HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 217 Annexation 39 acres of property in Josiah Walker Survey A1604 and GB Hendricks Survey A680ORDINANCE NO. 217 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TRACTS OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS; BEING ALL THE LOTS, TRACTS, OR PARCELS OF LAND CONSISTING OF 3.875 ACRES, 13.54 ACRES, 4.00 ACRES, AND 13.517 ACRES LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN TARRANT COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS, AND BEING IN THE G.B. HENDRICKS SURVEY, A-680, AND THE JOSIAH WALKER SURVEY, A-1604; CLASSIFYING THE SAME AS R-200 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; OUTLINING.A MUNICIPAL SERVICE PLAN; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the request for annexation of four tracts of land was presented to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, on the petition of Terry Bradshaw and wife, Charla Bradshaw; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake may annex the four tracts of land pursuant to the provisions of Section 43.028 of the Local Government Code of Texas; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake heard the petition for annexation and the arguments for and against at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 4, 1994, which date was after the 5th day but before the 30th day after the petition was filed with the Town; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen granted the petition and directed the Town Attorney to prepare an ordinance annexing the four tracts of land and present it to the Board at its regularly scheduled meeting in May, 1994; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the four (4) tracts of land described by metes and bounds on Exhibits 1 thru 4 attached hereto and incorporated herein are hereby annexed to the Town of Westlake, Texas, and the same are made a part of said Town and the land and any present or future inhabitants shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said Town and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said Town now in effect or which may hereinafter be enacted. These tracts of land are presently under common ownership, same being owned by Terry Bradshaw and wife, Charla Bradshaw, and when considered together are contiguous to the Town of Westlake. It is the intent of both the Town and the petitioners, Terry Bradshaw and wife, Charla Bradshaw, to annex the property as separate tracts, but in a manner so that each tract is contiguous to the Town at time of annexation. It is further recognized by both the Town and the petitioners that the Town is not annexing any portion of the property described in Exhibits 1 thru 4 that presently lies in Pearson Lane. Bradshaw Annexation Ordinance Page Two (2) SECTION 2. The tracts of land described on Exhibits 1 thru 4 are hereby classified and zoned as R-200 Single Family Residential Use property and shall appear on the official zoning map of the Town of Westlake, Texas as such, which map shall be amended accordingly. It is expressly understood by the Town and the petitioners that the tracts described on Exhibits 1 and 3 may be developed or used as R- 200 Single Family Residential Use property even though the gross site area may be less than 200,000 square feet. It is further expressly agreed and understood by the Town and the petitioners and is a condition under which the petitioners have petitioned for annexation that the tract described in Exhibit 4 may be subdivided one time so that a tract of approximately three to four acres may be sold to Craig and Kim Bradshaw and that tract may be used or developed as R-200 Single Family Residential Use property even though the gross site area of the subdivided tract of three to four acres may be less than 200,000 square feet. SECTION 3_._ The tracts of land being annexed pursuant to this ordinance are subject to the following muncipal service plan: a. Police patrolling and emergency ambulance service will be provided at a level substantially equivalent to the level of services provided other areas of the Town by the Town of Trophy Club, and fire protection will be provided at a level substantially equivalent to the level of services provided other areas of the Town by Trophy Club MUD #1. b. Water will be furnished from property owner's private well(s) of by the City of Keller. C. Sewage disposal will be provided by the property owner's septic tanks. d. Public roads and streets will be maintained on the same basis as other roads and streets in the Town.. e. No capital improvements are necessary to provide the same level of municipal services to the annexed tracts. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 9TH DAY OF MAY, 1994. SCOTT BRA LEY, MAYOR TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXP, Bradshaw Annexation Ordinance Page Three (3) ATTEST: ToW�r Secri9tary Town of Westlake, Texas APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORD: Town Attorney Town of Westlake, Texas The following described tract or parcel of land situated in the G.B. Hendricks Survey, A-680 and in the Josiah Walker Survey, A-1604, Tarrant County, Texas and being the same tract as recorded on Page 2314 of Volume 7425 in the Tarrant County Deed Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in Pearson Lane and being by decd S 0 degrees 51' 04" E a distance of 495.3 feet from the Southwest corner of a 10.7 acre tract as to Elmer E. Schoppaul by deed recorded on Page 495 of Volume 1476 in the Tarrant County Deed Records; THENCE N 89 degrees 55' 10" E, at a distance of 25.0 feet a sct 5/8 inch iron rod at the intersection of the East line of said Pearson Lane with the South iine of Aspen Line, a total distance along said Aspen Lane of 790.03 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod and being the Northwest corner of a tract as recorded on.Page 2318 of Volume 7425 in the Tarrant County Deed Records; THENCE S 0 degrees 53' 50" E, a distance of 220.78 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod at the Northeast comer of a 4.0 acre tract as recorded on Page 182 of Volume 9290 in the Tarrant County Deed Records; THENCE S 89 degrees 56' 22" W, at a distance of 765.21 feet a found 1/2 inch iron rod in the East line of said Pearson Lane, a total distance of 790.21 feet and being the Northwest-;; r er. of-si+id 4.0 acre tract azid`being in Pearson Lane; ` THENCE N 0 degrees 51' 04" W, along said Pearson Lane a distance of 220.5 feet to place of beginning, containing 4.002 acres or 174,314 square feet with approximately 0.127 acre or 5512 square feet being occupied by said Pearson Lane, Ieaving a net acreage of 3.875 acres or 168,802 square feet of land. • S11RVFYOitS. NOTES that ceta•in 13ti 54 acne tnac#, on pancet land situated .in t1te. Josiah (r�atFen Sunveu� AttAbs Texas • said tnaet being pn-n.t c� that tU ai�cw, by �,bb.thaC-t No. 1604, Tahhan-t Cauntu, , sae deed 6aom Joan Wi#�t•is Go.tdn•ing to B•itt Fnank wea#henned and .necoaded .in Votume 457.8, p 93 06 .the need Reconds o6 Tannan-t County, Texa4; . baid tnact being 6un#Jt2n desenihed he,ke{n by metes altd bounds as 6ot.to(VA : nn in cn the n0nthwest connen o 6 thact being d2aenibed h ene 'nQthenn2dijxon tnact; ns aid Beg•c g, 6 in the west tine o6 Peanson Lane at the nontt'Wes•t connen o6 sacd Ue point tying South 00 degnee4 02 mi.nute.4 East 264.2.6eetand hoSthv89 depnees 34 mZnutes East �' aent nohthWebt connen o6 .the spe 34 Meet 6nom .the appnd { 11atke � Thence Non-th 89 degrees 34 minutes East 1545.b beet to a We tine e6 t.tact shov�n by deed to 11eta0n ftunken Hunt and necanded in Elctume 4612, rapt -363 06 the need Recoxde o6 Tarrant County, Texas; y Thence South QQ degrees 11 m•inu-te�s East 382.8 beet with said Netson Bunke-? Bunt Pine .to �north tine o6 tract 4hown by deed neccnded 'in Votume 6203, page 970 a6 •t 12 Q. feed Rpccnds 06 Tahnan.t County, Texas; Thence South 89 degn.eeaa 40 :. coAnen 06 6a.id tract shown .. a6 Tannant County, Texas; L 12 minutes East 380.1 beet a.tor.g east tine o6 Peah-50 r bane kc te minutes west 1548.2 by deed necvt,ied .in beet to an .i4oil pin 6oundat t ednAecondst Votume 6208, pope 970 06 t .• Ther_ce North 00 degrees ptace o6 tegiAn.ing. ' Thea e bunve yorr.s notes-, - r.r. IT -}_..��='•�tI!--Octoben J3, 1977 w%zth ske.thc went. pnepaned jN.ars a sutvey actua.tty made on the x IT els � W77 7.so ri of fi k , Q �, o ;r it ,- Q ✓05IAH J�/AGKEF2 SlIRYIEY rq-1G4¢.. v t PIAT SHOWING p T ru : oLiRVEY. AND FIELD NOTES FOR A TRACT OF LAND IN THE j os rAr .UAIj= SURVEY., ABSTRACT N0. 1504, SITUATED IN• TARRANT "COUNTY , TiXAS, r t 'a AND 'AING ,MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS<-A$';FOI;LOFT3 BEGINNiNC� W� at a point in Pairs Road, ,. � pD nC beixtg;' E. 715.8 feat from the Sotittiwast cornea of d''.I0.7 ,acre" tract• conveyed by T.' B. King . to Elmer E. Schoppaul is .a :dead of record in Volume 1475; Page 495, Deed Records' Tarrant. c4 �3� County, Texas; ,. , tTHENCF.. ' N. ' 89° - 56' - 22" E. at 25.0 feet passing lan iron` pian• kt, f�v and' continuing in all 790.21 feet to an iron pin'.ox cornea; THENCE,c9;, Q 51' - 04" E. 220.5 feet to an iron p pin un e� fence 'for corner ; -,.. 55! - 22" W. with tha' general course Denca s' line-at 755.21 feet passing an iron pin and continuin in 8 all: 790.21 feet to a pointe.in Pearson Road for corner;:': . HENCE N. 0 - 51' - 04" W. 220.5 feat to the POINT OF BEGINNING gr { sand containing 4.00 acres. K: J. < Lf + #T';�• Registered Public F h, Survey.ox :NQ. 2014, hereby certify this plat is true •amct representation.of a survey Sk'a a ^*' 4 zQade ori the ground. to �Resurveyed 5/20/88 WAUER W. WAFT �1 a 2034 �k Mfr � •1 � ?f� f £p`4 •O�• ' SURVEYING,. ARD' COnr'►pA °'•`�, P.O. SOX 1825' ti �',�f pony WORTH. TEXAS Ire !1 z f wdv Pi10Nt AC (6171 261.3411' . �`�•4.� 4 �,� 1. S I "he estate or interest in the land insured by this policy is: ,fee simple, leasehold, easement, etc. - identify or describe) '• Fee simple Z. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Josiah Walker Survey, Abstract No. 1604, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin in the East Iine of Pearson Lane (Co. Rd.No. 4041), sai-d'point being South 654.7 feet and North 89 degrees 33 minutes East 30.0 feet from the Northwest corner of said Walker- Survey; THENCE;Xorth 89 degrees 33 minutes East 1553.4 feet to an iron pin -for corner.; THENCE South 00 degrees 07 minutes East 371,3 feet along a fence line to an.iron in fRr,corner; THENCE -South 88 degrees 59 minutes West 1554.3 feet along a fence line to an iron pin in the East line of Pearson Lane; THENCE 386.7 feet along a fence line and the East line of Pearson Lane to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 13.517 acres, more or less. I LAWYERS AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF FORT WORTH Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation Texas State;Board of Insurance Promulgated Form T-1: owner Policy of Title Insurance - Schedule A VA