HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 97-29 Resolution Unconditionally Releasing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – SolanaRESOLUTION UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASING EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF TARRANT § AND DENTON § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas, is a Type -A general law city lying and being situated in Denton and Tarrant Counties, State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake has unconditionally and irrevocably disannexed the land more particularly depicted on Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Disannexed Land"); and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake desires to adjust its extraterritorial jurisdiction boundary lines to unconditionally and irrevocably reduce, relinquish, and release the Disannexed Land and adjacent extraterritorial jurisdiction from its extraterritorial jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Section 42.023 of the Texas Local Government Code expressly allows the Town of Westlake to reduce, relinquish and release its extraterritorial jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed adoption of this Resolution has been duly posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. -i,14E NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY UK BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE: SECTION 1. That the Town of Westlake does hereby unconditionally and irrevocably reduce, relinquish. and release all of its extraterritorial jurisdictiowl rights in and to the Disannexed Land (as defined above in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto) and the extraterritorial jurisdiction adjacent thereto described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto. SECTION 2. That this resolution shall become unconditionally and irrevocably effective and binding upon the Town of Westlake upon the effective date hereinafter set forth and that this resolution may not be altered or amended by the Town of Westlake without the prior written consent of each and all of the owners of the Disannexed Land. RESOLMON RELEAMC DISANNE2JER LAND - F'ge Y 133162. VSP3UICF/M0(K5U97 This RESOLUTION is unconditionally and irrevocably PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Aldermen of the 'Town of Westlake, Texas, this 8th day of May, 1997, and is effective at I?: IX .M, on such date. ATTEST: SIGNED- DaleEy �19 Dale White, MAYOR Dat , 9? APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Carroll Huntress, MAYOR PRO -TEM Bill Wood, Town Attorney Date: May 8, 1997 RUOLUTIP—N- RELL&SNG DISH 1,AND - Page 2 1111,0 T APILAICAMOMOS0897 TIDE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF TARRANT § AND DENTON § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 8th day of May, 1997, by Dale White, Mayor of the Town of Westlake. My Commission Expires: a--) o --'� ] THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF TARRANT § AND DENTON § l jl " ;r' f z - Notary Public in and for the State of Texas KRISTA LMEM HURST a Notary Pubnc STATE OF TEXAS OF My Comm. Exp. 02AWN This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 8th day of May, 1997, by Carroll Huntress, Mayor Pro -Tem of the Town of Westlake. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires: i ------------ KRISTA LMETTE HURST Notary Pubk STATE OF TEXAS My Comm. EV. OVIG 3 , QLUTiON RELKASFNG DiSAMYXED I.AT�2 -Pogo 3 J! !I>1 W 1 EXHIBIT "A" 2 0 k 1 1 �irr�t�a+i�A� mill� Ex SBL LAND DESCRIPTION FOR THE PORTION OF SOLANA FOR DISANNEXATION FROM THF. 'TOWN OF WESTI.AKE, TF.XA.S Beim all that property, commonly known as Solana and more particularly described as Parcels "A", "B" and "C" as follows: Parcel "All Being all that 251.757 acre tract of land situated in the J.B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134, the T.W. Mann Survey, Abstract No. 1107, the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract 1015, the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, and the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510, '(-arrant County, Texas and more particularly described as the Westlake/Southlake Park, Addition No. 1 to the Town of Westlake w recorded in Volume 388-214, Pages 78 and 79, Map & Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, including the; replat of Lots IR and 2R, Block 2 of the Westlake/Southlake Park, Addition No. 1 to the 'town cif Westlake as recorded in Cabinet A,, Slide No. 283, Map and Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas. PARCEL "B" Being a acre tract of land situated in the William Pecs Survey, Abstract Number 2025, Tarrant County, Texas, the same being Abstract Number 1045, Denton County, Texas; the J. Henry Survey, Abstract Number 724, Tarrant Cuunty, Texas, the same being Abstract Number 525, Denton County, Texas; the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract Number 1959. Tarrant County, Texas and the C. M. Throop Survey, Abstract Number 1510, Tarrant County, Texas, all located in northern 'Tarrant County and southern Denton County, Texas. This tract of land embraces all of those tracts described in deeds Lu International Business Machines Corporation, hereinafter referred to as IBM, as recorded in Volume 7376, Page 1725; Volume 7373, Page 2080; Volume 7351, Page 1940; Volume 7864, Page 142; Volume 7926, Page 1452; Volume 7940, Page 171; Volumc 7940, Page 167, and also being a portion of these tracts of land described in deeds to IBM as recorded in Volume 7376, Page 1737; Volume 7376. Page 2087; and Volume 7376, Page 1765, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Said tract is rnnre particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGTNNING at a 518 inch iron rod in the southerly right-of-way of State Highway No. 114 (variable width), being the most northerly northwestern corner of said tract of land recorded in Volume 7376, Page 1728, Said Deed Records, and the northeast comer of that certain tract oi' land conveyed to R Chandler as recorded in Volume 1139, Page 580, ].aced Records, Denton County, Texas; TIIFNCE' along the southerly right-of-way line of said State Highway 113, the following c;clurses and distances: S 710 03'21" E, 3458.57 feet for the beginning of a curve to the right; Along said curve an arc distance of 888.33 feet, through a central angle of 270 21' 59", having a radius of 1859.86 feet, and a long chord of S 570 22' 21" E, 879.91 feet; l:reaona19994(l�li[�tYL'S'i�21.5'71�:C;.DFS Pslye 1 of 5 S 250 37' 35" W, 108.86 feet to the beginning of a nuu—gent curve to the right; Along said non -tangent curve and arc distance of 196.55 feet, through a central angle of 060 15' 25". having a radius of 1799.86 feel, and a long chord of S 390 40' 08" E, 196.46 feet to a concrete Texas Highway Department monument; S 360 32' 25" E, 215.14 feet; 71 I -HENCE leaving said right-of-way, West, 2141.45 feet; THENCE S 52" 00' 00" W, 1000.00 feet; THENCE South, 1882.23 feet to the north line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Howard Dudley et ux as recorded in Volume; 4988, Page 622, said Deni Records; THENCF. N 890 57' 44" W, 200.93 feet to the northwest corner of said Dudley tract, also being in the youth line of said IBM tract w recorded in Volume 7376, Pale 1765; THENCE N 00° 20' 49" E, 45.01 feet; "i HENCE N 89" 39' 10" W, along the north line of Roanoke .Dove Road (variable width), 1346.51 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along the easterly right-of-way line of Precinct [line Road (a variable width right-of-way the following courses and distances: Along said curve to the right an arc distance of 241.85 feet, through a central angle of 89° 45' 10". having a radius of 154.38 feet, and a long chord of N 44° 46' 35" W, 217.86 feet, N 000 06' 00" F., 977.90 feet, N 000 08' 31" W, 394.37 feet, N 000 10' 13" W, 551.67 feet, N 02° 20' 32" E, 554.17 feet, N 280 49' 02" E. 164.8$ feet, N 230 30' 55" F., 98.16 feet, N 120 46' 54" E, 100.00 feet, N 0011 lf' 18" W, 993.50 feet to the southwest corner of the aforementioned R. Chandler trac,-t; [:1M(M19999011C IEVESM]57LfiG.DP4 page 2 of 5 THF,NCE N 890 47' 00" E along the southerly Iine of said R. Chandler tract, 258.02 feet, THENCE N 00" 30' 28" VIS along the easterly line of said R. Chandler tract, 505.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNfNG and containing; 232.921 acres of land more or less, save and except approximately 20 acres dedicated to the State of Texas for State Highway No. 114 right- of-way. PARCEL "C" ' Being, all that certain tract of land in the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract 1958, and the C.M. Throop Survey; Abstract 1510, both in '!'arrant County, "I-exas. This tract of land embraces the tracts de.wribed in deeds to international Business Machines, hereinafter referred to as IBM, and recorded in Volume 9795, Page 553, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. Said tract is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly right-of-way of County Road No. 3088 (also kno-wil as West T.W. King Read), a variable width roadway, said point also being on the northeasterly right-of-way of S.H. 114, a variable width roadway; Thence along the northeasterly right-of-way of S.H, 114, N 36° 32' 30" W, 587.40 feet; Thence leaving the northcasterly right-of-way of S.H. l 14 as follows: N 5:315 29' 00" E, 546.74 feet, S 030 07' 00" W, 344.50 feet to a point in the centerline of County Road 3088, N 890 28' 00" W, 25.00 feet to the westerly right-of-way of County Road No. 3088, said right- of-way also being the westerly limits of the City of Southlakc, Thence along the westerly right-Of=way of County Road No. 3088 and the westerly limits of the City of Southlake, S 000 33' 00" W. 514.80 feet, Thence S 72° 03' 00" W, 47.70 feet to the Point 4f Beginning and containing 3.9419 acres, more or less, Save and except any right-of-way dedications to the State or Texas for State Highway No. 114. EXCLUSIONS FROM DISANNEXATION Save and cxccpt those portions of said Parcels "A" and "B" more particularly dcsadbcd as Strips No. 1 and No. 2 as follows: SINP NO. 1 Being a portion of said Parcel "B" as described above, said portion being a strip of land 50 ;feet wide, the westerly line of said 50 foot strip described as follows: Begit� at the northwest corner of said tract of land described by deed recorded in 1:TRDr01994%jM1EYVAS7)2i571.W.Q$S Page 3 of 5 Volume 7376, Page 1728, said northwest corner also being, the southwest corner of the R. Chandler tract described by deed recorded in Volume 1139, page 580, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. Said corner also being in the easterly right-of-way of Precinct Line Road_ Thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way of Prccinct Linc Road approximately 1250 feet to a point approximately 50 feet south of the intersection of the westerly right-oi=way of Precinct Line Road and the north lime of the Scott Bradley Tract as described by deed recorded in Volume 6395, Page 67, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said 50 fora strip containing 1.4 acres, more or less. STRIP NO. 2 Being a portion of Parcels "A" and "B" as described above, also being a strip of land 50 feet wide the southerly line of said strip described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the Alvin F. Olen Jr. tract described by defied as recorded in Volume 4181, Page 644, ,Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said corner also being in the south line of Lot 1, Block 3 of the Westlake/Southlake Park, Addition No. I to the Town of Westlake as recorded in Volume 388-214, Pages 78 and 79, County Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 3 approximately 1466.76 feet to a point in the east line of the Howard Dudley tract described by deed as recorded in Volume 4888, Page 622, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; -l'hcnce northerly along the cast line of said Dudley tract. said line also being thewesterly line of said Lot 1, Block 3 approximately 460.91 feet to a point in the northeast corner of said Dudley tract, said corner also being in the south line of said Lot 1, Block. 3; Thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 3, said line also being the north line of said Dudley tract, approximately 1774.98 feet to the southwe,Gtem corner of said Lot 1, Block 3. said corner also being in the north line of said Dudley tract; Thence generally westerly along the north line of said Dudley tract, said line also being the south line of Parcel "B" as described above, approximately 100.93 feet; Thence generally northerly leaving the north line of said Dudley tract approximately 95 Text, Thence generally westerly, parallel to the north right-of-way of Dove Road (a variable width roadway), approximately 1396.51 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, Thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 241.85 Ibet, having a centrad angle of 8911 45' 10", a radius of 154.38 feet and whose long chord bears N 44 46' 35" W, Thence generally northerly, parallel to the cast right -0f -way of Precinct Line road approximately So feet,. I:11'ROu1D1�19!�U11[)iC:IE'WPS7i21S7[,�,u�;y Page 4 of 5 Thence f;enerally westerly approximately 50 feet to a paint in the east right-of-way of Precinct Line .goad; THENC F generally northerly approximately 600 feet along the east right-of-way of Precinct Line Road to a point approximately 50 feet north of the intersection of the westerly right -o€ --way of Precinct Line Road and the northerly line of the I-IilIwood/1088 tract as described 6y deed as recorded in Voluane 12260, Page 1948, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said 50 foot strip containing, approximately 7.1 acres, more or less. 1 I. is�rxanoi9oswniux:rFv�E�z}a�u;c;.n�s Page 5 of 5 ®`4` EXHIBIT "C" OI r � � ti z. t, t BOUNDARY OF ORD-386ire ' ,e \ hh4t o + oft t.rK i �u i n e ae, f� • •• as r'- �.- .'• j - .. Tap '-•. .4 * . . ' . 4L rw. No— aar QR I lee — i Ila !N7- � � ORO. B7. '� • Res 97-29 Tmm'NcF. th.cmdd nPrthcamey osht7*w*y,4yrstwCM8hwmYNO, 114N36*32',,007V numg alonC a ectlon,�f Uld R.O.W. to a point for a cornet in IN mterline of Uunty t6m Proi * Road *3089 (Sam School Road), mid point being in the commm bo=Wuy line bltwmn Westlake md Southfake and described in the City Of WesdiLke Ordinance #21; rl--A 4"X T %; 5 iL7. Vyfle671- =119 a point for a corner, said pairlL being the so!i corner of Lot 7 and the northwest c-orner of Lot 6 of the R -P. Eiteq Subdivision as recordexi in Vol. 1957, P. 324, DRTCT; THENCE easterly along the cummon south line of Lot 7 and north line of Lot 6 by &-td a dissunce of 1349 fect to apoint for a comer in the mst line of the T. Mann Survey, said line aiv, being the city limits of the City of Soutblake; 'I'HENCE in a northerly direction along (be east line of the TMa= Survey'and Lhc wm ILnc of the J. Martin Survey A. 1134 Lo u point for a corner, mid point being by deed South 9 1 o ' 51 Icet from the northweqt comer of the J. Martin Survey and Ming the southwest comer of the tract of land annexed into the City of Southlake by Or&narxe *319; TIE N CE N 8911 271 4 9' E to a point for a c*mcr in the saLahwcVXrjy R. 0. W. of StW - 114 THENCL northca%terly at a right angle to SM. 114 centcrline. (.7msing S.H. 114 to a point 1by a cmer in its northcast=ly R.O.W., said point being in the southweg-t line of & IraA-A of lane annexed into the City of SnutWake by Drdizwce;#126, THENCF norLhwesterly along the northeasterly R.O.W. of S.H. 114 and said Ordinance 4126 tract to the POINT OF BEGNNING and containing 27 acrcs of land, more or Its& P - 3 0q-3