictional rights in the common boundary area of the Town of Stonecrest, subject to an acceptable plat and legal description of the 'town of Stonecrest; and WHEREAS, the proposed Town of Stonecrest, Texas, has pre- sented a metes and bounds description of the area to be incor- porated in said Town; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake waives its extra -territorial jurisdictional rights regarding such property to be incorporated in the Town of Stoncrest, Texas as set out by the metes and bounds description attached hereto as Exhibits A, B and C. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TE X A S , THAT : The proposed incorporation of the Town of Stonecrest, Texas, is unanimously approved by the 'town of Westlake, Texas, regard- ing the area which is within the extra -territorial jurisdiction of the Town of Westlake, and all persons are hereby notified that the Town of Westlake waives its extra -territorial jurisdiction as to the territory set out in Exhibits A., B and C. PASSED AND APPROVED this the Aday of February, A. D. 19 74 . HOWARD DUDLEY, IMAYO CITY OF PENTON, MICAS ATTEST: ANDA G. WHITE, TOWN SECF,ETAPY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: PAUL C. ISHAM, TOWN ATTOMY TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS EYMBIT A TOWN OF STONECREST Meets and Bounds Description TRACT 1 Being a part of the F. W. Thornton Survey, Abstract 1244 of Denton, County, Texas, and being a part of the tract of land conveyed in a deed from Jack Gray to Louis J. Tinnerello as recorded,in Vol. 564, P. 622 Deed Records of Denton, County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin set at the Northeast corner of said Tinnerello tract, said point being on the west line of the T & P Railway right-of-way, and also being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Jack Gray to Joseph K. Vlehek et ux as recorded in Vol. 563, P. 126, Deed Records of said County; Thence: South 240 09' West along the West line of said T & P Railroad a distance of 768.51 feet -, to an iron pin for a corner; Thence: South 860 54' West a distance of 1281.40 feet to be a point for a corner on the West line of said Tinnerello tract; Thence: North 20 34' East along the West line of said Tinnerello tract a distance of 711.48 feet to the Northwest corner of said tract, in the center of a public road; Thence: South 870 07' East, passing at 26.3 feet a fence corner, and continuing on said course a total distance of 1564.84 feet to the place of beginning and containing in all 23.225 acres of land more or less, said property being known as STONECREST SOUTH ADDITION, Denton, County, Texas, by Plat recorded in Vol. 5, P. 53, Plat Records, Denton, County,, 'bxas. EXHIBIT B TOWN OF STONECREST Meets and Bounds Description TRACT 2 Being a part of the F. W. Thornton Survey, Abstract 1244 of Denton County, Texas, and being a part of the tract of land conveyed in a deed from Rippy to Joe S. Gambill on July 1, 1920, recorded in Vol. 174, P. 107, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that was the Northeast corner of said Gambill tract, said corner being on the west right-of-way of the Texas and Pacific Railroad; Thence: N 870 07' W a distance of 1896.23 feet to a point for corner in a public road; Thence: S 20 34' W a distance of 867.68 feet to a point for corner; Thence: Leaving said public road S 870 07' E a distance of 1564.86 feet to a point for corner on the West right-of-way line of the Texas and Pacific Railroad; Thence: With said railroad right-of-way N 240 14' E a distance of 292.5 feet to the beginning of a 0.502 curve to the left; Thence: Along said curve to the left, the west right -of --way line of said railroad a distance of 634.9 feet to the place of beginning and containing 34.502 acres of land more or less, said property being known as STONECREST ADDITION, Denton County, Texas, by Plat recorded in Vol. 5, P. 37, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas. EXHIBIT C TOWN OF STONECREST Meets and Bounds Description TRACT 3 All that certain tract or parcel of land out of the F. W. Thorton Survey, Abstract 1244, and the Thomas Burress Survey, Abstract 33, Denton County, Texas, being a portion of land conveyed in a deed from Jack Gray to Louis J. Tinnerello et al on December 27, 1967, recorded in Vol. 560, p. 622, Deed Records of said County and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Burress Survey, which is the Northwest corner of the second tract in deed to Joe S. Gambill, recorded in Vol. 174, p. 107, Deed Records of said County, said point also being on the South line of the Thorton Survey in a road intersection; Thence: N 20 34' East along or near the center of said road 702.76' to a point for a corner; Thence: N 860 54' East a distance of 1280.97' to an iron pin on the Northwest line of the.T & F Railway Right-of-way and the East line of said Tinnerello tract; Thence: S 240 13' West along the Northwest line of said railroad and the East line of said Tinnerello tract a distance of 3366.66' to a fence corner, being the South corner of said Tinnerello tract and containing in all 46.373 acres of land, 28.327 acres being in the Burress Survey.