HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 237 Adoption of the Official Map including metes and bounds description �} �RDINANCE NO. ��/ ���.'?`�;��.� � � � AN ORI)ENANCE �F THE BOAR17 OF ALDERMBN QF THE �'QWN QF WBSTLAKE, �` � � TEXAS AD�OPTIl'JG R�iE M6TSS ANl�] BOUNDS DESCRIPTION AND OFFICIAL MAP OF ,-"�; � 'I'FiE 'I'OWN OF WESTT.AKR, TSXP�S• DECLARI�+iG SA�I) M$'I�ES l�iND BOUND�S � DESCRIPTION TO BE 'I'HE flFFICIAL� $OUN�AR�ES 0� '�.'H� T(?WN AS QF THE DATB OF 'I� AI)O�P'i'IaN OF THIS ORDINANCE; ANLI DE{.'LARING AN EFFE�`I"NE E]ATS. WH�REAS, the Town of Westlake has over a period of years by vara.ous ardinanc�s annexed and disannexed territo�r from time to t�.me; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has caus�d to be made an ac�urate metes and bounc'J.s ��scription of the Tawn° s boun3aries so as to ���c��,;,d� 4�cse prop�rti�s t-hat ha3re be�n annexed and remove those properties that ha�re been disannexed; and WHEREA.S, the Town Engineer has also p�epared ari accurate map that reflects the Town` s current boundaries as retlected in th� metes and bounds description; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen desires to offi�ially appx�oue the metes and bouzads descript�on of the Tawn and adopt the revised afficial map nf the Tovm sc� that both the Town and all those that reside within the Tovm or have business with the Town can rely on the metes and bounc�.s description and th� map as the current Town' s corporate boundaries {subject to �uture changes through annexati�ns and disannexatior��) ; 1^�OW. THEREF�7RE, SE IT ORDA�iEU B'Y 'I� S4ARD OF �ALDSRI�i@+T QF THE �'OWI�I' OF WSS'I�,AICB, TF.X1�..S: SECTION 1; That the metes and baunds description attached hereto as �xhibit "A" and i�corporated herein and made a part of this ordir��n.�e does here�y constitute the corporate 3�oundaries of the Town c�f West�ake as of the date of the pa�sage of this e��iri�-Zwe. SECTIDi�T 2 : That �he map attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof i� hereb� adopted as the "Official. Map of the TQvu� af Westlake, Texas" reflecting the Town' s corpar�tel�oundaries as of the date af the passage of �his ordinance. SECTION 3 : That this ordinance sha11 becorne e��ective upon its passage and approval . PASSED AND A.PPR VED THIS 6TH DAY OF MARCH, �935 . � ' . g ...- ' ". � �� .id�&m..�`-�,d�—k .�.,,r`, , \ SCOTT BRADLEY, MAY�2 cP� �;y�� � , \ � C:-' , - :, ,� . , ' . . _ .. � _..._. .. ti� 'f:;` _m f� �-' � �. �.=�., � �� .,� ,. � ci� , �.... �� � :;- r� s ' : � '; ' .. _� 'J r�. � c.. �_� 4� i �i , i�� � , •y,,.^ ORDINANCE AI]OPTING METES A�]D SOLJN�5 AND OFFICIAL MAP Page Two (2) A'PTES'�'� ., 'k�/� � f' / � �r � ' f' ��(� l�.rs ' �'�-.%-'�' � . Odessa Sharples , Tawn S2cretary � , APPR�VED ��` TO FORM: ���`�.�" �au3. '� . .Isham, Town Attarney - � � - � k„ ,.- , � '� :�,. FI ELD N OTES Town o� Westlake, Texas Corporate Limits Being the boundary description fQr a tract of land ir� bof1� Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, being within the following Denton Caunty Surv�ys: J�ss� Eads Survey, Afastract Number 392; Richard Eads Survey, Abstract Number 393; J�sse Gibson Survey, Abstract hlumber 493; William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 519; �laseph Henry 5urvey, Abstract Number 528; Gharle� I'Vledlin Survey, Abstract Number 823; William H. P�a Survey, Abstract Number 1045; Jesse S�tton Survey, Abstract Number 1154; and the John Bacon Survey, Abstract Number 1565; also being within the followir�g Tarrant Caunty SUPV2yS: RLlt�la B��CBt"SUNBY, Abstract Number 1C78; A. Barnes Survey, Abstract Number i42; ��roy 5ogr�sss Su��ey, A�stract Number 196; F. Cuel1� Surv�y, Abstract Number 267; Jesse Gibson Survey, Abstract Number 592; William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 848; ;. B. Hendric�s Survc�, hb�traet Numb�r 580; "�1. H�nt S�n;�y, nl��tract Num�Gr 756; U. P. Martin SurvEy, Abstract Number 101�; W. H. Martin S�arvey, Abstract Number 1068; W. Mann S�rvey, Abstract Number 1107; J. B. Martin Survey, Abstraet Number 1134; Heirs of C. M. Throop Survey, Abstract Number 151 U; Josiah W�Iker Survey, Abstract Number 1604; and the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract Number 1958; said tract being more particularly described as follaws: Beginning at the mast soutl�eriy southeast corner of a tract af land described by deed recQrded in Valume 4113, page 37� of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said point b�ing in the sc�uth eine of the Heirs of C. M. Throop Survey, said point also being by deed call 472.91 feet West o� the southeast corner of said C. M. Throop Suruey; Thence West along #he south [ine of said Throop Survey, passing the west bank of a creek at 411 feet more or less, and continuin� a tatal distance at 2589 feet more ar less t� a point in the west right-of-way line af Randal Mill Road (County Road No. 3035}, said point also be�ng in the east line of the E. H. Reeder 103.69 acre tract out of the W. H. Martin Survey, Abstract Number 1088; Thence South and Southwest with tf�e west line of Randol Mill Road to a paint far corner, said poirat �e�n� �h�e Southca�t cc��e� cr sa;�f E. H. RE-����!' 1�3.6� ��re tr��+, Thence West with the south line of said Reeder tract a distance of 2075 feet more ar less to the Sauthwest corner o� said Reeder tract, being in the east lir�e of the Josiah Walker Survey, Abstract Number 1604; Ther�ce SoUth 00 degr�es 15 mir�utes East with the east line of said V'Valker Survey and the E. H. Reeder 100 acre tract to the Southeast carner of said Walker Survey, same being the So�rtf�east carner of said Reeder �OQ acre tract, same being in the center of Randol Mill Road; Ordinance #237, Exhibit "A" page 1 rr-, _ � .--, F �^p3 S is �,... K -, { � ",,:1' f Thence Sauth 89 degrees 41 minutes West with the south line of said Walker Sun,re�/, same being t'he sauth lines of said Reeder 100 acre tract and the J. Glenn Turner 77.53 acre tract a distance of 3715.28 feet to the southeast corner of said Walker Survey and the J. G�enn Turner 77.53 acre tract; Thence North 00 degrees 26 minutes West with the west lines r�f said ,�. Glenn 7urner 77.53 acre #ract and the J. Gler�n Turner 154.29 acre tract a distance af 2800 feet more or less to the South�ast corner of th� Terry Bradshaw 13.517 acre tract; Ther�ce Sauth 88 degrees 59 minufies West with said Bradshaw sauth line and a fience a distance of 1554.3 feet to an iror� pin in the east right-Qf-way line �f P�arsan Lane �County Road No. 404�), same being tne s�uthwest carner of said Bradshaw tract; Thence Northerly with the east ri�ht-af-way of Pearsor� Lane, passing Aspen Lar�e, and canti,~�uin� a tot�! d;sfance of �420 fee� more or less to a point perpendicular to the soutt�east corner o� the Ab� A, Bush 9.0 acre tract out of the G. B. Hendricks Survey; Thence Westerly, crossing Pearson Lane to the Bush southeast corner; Thence VIlest with said Bush south line, passing at 13�9.31 feet the southwest corner ot said �ush tract, said point being North 138�,13 feet fram the Southwest corr��r of said G. B. Hendricks Survey, and continuing an a total distance of 255C1 fe�t more or iess ta a point in the east rigi�t-o�-way af J. T, {]ttinger Raad (County Road No. 4057); Th�nce nartherly with the east right-of-way of J. T. �ttinger Road ta a poinf perpendieuEar ta the southeast carner of Lot 1, Carpenter Addition; Thence westerly, crossing said J. T. Ottinger Road to the sa�th�ast corner af said Lot 1, Carpenter Addition, Thence North F38 degrees 04 minutes West a disfance of 563.9 feet to an angle point in the south line of said Carpenter Addition; Thence South 89 degrees �7 minutes West a distance of 761.8 feet to a faund half-inch iron rod at the southwest corner of said Carpent�r Addition, same being the southeast corner �f th� J. �{�n� Turr�r 8�,3 aere ±r�ct; Thence SoUth 89 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds West with the south line o� said Turner tract a distance of 132�i.67 feet fio a found five-eighths iron rod at tY�e southwest comer af said Turner tract, being in the west line ofi t�e Jesse Gibson Survey and the east 1�ne of the William Huff Survey, same being the nort�west carner of the Ravenwaod Subdivision, an unrecorded subdivision in Tarrant Caunty; Ther�ce South 00 degrees 02 minutes Ea�t a distance of 3261 feet more or less wit� the east lir�e ofi said Nuffi s�rvey to a point for corner at the southeast carner af tne J. Glenn Turner 8.33 acre tract, same being in the north right-of-way lin� af Knox Street; Ordinance #237, Exhibit "A" page 2 a E.. � � , � i ' � {� r� �' - ��Y + e� �� �:� Thence �lorth 89 degrees 36 minutes West with the north iine of said Knox Stre�t to a point f�ar corn�r at tne �ou#hwest carner of said Turner 8.�3 acre traet; Thence North 0(] degrees 30 minutes West with the west lir�e of said Turner 8.33 acre tract a distance of 433 f�et more or less ta a point for corner at the r�arthwest carr�er of s�id Turner 8.33 acre tract, same poin� being in the common line between the A. Barnes and William Huff Surveys; Thence Nor€h 89 degrees 08 minutes INest with said common survey line a distance of 10Q.55 feet to a point far carner at the sout�,west corner of th� J. G1enn Turner 6� acre tract; Thence North 00 degrees 4� rr�inutes East with fihe vu�st line of said Turner 80 acre tract a distance of 951.39 feet ta a poir�t a�the southeast corner of the �1. Glenn turner 92 acre tract; Thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes East with the south E;,�� of sa�d Tur:�ar 92 a�re tract, same being the ncarth line of Oak Trails Estates, an unreeorded subdivision, to a paint in the cent�r of Roanake Road �County Road No. 4060); Thence Sc�uth C�0 degrees 45 minutes 48 seconds West wit� the center of Raanoke Raad to a pnint far the so�theast corner of the Charles Rodman 227.7�7 acre tract, sarne being the sout�east carner of the William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 848 and in the north line of the Rutha Baker Survey, Absfract Number 108; Ti�ence East with t'h�; nor�h line of tne Rutha Baker Survey ta a point in the west right-of- way line of Roanoke Road; Thence Southeasterfy and South with said west fine of Roanoke Road ta a point in the south line af that certain 17.680 acre tract conveyed to Harold J. Thornton by deed recorded in Volume 6a23, page 915 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County; TYaence VVest rrvith said Thornton 5outh fine a distance of 1473 feet more or less to the sc�uthwest corner of said Thorntor� 17.fi8� acre tract; Thence Nor#h with said Thornton West line to the r�orthwest corner Df that c:tlled First Tract can�eyed to Jacei Thorn#on Eargle by deed recorded in Volume 1840, page 97 of the Deed Recards o� Tarrant Coun#y, same being in the south line of the William Huff Survey and the north line of the R�ttha Baker Surv�y, also being in the sauth line of said Radman tract; Thenc� Sauth 89 degrees 55 minutes 26 seco�ds West with the Rodman sou#h line to an iron �in in the �as� ri�Y�t-of-way of State Highway �Jo. 377 as it existed in 1984, saEd paint being South 8g c{egr�es 55 min�tes 26 seconds West a distance af 5202.44 feef from the southeast corner of the William FC�ff Survey; Ordinance #237, Exhibit "A" page 3 � , - •' �r r; tS.. _ .r � d +�.� ,� Ther�ce North 24 degrees 50 minutes �ast with said east right-of-way a distance of 7�46.43 feet more or Eess ta an iron rod at the sauthwest corner of a tract conveyed to Tabernacle Baptist Church by deed recorded in VoEum� 714, page 459, Denton Co�rn#y Deed Records; Th�nc� Narth 24 d�gr�es 33 minutes East with said east right-of-way a distance of 793.84 fieet mare or less to a poir�t fior the southwest corner of the Luth�rar� Church Exter�sion Fur�d - Missauri Synod tract as sl�own by deed recorded in Volum� 1 Q1�, page 95�, Deed Racords of Dentan County; Thence Nvrth 89 degrees 46 minutes �ast a distance of 1324.21 feet to the sautheast corr�er of said Lutheran ChUrch tract; Thence South a dista�ce of 176.39 feet to a point far corner; Thence South 84 degrees 44 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 644 feet more or 1�ss to a point in the east right-of-way af Roanoke Road; Th�nce Narth [�0 degrees 38 minutes 31 seconds East with said east righf-af-way line a distance of 1280 feet more or less to a found ��v�-�ighths inch iron rod for corner at the northwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 69.72 acre tract, same be�ng the nor�hwest corner of the .��sse Gibsan Survey; Thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 16 seconds East with the north line of said Gibsan Survey a distance of 637'.62 feet �o a found stone, b�in� the southwest corn�:r of a {called) 58.96 acre tract; T�ence North Ot] degrees 15 min�tes 15 seconds East along or near a �ence a distance of 623.08 feet to a found fer�ce corner; Thence North 70 degree� 05 minutes 25 sec�nds Vlles�with a fence a distance of 335.24 feet to a found fence corner; Thence North 24 d�grees 17 minutes 25 secands East with the east line of the Roanoke original townsite, along ar�d near a fance a distance af 561 ,8Q feet to a found quarter ir�ch iron rod; Thence Sou#h 84 degrees Q(7 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 449.78 feet to a found quarter inch iron rod; Thence Narth 0� degrees 3� minutes 45 secands west a distanc� of 44.00 feet to a found fie�ce cor�er at the southw�st corr�er af the Bluebonnet Addition as shown by plat recorded in Vol�me 343, page 446, Deed Records of D�nton County, Texas; Thence So�ath 89 degrees 37 minutes a3 secor�ds East with tne south fin� nf said Bluebonne� Ac�clition a dis�anee of 1593.53 fee� tc� a corner on the east line of the M.E.P. and P. Rai[road Company Survey, said paint being in the middle of a road; Ordinance #237, Exhibit "A" page 4 ds� _ "_ � ;> �'; �;� i; Thence North 00 degrees 1� minutes East a distance of 279.72 feet to a point for corner; Thenc� Mor�h 88 degrees 43 minutes East � distance of 237.7� feet more or less ta a pair�t in the cor�mon line bet►nreen the J. Bacon Survey and the R. Eads Survey; Thence Narth 00 degrees �7 minutes East wit� said cammon s�rvey line to a point �or corner in th� south ri�ht-of-way lin� of Dallas Street; Thence East fo[lowing the south righ�-of-way lin� o�f DalCas Str��t a distance af 1100 f�et more ar le�s to a point in the sauth right-of-way line of State Highway 114 as it exist�d i n 1974; Thence crossing said Old Higl�way 114 right-af-way, North a distance of 107.2 feet more or less to a pQint on the north right-of-way line af Old Highway 114; Thence wi#h said �D�d Highway �i4 right-o�-way, No�th fi8 d�grees 48 minutes 5D seco�ds West a distancp af 468,1 feet to the southwest corr�er of that called "Second Tract" con�eyed to Rolling Green Ga., Inc., by deed recc�rded in Valume 512, pa�e 530, Deed Records of Denton Caunty; Thence fJorth 00 degrees 15 minutas West with a west line af said Ralling Green 5econd Tract a distance of 2393.2 f�et to the nortnwest corner of said Rollir�g Greer� Second Tract, said point b�ing in the south line Qf Howe Road; Thence South 89 degrees 50 minutes East with the south line of said Howe Road a distance of 6QQ fee� to a point; Thence South 00 degrees 1[} minut�s West, departing said Howe Roa�l, a distance af 30.0 f�e� to a point; T�ence paralle9ing a north, west, and south line af saic� Rallir�g Green Second Tract, and passing 30 feet south, east, and north of, respectively, the folEowing three ca�ls: Narth 89 degrees 50 mir�ut�s West a distance of 569.8 feet, South fl0 degrees 15 minutes East a distance af 2342.5 feet, and South 68 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 468.2 feet to a point; Tl�ence Soc�th a distance af 32.2 fi�et to a point in the north right-of-way of O[d Fiighway 114; Thence Southeast�rly with the Olc! Highway 114 northern right-of-way, becoming continuous with t}�e pres�nt (199b) northern right-of-way of Highway 1 i4 after 450 feet more or less, and continuing witn the present northern right-of-way�of State Hig�way 114, pass�ng Kirkwood Boulevard, and continuing to a point som� 2,25D feet northwest of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Dove Raa�l� Thenee southwesterly, p�rper�dicular to the centerline of State Highway �14, to a point on the sauthwest�rn right-of-way of State Highway 1 �4; Orcfinance #237, �xhibit "A" page 5 � '£� ' ; �, ' •-: � : � ,:_. ��,' � �� � ,� ...� � Thence Sauth 89 degrees 27 minutes 49 seconds West to a pc�int for corner in the east lir�e of the T. Mann Survey, Abstra�t Number 1�D7, and the west line af the J. 1Ulartin Sunrey, Abstract Number 1134, said point '�eing by deed South 910.51 feet from the northwest corner o� the J. Martin Survey; Thence in a southerEy directian with the common line between the T. Mann and J. Martin surveys to a pmint in the south line of Lat 7 of the R.P. Estes Subdi�ision as shown by plat recorded in Volume �957, page 324 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County; Thence westerly along the south lin� af said Lot 7 a distance of 1349 feet mare ar less to the southwest cor�ner of said Lat 7, same being the northwest corner of Lot 6 of said R.P. Estes 5ubdivision, same being in the east right-of-way line of Sam Sehoof Raad (cvur�ty Road l�o. 308$}; Thence northwesterly, crflssiny Sam SchooE Road to a �al�aniz�d iron pip� by a fence corner on the west right-of-way of Sam School Raad, same being in tne north line of a trac# of land recorded in Volume 5C792, page �627, Deed Records o� Tarrant Caur�ty; Thence South 79 degrees 01 minutes West a distance of 213,75 feet to the northwest corn�r af said 5092J627 tract, same being i�n the west line of the T. Mann Survey, and being by deed caCl 1739.7 feet north of the southwest carner of said T. Mann Survey; Thence in a southerly direction along �he west line of the T. Mann Survey to a point for carner; Thence North 89 degrees 3a minutes 31 seconds West a distance of 472.5 feet to a point fior corner in the most westerly east 6ine of a tract of land recorded in Volume 4113, page 373, Deed Records of Tarrant Counfiy; Tnence Sautl� D� clegrees 51 minutes 30 s�conds East alc�ng said m�st w�s#erly east line a distance of 922.6� feet, crossing Da�e Road, to the most sautherEy southeast carner af said 41�3/373 tract, said point being the P1ace of Beginning, �i�e �erein described tract containing in all 4,512 acres of land, more ar less. Ordinance #237, Exhibi# "A" page 6 ; - �n ds.. �� L:- `�� s # � i.w D1951Q4772 TOWN OF WESTLAIiE 3 VILLAGE C�RCLE #207, SO�ANA WE5TLAd�E, TX 7C262 —W A R A� I N G—THIS IS PART OF THP� OFFICIAL RECORD--D O N O � D E S T R O Y I N D lE X L D -- T A R R A N T C O U N T Y T E X A S S U Z A N N E H E N D E R S O N -- COUN`i'Y CLERK O F F I C I A L R E C E I F T T O: TOWN O�' WESTLAKE RECEIPT NQ REGTSTER RECD—B'� PRINTED llATE TIME 195214994 DR96 T006195 06/22/95 15:48 INSTRUMENT FEECD INI}EXED TIME � D195104772 WD 950622 i5:48 CIC 1707 T O T A L : DflCUMENTS: O1 F E E S: 27.00 B Y: :ANY F1f�OVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AN1] UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. � �t - ,-n • ;.. -, .� - ( �i ;�� ;� x � ����.� � . _ � . . � .. - � . . - /'� t. �� ,,,, _ , { . f � I� � � I � � u�E= � � �,��� �- 1 -- � �o� � c� ,� ---�-�� \ 0 .�` .�---.._��.:T�-- � b oo��o � \\ �, .p��� � . � o ; � �� .� C � . , �w .� v ,, � , � � �'� ..,. . �° �`� �. ��V�� �fp�I .� �''."�.� � �a� . ,m �; .�� � ��,C7 ��,� =—�` � .� ...� .�, i �-- il�'��''����J ��� 4�% "' ^�r �� : � i .. �%/r��C�,�; � � ��� �'' �;�ti-_ "'�'f�r q � s !- ��,/`� c� � '%,s�, �'���=- " p �—(/"' � � � �'�, ���4U pS�P4 . / \ j L �.rwY'n ec�Jc y� � �� � ��,�f�� �� `�� ���,H \ � �I �' � � :�: � f��� t// � �__.��_yr_�.r"' _ ..= I .. � �. ��.. ¢ _� � � _f�/ � �� ,`%, � � —� � - - il G�NTCI�I �..�(1N�' ���—�`'� o" _ � �1 �`��-�-�._ � � j. �gi.ri r7.R;? r CD(JN�� / Ib!���.'`,, — +�� � � r — � .._ � � _ �. �'�. � _ D ,V T�1�1�II` �Jl�1 T'� � - �� 9 jr �r•� l�.� � •y . � g.°" . �—� dl' f � ' � l � .,I�`1;� �J /R�,4A1V�il. r tV�' ✓ _ _ ��--J � 11� � ���, r. 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