HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 97-43 Adopting Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998RESOLUTION NO. 97-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, FOR THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen has conducted a public hearing with regard to the adoption of an operating budget for the Town of Westlake for fiscal year 1997- 1998; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Westlake have heard a presentation concerning the proposed budget and have had the opportunity to comment about the proposed operating budget at the public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, for the Town of Westlake attached hereto as Exhibit "1" and incorporated herein is hereby adopted. This budget may be amended from time to time by the Board. SECTION 2: That the revenues and expenses reflected on the monthly cash flow spread sheet attached to the Operating Budget are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That this resolution becomes effective from and after the date of its passage and the Operating Budget will begin on October 1, 1997. PASSED THE 10TH DAY OF JULY, 1997 ATTEST: Scott Brad* y, Mayor nger C swy, Town Se ary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Paul C. Isham, Town Attorney Town of Westlake, Texas Operating and Capital Outlay Funds Proposed Budget for fiscal year ending 9/30198 1998 Total Beginning Cash 985,066.18 Revenues: Property taxes (max allowed; $1.501$100) 49,994.44 Building permits 2,174.80 Citations 1,200.00 False alarm calls 0.00 Franchise fees 5,760.00 . Interest earned at 5% 2,531.07 Mixed beverage tax 0.00 Printed material 500.00 Sales tax 10,216.28 Other 0.00 Total revenue 22,382.15 Expenses: Interest expense at 8% 49,994.44 Accounting fees 27,000.00 Bank charges 540.00 Building inspection 600.00 Community service 4,980.00 Dues and subscriptions 1,200.00 Election expenses 750.00 Fire protection 5,400.00 Insurance 1,980.00 Legal fees and expense 121,860.00 Professional fees 375,000.00 Office expenses 2,160.00 Office rent 9,816.00 Payroll taxes 1,680.00 Planner's fees 43,800.00 Engineering and survey fees 41,652.00 Professional study fees 18,000.00 Police services 30,000.00 Postage and courier 1,920.00 Public notices 4,920.00 Repairs, maintenance and replacement Salaries Telephone Other Total expenses Ending cash before extraordinary outlays Capital outlays Roadway Water and wastewater Total capital outlays Ending cash Normal fund balance reserve (60 days expenditures) Cash available for expenditures 3,125.00 22,020.00 2,400.00 4,800.00 775,597.44 ' 231,850.89 1,174,085.00 1,174,085.00 -942,234.11 129,300.00 assumed project 1 completed by 9/30/97 for $195,370.00 Cash does not include restricted cash for economic development approximately $775,000.00 Ir q•p5p88�8C$_ g� o b oo o �Q Nd O S l70 Cil OO g� X:S88d8��S� r � � h 800f'f O �r9� O- c I» a V2 6 A888�8zRl d0T+8 MNC a g o CP e {Y000 d $ O{'fG �gcgp�o,rnc i�`.COS4 $ mrlC n S99 � O�C1G 888$88888$88888$888$$$' vt C4 .r0 �- - - �73 88S8S� 5888$Sg$�8$88$8� N O � ri I1 w 88$S$$S88$oo8q�i?C3Q000OI - r 0 0 C S d 0 A 8 0 S 0 0 P A S 8 Q 0 0 ri o �f f":a r 888�dS $88�88$SS$88888� r1 1'1 N w Ri - GO 80 OSd OG $Cd �Q� 6Sg�Pa Ri 88M Uisas8888889SE888, n� e.� pprr��pprrp� SS 4p r �6 �1 t»�t��1'*• N OfO- At7 rfY r N $88888588got! H99g8S8S888S88� $g8S$�88888$8888888$8$f eti di � fi�rfi r €8$8888$88388888888888E in fti 4 '�P r+ h r fi r 8888$S8$858898888$8888� CP O8 nnrn lid 3 r e7 iM.riTV7neitPV1'31%V-% -14,tf tt1�1 ,,.',• _-- _ ,.. ,,.F";.�."-.;.W'�;-".,•-;-,- .-,. RESOLUTION NO. 97-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, FOR THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen has conducted a public hearing with regard to the adoption of an operating budget for the Town of Westlake for fiscal year 1997- 1998; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Westlake have heard a presentation concerning the proposed budget and have had the opportunity to comment about the proposed operating budget at the public hearing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, for the Town of Westlake attached hereto as Exhibit "I" and incorporated herein is hereby adopted. This budget may be amended from time to time by the Board. SECTION 2: That the revenues and expenses reflected on the monthly cash flow spread sheet attached to the Operating Budget are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That this resolution becomes effective from and after the date of its passage and the Operating Budget will begin on October 1, 1997. PASSED THE 10"' DAY OF JULY, 1997. ATTEST: Scott Bradley, Mayor /)--- ax� 'ager rosswy, Town S Lary APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6L/7e'/V46— , Paul C. Isham, Town Attorney Town of Westlake, Texas Operating and Capital Outlay Funds Proposed Budget for fiscal year ending 9/30/98 1998 Total Beginning Cash 985,066.18 Revenues: Property taxes (max allowed; $1.501$100) 49,994.44 Building permits 2,174.80 Citations 1,200.00 False alarm calls 0.00 Franchise fees 5,760.00 Interest earned at 5% 2,531.07 Mixed beverage tax 0.00 Printed material 500.00 Sales tax 10,216.28 Other 0.00 Total revenue 22,382.15 Expenses: Interest expense at 8% 49,994.44 Accounting fees 27,000.00 Bank charges 540.00 Building inspection 600.00 Community service 4,980.00 Dues and subscriptions 1,200.00 Election expenses 750.00 Fire protection 5,400.00 Insurance 1,980.00 Legal fees and expense 121,860.00 Professional fees 375,000.00 Office expenses 2,160.00 Office rent 9,816.00 Payroll taxes 1,680.00 Planner's fees 43, 800.00 Engineering and survey fees 41,652.00 Professional study fees 18,000.00 Police services 30,000.00 Postage and courier 1,920.00 Public notices 4,920.00 Repairs, maintenance and replacement 3,125.00 Salaries 22,020.00 Telephone 2,400.00 Other 4,800.00 Total expenses 775,597.44 Ending cash before extraordinary outlays 231,850.89 Capital outlays Roadway 1,174,085.00 Water and wastewater Total capital outlays 1,174,085.00 Ending cash -942,234.11 Normal fund balance reserve 129,300.00 (60 days expenditures) Cash available for expenditures assumed project 1 completed by 9130197 for $195,370.00 Cash does not include restricted cash for economic development approximately $775,000.00 Torn of W*&AM , Texas Opera"and CapM d Otrtll y►kinds x, Propo&*d M0oft f3uckml od Ca/h 3170% Ot197 tier/1 08047 ion-4E s0 Oe 116x.96 Oa ua-9/ AM 90- boolar 1bo ca h 459,147,64 118„911.00 (18,705.81} (274,331.1.4 (470,604.90) (606.368.34) (687.646.20)(1.066,303.25}(1,270.84a,01) (1,477,941.08)(1,670,3!0.09)(1.767,718.9% ltayalruaa; U Property(me"(RUKsmAod,$1.5=100) Sumns PG As 181.23 181.23 1ai.23 1$1.23 161.23 181.23 101.73 1/1.23 161.23 181.73 111.73 101.23 C6dbea 100.00 1DOM 100.00 100.00 100.00 1O0.D0 100.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Fdw dorm ods 0,00 D.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O,DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /=rmwhka tsa 400.00 HADD 480.00 480.00 460.00 400.00 480.00 480.00 460.00 490.00 460.00 460.00 1! 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